Newspaper Page Text
BEST STOMACH -REMEDY FREE It is an old saying that if the stom ach is sound the whole body is safe. because so much depends upon the proper working of the stonmach.Many persons find themselves with a dis. order of the stomach which pro duces dyspepsia or a peculiar state of biliousness. If you suffer from both stomach trouble and constipation you are on the way to a very serlous disease. From just such con ditions come appendicitis, rhetnmatism. skin dliseases and shnilar disorders, be cause the waste matter that should have been dlspeilloi from the system through the bowels has found its way into the blood and vitiated it. What is needed at this point is not simply a violent cathar tic tablet or salt, which usually does more harm than good, but a gentle laxative tunicl like l)r. ('allwell's Syrup Pepsin, which peopl' have been iusing for these ailments for nearly a quarter of a cen tury. It curedl J. ('. Lanham, of Warrens burg, Mo., of stolach trouble of long standing, also William Voll, of '.t03 Ellison St.. Loui;sville. Ky., who had the trouble for tifteen years. However, if you have stomach trouble you want to know f1ronm personal experi ence what Dr. ('aldwell's Syrup Pepsin will do for you. If so. snsel your name to the doctor and a freec trial bottle will be sent you. You are urged to send for the free bottle, as the results from it will be the best recommendation of l)r. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin. Then you will do as over two million people did last year-go to your druggist andt buy a r-etular bottle at 50 cents or $1, according to the size you prefer. We could mention hundreds and hundreds of families who are niever with out it. Youll can never tell when some member of the family will need a laxative, and then no time should be lost taking Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. If there is anything about your ailment that you don't understand, or if you want any medical advice, write to the doctor, and he will answer you fully. There is no charge for this service. The address is Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 201 Caldwell bldg., Monticello, Ill. NEVER SAY DIE, ii' She-But if you have completely cured Mrs. Tooter, you have done away with one of your most lucrative sources of income. The Doctor-Ah, but I'll present her with my bill, and then Ill have to treat her for nervous prostration. Certainty Convenience Economy Never has there been known a case where Mitchell's Eye Salve has not given notable relief. A pure harmless salve for application to the surface of the eye lids; the simplest of meth ods with wonderful results. The price 25 cents places It within reach of all. All druggists sell it. Last Chance. "Why should I be married in a dress suit?" "For taro reasons. It's fashionable, sad then you'll have a dress suit" -For Colds and Gripp-Capudlne. The best remedy for Gripp and Colds is Hicks' Cagudine. Relieves the aching and feverishness. Cures the cold--Headaches also. It's Liquid-Effects lmmediately--10, I and 50o at Drug 8tores. Women Brick Worker. Prussia's brick yards employ nearly zO.000 women. ANOTHER WOMAN CUID By Lydia1.Plakham's Vegetable Compound Gdiner, Male.--"I have been a t'saserrs from ortganle troubles andaseverefemale weakness The SdoctpraidI would bave to go to the hospital for an cold not bear to think ofi Ide. tidsd to tryLe stable Compond andSanativeWash --andwasentirely ncured after three bi s, of them."-Mrs. 8. A. WF. P. D. No 14, Box 89, -ooa b should submit to a surgi a o tion, which mean death, ntl she baaitenas L Ei nklrham'a egetabl Com made exclusiveo. l .m roots and r a fair trial This famouS medicine for women has for Mthre. provedto be the oost valtbl ando renewer of tIsemale orgaS Women resMi twIn a ever erity aid town in ji. the wonderful virtue of Lydia '01kb a egetable Compound. It cures female l and createis radi. a.ut. btozoya ema health. I.fyou 're il fr yot eowa sake aU weell as 1wta1ie all ulek women to write b, wed vloe. rta lveeIsree, a4 awyay helpafl. 810K HEADACHE Posmvely crod by thesLtte Pita. They also renewe m. eionalandTooHearty lating. A peflct rm* redy foe Disiness, Nau* as, Drowsiness, Bnad TasteIntheMoutrh,Coart e·. Tongae, Pain In the aael TOPDm aiVu j q IIstes ta urns.I. 1ml7 Yegalbble GSud. Must Beut A DAY LABORER RULES PARIS Emil Pataud, Head of Electrician's Trade Union, Has the City at His Mercy. Paris.-Emil Pataud, the absolute ruler and despotic governor of the Paris electrician's trade union, is the most hated, the most feared, the most beloved and the most talked of man in France to-day. Pataud, the workingmen's king, is short and stocky, with muscles of iron. His manner is abrupt, his voice is em phatic and cold; the bulldog is written all over his heavy features. He sits I j t Emil Pataud at His Desk. t enthroned in his little private room at Sthe headquarters of the union, more in 3 accessible than the president of the French republic. After ascending a narrow, dark staircase, you are met at the door at the top of the landing by a man who gruffly inquires your mis sion. If your answer satisfies him you are ushered into another room; not, as you expect, to meet the great man, but to be challenged by another at tendant. Again you are severely questioned, and if the object of your visit meets with this second attend ant's approval, you are shown into a little ofice which opens into the pri vate room of the director. Pataud jumped into prominence in 1907 when he startled Paris by plun ging the gaily lighted city into utter darkness. The pride of Paris--her boulevards-took on the appearance of country streets and their grandeur and magnificence were made gro tesque by hastily devised means of lighting. After a short experience of this inconyenience the authorities yielded to Pataud's demands. In June last he made another at tempt, but the previous lesson was still fresh in the minds of the authori ties and they quickly acceded to his demands. By this time, however, many hotels, clubs, shops and newspaper of igces, realizing their inability to cope Swith a man who, by a word, could plunge the entire city in darkness, planned to place themselves beyond his autocratic control. They provided themselves with electric lighting plants of their own, and rested con tent, believing that so far as they were concerned they were safe. Nonunion men were placed in charge of the plants and the proprietors were in a position to defy Pataud. t Pataud was born in a small town outside Paris in 1869. His parents Swere poor and his early life was full of privations. He had little or no school. ing and was put to work while still Syoung. His parents selected the trade of bricklaying for him, but he pre ! ferred electricity and entered an elec trical shop. While yet a boy he organ. ized the employes and as their spokes man secured better pay and shorter hours from their employer. News of his success spread rapidly among the workmen of Paris and five years ago he was made the ruler of the electri cian's trade union. A MEMORIAL TO ROOSEVELT. Design for Statue of Ex-President to Be Erected in North Dakota. Bismarck, N. D.-Theodore Roose Svelt's life for two years on a North Design for Statue to Roosevelt. Dakota ranch is to be commemorated Sby a rue to be erected within the state, t~h design for which is shown . :here. The statue has been designed n by Gustav Vlgeland, a noted European j* sculptor, and accepted by the commit a tee of the Roosevelt Monument asso-' elation, of which J. H. Worst of the A Agicultural College of North Dakota is president and H. O. Fjelde of Abero crombe is secretary. It is proposed to erect the statue at some place where a it will be seen generally by young peo ;l ple. The accepted design for the' monument is the committee's choice - of four sketches submitted by Mr. | Vigeland. In these sketches, the sculptor says, he has tried only to give the idea of the line along which 1 he will finish the statue. I A Trifle Uncertain. " Little Jean's parents were enthusiaa " tic bridge-players, and Jean was more o* or less familiar with the sight of cards. At Sunday school onie day the teacher had been giving a talk on a David. Finally she held up a little col. a cred print of David dressed in royal C robes, and asked: "What child can tell m we who this is?" Out of the silence piped little Jean's voice: "I think it's a lding but it may be a jack!" The trouble with the family skela tknm tthat it is never as dead an it AN INTERESTING PAINT TEST There is a very simple and interest Ing chemical test by which to detect impurity in paint materials. Thou. sands and thousands of people, all over the country, are making this test. It c is a sure way to safeguard against the many adulterated white leads which are on the market. Any one can make the test-all that is needed is a simple little instrument which may be had free by writing National Lead Company, 1902 Trinity Building, New York, and asking for House. owner's Painting Outfit No. 49. The cutfit includes also a set of color schemes for exterior or interior paint. ing, or both, if you wish, and a book of specifications. No houseowner should make any arrangements for painting till he gets this outfit. One can't expect a satisfactory paint ing job without pure white lead. There is a way to make sure you're getting a pure white lead-without testing it. See that the keg bears National Lead Com pany's famous Dutch Boy Painter trade. mark, which is a positive guaarntee of purity. Your dealer probably has this white lead. If not let National Lead Company know. KNEW HIS SON. Prodigal Son-Father, I have re turned! Father-Yes, gol dern ye. I thought you'd show up about the time the pret ty summer boarders began to arrive at the farm! ECZEMA COVERED HIM. Itching Torture Was Beyond Words-. Slept Only from Sheer Exhaustion -Relieved in 24 Hours and Cured by Cuticura in a Month. "I'am seventy-seven years old, and some years ago I was taken with ec zema from head to foot. I was sick for six months and what I suffered tongue could not tell. I could not sleep day or night because of that a dreadful itching; when I did sleep it 4 was from sheer exhaustion. I was one mass of irritation; it was even in I my scalp. The doctor's medicine 1 i seemed to make me worse and I was almost out of my mind. I got a set of the Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Resolvent. I used them persistently 4 for twenty-four hours. That night I slept like an infant, the first solid I night's sleep I had had for six months. In a month I was cured. W. Harrison I I Smith, Mt. Kisco, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1908." I totter Drug a Chem, Corp., Sole Props, Boston. Not His Business. "Pow'ful fertile country daoun theh In Texas," said the colonel. "Yes, seh! Why, seh, I know spots daoun theh where the trees grow so close togetheh that you-all couldn't shove youh hand between theh trunks. And game, seh! Why, seh, I've seen Fehglnyuh deeah in those same forests with antlehs eight feet spread! Yes, seh!" At this point some meddlesome idiot Sasked the colonel how such deer ever Smanaged to get their antlers between such tree trunks. "Thet, seh," said the colonel, draw ing himself up with squelching dig nity, "is thieh business!"--Everybody's Magazine. Shiloh Church to Be Repuilt. An effort is being made to build a suitable memorial church on the site of the original Shiloh church, on Shi loh battlefield, now one of the most attractive of military parks. It was on this very spot the bloody battle of I Shiloh was begun on the morning of April 6, 1862. It is the purpose to build a memorial church to cost not less than $10,000. The names of all contributors will be recorded in a Spermanent register and kept on ex hibition in the ghurch, which will be open to visitors and tourists. Work of Fish Hatcheries. As the result of special effortb Is the hatchery work during the year the output of fish and eggs in 1908 was greater than ever before in the history of the national bureau, reaching a to tal of 2,871,456,280. Of this numbear 2,413,809,225 were young fish distrib uted for the stocking and restocking of public and private waters, and the remainng 457,647,055 were eggs de livered to state and foreign hatcheries. The output of young fish exceeds the greatest previous record for any one year by 376,000,000. NOT DRUGS Food Did It. After using laxative and cathartic medicines from childhood a case of Ichronic and apparently incurable con. I stipation yielded to the scientific food, O Grape-Nuts, in a'few days. S"From early childhood I suffered 3 with such terrible constipation that I had to use laxatives continuously go Sing from one drug to another and sub B fering more or less all the time. S"A prominent physician whom I con' suited told me the muscles of the di Sgestive organs were partially par e alyzed and could not perform their Swork without help of some kind, so I e have tried at different times about B every laxative and cathartic known, but found no Ielp that was at all per B manent. I had finally become discour D aged and had given my case up as Shopeless when I began to use the pre digested food, Grape-Nuts. "Although I had not expected this food to help my trouble, to my great 'surprise Gype-Nuts digested imme Sdiately from the first and in a few Sdays I was convinced that this was a just what my system needed. "The bowels performed their fune I tions regularly and I am now com Spletely and permanently cured of this Sawful trouble. S "Truly the power of scientific food muast be unlimited." "There's a Reason." Read"The Road to WeUille," in pkga. I' Evo veead the above letter? A mew Seae appeev from time to time. Thes awe emulee t mat .fll of humas da m ent PUBLIC STATEMENT By a Public Off;cial--County Treasurer of Granbury, Texas. A. A. Perkins, County Treasurer of Granbury, Hood Co., Texas, says: "Years ago a severe TlahAs~ fall injured my kid neys. From that time I was bothered with a chronic lame back and disordered action of the kidneys helped to make life miserable for me. A friend sug gested my using Dean's Kidney Pills. which I did, with the most gratifying re sults. I made a pub lic statement at the time, recommend ing Doan's Kidney Pills, and am glad to confirm that statement now." Sold by all dealers, 50 cents .a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Ali Over. While work on a new building was going on in a southern town not long ago an old negro emloyed as a hod carrier suddenly slipped while near ing the third story and plunged head long to the ground. Several passers by rushed over expecting to find a man dead with a broken neck, as the old fellow had struck squarely on the top of his head. Finding the old man still alive some one emptied the con tents of a whisky bottle down his throat. In a few moments the old negro sat up and looked around. "How do you feel now, uncle?" asked a bystander kindly. "Well, sah," came the reply, "I wuz sorter cornfused when I tust started, but now dat I's hit I's all right!" Eyes Are Relieved By Murine when Irritated by Chalk Dust and Eye Strain, incident to the average School Room. A recent Census of New York City reveals the fact that in that City alone 17,928 School Children needed Eye Care. Why not try Murinc Eye Remedy for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes, Granulation, Pink Eye and Eye Strain? Murine Doesn't Smart: Soothes Eye Pain. Is Compounded by Experienced Physi cians: Contains no Injurious or Prohibit ed Drugs. Try Murine for Your Eye Troubles; You Will Like Murine. Try It in Baby's Eyes for Scaly Eyelids. Drug gists Sell Murine at 500. The Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, Will Send You In teresting Eye Books Free. Fattest French Soldiers. Occasionally our Paris contemporar Iles entertain their readers with an ac count of the tallest and the shortest conscript. Now a journal has gone one better and discovered the fat I test recruit in the French army, who has been found at Corbeil. This hon orable distinction belongs to M. La verdit, the son of a merchant in the lo cality. The young man turns the scale at 268 pounds, avoirdupois, or rather over 19 stone. STAT or OHIo CITrrY Or TOLEDO . FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that he is senit partner of the firm of F. J. CHENEY & Co.. doing sines in the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of CATAHRR that cannot be cured by the use of HAtu's CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D., 1886. A. W. GLEASON. SEAL } NoTARY PUBLIC. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testlmonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists. 7ie. Take all'a Family Pills for constIpation. Gardens with Schools. The school-garden idea has been re markably developed in San Antonio, Tex., which is said to have more gardens attached to its schools than any other place of its size in the world. There are 949 of these culti Svated plots attached to the 29 schools, the gardens varying from one-tenth to one-quarter of an acre. Rough on Rats, unbeatable exterminator Rough on Hen Lice, Nest Powder, 25c. I Rough on Bedbugs, Powder orLiq'd, 25c. Rough on Fleas, Powder or Liquid, 25. Roughon.Roaches,Pow'd, iSc.,Liq'd,25c. Rough on Moth and Ants, Powder, 25c. Rough on Skeeters, agreeable tonse,25c. E. S. Wells, Chemist, Jersey City, N. J. Nothing But the Truth. Attorney (much baffled by the an swers of an Irish witness)-Well, you're a nice sort of a fellow, you are! The Witness-Shure, an' I'd say the saIe of you, sir, only I'm on me oath. Use Allen's Foot-Ease. SIt is the only relief for Swollen Smart I Ing, Tired, Aching, Hot, Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunione. Ask for Allen's Foot I Ease, a powder to be shaken into the Sshoes. Cures while you walk. At all Drug gists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Don't accept any substitute: Sample sent. FREE. Ad r dress, Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. Rather Mixed. "Miss 'Adele has such a mobile face." "Yes, I have noticed at times its automatic expression." For Headache Try Hicks' Capudine. Whether from Colds, Heat, Stomach or Nervous troubles, tihe aches are speedily relieved by Capudine. It's Liquid-pleas ant to take-Effects immediately. 10, 25 and 50c at Drug Stores. STwo of a Kind. "Yes," said the farmer, "I get my living from the soil." "Same here," rejoined the washlady. The way Hamlins Wizard Oil soothes and allays all aches, pains, soreness, swell Iing and inflammation is a surprise and delight to the afflicted. It is simply great to relieve all kinds of pain. The man who has only himself to please finds sooner or later, and prob ably sooner -than later, that he has got a v.ery hard master.-Swift. SSend postcard request to-day for sam t ple package of Garfield Tea, Nature's herb remedy for constipation, liver and kidney diseases. Garfield Tea Co., Brooklyn, N. . Some men are content not to do mean actions, I want to become in Scapable of a mean thought or feeling. SSORE EYES, weak, infimed, red, watery t and swollen eyes, use PETTIT'S EYE SSALVE, 25e. All druggists or Howard r Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. That it is necessary for a man to drink liquor is a theory that will not hold water. uso.OSU of thes. u*h. 1puly, gyry heirs. le "LA CREOLE" HAIR RESTORER.O PRICE, $1.00, retail. VARIETY. Hewitt-I've been pinuched for mon ey lately. Jewitt-Well, women have different ways of getting it. My wife kisses me when she wants any. A CURE FOR FITS. The Treatment Is to Accomplish What Science Has Been Strug gling to Attain for Centuries. The inten-e interest that has been Inani fested throughout the country by the won derful cures tlhat Iare heing accomnplished daily by elilepticide still cunti nes. It is really surpl,ri-ing the va-t number of peo ple who have a'ready been cured of tits and nervousne-s. In oirer that everybody may have a chance to test the medicine. large trial bottles, valuable literature. His tory of Epilepsy and testimonials, will be sent by mail absolutely free to all who write to the Dr. May Laboratory, 518 Pearl Street, New York City. Coaxing the Brute. Eve had given Adam the apple. "I suppose," she mused as she con structed the fig leaf suit, "after this I'll always have to feed him to get a new dress." Subsequent developments confirmed her fears. The Burnt Child. Stern Parent-Bobby, I thought I told you to order that trunk sent around right away, all ready to use. The trunk has come, but there is no strap. "Well, pa, I told the man he needn't mind sending the strap." t 1 CASTORIA For rnfants and Children. The Kind You Have ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AW 0gt AVegetable Preparation forAs similating ltheFoodandRfeula- Beans the ring the Stomachs ardBowe's of Signature Promotes Digeshon,Cheerful ness and Rest.Contains neither O OpiumMorphine nor Mineral NoT NARC OTIC Ror,tor .fOtd.SAZm'ErA R AiRdSph. ad w'rse $.e d Cldied -Yer ; Oid irpora! iIrr SAperfect Remedy forConstlpa. Use tion. Sour StomachDiarrhoea, WormsConvulsionsFeverishFor Over ness and LOSS OF SLEEP., ?Ic Simile Signature off "Thirty Years "HE CENTAUR COMPAIY,\ as NEW YORK. GCASTORIA k B,ranteed under the t Copy of Wr m mr ..-,.,, m,,,,.p. A Rural Telephone . should be installed in e - . the home of every ea farmer in the South, because: It keeps you in touch with the at doctor. It enables you to watch the market. It brings you closer to your friends. It runs your errands. It protects your homrne. Western "Bell" Telephones are the ectic eeepBest Our Free Bulletin No. 107 on How to Build Rural Telephone Lines tells how you and your neighbors can, by cutting your own poles, secure all the rest of the material necessary to build the very best system at a cost of about one-half bale of cotton each. Cut out this advertisement, write your nane and address on the margin, and mail at once to our nearest house, so that we can send you a copy of the 'bulletin.T WEST'WRN lWC"IRI Atltnts KseCty En Uturer.Thereare oer Chicago Pittsbueg Dall n aia t Louis n u nh Jt a iAngs eles 8~tLake City Indianapolis Savannah 3lpett] S lptlIty iew York aBen Fancisco fl fgPimples, Itching Humors, Rheumatism, Blood the blood and then purities it-sending a flood of pure r ih blood diret l o thres,in surface, Bones, Joints and wherever the disease I located In th eumwa lsm *, ~ *Ulcers, Pimples, Eruptions are healed &Wl cured, pains an aches of Rhealthyism U.B .B Pim les (tlr~iwrst PoisnE m Bones Pains. e hlty ,cease, swellings subside. B. B. B. completely changes a. B. b . B cares the condition, giving the skin the rich, red hue of pe arfect Drug health B udires theions w tds T t$ p for homecure. SAlIPL E RE by writing BLOODBALM CO., Atlanta,Ga. is here-Dilstemper among the A wise man never boasts of his wis- C orn Planting horse y be near al, o dom. He leaves that to his press hores are foaling-Distempe .may take some of them-corn planting may be late if your horses agent have Distemper. Wlulo. wsi..lo.. .loothlnl S. .. SPOHN'S DISTEMPER CURE For childrea teething, softens the at r, reduoes I reventive-0c sd ammstio, allyslpal, reswldcoli. 2ca bo is your true safeguard-a cure as well as preventie wiced th bottle--5.00 and $10.00 dozn, delivered Large is more than ufacturer the The harder it rains the more soft smallersize. Don't putit off. Gett It. Druggsts-or snd toman cturer. water we get. Spin Medilcal Co.. Chem Ist el cerioloistls, Goshe, nlad.. U.S.A. Women Sutter much needless pain when they delay using Cardui for their female troubles. Cardui has been found to relieve headache, backache, pain in the side and diz ziness, arising from deranged organs. It does more than relieve,-if used persistently,-xmany have writ ten to say that it cured them. TAKE It Will Help You Mrs. Maxwell Johnson, Tampa, Fla., writes: "Cardui cured me after doctors and everything else had failed. I had bhctn suffer ing with numb spells ever since I was 1G years old. Oni dlay I decided to take Cardui. I have now taken 5 bottles and I caln say that it has cured me. I advise all suffering women to give Cardui a long and fair trial." Mrs. Johnson suffered years. Have you? Do you wish to? But why suffer at all? Take Cardui. Give it a fair trial. AT ALL DRUG STORES Shave in 5 Minutes NO STROPPING NO HONING KNOWN THE WORLD OVER W, N. U., MEMPHIS. NO. 20-1909. Hooper'sDon'tScratch (Tetterrem) sold and guaranteed by druggists to be a saris. factory treatment for ` ti Dandruff and all Scalp Troubles, Tetter, Ecze. ma, Itch, Ringworm, Chapped, Sunburned Face and Hands, Pim. ples,Itching Piles,Sore, Sweaty, Blistered Feet, Cuts, and all Irritations of the Skin. Does not stain, grease or blister. Two Sizes, 50c and $1 bottles. Trial Size 10c. Either mailed direct on receipt of price. HOOPER MEDICINE CO., Dallas, Texas. and Jersey City, N. J. This Trade.mark Eliminates All Uncertainty in the purchase of paint materials. It is an absolute guarantee of pur ity and quality. For your own protection, see that it is on the side of every keg of white lead you buy. MtIIOL LtU IMlW 110 TdaI ft Slag HU feM Do it Now Tomorrow A. M. too late. Take a CASCARET at bed time; get up in the morning feeling fine and dandy. No need f sickness from over-eating and drink. ing. They surely work while you eep and help nature belp you. Millions take them and keep welL CASCARTS toe a box for a week's treatment, al druggists. Biggest seller in the world. MAllion boacs a moth. Readers tied in its colum ld i.h u Iupon having what they ask for, refusig all ubiutes or aimi;ions. Dr. McINTOSH celebrated Natural Uterine Supporter giveslmmediate relif. Solfdby nil sur gltcal instrument dealers an leading ir lggsts in United statsandC,da. o atlog.price ustand p.rtlculenmted on application. THE HASTINGS & MelNTOSH TRUSS CO.., 912 WalnutSt.. Philadelphia, Pa., manufacturers of trusses and sole makers of the Genuine stamped "McIntosh" Supporter. FOR We will lake from any Good Photo A HALFTONE ENGRAVING Size ten square inches or less, to print in Newspaper or on Sta tionery. Portrait, Building, --- Landscape, Live Stock or any subject you may select. This paper will do the printing for you. Western NeuspaDer Union, Little Reek. Ark. PUMPS WATER UPHILL * and works day and night without any si tentton from you. No expense for power. A 1RIFE L HYDRAULIC 1tg . -r q, RlA W *a" tIngrc e, Tini5y .art ., ,, vr $ Up. HALFTO NES on stationery publulhersofthlis paper wllitakeyourordernd dothe printing. WE'STElR 1CiwPIAfPa i510*l. tfaIt SIOct, ASL Sg,'ei Thompson's EyeWater