Lbbay's Cooked
Corned Beef
There's a marked distinc
tion between Uby's
Oooked Oorned
Beef and even 'the best
that's sold in bulk.
Evenly and mildly cured
and scientifically cooked in
Ubby's Great White
Kitohen, lil the natural
flavor of the fresh, prime
beef is retained. It is pure
wholesome, delicious and
ready to serve at meal time,
Saves work and worry in
Other Libby "Healthful"
Meal-Time-Hints, all ready
to serve, are:
Peerless Dried Beef
Vienna Sausage
Veal Loaf
Evaporated Milk
Baked Beans
Ohow Ohow
Mixed Piokles
"Purity goes hand in hand
with Products of the Libby
Write for free Booklet,
"How to make Good
Things to Eat".
Insist on
Laby's at
your grocers.
Ubby, MeNeill
& Libby
(Possibly Chief Justice Fuller Will Not
Be Pleased at Sentiment Ex
pressed in His Name.
Mark Twain was waiting for a
Istreet car in Boston, when a young
girl approached him, smiling. She
was a lovely girl, fresh, blooming, in
'genuous, bubbling with enthusiasm,
land evidently on her way home from
"Pardon me," she said. "I know it's
very unconventional, but I may never
]have another chance. Would you mind
giving me your autograph?"
"Glad to do it, my dear child," said
C. Clemens, drawing out his foun
"Oh, its so good of you," gurgled
Sgirl. "You know, I've never seen
ou but once, Chief Justice Fuller,
/ a nad that was at a distance; but I've
peen your portrait so often that I rec
ognized you the moment I saw you
"Umrn-m--mm!" said Mr. Clem
aes, non-committally. Then he took
from her eager hands her nice little
autograph albumn, and wrote in bold
lcript these words:
' It is delicious to be full.
But it is heavenly to be Fuller.
S I am cordially yours,
Mr. Clemens has not heard from
Chief Justice Fuller yet.-Harper's
'"1 suppose," he said, ingratiatingly,
"you often get spoken to by men?"
"Yes," she replied, "and by monk
eys. But to-night there don't seem to
be anf men about!"
S Delights
of Appetite
and Anticipation
Sare realized in the first taste of de.
and Cream
The golden-brown bits are sub
stantial enough to take up the
cream; crisp enough to make
crushing them in the mouth an
S exquisite pleasure; and the fla
vor-that belongs only to Post
"The Taste Lingers"
: This dainty, tempting food is
.ade of pearly white corn,-cooked,
itoilled and toasted into "Toasties."
i:epppks go; ; Large Family sia sgs
Gift to Medical Institute Is of Hias
torical Interest-Contains Seven.
ty-Seven Pieces.
Kansas City, Mo.--During the an
nual session of the American Institute
of Homeopathy, held in this city a
year ago, Dr. William Davis Foster of
Kansas City was elected president of
the institute for the following year.
To show his appreciation of his elec
tion Dr. Foster had made a gavel
which he presented to the institute.
A year was required for Dr. Foster
to get together the material of which
it is made.
The gavel is made of 77 pieces
of wood, a piece from every state
Gavel Which Contains 77 Pieces of
and territory in the United States
and from Germany and Francs. There
ale pieces from the houses or the
possessions of all of the pioneers of
homeopathy. Each piece in the gavel
is numbered. In a bound volume,
called the "Gavel Book," is contained
all the correspondence bearing upon
the gathering of the material of which
the gavel is made. The varieties of
wood used include mahogany, white
pine, ebony, black walnut, rosewood,
sequoia gigantea, vegetable ivory, sur.
render, oak, Arizona ironwood, red
wood, a bit from an Indian medicine
man's tomahawk from Alaska, orange
wood, diamond willow, fir, petrified
wood, yellow cedar, cherry and yel
low pine. Each piece is numbered
with a small gilt number. In the
"Gavel Book" under a corresponding
number is a short biographical sketch
of the person of whom the piece is a
souvenir. The ends of the gavel are
gold. One end is engraved with
"Simlla Similibut Curentur." Upon
the others is engraved "Presented to
the American Institute of Homeopa.
thy by William Davis Foster, M. D.,
President 1900." The handle is ebony
tipped with ivory.
Washington Rumor Says Congress
man Scott of Kansas May Succeed
Secretary Wilson,
Washington.-There is a revival in
Washington of the gossip that Secre
tary Wilson will retire from the de
Congressman C. F. Scott.
partment of agriculture in December
and that Representative Scott of Kan
sas will succeed hihm. Several prom
inent papers have printed stories to
that effect.
It was said at the White House
that the matter had not been con
sidered there, and Representative
Scott said that the president had
never mentioned the subject to him.
Secretary Wilson has held the place
under three presidents-McKinley,
Roosevelt and Taft-and holds the
record for cabinet service.
Charles F. Scott represents the Sec
ond Kansas district, is chairman of
the committee on agriculture, and is
serving his fifth term in congress.
Two of his terms were as congress
man-at-large. He was born in Kan
sas, lives in Iola and is editor and
owner of the Iola Register.
Broke His Spirit.
"Boo-hoo!" sobbed lille Jimmy;
"it don't pay to be patriotic these
"What's the trouble, my little
man?" asked the kind-hearted old gen
tleman in the park.
"Why, the teacher said after she
read a Bunker hill poem, 'Let the
eagle scream' and when I stuck sticks
at the eagle up in the zoo to make
him scream the cops chased me two
blocks. Boo-hoo!"
Disposing of It Cheaply.
Client-This copy of my will i. all
rg, but I want the original written
on a elate.
Lawyer-Beg pardon, but what is
your object?
Client-So my heirs won't have
say G diiulty In breaklng It.
Too often the kidneys are the cause
and the sufferer is not aware of it.
Sick kidneys bring backache and side
pains, lameness and stiffness, dizzi
ness, headaches, tired feeling, urinary
troubles. Dean's Kid
nu ney Pills cure the
cause. Mrs. N. E.
Graves, Villisca,
iowa, says: "1 suf
fered from kidney
trouble for years.
The secretions were
disordered, th ere
were pains in my back and swellings
of the ankles. Often I had smother
ing spells. I had to be helped about.
Doan's Kidney Pills cured me five
years ago and I have been well sinte.
They saved my life."
Remember the name-Doan's. For
sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Williams (shaking his fountain
pen)-You have no idea how easily
these pens run!
His Neighbor (applying a blotter to
his trousers)-Oh, I have an inkling.
According to Taste.
Discussing missionary work, Mme.
Helene Vincente, the well-known Con
go missionary, said at a dinner in
"A Chinese heaven strikes you as
ludicrous. Yet here in your own coun
try you are careful to fit heaven and
the-er-other place to your people's
"Thus, on my recent southern trip,
I heard a Georgia negro divine de
scribe hades as ice cold, a place
where the wicked shiver and freeze
through all eternity. I asked the di
vine why the altered in that radical
manner the usual description of
hades, and he replied:
"'Ah don' darst tell mah people nuf
fin' else, marm. Why, if Ah sed hades
wuz wahm, some o' dese ole rheumat
ic breddern an' sistern o' mine would
be wantin' ter staht right down dah
come fust frost.'"
A Gentle Aspersion.
Among the prisoners brought before
a Chicago police magistrate one Mon
day morning was one, a beggar, whose
face was by no means an unfamiliar
one to the judge.
"I am informed that you have again
been found begging in the public
streets," said his Honor, sternly, "and
yet you carried in your pocket over
ten dollars in currency."
"Yes, your Honor," proudly returned
the mendicant. "I may not be as indus
trious as some, but sir, I am no spend
thrlft."-Harper's Weekly.
Spoken from Experience.
It was the grammar class and the
teacher had asked for words ending
with "ous." "Can any one," she said,
"give me a. word like 'dangerous,'
meaning full of danger, 'hazardous,'
full of hazard?"
There was silence for a moment.
Then a boy in the back row put up
his his hand.
"Well, Bobby, what is your word?"
"Please, Miss," came the reply,
"pious, full of pie!"
New England English.
Complaint was made to a local man
by one of his employes that boys who
were swimming in a pond were caus
ing quite a nuisance. The owner of
the property gave the man the privi
lege of putting up a sign, as he had
asked permission to do it. The no
tice reads as follows:
"No Loffing or Swimmig on Thess
Growns--Order by -----. If Catched
Law Will be Forced."-Berkshire
A Probable Theory.
"Truth," remarked the philosopher,
sententiously, "lies at the bottom of a
"That accounts," said the synic, dry
ly, "for the fact that so much of the
well water is contaminated."
A Sure and Easy Test on Coffee,
To decide the all important ques
tigr of coffee, whether or not it is
really the hidden cause of physical
ails and approaching fixed diseases,
one should make a test of ten days by
leaving off coffee entirely and using
well-made Postum.
It relief follows you may know to
a certainty that coffee has been
your vicious enemy. Of course you
can take it back to your heart again,
if you like to keep sick.
A lady says: "I had suffered with
stomach trouble, nervousness and ter
rible sick headaches ever since I was
a little child, for my people were al
ways great coffee drinkers and let us
children have all we wanted. I got
so I thought I could not live without
coffee, but I would not acknowledge
that it caused my suffering.
"Then I read so many articles about
Postum that I decided to give it a fair
trial. I had not used it two weeks in
place of coffee until I began to feel
like a different person. The headache
and nervousness disappeared and
whereas I used to be sick two or three
days out of a week while drinking cof
fee I am now well and strong and
sturdy seven days a week, thanks to
"I had been using Postum three
months and had never been sick a
day when I thought I would experi
ment and see if it really was coffee
that caused the trouble, so I began
to drink coffee again and inside of a
week I had a sick spell. I was so ill
I was soon convinced that coffee was
the cause of all my misery and I went
back to Postum with the result that
I was soon well and strong again and
determined to stick to Postum and
leave coffee alone in the future."
Read the little book, "The Road to
Waellville," in pkgs. "There's aReason."
Ever wea the abovre letter A mew
me ppee Immt me time te time, They
are Epars time, mini ll ti humen
Empires and Kingdoms Flourish and
Disappear, But Language Sur
vives Time's Attack.
Three children were playing on the
banquette-playing "catcher." One
chased another into a tight corner,
and, triumphantly touching her, cried
"Tag' "
With almhnost the same words little
Julius Caesar, or little Titus Sem
pronius, in the days when Rome was.
caught one another gleefully and
cried "Tacte!"
It is said that the oldest tune in the
world is that sung to the irreverent
words of "We Won't Go Hiome Till
Morning." The Breton peasant sings
to this air the immortal chant of
"Mironton, Mironton, Mirontaine," and
the Crusaders of King Baldwin used
to startle the echoes of Libanus and
of Hermon with rollicking choruses to
the same succession of notes.
Philologists and antiquarians find
their most priceless treasures in
words describing frying-pans and
chairs. fBy the ancestry of words de
scribing the commonest of common
things the history of nations and em
pires is revealed. Dust is the oldest
thing in the world.
These reflections are not strictly
new. But it is a comforting reflec
tion, occasionally, to one of the com
mon people to reflect that while em
pires and majestic kingdoms may rise
and tower for a day, yet the common
est word we speak is longer lived
than they.
After Specialist Failed to Cure Her In.
tense Itching Eczema-Had Been
Tortured and Disfigured But
Was Soon Cured of Dread Humor.
"I contracted eczema and suffered
Intensely for about ten months. At
times I thought I would scratch my
self to pieces. My face and arms were
covered with large red patches, so
that I was ashamed to go out. I was
advised to go to a doctor who was
a specialist in skin diseases, but I
received very little relief. I tried
every known remedy, with the same
results. I thought I would never get bet.
ter until a friend of mine told me to try
the Cuticura Remedies. So I tried them,
and after four or five applications of
Cuticura Ointment I was relieved of
my unbearable itching. I used two
sets of the Cuticura Remedies, and I
am completely cured. Miss Barbara
Kral, Highlandtown, Md., Jan. 9, '08."
Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Props., Boston.
Mrs. Customer-That lamb you
sent me, Mr. Stintwaite, was the
largest and toughest I ever saw.
Mr. Stintwaite-Tut, tut. It's that
boy been loitering again. I assure you,
when that joint left the shop it was
the sweetst little leg of lamb you
could set eyes on, and I gave him
strict orders to deliver it at once be
cause you wanted it young,.
Laymen Combat White Plague.
According to recent figures pub
lished by the National Association
for the Study and Prevention of Tu
berculosis, nearly 50 per cent. of
those enlisted in the active campaign
against consumption are laymen, and
the percentage of laymen has tripled
in the last four years.
- Serial No. 701,
When Uncle Sam went out after fake drugs
and patent medicines, Dr. Mitchell's Eye
Salve with never a change in formula or
label at once registered and received Se
rid No. 701. The influence of Dr. Mitch
ell's Eyve Salve has ever spread through
honest merit. Unfailing cure for sore,
weak and inflamed eyes. Price 25 cents.
Spectacular Oil Fire.
The most spectacular fire ever wit
nessed in the oil industry was at one
of the Des Bocas wells in Mexico.
About 60,000 barrels of oil were
burned up daily for nearly two
months. The flames rose to heights
of 800 to 1,400 feet.
Important to Mothere.
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for
Infants and children, and see that it
flears the
Signature of
In Use For Over :IO Yars.
The Kind You Have Always BoughtL
Flowers have an expression of coun
tenance as much as men or animals;
some seem to smile; some have a sad
expression; some are pensive and
difident; others, again, are plain, hon
est and upright like the broad-faced
Ward Beecher.
Stella-Did she have an unusual
Bella-Yes; the church was deco
rated with common tropical plants in
stead of the rare.
Knicker-Did Smith's family come
over on the Mayflower.
Bocker-No; in the rocking-chair
In Spai,
"I wonder if raising bulls for fights
is profitable?"
"I guess it is a toss-up."
Per Headache Try Hicks' Capudine.
Whether from Colds, Heat, Stomach or
Nervous troubles, the aches are speedily
relieved by Capudine. It's Llquid--pleas
ant to take-Effects immediately. 10, 25
and 50c at Drug Stores.
Use your little hammer for nailing
lies, but don't be a knocker.
S nlwum of these y u gllrim grey hair. Use "LA CREOLE" HAIR RESTORER.o PRICE $1,00, retael.
Colored Man Felt He Was Being Rail
roaded Into the Class of
"High Financiers."
A colored man was tried the other i
day before a Charlestown court for
stealing some clothing from a young
white man. A pretty clear case was
made out against the colored man
and he confessed.
"I reckon I ain't got nothin' to say,
white folks," he said with humility,
"'ceptin' hit's jes laik it is."
"Well, since you admit your guilt,"
said the judge, "I will try to make it
light for you. flut first we will have
to get an estimate of the value of the
clothing. Mr. Plaintiff, what do you
value these articles at?"
"The dress suit cost me $S0, your
honor," replied the young man, "the
overcoat $75 and the silk hat $10."
"Mr. ledge," broke in the accused,
"I'd lak ter say des, one word befo'
you goes any fudder."
"All right; go ahead."
"I submit dat I tuk dera clo'es, boss
man, but at no sich prices as dem!"
A Case for Sympathy.
Two matrons of a certain western
city, whose respective matrimonial
ventures did not in the first instance
prove altogether satisfactory, met at
a woman's club one day, when the
first matron remarked:
"Hattie, I met your 'ex,' dear old
Tom, the day before yesterday. We
talked much of you."
"Is that so?" asked the other ma
tron. "Did he seem sorry when you
told him of my second marriage?"
"Indeed, he did; and said so most
"Honest! lie said he was extremely
sorry, though, he added, he didn't
know the man personally."-Lippin
cott's Magazine.
The strawberry shortcake, I love it,
I love it! I prize it more highly than
tongue to dare tell! no sherbet or pud
ding or pie is above it; there's nothing
in pastry I like half so well. Just give
me a section as large as a platter,
with freshly crushed berries spread
over the lot, and I am contented and
happy, no matter what ailment or
trouble or sorrows I've got. Ho, bring
on the shortcake, the strawberry
shortcake, and always and ever I'm
Jack-on-the-spot!-Los Angeles Ex.
Fully Realized.
He frowned in perplexity on hearing
she was out again.
"I wonder, Jimmy, if your sister re
alizes," he said bitterly, "that I have
treated her to three taxi rides and
four open-air concerts this month?"
"You bet she realizes it," said the
small boy, grinning. "That's why
she's keepin' her engagement to Joe
Johnson a secret."
Saving Her Blushes.
"I have here," said the young In
ventor, "a device that will be a boon
to the typists."
"What is It?" asked the manufac
turer of typewriters.
"It's an extra key. Whenever the
operator can't spell a word she
presses this key and it makes a
Position Had Drawbacks.
Poet (to his practical friend)-Is
there anything more beautiful than to
see those magnificent swans float
upon the lake's silver surface? How
I would love to be like them!"
"What! Go around with one's
stomach on that cold water all the
day? Not for me, thank you."
Rough on Rats, unbeatable exterininator
Rough on Hen Lice, Nest Powder, 25c.
Rough on Bedbugs, PowderorLiq'd, 25c.
Rough on Fleas, Powder or Liquid, 25.
Rough on Roaches, Pow'd, 15c.,Liq'd,25c.
Rough on Moth and Ants, Powder, 25c.
Rough on Skeeters, agreeable to use,25c,
i. S. Wells, Chemist, Jersey City, N. J.,
Passed Mammoth Iceberg.
An Iceberg described as 2A miles
long and 500 feet high-presumably
not so high lor the whole 2% miles
-was passed about 1,200 miles from
New York recently by the French line
treighter Mexico. It was in latitude
42:20, longitude 46:70.-New York
A Series of Breakages,
"Banks had his engagement bro
"Did he take it hard?"
"Yes; after it was broken off, he
was all broken up, and then he broke
Where Trouble Is Found.
Wigwag--I never knew such a fel
low as Bjones! He is always looking
for trouble."
Henpeckke-Then, why doesn't he
get married?-Philadelphia Record.
A Rare Good Thing.
"Am using. ALAN'S FOOT-EASE, and
can truly say I would not have been wlth
out it so long, had I known the relief it
would give my aching feet. I think it a
rare good thing for anyone having sore
or tired feet.-Mrs. Matilda Holtwert,
Providence, R. I." Sold by all Druggists,
25e. Ask to-day.
"Tell me frankly, sir, what do you
think of my daughter's voice?"
"Well, madam, I think she may
have a brilliant future in water-color
A Physician at Home
Is Dr. Biggers Huckleberry Cordial. It al
ways cures Stomach and leowel Troubles,
Children Teething, etc. At Druggists, 25c
and 50c per bottle.
That time is the worst employed
which we give up to regrets, unless
we learn from them lessons for the
future.-Due de Levis.
Forasuddenchillorcold (Instead of whiskey) tase
Painkliller. Forcolic.dlarrhea and summercomplaint
this medicine never falls. 25c, S5c or 50e bottles.
The 'advantage of living does not
consist in length of days, but in the
right improvement of them.-Mont
Maiden Well Knew Lover Could Not
Resist Culinary Bait She Had
So Cleverly Cast.
J.anet had molded the domestic af
fairs of the family with whom shy'
lived for so mlany years that. the news
of her intended marriage had much
the effect of an earthquake. "'lave
you and )David been engaged long?"
ventured the mistress of the house
"One week when next Sabbath
colles," Stat ed Janet brietly.
"And-and had you any thoughlt oi
marrying before that ?" aslked her mi. -
"'Times I had and tines I had not."
said the inipe'rturaleh Janet, as any
per'sontn will. ullt montllh ago a hgO11h
I gave l)av'id a wee bit of lm' c4ak,'
I'd been makliing and hle said to lit):
'Janlet, have you the et'cile firm in
yourti mind, lass, so you could make
it. if Mrs. .1ann's book would be far
from your reach?' I knew well the
tinio was drawing short.
"'And when," said .lJanet, closing her
eyes at the recollection, "I said to
hinl, 'lavid, lad, the recipe is copied
in a little h)ook of miy own,' and I saw
the glint in his eye I reckoned
'twould be within the month he'd ask
"Mummy! Mummy! look, here's
baby walking on his hind legs."
No Need of Interference.
The two neighbors who were pass
ing the little cottage heard sounds as
of a terrific conflict inside and
stopped to listen.
Presently they heard a loud thump,
as if somebody had fallen to the floor.
"Grogan is beating his wife again!"
they said.
Bursting the door open they rushed
into the house.
"What's the trouble here?" they de
"Ther' ain't no trouble, gentlemen,"
calmly answered Mrs. Grogan, who
had her husband down and was sit
ting on his head, "Gwan!"
Exchanging Solemn Thoughts.
"Ah," says the man with the parted
whiskers, "when one stands alone in
the night and contemplates the won
ders of creation, how futule, how puny
man seems! How vain, how puerile
his hopes and longings, when he is
surrounded by the eternal silence of
the universe! Has this ever occurred
to you?"
"You bet!" answers the man with
the big scarf pin. "He feels just as
punk as he does when he misses the
owl car and has to stand on the cor
ner an hour for another one."-Chl
cago Post.
One Cause of Neck Boils.
Neck boils come with the sweaty
season. Many people have large hair
pores on the back of the neck. The
sweaty starched collar rim is good
culture soil for boil and carbuncle
germs, which get rubbed into the
large hair follicles or sacks, producing
a painful, sometimes dangerous
spreading crop.
For Colds and Gripp-Capudine.
The best remedy for Gripp and Colds is
Hicks' Capudlne. Relieves the aching and
feverishness. Cures the cold-Headaches
also. It's Liquid-Effects immediately--10,
25 and S5c at Drug Stores.
Each of us has the power of making
happier, sunnier, the little spot where
in our daily life is spent.-Archbishop
of Canterbury.
The greatest help to overcoming
mistakes is acknowledging them.
Mrs. WLanlow's Soothlng Syrup.
For children teething, softens the gums, reduces In
Sammatlon, allays pain, cures windcollu. 25c boatS.
Only a putty life is afraid of being
worn out.
, Positively cured by
tressfrom D spepsla, In
L digestion and Too Hearty
I ER Eating. A perfect rem
* * S edy for Dizziness, Nau
sea, Drowsinzess, Bad
Taste in the Mouth, Coat
ed Tongue, Pain in the
They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable
cGenuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
Clane and beautities tie hatr.
Promotes a lazuarnt growth.
Never YaIlt to Restore Grey
Hair to its Youthful Color.
Cures ecalp diseases a bhr falling
c.0caod 5100 at Druggists
Ianfhrted wIth Z Thomirson's eye Water
Tcmdnly Genuine KEELEY INSTITrUT iu Arikanas.
e eftFor WHISKEY
702 Park Avenue, A course of Hot Springs Baths given each patient.
NOT SPRINGS, ARK. Write for Information. Correspondence Confidential.
Cured by Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
Baltimore, Md. - "For four years
my life wasa misery to ime. I slffered
from irregulari.
ties, terrible drag.
gin; sensations,
xtrel'meo nervous.
,*ils, and that all
gone feeling in my
~stomach. I had
givea up hope of
ev er beinTg well
when I began to
take Lydia :E. Pink
ha:uli's Vegetable
ComlpounLd. Then
1 felt as though
new life had been
given me, and I am recommending it
to all my friends."--Mrs. \V. 8. Foiw,
193, Lansdowne St., Baltimore, Md.
The most successful remedy in this
country for the cure of all forms of
female complaints is Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. It has
stood the test of years and to-day is
more widely and successfully used than
any other female remedy. It has cared
thousands of women who have been
troubled with displacements, inflam
mation, ulceration, Libroid tumors, ir
regularities, periodic pains, backache,
that bearing-down feeling, flatulency,
indigestion, and nervous prostration,
after all other means had failed.
If you are sufferingfromanyof these
ailments, don't give up hope until you
have given Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound a trial.
If you would like special advice
write to Mrs. Plnkham, Lynn
MIass., for it. She has guided
thousands to health, free of
Famous English betective
Tries to Catch the French
Gentleman Criminal
Arshne Lupin is hold. He announces
beforehand in the papers what his next
move is going to he. His story begins in
the August number of
Short Stories
The first instalment is " No. 514
Series ~S." It is a story that will hold your
interest. The French Police finally give up
in their attempt to trap the wilv Lupin
and send to England for Herloek gholmes.
Then follows a attle of wits. The clever
French rogue against the keen reasoning
English detective.
Send us $1.50 for a year's subscription
to "Short Stories" and follow the fascinat
ing, amusing Luhin. Every month, too. there
are numbers of good, crisp, short stories
printed in bg, clear type. Every news
dealer can handle your subscription.
Short Striea Company, Ltd.
135 ast leth Street New Yeak CRtY
T. E I', H Putine ese ny dentafne.
removing tartr from the teeth, besider destroying
all germs of decay and disease which ordinary
tooth preparations cannot do.
THE 1101TH Pt11e usd aa mon111
T E M UT wash disinfecta the mouth
and hroat. purifes the breath. nd kills the germs
which collect in the mouth, causig sore throat.
bad teeth,had brIxeath, grippe, and much sickness.
THE EYES when iamed, tired, ache
mlad burn may be i;nstatly
elieved and strengthened by Putine.
CATARRH Patnewill dao t
Ihmmtion ad ~~sop the distharge. It i aa
remedy for utrine catarh.s.
Puatine isha harmless yet powedul
ermlicide,disinfedant and deodorizer.
Used ia bathing it destroys odors ad
leaves the body antiseptically clean.
Bad Taste
in your mouth removed while
you wait-that's true. A Cas
caret taken when the tongue is
thick-coated with the nasty
squeamish feeling in stomach,
brings relief. It's easy, natural
way to help nature help you. i
CASCARETS--roc box-week's treat
ment. All druggists. Biggest seller
in the world. MIillion boxes a month.
Saves Time-Saves Money
Ilandso.n new v7l.;00. M0 h l tier. I,ar,ealnips. Vine
talic. HIealtIIIchfuldim te.h I hei teduatlur a iu alttradlnrm
,nrwd ed N aU. iar MEMPHIt'LlIlr' ; JSiNO.rn3t.tle..
orJ I.i iurlaltt ivu.,. , Ii i t& f. 5a'i,,3i r ,t.l.r 'b,.Trne u.
W. N. U., MEMPHIS, NO. 30-1909.