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Freel Free! Free! Free! Freel Free! shi a fi Louis Leonhard & Son LOUISA AND DAUPHIINE STREETS. rat hdi Free Boat and Railroad Transportation, pr< Freight Prepaid. New Methods, New Ideas. Come to New Orleans and return without aV One Cent Of Expense To You. On all purchases of $25.00 and over we will pay both your freight charges and passage IA way by either Railroad or Boat, between BURAS AND NEW ORLEANS I Enabling you to get your goods to your house absolutely free of any charges and Visit New Odeans Without .One Cent of cost to you. We have one of the largest and most complete lines of merchandise in the city. We have separate and distinct departments of :-: :-: :': Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Mat tings, Carpets and Shades, Millinery, Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and Jewelry. Each department by itself a store. We pay freight charges on every purchase from $5.00 upward............... ' .... Louis Leonhard & Son LOUISA AND DAUPHINE STREETS. GENERAL NEWS. IFort Foreign-dispatches during the. past mad week hava been full of the revolt in All Spain in the Province of Catalonia, et I which has finally been brought. under 'o hi control. Political riots occurred itn Guadala- Al jara, Mexico, last week, resslting in ico r the arrest of over two hundred persons, i point the injury of' some twenty oki'niore per- sadoi sois and two deaths. T'hon The latest bank employe to default is Th an Indianian, Noah R. Marker of Tip- dolla tunm, Indiana, assistant cashier of the to th first National Bank of that city, who dogs disappeared on July 26i with all the Pr cash in the bank's vaults, amounting to Octc between $50,000 and $60,000. to N The English government has an- pani mouneed that during the current year thin four new Dreadnaughts will be built. gre A triple screw motor boat, the West TI Wind, was in New Orleans last week Wal on the way to Mexico. The boat is 65 has feet long, 12 foot beam and has a draft acCe of 4 feet six inches and her hull is con- T strutted of cypress. As soon as a few lear minor repairs were made the captain last of the boat expected to proceed down pan the rievr and out into the gulf on his dod way to Mexico. The The Wright brothers broke the and world's record at Fort Myer, Va. re- scn maining in the air on their aeroplane cos for one hour and twelve minutes, on ! July 27th. sue H. G. Frash and L. E. Bailey, two La Pittsburg, Pa. boy's, left Pittsburg on ing July 15, in a birchbark canoe and ar- Or rived in New Orleans July 26, after the traveling meore than 2,050 miles. dit A company is being formed to oper ate a line of motor cars between Madi- Mi sonvill, Houltonville and Hammond, ta' ,La. The first shrimp of the season were St received at the Pass Christian, Miss., by cannery last week. It is said that there TI are large orders on hand for the fall in pack, owing to the shortage in the C spring pack, Gov. Sanders has stated to the Board is of Equalization that he does not think tl the agricultural interest of the state ns will be able to stand an increased as seasment. A systematic search for oil is to be a made in the Vinton field and contracts n have been made for the drilling of t wells to the depth of 2200 feet. a Secretary Nagel of the Bureau of Commerce and labor has indicated that ( the New Orleans Immigrant Station r will be built, Commissioner Keefe to the contrary notwithstanding. t Harry C. Pulliam, president of the National League of laseball Clubs, committed suicide in his rooms in the New York Athletic Club on July 28th. The Summer Normal School at the Ruston Industrial, which has been op. crating for the past nine weeks, as have the other state Summer Normals, has turned out a class of 360. Several eases of glanders and one case suspected of charbon are reportd from Caddo Praish. It is reported that William Jennings Bryan proposes giving up his Nebraska home and removing to Texas, where he will entet politics in the Lone Star State. It is further reported that the Texans are not over enthusiastic at the news. A new typhoid serum is being tested y the U.. T pvewrnment rn soldiers at Fort Omaha and from the experiments spanic made it is reported as being successful. sian All the ministers of the Cuban cabi. Moo net have signed their resignations, were which will be presenited to Gen. Gomez Empi on his return to Havana. i Miss. A petition is being circulated in Mex- I ico requesting President Taft to ap-l Rans point ex-President Roosevelt as ambas- have sador to Mexico, to succeed David ioal 1Thompson who retires Jan. 1. ThW The Georgia Legislature has put a ville dollar tax on dogs, which is In addition plant to the municipal and county taxes on will, dogs. of D President Taft will leave St. Louis on ber c October 26, on his trip down the river Dr to New Orleans. He will be accom St panied on this trip by the governors of , thirty states, besides numerous con. vales gressmen and senators. mills t The dates for the Lakes-te-Gulf Deep Ci c Waterway Convention in New Orleans sect 5 has been advanced to Nov. 2, 3, 4 to espe t accomodate the President. Con The U. S. Naval Dock 'at New Or- oie v leans made a record for quick work stun n last week when the United Fruit Com- deve n pany's big vessel, the Parismina was A is docked and put in condition in one day. was The Parismina is a ship of 5000 tons edly ie and after she went on the doek was sent !- scraped, wire broomed and had two stit ie coats of paint applied. it h m According to a tabulated report is- T sued by the State Board of Health. of ro Louisiana has 2,033 physicians practic- wh )n ing, of which 707 are practicing in New the r- Orleans. Certainly the health rate of riv er the state ought to be in excelledt con- ani dition with so many guardians. -- the Sr- The fifteenth annual session of the Bie di- Mississippi Chautaupua closed at Crys Id, tal springs on July 29. The Colonial bank buikling, in Canp go are St., New Orleans was bought Thursday mi s., by the Times Democrat for $34,000 n are This buildidg the Colonial Bank bought a fall in 1905 from the Southetn Inslurance of the Co., paying for the same $75,000. The dairymen of St. Tammany par ard ish have organized at Covington under f ink the title of the St. Tammany Dsry- P1 ate uea's Protective Association, h as- Preparations are on foot at Jeaner- e' ette, La. for the parish fair and it is y be said that a magnificent showing will beli icts made of every variety of fruit, vege of table, cereal and cane grown in the state, ii of Rice harvest is being delayed in St. i that Charles parish oh account of the daily T tion rains. a to The Mexican Republic experienced n the worst earthquake in its history the a the morning of July 80. 'he city of Mex ubs, ico was considerably shaken and two the iall tcwns are said to be in ruins. r 8th. Orville Wright has made the govern the ment cross country test of his flying op* machine successfully, traveling from as Fort Myer to Alexandria, Virginia and nals, back without mishap. The trip, which was ten miles in length was made in one 14 minutes and 42 seconds traveling or srtd I dinarily about 200 feet above ground, but rising at one time to 500 feet. ,ings Dr. John Guiteras, the ren6owned yel raska low fever expert, who has occupied the re he position of chief sanitary eflicer in Ha Star vana, has resigned his post, giving as t the his reason that his department is so Lt the crippled by unwise reductions in ex penses that he is compelled to decline tested further responsibility for holding the is at jeve in he icik It "i announ'sd by the MNogan tamni- W I' ship lint that a new steamsh.p line ilI ie opened between Philadelphia, (al- Da vesto and New Qrleans, beginning as a freight iine solely, but to be expand-, Joly ed in a year or twQ into a tine passeMn- (;et yo gelr ervice between Havana, New Or- And leans and Galveston. They The summer vacation school inaugu- They rated this year among the public school T it childred of New Orleans has been a pronounced success and closed July 30 to the regret of scholars. Many use- The; ful things were taught the children, in- Withe eluding cooking, sowing, hat trimming, All One basket work, etc. The daily attendance One averaged 573 and over a thousand child- What ren were enrolled. I do Later reports from Barcelona, Spain, concerning the insurrection there are Road somewhat conflicting, the government Down t declaring everything quiet and that Thre business is being resumed by the peo. My c ple, whereas unofficial reports are to It led a the effect that the fighting continues That and that the revolutionists have taken Then t to the suberbs and outlying country Till and are spreading the trouble there. The pa Hopes are had that this present week And will see the end of the extra session of Where congress and the tariff bill enacted in- All t ,to a law. A fi A fearfully destructive fire occurred To.c last Saturday at Osaka, Japan, at To c which time twenty thousand buildings The ro were destroyed and many lives were ho lost. Among the buildings destroyed How are the banks, stock exchange, mu- The fic seum and government buildings. br Emperor Nicholas of.Russia, hid'Yjust He se finished a visit to France and has now As i gone to England to visit King Edward. The p The British steamer Waratah, bound The from Sidney, Australia, for London, England, is reported missing, She left Port Natal July 26 and had not been seen by any vessel since. The Waratah Ho fo is said to have 3,000 people on board. As The situation in Honduras is reported Over as approaching one of its regular crises. Over The first Presbyterian Church of Ov New Orleans, long known as "Dr. Pal- Sing mer's church," has called Dr. G. H. Fr Cornelson of Nashville, Tennessee, to Ho f fill its pulpit, which has been vacant W1 for many months. Til Rev. Wm. A. Barr of Lynchburg, The Va., has been called to fill tne pulpit of St Christ Church Cathedral, Whe Geo. A. Kimball, cashier of the Citi- Sp zens' Bank and Trust Co. of Charlotte, Ho I N. C., is reported as short in his ac- A counts by at least $1500. The Louisiana Field Trial and Ken- H iel Association held its first show at The the Fair Grounds on Sunday, August 1. More than 150 fancy dogs were entered UnF in the lists, covering toy dogs, sporting dogs, collies, Newfoundlands, setters, O ents spaniels, greyhounds dachshounds, Rus sful. sian wolf hounds and mastiffs. abi. More than a million feet of lumber ons, were lost in a fire that occurred at the )mez Empire Lumber Co.'s mill in Jackson, !Miss. on August 1. It is rumored that Congressman ex- Ransdell of Lake Providence, La., will An b have an opponent in the next congress )vid onal election in present State Senator J. W. Elder of Union parish, En The new levee being built in Iber t a ville parish in front of the Cedar Grove tion plantation and the town of Dorseyville, I on will, it is stated, cut off aboutone-thiai of Dorseyville affecting a large num uis on ber of property holders. rve Dr. Harvey Dillon, president of the M com State Board of Health, is in Mansfield, A s of DeSoto parish, investigating the pre - con. valence of typhoid fever in the lumber mills in that vicinity. Deep Charbop is reported from several rlens sections of the Parish of Lafayette, , 4 to especially in the 2d and 7th wards. No Considerable stock has been lost and SOr- orie young man is reported to have been work stung on the hand by a fly and to have Com- developed the disease in a mild form. si was A little girl of Assumption parish, e day was bitten by a dog suffering suppos tons edly from hydrophobia. The dog was tio Swas sent to New Orleans to the Pasteur In- H Stwo stitllte to determine whether or not it by it had hyrophobia, rt is- The body of Lieutenant Hugh Aiken ap lealth. of the U. S. Cruiser, North Carolina, a-l ractic- who was killed by a gas explosion on n New the cruiser while in Naples, Italy, ar ate of rived in New Orleans Sunday evening. pa t con- and was buri-d from Chris Church Ca. R thedral Monday evening at four o'clock, mi of the Bishop Sessums officiating. tCrys- .-__N Keep the rounds of the ladler . all Cimp good and stout. When you get to trim- te huraday ming fruit trees or .hunting worms' h 000 nests you don't want to fall and break co bought a leg. Things that snap under youal isance often take the snap out of you. If you want to know just how good a n under farmer a man is, go way back on 'his r place where few eyes ever rest and see how things are going on there. If Jeaner- everything is neat and shipshape there, Sit is you may depend upon it that the man i be is a good farmer, , vege- The best investment farmers can i in the make is in giving children a good start in life. But that doesn't mean a big , in SLt. farm and a pine money-outfit alone. Me daily They will need some help, some cour age, some hopefulness, much truthful erienced ness, clean hearts and pure minds con tory the siderable more than money. Of Mx-two Bad roads and scrubby stock go to to gether. The farmers who set out to lin-. have better stock set out at the same lovi- time to have better roads, better crops, i fying and more improvements and conven ag from iences on the farm. And in a neighbor i and hood where there are good roads, im made in proved stock and farms, we find a de aeing or-velopement of intellect and a fuller, eling or- better appreciation of life. feet. TARglNG Coa!U: In coating seed wrned yel- corn with coal-tar as a protection upied the against erows and blackbirds, put the or in Ha- grain into a pail and pour on enough giving as warm water to cover it. Add a tea ernt is so spoonful of tar to a peek, and stir well ms in ex- Throw the corn out on a sieve or in a : t decline basket to drain, and then stir in a few iding the handfuls of land plaster (gypsum). Do ,ot pour -the tar on the dr seed, !.,l'r THM it V 'C " AN " " a $ " i i " ", t t l.. t. I r .. to efnJt,' si~tT'. Daisy Baseball Club. nty.,nine so: "before. " . : to . Jolly bunch of Daisies, ..e ..nd hale l)resavd in blue and white break and ntt, Get your bats and balls, 11 It mnassle: And run with all your might. ne; may req, They are jolly fellows law. . uie, an Not afraid to loose, agement of ti They can make a home run be deemed ne A i t any team they choose. The domic "After." urn, Paris Sorry hunch of Daisies, Louisiana. an They're all mowed down shal be serve Withered by the sunshine, Bence on the All on the ground. 9t bulb 9t=w One had the 'tummy ache One a fore toe. What had the other ones;, The objectr I do not know. H. the nature ou - are declared Road to Orandma's House. struct. purcl Down through the meadow tail and one Where the sweetest violets grew. tin, one or There lay the happiest path and guaoline My childish fancy knew. water craft It led aicosr' the little stream transportati That babbled as it flowed, hire, and in Then wound flirough bush and ,nd towboar bramble , etvlces on Till it joined the traveled road. Mails, to p The path was lined with buttercups the operatic And dandellons gold, places on ri Where loitering children gathered upon the hi All their childish' hands could hold; foreign cou And fashiqned then a florial wreath, own. maint A wreath of love, they said, ink elevatol To .carry up to grandma, . chase, lease t To crown her snowy head. place and :pany may The road that led to grandma's. I riman. my house! wharves. I d How fresh the memory e~ms; '" to cotitrut The flowers and birds and running loating do brUt' i vessels; tt ,Now fill ap old.mans dreams. eveitn'yse He sees again the aged form, things as As welcomini , she stands, for the w, i, The pati nt. gentle face .aglow, Any one o d The kindly, outstretched hands. suits abov -EMILY Hi. WATSUN. regard to • . forth. "n The Summer Rain. The Car ih Ho for the rain, the summer rain! declared i d. As it tinkles its silver bells i lars, replr jd Over the meadows rich with grain, par value Over the shady dells; . ' SiShares sh Over the hills where cattle graze, sonal ern of Over the dusty trees; ness just al- Sing for the 'raiif a song of praise,- Shares of S. Freshening. aliof these. There to Ho for the rain; the summer rain! tion shal lit Where little seeds thirsting lie, of Direct Never to waken to life again whom sh Till its twinkling bells go by. Five Hu rg, The farmer hoeing the parching corn corporat of Studies the sky in vain; constitu When lo! on his face erst so forlorn I Paulit Splashes the wecome rain. v. Scur te, Ho for the rain, the summer rain! Martesid ac- Alike in city and town; tager. J. For without the fields of rip'ning Scurich grain Manavn en- Humanity wears a frown. in any c at The farmer grieves and the mer- terming t 1, chant sighs; . tinue in For nothing prospers, it's plain, hereof I Unless earth is nurished by full months supplies er ., Of the welcome summer rain on ti -HELEN M. RICHARDSON. ginnins - eral me for the Toll And Repose. tle anti This day I toil bedeath the fervent er or h heat. - on the Of summer sunshine over laid so prior t man fair, bt the will And when my work is done, th complete, i I journey homeWard, free from o care; peP ' Enjoying all of evening's cooling sid ber- hours- h° rove Reposing from the toiling of CapIta the day; notice ill, I then lie down 'mid tidy bower, last k hii And sleep the pleasant night away. gIdver ilihed num- -LUTHER C. LINViLLE. t he Mary had a little bull, eld, Within te tpIr f wren t . And eVeiyutiere'th t May wo S He'chased her up a tree. poret 1 bats, - I by hi erall . LEGAL NOTICES. zi' tte, . . . -- . .ull rrds, Notice is Hereby'( Otven to All Whom It May Concern.V ince een Candidates for beneficiary scholar- by li fr ship furnished by this .parish for the lnce a Louisiana State University will present' .me then*iselves for competitive examina- a ws tion at the Courthouse at Pointe-a-la- nor ur In- Hach'e, before the commniittee apJpointed s not it by the Police Juryrr'nlAuguat 11, 1909, this at 9 a. m. For further information inn ken a ply to EDWIN C." I OHN, Pointe- ot oina, a-la-Hache, La. afti ion 11 Notice. 1 .dre y ar, A free scholarship to Tulane.. For ic ving. particulars apply to SIMON LEOPOLD rtis c Ca. Representative of the Parish of Plaque- me . 'cock, mines, Phoenix, La. . tio I Notice of I'eachers' Examination. " e all For the convenience of the 3500 mt ttm- teachers who are attending the State mc orim Summer Schools examinations wil' be sh orms' held at each.of the Summer Schools for i h rreak colored teachers July 8, 9, and 10, anda r you at each of the Summer Schools for white teachers, except T'ulane, July -29; 30, and 31.' Tulane will hold its ex- th' ,gdd a amination August 12, 18. and 14. Cer-th o tificatesissued as the result of these S'his .examinations will be accepted without Or an see question by the undersigned. r" 'e If The next regular exasmnination will be er Sthere, held in this parish August 26, 27. and dh e man 28, at Pointe-a-la-Hache. Personsh manwishing to become eligible to hold the i' office of parish superintendent should iR era can report to the undersigtned or to the State Superintendent August 28. s start EDWIN C, KOHN, I a big Parish Supt. rlone. ....- ..-- i cour- CIIAR'IER. tthful- UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. STATE OF ds con- LOUISIANA, PARISH OF i'LAQUEMINE-. TOWN OF BURAS. BE IT KNOWN. That on this 31st day of the gO t o month of July, in the ytr of Our Lord. One t ut to Thousand Nine Busdilg and Nine. h same BEFORE ME, Ernest Alrti. a Clerk of Court e and Ex-OfRcio Reeorde·r, dly commisaioned and : rcrops, qualifld. in and for the Paish of Plaquemines. oonven- State of Louisiana, aforesaid, therein residing and nihbor- inthe presence of the witniesca hereinafter named I Sim- and ur.dersigned, I, d a PERSONALLY CAME AND APPEARED. the Sa de-1 several persons whose names are hereunto sub Sfuller, scribed who declare, each for himself, that avail irg themselves of the provtsio:s of the laws of : this State. relative to the organization of corpora- , ig seed- tions for the objects and pc;.oses hereinafter potection mentioned, they have covinanted and agreed and put the do by these presents, coavenat, and agree to bind themselves to and with ech other. as well as such n eogh otheraaA hereafter become astociated with I I a tea the tkifen asld constitute a corporation and I itir welL body pgric In law for the objects and purpose or i nn a a e tr the stipultons and cornditions as set 'n a few forth in the follboring articles, to-wit; ARTICLE 1. ss). Do The name and title of this corporation shall be ed. Id trr W Ot COAT EClu.El A GROW iJ.: . lhA : ,'4 ' i H,, 16· tL.· I a n.. ,. . P ttL.,t .. 1,.,: i,, .r 1.." |~.t., .: .º t',PROF to eneht', MU 'c,,s L :, i .t.. i . . ' ",' ,' fr a i.. ,i ~f pinty-nine year iroi n dr, afti s I 1.I datl' '' ! th' ý pit l.ts: toc.'ot erst sutanid be suWe. tw io.' e. N u e and bahe t e* ,ri 'rate .wal antl the tilne to break and alter at plea Oar,'. to name and appoint AX11" lt h manangsers, directors and officers as Its busi- 40)7 M ntts may require. and to make and establish such l)istrict Al law*. .uies and regulations for the proper man agement of the affairs of said corporation as may P u be deemed necessary. UflieC Hou ARTICI.E II. The domicile of this corporation shall be in JJ Surme, Parish of Plaquesmti , in the State of JUST Louisiana. and all citation and other legal process ' shall be served on the pseident. and in his ab- St. Clair I sence on the Vice-President. and in the absence (',olpetiolt 9p butl 9f said officers, then on the Secretary. ARTICLE III. - The objects and purposes for which this corpor- JOfl ation is created, established and organized, and the nature of the busw se to be carried on by it AT are declared to be, to lsae. hire. charter, con- 19 Carol struct. purchase and own and to man,equip.main- r tain and operate for sea. coast and inland naviga- (' L tion, one or more steamship, sail vessels, steam Practisce and gasoline boats, towboats, barges and other water craft of whatsoever description, for the J A transportation of passengers and freight, for hire, and in the performance of a general lighter- Al and towboat business, and rendition of salvage services on water; to transport United States Mails, to purchase. own, maintain and operate N ferry boats, and to do and perform and carry on the operation of water craft upon and between places on rivers, lakes. bays and other waters, and upon the high seas, and to ports and places in own. maintain and operate dredges, scows. float ing elevators and pile drivers; to acquire by pur chase, lease or otherwise, ware houses, landing places and wharves as the buasiness of this com pany may, require; to improve navigation on In thes rivets. liayuus and other waters; to construct wharves, landing places asd facilities for vessels; 1,(H) to construct, maintain and operate drydocks and article floating docks suitable for building and repiring these 1' vessels; to build,. rebuild and repair vessel article everyldescription; and to do such other act,; and Stilt things as may be useful, necessary or convenient suit .f for the welfare and business of said company. may t Any one or more of the purposes, objects or pur suits above mentioned may be carried on without Sregard to carrying on the other qbjects set Sforth. f. ARTICLE IV. The Capital Stock of this corporation is hereby declared to be in the sum of Fifty Thousand 1ol lars, represented by Five Hundred Shares of the par value of One Hundred Dollars each; which S'Shares shall be paid for in cash, property or per i sonal service. This corporation shall begin busi ness just as soon as Three Hundred and Sixty - Shares of Stock are subscribed for. ARTICLE V. The general corporate powers of this corpora tion shall be vested in and exercised by a Board of Directors composed of seven .parsons, each of whom shall at all times own and hold not less than I Five Hundred Dollars of the Capital Stock of this rrn 'corporation. The following named persons shall constitute the first Board of Directors, to-wit;: NW 01 rn Paul Zibilich, Paul F. Renaud, J. B. Fasterlini., V. Scurich. P. Cu.elich. P. Paretto and John Martello, of whom Paul Zibilich shall serve as President and Paul F. Renaud shall serve as Man- - ager, J. B. Fasterling as Vice-President. and V. Scurich as Secretary-Treasurer. The General Manager shall be eligable to serve at the one time in any other official capacity the Board may de termine. This Board and said Officers shall con tinue in office for a period of one year from date hereof and shall meet at least once every three I months, Cou AIRTICLE VI. On the first Monday in August of each year. be- And P N. ginning with the year 191 ', there shall be a gen- 21 eral meeting of the stockhoklers to elect diretors I for the ensuing year. Each Share of Stock shall be entitled to one vote by the last registered own nit er or his proxy. But no share shall be transferred on the books of 'this corporation within ten days l prior to such meeting. Failure tohold such elec tion shall not cause a forfeiture of this Charter. but the last elected Board shall hold over until 1 their suessors are duly elected. A special meet i ija of the Stockholders may be calleed for any put pppw upon *ritten reieat at two members of the SBard of DireCtors or upon such remuett of Stock holders owning and holding two-thluds of the T. Capital Stock of this cEdrporation. dter ten dY. a notte of the time of such maetins Is mailed tio the i it rt known address of. each stockholder, pat an way. advertisement of the time hf such mnseCstp 9ob SUshed in an establshey newspaper at tbe donile E. of the company, at let t. h days prior to ae time fixed therefor. ARI(LE. VE g. to~pon khsbl rje owrbe helr, lable " ponslble for the'cntracta or fault of this cor poration in any further sum than the unpaid _-_-- balance due to the Company an the Shares owned I by him: nor shall any mere infoimality in orgahi •ation have the efect of rendering this Chatrter - null or of exposing a Stockholder to any liability beyond the amount of his stdck. b SAll ARTICLE VIII. • The Capital Stock of this corporation may be incrdased or decreased in the manner provided for Cholar- by law of this State, and this Charter, or Act of or the lncQrporation may be modified, changed or resent amenaled., or this corporation may be disolved by a . "-vote of two-thirds of the Capital Stock represent :aI~m " lat a meeting called for the purpose in the man e-a-la- ner provided for in article VI of this Act: or if pointed Stockholders holding two-thirds of the Stock of 1, )09, this corporation will not request such a meeting, S then, upon the request of the Stockholders hold [IlO a and owning a majority of the Shares of Stock P Pinte- of this corporation, such a meeting shall be called after notice of the time and place of such meet ing is mailed to the last known or registered ad 5dress of each Stockholder, and after further to * Fr 1y tice of the time and place of such meeting is pub LD itshed at the domicile of the Company, at least )YOLD toior times within thirty days prior to the said Plaque- meeting, and in case of disolution of this corpora tion. its affairs shall be liquidated hy three Com. 'missioners selected by the Stockholders at the ntn meeting which decides ypop the said liquidation. atios I In the event of the death or inability of one or e 3500 !-more of sai4 liquidators to semrre. the remaining - - e liquidators or liquidator shall continue to act and o hil for i shall complete the liquidation. 010 and The undersigned set opposite their respective 10, for names the amount or number of Shares of Stock i. Jul , aubecribed for by them respectively. and the said ,. t ex subscription as so set forth to stand for and as Sit Cer- the subscripion list as required by law. these Thus done land.passed at my office in the town Stheseout of Burap. Parish of Plaquemiles. on the day. Smonth and year first above written in the pres ill be ence of Paul Ballevcrio and George Col!in. both of 27ill be this town, and competent witnesses, who have 27r, and hereunto signed their names with the said ap ho the p crarrs and me. Clerk of Court and Ex-Oflicio it should Reiorder, after due reading. PAUL F. RENAUD. i r t the PAUL ZIBILICH, J.. B. FASTERLING. OHN, VINCENT SCURICH. hsh Supt. JOHN MARTELLO. PETER CUCEILICH. PAUL, PARETTO. Stckhoglders. STATE OF PAUL BALLEVERO, JR.. U[EMINES., GEORGE COLLIN,. Witnesses. day of the ERNIJST ALIBERTI. Lord. One Clerk of Court and Ex-Officio Recorder. Recorded Parish of Plaquemines. orn this trd i *k of Court day of Augt::t, A. D.. IiA, in Book 3. No. 2. Folio iseined and 34. et seq. of Conventional Mortgages of this [au amines. Parish. rdiding and i GEO. V. GROLEAU. after named, Deputy Clerk of Cougt and Ex.Officio Recorder. 7--7-14-21-28.8--4-'1118.25. :ARED. the ---- -- erreunto sub- The State of Louisiana, Parish of I thatans ovai Plaquemines. t of corpora- , Twenty-Ninth Judicial District Court. No. 741. a hereinafter Succession of Valery O. Fchayot. agreed and Noutice is hereby given to the Creditors of this arree to bind Estate. and to all other personm herein interested, . wellassuch c to show cause within ten daya f:om the present sooated with notification (if any they have or can) why the ac popation and count presented by Emily A. Schayot, ad mnd purposes ministrator, bshould not be homologated and the tiocns as aset funds distributed in accordance therewith. ; By Order of the Court. GEO. V. GROLEAU. tion shall be Deputy Clerk of Court. i. G R ROW-' Parish of Plaquemines. Aug. 2. 1909 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. N. ti. NUNIV., A'1'TTO)N lY-A'T- I AW. 407 Mb rris Bildg.. j;" , : :4', i)istrict Attorne, for the parish ". o; Plaquemnines and St. Bernard. I tice Hours 10 to 12 a.m. Phone M, ?e37' JULIUS STIRACK, JUSTICE or TlHE PEAC'E St. Clair Plantation, English 'l urn P. 0U. Coe.e'tioni anid Other Legal BeU.IA's promptly attended t1, I JOHtN. DYMOND, Jr. ATTORNEY-AT-,LAW. 3:19 Carondeltht Street. New Orleuis CIVIl, LAW A SPECIAL.TY' Practice in State and FeIdcral Courts. JAS. WILKINSO( N, ATTOI~NEY-AT-LAW 137 Carondelet St. Fourth Fltoor I NEW ORLEANS, LA. Take Elevaltor. ;An Ad i In these columns will he read by S10,000 people. It' 'you have an n' ,article of merit and any one of these 10,000 pIeople need such an :farticle a sale is the natural re nt Isult of tell them where the same "i may he puschased. ur- I When You Need Plows or Cultivators, Buggies or Surries, Wagons or Carts or An Automobile, see us or Write The John Deere Plow Company SNEW OILEANS, LA., 819-925 LAFAYETTE. Largest Implement and Vehicle House In The Southwest. Sa N Successor to Uni THOMA$ DOYLE IU Sa U Ue . ·Nor oo Phone Hemlock "t 1049. Country Business Slicited And Prtl At''d 'o Funeral Director and Embalmer 621-625 Elysian Fieldd Ave., between Ryal and Clhatres. 'ew Orleans, Louisiana • AleE. GRHBENHEIMER. the THE ONLY WHOLESALIE G ROCE e That employs no drummers and yet does a large. business and ig.,, always adding new customers, while retaining his old ones, a~d : WHY? BECAUSE! He knows the wants of the:Country Merchants He can qffordi Dina does give his patrons the benefit of ltýi re saving the'jixpen se of Drummers. He buys everything Or- direct and gives his strict personal attention to All Orders. pid He alwtAys gives Correct Weights; Measures and Quality, and ". All Goods are Sold with a Full Guarantee at 1 est Market eter Prices.. ity Write for prieb 'dr Samples, or Send your opet order, and be Fully Cotivinced. All Orders Promptly Executed. S'e HEADUARTERS 529-5S1 MAGAZINE ST. LONG DISTANCE PHONE 341. P.O. Box 1125. d for ct of Sor Jacob Funeral Directors of And Embalmers eting, hold Schoen Country Business Solicited called meet- And Promptly Attended to. er n pub- 519-527-549 Elysian Fields Avenues least e said ,rpora Corn. New Orleans, Louisiana daton. Phone, Hemtnlock 1001. minining ct and HEADQUARTERS FOR LOUISIANA ORANGES S JOHN MEYER, he said and a, (Formerly of Weinberger & Co.) own Prult and Produe and General Commission e ay. Merchant. bt re- 110 Poydras Street, New Orleans. La o have SEED POTATOES A SPECIALTY. KO-iCW Special attentior) given to produce shipments of all kinds. ID. Correspondence solicited, any reference furnished on alpplication. The First Consideration in Life Insurince is JR..l.NSECURITY jtnesSe3. T. he Equitable Life .. Foio Occupies a Pre-eminent Position as to Financiaj of this ,. STRENUTH iecorder . C. ELIDER FR-ANK I.. LEVY ish of Special Agent (leneral Agent, New Orleans, La .o. .: E. O, " ". B. (IORDANO, :.: terested., AGENTS FOR i present yot, d-. Brook's Improved Hand Pump th. he A most valuable apparatus ,or ,xtinguishing tires, spraying trees and watering gardens. koLEAU. ! Address: 0. E. & F. B. GiORDANO, Jesuit Bend P. O. La. o court.agents for Plaquemines. St. Bernard. Orleans & JeTetrson Parishes inia..., "i l l. maiX well S ll Crockery (ilia..,- asre, 108.10 ?azine St NEW ORLEANS Notice! The Launch Standard will leav%. fo,t of Ursuline' stre.t New Orleans, ev,.ry Tuesday and FridJ:y at 6 o'lock p. in. Will receive freight on Mondays and Thursdays from ; a.m. to 5.: N p. m., for all way landings betweenl New Orleans and Fo'rt laids, all orders promptly nttendl,l to. Ice dtliverc d at reR onablie rat. ~,r hunidrel or moi,.. DhEAIMAS & IlURAS. JO:;EPH t'LARK, Master v Murray Hill Club Whiskey '§ Yf1 I SOL LEVI,I Agent.