Newspaper Page Text
NOT FOND OF PIGEONS Mayor of Philadelphia Resent3 linter ference in His Efforts to Get Rid of Them. Mayor Rieyhbrn, who considers the city hall pigeons a nuisance, and would rid the building of the-m if he could, considers the efforts of the anti cruelty to animals societies to prevent the pigeons being driven out as med dlesome, and sometinmes waxes sarcas tic in referring to the socxieties. Recently, while the mayor was hold ing his daily chat with the newspaper men, several tire engines, with clang log gongs, came thunderinig tlown Broad street and around the city hall. The pigeons, evidently frightened by the gontgs, flew exeitedly around and around outside of the mayor's office on the north side of the building. As the whirr of wings swept through the roomn, the mayor exclaimed, half smniling, but with an attempt. at se riirlsnesds: "My! The fire engines :ire disturb ing they pigeons. Where is the Soci ety for the 'Prevention of ('rutlty to Aiutuals? Such a tritle as saving cit izens' property from bhumnirng should not he allowed to interfere with the peaice' of the pigous." --Phildelphia Time,. HIS CHANCE. "Hey, mister! Gimme a nicl:el an' I'll tell youse who trew dat peel down dere!" A Waste of Money. Flub-Reckless and extravagant-I? When did I ever make a useless pur chase? Wife--Why, there's that fire extin. guisjler you bought a year ago; we've never used it once. For Headache Try Hicks' Capudin. Whether from Colds, Heat. Stomach or Nervous troubles,. the aches are speedily relieved by Capudine. It's liUquid-pleas ant to take-Effects mmrediately. 10. 25 and 50c at Drug 1 tores. The Aid of Fashion. Ella-What would yo do if you actu. ally found a man under your bed? Stella--l'd drop my hat on him. DOCTOR AD VISED OPERATION CuredbyLydiaE.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Paw Paw, Mioch.--"I suffered tern blyfrom female Ills, including inflam. mation and conges tion, for several years. My doctor said there was no hope for me but an operation. I began taking Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegeta ble Compound, and I can now say I am a well woman." Ewa DRIunn. Another Operation Avoided. Chicago, Ill.-"I want women to know what that wonderful medicine, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pomiund, has done for me. Two of the best doctors in Chicago said I would die if I did not have an operation, and I never thought of seeing a well day again. I hada small tumor and female troubles so that I suffered day and night. A friend recommended Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and it made me a well woman."-Mrs. LhVaA ERTSNon , 11 Landon St., L lsE. fnkham's Vegetable Com pound, made from roots and herbs as proved to be the most successful remedy for curing the worst forms of tamale nll, including displacements, Inatmmation, flbrod tumors, frregu. .larlie periodic pains, backache, bear. tng.down feeling, flatulency, indiges. tio01n, anduervousprstatlon. Itcoste but a trihe to try it, and the result has been worth millions to manmy wuEaring women. S8kin Diseases disappear, the sting and smart and ItCehlla seasnuatlons that tor tore the vletim of these troubles vanash when you use RUNT'S CYRE la the form of a salve, easy to apply, one box will eure the morast obstfiate ease. If HUNT'S CURE fails yaour money will be heenr. flly retefaded. ThaLt's our pledle of eeasldeaee, our gusar antee that HUINT'S CITR will euro skla diseases. 5e. a box At All Drug Stores L 8. IClIutAN EDomICIE CO., Shenra Tans p S O's CURE ateed to coa no opiates It is very palatable oo-cbIrenlike it. Afl n g b ac IJI CULTURE OF RICE Staff of Life of Large Portion of Human Race. Demand for It Rapidly Increasing and Area for Growing Is Limited- One Important Thing Is Proper Drainage. The following article, which will be of interest. to both rice growers and those that live outside of rice-growing districts, was prepared by i. Irby for a recent meeting of the rice growers of .JPfferson county. Texas: Itice is the staff of life of a large part of the human race, especially of tihe class seeking a cheap, substantial lood. When merely hulled and not polished it is a perfect food; that is to say, has all of the elements neces sa;ry to sustain life, andl in piroportions that are well balanced a. a human food. The pol;i.hiug of rice mnakes it look better, keep better and hides the de fectivre grains, but adds nothing to its value as a food. butt, on the olther hand, makes it blss valuable, lor when polished lmiost of the nutrimient has been remloved, leaving plracticaily nothing but carbohydrates. The lopulation of the United States is now about 90,0i00,000 and increaslng at a very rapid rate. The demand for rice will increase enormously and the area for growing the crop is limited. Unlike wheat, oats, corn or barley, rice is profitably grown only in re stricted localities. In a general way a warm climate and low, flat land are necessary. The one important thing on a rice farm is drainage. It is more important than irrigation, as it is cheaper to not plant a crop than to make one anti lose it. There are two classes of rice, called upland and lowland, or rice that can be grown without irrigation and that which must have irrigation. The upland rice can be grown In rows and cultivated as is corn or sor ghum. The water rice Itonmt be sown broad cast as wheat, or any other grain, and be kept dry for three or four weeks and then have the water turned on. Some prefer to turn on the water and allow It to stay ai day or two, then draw it off for a few days, then turn it on, repeating the process two or three times. It is claimed that the rice forms better roots and stools or branches out better when treated thus. There are many varieties of rice In Japan, China and India, to say nothing of the other countries that produce rice. There are about 150 varieties in India, and the varieties in Japan and China number in the hundreds. The Chinaman cultivates about one acre, the Japanese three acres, the Hindoo about the same, the South Carolinian 25 acres and the Texan 125 acres. The Asiatic work is near ly all done by hand. They even go so far as to transplant their rice from plant beds to the field. This not only insures a good even stand, but saves time, for when the rice crop is plant ed possibly the rice land has some other crop on it that has to be har vested before they can plant the rice. The Japanese and Chinese make use of their rice lands for growing crops for the purpose of benefiting other crops and helping the land by rota tion. The Mexican rice growers fol low the same practice with profit. The Japanese grow the soy or soja bean after the rice has been harvested. This is a leguminous crop, and not only furnishes rich, nutritious food for man or beast, but enriches the soil to a wonderful extent by developing nitrogen in the soil from the bacteria formed on the roots. The soja bean Is a deep-rooted plant, and it pumps up from the subsoil potash and other mineral matter useful to the plant, and stores it on the surface, where the surface feeding rice plant can get it. The Chinese, Japanese and Hindoos have worked their lands from time immemorial, and are still producing very heavy crops. They have learned to rotate and fertilize, a lesson for the American, who often cultivates a farm for a few years until he has impoverished it and poisoned it with red rice, and then moves on to a new piece of land and begins the process of ruin and destruction again. We will fertilize the rice crops as do the Asiatics when land becomes dear and we learn more economy. It is generally conceded that it is only necessary to put on potash and phos phoric acid as a fertilizer. The nitro gen is not generally added, though it is reasonable to suppose that it is as necessary on a rice crop as it is on wheat or any other grain; how ever, no very extensive experiments have been tried in this country to prove this fact. The rice farmer should be careful ln buying his fertilizer to get one that contains sulphate of potash, as the other forms of potash absorb so much moisture in the damp climates where rice is grown that it is htird to get it through a drill or get it dis tributed. The common formula for Texas and Louisiana is 12 per cent. phosphoric acid and two per cent. potash, putting on about 150 to 200 pounds per acre, broadcast, with the fertilizer attachment, when the grain is drilled. The time will come when more will be put on to the acte or the percentage of available phosphoric acid and potash will be increased. The lertilizer will not benefit the rice as imuch as it would other crops, as it is to soon covered with water, and it is a recognized fact that fertilizers do iot do so well in a very dry season or on lands covered with water. Don't Neglect Potatoes. Don't neglect your potato crop. It may be a small patch and you may fig ure on raising only enough for your >wn use, but there is no harm in hav ing a hundred bushels or so for sale. rhey may bring a good price next winter. The United States has been mporting thousands of bushels this rear because last year's crop was wholly inadequate to supply the de nand. It is not likely that potatoes will be very cheap this fal CO-OPERATION IN EN-!ND Carried On On Colossal Scale and Has Been Tremendous Success from the Very Beginning. ConteaJplditi:n of the magnitude or co-opera-tive uerlchandising in England alnmost staggers one. Co-operative stores are counted by the thousands there, and ,,ac(h one is a unit in a stu pendotis whole. Years ago the then comparatively fow local co-operative stores combined to establish a whole sale, from which they could draw sup. plies fromn first hands without paying outsidle intermediaries any profits. The movement was successful from the start, though the beginning was small. To-day that central establish ma'nt, owned absolutely by the local co olperative associations, is doing a business of over $300,000,000 a year, and muiir of the merchandise it sells is co-oplerativ\'ly manufactured!' This system virtually makes pro d(ier' and 'consumer one, and the en tire profits of the business go to each in lproportiotn to his contribution to the Iusines. The tremendous eha.-'m behtween producer and con suiner. which costs so Inuten to cross in this c(ountry, is unknown in Eng land. So are mail order houses- those monsters that terrify the souls of our country retailerls-unknown there. The re is no place for them among the comniion people of Eng land, and as well managed co-opera live stores increase here there will be l-'ss and 'ess lpicrkings for mnail order houses. Every retailer wno makes of his store a c 0-operative unit is doing nmoret It emllliarrass big mail order horses than a score of retailers can do by denunciation of such houses. or trying to destroy them by legislation, and as a rule, retailers are quite as antagonistic to co-operative stores as to mail order houses. Yet one or the other will eventually do the major part of the distribution of merchan dise. KEEP RATS AWAY FROM MEAT Arrangement of Timbers with Metal Disks at Each End Will Serve Pur pose in Satisfactory Manner. Thoste who have been bothered with rats and mice eating the salt or smoked meat will find the described device inexpensive and highly satis factory. Two-inch timbers or poles are placed across the smokehouse in the usual manner and the hams and sides hung on them with strings. Round disks or pieces of galvanized iron or tin are cut about ten inches in diameter and placed on each end of the hanging bars as shown. A hole is made in the center of the tin for the bar and the disk is then cut Keep Rats Away. from one side as shown to the center. It is then placed over the bar and bent until slightly cone-shaped, with the rounding side away from the meat. Do not make the disks fast. Leave them loose but so arranged on the hanging bar that they will not fall. They should be placed about six inches from the ends of the bar. Rats or mice cannot pass the disks to reach the meat. Any old can will do for these disks. HOOK FOR HOLDING FOWLS Very Convenient Device to Be Used in Plucking and Is Cheap and Easy of Construction, C. K. Graham of the Storrs station in Connecticut has devised a convent. ent hook for holding towls for pluck How Hook Is Made. Ing. The hook is illustrated herewith, The bar A-B is of quarter-inch iron one inch wide and 18 inches long, with a split three inches long and about three-quarters of an inch wide at each end. A five-inch arm FP is riveted to A-B 1 inches from D, making the dis tance from 4 to E about 15 inches and providing for fowls too small to spread from A to B. The staff C-D is of half inch round iron 18 inches long with a shoulder at D and riveted on the under side of A-B, so that the latter will twing freely. Work of Colleges. I believe that the agricultural ecol leges are doing a great work in that they are teaching the diversity of crops that canl be produced in the dif ferent sections. The agricultural col. lege is one of the factors in turning the tide of people toward the country. I think the teaching bf domestic science here is important. I think it is a refection upon their country that we spend more than forty times as much in preparation for war as we do in developing the things the farmt ers are interested in.--William Jen ningst Bryan. Celery Needs Water. Celery needs lots of water. If water cannot be applied to the plants abrti ticially, cultivate so as to constantly keep a dust mulch to hold the mois ture. Do not cultivate celery plants when they are wet with dew or rain. Good Water Necessary. One of the most important considera, tions of the farmer should be the wall ter supply, both for the household al d for the animals. A GREAT ANNOYANCE. Kidney Disease Shows Many Painful and Unpleasant Symptoms. George S. Crowell, 1109 Broadway, Helena, Mont., says: "I was trouble-d with a disordered condition of the kid neys, some backache and irregular pass ages of secretions. At times I was obliged to get up out of bed / at night, and the urine was unnatural " in appearance. On the advice of a friend I procured Doan's Kidney Pills and began using them. This remedy helped me at once, strengthened my kidneys and corrected the disordered condli tion." ltemember the name-Doan's. Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. NOT WORKING THIS SEASON. "There used to be a wonderful echo here, I unders:tand." "Yes, sir, marvelous. IBut last year one of the tourists insulted it and now it 'wonlt't answl'r." HUMOR BURNED AND ITCHED.' Eczema on Hand, Arms, Legs and Face-It Was Something Terrible. Complete Cure by Cuticura. "About fifteen or eighteen years ago eczenma developed on top of my hand. It burned and itched so much that I was compelled to show it to a doctor. lie pronounced it ringworm. After trying his different remedies the disease increased and went up my arms and to my legs and finally on my face. The burning was something terrible. I went to another doctor who had the reputation of being the bist in town. lie told me it was eczema. His medicine checked the advance of the disease, but no further. I finally concluded to try the Cuticura Remo dies and found relief in the first trial. I continued until I was completely cured from the disease, and I have not been troubled since. C. Burkhart, 236 W. Market St., Chambersburg, Pa., Sept. 19, 1908." ottler Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Props., Boston. As St. Louis Lawyers Talk. Circuit Judge Reynolds had an nounced that he would hear jurors who had excuses to offer for not serv ing, and a dozen American citizens crowded up to the bench to tell their troubles. Their excuses were as varied as those who were bidden to the feast that the bible tells about. One had an important engagement and another could not hear very well, and another had sickness in his fam ily, and another had duties to per form which nobody else on earth could perform, and another was going on a journey. And so it went. The last man in the line wanted to be let off because he was a German. He might have been excused if he had not presented his excuse wrong end forward. "Judge," he said, "I can't understand good English." "Oh, you'll do all right," said the judge. "There is no good English spoken in here."~-St. Louis Post-Dis patch. They Didn't Have to Change. During the years in which our pure food laws have been put into effect there has been a great hurrying and scurrying on the part of the food man ufacturers to change their methods to make them conform to the law. The Quaker Oats Company is a con spicuous exception. It was admitted that Quaker Scotch Oats was as pure and clean as possible and that it was an ideal food. It is so cheap that any one can af ford it and so nourishing that every one needs it. The result of last year's experiments at Yale and other points where food values were tested is that Quaker Scotch Oats has been adopted by many persons as their food on which they rely for adding vigor and endurance of muscle and brain. This splendid food is packed in the regular size packages and in hermet ically sealed tins. The latter espe cIally adapted to hot climates. 4 She Took a Pair. "lHow much are these shoes?" asked the lady who had the reputation of being a keen sihopper. "Those shoes are not for sale," re plied the salesman, who had sonme thing oi a reputation, too; "we're giv ing them away with every pair of shoe laces at $3.50."--Judge. Identified. Police Sergeant.-Can you give me a description of the person who ran over you?" "Oi can that. Hle had on a fur coat an' an autymobile cap an' goggles." Shake Into Your Shoes Allen's Foot-Ease. the antiseptic powder. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It Is a certain cuire for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Alivays use it to Break In new shoes. Sold by all) Druggists. 25e. Trial package malled Free. Address Allen S. Olmsted. Le.ttoy. New York. Country husbands are better trained than town husbands. Ever see a town husband carry a baby on the street? If Your Eyes Bother You get a box of P'ET'TIT'S EYE SALVE. old reliable, nmost successful eye remedy made. All druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. Do God's will as he makes it known to-day, and to-morrow will take care of itself. Beoause of thu1s ugly, igrllty, sray hairs. Uoe "LA GREOLE" HAIR RESTORER.o PRICG, S1,0O, retail. /STARTLING NEWS. Old Skinflint-Here, boys, what's this you were shouting? "Great swindle--60 victims!'" I can see noth ing abtout it in the paper. Sharp Sam--That's the swindle; you are the sixty-first. PAINT FAULTS. It is a .common occurrence nowa days to hear a man remark with dis gust: "It is impossible to have good painting done these days; either the paint is not good or there are no good painters." ''This. however, is not true. There is good paint, and there arc good painters. But the (lilestion is, bringing them together. One cannot expect a satis;factory painting job without pure white leal. There is a way to make sure you are g(etting pure white lead without test ing it. See that the keg bears Na tional Lead Comlpany's famous Iutch Boy Painter trademark, which is a positive gualranltee of purity. lowever. anyone can test white lead. National leoad C('ompalny. 1902 Trinity Illlg.. New York ('ity, will send you a lead it ster and painter's outfit, consisting of book of color schemnes, specifica tions, etc., upon request. Changed Farm Life. The dliill silence that hung over that New England dinner table has ,been lifted of late. It is gone like the l]ew in the s1unlight of the new social influenc-es. The isolation of the farm was the chilling cause that drove men into the cities. Now, by telephone and free mail delivery, all the warm world currents are being carried to the c(ountry and are vitalizing the ru ral commulmlnity into a life that is rich and alibundant in the variety of its in terests. A real heart hunger has be1en answered. Over hill and down dale flashes thel impulse that electr'i ties existence with tile thrill of hlulan life touching other human life.-le lineator. Mars the Next Field. There are many who will part from the north pole with regret. All their lives it has seemed the one unconquer able salient of nature's fortress, the very synonym of the impossible goal of human endeavor. With the pole itself succumbing, the world is no longer the same, and everything seems within the realm of mortal achieve ment. We must now think of talk ing with Mars with more respect. T'rhe professor's mirrors may prove any day a relity. BTATrE or Onio ('nT nP TOLtkOO. LucAS ('ort'TY. f as. FRANK J. CHEiEY makes oath that he Is senior eartlner of the firm of F. J. CIENE:Y & C(o.. dolng sine. in the City of T'olhdo. v tOl.ty arnd State aforontsaid. arid that aidd firm will pay the umr of ONE IHUNDRI'ED D1OLL.AI.L fror each and every a@se of t'ATAmII that runnit be cured by the use of H-ALl's CATArrluI ('l'urtE. FRIANK J. CIIENEY. Sworn to before ne and stubterlb'd In my l)resenc, this (;ti day of Decenetvr. A. D.. 1886. SEAI NoTAY PULIC. Hall's atarrh .Cur- is taken Internally and acts directly upon the blood and murcous surfaces of the system. Idenld for testimonrlla t, ree. F. J. CIIENI:Y & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by all Drtruglsts. 75ce. TJake Hall's Family P'lls for constloetion. Snake Story. "Before he went fiishing," said the town story-teller, "he swallowed 'bout a pint an' half of snakebite rem edy, an' of course you know what that is? Well, after the snake bit him, the reptile cut all sorts o' capers, kaze the remedy went straight to its head. Last thing it tried to do wuz to swal ler its tail, an' it got itself in the form of a hoop, an' I'm a liar ef the chil dren didn't roll it around all day!" Atlanta Constitution. Rough on Rats, unbeatableexterminator Rough on Hen Lice, Nest Powder, 25c. I Rough on Bedbugs,Powder or Llq'd,25c. Rough on Fleas, Powder or Liquid, 24c. SRough on Roaches. Pow'd, 15c.,Liq'd,25e. Rough on Moth and Ants, Powder, 25c. 1 Rough on Skeeters,agreeabletouse,25c. E. S. Wells, Chemist, Jersey City, N. J. - Good Roads Mean Money. Th people need to be educated to the fact that money spent for good roads is not money thrown away, whereas money spent for makeshift improvements is worse than thrown away.--olisville Courier-Journal. For Colds and Gripp-Capudine. The best remedy for Grlpp and Colds is Hic-ks' ('apudlne. Relieves the aching and fteverishnIess. Cures the co'ld--Headaches also. It's Liquid-Effe-,ts Immediately--10, 26 andIS0c at Drug Stores. As the rose breatheth sweetness from its own nature, so the heart of a benevolent lan produceth good works.-- l)odsley. Tfamlin. Wizard Oil in over fifty years old and. like an ol friend. it c'aIn" lIe de penrded upon just ;s surely as the family doctor who may he miles away. The spiritualistic medium tinds no hidden trelasurt, except in the lIockets of the credulous living. WlY S4IP'Elt FRIOM A ('OLD) i wheitn few dropsof 'Perry tavis'I I'ainkillhr sak,-n prormptly in y ln'e hot wahler or mlr k will irt've't it'? LnZ' c,3&'cand ic t tle,. At all The devilish thing about worry is that it never counts on G(od's hell). Mrs. Wlnalow's Soothing Syrup. For chlldrtn teething, softeuns the gums, reduces In. flammation, allays pailn, cures wind colic. 25e a bottle. The true Christian does a great many things he does not have to do. T''he shadow of a trouble is olften blacker than the trouble itself. Dr. PIerce's Prlieatrt I'ell-ts regnlate and invipgi orrtc (r stomach. livr and bowels. Sugar-c·.oatred tify granneh. Easy to take ais candy. No man can pray right while he lives wrong. Fortune Telling Does not take into con. ideration the one essential to worn. en's happiness-womanly health. The woman who neglects her health is ncelecting :ic t very foundation of all good fortune. For without hca!th love loses its lustre and gold is but dros,. Womanly health when lost or impaired may generally he ' regained by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescriptiun. This Prescription has, for over 40 years, been crsing delicate, weak, pain. wracked ' uvomen, by the hundreds of thousands ---- and this too :n the privacy of their homes - i'lthout their havin, to submit to indell. cate questionings and offensively repua. Want examinations. Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce hv letter free. All correspondence held as sacredly confidential. Address World's Dispen-" ry Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, MI. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. DR. PItaci.'s GIr G I:A m FAi Dimo:TO R ooM, The People's Common S: Medical Adviser, newly revised lip-to-date cdition--1000 pages, answer, : Plain English hosts of delicate questions which every woman, single or manrltid ought to know about. Sent free, in plain wrapper to any addres, on rcceir,; oi 21 one-cent stamps; to cover mailing only, or in cloth binding for 31 st-:,p ;s. ------ -- "- -- - . '' Why Suffer? . Are you one ofi lti m ipiiuails of women wio Suffer frot ltl lfe ale alill ll(.'lt ! 1!' ` º. t10,1!'! I,(' h [ <,', iil' Car lli. O n t e11, e rt r :i r 1 '11 11Ill\tir(',.i1, - i',,11 ,ll . for ljill \ lii. 1 ll il ll \ 11 0I' lll'l . it is h 'li:l klt ' contains not 1ar1it'l ll II ili.,,:'1licllts ' ld call be (dtQlt - ed oln ill ail1lost i1y case.. Ta CJ RD It Will Help You Mfrs. Charles Bragg, of Sw,,,yer. IM.. triel Ciarhli. She writes: '"cg au unnot tell how on Ih ('arlii ha i dne for me. Before I eg.Iani taking ('ardui I could not do a ,liv's wotrk. I would work awhile and lie down. I shall alwayls give praise to your medicine." 'Try ('ardui. AT ALL DRUG STORES It has been proved beyond all doubt that P to SPotatoes ' need Potash in Sulfate form to produce sound, heavy tubers free from :;s scab and rich in the .tarchy elrments that makes the meal', well flavored potato that everybody likes and will pay a little more to get. Potash Pays Be asure aour commercial 'Crtili/e i., t~banced with at least 9 ~er cent. f Sulfate of Potash. T'w lb;. Sulats of Potash to each (X) lbs. of ,. fehrtduer increases the Potash total I p r cant. bend for Literature abolt oil crop(s. imanur's and firtilicrs--aom I;iled by expert. Mailed on rcqucst-rrce. . GERMAN KALI WORKS Atlanta, IGa.,1224 Candler Bidg. Chcalo, Mosaglock Black liie York.9i Nasssa St. ....-...u .......† A CERTAIN CURE FOR 50RE,WEAK & INFLAMED EYES. MITClVELIS SALVE MAKES THE USE OF DRUGS UNNECE5ARY: Price, 25 Cents.Dnavr tr. "' Foa Pink Eye. Eplzootln Sh DISTEMlppinP Fever i C& Catarrhal Fever Sare cre ad oltlivo preventive. no matter how hories at any ase are Infterted or r %'eposed." Li4uld. given on the tong'ue trsi on the alood an tiland,; ehltls the Srie,1] .oiiousorme tile bldy. Cures Distemper in Do. anid ibeep ad 'holera In oltry. LareSteelln liventock remedly. CLure ipe aong humarlp u llmn beinlgs and is a n ney Iem~i y. 6e anl1 i a nttle. 5sand 1Ol a dozen. ('ut this out. Keep It. Sho tOyor druggit, who ililgetit foryou. Free Booklet, "Dslteunper, Cauae and Cures." Bpeclal agents wanted. S SPOHH MEDICAL CO.. ,,. an GOSHEN, IND., U, S. A WHY M N DRINK USE DRUGS, AND HOW TO CURE THEM II W I F I itl N FWW l1(i(K T IELLS L . AI SO U'T IT, THE KEELEY INSIITUTE, 702 PARK AVENUE, HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Die t7 ltress from Dyspepsia, In digestion and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect rem PILLS edy for Dizziness, Nau Ssea, Drowsiness, had Taste in the Mouth, (Coat ed Tongue, Pain in the Side, TORIPID LIVEIt. They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. RTR Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature IVERp REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. This Trade-mark Eliminates All Uncertainly S in the purchase of ait minattri.,l. It is a i ab~,l::t gluar.tltte of p:r. ity and quality. F;or your own protection, e that it is on the sidh of every keg of white klc.t you buy. NATIOIAL LEAD COMPANY 1902 Trinity Building, New York PAKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clhamn. and beauifles the hair. Promotes a luxuriant gn'wth. Never Pallt to Restore Gray Bair to ita Youthful Color. Cres scalp diseases hair ftlling 0candp l 00 t Drugghista Wv. N. U.. MEMPHIS, NO. 40--1909. SPECIALS HUNTING FREE Steven's 22.Crack Rile, $2.95 »r t Johnson, single bariel gun; $3 12 or 16 aIug .................. $3 7 22 Winchester Rept. Rifle, $8.50 Sleven'a douIle barrel IHammer $11.85 gun; 1! pnre; 0O or 32 tuch... AeSJ IhIacr Hommenlrtsn dvut)le btrretl $ .4 gun; I 2 gauge; 0o inch ......... $ 14 .40 Sleven' Hammelese double barrl $15.85 gun; 12 gasge ................... $ . Baker Rate a Hllnmerless; 1' r 18.00 Iii gauge.:. "I ., r ~ ~l inch..... $1.S Wnrhester s lid fram Repeating 1$20.00 rht A gun; 1 e2 gu.. ............ Q. V (lune at all pric~. Write for cstrlalr e. With every gi'n at glO or over we give free a i(t15 Canvas Ha,ting Coat* Stat chest meauresrent. BOURNE & BOND, 1t Market t. LounIsvIIIe.Kv. 30 ft. Bowels Biggest organ of the body--the bowels-and the most important It's not to be looked after-neglect means suffering and years of misery. CASCARETS help nature keep every part of your bowels clean and strong-then they act right--means health to your whole body. til CASCARETS rb a box for aweek'i treat nient. All drunllstl B:ggest ,swller in the world - Million bozes a month. Just Lather and Shave NO STROPPING NO HONING KN( N THIE WORDI.I OVER DEFIANCE STARCH 111i ' I'tu "" U)" iU Thompson's Eye Water