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The Lower Coast Gazette. DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF THE LOWER COAST AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE. FISHERIES AND COMMERCE. VOUIME I. P()INTIA-AIIA iE, LA., SATURID)AY, ()("'TOlE' I 9, 1909. •11E 1. i ifh ....... .... ., =" ' ''..'" ';=.- -'Y--'--'1 --- ... -- "' .. ... ..... .... . ,., tlJl'FS, LOUISIANA STATE R NEWS PARAGRAPHS G Il STATE SENATOR MARTIN GLYNN Aino ADVISES FARMEPS TO SKIP dani ONE COTTON CROP. i/i d ball flHic PLAN WOULD IMPROVE LAND ,-i iung "'Hog and Hominy" Talks Are Grow- del s ing in Popular Favor-Rotation of most Crops and Improved Methods of Star Farming Will Increase Yield. San far . , Ita Id . - ; I r ,: ., r C, ' Ml \artil a abut (;hlnn uif a' nin' ' Cln !i. s issued asyl ;it) 1ddr,; 1 4h illu , of Pointe l (t, (, iltu.ll' i . ilL l'fon' llll to ill th I' he vIr difThe rr rnii g f th ln n;il " ' c V' r 10' , 1 0 tho , f l litr t i e ": uii li' df t hi nIll i y kill :li few \.' . .. It, l ilr ai ,i, dlh i(,, il tl hn1,'f Lu ht h,'L v h':ý i it r (ýiDtý li T'he'i what are wt. to lit? (;ivi' up b Iht cuiltivatior iof the' g'etesl trO and mi earth, a crop that l h.l v,I o'lhl mustl i ihar, .it all ! ie ; ll 'W, lltih l i', coi l et sianlptiol of aoiltol ilrcti ;huitu , i l ad the product ion ,Iereaising, shall we abandon this great industry? if we i follow the o.calledl cil' oral methods t we will onlly lprolong ilhe st rugglp and will all 'go broke.' We liOst arise to the emnrgerll y and ii1'1, it. There it .are brighter hopet for Pointe ('ottpeo ere Ithan we iever ilreai.el of, but we esr mnust hot plilli ai hill of (cl.ot ii next an year. Planit canei', irice, (cornl or1' al ny ilhinig but cotton. and Iv all llimeans keep ill) your orga nizationli alnl keep stir your labor. evlen if you hlie to make to somie .-acritlie to do so. Hold on to your land; do not throw it away. inu it few years it will be worth as luchto` or more than it ever was We can $( 1 .aord to miss a crop ever v Ihird year, got .or evven every secoltd yeai', atld then nei 0do as well anllld miakli as much (cotton ed lit tell years as we have planting ed. cotton year after year o(t the same ;landi. The ytears in wnic! we plant no cotton we should pilu our lands in corn anil pe'as, and by following this course we will ha:ve our land in Ba Adich shape as to itmae;" as mulch or th twice as much to the acre as thel pr( siiake in other states.' ev thi Farmers Urged to Raise Hogs. lni Bastrop.-A large assemlbly of cii- O izens greeted ('ongresslman J. E. b Ransdell and other speake(r; in their th campaign of "hog anti hominy," en drainage, diversification of crops and fte eradication of the boil weevil. Pt'- th pie came by 'train and in buggies a he distance of sixteen to eighteen miles vi from Mer Rouge, Oak Ridge, Bonita wl and ('ollinston. This tieeting will unquestionably be productive of muchll ca good to the farminlg inleiests of this parish. th The meeting was pre.,ided over by h Dr. W. R. Russell of Oak Ridge, who hd introduced the speakers. The hours of the meeting in the forenoon were from 10 to 1U and the afternoon from a 2 to 5. llMr. Ranadell handled the B qluestlon of hog and hlininy in an able and convincing mlanner, showing It had been Inquired into. uirging the farmers to so conduct titeir farm.s as to produce their ownI hams at 6 to 8 cents, Instead of paying 18 to o20 (ents, and their treaklasl bacon L at 8 to 10 cents, insie':d of paying o0 27, as they now do. ti He stated that ioIther earth never ti r'ears out, but it take, diversitica- tI tion yearly to make it productive to n its full extent, giving staristics show- F ing that while down south Ilands pro- g duce an average of 13 1-2 bushels of 9 r'heat per a,'re, in England and Ger- r many, after continual cultivation of a 2,1100 years, it yet produces 21 and c :'0 bushels, respectively, denoustrat- a ing that all live fromnt earth produc- t 1ion and that the formation of the c sustenance of life for every human t being comes front the :soil. -luilnan life would be'nime extinct I If the mistaken idea weret- true tlhat 't lands eventually become tori poor to cultivate. Hie urged rotation, plant ing cotton, theln corin an:ld pe:s anti oats in the fall. hlogs cain be raised al 3 cent; per pound andl are selling now at 7 1-2 cents in 'Sew Orieans. He then a;skedtl, "Does that pay?" He does not advocate abolitiota of cotton raising, but of less coteon and more ctorn and other commodities. He i closed with an appeal to reduce alle giance to "King Cotton" and give mnore to cattle and corn iraising and to "King Hog anid IHomniny." Two Charged With Murder. Leesville.--.lack Erwin and Berry Mitchell, residents of HIorribeck, have been arrested and charged with the mnurder of Charles F. McGee, town marshal of Hornbeck and deputy sheriff of Vernon parish. II is claim Ed that the oficer's efforts against illicit whiskey sellers may have led to his death. His residence was burn ed, and it is believed the fire was of incendiary origin. Parish Superintendent Chosen. Houma.-The school board, in ses sion at this place, broke the dead lock as to the school superintend i ency of the parish by electing Prof. J. 31. . Foote parish superintendent, vice Isaac Daspit, who did not qual ify. The salary was fixed at $135 S per month. Mr. Foote will be per S ,mitted to continue as principal of the Terrebonne high school for a month, in order that the board may have time to sec-re another prlncipal in " lel REPAI)1NG STORM DAMA+E. ., Governor Sanders Authorized to E~. pend $100,000 Fund. Batonl Ra~nu,..---t :1 a , w."n; of the in(llul :, Of I l i(. : 1 1 w of li ;i-ll da it(a 0(; ' t l :l' t t.a 1a tI er'- O iz 1d to i;(tt'i'w iriml tihe lis:'ag11 t llt banks of loute ianli:it ;1ii0,000, or so O niillh of thih- isum as i-' n.tedi(ld to l',irpir the danlml o d'n'( to tih, build ings b il, r' l 1ir siornii. Th, t- lIC ilug wa,- atll i ied by G'v l ',it.)r S:i: ldet s, I ttll;t itrant (;o 0lle 'It i l llll't'- d nlollt, ~ic rl'e;ta'}r of Siilet \li,:hl andt State T ,,li. r st' el",. io)Verl'ollr Sanolt''. s:it 1d that thI1 di l ilageo., ai. far as (iri'te l bi ' , .ti-:i te!:iii d, woutl ia abolt .I10t,t' . The i .lt a insane to Iasyl \Vi a daltm:g d tl S iholllt .110, 100 , ther sa:,; i h1 (' l ' $1 :(,(; . L the ' ll i (r'r:,ilty .?1,.(0 13. !h(' 1) h : lt l 11 1i11 l 1) , jltlstuilito ?_ ),0110 , ( ',('("ll I\ " I nn.siotll 'a,1)0 il:n thi, LaI;('tle Ilndustrial institute cI:S lie t k' ll , 0to I'l ' $(l0,tla i. ltiw lo(y I is si i\',a: (tnd, - ol tion; lleoffo('d b lie' t Col' "RIerol ids. 'll ithe ilst1 e( ioa' d of daeiqulate \\aio hat.n t'he o~ i ( itt)lt b aind other s ahe builyao l l s i (t i , iletii i e1 ipo - by tisca l sgenl of i he' I : it I if, I.l isi and, sn oWh:ea, it ic as 1, ssay 'that ssil Smedliate steis bh' takgn' to repair Citol tlaluage daonute stc arl by thehi ; and, "Whereas, 1t1n ,n aguly txists oi' l| no appropriation hiaifiill , tie n tl Iiad01 100,00by the lntgislit e to l d this cothe dition; therefor-e ' e it "Resolvvent.d, bThe the sate board of theliq mosidaion that the gothvernor be and he is hereion,by aill behoI'ed and ia il ervied to make allrratlgnte: witih thel' fistheal agentr of the sl will of isi anlla to borrow from thou t until the nxent, mleking ofthe trip slature lel' . front oe Oluoyans, as Iy be ncssany to re foair the dptamalt, to nt (he ait and will find more cuildstingt thand anti linhbons, Tad he llnessry by the rav ages of si Th storm, said ambowl or theowe not tosi e d the scu ant l ofither hs$100,00 ancd to be borrowed by the Sgoversigor in suofh mounts as may lh' Srnecessary for the work sionl istplbing ed." t Silver Service for Gunboat. Baton Rout be.- th'nk loP to itsOelf, he Baton Rouge has had a great honor thrust upon it, and 1e going to promptly maake arrangemnt'ts for the event. The gunboat Opelousas, of the mosquito fleet, of the oyster conm mission, will be presented a silver service, purchased by the citizens of Opelousas in Baton Roug( on Octo ber 17. The entire mosquito fleet of the oyster conunission will be pres ent, making the trip utl the river d from New Orleans, whshl many of the citizens of Opelousas will conie a here for the presentation. The ser a vice consists of a coffee set, which il will find more constant use than any ill punchbowl. The coffee pot has a 1t capacity of 1'5-8 pints and is 10:5-8 inches high. The sugar bowl is of the same size and the cra:am pitcher has a capacity of half a pint. The to design is of Louis XV. style. Th, -, program for the presentation is being Trying to Locate t':e Lord. Baton Rougo.--Which side is the a Lord on? This has be'lln the subject 1 of considerabtle debate amlong a por tion of the *'eligious ncguro popula tion of Baton Rouge, as a result of o the severe storm whict destroyed g nearly every negro church in Baton j Rouge, only a very few' negro reli gious edifices being lelt- standing when the sun rose after t ie gulf hur ricane. Some of the faithful of the more fortunate co;ngregations de clared promptly that ti.> Lord was on their side, and as an evidence of this they point to the f:act that their 1 church was not blown down, while I that of the congregation in the next block was. The cha!lente was taken I up by those who had their churches , 't destroyed, and the latt.:tr are decid- i edly in the majority. They report that the two congregations whose 1 churches were not (ltl roved were l too small to be noticed b,- the Lord. Held "Hog and Hominy" Rally. Eros.-There was quite :n large au e dience of farmers from the surround e ing country in attendance at the ag ricultural meeting in this city. The e meeting was called to order and Dr. d .I. H. Landrum chosen as chairman. Making a few remarks, he first in troduced J. E. Ransdell, who made a practical address which completely y captivated the farmers, and he wa e roundly cheered when he closed. iHe e asked the farmers to make "Hog and n hominy" their slogan. W. F. Ward y delivered a talk on the hog in Lou i- isiana. He showed that hogs could ;t be raised in this state practically for ld less than cents per pound, and they a- were now quoted in the Fort Worth tf market at 8.40. His figures were a revelation to the farmers. Plan to Destroy Cotton Stalks. s5 Baton Rouge.-The state crop pest d- commission is pushing its cotton d- stalk destruction campaign by the if. publication of another bulletin on it, this subject advising the farmers 1f- how to make and use a cotton stalk 35 cutter and rake, which reduces to ,r- the minimum the cost of cleaning he the fields and simplifies to a great I, extent the necessary work. This re cutter is built out of a few pieces of in lumber,' ad putlled by two horses can cut do4 lfteen acres a day. " ++i·.+ 4! t!4!i4! 4-+"4++( LOUISIANA s AT A GLANCE t The deer hunt ing scisonu open01d F:therl Imile I'rut!ie o01 New O- i lcans I.ollbrated his gol:il: jubilee. 1-,o Olivier, rhatrgd with he lulr delr of Irl. Al, n i King, wits placed1 oil trial at l,':an Ikin. A c(:ntra1 ha1s it,(-t, am\ 'itn.d to0 worlk for. V miles of ro;al II East ,a toll itutlg parish. Go\ rn' r S'I1e ders hast' ti,:,l N 'toV li hb r 16 for th, -,,let. ion ') sh. i " int t', th ttard p4 : i'- . Tihe .,;.t.. w it sp il t.If 0 i re paitiilg the, .; t'1 (i;!oi:" ,u the 1L.4 - Th" ' 1), sl)t -, tco'On inle of cotuntryy 1 rite tillers in l.tli-iti 1 is said to d hive b etitl abn, dnit li, d. Eight hutdrad witness;, were ,' allo mo iled to ai) tIl4'l lIIotr', Ihs gai.ld jury in sessian at Abbe ilk. M A now dental hl,4ge has b, oi n or ganizted, In otl(ipy the1 old :senses' (1 hospital build'ug in New thr1ans. tRev. ('. ('. Kral er, teliporal'ily at if 1''s (htiic h hi New Grh4'ii, LI;.i cl Oyst er isherilel w\o suffer'ed SIhlrOugl h the r.ecenit slrli will be Sh granted tine to pay state rentals. It is reporlted that the riice millers t' of soutllhwest Ilo;iitltna are about to h ,ffect a bu! ying anld :oelliug org(:niza 'Y tion. \lhi Li The grandii jury at P'laiqlninei iu- rou dlicted Bell .\tarionll :rt , a ward coil- Sep stable, oni the charge of cxtori)ioi in office. ol Stetliiboat s 4,'vice a1 i ' wov,'ll liaton 1' Rouige alid lotgatn City, via the Pla it- lliiilin lock.s, will be iiautgu rated October i. The program for the dedication of to the Mlassachusetts moliumient No- aid vemnber IT a!. Baton Rouge has been sal If, announced. Out to T. D. Stewart of Baton liouge was adv he aDDointted a mruembeiir of the Louisi- cur of ana board of appraisers, 'succeeding res ill. the late John J. W\ax. st agr e' The openl air cntertallmunt given of under the auspices of thie Knights the to- of Columbus at \Valler's park, in orea of Opelousas, was a success from every lib sviewpoint. Lit er Lit of W. F. Cooper has qualified as may- re; ne or of Winnfield, to succeed J. 1). nie er- Pace, resigned. Mr. Cooper was al- anti ich iointed by Governor Sanders 1to fill se av the vacancy. exI a The Tallahatchie Grail;age board, '-S in session at Tunica, overruled the of objections to the issuance of $500,000 ei' bonds, and sold the entire issue to 'he Chicago parties. Fi lag The assessment rolls of Plaque in mine parish for 1909 received by the state auditor show a total assess gie ent of $2,509,801, an inclease of $53,003 over 1908. i At the Farmelrs' Union barl-ecuc at Kilbouirne the organizaltion of a truck growcrs' association was Droposed,u the and a movement was started for hold- I Oc ing a parish fair. lr io- Go\vernor Sandllrs remlovled llarvey t ula- C('ampbell as a nmemnber of the board tl of of e'ection commisslolners for Envan- 4 -.4d geline parishl, appointig .luStc Z. g ton Fontenot to the place. tI Ic re Edgar J. Pinchon, a micrchant at li Bonfouca, was called fi-lli his sto-re - h- and shot and probably fatally wound ed by Toulouse Faciane, a negro, who t was escaped with a posse in pursuit. of The E. Sondhoinier co!mpany, laige tl heir lumber dea'crs of Meniphis, Tenn., n hile have recently purchased timber a nexi enough to supply their mill for the iI ken next tel! years. The m!ll is now op- P hes era-ting at Mlillers, near Lake Provi- P acid- dence. port The Gullet t company of Mansfield se andi the Higgilns Oil company of re 1iiil0uo nt, Tex., will sink ano her .ord. well in the De Soto oil fields. Th E flow of oil and gas, mixied with salt Y water, has increased considerably during the past few days. u- Rev. Father J. P. O'Slate-ry of St. ag- Gabriel has returned after an ab The sence of four months spent in Ire Dr. land and England, where he went to visit his parents and relatives. He in- found on his return that the recent de a storm nearly wrecked the pretty tely church at St. Gabriel, causing a dam w age of $1,500. ie Activity resultant fromn a recent and drilling of a big oil producer on see ard tion 10, between Belcher and Moor Lou- ingsport, in new territo"'y, wa: dis ould closed by several real estate trans Sfor actions, one being the transfer by they J. IH. Thacher of the Gulf Refining orth company, owner of the new well, of re aa lease on twenty-five acrs for $5,000 cash. In the district court at Plaquemine ks. Judge C. K. Schwing fixed the bond pest of Dominick Guercio, an Italian, oton charged with cutting with intent to the kill, at $600, and that of his brother, 1 on Thomas Guercio, as being an acces mers sory, at $300. stalk A majority of the governors of the as to southern states have, according to aning the correspondence received at the great executive office, acted favorably up This on the suggestion of Governor San :es of ders that the governors of the south as can urge the cotton farmers % hold their cotton for 15 cent. NO DANGER OF A COLLISION (Copyright, 1909.) 1 r... .. .. . . , I/ . . ... rr ,,;,1.,J r,, / t,,... . r " ,; ".,ý "r .'. ,. ,. ; ', # 11 %r/:... --.L., i-.,. ... . .;:. .. .. " ·\..'! "- -'i ". " " Mars Is Unusually Close to the Earth as the Football Geason Operns. WHEAT JUMPS TO $1,20 MI DAYS OF OLD HUTCH, CUDAHY, NE' PARTRIDGE RECALLED. Shock Came Out of Clear Sky-Cor- Mai ner Was Cleanest Cut for Many Years. L' hicago, ll.-'lThe w heat "s ueeze' N shic i dis.turbed the ennlllli of l,'rulatile will - routinw \\ith a I 1-cent d .vance i e th i , i - September' option oil t he Ioardl of Trade 000 1 lire today lcked ma ie of thle featureis ef of f'rmer yealrs, w h'u " 1d i lutrch," in t I'dadl y, Partridge( ai (,itihers wire wont I to explode bl1iil)hellh i uiilder the tradl' e. 1o It was the cleanucut cul ' :!l'y corier t'r in imany 1'ears. ig Onae long with Live lhou+landl bu>,;hels t to his crledit snatched his lIpruit at $1.10 tht a nd thI i t d atchel t what I'amaine of his g sale. In the next 11 irt v lminultes it changed halls twventy-eight times oil al fai Sadvanced :calb. 1'1The last mali who teo u i- cured it Ipaid $1.20 for it. Before it run g rested in his hands bri'okerage ('einliliS sions alone along the tario'uhl trasliers n'' aggregatlid $5.0. th r the One of thlie mlost influenltia, traders on ,n the board waited until the top had been reached anld trhen delivered the actual wheat at $1.20-10ii,00)i hbushels of it. Little wheat came out until $1.1S was t- reached. At this ligtule and above a ). neat prolit was garnered. 1)elivries wil )- amountilng to 630,000ii bushels going to i' 11 scattered interests. It was necessary to extend the delivery period thiree tiuies lbefore the last account Wias squared. ali ) $100,000,000 FOR DRAINAGE . to gr( Fifteen Million Acres in the Delta to F , e- Be Reclaimed. till to Washingtoli.-T'hat tlurin the next Sh s_ few years perhaps $50,.000,100) or $100,- A( of Io0,000 will be spent for the drainage of Fr the allulvial region of the lower M1is- Ih sissippi is the opinion (f Arthur E. Mor- KI at gan, sulpervising drainage engineer, who At ck has submitted to his departiment a coin- I i, preheinsive repolrt on the alluvial lands wa Id-of the lower Misissippi valley and their h dralinage. The re'lirt slihl.s that in thIe S ev states of the lower Mlissiippi valley' N I'd there are 10.0i00.io0 tto 15,0(lil0,000 acrels L In. :f laild awaiting drainage. The ilvestl. of Z. gati(ons of recent years lhtvie established at the feasibility of this work, the state ce legislaitures are providing for the nieces- in at sary legal procedure, and a great public n interest is awakened in the prospcct for F Id- reelatnation. The omutlook is tlhat dulring ho the next few years a vast areat of ex eredingly fertile land will be addel to 8 'go the nation's agricitllnrat l donmain. that in., malaria in the alltvial region will pass wer away, as it. has pa,('atd in suiml of the ti the more northerly states whiere it was once a op- prevalent, Iatd that a prosperous rural si >vi- people will ocictipy the cutire alluvial ft lands of the lower Missiksippi valley. "( eld FARMERS' ARE COMMENDED 1 'he Secretary Wilson Has Kind Words ,alt for Farmers' Unions. bly \Vahinhgton, 1). (.--legarding the re icent god lroads excursion of the rt'epr- e s.-,iitatives of thlie Farmers' I'nionsi of Sb.- .iusinili, A rkanas- (Iklalioina and 'T'x Sb- ,<-;ecretar' ot Agriculture Wilson said: to 'l"There is nothling like the pIractical He tMinaost rit ionii. The scientist caninot enth leorize foirever. lIe has to get down tty tohe practical apiplicatiin ;f his tlhe oiries. It is jiarticularly trite with re airll to the farnner scientist. lie may :be scientiic, but lie has to bLe piractical ent as well. Sec- ''The Farmers' Unions of the South. 0or-' st are mItiolng the best, if not tIhe very ' dis- ies. agriicuiltural organllizatiiolns that thi ans- iiomtr' has developed. The ieeln at the by heaid oi tlie general organization of the aiin rimi'is' tliiill iili'a aire amiong theinost of Iiractical nien in Anterica." Rich Cotton Cargo. nine G;alveston, T'exas.-The most valuable n cargo of cotton ever shipped from any t to port in the world was carried on the ;her, gulf transport line steamer Irak, which :ces- sailed from Galveston for Liverpool. The giant steamer had stowed away in her the steel hull 23:,000 square bales of cotton, to valued at the enorimous figure of $1,600, the 000. This is the second cargo to leave up. this port this season that goes over the San- million dollar mark. It is not, however, outh the -:eatcst number of bales carried in their a single cargo. MILLIONS SEE PARADEu NEW YORK SHOWN ITS PAST. th HISTORY IN PANORAMA. , Many Nations Represented Mayor A McClellan and Herman Rider March Afoot. Nat N w \ ,rk.--'lhroIgh streets ebla'e hith Ihuting and lin,,d , lit hu e gl':ated t ox ol'i\d vier gaithPd in New YJlk, :u..pP 00t0l IIwnI ;zd ",i loutll- iara,!,., Tlu,,.d~ay Si'fo i envi , of 21 latioil. paut'iwlal ii, ie in th, lludson-IF lton i t elebrat ii. II, t IE l e ilundrcd ;and 'T'enth - ret' : ald ng (.ntral lark. xe.t-. .'ift?.-nii th l r. s-ilel iiid d lown ifth al elnle In \Vai-h-iu ingl,,n tSaiui'e in the lower patl ol thi l I Ot Scityl, Ithe rtle of the ;laradle nid a di ' rout. fll~i , in you ef -e 1eral mi lh', it is dtim l itd that ire, than 'th0U0.00e copl tie, -athlrel toL the 'foot. d, r ioo'. lo ilt'.. nlit aolr at wincl,\e s ani( in graid st(aitn crlctl of lfur alll-l the enltire length of the i rollt' fl P. a ~ ttitblofptioi loi i er Muy.i r (;l erge Bi . .iii lc llan anl d lhir.- i Smani Ididihrs, vic -rhiSint ! of hi(dos- .-no o lllon l .lliii.i ratin' cotlitt.utiou. St': o' m r nthe ptarade. They cointerd tle uelire dli taOce \fooi . ofer, wis no military in shm. a, di.tinaguishel Iplersoungea in rwlicles, all except mounted ptlatoons ol t. police being a fool.Wi A umbIllcr of patriotic flo1ts ler, f wihlly ch(iered, Among th,,in were "!iul-1 t ting twn the Sta tud of -- ed rg. iII.," r to "Puhlihing the ('onstitution," "St111rm ing of Stony Point." "('apture of A rhr'("' d. Adi "\s) ingeoni Taking ehv oanth th Office." E i ;as li el 'ore a dish ul uish d gather. P ing, .ive ated in a court of h.l1Wr on the ai gro undll, of the n. li " 1 ubli lib)'ryat lift ho iitl-.second street and Frifth a\ulilne r that tlV he plUl'idrs isted. a ic-P-Irid nt\ tSht elrnl i \\II;s flanlked oil coitlr sih, big - Adnin.als Lae P utd lnd Sey'upir oli' tihe le Sudrench Iiid glit h .lI uadroil, h1 reie"1tr cy NeW 't ouk Vujveuitv. (I oJcluinhia ln. (ii livelys . t ( . Ilugdlihie, Seth lowle. lliilnic' 1Kun, of .tapan. and the (iernin wllnil h: dmiiral Vill hKleed r \\ere .- tedl, litir in hlly. Ti'alIi lll ( with ai thoull.;anid sial ted d u i l etl (1 i~i' iiir, llltl(luli; ~iril'iii OS lohlow-. it eart and1 Ihe ill fth ck ( o alt(i nd highs, cl lii ir hai, i. nid , i pi,'ure.qii .ho\ il7. "'r FLESH WORTH $1,000 POUND t Sqchool Teaof scherl c ues Principalt for eyNew lork ( niver.-ity, 'ohnlumia.' I'it (ollg He r Thnd in, Colg ndition S ii of Pris ll. I ta li , re-illlu h, icr liel. w di.-thi I teI ilh olier ohi ll do olih al sxo, ietin s 11fo111 . l a led, a id hi hind thil ili ( c lile the'ir s, sIee lil e -ingliv \ ihou-lt eI d. $ ,0, 1 l'i i rD FLESH W.lel ORTH $1,000 POUNDoth )(( 10 toSchool Teacher Sues Principal for d Her Thin Condition. nitt ll<biurg.--1ahing h,,r th.h, ragch,,tr (he the flesh e did ha\'', lul. has ilt il\\, n at, $1,1)11i per pounli, Miss ulu lh nal stueirl, i 11(1.11ii gotlel tia-hlwr of the falisfahionlabh::I 111 of she(a I hn eill'd Ir.O tll i tl rying lit illh t the prii e fillili t;' Sy-ih e ia lot ioluidt, tw25,el1i , rlni e P 'f. rllF . l I'te, 'd jilted her in a mSi t shmili. rful mIlnlil rT after ,liw' had agl't'ed t, imiarr" hhl i awi l had gotleni her ;',ddintlii t re- tlrol . ,ica r: ady. Th , ,lliis ol hersIl f -and attor'iieys ill sylu court \ ' l'rtr h t fsite hald lo.t-t liat t,:~ lwnt nl-tiye pounld-; [o-in ihel o\\ili to worry over he~r b~ehnl i jilted, and that tIe w'edlinig tcilothe ical w oul nltd (ol lit iner l1nWo. She Wllt 110 $23,000 dalilage, saying that .lhe tlhink le thai pli-, abouTl righT. re- Diaz Ships Outfit. lly El Paso, 'l'exas.-'r -hdeiit I)ia z ha s cal shippel lii. oariages, thle of theni, ,andn his holse-, to the horder four tiui! (1 the th occaion of hi ieetinoit ithIi 'ro idliit ve Taft. ,i ler from the (halultllel (Iastlc thiih uld thhe head ef at h the castle have thei also been seot lherel for the lainiut the which ( ;,lueral 1 )iaz will give M\Ir. 'Ta'ft. n ioiiit is believed that the chef once tilled that Iposition for King Alfonso. Bales Ginned 2,564,000. niMemphisa, Tenn.-There was issuei from thle office of the National Ginnern." eAs.sociation, a report on the cotton cropl -hh condition as of Sept. 25, and the amount hof cotton ginned to that date, which The shows as follows: Reports indicate a her condition of 60.2, and that there has tton, been 2,364,000 hales ginned up 1to the 600, 25th. While the corndition report is low, leave it is not as low as the trade has ex the pected, and as the ginning is rat her ever, heavy the market will probably decline d in to a point at which the spinners will buy very freely. ASIAliCS ARE BAIRED FOU QANNOT BECOME CITIZENS OF MISS( THE UNITED STATES. K .Endeavor to Allay Irritation of Sky I Japan, Who Feels She Has Mor Been Singled Out. 11': rih gtrion.--( irg a Itl, .<il cou slri ctill 4 tol the nll ,tn lllti, i.i , o , lla i u li it i:il t lIl th i'i ,' vt 'ill, a 4114. t t 1 "l4'lh ll "nll i of ili t di\ iion , f nt ul rali/liitr ,i 'l4 ar i Tii ,,li ofl rtu lll111 lll I nt I ,ll ,nl', .\rni,,nia((. '( li ,' -, I. ,li I 'l ia t , 1e 1, 1 aIll o ith,,r tili, \ (e alik., ar-, in liil,' lo'r naturalii: ion. 'lhl t thll'i i 11" 1 to t!"" I,,, li .y , h. 1 _,11 . erulsn ntt i heu ,*m h \i-\a illu- Iat0d l'li l I 1; \Il t l 44 t Iit. l~t 11l',i li, i 16'114 .1", : 'l~ l '' le- ,I t k, in:;a t\\hen 11 sll lii/ v 1. il l jl rs'le' " ) ll 11' - '.i-- I(''i 11. 4414114.4' t 4 11. 1 I 4 1 41 ,/.4'.1 . 1tie l wil;\ , 5hi,'h i \t ' lil ini i , e et',' ,' Ilhr,' tl,:l,' t. ' a4 1 4 ,44 - 444ith i II ,1 1 4l\ ' I ,'I'ur' , l It 4a! ,I. b11 1' 4 .. .a 4,,liR'; of .\IIl t i pltu'- . thlle Naluitionall, ogrphiclnot Society t.Recogt. 414. i~ o t' .i,' t n ,,it 4 -11 li llld l4'l 1 1,4:i t lie, 11 - "t i il ttI4I4 .t il l i 1' : i l Ir Ii-,, I, 4r lit -1l, il-t 1' i1e ioll 11 . 4 .' i:4 h Li i 1, i l l ay thl, i4 rii;4ltin ,t . ;l.,l;1n. \ !,'11 1 h fII , that )l hl r -till. . h 1\e lit'.,n tiu,,.' ,I out io 1 " 44 1i.i l cili inaioI t InI. SIt io l within the j41 r ' i'tiollt ' of the rI e-I p1 r-li4 i lt f Ila llor 41i' ml lnlllil'O to r 1' (i1k 44 the nl tun, tl;i/ai Ilin 1("'i'ti l of ill 1 .\ iilt is w- ho have \ru" ni atur;aliz l n,, e, chu.l: ý ill, l(ena t lll o illi t tI, la 11( ' e l , Il - tra"1 1k ~ ------ lis . but ,'h it (oturlý,(l 1: i t, altlvipalthd.r felt AWAIT EXPLORERS' PROSHINES a National Geographical Society Recog nizes Neither for Present.he e- Ro r lource, of n.-- e I areat ireStorate. o rl" tl' Ndatiellt:il ,(,il, 1'phii i 'l, I ityv at a erS. 1i "lthledri ck I 1. Co('olk durig l.' hi visit it here, lheln lft h \ill ( deli' v r ai tle ut r. lon his ' Art4ic x\k1eriei4h es, delithat r'k as flt)r. t'.ook 1 (41o t itl i o f tio e cl(1gt(iiielo in ll Il ieo iiOrll, It \%aI uirlaled that both (oummandor S i :ary :Intl )r. (Cook logse lil tlime in lsnh t ll t in I their datas t a rmnat4' ent l cien 1 li4 e c1nnl m i ion i- ll t tt'he I'it41ed statl's le i li l felll' 14 1( Ilk t 4\44(Rl ' lli 'll I. l 'il.4ill l' floelte fr c l thiix cv y 1n" 1 14rl i nl1h( I'u4I i slt44 of eiti'r of i the cxpl r rs. t' fra ' kill. ie t ll l t ,Ike Ihil , po iti onI ot fI'mili o ll 4n" di1tri-t 1 1,f t0 ,i p4 s 44o44ll i eti , 1p il ad ri ti lki ll ~ r , ilil.k i nr tU 'ic e o ea1' tl \ " mali\- nclnlatioi- that elter into the de i'' 1 uiui t ion AfI he. ltict'. WHERE ARKANSAS SHINES Nof --Mel William Stoddard Compiles th Re- R e. sources of His Great State. grei for Little Rock. Ark.-\W illian Stoddardf thul 1ifu'rmer dept y1 cO11n1oissio1rll (,f mines ind eri. rlln. ilnufatclturstn;ow eeking the Wini- 11 ie l'ruti o no i'l tion for'oner, h liae. , isslued.a unique card giving the r.esouree' the of t.rkansas as conmpiild lby hinl whih, t4 Il. serving in the a'gricultural oflic . lie the :sv Arkansas is seventh in yellow pine, liflti in cotton raising that 73 per cent it of the aluniiunu of the world is fou(((d tin Arkd Terrorias, thzedt Arkansas furnVallishey for a No Numone-tenth of the hardwoo of thYears. wor, 1 it 1 .rkal's. lls 1 I l . 'rges L rice yie4' ld per acre of any State in the U nion, that Arkan tas is the besl aplle country its up t11 1 'nited Staes ad 1i lr a ga bl streas and irBeaten, Too.h hi 1 o ther st ,t'ion o1 the t . 11ti B. 1r 'Itrl, T 'l i n.--Tl 'e re lur 4i f sahiooi tI'i ('1hl4 " Ite.' 44 , 3 e'ch i 4t 4'f lhiS to'ni lty, fell ullndel4,'" hi rr'tg -ti d whilan reti'rnhil oedge ofo tis ity i il alleged itx hiated cnditioVery Encoutagintig. t inl kil'dIt isn't i'ell kfw n 1 1his ('lara had "ohe taken a't displak in th ree ye crs. hh tion Str uck Oil and if I wcGas. ma 'atr a Icurit."f the .icols t ile A Ruesult a ogh to l Desire. Nas low, hilatle d saplo o u thinkl icr'sh is lt tier to kill off alol i hiots in thell o t Saili d will 700 fiet, a! lThen they cane growas is up aNumber of Years. up and rock boata." FOUR STATES IUAKE MISSOURI. ILLINOIS. INDIANA. KENTUCKY AWAKENED. Sky Brilliantly Illuminated at Early Morning Hour Buildings Shake. Pictures Fall From Wall. :t. lam. -A sig1t li thquake \wa Li i ? ii ,, 1)f\\ \tl L 'l.1. \ tl ai t, u- .-I 1tl '' . I .ili', I r'l)<el't I the ,le-truc'to ,,ll ti t ;I t I , inil to y. a it in t ht' \\1'..t rid ,f t him ,It \. t h , re.-i,+enIO dlattlit., 1 ',\tnt y ..i,,pil u ,e :: \ .ih k,.u d. Felt in Illinois. Sl, ingli. I L , Ill. I )i,ll , I il'h ' ,I.l rth u11a1 11-. ' " hl1, lIt'tI ''a tl \l , ,LI;1 lu' t rh - in. tl,[ii. 1\ ln\t . atih l t a. l 'LtI,'l -r rIi Lthled Wires l)uonntedd. li I l Ih 1 ' . lV," I I I hL L n.L t' -, ft'll, the I .ll -l er ii ,ll LI.i. r l ,i.14lingsLL \\a'T 'r.t I, t , ii : It I: i It II LL t ll h -) 1 ,+ ; i 4il O ll' 1 .,4 11i th, v ,i . tI I1111 h1 L ,- anL I thir - S full t- i ,li; l\ at 4 I'cloe k t th Felt in Kentucky.tlho I LIL',lI. 1t .t114 'i ' r'lt' I l IL'1 111^ri. I-If killii' ni lll tI' li 1 ht r het ihtll itIt I i in \ere ' 1tbro . ,~'u11 \ 01 11, 1 I.ll li hllil ]L, ' . I' 1 0. I Sky Illuminated. II L i r'eL b en I dt1'.4 I4w 1i in ft 10arth( ' n.i oi ii d. - he jLr' i4' 141 will 11iiil1i ' ,lrlhis . 'I .ll'. i lt1 I tll i, It'il lt t'e ill da Ili :t i tra\.e lilig . tiiilh e t t l ot iol IIlthl i I. , wIere Et ell hre t I :rt ii: . i' i (If. l l'k Monit ly. e)urii l the -hi Lck t Ih 1 t ,\ '%''wa-i fl l thei -fully illll iiin t rted. Felt in Kentucky. id, lai;hl . lIt, i l ide-,l i. tw h wlt ll itrn , I tlil fkin 1ville aa sufficient r -) ')rt lli a erly plercept i blite ý-ho'k 1,11,r thi, wi. trn .Betion of c Blll ti e k'1t . bilt ni tlil u \, r \t :1:1'rt)oll. that Liquake is prt follt inl IL ui-L lilth, ai ln d. any r. people ill the -itolu rn 'i 'thl of tilt city wire a\waknle'1. lie _____ WILSON MAY LEAVE CABINET Secretary of Agriculture Has Broken SNothing Lce Tenure Record. h\\:tlihgtonl.--\l r. .Itlil" \\W il lon, \\'ho las eel Bu se heta l gi oei.llltire .'le ard Ci .1, 1g i4. ' lnge f r l'ri, of thert iet il tht i r I:l ily tbi t officer i ll hint lr, is enxpecllted to step i tll l t .In. I ext. 1 hol tkhe p 4rei 4detu ill ia , i n hlis t l . tlce is ln l t m ilade k \ltwn' e'tl if Mfr. Tuft i' lt t l Iha l iile fii crtion.til Reports hati e been frilquelt( hitherto that .11 r. \k il-on \\1l about. i I o. 1 lie t iani the sec,( 1 tar of the' lia\ ', 11i r. Meyer, were the only holhl-ov'er4 front the .e- Roosevelt admuiniitration. \Mr. Wilson's grentel fri ai re i i eilnk i t i ill was the pop-ltr i htarity f his dar it ent i till th the faru - nd ers. n 'h', bare sune Ltion of hip retirement as was sufficient to bring a protest from ilthis port folio will pas toi other hands. 11ie --- t FARMERS HOLDING WHEAT nal: SNothing Less Than One Dollar Per Al, i Bushel Goes. 11 gr 4,at sp tint wheat statiloL,. h 145e 'nali' iniup the"r miid1 thai thi y will not l1irt. o 3ith l hehii grig n at atilr 1 ll h ,ris thi n l ,hollar l hu,'hel. lh lre is .4 ' r l''4 ittle \fr iliat .ta lding inll lthe so .lc 1 of the llroa ri ie of tlil lioll fNorihSl-P lt, and t Ill e I'lyt adtiewds from o 'itialt Gounly say o han Whorehing $'o0 the S stllk will ri) grl'l'"'-< ,.Io\ly unlll- prices 1inel' o4t4 flthi l IrlI I iiiild p uit(d h (iirden-i Ou.\ireat iel of othe Iheriat s ihlro.h frii th h f 1 oc .k it (till oi the country ol Wiriu t l ehl i'ti lors.. 4f the (lil i tig whealt I ates, Ilul it ii still tin her ill r s one of t g I the g ers t er ortn F So0. Regu larly Authorized Distillery. }Ir. Vent's .hare is $000,O00i-