The Lower Coast Gazette PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY The tower Coast Gazette Co. Pointe-a-la-Hache, Louisiana. S-:OFFICAL ORGAN OF: " ji.LAQUEMINES PARISýPOLICE JURY, "ENGLISH TURN-DRA GE DISTUICT, PLAQUEMINES PARISH SCHOOL BOARD,1 . RIVERE AUX CHENES DRAINAGE DISTRICT, ,PLAQUEMINES PARISH EAST BANK LEVEE DISTRICT, PLAQUEMINES PARISH ROAD DISTRICT NO. 1, LAKE BORGNE BASIN LEVEE DISTRICT, BELLE CHASSE DRAINAGE DISTRICT, GRAND PRAIRIE LEVEE DISTRICT, BURAS LEVEE DISTRICT. TERMS:--ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. Entered at the. ointe-a-la-Hache Postoffice as Second Class Mail Matter. SATURDAY, JANUARY 4,1912. The Lower Coast Gazette's Birthday. With this issue this journal enters into the fourth year of its existence and we thank our friends and patrons throughout the parish for the hearty support that they have given us dur ing these four years. Plaquemines Parish with its twelve thousand people, deserves a good newspaper and it has been our effort to pro duce for our people a journal of which they could be proud. We have Sind during these years that at many times the space allotted to our news columns was inadequate and there fore we are now issuing an all home print, four pages of matter, with which we shall, as rapid ly as practicable, enlarge our news service, en deavoring to cover every ward in the parish and practically every parish in the state, so that all of our peuple may be courant with everything that is going on in the limits of our own state and particularly in our own parish. Comparatively few of our parish newspapers are willing to publish an all home print, but utilize what are ordinarily called patent out sides, the bulk of the printed matter coming from the Western Newspaper Union, that pub lishes hundreds of such sheets on a portion of the paper, leaving a limited portion for the local work. We have found that this was not enough and our enlarged resources naw, while giving us a smaller journal, will lead to still better A things in the future and we shallhope to. make our paper better year by yea'r and would ask our readers to join with us and aid in' the good worg. We shall do our part and we would ask them to do theirs. Parti of that would be to to send us in their subscriptions, $1.00 a year, which is as low as they can expect a good local newspaper, and they may be sure that they will get their money's worth many times over. * Our parish has suffered much with bad weather, flood and stbrm, but we have survived it all and believe that we are now facing a gen eral revival of business and a prosperous era. The people of the Parish of Plaquemines can aid in the realization of all these good things to come by putting their shoulders to the wheel, by better appreciating tte wonderful resources i.o oir ~parish and, by announcing to all the w- orld that we we4 mmngranta.h4re . an $viKt give theni a hearty welcome if they will come and live in this best section of Louisiana. With the advent of the new year we wish all of our friends and patrons and all of our people a happy and prosperous New Year, f Fruit and Truck Exchange. y A movement has been inaugurated in Dallas, £ Texas, to create a Four States Fruit and Truck d Exchange to solve the marketing problems of a Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Texas. This is intended to be a pufly co-operative or- V ganizatipn and not for the irrpose of making any profit for the exchange as an exchange. It is stated that it would have its permanent head quarters at Texarkana and work in co-operation si with other agencies now in the field. It will ' attempt to prevent glutted markets and uneven r distribution and will organize local associations on k uniform basis, incorporating the best fea ,iures of the most succesEful assctations now t iperating and of these there are now ,quite a, t ,number. Part of the work contemplated is the standardization of packs and packages, and to t aid in the buying of such supplies a the truck h growers must havo and can buy to the best ad vantage in large quantities. It is proposed to u] promote .s far as practicable educational work la among the growers for better cultural methods st and for the control of insect enemies and dis- pl eases of fruits and vegatables. The matter of qt establishing a credit reporting service is under g discussion with a view of avoiding the swind- hi lersL Ssome of whom'.are seeking to get consign- th ment on which they never make reports. The A1 co-operation with transportatipn and refrigerat ing lnes is a branch of the industry that re- ov quires" consideration and more information is ;*~ ~ ~ ~ .- - * ^ ,_______ Sdesired in regard to loading, packs and pack ages, cars, traffic and general service. Mr. C. W. Holman of Dallas, Texas, is the temporary chairman and it is certainly to be hoped that this organization will be able to do considerable good along the lines of its proposed action. Small Farms on the Lower Coast, 'SOUTHERN California prides itaelf on its ability to furnish small farms to all those de siring them and claims to have hundreds ,of these small farms now of one, two and three acres each in etent, each with its home, its E. dependent family and all these small home own as ers living with no other source of income than from the tiny patch of land. They claim that these "little landers" are to be found all over California and that they constitute the back bone of many communities. Y. When we know that two crops of almost any e kind of garden truck and that almost every r thing that human beings desire to eat can be or produced on our Lower Coast, it is manifest r- that this section of our state is emphatically the th Mecca for these "little landers." d The old matter of land hunger has prevailed in Louisiana ever since the country was first settled. The landed proprietors of those days e got all the land they could by governmental t concession, or otherwise and then tried to get e_ still more. Many of the leading men of this r state have been kept land poor all their lives by having more land than could be well cultivated with the resources at their hand. Their work d has made the steamboats, the railroads, the 1 banks, the draymen, the barrel and bag makers g and the merchants generally rich, while the ;e planters themselves have been held down to the work and remained comparatively poor. s The time has come when we should divide Sup our lands, keep half of it if we can, but let S part of the lands go to the enterprising people, g provided that we can get the people to come here and take them. Lands in California not nearly as good as I those on the Lower Coast sell at $500 per square h acre, and then have to be irrigated in order to produce crops, the irrigation costing an annual rental equal to'the interest on another hundred e dollars per acre. k Our people stand ready to welcome the West and, in fact, to welcome the people from any k part of the Federal Union down to these lands on the Lower Coast where they can make a liv ing for a family on a single acre of well tilled S land. 1 ;With the splendid railway service that the Louisiana Southern is row giving us under the Frisco management, it is manifest that a new era is opening for the East Bank and we have doubt that the West Bank also will make -equa'- i ly rapid progress, as the owners of. the New' Orleans Southern and Grand Island Railroad on that side of the river sefe to be progressive people and willing to co-operate wi.h our own people all along the lirne in the promotion of • their common, good. e '" t * -^ ..^ *- 4 -- ~»- - .- -~ ^ -*-- *^'- *'. T he Muskrat Crop of the Lower Coast. THE U. S. Dspartment of Agricultare in a . recent publication concerning the rearing of fur s bearing animals in the United States for their pelts, states that skunks, muskrate, minks and e foxes are now being reared in captivity, or on preserves under the control of breeders. In re " ard to muskrat farming, a very possible in dustry on the Lower Coast, where the muskrats are now doing the farming themselves, it is . w stated to have reached its highest point of de velopment on the eastern shore of Maryland. It is stated further that muskrat marshes are worth more, measured by their actual income, than the cultivated farms of like acreage in the ( same vicinity. Only one other animal 'in the world, the European .rabbit,;exieeds the musk rat in the number of skins marketed. This data oncns up a new field for action on V the Lower Coast where we have such a vast ex- s tent of sea marshes, with l;ttle ridges here and there running through them. These are the N favorite habitat of the muskrat and the fact that on the eastern shore of Maryland they have developed these marshes to such an extent that acre per acre the lard is worth more, based upon the income from it,, than the cultivable la:ds in the vicinity, comes to us as rather startling news. We have been taught to de plore the existence of the muskrat, as his 'fre quenting of our levees constitutes one of the greatest dangers that we have of overflow °by his burrowing in our' levees, but it is possible that the muskrat can be brought under control. Any way the experience of our congeners in Maryland may teach us how to utilize to our own advantage what is rnow something of a pest. I W hing Soiled Greenbacks. SA soiled greenback is restored to i ts original lory by washng and Iro. tad at a cost of one-teath of a cent World's Meagest Man, 'We have just heard of the world's meanest man. He doesn't Ilk his 2 Witfe's red hair, so he Is tryin, by ll ng her da with eare to cause It t ll.. turn white. ' Poor Ma.n eM . e has only bee wearing troeer lame 1814. CU*h of Contrst. "~eWhat is tht terrl notse a ed the pedestrian. "hat. replied the policeman, '1is cauied by at ordinary one~cezA safty pin sticlng late a . .thre mllg dollar baby." . , al . y 0 't b rn At fs at liverd, but %st s,:. * o-. , t a . s.mi * 4LB..^"* "^ S^ 'i'' Washing Matting. Bran is muoh better' to use for cleaning matting than soap and wa ter. Tie the bran in a bag, dip the bag into clean warm water, and rub the nqatting briskly with this; then wash it off with a cloth wrung out of warm salt water. This method fresh. ens it up wonderfully. Swatting Back. Mrs. Hiranm Otfn--"I'm afraid you won't do.' As nearly as I can find out, you have worked in six or seven places during the past year." Miss Braaly-"Well, an' how manny girls has herself had in the same toime? No le I'm thinkin."' Courage and Truth. Withoit courage there canaot be truth, and without truth there can be ao other ittle.---Sr Walter Scott. New Zealand's Many ,'ournalB. New Zealand has 233 dafly, weekly mad monthly periodcals. Young Man Must Have Friends. S For boys and young men friendship b is a prime necessity of existence. ie When a man has established himself b in life and the interests of home and U wife and family have absorbed him, f he may, perhaps, dispense with friend 1* ship. But as long as he is young, un married and unsettled, he is as de pendent on friendship as on air or food. t* Uncovered Family Group. SAn interesting discovcey was re. Scently made in Edinburgh in the _ course of the demolition of the old Schutch buildlgs of a parish church In Roxburgh Place. A vault contain' ing the remains of Lady Glenorchy, a member of the Breadalbane family, and the founder of the criginal church, was laid bare. Man's Allotment of Blood. * The average man has twenty pounds of blood. • "" . : ;. , k- Opulent Bard. S "I can't understand how that poet's ' wife is able to dress so well. I thought ry there was no money in poetry." "I at. guess there isn't; but her husband has Sthe job of writing all the advertising rhymes for one of the biggest break fast food concerns in the country. Have you seen their new automobile?" t, Society People Classified. Storekeeper-"They are society tS people. They belong to our first and e. last families." Customer-"You mean 'first families'?" Storekeeper-"No; 1 first and last. First to ask credit and ae last to pay."-Puck. ts SMuddled. The lecturer arose and said imr Ln pressively: "Every time I see a young it man coming out of a saloon, I want to go right up to that young man and. say, 'Turn right around, young man:. Syou're going the wrong way.'"-New York Mail. No Conclusive Evidence of Change. "Five years ago, sir," triumphantly e declared the landlord of the -Atlantic it and Pacific hotel at Whoopopolis, Ok., S "there was no town here at all!" "H'm!" replied the hypercritical tour ist fromh the east. "And what makes d you think there is one here now?" SHam and Eggs. Calhoun Clay says: "Dar am a non Sbreakable relationship betwixt de cul t lud race an' turkey, the reason bein' dat de cullud race is descended from Ham, while turkey comes from eggs." d Speech In Marble. k odin says of the antique master Spieces: They "speak to me louder, move me more, than human beings. S In its turn, may the new century medi e tate upon these marvels, and may it try to ascend to them through intelli gence and loye." e Few Words of Truth. t The attitude of ourselves toward ourselves has a wonderful effect in the way we conduct ourselves. Daily Thought. S A man should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is but saying, in other words, Sthat he is wiser today than he was 1 yesterday.-Pope. i. .4 Contentment. "Contentment consists in the temr porary forgetfulness of the things we. Swould like to have next."-'-Puck.. T Probably. The man who spends his life pursu. ing fame probably does so because he never gets a chance to turn off on a Sby-path that appears to lead straight to wealth.' : Unci Pennywise Says. Diogenes Nombat has got the best library in PlInkville. His father left him a pile newspapers three feet high. All H~i Was interested In. Mother-"4hat do you think you will make o:t of my daughter's tal ent?" ProfeSbr-"About $2 a lesson, if the pifnd holds· out."-Stray Sto. Hada " Good "Take." Oine of the gitegstnovels sars: "He stooped a little and printed a round dozen.-of swift kisses on her sur prised lips." Evidently a job print. er.-Cleveland Plain Dealer. United states Ranks Tenth. In the production of rice and coffee the United States ranks tenth, com pared with other countries of the world. C.AP. Good Son d Boiler Shells and Flu s suitable- for Culverts for Plantation | Work. Southern S ap Material Co. Ltd. L P. . Box 734 New Orleani - " La. Cypres asnd SLong ieaf Yellow1 Pine I Lumtibdr Rough an i Dressed, Flooring, telling, Sid ing, Shm.xrls, Lathes, Address : :: : : Charles E. Elms, 719 Whitney Bank BIdg., New Orleans, Louisiana Agent for Great Southern Lumber Company, § of Bogalusa, La., manufacturing excel lent long leaf pine lum her; agent of :: :; Chalmette Cypress Company of Chalwette. , manufacturing presslun her, h : lathes, ef-r :: r ' .' . : ' . '::. otice. Parties holdin claims against the estate of the lat Arid. McCormick will please send same to the undersigned. Anyone owing said McCormick or hold ing any property belonging to his estate is requested to settle or deliver same. V; L. GILMORE, Admin. Estate of A. McCormick, i Nairn, La. --4- RICE LA D Five Hundred Acres of First-Class Rice fOR RNT. Land on Belair and f W Fanny Plantations, and Ai Quanties to Suit. JOHN DYMOND' BELAIR P. O. LA. Launch Standard EUG. DE ARMAS. M. O. BU RAS and M. G. BURAS, Own ers; Eng ae Armas, Mas ters: J. C. AB ARMAS, Clerk Leaving Wedriesdays and Sat urdays at 6 o'clock a. m. Wed nesdays for Port Eads. Satur days for Venice. Returmng Thursdays and Sundays. Freight received Mondays, Tuesdays and, Fridays foot of Ursuline Street. For Sale! The Clebrited Russell Big Boll Cotton Seed grown on the Belview Plantation. For from 1 to 10 bushels $2 per bush el. For ovdr 10 bushels $1.50 per bushel. Per ton $60 F. 10. B. Free from boll weevil and a big producer. Suitable to our soil. Apply to J. G. Pervis, Nero, La. George H. Conrad 5005 Dauphine, Sti,. or 413;314 Hibernia Bank Bidg., New Orleans ; 1,500 - ASSORTED WO Budded Tr Addsress Warren 8Bukley, Sr s. Phoenix, Louisiana. he , - ght E eat ef& eet n~d 60 , , _ _I r , ..OUSTO- N a i"T d BEAUNoNT° Is The -T'he : . Night Train. d. Leaves Terrinal Station _ - -7--- -'--·i 11:4 P. M. Successor tq APPEL & UJFFY. Solicits your ship ments of Louisiana Oranges, Mandarins, Grape Fruit and veg Setables. . * j . . NEW REANS, A. S216 MPOTB STREET. G.F avret 8on. Best line of gents furnishing goods, dry goods, gro ceries, flour, feed, hardware, etc. in the parish, come and give us a trial. Our Brandenburg lifiens are the latest thing in dress goods. Also just received a fine line of flanneletts, ginghams, fine laces and embroid eries. -he best of service guaranteed at all times. TheCourthouse Sto r WM. T. HARDIE, M. M. tARDIE, JOS. F. SCHUERMANN. President. I Vice-President. See. & Treas. ilia s-Richlardso C., Limited Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, Notions, and Men's Furnishing Goods. 209=211-213 &-215 Magazine Street. 512 Common Street. 515 Gravier Street. New Orleans, : -: : :: : Louisiana WOODWARD, WIGHT & CO., LTD. Phone Main 462 The Open Day and Night House. Biggest General Supply House in the Snuth. Everything in Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Mill Supplies and Groceries. Full and Complete Line of Game Traps, Paints, Loaded Shells, Cutlery and Stoves. Motor Boat Specialties, Gas and Gasoline Engines, Batteries, etc. Traveling Representative :-: -:- :.: .: :.: W. L. PETERS. * " *-,* *- **- - .----- ..-.- .....- ^.. -.. - . . .. .. ..- r r iB 1^, _ _ " -'* ' ..." FHa. your Animals accinated HOW and use only Pasteurs Vaccie "Ger ine 1. .L LYONS COMPANY, LTD. MIM I ' --- .. CHR1LETY'S SHMs PARLOR wei & a n 104 ROYAL STREET Ma il & vq q Between Canal aild Customhouse, Crockery-Glassware, NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA. 'Cutlery, Etc. CHARLES 1. WICHTERICH, Prprjitsr. 108-10 MagrfatSt. NEY ORLEANS: 3 H. N Thrafl Mfoto*' 5 .... H......; . . *-i .y ._ -...... g .,-c l (CO ete With Satt Water Fittings) A Complete lineof YacitaSip piies, Batteries amid Spaik Plugs. ARTHUR DUVIGO 126 Chartrea S New Orleans, Louisiana. : .. .. . sChRalr z arts! Are made right and of best -J material. A full line o0 Carriages and Buick Autor.l. mobiles. Write for Cataw * c *"' , log and Prices :-: -:- ~ JOSEPH SCHWARTZ CO.,LIMITEID. New Orleans, Louisiana. Wanted! Highest Prices Paid For Old Time Furniture, Jew elry and Bric a Brac. Address Miss S. Dia mond, .Diamond, La. Furniture DAERON-PIERSON CO., LTD. Manufacturing Stationers and S Office Outfitters, Blank Book Makers, Printers, Lithographers, Desks & Chairs, Filing Cabintts and Bookcases. Phons Main 329. NEW ORLEANS. Jewel Cafe! Open day and night. We serve the best wines, liquors and oysters : : : : : : 103 ROYAL STREET Hebert Ragas J. I. Majeai ,Bar Manager. - Proprietor. Westfeldt1 Brothers 528 Oravier Street New Orleans, La. Direct Importers of Seed Rice , . '. .. . . !- '.- w Worlds Bottling Co, ltdI Corner Montiguc and Royal Streets. Manufacturers of all highest grade mineral waters and Scarbonated drinks. All orders given proinpt a' - tention. Country orders a specialty, Phone Hemlock 291 The Launch Protector Will leave New Orleans every - Tuesday and Frid.y morning at 7:09 for all landings as far as Venice - - - - - - - Jarhtcke Building Materials, Sand, Shells, Gravel, Cement 314 Howard Ave. Phone Maiw 455, New Orleans. j