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The Lower Coast Gazette VOL. VI. POINTE-A-LA-HACHE, LOUISlANA, SATURDAY, OCTOBERI 3 1914., No. 5*. DECLARE MARTIAL LAW IN HOLLANDI NETHERLANDS TAKE ACTION TO PREVENT IMPORTATION OF CONTRABAND TO GERMANY. BATTLE RAGES ON SOMME Russian General Staff Reports a Bat tie With Germans in Region of Druskenhike - Austrian Sea port Is Bombarded. London.-The territory between the Iivers Somme and Oise is the scene of the fiercest battle along the great trodt In. Northern France, where the Ger mans and allies have been striving for two weeks to force each other back. This ground includes the French left wing, which has thrown tremendous forces against the German general, TE Voan Kluck's, re-enforced army in an endeavor to outflask him. The French official report describes Hi this struggle as a violent one and an nouaces that the allied troops have made a slight advance. In the Woevre region the French op also report some gain, but describe the al situation on the heights of the Meuse an as unchanged. pr Prior to this, however, the,Germans at had crossed the River Meuse near St. be Mihiel in the Woevre fistrict. The Russian general staff reports a Go battle between the Russians and Ger- th mans in the region of Druskenhiki, in bu the government of Suwalki, Russian ha 'oland, bordering on Prussia, but gives at so details. The general staff also re- ch *posts the retirement of the Austrian ariny westward on Cracow. th 'The Netherlands government has de.- ro 0a 4. mat law in the eastern prov- ri' ;;t es, aberdtin" to an Amsterdam dIq- fo to prsiPt the exportattop of rajds of war to Germawy and at th same timi Ono, Brt tl takes a tfi ltlon in the matter, of poltra wi kl ng it'esoipuhoty for nauttal m4 *oostuff, C zgive all 40.b otintend- A~ 1 O. [ r, tise Grman emporor's A6, cco4ing to the announce- co mtom Berlin, has been obliged to he w trom his regiment because ha ai affectlon of the heart; brought on th overeeerition. iel itest reports Indicate that the Aus seaport of Cattaro, in Dalmatia, an Fbes bombarded by French and ga t warship and that the Austrian th of Pelaosa has been disman- of od and seisedJ El BATTLE IS IMMINENT o . ,.......,.. st s Mal Treoops for Clash with Rksslans is Sut Prussla-Latter Ohaw4 Phition. tooa--d dipatch frQm Petrograd Ihe .bay Chronicle says: ,A \ow lat decislde battle'Is Immi- Al Sthe borderos of East Prusasia. I complete confidence in Gen. pt, weo has had his own Ti inasmach as the fitght, when it , is to be on ground chosen by 0Oe army corps a dary is the rate at 'Germany is re-entorclig her Sai at Prussima. AIong the whole en line, from uer Memee in the ti, to the frontier of the govern AilUsah, the trades are in ,,' groping anymesas of reconnais ia minor eollistons at the facts , each other's gtrength and .owthat to the l1 arml corps t in East Prussia there muist t~added\at least five mores, of : tre e riteserves, and that, .thm is a on tM"otier, whose function is *tii. German right. At least jriman troops of all classe ther1 e to try and balance the failures." A COLONIESCAPTURER a - aI Sgatg s S;aeI)e rmans Make :nh in West Afrioab -The misttry oatarine f that the rech guirboat ooIk possession of Coco aianl; the Germsh colony Iqpgtorlal Africa. *Anagnear,. the minister of ~@Un~d the cnptaro of at the stbslet Reetin.~i e dbas to landing ber ma-' dioilpsses the Germin Ie h tole the Suulsei which is ~soet da:nunarmoral, 4 10 ,sank two to the rent of the a ~:ul4 AlC~~~t C ONE EFFECT OF THE WAR (Copyrlht) TERRIFIC ATTACK AT NIGHT H Hand-to-Hand Encounter-Lines Clash B in Terrific Bayonet Charges in the Dark. Paris.--In a furious night attack opened by the allies simultaneously G along the whole line between the Aisne S and the Oise, the Germans were sur- w prised in their trenches and driven out ci at several points on the German right, ei both sides suffering very heavy losses. Soon after the attack opened, the al Germans directed an attack against ce the allies' lines further to the east, n but were finally driven back in a n, hand-to-hand encounter, in which line fi after line clashed in terrific bayonet tc charges in the dark. E Severe fighting has occurred along the entire battle line, which has nar- G rowed to about 90 miles because of the fi rival armies drawing closer together ti for Jnore massive compact. P During the early part of the night n the engagement had narrowed to ac- a tivity of the heavy guns, and the fire c, was desultory. But at 2 o'clock in'the L morning a priconcerted attack by the L allies opened with unprecedented fury. Artillery, raptld-fire guns and small fi n, the allies' left the onslaught was conducted with the greatest vigor, for P here the attacking French and British had made the greatest advances and ic the troops were buoyed up by the full it enthusiasm of their triumphs. d :The French guniers had the range, tl and raked the German trenches with a t galling fire. Under cover of this and P the rapid-firers, which swept the top of the line of trenches, the British and t English cavalry and infantry advanced t and stormed them. n The energy of the attack took the f( Germans by surprise, and after a fierce ae struggle at the trenches, the Germans I were driven back. The German resist- tl ance was desperate. It was not until a they were overwhelmed that they were swept from their position. a II ALLIES MAKE SOME GAINS tv It Try Hard to Turn Right Wing of Ger- f man Army-Violent Fighting a Along Front. c Paris.--The French official com- n munication, after announcing that a there has been no change in the situa tion 'on the battle front since the is suance of the previous communication, comments on the battle of the Alsne. TiTe text of the announcement is as A follows: "There has been no change in the situation since the last 'commuapica Lion.. c "The battle in progress along the v Alane has extended over eight days, n but it should cause no surprise if one Ii recalls the Russo-Japanese war. c "The battle of the Marne was an action undertaken in the open field, . which began with a general resump- tl Lion of the offensive by the French I army against the enemy, who did not I expect it and had not time seriously I to organise defensive, positions.' The same cannot bIe said of the battle of E the sne, where the adversary, who waa retreating, stopped and took po- t s$tien which by the nature of the ground ate substantial insthemselves I . bja n places and which he gral-t allyihsa improved as to organlsation. "This battle of the Aline, therefore, presents on a largse part of its front I the character of war by assault simi- I lar to the operations in ManchiurIa. 1 "It might be added that the excepl 1 tiosal pooer of the aptilery facing i each other-the heary German artil- t ler against the Prench 7 s-centimeter cannon-gives a particular value to the temporary fortifications which the two adversarlies have now drawn up. ~ "The tak is, . thereftore, to take I !whole rows of eat' cht eonta, each i one protected by close defenses, par ticulartly row of barbed wire with i rsafim~ e I~ concealed positions. 1 o Tr.ains - low - L +oui+a Ma1l'b war re a espon4 as hrolt·ht 1 gra HEAVY GUNS ARE USED Pot i Both Sides Continue to Hammer Away the at Entrenchments of Enemies. offi Battle Not Decisive. ha` c New York.-Count von Bernstorff, a r German ambassador to the United a States, announced he had received by con wireless, by way of Sayville, an offi- of t cial statement from the German gen- me , eral staff in Berlin, as follows: ala "On the right wing of the German hai 3 army beyond the Oise the battle has the t come to a standstill. Flanking move- inft ments of the French army have had tro r no success. Between there and the Ru a forest of Argonne no serious fighting t took place. East of the Argonne Vare- cel ness was taken by the Germans. ral 9 "Their advance is continuing. The ma German army, which is attacking the ant P forts south of Verdun, repulsed sor- pci r ties from Verdun and Toul. Many of prisoners and machine guns and can- rite t non were taken. The heavy German su( - artillery has begun to bombard suc- p e cessfully the French forts of Troyon- fec e Les-Paroches, Camp des Romaine and be e Lionville (L'Ironville). the r. "In the French Lorraine and on the l frontier of Alsace French troops were ; "A- really decisive action has taken r place nowhere." Po h Paris.-The brief official commun j ication issued here announces that on I the left wing the battle continues to develop; that a lull has occurred in , the fighting in the center and that on a the right wing German attacks ap- cel d parently have been checked. tre p London.-Heavy artillery continues Fri I to play a leading part in the battle of ing I the Aisne, which has been in progress ite nearly a fortnight. The opposing 60 e forces continue to hammer away at I e each other from their well entrenched Fri s and strongly fortified positions with in . the greatest stubbornness, but with. a i[ out decision. e Almost without a lull great shells the are being hurled across the rivers, scl valleys and plains stretching from the gal River Oise in the west to the Meuse in fro the east, and thence southward along wb the whole Franco-German border, nal while the lighter guns play on the in * fantry lying in the trenches awaiting pit an 'opportunity to deliver attacks and the counter attacks, with, as the French the official communication says, "alter- we h- nate retirement on certain points and t advance on others." cia Swe DISCOVER CHOLERA IN ARMY 01 .s Announcement Causes Apprehension in Dual Monarchy-Nine Cases e Reported in Hungarian Army. W1 V- Viena. -- Nine cases of Asiatic cholera have been discovered among a wounded soldiers in Hungary. The an i, nouncement has excited great appre e hension throughout the dual monar- De chy. inl a 4t is learned here that the first sus- ba 1, pected case of cholera in Hungary was po p- that of a wounded soldier brought Sept. of h 15 to' Bekes Csaba from the Galician an )t battlefield. The bacteriological exam- b y ination clearly showed Asiatic cholera. , te The patient immediately was isolat- to t ed. Since then eight other cases have by Lo been discoverd, lso amongr the ar o- wounded who returned from Galica, oe Both Austrian and Hungaran min- co is ltern of the interior are taking the 5. utmost precautions against a spread a. of the disease. to e, Vienna" is awaiting with keen an- m It lety news of the progress of the fight- Gi i- Ing agalim the Rassians and Servians, bait n coming.beyond the br p bars tement that therqe are i no neats in the eastern to F on Revenue Cutter, ae ert Wash. ~-Unconfirmed re p. ports herS were that four ugen in the :e ire room of the revenue cutter Tt nh TahOma perished when ;the vessel be ?- went on a reef in Ihe Rat Island to -h groisp of the Aleutian Islands id was a S. lost4 cl - ¶aptain Went Down With $hipl. London.--Tlie correspondent it. Har Swich of thLe Bveat~ g News sa.s he th a eaz~is i~dasrtn lvers of the dlsasteg W Sthrea -Britis. emir thship iri I)p STOP ROADS FROM BERLIN TO BALTIC GERMANS SEND THREE ARMY' CORPS INTO oRACOW TO *ELP AUSTRIANS. BALTIC FEINT POSSIBLE Traffic Stopped from Berlin to Three O01 Ports Gives Use to Speculation As to the Possible Inva sion of Russia. West . B London.-"That Cracow has been of t occupied by German troops, that the diur town has been put under a German bale military commandant and that the dev Austrian civil administration has been Edu displaced is the gist of the latest ad vices received here," says the Petro- to grad correspondent of the Morning T Post. asi "All the original administration of *'Bu Y the city has fled and all the civil Thr officials of the Austrian government are have left. Residents are fleeing in , a panic. out [ "The leaders of the Polsh secret y committee, which has been in charge to i. of all the Polish volunteer detach- th L. ments fighting on the Austrian side also have left Cracow. The Germans a have thrown three army corps into s the Cracow district, according to this i- nformation, and are bringing more d troops in preparation for the expected ti e Russian attack. g "Word has been received here that met Ser lany has stopped all traffic on the par railways between Berlin and the Ger- mo' e man Baltic ports of Daniig, Elbing to e and Stettin. This, news has set ex- the - perts to figuring on the possibility in y of a German descent on Russian ter- me 1- ritory by way of the Baltic. Any tou n such move is regarded here as im- me possible from the standpoint of an ef- to fectivfe act of war, although it might E d be theatrically effective in supporting wil the morale of the Berlin populace." sh5 ,e ton CARE FOR GERMAN!OUNDED he n . . . :' .one Poincare Asked That They Be Hu. sen 1 manly Treated-Many Will Re-' in cover from Wounds. wh 0 . mo Bordeaux.-P1resident Poincare's re . cent admonition to the hospitals to not treat German wounded the same as s French is being carried out, accord ,i ing to a correspondent who today vi lesn s ited the Bordeaux High School, where g 60 German wounded are being treated. Lt Dr. Melvile Wastermann of San d Francisco and a Bordeaux doctor, are h in charge of the hospital, assisted by Acl 1- a well-known Dresden surgeon. The German's are being treated in 5 the lofty class rooms of the high 4 5, school, which look out over the sunny ulo a" garden. The men seem to suffer more n from homesickness than their wounds, cit g which they bear with patient resig- pg , I nation. de. "[ As a rule the Germans in the hos- me .g pitals here are more badly urt tan the i the French soldiers. In addition 'to ani h the first dressing of the German wb " wounds having been inadequate, the fol id wounds also are infected. The physi- up iclans say that a large majority,of the Av wounded will recover, however. Bi ONLY HARDJIEGE WILL WIN a Will Be Difficult to Drive Germans to Ic from Position--Germans Are lap 1 Playing a Game. tio a- - - p1r 0- London. -H. M. Tomlinson, the mi r- Daily Ners correspondent, telegraph- Ca ing from outside of Paris, says the Ma 5* battle now proceeding is beyond the Pa a power of description, but from a mass Ba t. of disconnected matter, carefully ex- Ca n amined in detail, as personally related n- py combatants, we may judge that the thi . progress in the section from Peronne ca Sto Verdun has been fairly, finely won in e by the allies. Some say the Germans ac e are still playing a subtle game, with to ' something pp their sleeves, but the a concensus of opinion is that the Ger- fIc e mans retreated because they had' to. Isi It does not need a military expert in to understand that the allies can't to make as quick progress, because the foi Germans occupy strong positions and thl 8' know that when they break they. tir Sbreak fo, good. It must be aditted ern ethat w it ill be difficult to stormh the Germans from their positions. Only rei a hard siege will do it. in th ' German Diplomat Killed by Jap. o ie Peking.-A lqtter from a German in r or Tsing Tan says that Baron von Bisen. di el back, former secretary of the Ger- ap s mad legation at Peking, was killed by s a Japanese patrol dressed in Chinese el clothes by 30 Warip. Off Denmark., * ondon.-AA Copenhagen dispateh to Sthie Btandard isays a fishing fleet hilch has arrived at Falkenberg, D tS weden;, ha 1ei in close proxility o . a tetQt80 warshlips. T'hey were da sf I· ha' f' '( 5 : ~ n iJ·: :-s :2~ -;··· ths ALL OVEP LOUISIANA SCHOOLS' TO HELP I COTTON SITUATION OCTOBER 2 SET APART AS BUY-A- Al BALE DAY IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Western Newspaper Union News Service. Baton Rouge.-The public schools of the state are to be used as a me- Li dium for the promotion of the "buy-a- S1 bale' movement, according to a plan 11 devised by State Superintendent of re Education Harris, who has instructed al the parish superintendents to put in- ta to effect. at The state superintendent has set aside October 2 for the observance of at "Buy-a-Bale" Day in the schools. al Throughout the state, the meetings st are to be held simultaneously at .i p. m., and a uniform program carried out. tl The principals have been instructed sI to explain the purpose and extent of T the 'buy-a-bale" movement, and have al one of the children illustrate by black- c( /board figures the loss the South will la suffer through the sale of its 14,000,- is 000 crop at current market prices. yi The program will then take a prac- ui tical turn. If any chambers of com- ci t merce or other organizations in the a parish are promoting the 'buy-a-bale" tt movement, the principal is instructed b: to write the names of the officers on C the blackboard. If no organizations ai in the parish are pushing the move- ac ment, the Superintendent must get in oi touch with all the chambers of com- t i merce in his perish and urge them H e. to take immediate action. m t Each farmer attending the meeting A will be asked to give, in a statement ia showing the number of bales of cot- R ton he has or will have, the number he can hold, and the number he finds it absoauely necestary to selt tt once. These statements are to be . sent to the -superintendent, who will in turn send them to the organizations which are pushing the "buy-a-bale" movement. The farmers will be asked to sign 11 an agreement that next year they will P not plant more than a limited number d of acres to cotton, and that they will b no sell cotton classing middling for t' e less than ten cents a pound. a 1. a -AGREE TO CUT ACREAGE e e -. I Action Taken by Louisiana Division of n Cotton Association. b h Alexandria.-The Louisiana Divi- t y sion of the Southern Cotton Associa e tion assembled in convention at the b city hall here with President Paul M. t1 Potts of Natchitoches presiding. Presi- a dent Potts stated the object of the ( meeting and recommended curtailing I the cotton acreage for another year r o and the fixing of a minimum price n which should be asked for cotton. The e following parishes were represented 1 upon the floor of the convention: e Avoyelles, Caddo, Clalborne, FrankliH, Bienville, Rapides, Ouachita, Vernon, 1 Natchitoches, Madison, Richland, Ten sas, West Carrol, Sabine and Webster. Paul M. Potts was unamnmously re elected president and was authorized s to appoint a secretary. The old by laws of the Southern Cotton Associa. I tion were adopted after which the r president appointed the following com- I e mittee on resolutions: W. L. Foster, I - Caddo, chairman; Oeo. S. Terger, e Madison; *m. Polk, Rapides; W. W. * e Page, Natchitoches; I. N. McCollister, I Is Sabine; H. P. Baker, Bienville; L M. I I- Calhoun, Franklin, . l Resolutions were adopted providing I Le that the president of the convention I Le call upon each delegate to give his n individual pledae to reduce his 19151 L5 acreage to one-alft of that of 1914 and [ i to pledge that he will at once begin oe a campaign to get a similar pledge i r- fIom every cotton, grower in his par-i 0. ish; and that all merchants engaged 1 rt in a cnedit supply business be urged 1 't to make 'reduction in cotton acreage ] 10 for 1915 to not more than one-half of 1 Ld that for 1914," a prerequisite for get- I 'Y ting supplies, and that Southern bank- 1 iders be uged to take a similar stand. oe Other deqands .profided by the I Il resolutions were: That the reduction In the cotton acreage be utilized in the producton of other crops; that the cottori producer who will not by the 1 n rediuction in cotto, acreage and the . diversificatin of his props show his - appreciation of the strenuously pa. Striotic efforts in his behalf by all , classes of citizens should be 'tabooed byhia neighbors and shunned as a traitor to his country." .Fo Pire Mntion Day October 9. t Baton Rouge.-"Fire Prevention g, Day" will be observed in the public ' ty schools of the state October 9, the i r date set aside by Gov., Hall. State a Superintendent of tdcation Harris has lssueda adr lrh-qett to parish ""i sup~etnten4ents, Rnggsti , as a lit iugt "iobSlervance of fthe y iii the NINTH IlbI-IR P1 FOR SH Lt . ORT ANNUAL EVENT THIS YEAR HAS MA BEEN SET FOR NOVEM BER 4-11. Western Newspaper Union News Service. We Shreveport.--"The ninth annual Louisiana State Fair to be held at par Shreveport, La., November 4th to the an( 11th, inclusive, is preparing for a me record-breaking number of entries in an all departments," announced Secre- of tary Brueggerhoff. "Reservations An are now being made in every one of l the big exhibit buildings and barns tab at the grounds, in response to early pot applications from every section of the 2 state and from neighboring states as orn well." up Arrangements are being made in the Agricultural building to provide ing space for every parish in the state. 4 These displays will be S9o placed as to trig afford the best mean for study and comparison. Louisiana will be more largely represented in the way of par- P ish exhibits this season than last year, and a greater variety of prod- Fe, ucts peculiar to its different soils and climate will be shown. The display of corn, consisting of w,, thousands of top notch ears, grown by the different members of the Boys prr Corn Clubs, together with the display ua and demonstrations of domestic any science by the Girls Canning and an other clubs also will be house4 under au, the roof of the Agricultural luilding. Ac Here also will be shown the farm de- sic monstrative work conducted by the in! Agricultural Department of the Louis- sal lana State University, under E. S. fui Richardson as director. In Mt PLAGUE. IS STAMPED OUT de an For First Time Since June 27 New Orleans Has No Cases. New Orleans.--After New Orleans an had been free from human bubonic the plague for 10 days, two cases were foi discovered Tuesday. John J. Vath, a bakery owner, died Tuesday and his in trouble was declared plague after an on autopsy. Federal health authorities took a negress, Clarice Alexander, from 824 th, Bourbon street to the isolation hospi. su tal after her illness had been pro nounced plague. Vath was attacked by the septacaemic type and died be- co fore the local physician called to at. in tend him suspected it was plague. For the first time since the out. th break of bubonic plague here June 27, n there is not a case under treatment, according to announcement by Dr. W. C. Rucker, assistant surgeon general ca in charge of the plague fight. Three tb 'persons are still at the isolation hos- st pital, but they have been pronounced 4 "clinically cured," and will be released Di 1 within a day or two. TRAFFIC WILL OPEN UP SOON o Export Trade From New Orleans to C Receive a Great Impetus: c New Orleans.-In the opinion of local freight traffic men, if the rail e roads and steamships combine in suc cessfully handling the export wheat 4 , uner the conditions brought about by the war, wonders will have been Saccomplished. The movement of grain to the terminals at New Orleans has ri . been slow during the past few weeks, L and most of the product is being held s at originating points for some rea- hi a son best known to the shippers. R a Railroad men, however, expect the g 5 rush to begin at any day, and are is a making every effort to have on hand D n a supply of cars sufficient to care for e the movement. There are ample cars n *under present conditions, but when de a the call is made by hungry Europelc i for the bulk of the surplus on hand I a I-n the United states, it is not unlikely pi f that the terminals will become con- nl t- gested again, and the railroads may al c. be forced to put on another embargo hi There is considerable ocean tonnage bi e flying British, French and neutral bh a flags booked for the port during the la n next few months, but hardly sufficient , e to handle the great bulk of American ti e wheat in a sudden rush. a Alexandria Schools Increase. yi . Alexandria.-The public schools di II opened with an enrollment of 1,220 f( d pupils. This is an increase of 214 f a pupils over the enrollment of last a1 session. L. 8. U. Out of Debating League. a Baton Rouge-Louisiana State Un! c versity and the Universities of Arkan- a e as and Texas have withdrawn from k e the Pentagonal Debating League, of si s which Mississippi and Tennessee were b h the other members, and formed a new re (. triangular league of their own. The e University of Mississippi failed to Scompete :in thie debates of last year F . waspearw aas. a dead4member. a PROMOTE TRADE WITH THE SOUTH MAYOR BEHRMAN OF NEW OR LEANS ON MISSION IN CHICAGO. Western Newspaper lnion News lervice. Chicago.-Mayor Behrman and his party of capitalists from New Orleans and the Chicago Association of Com merce got together here Friday on an agreement to promote the trade of the Mississippi Valley with Latin America. The agreement includes: 1. Co-operation looking to the es tablishment of a big export and im port corporation. 2. A shipping and transportation organization to handle the trade built up by the corporation. 3. Establishment of adequate bank ing facilities, and, 4. The establishment of new indus tries in the Mississippi Valley. PROBE INJUNCTION DENIED Federal Judge Foster Found No Cause For Interference. Western Newspaper UIaion News Service. New Orleans.-Application for a preliminary injunction made by Wil liam E. Clark, resident of Arkansas, and a taxpayer of the State of Louis. ana, to enjoin the Probe Commission authorized under the provisions of Acts Nos. 145 and 297 of the last ses. sion of the Legislature, from meet ing, summoning witnesses, drawing salary or otherwise performing its functions, was denied by Judge Foster in the United States District Court Monday afternoon. Congressman El der appeared as counsel.for complain ant, and the state's I'jterests were looked after by Col; R. G. Pleasant, attorney general of Louisiana. Complainant sought to enjoin Chair. man Buie of the Probe Commission, and his colleagues, from expending the $20,000 that had been appropriated for the work. The compensation of $10 per diem while the commission is in session came in for much attention on the part of counsel for com plainant. Col. Pleasant reminded the court that no "irreparable injury" has been sustained by the taxpayer who was at tempting to stop the commission's en deavors, and the taxes paid by the complainant were not even mentioned in the bill of complaint. The attor ney general cited authorities showing that the Legislature had the right to name a commission to. carry on the work outlined for it, Judge Foster's refusal of the appli. cation does not affect the status oft the two suits now pending in the state courts. A preliminary injunc tion already is outstanding from the District Court at Rayville against the commission. A second suit is pending in the District Court at Baton Rouge, Son the application for a preliminary injunction. The suit in the Federal SCourt was largely an aftermath of the cases filed in the state courts, and its failure will not affect them. - NEW HUNGARIAN FARMERS t Coming to LouisIana From Cleveland it and Other Northern Point. n New Orleans.-The tide of Hung. 5 rian farmers has been turned toward *, Louisiana. d The Louisiana Meadows Companym I- has disposed of a group of farms oe Raceland prairie to a number of Hun. e garians and Bohemians from Cleve e land and Lorain, O.; Farrell, Pa., and d Detroit, Mich. ,r From the close investigation these s men made before they reached any n decision, from the fact that they paid e cash for their purchases, from the d character of the men who accom. ly panied them and conducted their fi 1- nandcial arrangements, and from their Y announcement that they are going o home not only to get their families, e but to induce their kin and friends to 1l become their neighbors in the new e land, the outlook is that the move It ment will assume important propor n ticns. The men buying the farms have been in America from seven to fifteen years, and are all naturalized or have 1 declared their intention of applying 0 for citizenship. They are of good 4 farming stock, and have had consider it able experience in corn, cattle, hogs and .dairying. D4 of An Auto Victim. ! Shreveport.--J. A. Atkins, head of n- an outdoor advertising concern n known throughout this section, who i speeded his machine over an ens e bankment on the Hart Island '~modei w road, died at a local sanitarium. e - o New Iberia.--Keeping faith with the r Federal Agricultural Department, and I. carrying out its promises, the parish Lanthr#iew rcapolirain hi