Soo00 JUSTICE TO ALL. st oo. VOLUME I. ST. MARTINSVILLI, L. JULY Ioth. 1886. NUMBER 20. THE ME88ENGER. Iditorial Chips. The Republican postal clerks who were going to get up a boyeott on the postal authorities seem to have been sittiag on the limb when they sawed it o. a It is admitted by McKinly, ot Ohio and Read of Maine, the leaders of the Repub licans in the House of Representatives, that their party does not stand the ghost of a show in electing a majority to the next Congress. The colored race owns six million acres .f land in the South and is assesed upon taxable property to the amount of nearly one hundred millions of dollars. And when they will have abandoned their ex travagant ideas, drummed into them by white men who use the as stepping stones, and will sett down to copera tioa with the good white people, it will prove incaleulably beneicial to each and the whole country. Every bill brought orward that tended tobeneftthe rahkeads, was adopted by the legislature. But mt a d le bill In the Interests of the people wa looked up on favorably. Mr. Murphy, was right when he smld, that this is "a railroad is gilature, rsa, last an all the time." Verily a beautiful set of representatives. Local Lights. Where is the wang of the wangle wane. Well, at last, old Sol is getting a chance. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Adams, are spen dinga few days in town. The general query, in town, is: "Are you going on the excursion. We erred last week in saying that Dr. Betournay's wife survived him. The nfant child of Mr. and Mrs. Er est Beela, aged 8 days, died last Sun day. Some people do not take very kindly tothe idea of having their ageesment in creased. Figs sad peaches are o the market. And vegetables of all kinads are not so scarce. Several of our town lawyers were in at tendance at the Supreme Court, at Ope loues this week. Now is the season when lawns are be lag put in condition, inad croquet parties are the order of the day. The dramatic entertainments by the amateurs of Breaux Bridge, takes place in that town, tomorrow and the day after. At the Catholic Church, last Monday, Mr. Camille Boudreaux, of New Iberia was married to Miss Lucle Balnl, of this town. XMy their path through life be strewn with flowers. We call the special attention o ear readers to the adveriseement of Mr. J. A. Hitter, displayed in another columa. Some people when they talk politics, cam manage to let escape enough smper luoum wind to run a wimd-mill at a live ly rate. Our young friend Je DeBlane, Is en joying at home, s well earned rest from his arduous labors on the Morgan railroad. The erope in the Coteau seatm of this perish are said b be maglloeent--I fact it is said, they are the best-espe clally corn. Should the excursion prove a fnamelal sucess, the projected Hell will soon be erected. And, If built, it will be a or* nament to the town. The New Ibers Eaterprise might have extended its encomiums much further than still Judge Gates would not have received his jult desserts. The truck of Home H. C L. Co. No. 1 wasreceived, lat Wednesday, sad pI a magnils et pee of work. The colored boys mast be proud oet t. The Lake Charles Commeral, hes commeced its Lk. olme last satue day. The Messenger wishes a eontined prosperity to the Commer ial. There were two sales made by the he riff last Saturday. One being the plan tatlon of Amos Hames and others, and the other the contents of the tore of - pries GOuldry. Since our las report, tcrops, blessed by favorable weather, hbve taken a big start, and cotinue to grw ine. The planters have checked the grass and everything appears lonely all along he line. Mr. James Simon, on of Judge Ed ward Simon, successfull ped his e amination before the Supreme Court, at Opelouses, this week sad is now sa 'At torney and Comsellorat law. A very enjoyable lee-ream party was given at the residence of Mr. Joh rants, last Monday eveingl. The youngfolks nladulged it a dame, and the time passed off very plea tly la deed. A special receiverd yesteday brought the pleasing latelgeme that the Sa preme Court had armedthe deelsa tof the lower court In the matter ad J. Balphen vs. Galibes and kraem Weeder what'll cme next? We noeed nt the report of the co- mencement exercises of the Louisnas University, at Bsto Rouge, that .1T. Ouilbesm, son of Dr. H. P. Gllbeas, to Breaux Bridge, meved marked ditie tlon, for his stadies sad coure. It is said that a piece of gm campher one-third the else of a egg, held over a lamp or candle, taking eare that it doe not ignite. that the smoke therefrom wil soon llthe room and expel mo quitoes. Do this at bed time and the next morning there will not be one to be found, though the windows have been left open for the night. Try it. The annual election of ofcere for the Mutual Benevoleat Amsocation, last Wednesday, resulted as follows: C. One rimlere, Predsident; C. L. Laease, Vice President; Louis J. Voorhies, Secretary; Aug. Marast, Treasurer; Gab Gardemal, Grand Marshall. The State oloial journal, this week, publishes the Governor's order of eleo tbo, for the election of a Judge of the Set. Judlieal District. The Sheriff has received the order. The election is to be held at the same time as the Congres adonal election In November next. Though no public announcement has been made that we know of, still we are reliably informed that Judge Simon, of this place will be a candidate for Con gees at the approaching election. We shall have something to say on this sub ject, shortly, perhaps in our next issue. Antoine PFelix Olivier, son of the late Felix Olivier, and of Theodora Leduux, aged 19 years, died last Saturday night, at the rqiden~e of his mother. He was burled next day, a large neouree of riends and aequanaames attending the fueral. He was a promising young man, full of emer, and his demise is deplered. Our sympathy is e to te family. The management of the M. B. A.'s en emnnlo feel quite elated over the fatter ing prospects fora large attendane'on their exeurdo of the 1th. Arrange meats are ll pereted and we assure those who intend going that nothing has been left undone for their tpleasure anad cemfort. Besides the enjoyable trip they will witnes the elebraton of French festival, which It is consdently believed, wll surpass in splendor any of ts predecessors. Let every body, who ea, go. James E. Moute, Kaq., who had been appoiated, a week or o ago, by the Gov ernor, Judge a the , l, . Judicial DIs trict, composed' o the Pariss o Iberia and St. Martin, qualled, before Judge DeBlane. last Wednesday. This sp poa ·met meet te enrtie approbation of the people of this prish, and we trst berwi be equally well pleased. Mr. Mouton is well sad faverably knows and wll make an enelent Judge. St. Martin is atefl to the Governor for this appointmet. Judge, we dll our tle to ye. The members of the Polee Jury siae g as a oard Reviewers ave been in seesion during the wek revising ead eqalsing the assessment liss. Iteems there wes a dtleey, from what was ealculated upon e( about three hundred thomsand dollars i the amount of the total asessment. Itt thought that by a just revision and making the burden bear equally on athtte shortage wll be overcome, We expected this, hence, advised our reders, who owned proper ty subject to taxation, to see about their interests during this time. We under stand, the Board has notifed those of whom their saessmenthas been inores ed, of its action. Heresetes records Ia Babylonla eus tom, whlehhe decares to be te wisest he ba ever heard of. T was their wife ametios, bJ which they managed to Aid husband for all their y omuen. The read beauty was pua m and kenoked down to theb tbe the next in the order o; nellnem -and so on to the damsel who was equidstant between beuty and iafnem, who was given away tgratis. the lst plan was put u and Iknocked down to the mrt who w ld marry her for the - s-t nlderaton-amt s till even .re to IoolBy transoerang the sel itil-lfavored th ars pai for the air ea was madeto endow iness ad the rich man's taste was the poor men's in. The Babuyloan custom -e modern countrle It teatd to a air distribution ao the gifts of fertune. Caught on the Fly. A friend nla need is a fend to teed. Aerak s a manwith a ad tarn at mind. % Itb asatire to tella fool to so his awn judgment iah can be cauht by arguent, but r mnt warar int ato them A sore m for eplemee is to le yea havsgot to get up. Anther otel hersr, as the m sMid when the hankh was set be/em him. Is taking graund ala a - an the iame thing as throwlng mad at him. I seems natural, dsm't It, that when a man's busnem gets run dwn he wlab up? C(Oseleace is the central statse an the telephone wire between the heed and heart. The girl with ane, plump arm is the reature who does nt mind th moaqul tee all. Jmst so l as woman retains her maidenM name, her maiden aim Is to ehaage It Sman never losses mch time in in terviewing a bee. He generally come right down to the point The ee is ome times caled the win dow et the suel, ems mtly a blk eye mt h a sta~eswladow. De mn dat tells er that clthes dean make do men, i d mno what lks to see hew  pr's dresse. Fm d r se dit my the dealan mlb e s tathat h_ls he speam ameg It mnbem . Hew woml t do q erganim an anti-alg.r rench speakiag slub? I- you rglrl beaten you at erequaet ts year yet? One a ter easiest way to make yourself solid, yng man, is to let her win thetralght games An Impeaounla s nldlvldu remarks that f was the sme to him at sch-ol as it is now. lHe was r ed the, ad be has bee strappedt ever ase. "r-r arb b d r- Some people are  literal When ro wesased what were the most con spieuor feature at a ertain enter- tain t, he Iameaially replied: "The oes..