Newspaper Page Text
THE WEEKLY MESSENGER. Official Journal. - JUSTICE TO ALL. - si.oo Per Year, Invariably in Advance. V(L. VI. ST. MARTINVILLE, LA SATURDT)A, OCTOBER 17, 1891. No. 34. fhec VWeekly Messenger. P'ublishe, Every ýaturday. ALBERT BIENVENU, Elito r ant Pi'r'plieotr. -7 5,iublcription $1 0U a sear in advance. AIPVElUTI'ING; RATES. slrV'E. 1 nto 2is 3ms Gm ly One in 1.. I 14' 230 3011 ! 500 800 "t'w in, h.. . , 1 1: ; :,0 450 c00, 1 00 tbr*i in I :t t! I :1 i 340 1800 F'oul i:t 'I" , 1 I al 12 0 ) 2200 Fiv, i: "i ... in t 0 750 11(0 2600 Sixi ..' . + )I. 7 350 S 5) 160() 3000 One l1'nu 1 5 00 2100 00121001-14500 7500 Tran4ient advertiseteiu"ts, "; cents per u :lt or ti:r.t iniertioti; -) 'rents.' for each ;ubsequenti insertion. Otlici:tl or leeal a.-verti~ements. $1 per I inch for fir't insertion: and 50 crents for each nhi'"1utivi insertion. 7-7-1rif ,'omn1run1icathios uipon subijects 'of publii interest s.olijited. No attention will be iel to atonymlotts .ettet+. I)D . IHENRY DI)i, MA IV, PiY-Il.tIN AN.ti ýURt.EON, Ottit'te at ; Itreside'nce,. fortmerly Rler iratd's Ilot,,1. jnt 23 ST. 3IAITINVILLE, LA. 1)rt 1. J. MAVI'lIlS, P11lY.1 tIN AND SN 'RGEON, ST. M1 tl:Tl:Vil.L.. - - A. Ptesprtftlly itfr my profetsional ser .'ire: to the pe,,ple of thi. city snad sur t eo ni l lin g e un ltr '. l)llhe .at Ca,-tillo l14te1. Jan 2:1 T. J. LABB1, Fire Insurance Agent. St. Martinville, L1. July I. J. W. ECKART, Watchmaker and Jeweller, Mlain --;trt.t. Nt'. Ibceria,La. The ialing repaiTr hlp in the Attaka .11 kiu t, of Mnittgraml-; atnd tladge* 1ti:ia:0 I ,.it u i' i tl: l.idle to orider and at rtar, ltii 1i I i" . .\ fu li 'i. ' f w;via.t; e, "elcks anid jew tlr icy al ay . l h::ld. .. hI,' t a.- lt. tlil oIf gentllluie Mleerr chaltnl p pi'-, teIr cigarette tubes tus ,.it h1athr ri'lar a:,"s, tflu tobaeeo potthi - etc. kept i:li itii. .ly pries are nii.derate, give me a call HOiEL DENKHAUD, 56 to 64 Carordelet Street, NEW ()RII.:ANS. LA. centrally locate,, near Colttoll Exchage. Large a:td Airy litnts. Take the. street ca.r at the delpot andll the driver will put youi out near the Hotel. jan 14 1 y P. J. MOIT Y, Carpenter. Contractor and Httilder' Furnituro repaired with care, altd int Shop on Port Street, jan IS ly ST. MARITINVILL, Lt. CONVENT ot MERCY. St. Martinsville, La. This Institute offers supeior advanta ges to Parents desirouts of giving thliet children a solid anldl tetined Edtutation. Termt -f tuittlon; Music et*'., t'loderate SIrSTF.nE O M'ERCY ... ... · .o ..S.w . In 0. . . ni t.u . l ii e i. ira | Aioi4N , CO.,, .f Itrondwa.., o 4 Local News. ---The weather continues too dry for he planters in general. - Mr. Gabriel Four net made a :iholt , isit to New Orleans this w: ek. - iDo you want a tieci fit? then call ;.t I. 0. Ilebert & Bro., 1hey will fit you. -Mr. J. A. Schlessinger has been corn -iissioned a notary public by Governo Nie'holls. -Polities i- taking a nap these day but when it wakes up, you may look fo. a breezy time. --The Steamer Octavia conemeneed her ttips between St. Martinville an,: New Iberia his week. -Cotton is not ctnning in so very fast just at present, the crop may prove shor ter than was anticipated. -Telln uent Stribling Shoe ('o's.. shloes are the hest, and it most elegantly. Try thenl, at J. 4º. lehbert & Bro. -Light your street lamps gentlemen. give uis all the light you can. and stir peo;ple will be gratrful to you. -Siheriff aratemal :and deputy Adol phe C. Fllselier. left Monday with three negro pl i-oners for the Iltnit, ntiary. ---The Misses E. and N. Richard, of (;rand (oteau, have -In itt several days in town, the guests of Miss Lelia Olivier. -'-They will commence to cut carne Mondlay on the St. Jl tn plantation and will commence grinding during the week. --The boys of this town organiied a brass Iand last Saturday. They will Ihe gin to practice as soll as they get the inetrtume nts. - J. ,. Hebert & Bro., are the leaders of en, aneed c.legPent shoes, they sell Ten n ait Strillilg Slht (u's~ shoes, the helt oII tliP llmarket. - Nothing completes tile dress like an elegant lchoe.. (iet Tennent Stribling S'e,,c ht'- -st at J. . iHebert &i Bro.. 'h. t nicel. - Mr. Gasitn P'atin, of Breaux lridigel Ih s been ;:ppointed justiee of the piaee. e-r the ftsi tih vardl, vice J. .1. Ikhmnen! grallx, removed. - That popular young merchlant, DUi allnes Ilehert. tmade a trip to Nii'W 0 lealns this week, and has replelnished his stt.ek with !re-h and seasonatble go. ds. -The horn- of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. IV. .ldams, of New lbtrie, l. s helti t isitel by the Inl -se.ger of heetth, who las tak en from theim. their onluy lube, a child if four lllontllh. - Mrs .tri-tide Reuand of New ecr leacsi and her hdaughters. Mrs. Jules Pet etin of I anid ('coteatl. ald Mrs. t'has. G;. Futselier of laldtwin W re in towll last week visiting relatliVes and frie~tls. -This ' ofiTeo hats turned out it first class j'.l, this week, atnd i remttaited nit the hook for thee nomiug week. Our 1t.o ple apprechate gtood work, a:nd they know where to get that--at the Mit,,2 mEle t oflice. - l.a!ies, ladies; think of the echgage, mnelts vyou ha'e brokete and thei disap sointneilits tt,tle. tliPnt to others anild perlaps hlso to lourselve', till on ac count of headache. Bradytotlilt Will cure you ito bfteeh ltminutes. -. Al tile politt'etalts Were Ih .eW Or leans this Week, to look at the work that was being ldote by the state central exe eutive comtmittee. We prestlte that many of one faction or the other retthrn ed home disappointedl. --A latge iltmbetr of the tspers throughlott the state hhte cnme out in favor of S. ). Mtoknery for Governor. SMclnery Vlil cet'tainly have a stiong backing it we are to judge by the Louis iatla pres, antl ~illl be aformidable can didate. --Our people are begitening to under stand that it is almost, if not entirely impossible, to cohdutst sueeasfuilly any buctliesc without advettising. Sohie o them hre painting the fences, tacks, an' in fact, every board that can be 'eel b: the traveler is beittig painted with soes kind of advertihemIent. This is good ad vertising, of course, but the best an' most succesedul advertising is don through the uewspaper, and the MlESSt.E cGaR is the ewslpaper through whic v-o11 del'0ll1 roe-C ,he fh m:" cf the. eollol ITlh .Ilt:. r(,Itr as the best equip peI printing otfice in this parishi, and caln oiln s-lelt notice, execute any job. suhall or big. 4 ur work will conmpare faiorably witlh woVrk done in New ()r leans or lsekw erie in wi knial.tship a dt Irice. We t-e the Ieft if materia l. --Several of ta r ctlizenu pass their Sunidays in the banks of the tattoi . clihe, anid catch as much flth as they want. and ,trallge ti say, they nniy cran catch lish in that stream. Andi they know Ihow to slake a 'courbunllon .I la ('reole' the most delicious of the delicla cies of the table. --'Thiere re enough Iicycles in thli-i ,iwn anld New Iberia to make a bi. yle touritatuienlt. Sulppose the boys would nmeet ihere some Sundalhy and have race of different diit:lirenr. They iounlt chiarge a mall entrance fe'e, to keelp tihe track ill goodi order. It wouil be tin. sport for the amnatenlt. Why not try it? - The hook and Ladder Co. No 1, at telndled low nass SntIday last in a bodtly. Tlhi speaks hligh for the Loys as it show) that they are religiously inclined, and with thie blessingtt of the Master above, whichl the invoke, they are sure to pre serve the tepurity and morality of their usefuil ,orgallizaticln, of which the town is so proud. --Three yoting gentl-mlen from New Iberia ca(el here last S iday oil hiycely s. ard onie of thean with ·ev,; al others fromll this place ILade a trip to Hreanix itidgl.. 'lie trill front New Iberia to here, It niles was malde in an Iliunr and a quIarter. and from here to Breauix Bridge, a little over II miles, wals lmade in two hours. The roads were inl :i -ilendid cindiition for the ride, atnd the boy- en joyved it hugely. Mt. Thnlt.tas AIifoll, an ehtiimable ,oloh d. w tani, dlied duriing the night of Thur-day. th e Stil inst.. after "t long anti paiifull illnles-. A.t the time of her death ht r hIihiand andl only son were ab-ent, a lil eout Inot even attend the fitnral whichl tiook Ihae- inll the evening the text day. Her numnertous friends and a.qiintaiinatoes testille. I the esteemtu and high reiect they e. tertained for the ,lcea.ed, by attendtng her funeral in large nllmber. - Tat popnliar all entterprsintg youngt itneirchanot, Mr. T. J. Cuculilu.i, hias had . reefed in front of his, a nilce lamp that hiines light at niglht. to thei great .,tifa titoin anid tventi~encC of Those who loltbe to, be out at night, eSeP ally il the r:aiiny and htitiddy winter nights. If the otl-r nt rchlanlts wotiid putt up itunpi. asi those,' ho have thili already L'ut rip w.nilh li_-htl them. it would give the tn ,i a litely and hbusiness-like 1 p- { ;ieiracte tha;t would leave a :avorable in.ipre-iitn on ithe mlilnd of the stranger; ianid s'tll nlak' oiur people feel us if we a;re enteiring ill a ne.w s-lihfte of activity and t,1tl:perity that wotld stimittlate theI indoilent thAd our townI woitlhl soon walk l1 the lisie of progress. Only a little enhll! :ioi is ieedeid. -'Tlh I,- .ys gtve a trial to their Steam etllntlle -mniidav Iat., but wh,.n they went down ti hbayou I aik, they could not stay it titl in tihel bayoui she ttent. Sithe did not gu very deep. hlluPver, the bayou_ ieint low. libut she stut'k in the nuti and folll hotes coulnd not pull her out. Fleminog planlted a post in the ground and with a: rope and pullies bquiepededl ini puillig Iher on dry grounild, when steam was raise and the thachlile tried. We Sha'e always alppreiltnded this, and we fear Vtl h in the engine will be needed iin tca·e of fire at night, t' at In the excite teant tthat ge'Ierally pretail at fire, that there will ntt be enoungh strengh to hal tdle the engline, and what happened Stiln d lay. m;iay huaplp'ln aiain, and tile engine rendered uIseIesc wlhen in great need. IHow to Succeed. I his is the gra-it protdlem of life whIch few satisfictorily soltve. Sonte fail le- F c:,n.,i ,f Ilor health, others tvant of Ilck. hilt tIli nl:ujoirity from defit-ient grit-- wint of nerve. They are nelrvous, irrecolulte. cl:hangea:lth. easily get the lhes :inud ttake the spirits dowin to keep Itih spiritlusIp.( thu- watitdg mtoney. time, ippirtunlity and nerve force. 'hThere is nothing like the Restorative Nerviie, disicovered by the great specita "lit. ,)r. Miles. to clure all nerv,,us dis h c:s--, as be:dachc. the blues, nervous -.rostra;tioin. .leepleesines, neuialKia, St. -Vitus dance, tits, aud hysteral. Trial ' bottles and fine book of tetinmoni-l iree - at T. .t. I :ihhe', ,ireistor'. \Vhy People G;et Married. Thong's it is very commllnlon to reproach id harhelors with their delicacy. anld to i pity old mails an if single bleswdtlnes a were a nli-fortlllln . yet mn;ily Inalredl people have sem.ll fit to offer apologies for i1 havilg entered into what ,ome profalne wag has called the holy bonds of lpad- F Ihck. O)ie man says he got nmarrie to v get al hollse keepele, anllther to get rid ee j had comnpailny. a illany MeiILenI deciate they rot nmarried q for the Fake of a honme; few acklnowledge ii that their motive Wis to ge ia husband. to Goethe aerred that lie got niarried in t: order to be resupectable. Johni Wilkes li I said he to,,k a wife to please his frielnds. I Wycherly. who espoused his housemaid, said lie did it to spite his relations. A widow who married a second hus- n a'.ad said she wanted somehcody to cc.n- 'i dole with her for the loss of her first. - Another becaus . she thought a wedding would amuse her chitlren. Another to t get rid of incessant importuni ty from a !I crowd of suitors. o Ohld mails who get emarriec invariably ji assure their friends that they thought they coultl be more useful as wives than It as spinsters. Neverthieless Qulip gives II it as his olinin that nine-tenths of all v piersons who marry; wihnther widows or widowers, spinsters or hatchelors, do So ti for the sake of gettinlg married.-Lon- Cr idon Tit-Bits. A Fatal Mistake. Physicians make no mnore fatal ids take than when they inf.rm patlentsit that nervIults helart troubles come from the stoml!iach and IIe of little colulr(e quence. Dr. Franklin Miles, the noted Indiana si. cialist, has provenl the coin-lF i trary in his new book on "H art Di," which may be hadl frete at T. J. L.ihbie's Drugstire who gllaraotees and reronilnl [ids D1r Miles unequaled Neww liHeart (Cure, which has the largest sale of any Iheart remedy in the world. It a cures nervous and organic heart disease'. short breathll, tiitterilig. pain or tender nesa i!, the side, arm or shoulder, irre gular pulse. faintinig. .motheriiin, drop -y, or etc. His Restorative Nervinie curt headache. lit. etc. ri it - All Saints day is coming fast. and sorry to say, that our cemetery is in ac mn-t dil plralle condition. There are but Very ft w tomnibs which are kept in g.soul urder, the balaince of the grave t' yard is almost ltst in wedils and tall - grans. It is more than time to do somle thing in the way of cuttiig the weeds h mand otherwise put the resting p ace of b our beloved and lll grctted hdead ill a de- e crent coniilitloi. It is a s!ilamei, almost a ' disgrace for a ilristian clnlunti y like 0 ours, to let lihe etetliul hiones of th-be I we have loved sio dlnrly lost in leedls, 0 esold,te and uItcatred for. Is there al other conilmlcity the size of this, where n " ii. ha state of things exit'? We think 3 not. Whell shall our citizens make an 0 effort to, take charge of the cemetery ' and put it in a condition that will do, credit to a christlan anll civilized com- $ illulity? • IIi --The RPeglators 19 in numlber, who C were arrested last week on the Charge of I, whlippiln two negroes on the Singleton a pilantait on. were admitted to ball in the n sum of 935 each, to appear at the next tet m of the district toirt. When those t persons were herb before the justice's i Scourt it was really amusing to see the I politlciats come around there and make funny r.larkn to those people, in ich a I tome as to try and gain t: eir esteem; they waitedl to futrnish all the bonds, and would havP willingly given thetn all the help atnd amlistance in their Iower. The peoIple have a grand old time when politics is waxing hot, but Swe are in the doubt if it is really for the ,steem they have for the people or for their ballets which they expect to have at the cominig election. 0! the dear peo pIe. how the poiiticians love youi ill the u approach of the election? SFlower Pots, c Hanging and plain Flower 'bta of all v ?rjetie4 and price at L.qhhe's. State Central Committee. At twelve o'eilhwk Tueslay, the 13th inst.. the St:it, ('Cenltral Caoimlitte mlet at the IG i'nwahli 1t.l), ini New Orle.ittA. Ileated di-tls'lls- ibega;i as son1 asi the roll call waeos Inoiltd. On the first vote of the ! ota olmittee the I Pros showed a Illjity of olne. The vot** vi.!nt 3 : g;a lin-t 31<. Mlr. Jlti - Itl.., ;ua. frim this parish was slnte.d in rlil e(t alit ,,teld oil all Squti"thl., and in I1I,, dIibate of the first day, wht'1l tlii rl'Hatest. f e a-er were given to the .tlillhnitlee oin credenitial,. lio mnll titl . was m ,le oif lth ci',ltest ,f Mr. Fe lix Vu, mrhi. i who w;, 1'li,'ret.d alt a lllasl Illeeting Iest 0tiar tI. replace Mr. Itous I ill on lIhat 1't liltlliit te. The etonlnittee onl ereltdltia's mlade a nia jul itV a;ild train ity .lreport, the. major. ity r Iprt wai ar c, pled. Mr. l'arlange WMa ulllseated. The. lott,.ry q(elltstlil, waa not discus-l ed, bult the Anltis to.ik theit seats in one lide of the hall. andI tlhe Prom in the tother. The Pros hiad a ciontrolling !ti jori y. Whell wewee i tt lpres Wee had not heanr of tit., dlate fixed flr thei, primnaries, neither tile date of ithe ntmiinaltiing euon. velntion. Wet wi I pullblish in tolr next issue, tlii rultes adopttd Iy the u'hlltittee for thO coI1d11t oif t e prilllaR lis. BARGOAINS. I am Selling Below Cost, my Entire Stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hlats, and Fancy Goods. These Goods mu-t go and will go. If you want a bar gain call soon. o 16 B. AUD1)1 _HT, Jtiltg. Mouton has Ite!l enicll titd to 1ilt ro iu since a taP days. blut We are pleesd tiI say he is be:ter. amd will eosin he aid$ to hilt led the dI,;ties of his ofllice. The iPerils of Girlhood. There is irtobahly 1n wrong in the two stexes inglingjl froim ;lII early age -it lay tie best. hlint i young girl shobuld reeit-ve cmnlpanly at holinlte with her monther o mister. She shouhl never be permitt, d to, gi, alione withl a man elither illn ti. "ia' or lnigilt. inl a hiitgg or otherwtie. A youilng girl i illnocent of the designs of . tdllll she Is not powerful enlouh ti ri-;t the aldvances of ne Whinm she admires. She will in numeroul eases, yiilt himn privilegesi anlld the nlotlher w i, raised her precilolre jewel is certainly Ilissfully ignorant of eitler sex. tI hy to ulmelt prefer to go with young girls? Alh! ithy knowl Almost daily tile l;ripers chronicle the snlilCiie of solit' sixteenl year old girl girls reared by piius hiilul, ill refine mlent, with elluratlitl iion l I happy ionillest Is your daughllter st llger thaln they? Oh. mothers, you beilieve your dalughter is safe; you can't believeshe lt WOllI gLo astray froml our lteahlilg; liut how many hae, hw maIlnlily Ibeautifull hlomes have been blasted? Ytil say. it a girl is the right kind of a girl, she is safe any I where. You tligilt as sensibly pulit your bloy in a bntlrlooiltl lli say. "If lie is the right i itd of a ihy ii Woin't drink., You wilit yIlllr girln to griow lip pure anlid mnlodest. If s,, dtoi'j ive' them Ita challce to Is- othelwise; 191. maly pses through the furalier ItlIharlled l tit the next nlay perish., al 1 that olle may be yolre. L.t thle yiiling iteolle enljoy tIhemselves, hitlt let them Ii, it at home6 or keen in a cr.wil; it is s test, it in wis r est. There is nllt il le ,of girls starting P out at itteell otr sixteenl in order to sue &tll ill llUatritllatty. Perrhiat.i it thord P tellder years wre tihvota-l to the adorn. inent of the mliitlis, ailt to tille etbell ishment of the ijltthllt., a bIrighter it. ttre wouhld await lthin,. (lh. nUberv. Whtll ate pnll doinlg fr jonti deat little girls, When y'oi ,fart thin-m oit with toea 1 whotm iltiwly knows? Titi I' a ftat Idlav; do Volu wanrl them? 'lnrn Pitt