Newspaper Page Text
PULI.liHED WEEKi'i lFY 4LBERT BIENVENU. According to ce.l-is r-ljpirt·, there are 12,500,000 f:unilies in the United States. Of thue, 10 .20,0')0, occupy farms and tham a that art either owned or re:tied by them unincurnbered. The other ;, 250,m JU own ihonuse and farms inreags bered by rmorta.ges. japiarLs Emperor has de.'recd ti it every mana lio provokes aI d('l or ac:. repts a cilallenre shall pay a heavy lino, arnd serve from six months to too \c i', in tl 'i .. Th tau tin f a tn, for hi; r("utl . t ti.hit when chi ,li ,niJ mill Ie re :ir.lihd :s slan lcr, nul aill be st, treate I by ti:,- cimurts. The su:t - of the iotanic.i institui. tions ,t: lih .," 1 in J al;hi,' i, Trinail.a I amni Irito a I ii"na, under the au-pit; s of the aithoiti ts at Kewv, Enliand, hI - led to all r'.ten-ion of the ,y-temn, :u:i botaniii:l stations ar,- now in :%t-ive operato% in most of the minor e\\'st India iulanl: . l'h olject i, to enc,u: ag-" a divcrs'ified sytcrn of c'u!tivation. 1':trmner- and bank ofiicTers :-cmt t) be givinii ii i:th!1 of days. I .'.m recent st.. ti-tic, it , -:i:ntI.,lI that toil averar_ life of Ino in li- cdiin,~s an I fo r x ir--; bIen. olli",:';, .. xty-fotr; clhr' yl, en, lifty-six ; lawver<. tiftv-folr; merchalts, liity-one; I -i , ffty one; c:rirpunttr .f irty-nine : t:., !.r,frtn - si ; :ir ifa ur,.u-u, Ii.t]bcii -, w :rirtr- , slh,,ala, rs :'r an I :echanii cs, ft edi:,r f, frty; musicians, t'r:irt-nu ii ; te :i er' , thli. -four: cl t y-o::; ople-totl. thirty-Wo. Th , l ,ot inter('-tin, per-o.1 in W a;I, ir't :n ::! prir,-,nt i- the iui::-,e 1M i1: ist:iur li.tlie slant-eyeil b'it. .ic coinl:inie I by her mintiter an I unrre tilt; infant takes an occasiona! on'int in at American baby carriage, and on such oc casions she is the e(yn3-)mir of all neigh tboring eyes. She is not much unlike other babies, except for her attire, which looks rather odd to Occidental people. On her head she wears a little silk can 'of Chinese manufacture, and tucked up un der her chin in place of the usual white robe is a little spread of dark-colored material. The Minister's wife is much like other mothers in showing her pleas ure when her baby is admired. A wonderful example of patience in the Chinese is affordc4 by a consular re port dealing with the manufacture of salt in Central China. Holes about six inches in diameter are bored in the rock by means of a primitive form of iron drill, and someti-nes a period of forty years clapses before the covered brine is reached, so that the work is carried on from one generation to another. During this time the boring,as may be imagined, goes down to an immense depth. When brine is found it is drawn up in bamboo tubes by a rope working over a large drum turned by bullocks. Tile brine is evaporated in iron cal.rons, the heat be ing supplied by natur.l gas, which is generally found in the vicinity of the salt wells. The Kansas City Tans says: "Nearly three.fourths of the men who have been chosenrl by the Ipeple for the great otlices of thit: nation are men who were early f:amliliar with wooldedr hills and cultivate-l tfils. It is an oli story, but a few names rmiy ,be alpro!priately rcaillce here; for example, thhoe of Lincoln, Grant, Gir:ield, hiLo!in, (;recley, Til. den, Clevelaldl , Iiarri-oo, lHayes, Ulaine anoI r:any otheirs clually can spicuous in current events of living mc:niry. Among journalists, HIenry Wattcrson spent his early life in rural Kentucky and Murat LHalsteadl was born and lived on a farm in Ohio. W. II. Vanderbilt was born in a small New Jersey town and early engaged in the business of ship chandler. Russell Sage was brn in a New Jersey village. Jay Gouldt spent his early years on his father's farm in New York /ate. Talmrage first saw the light in agew Jersey village, and DI)avid Swing, though born in Cin. cinnati, passed his boyhood on an Ohio farm. Whittier and Howells spent their youth in villages, the former divid ing his time between farm employment and his studies." In the South, adds the Atlantic Constitution, this is even more conspicuous. With very few ex ceptions, our most sucesful men haveo b -e coitn bd, - s the w ":;'i, b in ., ,0 2 )} mih' l a_ is rubb r ,':2 , U . '1 i i. I :r', Iwhich i's. .:te r,:1.:m r'ý.L :v. , k ee., t.. s greater part I t'n iuiv:,jd at the marain· an I in the .awam'I) t:ip,;i the tre' , where :n:a tria and fever snes them ol. Bat the work is said to la.ti iminmn-ely for the iabor and ri:k. Far'mic-r should encourage thie e;sta:. lii-inent of c c hainr fac:;ries near :at hand, .;'a if tle. ha111 to ivt ,t some. h:tSt in the Lst, k in orl i: to ,'t-t themii st:IrteL, l 'ys s .,, T:i.- " :' There is a lpro!t in -rowingr fruit and v :tl , \lthIL tlrher is nIl t,: nl'ar at h",,:d. (',-op,,rat.iv, e tablish:u,:., oa:.,,l y1 the icri wh'l: t ar, to ,row th. lr, i'r ts shoulti :pty well if proVp-y i l i (I::L I Id el. Thr ti' r(,:"" ?,of no nil:t 0s of 1I ceiy1 shio an b t , ' the-L t s a Is ;vr l 1. It h sii i i n :I , : ;:tL :- I r :L'iL v t : "' :I . tI ::n b u t e v e n \'ry in r " t' , , ,i - d. t '' i:m . ,l I:,l ni arll; a of t';w . at, r l to .. i hole of lic :: I is b,.,t f.t, a ir( of 11 419: th.I nr b r! of u(1: C ' . :. .l ho .-es is 0.-,.717, am i:' r'c - o i e J. It i s (ld !f'u', s'nanIZ sl:tene the . :rk lP , if the r'): ol f ('arlyv x il .'v't I n' , in', !- tI i L:Itt I ro hel'l LIt 1'i art L iiten IL'. IILL"_, ih 'I1. ' h1 i' ' rveI ,o I! r ;rI ic.l T.'. l n c,, . I l' .te ir s ,r., St d o1h n )ce, s forltw or. He:, . a'L follo w arc nui nrnk ie ih'btof\" oo f:-: "~hIe", c"t': " . ,-, , -i ,.: (... " I " , : ! ', .1n e -i rv " l I,,,!;, fou tr-:m ,iL .i':-1,, ." ''.. it nl , 'nd hi lt five ,iiln Ar i 'i l: '.'ir ,of ilk lm-1,, furt .:ni sIX I"t.he," v ieithe women are'" p _,red al btr a i.-li'ito of cwther.d.tII, to ir , .Lvel w.,rdlt ju-tiie.l. Tl'e Frenchi peasant is said to Ie chiang". inc., for the worse. It l is losing both his thrift and sobriety, lie has taken to drink like the inhabitants of the city lums, and his thirst is for brandy. Inever the villages the women are pictured as obliged-slike the wives of the workmen in the cities-to hang ablut the public houses on pay days and to fight for money to buy bread. Instead of putting his sous and silver in a long stocking, the countryman spends them in the tavern. Formerly he drank only on holidays; now he treats himself and his friend every day in the week. The wives oo mIarried pcasants soon follow their husb.-,ils in this vice. Strong liquors are cheap; there is no Sunday, or even to rl clos ing, and no Blue R ibboa Army in that country. - The editor of the Builder , .', Wood Tis uAer believe in trade schoiol. I gives ayLouig man, in a few months, lIe says, instruction that It would take !,iua tile h im to ach the stc t nwiich e tt hamz number of year. to "t .f" hap hazard in ashop, and accomn.ces this instruction with a technical an(! -c;;-tilic Steaching of the whys and wh!,',"'<Ires of earlier than if he went into at shop as a boy. lHe can coninence with the trade sciols in his seventeenth or eighteenth year, and would ie just as far as the shop ooy on e( npieting ns trade school cturse, with tht incalculabdsle advantage, if he ies wisely used his time,of possess in_ the foundation for an education that will help him. The Boston TrI sncript soliloquizes-. "Somebody, singing the praises of the banuna, says that it has all th essentials to the sustenance of life for both man and beast. It is of the lily family, and is a developeil tropical lily, from which, by ages of cultivation, the seeds have been eliminated and the fruit greatly ex panded. Therefore, the esthete who would walk down Piccadilly with a tulip or a lily can bear a banana in his medite val hand and fill the bill. No won 'er they are cheap when, as Hlumboldt saw, the ground that yields ninety-nine pounds of potatoes or thirty-three pounds of wheat, will bear four thousand pounds of bananas. So far, so good. To-morrow we shall hear that bananas are packed with unwholesomeness, being breeders of warts and a cause of the hair falling out, because of the arsenic and copperas sueav senssa.* ¶1" ;-:' t,- h "r i I. t ,,r t'- u '- " i \ r \\.",: .n,; lu0' itt 1ili. ~ri i- t -l i r - 1irr t--1 ; ' 11.e a , 1 e : 1,ii i to u p, d j thll (rr.,ct:i. 1it- .1ll R'her'"'.n"ill,, it. fitt it- e It-if to ltook, O 1 U FnLIY:l LIIIt s ;u r Lorro --: L tL Ii I ih - .,,ii ad i 1 t :try t:-- s N -"hi, t Ii ' i,.s i b 1 "i , S utl :I't I.! nis t . I - ti.r ll, lit l l rTo :in'.," i r %%1 *I lo l for iI r aIIns o:: ! I r i a n cert . in tit ",,.:' I ,i, !:.1 r t llt l--lll d i ni · -it l-"tt t '.iC. t \\11C cl :L, . l i I I') 1 F'.li 11 : 1 l , l ý Il'.LJ I r :, n in'- -I \ ,,a llth:, t, t I h--1 ii i--r r tiij it t lin tin t-i S. !-,- ' i- . 11 tilt, - t;`t i I: i i r tt i-- ii e.lii- t ii "Fnit ..: ;L:,'... r '- 1 .In 1 ' ':: i ' -. 1 r I ll, i 1 :11 t h: 1 .r n.:",L.''! - ; . rel l n it . for I % ;1. 1i : -' i I:, ,- Ii t . lint:':. !, in t . I S hlc I ,l ft JIu ' r it' 1 "l. t!,hi ch .I;ul. t- l,,il t In . 1:{i.; in a 1 : liticii ttd eI : I 1 ,i . 0,-. ilIt noI11t, "ItiU ' t r ,1 1 t.ll l,: .jr. j, 1 1."1' t: .; t 111" nu i1 t1" 4"111 :1 \ i:, - 1ii a t it- I i : , ir " I iu:\i .I;I , Il ; I, 11 . l, I, h to _',, t l it j lit, i-, I , t, , vi +ti k , .. Xi, -1 !" . 111 ,l,. f I t It r I,, l "I ti%,.h l .i :i ;i l I : , . t .'. , !,, , l' . . ' il In , . ,, ,'l, fl I tll iii ,li i it -. lt-litt i . a:t , ii f , . l- a 1 Ilt 0i 1 : I il,,. ti % . In - , e ,lt , t,, t . et r ,e I tno . t'irc i, t-tIfti I t :-lt uri ,it ,!isak . I ' ii t ih feei tn iteht ' Int tr ee " iti ea :ht visit. :if tn - it I kt ew" nt ttii t\ . tilte u ltitan that te it e'" tllr.' d nu' 'il ie war s a lin r ."l', eir, e i ..i - I a i+ ,lgit -lc en ,c ter .k i l 1 ,1 r '.rtI ,.xiI h it t\i,' I rtr it- li - itie nllnti . lti :.:tI r , t -I cit ,iti l . eait i r t ilnte_. I tt - . i,-: l itlee nith ttsu tie , ti lt. I 4hitt -ie r d et1% tt-s. aii t-l it!it. til itgin thste ir ui . 1t r tttt - rti inoef t pate n l nt. h li lt -h e - i gr .uiltlitr \ li . l ' r t i t ti tlr attrut the tin threrw ni tl in a r, t neiiti - S rhe .. I .'i like wh t iti I ri. olr lou--t t lnls i t te- i ito t t he ae ttoe asrma o Iat tiie rl ,. I .umntaly ,ilutli el ,imt 1 d , Ie tll nt-b , asp ti attd i te i t rtild a lf r a ths a id hit tl. u he r Ii'e Is so asli tlud in'n suti listened aith i uit evidti ntl triliole ilrd t I we ti ull Lu irel it oreti ihat thr tl'e hte dsie e t i pathitnt whant. I hait ittrei,.r d a few tdi nii e, flre. l nld htr dauhlt" r liva d inia qi u art ro 1 I th it i-hith u tie practiet , or thili - tenhii d free a ite oui nt dare rfu fui e the I fiee they prhipthtl teoired Ilfher ecthe visit. r i the: ke tw nlotinlo further hn, that h, were adties. T'e wre wa a' bareud hidel enhn . nv h igaidb ied frticedito thawt anii etd icy rtl',ert. I was o g eth attrautlid b titn Iai-a ahle ti o toiu r wla' t h.r tiittil hit nei. th led ehter wias I mittiig l, pr-udt din w icif for d hraeleto tind.ep nettitg . I onl r a in s tef so jijirhetl. ithe In, bu st inie "eotrt nit ftr dho ingi deltt telg l na , withtui rit k ow f nie $uling, hcud tx.r ve ,rs tew ie t If, hat d be ti for nal rilt h end w l I hmact, andrwne ar. their lra u. mryud, rbetiant Slaerty. cut on this gl sit tthe i eiln , p al , rt e tan' y uh wieth'r. The rol wing wathis hrV barl, e, ienetld thles s bth n fyorcu d te dmakhinr ths pale Bed lhind tiu, sant mairbl li ne d s,, ir myi, in theb Iautifa ul watk ai uw. .\fuer t had prubb .re~a.d 14 wvhat ai Yeisrius must be throbbingl mad le : -. - ' , ,, . 1111 I ::: , , . I~ 1,, 1 1I ", ,i l 1 1, ', h.,*t hr 1 , . i :, II 1. ' I I ' ' i '- 1 t ':1.,4... l 1I" ._ I I in l, . . tIr .. . . t aI:i l. 4,t f 4 1 i ll ' 4li t 1.. i t t, . 11 ..1 , ' ,"J. .I; .1: 1 r aý r' t4 ,,r :l It Irhl 1j. t:Ii I i ;: ; , 14; 1 h 14 I ' t 1 4t4, d f ,,4 "i44 ,' se 1'"1, red i r fae' with her hands. 'il . the tl'. . I t.ri h kl-l roi n th' Tu'1 hgl tIhe ",:thin fih .. r, 1 ti,, 4.41 llik'e lne s ot . " llst:rid it 11 :t1 I -;,: it ii girl. t:4-lli 4 4, i, t , . '4 ,4an ,com p r. iogr i "tt! rt e ilt,'.e t h'. tit 1 t lo i 1 "t1 ,,I n, . 1 ý( , t ,4' rin, for bre1 iul l t l1i ( e lion : 141n I I ' .l .H. ti.i Iw rt' -I rich! The 14H44 . "" re ti 4 -,41 '.t. h I 1 :1' _: 1' 4l1rtlh , h I I " t 1 I ,' , h-Irt . .,'- , i' l. ' e :in t | . 1I . ' n , 1t I, :r . l l ,, .re ;, n< .4 to l, l -r " l~111,1 .i%,: ,)it (,.,r, ,,1,t - t" r,,,.y Ih i..,, I uI ' I: l i, i h ii I I( .t'b .I till r .. t c r ("4 :4 1 ''4,i4 t. ort ' 1 '. e t1u4 . 1 h , '' l i 1 i i1'-t i . r 't, . - It - I, , I'mo I'' II 1114 ' 11 i4l4y. h, i1 1 111. l i t,, m: \" 1' 1,w . \' " ,. ar , 1t'" r' Till , I , , n1 '. "' : . tl it ti n li't' 'r' , lr n,, ' 1i, - :. I :',,,, 1,, 1 ' l t "i,,'4 it hr. r hit 4,l 4 11 44-" 11V ', II 'e. ui t : i 411 n It I 't- . 1f 1 hn l,, , . l !e" 1 I 41,l .11 til ; 11,1" iii 4't" i11 a 4 . -1 "`" i t l.i , ,' ( ;441 e I ,ld er Ir h ,,1.. 4 1 4;r i l . I \ 1 1. 4 ',ll \" 1 l4 r. Il, 1k i t",,,, l '. - , t'- 4 - ,..r rii it .i " 4 l',l r:, l 1!,r _ , , I r \t,1(n . . , I n' l l. 4 t.i 1 t.' I.: ", t . I ,' 4 l'r l'". i r , l: ' ""1 4 t , 1.4 f44 ( ! " " 'i 4 1 ,1 l ;-1 1-. I 1 1. ., I ', l i4, . l ,te "I ' r .'l. 1,'; IUi" , n' I' , . I 14_ ll t tok i h 1 . a_ ' ,. nt. 'h I , Ih" 'u4t1 4,,4' ",:t . a d I: '.,I 't t l % in , : r l h:I,' 'ill4 4, 1,1 1 1"., :. o h 11, 1:1' II;d l, 4i4 rof "i I I t .41 114T 4 4r 4 vor' 41 t1 4 Ih t 1f4rn4.n I h' t' i'r:k l m ,11.f i.'Ia f i r4 ".1 r I: 4 Ir i1 r t1"1d ins ikn'-' I'"t I t' 1.11 n4' t '4een " er_ ni y - II: i t 1 :t- mug i1ren tsh4t t. 4i1 ,hy1 d' s 4 ad S st rI 4 i over1 eu11 ch1.1' - . i il.h i n 4 .4ier 1s ( cn 1. 1144tr et t I, \l y i I 4uld4 "ar ii Ii Ile4 11(41-Ha urln 5n141 grief, 4 4 ' r lheil M1r.. T'r.v'orl' h414 I roo li ti at faternon 1It had w1lo rke4l 1into it d4oz t furor of auger ag14inst that unknownll tan lsressor, lle ls l4ot iil ioPeyr. I 1 t was hotling over withi rage. whichl ill 4 creased, it possible. w . Itn found MUrs. S.revor 14 orse n and uitli Hen' troubled. tf wxious fi e. After doing all I could Sor my patient, who , ooin fell into a doze, I cll (11 Helean out into the hall. . t Ieleit, give myn the iamne tld (address - oif t'he person ho owes 4oi. She looi ked at lie, indi iritlgly. as I took 11 Iout li h not book 1ad pencil, blut said: r to Miss Ply lot'arri'. 'n. 10 L avenue. I wrote it 41(411"1n hurriedly 411111 withoIut 'another word was od (I way to finid this 'girl. I had Lt one4 tihoughrt-to bring ir to see i the srt't l s slhte h ,11 r caused.( It - might teach her i1 lessIi and caise her ('ation4 114-1'4- had to eti u( i''. W'hen I drew up b4for1 ' i lt1(1 , avenue 41a carriage stoo1414 Ii'irl' the Ioor and a :: prty of four stood re'ad' to e.nter. .A t hlender. Ii1ddl('-age'.d la '. i 4 tine-loo' kiing y 'iounlg lnlll. '' oli money l aigi' l s and 1 oira t'-l4 ,rtieild Iilibbons tlyinlg., 'urls bloh.' ing. dralperiels fluttering 4and mnerry hlaughter. -o Miss Emnpty 1lh',l was the 'nilprit. 1 was1 not surpjrisld at all. If I had bein' a knight "f the nmidlhlle a4s 1 wi'ould hil el' s Iatc'hed her ill tny armIs l4 414 Irushed I aWlV with her. and aifler sh i4 )ill, her tho Itrouble and sorr'ow sl'he had c'aised. ini- I 4niurld lher in it dlit.g'eoni dii l mul! dark. hu t ii it w a s I i p ra cti 'a l i ne heou th ('eihitrv I mIl1lst i|lh-wl'' ,', (t44, 4 1lu,t tii l utlities. .io. whilh I hirstin. for v44n ge.ti e, I had to siiiii'k iiiid 1h4w lilid in troidhl('e i lv.'t.' f. Yes, *:lhi Ilntli'yhl41s°" knew Dr. (liad 14 1114.1t hini. '" Tlhi.'. llinthilg to the mihhlh,-ulg_'id h1d '. "w s 44i4 wif,' ith' y tng lu 4441 was his ;l.u4glht, r 1"lo,'. nnd frtln tll' souih." I tli:,Ii ol itely requl(s1td Missiu {lrrisin t I n ie i4ll y lilto lt i t e 41 pa1itii't 4h4l 4411s v'erV hlw, 441141 knelw her. ai4d i4 4 h444' would be interested. F1'h I,,,,ked inquiriilgly at pupiia, who said: " YXs. go. Not a word was sploken during the drive, but 44lien we stid in 41lhh is room I pointt'd to Mrs. Trevor's wasted I form 11411 said: " Bihhold your work." " Oh, what do you meani?" The blue eves were rii1llnd and fright- r enid a41d the roses had faded from the > pretly cheeks. I turned sternly upon her and said: I "I mean that a girl as young and 1 beautiful as yourself, as well-born and t as well-bred, has been reduced to a dread- I ful poverty'-a poverty such as you have t never seen, but have cried over in novels; she has been struggling bravely to keep i: back want and trouble from an invalid a mother, while you were going to parties E and halls; but out of your plenty you I couldn't spare the pitiful $-l she had t earned by hard work. It would have d been a small fortune to her and saved I her heartaches and humiliation terrible I to her proud nature!" "Forgive me, oh. forgive me, Miss ' Trevor, for my cruel, thoughtless care- a leslnese !" I .-,, t:.- er\ ii and tliun inI Ii lit it, " , , 4, 1 :. nt, I\' . . I h eo I e.'i, s..,", a lh i ly tiiou!.t!ah ss! I ',.i .int k4:4w ith,' n '''\ i solilul: .-utl'er i' u :tI .' t il tips' orld! ('.l you, : it h t l t,,or. II. h,:I en'l.,t slip ak. tinh ro . ..- a loud k w'k 'l at ti'e dk! I. .':! r v. Ien 'I ' t 1d it. d( .il , :4 i'. ani ( ' '.r.( 'l-:ilip "" . "l 1 4 rt " t l.r ,I 'k'll for ne. ('il. (.auc il-ol '\plain, J tla : a:r I . alind et't theta \ itli 1 Fh1,. I1i' gra. w e.a, ':s' . tlhiii kl. he l d1 I l in t4.4 o 4 Ir't'ipiitu.t4' in gi i ig h1 I;- .n se't stir iher i4ll 44e44omlp4t4 -y Inls, 14 441i"4 4t 444 patient tIni 4 t lit' salt. rite, fromi "4444. '1- ! ItCI . ita i .I ,li ."a . ;i ' r FlH11 h114 ,.' t ,ie i"'\' . ' p' I la t1'he d.oor, I .1111 4.,.ili inti ; tl4.4 1t:,11. threw 1herself e int l 4 ater's arm lt 4 n4 s 4 i4 sI4 14 i out the 4 l' 4 h : l ', st' rv. lilt wlhat \ua t 'he in tter with ]I.lntl? \\ :,, she ;h, o, t ,, ! lin:': the ..t..uii,.d Li lt' it1 ith ,ne. h:1mi i i:.' i a e. 'h:ir, i , I Ith e , ,il: :1 .ul. Ir - t i .. l .I : t ; 4h4r h 44 le ti:. ih.' \ ! .-:, 11.:tl r ;t e. I" it . i t I,444 - , t, l 4, .. i p i.r ,l/ . . I l s ll tI , , -i, ". f l i to h ."',1n1 :1 4 \i. " t + . . . .. i . I. . 44 - and . Lh i 't. 4: ",. .t. h.\t -t 1,' a tif l t I."l a :,, ti i. ! , 11-- 1. " liok •t .L;,,l ti :" ,u ,.h :1- 1 ,a.! rl.t, .r ý,,mn 1". :rol war. :, th. . .1 ir til . It "h and i.It, a t ' l nut . vll - , I , t ,."I. l ,ut ifter t . l i . ti f . inel tol ' t .i .. 'rn- rl ;., 1 ,,' i I 1 -. , a n.', , r ll I:t Ii- u 1 h r-t' Itr . , tb. h s *4r4te I !. .' 1. " .: . '1 !: h44 4 11r 4, , 414 , n 1 :.-I ,' 4 ' .- . , Sn., ,In. , . -, l . : .... Il I: - , r ,,t X li,'? , lir l, r I1, h!" ntl t 14t A' i.t .ift . 1 , 4, l . ,i 11i-' I;rk t. .t - 'I r . in l r. l'ii ' it . 11 't :l I re .. " tr.Ii''.'h-i a ''' ''44 I iti i. 1 :11t 7 i j : t I I in 1ed .,t util t i- ,,." -t i - . -h ::,1 lo. inn I - ',l " ty prin Lai ,ton i r ,. ,.tl lu ~ t titrh I'o1 .i 1 41r , 4 i- t -4I4 ' t1 1, : i I . t, ,''L 111( day did on4 t.4 1 .- :It - - wa. . , til said \\lith happyit tears i her pretty dark ')r. lHeath.'l te. I will n Ir or ilse to, l'ive and bless yi-iou! The brightest ,,ay .of t, life. except this. is that on which SYou rushed Flog- in upon her atenging SitBefore Philip4 , left with his wife l,,e told, ell at Helen', tt II rst. what he told no Separationl . Helenl aad, 't r ;, , been Phili 1'a guardian, nd fter his death itf' was found that lhe had appropriated and tquandered. the whole of Philipa tin' fort If 1t' i, l4 ,t , . - 1i 44. I 4t 44 r '4 Ih tye. Philip m ried to keep this fromul i r IIelen , but in S , way she learned it, and her grief. Vlortiti tihn and despair wre terrible to see. She thought lthat Philip would h orn to marry the daughter iof a dethoest nlr . So after sher and her o ther had settle., d all of that andll Sfortune upon Philip-for 4 the felt keenlyr, hen disgrace, and ished to make i what reparatioin thee enr4dd--ther quietly left td he city. gi' i ,,t Philhp hint of their EI Sre 411114 i lip, tt the b ck.t 44Mrs. Trihlr r1elu'i iiired ith th' e t CGiar f riso unttil Philip ll ti liiele returnedi fr n their brief trip, t'hen she went with theta to the easy little Lo-t e that Chl. tarri oi gaire Philip tin hih wdding day. '1-iiift th rn1. at tt'r hi " 414 11l1mi "1t k'wilid stIi4 144- 144441 14 h lrr and 4t44a "1'r41 1144r 41ii4 hi Iii iItji' thne f4or 44444 ll,ir ri , 1 l14 4' th lia unsl4ctet that 4hit, ftih414,.r s.r4ihoi4 lid r 1441 ',it fallind 1144' s.ith 4 iig thIt I ,t Ii tt.1 li mplly nftei "hv '' rrisroii, 4 nid imake1 her Mrs. ' heiith 11tt,', l.if,,r, I ,.,,,I(l' say Ja,'k 44 14bin4 nr4 l-d etlrlit i'r', 1 tr4tss. P1ro'fessor G. \V. Turner. iof Ash Grove, hi.t4ri entl re4li<., whi4.h hie ill pun t fron x hibition al 4 4W 4 1444411s 11'4ir4 1I il l sil ver mnit Ii i t t4r'w 1 iliv hlit+t iu 'i mntflr, aid hirs dilA s n f iat restin ie hrle i nd u half cnt' uries i1r. 4,i. is said to be a relic of the great Spaniii4.h x4'lhlrer, De Ioto, and in all probtlhility wia4 wllr44 by IiiI4i. These dates are stamped up1m the modal. On one side is a r.lipresenta. tion o4 the Saviour4 cruciixi4n rnd on the other the Last Supper. It was found by a colored man in a field, while plough ing duar iAsh Grove, Mo., about eighteen months ago, located near a cold spring of fresh water. It is not inprobablenthat disatoiu return to the Misoitmippi River. He was next heard from where yot Springs, Ark., is now located, and in May or June, 1542, died from fever, wheD his body was wrapped in a mantle and sunk at midnight in the Mississippi River.--Picayune.