Newspaper Page Text
E -- - P v enC tI. oa r, t:.,, f" air t 1:I *1, ... .L t ": ote t.1 a t r.,ie h Nb:le-so in. Thc lir-t r:!tli !entary . iic- cle. wa; aDL' :' i I Bar' 'L von I)rai, a l'renewi z' .u i " l, , G .,'t:; hiv , . iv in gý - ,cttrt , 1:'. , ut,- . a co m,-', luati,'a of ito ,.ce. a . '. a d hat te' . which lie clld i .c .e:.'fere," to aid him in his Work of , vcr-c ti. 'i. large s-tates. T'lhi: old c:teof t h:E. ,11 ulaciine, caulei after tile itve:1'.or, the "Drafit" ," show it toe il it. g~rneral features the di re.t p,:"i ,i0e1r of the holbby-horse. .)raii-ie-" ' ere illtroidued into En gland in 1Il, at;l a vear later were e;l in Ahierica, ou the streets of New York. In both c,-i nt i.; they smet with great fbrr., anr l , t' Li;to, i:ln relates that in .w 'frk " o ,lder ,le themn n and d'on t1:o l,1e a 'vr anid on the pai;s, a faIit r I i:.c, r . ' e.*id living the diow n ra , I at ut. :; :sce to t the ('ity se u t . ,:,r t t", -av the X. e7, t,/ <L.el tliio 1.i .v -itn i ' ,\, eltd I , , ¢r,, .ih:1:. t. , I ,,t t w t-s althI tt .. i.d way t.' t l h'lilo,,ed "at t, r :he ruler. I Inroet 1 , 1. ` ' ra te ! i,, ,,,it ". . . i. ' , h a-,. t ,r ' it r cLlti. li, . ; ,:l I it by t ut-ll i n ile lAt . fc' 'in lt e ' ur 11 1 Inl: !.. w, ulc in" t ta o lin ,a lailn a'1 . : 0It'| .: u i . n, t"!:',I he IV ,l d, r,-~ ' hi .' d : the , 'words of a li lr Tie I. fr tlt c "lh'eai-ine . ," Iiid "l.edet tr l t . : r.1 v is', ," or "diand - :,,b : c -~ andi h i ,y-h r t .' a" the latter "i:a pron i':, ailuinet't were e ci lid, stlllsil.,tld raltiv tI' .it -,e -f ti.,t 1,li tlil of i .ak-t il i thean I a' lie. y 't Il, 1tn ,i' te of the rrhi'.:'c alvay's owc:ned by the rid ri. This e 1"i tl tiort of riliniy two I'}el';. '1' I',l. at, I ' rutl in- in thle sa ie per;,,,,,h, L!." t'a s,, . tler hf ,re la.! gniLt i ,l t arln. until aite: a !a' , of t re th:. t ' . ' 'ar' it io'aillii t trmacted i' t, ' ut;ia I il a l ' f,,: It; t 'a'i i: t : a lrc' h t .1 it . ,i i. alie rrt . .1'.'. e'.,l n'.i - ,1 the ii , ti':i of f i '"e att '' f,,t-'r i' t the I(l. t Sci t . . t, I . ti : Ui. r o ti c h i'-ura fie ,r.:'.,' : a .." .. c e,:,b ,di l:: t 1 id , a: . ia t ,i it , ai , i t . it at hiie I'atii itl a", 1: i r ''. lThe ii '!t 1 i " ii- i'e t atL inm i l al-o claime(,l 1". l, .!: d f,." i.,:var,l Gi':..a , butl be ri! i ,. rtit ,rt' si 's 'l:,ag i r Ec h-le tie , . I h. I:'-e. at a'l et ,t-, wu tier in,. h. t i ' t i:. ,.-ar of tlhe biiv-le. gla:,d la . 1m e i,'a. A ;"p alt hill:it€ t'i1es l e;%r' ieg ,iar. f ctiur', be lore thit crle lii:nlhini Lallemant -the "velocid ctl"' of tiirtv ytears ag,- ble este tiie tini hod hIcIele of to-day; but eHergetic bu-t e s f.le t iv E.glaud, and later ill this country, aw the posst bili ties and began the manufacture of the machine,. Imprivemient has folpowed improve ment, untlti t- is a little resemblance left to the o. " eloci.ede, or "bone shaker," a+ it wae ftliatly called, and itis dillicuit to l. lagine in what way a modern hivel- tr y be imnproved. A Life Saved .tr. G(eO. Raymnid, of enee-i tall , . Y , !" plunp teler 1 lhs t llit l ,f 1an3n l t '", , ' to wbll kn nil I lntp maker or tant 1,:ae,-. lit i' lei-t itof lium t) Frmntn C lhe aV e ' 3ly W fe ,: au i t th ta owes her life io Il-1el' hsitMr.ila. Af '.v y,',arr a h-' waa : deal I ,'. Oilr, de t i Ill ., -1in'tu-i in:, tir a. phystll .au -. r..em a. .r',ir ev r vhinh i"s f'ill I , i t Striapirtil ' r II t il: itn r'lt' oft It C' it it ri 1it. ion ,"in,, , u'1 're at tim s wath ou bnbl,"., dL'4 ha ('tne, ilu tontolle taking, Hood's Sarsaparilla ttl rt', n: t iit: r sotmr t in' e Si ei.y t .,I ., n :el t ant i , ýl va (anil aikt : ". ui -C. : ur."i "Auf'gust Flower" How dot- ha foo!?-lie feel blue, a de !.irk, u:dulilir t dtvd W-the-wrtx,' eternal blue, an1d he makes evervhrilv fe-i the same way -August Flower the Remedy. Hlow does he feel?-ie feC.elS a headach-. generally" dull and c-in stant, hut simctimes excruciating August Flo.vir the Remedy. How does he feel?-H!e fce-N "t tiol1nt hiiccotiing or jumpini of the stomnach after a meal, raising btter-tating matter or w';at he has eaten itr dru::k-August Flower the Remody. How does ho feel ?-Tice feclc the gradhal ,'ca' of vit -t power : hopeles., and longs for death aud peace--August Flower the Rem- edy. How does ho feel ?-He fcc- so ftil after elinm a meal that, he c-.u emedy. G. G. (;REEN. Sole Manufacturer, Wtodblry, New Jertev. U. S. . i ulkara or Pitles, ick Head'iwhe,C ostive ewehs liumitb Atgue. Sour Itnanlsch and ilechin,; if 'our onod dtoes not againlliate lTf's Pills Ot.ese troubl-. Firl.o _5 esati Am. L. 1.-. . _o0. 8. 1891. THE JUKER'S BUDGET. Not (Queotel l ('oerer'.tlly ie-fore and ifter No l.tilir.e Nto .ioinly to Lend -- Mo're Likeel I .. h'le. ý:1: lit I " mý it ,1 ill' .\t 11' . I ell T eci - e jrt ci nI.citY. "I' eti i I ,I .h.\i I u .... I hear \\ e, f 11 a,,,,I ll 11h4" I1: a tl \,,1 1 tits 1.- ýi -l' trait Free 'r.. 1: 1 cItE 1\i 11 1 ee:. lIe f l 'e tllhe nii." cu irrir el I . \.\ 14 ih i n i r. ,1h" , . \\1 ,1i t. ,, ltw r .ii -t ,1.: l;,e r. le -, I i' ' -,\i "iI , - 'it; k i i" ;, Il , b. t r ii i ., 1,1i "I I u t i lt un Ci l ' l e at li-,re. i, n ei.r I, II.. e llh, II ,li i.itIr. in ,i ii! 1 1 r i ,I th t to \,,a, n Lu L li; Ittllr \. "II I ii. eII*. . 114'. . . !I ' .1 I', IIIIcI 11 l .e i t. ' 1'- til t 11 -b i l : ,., 1 I II, kt sfu'i ll. l ii. I1 iI II : ". t cI ' V . till \ · r: I i 1.1' :: c\ l c :l ii'cl . I i \I itl: -- I!,c lit' l; n l"tt ; rl- mel :;1.1h 1, , , 1 'r k i, 1 li.. n ,t . I i Lin - i l : l, - ti , ciF .i Ic t i. '- i T 1 1 l . ... rIll , . . ti , " .i , - t 1 1 ell t11 . t 1 .Ier , i 'ltIl l 1 " 1 l' I , . t '.I l il y ti t i ."i1, kl it It .i, -1t..1 ,,i . ti l - ,,elit Ii ,i - .Ii !i.: \1 it'.. 1.1 1 ', t ,t ' . n h ,t'1e'. . 'i '.i ,- 1h.r 1'1,' . a .1 : I . . \ i lt. I , kali e t t l t,' 1' ei get o rich ceii r 1., 1 t '1 lie. ., 1,1 h' i it1et. " tr lt : til I\ t ty et I're iitI 1- al, I1 i ,il . ih,, ., lirth .'.. - i ,tpt ular \ ithi (eui rers. -it'. Mrs. Sni lwt r r et 'lilt T II lett. g t ,rl ill the \e inlehl,-t lt ngua e is hnkhu .eralbizu.nha, ik,,keint.ui. It ah ' s ""1 w ill _ ei \ ,,I i hj rse t." .n,,per --It i> m,,ir likelh to itee eNl. til,. tht tkjiaw. llilee ti ITE. o.' h1 .pna id, "1 \won'i t to ride with i'l. Jo1 e-' h "\Vh tII\- ,i. y- d r". 11 is a lerfeit p tclc h iiii , ialld '-- \"1o unln (-1l11 nll :nl l e a horse," broke i li t lai-. e Iand l ii girl. to,,. with onel Unil. .I cLet ll 'll,- i itti ellt s w. A Mh ltl1. 1 \ 1\tI. \V u tl , r , ir InU . . . ill ' lilft lt , \ atlh. r ouraIlll e:, t "m l st.,ti, i. W I h ut._it to try. th.r:mo telr-like. T'1' ri-, " o lt sith- t at !. - tl il-: ,lel hhi Tinws. l, 1 .: nv- I i in't et e ltl l . ,ihal h uitit -til. Ilh ,e le\-- lhlt did i nl we ll. he for -uli - 1:1 I :I, I l- 1: =1\ I. 1 r. I ,,c.t.,: IN e ten if '-ie cIre jie't liut at'c i elell . t- t s t i veci t \lr . fI:c,.r ii, tl. we en. e", ,,urit,,l'. l ii le lj o I tee h. 1'1 i d1 \Tl t In,,. lc Itee. i:l eet lerw-e t ircts , ,iiin han 1""i' t e i t etetI. i lr. iTeeikltt u i-na.kekeieigettiet Mlne. line ra etle.-te ler el iteie ,te r lhr - reel i ,it ireele deeeri ,. eaif e t iter lit, e i I elf-ti athsr t t Je eer o :Slit1 ceretlo. ~T-hatn pc ' uianr1. Wine or --',,akv. nw , ert eorlic. i ti, .l"i ..ii . . F : ,';I Mrk|. ]iiii " mt'- It: I-,' hin mr k il . It. I i r .. I il l. t Ih! Y ,t k :ew 1l trv . ll. \ r. l'!k in- th I t,11i ,,ui t , r,' - , ' i . \\ ..t did l. - . ~ .,-ll.. . th;:t ,f Ali• ý , x ; :. : ,lu ' a, :ýi. , .h. ",, i !I. 1. be : m1 r k 1 I - t ot , , i.-. tI, t i l :I Iit:t a ,I. , C it. ilhit gout it. itl I' I ,," all t i ,l h :ili'r -Y -,i It i- r tilll i i m. ,it tI o e 0tiid. do I t, ,'' r ,".. ito::'alt. You ,u. el n in id l tlr. 1i I t i th i tIh t i l'ii it. .i -. I ,. I \X\ I II 1 ttLi thre hot hi -. I',"'k RI):,. t: 1 1 ire a ,,.1 .r e I I'll t .t , 140 t i , :L, , "i. l ,.I it In: itl . tl l t'll'l he? a 0, t W h . :at, a l iri lii S -i. I : .. S., !! ti. f.l. i .;:1 1'. iii per. ' . . ., l tt t 1 .ý t d li i all I(, t \, tt. , ij iii . ;lii tau l i.,i- it .i'w ~l . i i t t i, ii , t 11:.i t 1,u aUth . i ih li r .\i iilk . t he iitt ill t ' I wr " rhith ,Nt Il.r k iit rni-h. tlo color "m )n it- suiit a1 ti fulakl the uill i. full hi -r . e-tlii t.. dn lIlnetttr. IN t A.11 I.X. A irh wtt i thrown ov ming out? It Very I .... rly. h.1 tn'tt eat. "'\'hut S the inuttttNr with hinm?" "T''hcrA is nlthiNG: the imatter with t him. except lack of i,-l. Ile is stopping at ii falhionable biih.I irdiug house." ,l't'xaa Sift ig. I.INP I' NDFIFRSTAND IT. "lidn't they Sil. beautifully in uni . 'on'" he whistpered at the iopera. In"' 1 ullio"? re-clhioed the Boston hing l.h Italian. No woinder I don't un derst and it." l'Philadelphia Tiimes. A I'IS.1 IING S MIL.I:. Shit triplet roil, o down' to the beach and hill wdul. trettily. "l-ou are like the havsu tof the forest," lhierl, ,reel her .eor-t. •"!how - sh, alsked. l-.,"u tur;i rlild vith the full", was the reply. it- wrait.s eaclh :i. h it till I tit hoitme, And gr'.lt,- iti'i at thi d,1 t -,r: _ iut it i- nli t fulr tiy atike alonfr ,h- .tuts to know the core. -,IJudge. ViYlt V it-!!E. rit. irm - afraid I siI,,leh d the chil t dr.eni r,'-hr , iertld while r-aking n re a ('I1Pý i1 t i-,iLt -"" JACi.,iK ttIDti FOI' IT. d Fir' it , ire. liuitli hh n. .l-utk \il it - to lauvgt inrd wiih him; he dih' t haid, to pt-ay for it. TI'K - il- l 'I I f ST INl!f E'tOLLo rI. rt \e had lnit helievet .uher • i-ih. -we di.--vtnv opiniollns Is. that aYo I th,,ulhit ronmemlb rof ohud di,-,tlx y. t lu-t. holu duzlen t. the "VYi hat juttu tj rhthful.? -" hrris ther nrid gt h' Idn'V drill von-teirdav? loe jAgll ait frone Hil tiat woRe Wor ti. our r.auili'.--iiton |ll l : 1 .. .'., --I ::.nt (." , i i. |.ri;^ .,li-- .s1: ? S,",illcr-. ii 'i'il t il,'<' *i the . * I I h iIIi t.! ! (') I. lo :-i nee.iinti a tonic. or ehillren who mu11 huilqinl" 1'11. -hloil!t takt Bro,,wn'r Iron Itt r. IIT I r111 t :tl It t le. cure, %. 1tlariat, Itt l. - ti...tiiii s ,-,, - a . i L.,ver ( . oupl rait biaLete e L i ,tr. I nih aIt.i pure. - - I` I I· · I t ,vihe X it i li x 1,ir tilL. i tti, l - il e I itl" R!II al t to It att Il.* 1bic:n, 1 xpo itlnll, ri l ed a it' i l l th, dr:u. . FIT rtonnl fret by Dr. Kh LIEr'i Cre N . L : i.:. No ( I t. ai .'.: r r : . Ia-. t L. \-'l, slte, r . 1u die; tlre's tr.l bottle 1re,. )r. Ri),le. .,1 Ad u 1 .. Phlit.. i'1. ( ' lh f ol ' r mii ; l t o n'. l t p Y i t 0., I , Ii h !L 2 at tl he It e ,',.. oti.,l t. r e lt , w e ge.t tI plrl r t 1 u h .l oil i lin .ile tine . :, Le ad Bro. ....els canss rn thesyr. 1ac. thes a ever1ad Cres habtua olyr remedy, -tsd er, p al w ce L,,p in to the taste and as. Ii-h t lell t ol-h.c , p . iating to hias cruyiben:tial clerk the tiecr day: "ow I've arrnl ',eto tho-e palers for an wife and children all right so that if I die-" "f yon die," interruntod the secre tary, ". av w#hen you die; there's no ij about dyintg. Both the method tad results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refrleshing to the taste, and acts gentlyyet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the tem effectually, dispels colds, head. aches and fevers and cures habitual onstipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of ts kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ao. ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial m it effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable subtances, its many excellent qualitieas com. mend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figisis for sale in 50o and $1 bottles by all leading drug. gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wisheso o try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRAkCISCO, CAL. , OUlSVLLE, KY. NEW YOR L. N.. DONALD KENNEDY L'. A. GilEEN, IKecheslter, ,%, Y. pISO'9 REMEDY FOR CATARiH.-Best. Easlest to use. t4heapest. Rrlief is lmmed ' A cure Is cenarin. For Cold in the iead it has no equal. -L is an Ointment, of which a smail particle Is applied to tS nostrils Prfse. P11cc Dre ll S. or e.tbl i a. Address. ____arren__ll CHICHESTER'J'vNGU8H, RED CRO8 DIAMOND BRAN thE ONIOSNAS.1 ARC GENUINE. b. eaij Iah. Sus..aadvYd(ahLLAu~ iibea. Ladle.. lat O Apst be ChNehaate' a ih D4aoead ead wd .,.im. 'll K7 bez.a~..asad etib iibbam. Take a., ether lind. Reew toe. wed MIths(· pll. pI piaS rs boxes. risk wrrappeIO. hr u t~I iU to. At Dvygsala ga, mud dº 4e. i. Samp. bpr tebaiinobbisre, td "Kt. sod E . M. ler by Petal. hail. IOe T·.,..etia. NaP.upye. CNICMasTEN CHEMICAL Co.. Med;a.. auaenp A1rd b atll Lraal t vueriat& PfILAbKLPUI.&.. LI E LU E a aeed .4 SOOI.KEEPERS, STENO. GRAPHERS, or any other .5e help can B RI s o A O LOUI9VILLBC DP ¢opyR:,1 llc A rimr/n'. nJloiLd in the ears,', dhi:iftr' w. eyes weak; ohbtructii,,ol i;f i:o, lis. t'harges i'fl.. ifto tlo r,:,. some tinm's pro'fuse, wate'r a: I :::rid, at t,tht.t.r, thick, t n:'iat ,It '. I!,t,(V and pi tri'l ; (titltf i'rl lrt'.i h ; - : 'II and 't tes i ,p::ir, 1, ant ' L ,1' tr.. l ,leility. ,Not all f thl "' .'.. i t, once. l> ,,1 v ,g lv :t fil ,O1 it Ol!. T .'l t s ( : I . A v Iii;' ilhat h, i1t rmil, ir ;` I :.t it 'L ' I 1,:'. - 't , h tly -: t i f, : m liine thl.t, d,-" i,'i -, ,i. t 1 :' .t't" f',r a ti,::., li! pfro. ,.u; l' : "1. t : ,!l p 'r "I 1 11 ::" l . :'X. t' ( )c 'r _. t';.]h I .i, i" t it . , not by yo\ , :is Votu !:i,.1t :.,1.ct, but to y,:, i "ll 1 ca (.::'s he t c;ll 't,. Its an ,til'tir t1L'. Al.' . Mape if cr, ,,d faith, to provd. t leir pren .liv~in. th r.l " ,lre ible nben, pri1 lp ' itnters li te stat . umbg 's 'l'h:t's the kind tof :no -n icivlue to try. Doert mauct uit r an theso? CIFIPEST-:- FAMILY -:-ATLAS KNOWN. S-Ta rL a . C:null3TlaB 191 Pagls, 91 Fall-Pals Mapy. ('olorel Hlap, of ,-wih State ard Territory in the et.. eSd talo the Maps of etcry Cnlt ry in the World. The letter press gives the square miles of r Stair; time of ettl tpopulation; prlnipl: chief cities; average temperature; Ralary of offielals and the principal postmasters in the State: number of farms, with their produc tions and t he value thereof different manufacture, and the number of employee etc., etc. Also the area of each Foreign Country form of government; population; principal products and their money value: amount of trade: religion; slze of army; miles of railroad and telegraph; aImsa bher of horses, cattle. sheep and a vast amount at formation valuable to all. Postpald for tic. BOoK PUB. HOUSE. 134 eonard St, N. Y. City.L KINC COTTON Buy or sell your Cotton o.JONES 5-Ton Cotton Scale. NOT CHEAPEST BUT BEST. For terms address JONES OF BRINOHATON, BINGHAMTON. N. Y. to any per. $50 R WADiete thier To "taico than PURE IIAV. N' C('ttllgl In the illers of our DON'T lrahd tr c gars. DO T hbuy a 1i uct Ci. r f hen you can m et NI gW-1 a one for a rents. M ,ny Ploktrs now u" D N / T to ptrefe ende to 10 cent clga, lI T H·. B. IEL:,i,! & ('O., WINSTON, NOLlTU CAROLINA. For 2'r. In stam;, we and a 10 'PAGE Bt))lK gtvln the ,xp.rienoe of apr ctlial I'ounry Iailer--not an anlmaiur, but a zlman orkln for dollar, and cents-dluring + year. It te(C'hbeC how t, LDetlet .ud 1 ur.' Iiwa: a-s Id fIr Eggas, alwb fOr Fa:;.*,i'tu; ahnh Fowls to ave for I'r.',itnt,: evwrything re qulaIte for tiro:av,ie Poultry rail. Ing. ItOI I4I P o iltiiNl. l CO.. 1.14 Leeard $trerr. New Yrae irIEQ woi, w:lilt o WIri"ng. '.r me at their Th l t Iv"oW to -, It . '. Ile tL - iiilnl f t IOiHilpisL.I.ED 'A lic. Juth wiey 'ldlrr FREE "" ....r l ""t i.... '..r.... nlldei. J.H. tUill 'l L... . I.iountlunat.l.Y. S K WEAK, N'Silt v t, Et= 2 E., ronrtats ge. well aad keep well. leoult h Hllper tells how. o cta. a year. sample cop tree. Dr. J. i. I)YE.l Editor. lBualo. N. Y. DEWC~sISM he Pension. No Fog. AN T Thorounhly tisuht by mall First I e-oen Free. Fo I Inlfrmlnatioll aI're, JAMES Io\S Il lNEi's COl.ltl;E. JAnTlrT.,a. ,. Y. PATENTS - ' 40-pase book free. uir w zxocw - Da. all sIOLDgUDIRS P 't diailed. f fee for increac'. as years e aIrtence. W.ritre for I aw A.W. M'oalc K SoNa. WA.uileroN. D. C. & ('IN(INNATI. Q S.-Jc Jurnt" of A dventuro '2 ."; " C atn·,am rd. .I tiru P I'AK s.tecry uhi n rtiier.