THE WEEKLY MESSENGER, ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTINGo JUSTICE TO ALL sUBscCRIPTIO $1,00 PER ANNUM VOLUME XXXxII. ST. MARTINVILLE, LA., OCTOBER! 26, 1918. NUMBER 37 Ladies, Attention! We wish to announce that we have received and have in stock the Latest and Snappiest styles of Ladies and Misses Coats and Suits. : COME AND SEE THEM. I. Se HWARTZ, Gent's Goods Facts And Figures On The Fire Loss. --o- The fre loss in the United States will pay the National debt, prior to the war, in four years. The fire loss in the United States will pay the cost of the Pa nama Canal in two years. The fire less in ten years amounts to 77 per cent of the to tal annual value of imported mer chandise. The fire loss in ten years amounts to 66 per cent of the an nual value of exported merchan dise. 90,000,000 people in the United States use more mathes than 900, 000,000 in the rest of the world. 600,000 matches are scratched every minute in the United States. Each one is a possible fire. The fire loss for one year put in silver dollars will make 5,577 miles. Put in green backs it will make 131 square miles, and these placed end to end will reach 27,422 miles. The fire loss for one year placed in pennies will reach 11 times around the earth and then across the United States. These pennies placed in piles will make 221,088 piles, 555 feet high, or equal to the height of the Washington Monument. NOTICE. The Lafayette derrick here will commence to receive stubble cane on Monday Oct 28th. Those who have contracts and others, are re quested to arrange to commence hauling on that day. LAIZAIRB BIEWVENU, Agent. cades, La., Oct. 18, 1918. J. R. Olivier, St. Martinville, La. Dear Doctor: After reading over letters in the Literary Digest of some of our Soldier boys, I could no nothing but decide to borrow some money and take some more Liberty bonds, so I enclose my application for Yours truly, C.*E. SMEDES. Mrs. Arthur C. Viguerie, sister of Mrs. F. O. Chavez, who lived in Terrebonne, died of pneumoni last week. NOTICE. --o- I have joined the American Pre paredness League of Dentists and have promised to extract teeth tfree of charge, for all Class A 1 men who present themselves to me for that service, now or at any time before they leave for Camp. Respectfully, J. R. Olivier, D. D. S. MARRIED. Mr. D. Boucvalt was married to Miss Elmire Broussard at the Ca tholic Church here Sunday even day, 20th inst., at six o'clock. Mr. Victor Maraist has inform ed us that his son, Robert Maraist, who was a second Lieutenant and now serving in the front line in France, was recently commission. ed a First Lieutenant, which will be pleasing news to his many friends here. Do not throw your old stockings away, ladies; it seems almost in credible, to what use these appa rently useless articles can be put. Thousands upon thousands of worn out stockings have been shipped to the American Red Cross at New York, and there (with the aid of machines constructed for that very purpose) converted into useful garments. Anyone wbo burns or otherwise destroys these or any other article of clothing (no mat ter what you think of its possible usefulness) without first consult ing some member of the Red Cross, is committing a sin against all humanity. At 2 A. M , on Sunday October 27th., the clock will be tirned one hour. This will mean that our timepieces again will be in harmo ny with the sun, for they were turned forward one hour six months ago in compliance with the government's daylight-saving plan. -We wish to announce that we have now in stock the latest and snappiest styles of Ladies and Misses coats and suits. Come and see them. K. Schwartz. - Friday of last week a negro named Louis Jean Pierre who was delirious with high fever, got out of his bed and was found dead in the street. We do of Printing WOMEN AND CHILDREN MUST BE MADE SAFE By DR. ANNA HOWARD SHAW, Chairman of the Woman's Division of the Council of National Defense. Germany has outraged all that civill sation has done for the world for thou sands of years; in fact, it is beyond question that the - ' conduct of the German nation during this war proves that the kind of "Kultur" which expresses itself in the vio lation of national S treaties, ignores : every rule of war, : glories in the mu tilation of inno cent children, in . the adsassination and worse than Dr. Anna H. Shaw. slavery of wom en, and violates every principle of honor, is malicious and degrading. If such a system were permitted to conquer in this struggle, it would wrest from the free people of the world not alone their freedom and their ideals of democratic Justice, which, through generations of priva tion, perseverence and indomitable .will, they have wrung from the past, but it would crush all the achieve ments of peaceful industry, of educa tion, and especially of spiritual aspira tion, which are the hard-earned fruits of these generations of world service. Must Save Our Children. We must save our children from the debasing spirit of militarism, if Amer ican men and women are ever again to hope for the things they have cher ished, and from which their ancestors sought to escape when they defied the tyranny of the domination of might and gave to the world the democratic ideals of justice and equality in the immortal Declaration q Independence to which our flag and 6ur country are dedicated. It is not enough that Germany shall be defeated in battle or conquered by hunger; she must be shown the truth, that the world will no longer permit any people to hold over-rated power which threatens its peace or paralyzes the processes of civilization. "We Are Awake Now." Whatever may have been our error in the past, however blind we may have been, we are awake now. Whatever mistakes we have made in the past, however we may have underestimated Germany's desire to crush the democratic ideals of the world, now that that purpose is known, it must be overcome itf womanhood and childhood are to be saved anywhere. There can be reparation for these deeds nowhere, either in this world or in the world to come. The only hope lies in such a conquest over the spirit of Germany that it may learn the truth ; that It may understand that today, as in time past, the only foun dation, security antd stability for any people, Germany included, is in right eousness; that above the roar of bat tie, the shrieking of shells, the groans of the dying and the cries of little children, the prophets of old are call ing in tones that the whole world and Germany must heed, "What does it profit a man? What does the law re quire of them but to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with God?'" "Spirit Regenerated." It is not enough that the military power of Germany be conquered, but 'the German spirit must be regenerated. Her mind must be open to learn the truth about her false ideals of military power, and we, too, must learn that our fight is not alone to save our coun try, important as that La We have more than our own safety to serve; we must win peace, peace for ourselves and peace of the whole world-for without world peace there can be se cured peace in no part of it, HUNTING NOTICE No hunting and trespassing allowed on our plantations in the third ward, violators will be prosecuted. Preval Barras, J. R. Barras. A LOYAL CONGRE88MAN. President Wilson seems to have rather definitely settled a much moot ed question by his opposition to the candidacy for re-election of Congress man Slayden of Texas, which resulted in that gentleman withdrawing from the race. Mr. Slayden voted for both the Conscription Bill and the Declara tlon of War, but had a consistent anti preparedness record and voted against the Kahn Amendment substituting the selective draft for the volunteer sys tem in the Conscription Bill. There has been much discussion as to whether a Congressman's loyalty or war record should be Judged actord ing to the way he voted on the Dec laration of War and has voted since, or whether his opposition to ante-war measures looking to the military eil ciency of the country should be count ed against him. President Wilson ap pears to have answered the question. In line with this viewpoint as to the war fitness of a Congressman the Na tional Security League's Congressional Campaign' Committee has Just Issued a chart giving the record of the vetes of all the members of the House of Representatives in the Sixty-fourth and Sixty-fifth Congresses on the eight principal preparedness and war mess ares, from the McLemore Resolution to the Kahn Amendment The Securi ty League's committee analyses the chart by individuals and by states. It shows that of the 374 men who sat in both Congresses only 47 voted right on all eight measures; that 7 voted wrong on all eight, 22 wrong on seven of the measures, 30 wrong on six and 58 wrong on five. North Dakota heads the bad record list with a percentage of 79.16 wrong. votes. Colorado is a close second with a p'rcentnF o of 78.12. '1hcse figures clearly indicate that there is decided room for improvement in the present constitution of Con gress and make an unanswerable argu ment for the support of the National Security League's campaign for a 100 per cent. loyal Congress by all patriot Ic citizens, irrespective of politics. SLIME LIMME Just Received ONE 6AR Fresh Dittlinger LIME Hydrated in 40 pounds bal and also Rock in barrels. DUCHAMP AGnTDsW co AGENTS Laizaire Bienvenu ST. MARTINVILLE, LOUISIANA. SFIRK INBURANC and HBAL ESTATE Agent Big Reliable Companies 4 SOLICIT A PAT OF YOURL BUI1NES MaAI~m mnL LLJ AMI A"I II l~lha Ili] EDITORIAL REAL AMERICANIZATION. "Make the United States a One Lean guage Nation" Is the watchword adopt. ed by the National Security League fto one of the great divisions of its work, directed by a Committee on Foreign Language and Foreign Press. This committee is devoting its attention at the present time toward obtaining the elimination of the teaching of German in the public schools of the country and the discontinuance of newspapers printed in German. The thought back of this effort of the Security League, however, as set forth by Col. Charles E. Lydecker, president of the League, in a recent interview goes far beyond enemy alien considerations. "It is the duty of every citisen t know the English tongue," says Colo nel Lydecker. "To refuse to learn it is to fling defiance at the nation. To neg lect to learn it is voluntarily to reson unfit for the duties of American -lti senship. We are justified in expecting open and loyal conduct, and we claim the right to insist upo4 this. Amerl canisation really means education. If we educate our people properly we shall make true Americans of our dti sens of whatever blood, Americans wise in knowledge of the principles of democracy and true in heart for fair ness and generbalty between men. Great patience has been exercised in our efforts to coavince the foreigners. In the case of those not now convinced justice to the cause for which we fight demands stronger measures. They must be compelled to convince them selves of the value and the Justice of Ameriean ideas, and this requires a knowledge of the English language." All the arguments on that so fre quently nebulous term "Americanisa tion" would sofm to be summed up here. What could be simpler or more common-sensible than that a man to fully appreciate America must knew its language?