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JOIN THE REBEL CLAN OF TOIL ! WATCH YOUII SEPIRATION. T his is N um ber 5 7 O rganization s Is P ow er I S. Cý- - - HE VI E the E Owned by the Rebel Lumberjacks of Dixie l( An Injury to One is an Injury to AlL VoL. III-No. 6. NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1914 MIGHT IS RIGHT All Woodsmen, Attention! Some Questions Relative The Proposed Strike of the "International Union of Shingle Weavers, Saw Mill Workers and Woodsmen." The question is beinig asked: "What position is the I. W. W. going to take in the pending strike for a shorter workday on the first of May 1'' I am not sure that. I ean give a satisfae'try answer to that question, luit will. however, offer my opinion on the matter. As to the eight-hour (lay agitation, I don't think there is any doubt in the mind of anylnily that we. of the Industrial Workers of the World, intend to carry on this agitation. We have done so for years. In fact, we are the Pioneers of thifs movement that is now elaiming the attention of all men working in the Lumber Woods. It has cost us four years of agitation and thousands of dollars in money to de velope this movement that is now expressing itself in the A. F. of L. Then you ask us, what position we are going to take in the matter? Why, it seems to be rather absurd, to think that we would lay down, or that we would repudiate the positive position we have taken on this important movement in the past. Then, again, we have already taken a position that Iwe, not only want a shorter workday, but, by CGod. we are going to keep fighting until we get it. You know, Logger, that were it not for the long years of constant. and persistent agitation carried on by the I. W. W. in the Lumber ('amps, that the A. F. of L. would not be bold enough to undertake the job of getting it on May first. They know that we have paved the way, that we have prepared the ground, and, if they did not know this, they would not utldertake to organize this strike without tirst preparing the ground. The qujestion, after all, resolves itself into this one thing: Ilo you want. a shorter workday, Mr. Lumber jack? If so,. get yourself in position to tight for it. Never mind what the I. W. W. is going to dc . We will the on the jcb as usual, doinrg our part toi whip the Lumber Trust.. The great lueiitio agit;ating the mindiils of the iaf tie cficials of the A F'. of I. is. not what position the 1. W. W. is going to take in this miove, for a shortAer workday. hlit what. poesition are ,ut, Mr. I'norga:nized lunbherjaek going to take on the. mcatter? Never mind the I. W. W. If you show the samen fighting spirit in this fight as the I. W. W. h\ vs have shcow nl ill the past. or will in the future. yoiu will have v\'cur hours olf laiicr reI.i i ce to a very ioltii'caile e'xtentll I ;bhall. ill ill next article, deal \;thi oither asplec'ts of this Ilproposed strike. I shall ask the Shingle Weavers. \VIIAT P'OSITION AR Y O)I" (;O)[N( To TAKE IN Tllis FI( IIIT i(FOR A SI ORT'TEi{ W ORK l)AY . 'o1rs f'r Ii-ndustrial :'re .Ido\mI. 1F4ORIhEST *:IXv.AhI)S. S`t : Treas.. N. . 1 . F. arild L. .W., VWestern I )istrc," I. W. W. IN A NUTSHELL. ONE ilt1 ; I NI)N i., a inrplli propsi, .itiorl. It ccc'cma 's all 1 ,Irkir-' ii ;I c'i .r i shc1, ill till' slip ir;anillc'. It in c;ii all wot II i ! n ii r iicllst rir c ,f a loi alit'v in oun'' d! . al ibct rl i *c cI i t c iccruS all; i wc crkrs im a ,.''c r o n l istr" thrliy-,,ilc, ut t hi iat ijn iln uric ,all ic a,,; inc' clcntri:-, c iii i, ,, ;ili ind itric's in ONE Bid; I I'eN F-' T'lE \\:WcKINN '!LASS. ,withl lI tl'rn lat aI ' :. t ;i ilit Inl. .\-ni YOll iu el *"* S \licrity.1 FUNDS OF WORLD'S UNIONS. t' mlar. th l ilt ' ,th ,'nn'c . d d!i fcntcls i " .h. w whrl'c I'unc'ii slncicl a; just . 4ulcilc islccec1ci if l hih .i ifl cc. 'iti i, ra i ,l I ,, lt i sh ni, in . 41 itl.iN i tic I iG rmmiam. I mciiio.s. ni : , ictnicl, r 'listnributedi inc Jr.,tiirti, s 1oct ,tate"1l n: 11c ui. \\~kir,'rs f all , L ithenr ,lnitri 's whern' lniu ni-:ni tlc,,ir hes. l. Thie ,crllhini.I mnmi b rihli p'sl u:c if "ill kluiw ln I cii Il' is r,,ctunrucI it urlde'r si'xtheun illIns (Gret Brittinl hluvimutr ine ficmirth ,f tle;ce' m.c'cinl'r'.s Lnd,,n Iliil " lHeralhl. I, f PNOVCTS Yr, l= ' I ýýý ýý ý ý ý ý I ý kr .5-77 Bodineites Nailed to Cross. Th1e I4Hliri otutfit have;i this Irt with a lldodger which, like the outfit that gt it uit. starts at Iowhe-re and endl there. It. claimls to he a part of The International Long shoremenll' Asi' c'isain4 when, as a matter of fact, the I. L. A.. a'ordling to the hLaws of the A. Fi L. c'annot issue a charter to, an organization over which it has no jurisd lict ;n. Int the seeniid place t tiy have been virtually ex I1pelled from the, only "hulna-fide" organizati(,n of this chiss r'ecognized bIy the A. F. L.-the I. S. I'. A. I'hevy miake the ciairm ,of' being part and parcel of the labor ,movement of the wirlid. H1ere are the facts. '1Thir c·arl is worthless nn the Pa;cific ('oast and every where else an open. shlopl revails. The I. S. 1'. A. i,,, the I'acifie ('oast give's the hI.e-haw to any Bodine ili;arl \w'hoii clomes that way. lThe I. W. W. is growing stadily aind insistently S1 the lPacific (',ast. and we have learned that the I. S. F. A., which organization is headed by Andrew F'lr.sei th. ;s only i,,4 glad to get, 151n who have ijined the I. W. W. back into the 1. S. I. A. When e.v.r an 'gent. of the likeline ontfit. for it is not a Inlinrl. giveis you the1 gfulf abot their 1thxks being LMil all over. MAKE THEM P'IIOl)CE THE I'RO(OF. If they .1annot ldo this. treat them as you 11ud1 any othier cnfidenc,.I man who would try andi ,ork a sh1. ll, game on .vu. 'I'hl. Ib,linIin outfit Mtarts from and is headed for he.ll. aInI that is wh,.re y.ou sieamen are going to .. if \u allow y'rscl:.s to, I. fuirther hiam:rbozled I, this pirate- crew. 'The M. T. W. of the 1. W. W. has a definite plan iand progral a,1dl we. are giinf to ,giet. there in the i.lI. Hlow s,, n ,only +l.p4,wils ,,n yoi. We want you t, join thl I. W. W .. andi when I say join. I do not 1114',0 for you t nmerely pay ,ihes. but to study its principle aind program, attend riegularly and take an .wItive ipart at, every mnejeting when you are in port lie a live wire. unite ini the I. W. W. Make yourself f,,it and hlrd.;r and do y,,ur towards developing t'he rest of .Iyour fellw-workers into, fighting units of the I. W. W. Which do you prefer, a "union" like the Bodine outfit, that is controlled by "Headquarters," which meIans HIodine, (read their ºconstitution and by-laws) or the I. W. W., which is not controlled by any in dividual and is yours body and soul? And not only does the I. W. W. state this but it INSISTS most positively upon every member exercis ing his full right of ownership. You have sbeen a slave to every form of graft long enough. NOW, TO-I)AY, resolve to be a MAN, a REAL MAN, an I. W. W. Join the Marine Transport Workers of the I. W. W. and show that you are a man. Marine Transport Workers, I. W. W.-W .J. Parks. Secretary; Frank Albers, Organizer. Hall 307 N. Peters Street, New Orleans. Meetings, 7:30 o'clock every Tuesday night MORE RIVER FRONT SHARKS. And this is what our reporter saw andl heard in his wanderings up and down and through the jungles of the River Front. Down by the Leyland Line, on Saturday, Jan. 24th, he saw a man said to be Wm. Mr. Fannem and a money shark who charges 20 cents on the dollar, and this is direct deIfiance of the mandates of the Christian religion. Also, on top of this interest, each man hooked must give Mr. Fannem his time cheeks to keep, unless he is "honest pay," as Mr. Fannem has no intention of taking any losses. Saturday Mr. Fannem had a cigar box full of checks. When the victims come to the pay table he stands at the door and gives each man his check to go in and get his money and, when hi comes out, Mr. Fannenm receives his rebate-all the sucker sweated for. The dear old Leyland Line is. of course, absolutely ignorant of this 20'W4 that gets by it or we guess it wouldn't get by. That's all for this time. bhut it isn't all our reporter saw and heard, no, not by a dernsite and. if you don't believe it, watch TIIE VOICE. SUBSCRIBE TO THE VOICE. Woodsmen, Attention! Fellow-workers and all slaves, stay away fWa Sweet-Home, La., Front Local 275 on strike. The strike was called to keep one of the Compeay's old tricks off, trying to break the Soidarity aml driv. ing the workers. But, as always, the L W. W. got wine and best them to it. The job is tied up right, not a mad working, So all workers help keep it so by staryng away untill we drive the boss into unmimsuoma, and make another step toward the GOLD. Yours for victory, PRESS COMMITI'EE, L U. 275 ALL SOUTHERN REBELS, ATTENTION! It is reported that, unable to starve the striking Woodsmen at the Sweet Home Front, near Ball, La. back into submission, the struck Lumber Company or the Association, has filled up that section of the country - ith gunmen and Burns' hounds, and that these lawless Rurales are snooping around the homes of the Workingmen and Working Farmers at night, evidently for the purpose of potting some man they consider a leader and then to try the old gag of arresting every one of our boys for "inciting to riot." Therefore, all Rebels in East Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas and Oklahoma should hold themselves in readiness and. when the association starts its "riot," see to it that enough men get to the Sweet Home country to aid and defend the workingmen and work ing farmers there against the Thugbund. Norate this all over the four States. Our NEGRO fellow-workers should likewise ~a all NIGGERS headed for Sweet Home Front to stay away from there. All Whitetrash should likewise be warned. Stand together. MEN. in ONE BIG UNION and prepare for the d:ENERAIL STRIKE of all Southern Woodismen and Sawmill Workers! The West strikes May First. FOUND AT LAST! See It! Read It! A plan to put within the reach of every one; a series of lottures, accompanied by the latest high class motion picture and stereopticon entertainments. A clean amusement and educational program, su perior to anything hertofore furnished by traveling companies. This program consists of motion pictures and many beautiful stereopti(con views, accompanied by lucid and witty explantions from an experienced lecturer. No intermission to this entertainment, "something doing" all the time. FREE. No admission is charged for the show; all we re quire is a receipt showing that the holder is a three months subscriber to "TILE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE" or a purchaser of one or more of our many books to the amount of 25 cents and, believe me, the papers (,r books are well worth the price we charge for them. All local Unions of Forest and Lumber Workers, Southern I)istrict, should get in communication at once w'ith ,Jay Smith, Secretary Southern District. ~ox 78. Alexandria, La., and arrange a date as soon as possible. Respectfully, SMITII AND) RICE. PROMOTERS. Defense Funds Notices. WHEATLAND: Send all funds for the defense of the Wheatland Victims to, Andy Barber, Sec. L W. W. Locals, 114 "I" Street, Sacramento, CaL TEXAS VICTIMS: Send all funds to Vietor Cravello, Box 1b91, Los Angeles, Cal., Secretary of the Rangel-Cline Defense Committee. Carl Person Defense: Send all funds to Carl Person, Box D. Clinton, Illinois. Railroad Workers, Get Busy! ACT TO-DAY.