Newspaper Page Text
ORGANIZE! ORGANIZEII ORGANIZE!!! WATHn VOUR. enasonA. This is Number 60 Organization * Is Power 61 - -"- - THE vc PEOPLE Owned by the Rebel Lumberjacks of Dixie W An Injury to One is an Injury to All. Vi,,. III -No. 9. NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1914 MIGHT IS RIGHT Garl Person. .\_ ai1 I. ( ,sinl, n Iall, ý k to you of Carl Per P ern, h il4l,.i' (, . 4I pak to you, the R ailroad \V 'rkl. 'l I11 .\ii|4'rea.. \\ hiat ar i Y1)i g',in, g to do( in defense of this MAN .1ai; I 1.;\ unt,4 you that he i.s nlot in prison for any trime.. Again I tell >oi they are not after taking hi life a\\ay frloui hill, hut from YO'. The "law l,'s n, hiilt ,a. uk, l'Person as inlil duals but be (a,1 ' ; 1h,: ( .AI 1 '" f(1r s tih thei y stand. .\t aga-in I .aiy to poi 1a l tAOAD1 WORKERS that. it Ili' ,hih lii..hl itg 11 (i)h d of our forefathers still i;ei4 . i Iin T.ur .in-, yl, \ivoull not allow them to EVEN 'I'Y t'.Alt, I'EliSON on such a glaringly cla4s. cl4r14rg. .\ jou would slop t'cry wheel on tcriry r,,lr4a,,d ,,,n, 1/, .1 ricaun ('onhtentl bcforc you 'would slt,,iki / 1 , 1111 it 14 1.,s c1 1i f n llitti such a crine against ,ur ' 'it.s., ,1,,,/ ,itu 1ou'tl, kI t hec 4i.tcels silent and ,/4 all il //, '4 o4l1 of 1iir prison ihl s EVERY ,,,,/., ,. ,,,1,' t,,,/i p , , / r l/,t / tri, t of /faith/fully scrcing /Dis r la.,s. There ain. dte. in the l1hhstiny of every people when. I'(1r a l1riul'|i ' i , thI' i llm st. challenge and rise and liglht rthe ilii class 'r aeknuowledge themselves unfit fhr ai\ thi h g lui .Iai\,.1'. anil s., hl a time the Ameri aini \\41rl I ln, I', 'p!' :l a .' 14'ac111g lto-day. I low, lthen, \\ill \.e i, it -like MIEN or like `LAVES ,Let llir I'athetrs' \\ar .1'Vy Ile ,ur answer unto them: ..MILLIONS ,til \\'Al HI'T NOT ONE CENT 1,'F O 'I 'T itl I 'T E '.:' )UN \\I'II T'iE: S)(IA .\i uENEl.ll STRIKE! All Woodsmen, Attention! Fellow-workers and all slaves, stay away from Sweet-Home, La., Front. Local 275 on strike. The strike was called to keep one of the Company's o!d tricks off, trying to break the Solidarity and driv ing the workers. But, as always, the I. W. W. got wise and beat them to it. The job is tied up right, not a .xaan working. So all workers help keep it so by staying away untill we drive the boss into submission, and PrI, r, ',, 1 h. I EN i.\L ST'IIIKIE of all Southern \V s,,,,, I 4 , 1 s1 l i;ll ,r1\\ ,'ke'r Yours for victory, PRESS COMMITTEE, L. U. 275 PRESIDENT KEEGAN NERVOUS. 'i,. I;1 I 1ter Ti I' : \'o lt('l heIars that Piresident 'e1";.1, ill , ; 1 1 1 '' till 14 I i' 4 vays 4anti 111'an' 111 l4lt .l -xi,, t, th1 , ' , t- li 1 . ,f ll 411 1.'. 111/' R iver F r,,1t 11 1 ,. lI ,..1 11 t'lih i (1 f It I ,al1 -slit ,I .n the I lll'll. - ii i,1! p' :i ;I t I f hi ials a l ,11 ' 1 tinl ' g,,ing ,, i 11 (',, 1,,!, I ,i s .i,,l ;aitvis iin .r thetn to ;..,\ 1A 1 11 , t , i t \ ith lh 1. W\V. W . as they Ii.' : , t ri ,1,1 .' ii 'rhii ts." '['hat's ,just .'.. ., .-. ; k. 4 l n ii_ 3'r .l\\lish a144i the I ..:...1 ~ I .'1 : 1 r. I'i- . l it WVrkman i la also - ., ' , . , ".. ,1 _ ".'-- ll -''y .J m 'Porter is T '1', . . . . , I ; I. ; I. , re ,., ln h to 1 ake all tr . 1 . I ,. I. " I ,I 1 , ,.l! : r, Is sioll ' as till rank ;!1111 iiI, _' 1 . 1 i 1, I I1 ! I' , " ' IIit 1 ,.1 \ . 'll' ' \ 1.1..ll ' ' 1',1111.11 Id t1Il1ilt' 4,1 . . ...I I 14 r I, I4 111 1 it4I ' i.. ii.t t ! . . 1' i.1 t1 h14, il. Ti El VOI(I'E wants 1. I ,1'.\ .1,1, I . ! tx Ir41 i, ' tlte ,i l l m yl steri oils 11t, - h, , i, l 11 , 1. ;1i ( it- . 1, i 1: 1 1t l ,! lo l . i n n. . t, n;i, l i ': - t ! lr :He, !b 'l, it ,,f hti, t !1. ii l F . ,;, t . . : i 1 , 1 : . l../ ,HO 'N' IO N. i . 11 T H\ ..i ! \\ "\ ., ! : h.; t l ai , E l~I lT Jill! !; 1) \"i' , i. mi,, ./... . a. n,, F IFT Y (I .\'1. \\ 11441 i: .\i ' .- \LI iiN TIIE I.l1 \ 1" I:l E ;l. l i; .I \ " \!?Y Pl" " I; T . 1!'1.-, T], ii,.,. r n ' ,', 1'' i' . '+!a;t i" thl' 'llle' tionl Ii; h. '1 114' 4 1 .. eI -.srv.' our mast-rs S K \ t,. r I .',! .r4 14 '. .4 l;i I, ..,r4 v i ,111 " lii,1 ,rstl -1:, 4, 'I' i, , ',,, ' "'i .. ..r "' , T .. ', h1i,. l'4'rlalp' . T : .! I . ::, ., . ' li . . , ' ri ,,44 4 i4,4. ri4 . , * , '. ..' ir i . , i4. t1 r ,. , i.i s life. 141n4t i', .- ', i . , .,ii ,- , . i i i 1t4l'4il, ,l4 '.. lh ir -- -J *LASS.. FAT. spurn ti, u',w, bil pnsau ye enr ye wake The slumbering venom of the fighting snake; Th' first may Irn-- -buIt nol aro gEP the blow; The last expires-biut leaves no living foe; Fast to thI/ d ,,n "d 'off(, de.r's form it elint.,4d r yow wmay cruas---t eonqwer-still it stings. A LETTER FROM CHARLIE CLINE. TIlE VOICE has received the letter published be low, from Charlie (Cline. ,nie cf thlie vitiirs ot Texas "justice." In sinmple lanIgutag it tells irecre eloquently than aut I could say the 1ragecl;. beinig e'nac'ted in the dungeons of San Antonic,. I'Mrs. Ste.vcniis and all his ,hll e.,umrades and fell,.w-\ are requested by T'I'lE VOI(E to write lihe I,,o a ndl hI1, cheer him up. Ilis statement that the let te' aa .\\ "s ggled" out shows the grim and terribl, l, oathlstmenicess eof all this heidious thing called ('aplit;alist Sociit. , for his letter came to mie enc-losed ill ani envehlop frolmi the othice of John W. Tobin, Sheriff of l',exer County, and it had been opIened, proving that the "friend" was but a stool-pigeon in the eiplj,, ,yv of' the assassins of liberty. Why Sheriff Tobin saw fit to fi'ward the letter bear ing the frightful vhlargc's aga;iilist hat infamnius prison, we do not know. I'erhiaps all It hle mian in him is t yet et dead. PI'rhaps ('liine is now "getting his" for the crime of tellinig lthe IlitIi. We do not know, Iucit We do kne)iwt that there'i'' are ino prisons more hellishly inhiuman thani are Ihjse ,,f tlie alleged civil ized State of Te'xas. ,We' have cdt'le wondered why this is so, especially whe.n it i.s cel.sidered that Texas was practically eilticredI andI settled by fugitives from "justice." We, .sutcpese' it is the l,hi, old story, thoullgh of making a slave' an ove,'setr, a'. trusty a con viet guard. whI.h aeweunts for tihe finlisliess of the ' iTexas pIe'lal system. ()ne thing that strikes i is a: - traic. is the silence of' the REElIEL and the Ilnst,, c'hrniele on these harbarities, especially that , of the Rebel. for THE VOICE expleeted cf tIhem that th, .'y would not be silent in such case. They are aeit helping the State of Texas by their sil,'ence nir I he'm,'l\ c's, for the word is gcing out into all the Wri anl shall it be writ ten that neo man in 'I',.xas ia se..I Iiis v,,ic',' against the del.gradation of his nat ive S;ta:' .\nl the "crime" these are charged wvithIi is. Iv ,lr oCf the' President. ne nire a in ri '-- ve't th,, art i ,,erish like dogs? ('LINE', LETIE'i"I'. I oLLOW\',,: San .\Antcni,,. Tl',,x,:. Feb. 111th. 19] 13. iDear Hail - Since writ iing yii last 1 have' been think ing abouti some of tihe ci1i l'cdlt'.Is anil I wrote them, lbut owin': to the c-irciustaicl'ns as I statted before. I ct uld never get aniy wc'dl ic thilimt that I was still :aliv\e. Si. Hall. if Vii will I wish Vilii would write ti MNrs. S'tevenson. 737 W. Ii,'hilal ac Str'eet. Phli'enix. .\rizona. andl tell her. anidl if vcii \-ill Iplease. notify (Continued ,i Plage 4.) TO THE OIL WORKERS OF LOUISIANA, TEXAS, OKLAHOMA. The Oil Workers in the State of Oklahoma are wak ing up to the necessity of organizing Industrially. and in the two months since Local No. 548 of the I. W. W. of Tulsa, Oklahoma. has received it charter the pipe liners in the oil fields are coming in to the ONE BIG I'NION at a rate of three a day which makes the local 180 strong up to date. But this is not all; not a day passes butt what scere tary has received letters from wage slaves in the oil fields to come to different camps in the fields and organize the pipe liners in the ONE BIG UNION. In sending organizers out in the oil fieldis the local has not been able to send an organizer out on the job because of lack of funds, but as the lohal has received about 30 new members this week it now has enough money on hand to send an organizer out on the job. Organizing on the job will start the first part of next week. Fellow-worker Jack Law will go tor Ryan. Oklahoma, where 27 pipe liners were lined up in the ONE BIG I'NION this week by local organizer Jim Quinn and Fellow-worker Brininghan and, after Fel low-worker Law has been at Ryan for a few days, he will go to other oil fields in Oklahoma and Texas to organize the pipe liners in the ONE B1I( IUNION, and also to open branches where they will do the most good. Now, a few words with the pipe liners in the oil fiehis. You worked long hours for short pay all your life. andi you are no better off than you were when you first started. The longer hours you work, the more money you put in the Bosses' pockets. What is the matter with cutting some of the long hours you work down to e;ght hours a day? But cutting the hours down to eight a day you will be raising your pay at the same time, because when you shorten the hours the Boss will have to put more pipe liners to work in order to get the same amount of work done that you are doing now. By the Boss having to put more pipe liners to work after you have gotten the eight-hour day it will mean that there will be less pipe liners looking for a job. and in order for the Boss to get enough pipe liners to work he will have to raise your pay. See how easy it is; all you have to do. Fellow worker, is to get the pipe liner working along siole of you. and tell him how the eight-hour dlay will help him, and then when you have the pipe liners working in the same camp with you line them up: (Continued on Page 4.) Same Old Gompersism. The Tactics The "Timber Workers Union" Are Using. The Point They Are Aiming At. This question of Tactics is a question that more or less occupies the time of all labor organizations, but, after all, Tactics are but the reflections of the intelligence of an organization, Tactics must always conform to the FORM of organization as well as the purpose that that organization has set to accom plish. It would be absurd for a Craft Union to de clare for a General Strike, it would be equally absurd for an organization repreenting one Industry, an industrial organization at that, to declare for the So cial Revolution. Why? Because they cannot carry out their declaration, their organization is not organ ized on that basis. It will be easy to see that the Tactics which will be used by a Revolutionary Indus trial Union, cannot be used by an International repre senting one Industry, any more than a Craft Union can use the Tactics of an Industrial Union. You may say that we don't care how we get the shorter work-day just so we get it. That a shorter Iwork-day secured by and through the efforts of the I. W. W. would be of no more advantage to the Lumber Workers than the Shorter Work-day secured by and through the efforts of the Timber Workers U'nion. I deny this, every word of it. Did you ever stop to think that to go to the em ployers of labor with the argument that, by shorten ing the work-day that his slaves would do as much work as before, that he would be. assured of greater efficiency without cost to him; that he would pass it out to you with a smile? Yet this is the material being fed to the Lumber Workers of this country by his new "Union," The Timber Workers. It is a plain compromise. You may argue that once the work-day is shortened and the slaves once feel the advantage thereof, that they will resent any attempt the employers may make in again lengthening it. Rolt! The fact that the work-day was secured without cost to the employer, and wihout effort on the part of the Slaves, is itself evi de1nce that the Class War, the class conflict (lid not express itself in the transaction at all. The hostility between master and slave that must sooner or later express iself, is therfore unknown to both parties. What is the idea left with the Slave when demands are granted through bargaining, bartering and scheme ing? Why, it is the idea that Capital is the friend of Labor, and that both are necessary in the produc tion of wealth. With this idea, it will be hard for the Lumber Workers to make much headway in bet tering their conditions. After all, have the workers gained anything of real value to them? llave they gained any real advantage over the Boss? Can the Boss not take from the workers that present he has given them as matter of business? What have the workers really done that will tend to make the Boss fear them ? What weapon of warfare have the workers forged that will enable them to hold that which they have secured through Barter? The point that the "Timber Workers Union" is aiming at is to secure recognition of their union by the lumber trust; to do this, they will use any means regardless of their effect on the workers in volved in the struggle. The next article will deal with Job Organization. and why the lumber workers should organize in the I. W. W. rather than the "Timber Workers." Yours for Industrial Freedom, FORREST EDWA IDS. S'. Treas, N. I. '. of F. and L. W. West.ern I)ist. ('OMMENT IBY C. II.--lBaring ,,ut the above con te'ntion of Fellbw-worker Edwards as set forth above. I quollte yon the following sentence. frmi "'The Timbher Worker."'' of Feb. 2d.. 1914: "NO INCREASE IN WAGES ASKED FOR. " We d(~ not ask for a 20( per cent increase in wages as inferred l,y the editor; nor wouhl an acceptance of our proptosition increase the eost of pro(dlction 20 per cent. nor an increase of 20 iper ce.nt in labor cost. We propose an eight-hour dlay with a one-fifth relue tin of the daily wage of all men. from $2.80 per (ilay andl above that figure. i. e.. a man drawing $2.80 (Continued on Page 4.)