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DEATH -TO THE GUNMENNI I WATCH VOUR IIIU1ATMI ' This is Number 61 Organization * Is Power I-.' 62 ---- HE OICEe PEhOP Owned by the Rebel Lumberjacks of Dixie M An Injury to One is an Injury to All. VOL. Il-No. 10). NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1914 MIGHT IS RIG /W co)l 444 o fP go 40 ' (I *a 0 Cý* 2 SP - - ilC/' S%d 03V Wherein the Rattler Boards the (lood Ship "Commerce," Chases the Sharks Overboard, Tears the Black Flag From the Plasthead and Throws it After Them, Then Shakes His Tail in the Face of the Octopus. BOSSES TO STOCKADE RIVER FRONT. Tre Editor of TIE Vlt'olE'l; is neither a pr,iophet or the son of it prophet but you Long.-sh,,r \Workers will remember that he predlited to you and the other workers of New Orleans that if you did not go to the assistan'rce of the Lumberjacks and aid them to resist the attempts of the Lumber 'Irust to cn slave and stockade themn that the next thing this G(ang wouldl attempt would e to put the ilty under the same infamous rule and stockad le Yo'l ). too, and now come the osses andl prove it. lHere a-e tiihe priipositions, backed. byl the B~iard of Port ( 'onulnissionersr arndl the Assn eiation of C, intllilr e, according to "The item" of F'b. I th, 1914. here they are: "7. Etall ishrienrt of a zinc alrong the river fronit to be fenrced oilf and reserv,,l folr harblr and freiglit handling purposes. "S. All labor clhairgl"s andi w'ilrktn1e ,, itiiiis i,, the river front are to be fixed by the guverning body." lHow I,, yiu like the prospect 7 They are drawin up by . John II. BIernhard. Mr. lecan and Walter Parker." IIw I1, yu like thtnlr You said the, fight of the I.u itiierj;acks tasn't your fight, but if this s~.chehi . du,,i n't;,rv,'v %,u a liar we l,il't ktinow what calr. Al.o() it prIoves the 1. W. \\. isInntely' right in its ,,utatirtjni that the nily thine left fr workers is ONE Ilt, I Nlt\N. that i, L .\L t" W\,rk ers fronting all the lit.s with the M11 ,llI11T 1)' A SOLll) \ALL I' FOLIEl) .\1.1IS wh,. rI I, tie in which the riHirs ani1 1 .er:,, of th, \\.ri rf is on. whetnever the int ir,..ts ,t 4) It ( I.\.s. 5 menaced by TIIEII (LASS. What arc Y0I goiirg to d1, ;,,u" it tl'icre ' but one way out. and that \ay .s to .iin lthe A RINE TiA\NSiOI'OT W )tI{KER:. 1. \V. W.. ;il join it TO-D)AY. The D)ok aiit (',i ',unnil, as a fighting machine. is deah r than II, ,r 's pupi and it's up to you to build a .r, ter tighi ti mita chine than that of the B~;ses ,r go t u t, tok ades-SLAYES. CHINESE OUT-SCABBED. 'h114' \larlnli Transport W'torkt'r' in Nt'\\ (Orleans are itnto up agailist a l%% \alrity ,f snalls. \We have hadi expetrie:llc wll tIhe. l'Blii'e brawlil, tI en the nig g.r variety, their lthe ( Ihie'-. and 1neI\\ we are up igaiinst what is knioIIw as the "hoIe crew" kind. Them" -1hoimt! tews." \\ ho are "white" men, are recrilitt'dl in Nora.'.i aniI Sw\\e1,l anli they are the 11111l \ ,r'd til S i Hi,-ir,v I ,.li,' . .,,. i t '' ay as they :1, 'ori.t i fI',r It s 1. l ; 1' 1 hi' 4 t i -i-. , und many .f,"l l h a r'' .ar l'rry tig ulio, Ib ,.s fr,un `.orway and 'T'h'lse' "holllue Irews who are a dlisgrace to the 'aiueasianl race anlti mort: partii-ulaly to the Scan denav;ian, are the imist dtcilte, spineless bunich of slaves the writer has ever run 'i.rt,.ss. A\id, it is said. til,- ('linese are kept tractable by threatleing to fill th,.ir plaies by "'1l,,i' crew" stabs. )i the last trip of the ".\ign,'lla her crew were pIt :asir,.' ant a s,ab "ihoie 4-.'\\ w \,re taken aboard. I ask,,l the 'aptata n why 1idid't he get ('hijnese and hli ,rtllitt. " I pr'fe:r \\l:itle l11.11, and they are ch.lapir.'' Sat', naites, w\\hat. h,1 you think of it! We 1 tholught that \\h, li we hadl ,n joytd ( the u aquaint a. t' " of the Bttlihie. niggt,,r ant,1 hine-t sab we knew tiui ;All. but it si'tiiis that lthere are a LuLuiiber of ir-il'lio ltl-~u in the lpriiues sa.l.ts, and we are won !,,riI \\hllt kimll the' l,,..'.s J ; 1','a gi ng ll 7 .sl,spring on is text. 'lh,. l' I,, c 1 w, ." it' "'1\A n, 'llai' \w,.r. all munlll ti'-iio-w ' ,, it' .s,.'i O-a thi;t i tk itlii.r illaceis. and the 11111 ;, ll i ,1 f thei al' ,iri' is thil lI: I m 'ell whoi were .,,litiI ti, l t i, f ia jitob I ,I t re1d a i t-. that they were. (tnt, of the' tlisplla't',l crtw h k h,:iiiis with one if th saibs i x iS ias llit I' frililnly wihtil hiim. I .', 1 ,Ii that th y .. \.. c ilill . If o(ne of my t;,llil w t'" ..I o "ilt l li lt I w\',,lli a l ,l .-hIlake his hand, iInt his neck. lThis-i . ,,ry mst anti ian lthe stopped if our 8 -i iiiinat i a f, l'w-wiwrkers mwake up their minds to d I it. Thet\- .hlialtl by\ w\\-rd itf ilitutIii and the writ te'n wir-I apprise thle'r trntryiimen at horne of con ditions here. Every effort should be made by our Scandenavian fellow-workers to enlighten these "home crews" to the damage they are doing their class. Special efforts should be made to get these "home crews"--when an opportune time presents itself, and opportune times are but our own creation -to seriousy inconvenience the ship on which they are employed. Letter should be written to the Unions and the labor papers of Norway and Sweden asking their help and co-operation in preventing the enslavement of their own people. Lastly, they should, in every means possible, urge these men who are, for the most part, unknowingly committing a crime against their class to become ac quainted with the plans and principles of The Ma rine Transport Workers of the Industrial Workers of the World. Toilers of the Sea, you have been slaves long enough! Arise! Be a Man! Join the I. W. W. Marine Transport Workers of the I. W. W. Halls in al principal ports. SEAFARERS, ATTENTION! Any Seamen who have had any experience with the United States Shipping Commissioner's Office and the United States Marine Hospital Service in New Orleans, will please get in touch with the under signed. I want your actual experience; I want the facts. as it is only upon facts that I can act. The proper administration of these offices is of ut most importance to seamen, and more particularly to seamen sailing in vessels of American register. FRANK ALBERS, Organizer, M. T. W., 307 N. Peters St., New Orleans, La. The capitalist class want you to work for all eter nIty for them. and they have gall enough to say that it is God's will. DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE VOICE. All Woodsmen, Attention! Fellow-workers and all slaves, stay away from Sweet-Home, La., Front. Local 275 on strike. The strike was called to keep one of the Companys old tricks od, trying to break the Solidarity and driv ing the workers. But, as always, the L W. W. got wise and beat them to it. The job is tied up right, not a man working. So all workers help keep it so by staying away untill we drive the boss into submlsaon, and prepare for the GENERAL STRIKE of all Southern Woodsmen and Sawmill Workers! Yours for victory, PRESS COMMITI'EE, L U. 275 Sweet Home Strikers Standing Solid Despite Association's Armed Assassins. Ball Front, La., Feb. 26, 1914. I suppose THE VOICE readers are wanting to know what has been going on in this neck of the woods. I shall not begin to tell all that has hap pened since the boys have been. on strike at Sweet Home Front, for I do not know. The country is full of detectives, thugs and gun men armed with high power rifles and shotguns, loaded with minnie balls and buckshot. So you see what we are up agaiuat. With more than a score of "guards" whose jobs depend upon the expected work of some maddened striker, so just by looking at the economic interest of the "guards" one readily sees who "Pistol Pete" is: It is genrally believed they are the fellows who set fire to a trestle, with which crime three Union boys are charged and held under bond of *600 each. Then, on Feb. 7th, four or five gunmen who have some kind of a "commission" or other, entered the home of an aged widow and arrested her son, Fel low-worker Tom Torry. They now have him in jail at Alexandria charged with shooting from ambush at strikebreakers. Also three other Fellow-workers, Oscar Chandler, Demksy Coleman and Columbus Coleman, are in Colfax jail waiting the action of the grand jury. It is reported that they are charged with being members of some kind of a "White Cap Clan." I guess they have reference to the I. W. W. If it takes men to make money, then surely the Sweet Home Lumber Company is growing rich, for they sure have the men. There is one crew on strike, solidarity unbroken; one crew working, who siever grumble; one crew coming, that ask no ques tions; one crew leaving, hard to catch; one crew of gunmen to see that everything goes on lovely. The latest report from the mill shows that everything is alright, only they can't get any logs. Well, Steve, if any one happens to ask you, tell them the fight is still on at Ball Front and, if you see any one one headed this way, tell them about those "guards" that are all armed with dangerous weapons and doing all they can to hold their jobs. All Rebels are invited to come this way and help win the fight, as this is not a fight for more pay or hours but simply a fight which "spells shall the Forest and Lumbers Workers' Union stay here or shall it be blotted out " No financial aid is asked for yet, and will not be until the grand jury meets; then, if the Fellow-workers are indicted, we ask all to help free them and not let them suffer for the crime of a gunman. Yours to win the World for the Workers, J. WILLIAMSON. SPECIAL WIRE TO THE VOICE. Kansas City, Mo., March 1, 1914.-Eighteen of our men were arrested Saturday night at conlusion of Sstreet meeting. The new c·harge is that of "disturbing the police." Men in jail are standing firm. These last arrests have substantially depleted our ranks, men are urgently necrled to win this fight. On to Kansas City, your Rebels! PRESS COMMITTEE. NOTICE FROM VANCOUVER. Local Union 322 has nothing to do with the associa tion of enforced unemployed idle as it is a SCAB layout, or in other words "A CITIZEN'S ALLI ANCE." R. SrLLIVAN, Secty No. 322.