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STHE CAUCASIAN. VOL xnIIII SHREVEPORT, LA, WEDNESDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 19. 900. i O OPh S' STORE£,. 423 Texas Street. BARGAINS FOR ALL. MONEY SAVERS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Just received, 100 Ladies' Jacketo, jast what you want for 1ow, $1 50 to $5 00. You will havetto see them to aoDreciate the prices we are makirg on them. Ladies and Cnmlrens' Underwear. Ladies Union Salta. .... 25c ach Ladies' Union Suits, Onleda Out .... . ............ ............ ........ 50 c Cbildrens Union Suits, all sizes................. ........ . . . . 25c hi dren Vest rand Pants, Heavy Fleeced ............ ...- . 13 to 2&ceach, Lad les Wrapperm ................................................................ 50C to 1 00 Fianneletts. for Ladles r p e s.................. -......... 1ey d 25 Slik Shirt Wast, k Wappers ..... . . .................. . ...ard 2 W Sti Shit ~ st 5640 kind ................................. ... ...............2*"»* 50 20Silk Shirt W Ïait, 6 Okind 2 950 20 Ladies Raiuydav Skirts. 1 40 to 35 Something for Cool Nights.-Blankets and Comnforts. Biankets .............. ................ .....S to 3 00 pair Com forts ................................... .. 83cto 2 0each Keep your eye &n Our Rug and Matting Debartmont.i NEW GOODS DAILY. Peoples' Store. The Low Price Makers 4z3 texas Street. Eve V .':eblId; cB' appreelat ohe7tooee h SthiCnudutor -. *f.Oookîmg*by,GÂC, Shreveporsast, electric Light & Pmowr co. 218 MI. Btemtoa* Oomerdsl Nationa* ilng. p00100 0&0 mmmm 1 FURNITURE, Just the kind that Everybody is Looking for Fine, Medium and Ordinary. Come and see the Greatest Variety, with prices just right to suit the closest buyers. NOVELTIES FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS, SEWING MACItWNES. T.£ . ST EPRERS0H,| & . THET HERNITUT MAN. 206 Teras Stret, . . w mP ifu~ tbe.* bosl ylo 'Alts,*tW tg , - 94%s a e r e a a gb r o ~ r . I s 8 r e e . Mr u~ se.i g . ~mdig mmm~..: lat Zda' (~Ofirs a &m1% ed su g m ea ro OOfthe b"em*io tegvu hOe~ eI th &Msat w" á . Is Shkrempete am8 toe th*. k"p of ' ~ ." te p ah & u m get* g-*-e gofe e%~"~voe. Amd lo w"s his to~e *"s ar 1~ gatw. a"s or cha~wkti. ~ ^e~pÎe Mr w^me Osep. teI se. Cd th hys md hts tegg am Net ~ t Spapi sm .epte eio shce ý ImegOj ~b7eI~? Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually whten bilious or costive. m te lajr.atie priinaipwks ofrpjanï kmnown to actartw enoci t0 GET ITS BENEFIC'AL EFFECT. BUY THE GENUINE - ANFID. Fr CALIFORNIA FIG 5RUPCQ SV FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLL , KY. NCW YORK. N.Y For ss/e by ^rists -price -Ar erstoff Planters' Meeting. A number of plantars residing o01 Bed river met:yesterday at zoon iu the coarthoese. Tbc purpose of the gatherlai was to coneider economie questions ot Interest to tbe weltare of th@ planterp. A eommlttee wa cp polated to draft a platform, work up th* orgaalzattoa *ad to appolat *ifb eomanttee Ia the different pari&hes rbe oommittee named Tor Lhe par pom duigned eonsist of: G U Striag- 1 fellow, John Crichton, T G Pickeit, «ll ot Red iktwer parish; J C Cark < Natchitoobhe; P P Kelth, -,Caddo; i tarry N Ogdea, Bontier.' A perisi t orgialation of North Listai pitr wil follo th leor ieane thea p h.- - S e Did You Ever Think How Impossible it is for you -o obtain* satisfactory prices from merchants who y too much for their god? We@bny right and our oods are half sold as as the customer heare he price, w handle only the best goods, have the. largest assortment and can suit the most exacting and refined tastes. The holi day rush is now on in our store, those who wait this ear until the last day may get left-the most esirable goods will ]be sold,:and it will be impo' sible to give you the :at tention we would like and that you de? ire. Please do not wait, but come at once and make your selec tion, have the goods laid aside to be de liveredany time you like LEON M. CARTER, 11*Uulaçtmvtus Jeveler. aswaAs ~apmas SONE POINT NEGLECTED Svaliers to C,]o~ 01v. Chivese <hban.. to See A5.eM.tsiitieM. Loneldon, Dec. 19.--A Peklu dispatch to the Palil Mall Gaeztte dated Deo. 17, mays the situstiou has unit iniproved hy representatives of the powers having reached ai agrameinezit as the ~cope of nogotiatious is linited and the effect neutralized. The allies have neglected to 'lose the arsenabs and facto riem at Haukow and Shanghai and have failed to check tOe traosmmiuom of snp plies of ammunition of the Ohinese. Tuug Fah Siang thus hs every oppor nunity of rallying and equipping his army. He has ecured the psition of dictator. terroriases the emnpres and con trols the whole movemeut of troops. It will be necessry to givo thl military operationu of the allies wider area. to Rame.u a Prteeer. Wichita.Kan.,Deo. 19.-Smnda"night o00 the Santa Fe train near Emiporia, three men tried to resoe Bel Temple from Sheriff Butts, of Enid O. T. Tem ple »ome months ago held up Sheriff Butts, who had kim in o tre for lar ceny, bound him and wet 9 with the liheriff's team. He was asrested last week in Kansas OIty and e his way to Enid wben thr*< apposed cronies attacked Batte to samure the release of Temple. Sheriff msa ofe this county, was aboard the traai. He asuited Huns and the three a~oolate were driven off. MIstek trr * Burglak. San Antoonio. De. 19.-Dali lmmn aged W yea, an old aad r. thoo -l aan w- aooidentally shot a~d kiHd atl 3:30 o'clock Monday mormiag ky Etail ' Hofaner, a lad of i7. The troagy o. ourred at the IHofamer hom* l fame was mistaken for a barglg &w>yo ag Hofaner, who procired a sh-bg aa~ : fired at Lamm., the charge enterag bis ebh@t near the heart. Iammi dNdleM o se the boy's father on buslem perW taining to a s*it ina cooart. Batl mee wer gardaer and t*» beat of fri~ed. CRUSHED TO IDATH. HEnnah George Kiled by a Bwitch Ingmas Mondat al aboet 6 pua, Nmah George, olored, aged 75 or 80 year, was rem Ov!r lad killkd by a swit"h engine o. the Txas and P&s~e ~ trek, at thb* Marphy b tret er~cr g tl "e city. The egiser aad the itdra *sted that whe. they aow Utewo mea ah. wat esladiag th1rh er o er dmt frWm ae kek, s& d th~ t» wen then travolag at the rate of fur MI & ab hoer, ad hatwhem the eglas was aboet thr* feet trom the wodaa, 9e at&pped ea the track aat it was~apolble teohok or atop the *agta-. HBamah.Oirge was alom and haon almost biad and deaf, ti t Maseab to mo me that *e@ did adt s or her the* ~non ai tco la The saforuaaste woman was horriMbly magled. Who i to biamefr thir soldeot ? It te tru the vie~ t was am ol colored aomma, ad had lived the Me allotd, threosores ad tea, bus *UppoO the Ileti had bom a proal. s t altsea Whou to blae? aS the city aay ordnc pror iag igul or lagBea at erece smuc as Morpy 1uet, aad it ordiuanM Mxit why ]o i~ost en lu aforheeplj 9r hold the railroad re spoalblde ? If theoebao ordinaace, te^ I is thb daty of the eomaanel to have nch aa ordiamw sad o en ores it ridkUy.. fthe laqeet held by Coromer Poty developet *o material fa&cts, other han ~Iuna 9eore wes dcad, killed by hbalag bW rn over by a switoh *Otote. Old Hass Goorge had been a faiLhEl servte, on of the old stock -t IIak of the pat-who was datifal, r~<pbeLl san one who, althoagh elortd, was lovd by her white frisads. PZMMXaka Plil~OAlt :=r W J. Adpr, st elw . ompiJnl-t *4 them C eala withk apprsolasd al esterday. jDr E. A0em and wit# leftiysteor, sag via New orl~sa COuba, JamaIs &ad N^~4rags koim.aralag hom. We wIeb tem a plemsa joracy. Geverer Beoe N*Meilia, wo kas b~s vTlatbe Amur M r mrmJ x rIter, reterMd to i lo.s bb ~ hvitu, tena., yste ay. aE. wis will remai soms sh*e with ha motier hefers retaureig if *nate have iroduoed bll "far the *Uproeâion of train robbery in the ter orite and ~elewhere." It provides the desh peaty for thos fguily of a "holdap" In os. the deati of any pero on the train resulta. In wee no one is killed the penalty is made hard labor from 30 to 40 years. tfok Mr Wanhtse r" i. WaMhitoo, De. m.-The ura are Wee hi the new warships. Osly As -ra le. iaes ware wiunstk NINE LIVES LOST. SSte-aer Alpha Wrecked and Part r tbh Crew Emeape Miraculouuly. Vanconver, B. O., Dec. 19.-News ol the worst marine disamter of the beason r in British Columbia waters was broeght Shere by the steamer Czar from Union f bay, on the east Aide of Vanoonver is. t land. The famous steamer Alpha, Swhose unauthorized t ip to Cape Nome last May brougnt her into trouble with Sthe treasury department was wrecked . on a reef near the entrance uf Union Sbay and not a vestige of the steamer . remains. a Her managing owner, the captain, the Spurser, three engineers, two abiebodied , seamen and a stowaway, were drowned Sand the balance of the crew of 34 were saved by the pluck of an unknown mem ber of the ship's crew who swam in the raging sea from the wreck to the light ouse with a line around his waist. The ship Alpha was valued at 045,000. Her cargo comprised 750 tons of salt salmon and 350 tons of coal consigned to Tokohama and valued at $80,000. The total insuranoe on the ship and her car go was *65,000. It is two weeks uinee the Alpha first Mtarted/rom Vanconver for Japan. Af ter she had been four days out she re. turned to V rntoria partly disabled and soonsations nf tampering with her en gines were made. Some of the crew and neveral of theoffoers left the steam er, deolarting that #he had been improp. erly loaded. and one of the offioers was tried auod eentenced to six weeks'impris onament for desortion. last Saturday the Alpha left Victoria for Unioo to replenlsh her coal sapply. A terriflo gale was raging and late San aytighbt the steamer ran ou a rook at Bayne sound, at the estranoe to Unioa bay. Ohe was quiokly dshed to pleoes wd all would have perihed had mot one of the ovew made the deprate aud s~o esesfal effort to swim with a line to the light housm on Yellow iaad. In the raging sa only a part of those on the ill fated ship managed to reaoh mfety, &o. offtoers and ower remautug om board. The 25 nrrivTrs remaisedo he TYel. low tland, whieh i a rook 300 yards wid~, ntil Snp night, when th na M0a4Md wnrhat at a sloop was ~M to mll and take thea to Uale~. B* t*bb storm whloh had wrikld the1 ~-bhod also prostrated all wue to Union and so no tidtags of the M» wreek rea~hed the o<tside w w Sl the lit. steamer Osar bro~ *esT to Vanooaver late Maday N h~ te ~ 0ela9e of the eatreeoeo. of dm. _rasury departm-n-& ad i Is as i against the advi~e of the British embas. sy as welL She was ohased on her re. turn trip from Nome by a United States s*enue cutter, baut managed to show hIer pwrswers a *lean pair of heels. Sinoe that excittaing experienoe the Alpha has bee egaged in the British coalag areads ~ ti sh. d arted om her prfes.m disasIreu tridp. SUES FOR DAMAGES. urhese *f sleeplag omr Tishee a s. la- Oamasd the. Sai. New York, Dea. 9.- . Seward, a president of the Wager Pml. Ame ar compaay. is the defeadaat tia a WM ddage swit now bOing hard in othe ey omt before Jastice pituiam. MseMs. Gorg. W. Birnbamu, a tmrvel ing palman, is tb*he plainttf. Itpa~d trom the testimoy that ta November, 18I, Birabsam was tra. sHog thro~gh Teas, and on the aight of Nov. 8 he went to the oao of the W&a~e Palae Or compsay aI Dallas aa prsbasod atick*et ollig for a slep ke ar berth om a train going to Sa Antoao. He paid $W for the tikoet, and4 when the tralua started he fmad thereW wm no sleeplag Oar. As a rmlt he had to speed the aight sitting ap in a day soaoh. He deolared that the oach was e cold that he ootroacted rhcamatis aad he was forxed to dibountlan his tril thronbgh 'T'es. Tlhe* dsfeat was that It was 2ot sn faalt of the Wager oompany that the ~leplag ast was mot atteoled to the trai. bot the faalt of the railway oem* pay ovW whioh the selep was ar. «tod. A verdiot has not been redred. SANTA FE STRIKE. e»ree*. e -f tCmploye With Oelab to D* Me*d t. Chiesge. Topeka. Deo. 19 -General Manager M~dge of thb* Saata re left for Ohicago Moodray. Ho eys that his visit has absMoltely oothing to do witb the strike, bot the strikers say his vilt there is oc auioned by the onfereao held betwaem the oeer. of the diftret tranmen's ergaalattoas &ad the offioers of the seed. Mr. Tolphia,. preldemt of the Order of HaUway Telegraphs, bhas ~so eft Uer ~h.ago Is tis he purpose of the ears of tb*e strikers and trainaen's erMataBioaN to hold a coaferwmoe ia Obtebee wtth J. M. Barr, third vice prUetua of the road. Tranamees ooers, it is sid, will go e tr the groad wiL the srUiker along wtth Mr. Barr. af Mr. 0arr reses to tak* w tep toww d seleseen it tis smi the *e il t theem tialf him that a sdle~ ba m ~ ._____ 1LOW PRICES. adldes' Regular 10oe Hose, Black or Tan at 8- 'c S Childreo,8 regular 10e Ilose, all alzea, 80o pa Ladies Flanel Linaed Underahirtm worth 3 match same price. S Ladie'. non-.ahrinklng Veate sold by others. * 66c each. Pants to match, same price. Ladie*' All Wool Vesta worth 1.26 at only 9 ame Scprice.r o S Ladie's Mualin Underwear'at *ery low priceb. '% to Up Give as a call. We have a beantifal lot of all. ktiuam a Uderwar. W. 4. Ross,.417 Te PLACB YOUR ORDER FOR XMA The Leon M Carter D HURLER'S AGI Our stock of Perfumes is the large Louisiana. What do you want?. Brush up or brush down, or any kind of: Brush. We have aUll Brushes. Comb your horse with :a curry When you need a'nice comb we ha Our Xmas goods are arriving; -1 S.our '"Opening. Hot OStuff at our Fountain. C Cofee, Beef Tea and Soups. The I-o ]L lCarkr 326; Texas:Street. loust;NEAeTg'' T WsTE OFFER8 THE,,BESTSER AND CHEAPEST RATES8 ^ ALL'SO Taykl:, Temple, Austin, Sao N 8 MELDRUM, W R TAYLOR GeiMgr. G F &P AÂ. ALMOST HAD CLEMENTS. That Brettleb .e-ral setres* t. Time t* Drv. *te *hete Army. Johanameebrg, Deo. 19.- a from the defeat of the Bisdh at Nooit-ger dapht iadiate that General hmenets' eatire forge had a ,ar.w eeape from apeatre. The BoerWpes we pledid 7ly hid. If tbhe mal Britsh coluamn bad tarrid a li~te ~r thwe would have been a complete n oeem for the Boers, whoexpoed themselvee undaunt edly, yelli an md waving their arme. Their ruaen wene only temmed by the artillery. After t*he Brite retrent the Boee hltd a prayer meetiag. Their hymane sould be heard by the re~til British All ooosate iadietoe a heavy Bo~ Colonel Legge exhthibited splendid bravery. He ~hot §ve Boers wHth his revolver before he fe1l with 9tue ballet hdle~ in bis body. Mritt ead te* e*ré. OCpe Towa, Dno 19. - The Boer armeend Orange river tnto OCape Oolony, weet of Aliwal North on Saturday. en eoatering the Oape ritflesand Brab~tV'e force, who retired wtth ioe. We-mded rittmsh t Peteroa. Tondon, Dec. 19. -Kitchener ta a dinpatcb from Pretoris reports all the Britibsh wounded in the engagement at Neoigerdaicht have arrived there and are doit ng welL TURKEY WILL NOT PAY. rPayme of M1isw ry t7 'linMe Are N« Le-sger Kapected. Waihington. Deo. 19.-Pdvment of the minelonary claimw pemding against Turkey is noI longer wpected by the ad minitamtiton. Although the saltan en tertained the officerm of the Keutwoky in truly royal myle, he diil not let the pres. enoe of the hattiefmhip have any *effet apno his pnerhkethok and ~till holde the 1W0.OO,, whibh Ameriw*~ mioarkmee aMert t he vale of pereoel and **ae e popeegy . ImeIhftlk. ha infotamud of U*e witi m I. of which amout oftlge CLAYTON Ti<md. Dme t ,*W*al]do~e . barrod by a a obomole but I wouldt have been part of is wit - aaked to abaudm, mak for nome kind wena~ rimtate. at# demandm. hut, *#Th@ way oM. te to get th queata 1 Al'i of the Olaytom. part with the witbout anut>~tîull hut weomgim ATTACGMS er. of w