Newspaper Page Text
* XMÂS? PRNTS. tyou buy them? AT TEKULSKI'S of course.-Fine Watches, Diarnonds, Jewelry, Umbrellas, '*ver and Silverwvare, suitable for Xmas gif ts. 419 Texas Street, Opposite Postoffice. 1.CASIAN. HOF CADDO 31, 1900. Is the &rc ad the citi ,4.qye * n ecte to1 ONIB DOLLAR kbmmelt. Do t bportafmtt i( som@ ofrth* ~ssof Demo. 4 >3ty aud te regard tas' u prisoipi', , a»e but the* ir. Do zet worry r '?er her oomo to,kIvow trom the* pristipIes q ~~~m~$iater- 4 huwe op. p~sub. t S ~ps.swu.b b Bs~m O!mt~ * ~w ~'w. Smk ml *1 0 - 1 *5syj 1 1 1 h 1 ah *4 OLD SANTA CLAUS. Why will som* people thoughtleMs. I "misnat" old Weata Claus? The Imitation cannot paas carrent even on the verge of the twentleth century. The Saata Claus which Ie impreslve amd rgealls the moet pleasant men orie of childbood, has:short lege, ma round belly,.sebaklag lke a bowl of jlly" a jolly good tellow, with qaiek, sparklinag ye aad a fae wreathed In - ofte; with a pask on hbi back, Illed to overdowing with toyb:amd goodies for girls and boys, and nlce thinge for mama ad for papatoo. The materlallet, the man who re garde the dollar as the oly ome* thing om earth, lor wbich bhe shold strive Sand wbheh is the one thing he canot take with him when daad, woald, It be. eeoald, destroy ;the matiaent La wbleh Is claustered brounaad old Santa l- (laus, but we truat tbhe day will X never come.wbm the aweaoat , the R lanoceae of ebildbood will be robbed Sof Ite greatet joy; the aatlelpallo, t the exptancy,whiehb, whe it Ie de. stroyed by reallem, which aomes toe 0oo0, gives to Chnrstma-bsidae tbhe , eaeredamee of the greatest of all the . veaote.of tlhi world-a monotonmy, ot Suaelike ether days, with the aexoep. L. tiom, perhaps, of the tarkey and more > dinser &ad more mol& sad raaket 4 with.Irewórks, and craskers as i rookete-than sual. The man or woman who has not @ shared the Werets of little oase; v who has not hbard th&ir re Sqauesets or their letters eauggted to Sdaar, old Baata CIans; the mau or Swomas who has aot aehbared the Joy. . of the *tte one, all. taked ia bead, . dramag oanly as ehldro eam dreasm S-o- old Baato Wlas, «f angels ad Sfairles, of a whbih, is lorveable sd good-s the am dr. the weasan who b ha tes Ilt the upliAtlg the heavly Se laams f this p:aaar* ~a the , trinmph ezpwn aed by the ahil. re whea shop seni ie a momat o. * Obsetne moe, mese, áam e *egjoyee as eth tamplage the 1 bfllU of teMr haeging atakla-g 1 4 aud the prety thigs Senta Ma ' Swhle hy btp u y $hortad, has metraas sthae 101 hapqpli- ot ief. abU -itlas; idesMatt, asy em whl hIa greoy wita th ieriM. elase the terte at the BSeIor StMEamhaI will mevoe bh set amte ot vtl he a*evi*t, ew* meen maly majom lnly in the meam f the twusg* aeaf w mi ta nthe sIe. teaeMt, vukMh Is aet to deess. Wee*u ete*ambeaItMor a bhe as aatlJpghs m -ha sud the Mthk , t sI tha ~ r n om^ ~ otef aw war» O4 anfim*wdepme eise Alser erna rpei St dru.rp ar the .sa ... a *lee... ,4 -heM e whoiir"t**rf hsosm the UIIteI1 ihhaate tpe ee wesne- aeeewas uMaep fwktakns j*.I 8pma- e5s iiteh * sfel ^^w -."'ï^ '^^*I^- -*^^ i-* h t obepul llga ..l D eha " pwabag seetaap4 44(a -f«« n«^Mf»| * ftMijf0 CI4OA.Tr b iA tTij4 ~o uk.~.Pik -tb AR.M- da- Kodol Dyspepsia Gure Digests what you eat. Itartlficially digests the food and aids Nature In strengthening and recon ;tructlng the exhausted digestive or 4alm. Itlsthelatestdiscovereddigest int and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It in Sstantly relleves and permanently cures ,gepepsIa, Indigestion, Heartburn, L. atulence, Sour Stomach, lausea, Sick Headache,Gastralgta,Cramps and all otherresultsof imperfect digestion. Price Mo. and . Laaoeslzecontainst4 time, maall utoe. Book all abontdympepda malled free Drepeiwd by E. C. De0tITr 6 CO., Choago. At Allea's Phamaoy, Cotton Belt Boute. Os osonaUt of thI ana al oOvention of the Seotherm EdaUateaal AMoolation, to be held at iloBmoad, Va.. December 27-80,. 1900, te Oottoe Belt Route will sel round trip tleCats rate of one fare plus 8l for the round trip, tiekets to be sold Deeimber k; aat limat, Jaauary I 1901. A JUDGMEINT. No. 0007-first Distriot Vourt, Parish of Cde, State of Louaialana-Mri. Violls Tarkigtos va. A. I. Tarkingron. rf &se having been takeu up and tried alter lbse jedaed, and by reason of the law as4 the evidene beleg In favor of the plat&U- ad a alas thbe efesdaat, It ie ithereore ordered, adjudged and deooreed that th* plaetai, Mn. VielIa Tarklagton, MVe om tocover iadxmeat absasnt tbc deisdaat. A. 1. Tarklagtoe, nla the jull s@u Peur Ruadred and Twenity-ve Dollars wlth legal isaterest fio judioiaa Ieaned. It e fturther deoreed thatl plaint'ft have wdent of eparatio oL prcperty roma dat, d a ithat the commeaailty ol1 1eq2ets n1 ga1em hewetoloze existlag be twem them »* dsweolved, sd that ah be "4d to hrt(y b athernwd Wo admaleter hor ow afkie sparate bad apart trom her hest>en a theth e were a snmae It tUrthIdr deersl that defeadant pay al ~mis e this ase. DeOm, reed and slgl ad'ls open eat ea thle, tbhe 1h day of sember. 1900. A. D. LAiD, idge el thee.lrt Distriet Veurt. ». 4LM NA ID, Cert. Nember tLl * STOOKBOLDMBB' MZNTING § lm is hreby give that a sie~hold *eM tIe MM abter Casal Vompa. w bild al the «ffoe of ald VMpeay U.a Lao the eint «-df ,M 0at 12 a, ior the *se ee n ba~ o Adreste eo - *anM transaeet amock basis,. As m sga1yebeferethe sW.B. aUTIBI ,Bo. sentary Bid. '7 Iv -- 3W W3W ?~ a~sb n ~s~wjt~ won S ~ WAUAftN@TQNI 0. p. ~ SANAOAIS tO1TIit t mis 8~ UL~ISWZR 118W CIE TEèIÔ 8â~%IW MW OAEW2R usmam 1S AIIflL!J UI~UAUALL orauzy 4 ~- i j~ 1e. ~ - en rlb 0w ~ ~ gs~t~ 1 M~ *.S.0 1 !!aLc~o~ ~W~MbW I~m ~ ~msm oma. n the -1 *¶~?,L'~?,~ 1 2~ X miwd P~T, mCflDm Bi lom J*. ~~s PLk raf5. fp m» isw ar mmfý "m " * Dr*yfuss, Da vitd F* T* r BEYFUSSt &' TABEN, Fire Insurance Agents. 222 Milam Street. Respectfully solicits a'share of your business' L@.l0uooyr sam toupm COOPER BROS., MISSOURI LIVERY SALE AND FEED STABLES Asd Stoot Lots Oorf.r:.( LoaIaiaMsa.d;T.Lss Street. breve<ort. La. TeléphoBe ST. Coffee Alwavs Fresh Always the Best. Roasted.and Ground SEvery Da>, Walt At-: FRANK'S RESTAURANT -..-lnu the_. SIEON BUILPINC.I' Tor a cup of Delicious Coffee. Regular eMale*-Breakfast 6 to 8. Diner 12 to 2 pm. SBpp. per 5:0 to 8 pm. Short orders at all boern. .J. sUCCOU:o co. Prop. PRANL RACCICM,'Manager. coMMxxaoI&L National Bank. ......OF- SZEZBrjPC OZiT L^A.. GAPITAL 100 .OOC SURPLUS=W741.000. OPPICZ&bir PETM Tob§MEm...........Pr..d. RH-.YüU ..........:.. V~enUrt L M. WA.....................O..Ie Ir. .KA...........AfIlaBt,Cashj.r Accounts and collections respect llfuy solicited. S First Natioial Bank Of Shreveport, IL^. pi~ane A.gts Of th* City of Shrveport aL Caddo Partsh. Capital. .......20O,15 Sorplas........40,000 Wa Joob, . . . . . d W T Onvferd *. * * Vi-Preulds W J Bayerdorir - * * * Cahir 0180CTECU. J.Mx Dosr, J P ~., B1ry flonk~tu, 0 Dryf&~ % w r DIae, W ~tWtw WT CONwvrd, W B Jaotb., *J.kaFPSeen. W. W. WARING Unde r taker. AND DJALBÂ 1 VJINE BUILDBRS HARDWARE St5 0ma B8l 5DWAms sTREET, Knh ê Tell|eOs MaMes, urigi .Im s eb. bat-s- uwmr ei ik. «ey. rVil u-st Pair G eutd tuCaaUusq sedos, eim. Vam isei wfi~, m~ew <**Hie, K*8»V*4 mmd CaUerUal Wees. f ~, w emaaek- mt newtar. A. CURRIE, Dam. CaMoier, IlransleT, Bowo ru m tá á r la ison wan WIDte Cemst alemded lse AND 1I5oiLTT IjrmVxAjro& CLIMPSES B SOUTH AFRICA IN PEACE AND IN WAR The Splendors of Paris and the Glories of Her Exposition. War In South Atfrica.-Uncle Tom's Cabin. Offered with The Caucasian, Sunday or Weekly, for ?2 payable in advance. F A TISTEN M WEL NEW WHOLESALE FRUIT PAODUCE AND SEEDRHOUSE Tl'aten & Well,> 108 Texas StreeLt* Hae constantlyon bhand a full stock of Fruit and Produce. Vr eas or call wbten in ieed o0 ah> arLic}es In o-ir Iloe. All goods fresb, q. .ity tuarant.d. Prices as low as the lowedt. - »m TELEPHONE 824 FreshI Roasted Penauts Always :onHland. Labor Saving Reading for Busy Men and Women, 'in A THE OUTLOOK ."Y a;r A Weekly Newspaper and an Illustrated Magazine in one. Tels the story of word-happenings every wee!k in brief, clear-cut paragraphs. Lyman Abbott t us the Ed"tor-in-chief. and Hanmlton W. Mabie the Associate Editor. JACOB A. RIS RALPH CONNOR The authorof How the Other Half L.i- es" wvill t'nd-r this pseudonym were written two of the v. in ýnC OuTLoom an intensely human and .ivid most stinking of recent novels, Black Kock ' and ccn f hnik experiencesa a child in Denrmark. The Sky lilot." A new novel of Canadian ind an minmmigrant in Amercd, - wurFian. traveller, Wes-rrn life hy thit author will appear in TH» a reporter, and firinily a tudent of tenenent houe | Oun oon< during the year. In spirit, humor, paihoe problemt. andin rfticient aidto TheiuCwc Yo'scve lt iand %trong character-drawing it is even superior to In reorganizing the Nrw York r.ince. Mi. Ris its predecessor. * write with áimpiicity, hlumor aij vigur._____ # SPECIAL To introduce THE LYMAN ABBOTT OFFER OUTIOOK to ncw read wlflconiilîute aseriesofim oct rtan -ersein fundi. - ers we will send it for mentalpoAt ial principrlsas aiplied 10 iweiticti two months' trial for 25 cents pro- t century rubi ln.. It v l!l be ~ler ' T IC; lic 5s o» MAK, and wil;deireindut.u, educational and vided this paper is mnentioned. Address 5 religious. as well s litical, aid duties TME OUTLOOK, NEW YORK * O ''^* ^™^ "'- ^'^ - ^™^ -- -- - ^"^™ -I^ ™ -- - li« ^^i ^^i »* SBOWERS DRUG .STORE k SUCCESSOR TO AUG, J BOGEL. st ~k Beks Stationery, Toilet zt Articles and Fancy Goods Kamuatsturer of Plavonag Extracts, Prre 5oda ud Mineral Water)i Ac-t for Bmith Premeir Typewaitng Maebiae Gardeu Beeda;ad NoveTe GarftMlly Compesaded Witl the Preshest *ad st Dregs CoutMn.s ma P~,pt A~mtUom. All ravrs Appr~ulM"I. FRESH GARDEN SEBDS. PFRED W BOWBRS, Proprietor Texas Street, Corner Market. TO TIEPUBLIG: You are hereby notified that I will keep open Night and Day Except Suittday, -ttand will deliver Paints, 1Oil, Varoish, WallPaper. Etc., at any time.1 I haveldeterm* ied to keep in th<e"ad and dou't you forget it. Ring Phone 88. ~.WELLMAN Apples, Apple- Apples. Oranges, Oranges, Oranges, Apples ad Oragesald Appies CHARTI - AMENDMENTS. Proceeding,- 4f the Stoek i(okler.s of t 1 t i sto River Canal Conipan1V, Limnited. 1111 ;at Ti1eir O(ffice. in ti (C'it o f!' Si-iv\ port, La., - iiNi 111r i *l! - 7thi, O1900. All tint in v - t ', . - i to 'he storkhn ir'<lr tl I i 1 Lnd the said meetin- '. vin i iit.v - lised, as ri quttled b :t, e: . tin: itw-. . The stockholders cz.ivtvee i a' t p q l he company, at th APii'ntAl t.u re,. r ; reating more than thre-f-uirths of the t - tire stock of thlie said t~n1pjny. and or ganizted by electinc (eo 1 'k'tmpttecer, citir. man of the meeting, and W A Hliiter, Ir., secretary. The lollowing resolutios.i on ti' pr,. Spoed intreabe of the capital stû>k o' tui corporatlon wasoffered by ~. A. I 'Lrson, anti duly secondedl y J H T'ittchepr, whten resolutilon was as linow. tr-wr : "That the capital SLtok ol lile loiistint River Canal Conpnv, Ltd., tIe irr fro- (11b3 5e (k) tlItv- l'hree th tn-tnd live hundred ttollti to (*20>,0i0x0 t1x) i v' hun dred thousanu lollars, pait p ct';. al." The jald resoluitlon wte duty ulopted. The numher of ot >tktiol(ers votin, tnere tor was olx, and the niiiumii)erot MtaO' vote a tor the resoliution was four huntif rel nDI eighty-Ilve sharem. A'ter the smit resolu. tion to inocrease the stock wu dtulv alopt e1 by the said stock olere tte tollowing ameDd.nent to article tive (>» t Uik chiirter r was offered bv 8 S tiuriter antidl ilIy sec- r onded by 4 A Roberson, to - v:it: 9. Be it resolvoet, e'c., that art tei" tive of the charter of the maid compan, ie tiueni ed to read as follows: "1hi ctpit i stock of tblh company Iq nereby tixei at tlro Hundred Thousand »ollars, dtiv lel into Two Thousaad hbares of tha pr vtlue of One Hundr d Dailar c áct, ait ti in sl other respect the 8tid articie imailone unchanged." Tbe said resolution was dutily asopted, mix of the stockboldeîs votini 'herefor representing Four Hundired and KiCgh.y l'ive sharem of the captt-l stleo of the company. 'NV HU! NT oit. Ir., Seretary. State of Loulsian*, P'arish of | tfid. I have oextzamined the t'or. i' am; ndnient < f the charter of the Houmton itiv r Uaial SCompary, Ltd., ard flaiid uttiin, thtlrein coctrary to the lawe of tlhe tt to, »ud accortingly approve the 5cm'. This November 30(h, A. f>. li<t). ,1011N [t & A\ DI, District Attorney, Viret Juiticial LDi rict ot Loaleiona. (Kndorsedy "Filed and record e,. Novem. ber 30, 190i. t' A LEON t:1), "Clerki and Ex-Utfl to Reenr'ier." State of Louisliana, Parish of (C tdo. t hbereby certily that th.> above and t >regoing ta a true and correct copy of tb- original act. as the same aow appears on ti:e and of record in my office. Golven under my hand and Real of office this 30th day of November, \190. PA LEONA IUI), Clerk and Ex-Ofilcto Recorder. Deo 2. Saving Oeposits Merchants %ind iarmners Bank Corner Spring and Texas Street, shreveport, L * The saving depoelta of the bank 1 iti deerveaoy poputar leatures. Inte' at the rate of three per cent per ennum is allowed om all suom o( one dollar and up warde readBinng on the oa!endar three or more calendar month&. When made darltg the firet it ree days of any montb, intereet ise alloweil on thee depoeite as 1if made on thbe first day of the momth. Inlterest on all sums not with. drawa will be payable on the firot days of February Bnd August, and Intereet not then wlthdrawn le added to the principal thereby gitving depo Itort compound Intereet. Depoatemay be madi by married wo men or minora, In their own namnes FIpollir are given depoeltors to draw money. Depeite made for a loagerperted than mlx moathe draw a higher rate tLba. ordl. nary avaage do ** New Schedule Via ROUTE ACIFIC Gives you benefit 3 Traims Daily To FT WORTH and DALLAS And All 4*- Texas Points Incomparable Cannon Ball service to California and the West. Speed and coIu for t < n l ir(. E. P. TURNER, G. P. & T. A, D llal -. Texas BUOOBMBION BALB. -No. 6(I.-In First District Court of Mulelana.-Mucces'ion of deaborn Neaves. By virtue of a commision &ad order ol t i @Me to me istued in the above sueeession, by the Honorable First Judieal lDistrict Court of Louis. lans, Pariab ot Caddo, 1 wiil sach for ashb, witb tbe benefit of apprainement, at theprincip4l front door of the couirthouse, In bhrevepnrt, La., during the legal boure fot sales, om IATURDAY, DWCEMBER 22, 1900, the ollowing deseribed real estate belong Iag to said succeselon, to-wit: 60 acree of land In fractlomal eection 83. towidship is north, rauwe 16 weet, and commerooog om south line of ~aid n#~Un 33 at soutbwest sorar of z eertam tratt of 47 a ree sold by 1B Pap tb Me Beaves, Nov, mber 27. W5sa syu me mowth along tue wnt S ,EI IM M«I *v*9es' traet to GroeU A . a~rt and weet on the S e 4 18â8Lk., saitil 0 Oweele ohe weet MAf 40 be e f lad bf Ikni4