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P Zý" pepateChili T s OP*~~ meRum IO~w OkIm ~ W.A. Ol4l7 So. Dme es.Te, ~al'sm e ep n 1hi1 Toulo is th* caltUTa* lokhc 4ei eam tabe wi~%m nuymohmoah sa uwmre. 00., Pep'um, otem~*". em KA 1. LIOLOK M9 kCEI CO LINITEn Corner Texae and priug Sreets. " IbADQUAnTERS PrOv Fine Whiskie.s, brandies, Imported <' Dornestic C2gar ine., Wines and Rundries. Rjst & Moest Porular Brands EOfAlOU ANI RBMNOK *EMATUmtsJ 1 rade bollelted. Prompt nat, satinftetory att'ntion ruivmn til >uers. LARESTANDMOSTCOMPLETEBUGYrTORY ON EARTH WRITE FOR PRICES AND CAT&LOCUE Ou COos AnE !Ha BlT OUR PRICE THE LDWEST PMmyMrc.(@1Iupk, [PARJRM.FGCJS1"1w~ s»~ ^ ^ g BLCK, Pre. »ALE.RICK8, VIe*-Preu WAS HAdE, 8,017 * C DIRBOTORS s 3l aKS, ALjHaas, 5 A oeSMAS, w CRAss, T H SOOVBLL. 6H STEVXN8ON, IE HIKS COIPANY LIMITED Wholesale Grocers. and Cotton Factors. Office and Warehous, Corner Spring and Travio atud Texas and Commnweroe Streets. HERMAN LOEB, ....DEALER IN.... fide, Wool. Tallow. Beeswax Farm, Etc Commer Street, Xext to V., S. £A f. By., Shreveport, La. 1 BtlwsS tb We ul~ tm ams pris obtbS*d In Videtbarg, tMi 3tesOdt.M Glvbst.e sMI Beasées srketa Peraat F tr m êheses lpet lkpasste - IXCOWhIYELT WNOURjIL DEALSM8 IN 1 1 Dr ^ i_ '-y ' od . NOtIoah.mLa _s. 1 T4 Ii *111,. ea. Uw T«era Oêeq vI lwkIIa spe.t 1 1 UVlJ BR BRQe. nol Chocpg S d t * - * H^Ko i^^-rf C . / -*- »' * *" .. " ' - - . . . * - II ^^ JffraM - "J)U; | NOTED BANDIT DEAD. He Dies or Suicides in the Swamp Ncar New Orleans. FOUND IN THE BRUSH Be Was the Leader In the Illinols Ceon. S tral Robbery Last Thursday and Was Shot by Special OMeers In thue (hase. New Orlwnn, Den. 1n.-DetectiveA of the Illinoil (3entral have found one of bold robbers who last Thursday night held up, within the limits of this city, the Chicago mail train on the Illinois Central road, who shot Oonduntor Kin nebrew, @tole the handoome watch which had been premented to the non f ductor and then made his euoape with a number ..t regintered mail pamkagee. The watch of Kinnabrew was found on the d@md man wbich leaves no doubt of his identity as leader of the gang who held up the train. Sinoe laat Saturday OChief Mnrray and other detective@ of the Illinois Oentral have been buaily at work on the case, following the clew given them by the discovery of the bloody cartridge belt aar the soene of the robbery. It will be recalled that Joat after the holdup Special Offloers Daly and Lu~iob of the Illinote Central hastened to the scene. Nuar the Oarrollton trolley oar croeming in a lonely neighborhood they disoovered two men carrying a bag and walking rapidly between the Illinots (eatral and Missisippi VaUey tracks. Daly and Lucoch halted the men, but in stead of surrendering the largeat of the two drew a pistol and began shooting. i Both Daly and Iiooiob reeponded and a lively fusillade followed. The men ~al. 1 ly dropped the bag and &ed. The bag 1 was found to be a United Statem mail o pouch. The next morning a bloody ar- o tridge belt was found. The iovestiga. I tion following dimolosed a bloody trail 1 which leed to the swamp. Sinoe then detective. hve been carefully examia. ing the zwamp in the rear of the city. At an early hour yesterday their searoh was rewarded with the findlag of the body. It was that of a man wbo had suuoambed to the effect of his wound and exposure. An examination of his effecta disolosed Kinnebrew's watch and other evidence prove he was one of the me who had ooamtted t he robbery. The robber was Identifed as Ohanalag B. Barnes, allas John E. Nels~, alla. Jack Nelson. He was wanted for hold ing up the IUllinois Umatral at Wiek. liffe, Ky.. July 11, 1900, and robblg tbe Mfe of the Amerioan Expresa Oomamy. Bia brothr. ~harles W. Bar~e. and Ric iard Doyle, were arrfested and oo.n* victed for this latter job and ea~ a re aerviag a 10.eMr se~te~ne in tme IKe. taucky state penitentary. When an attempt was stade to arrest ~hannag Barse. ia St Lois he shot SOpeial Agenat (eorge Mrray of the IliMaois b Oental, i the breast ~ad hand and made his emompe. Three weeks prier to the hold ap a this ty he had bee liv. lag at Hammond, La. Whben the body wa disoovered was ta~nd Bara~ had set is thrt and ~ had evideetly just died. The vosad ol was f~esh ad his Owa waoh and thte j( of Oandooto Kennebraw wre romnlag. & His left wriat was bandaged for a & wooad. He had also, It ia thoght I beem shot la the baoak. Thy fomd op t klm regiteed lette a~d dya ita . a ANOTHER BANK ROBBED. orgta* **- *&mor* ** lo ia ned « Umgam m..s slm mm z... .... mmmy e Mb b Siiryilytk, Ind., DMe. 19.-Barater emtiwd KaMed.'s bank at Hop. y. dajvr uomina. btew the sto ope. Md sneorld 818,00. Two bartmqh ootod the bank wht the third kep vatob 4s~de ath s brrig te arMh all 0asped. A po a tla par~l». Hop* te only 1, aus. from~ let ~o*, wher" the "Ee tihe paut* o WM b&wa op.. rly moardy M e~la Md UM t*m e. b te pr.m~ te eparon ls both Oas. we the am A£tl Dedgoe. As~on. Dmo. 1.-The okmu d the Dmlsaed ~ert Worth E-trio *tMe hasdqur~m at Dallebas bhm wsted witk the men y ~ m ost t. tel ask ombO"O# !he everno, bas geantmis a Ibtes prmsit s Walter A. Johb.«.,- UmS heteat~i the W hewfdr velua»e The wta t.earMaMe Meátlseeri bhm -grt e tm &e md Orsemaoamernia A..iunew . am A~toofe a parat e de bhea~ ia T*me ass fases £îesme. WaMtNa . DR&. is.-Awufamitei the Pprtoltoo.Phtippimsea>.estáoI imu the datum at thos osemtils ia the "ifted iNtes. w" remai te o mb tlUl cd ~ate wpre oert tom~y: Ai ormy omm Galrg deliwed ms w gemis b ohalf b thd govwme. SMT To*.ma DM . , tee ZJ DOL IS-Reord. is de pKtees af ea*Mk ae « Mto have beM MBO. a euwkp. Nth. Oompos wl« *cs*r .th* w mmde bs I mmi est.UR a ee odbg meos made eom *we ag* = 01" aek t Eesag *sNee b Itaee Dse l.-A Pnits itfpatet pt u als s Pekim will ameat i **mend Jr «etaNty a «emal apr* meUtwe %sneaohmeaeM the tnet a A. A IlTlllD) IYN lIING. lp Another Segro Strung up by a Mob in Indiana. 41 MOB NOT MOLESTED. *- They Batter In the Side of the Jall aad Se~re Their Man-Nfgro S Was Concerned In the Uur. der of Hollie Slmias. of Booneville. Ind., Dec. 19.-John Rolls, of the third negro implicated in the maur. bit der of Hollie Simons was hauged to a y, tree in the court houee yard by a mob of 4' about 100 men from Rookport at 6:80 a. Monday evening. Not a shot was h Aired and everything was oonducted as a quietly as though the executieso had a been one under the sanction of the law. 5. Rolls was brought to this place in the a afternoon. Upon his arrival he was )f placed In a oell on the smoond floor of io the jati and his preepoe was thoucht to y be known to only a few eitizens. A few >f minntés after 6 o'clock, however, abody Lt of 100 men maarched throngh the prin w olpal street of the town to the Jail and ie demafded that the prisoner be turned of over to them. Sheiff Hadson was nut of town anad a his deputy. lIaymond Oherry, was ton h charge of the jail. He had heard that e a mob was on its way bere and at onoe r made an etrort to get the prisoner out of y town to take himto vansvile, but be. - d fore this could be aooomplished the mob a arrived and the fautlity of the attempt B. beoame apparent. He deolined to give i. up the keys to the jail and the wol bas e tered a hole ln the Jall and seored the negro and lynched hil. d L None of the mob wvere make ad men - In every station of life took part in the g lynohing. Ndt as-hot was ArLed before 1 or after the lyuohiag and exoept tefor the Se~olted groupe of me standing om the . street oorners, a stranger would have 1 koown nothing of the tragedy that had ~ jt been enaoted. . OitiMsens of Ioonville made no ffort toassist lu the proteotton of the naegro and a asamber admitted that the citisee generally were la ympthy wtth the work of the mo^. J3dge &wat made every aert to suppreeme violmoe bu the membees of the mob Ignored hin ad and prooeded with the work. C Moembers of the mob oame to Boone vtle ia wagoe, buggie and om hone. back. Their ritp wre left o a ove a half mie oat of town &ad the mes marohed ia colaaus oftwo mader the command p of thre who had evtdeatIy been seleoted asleaders. * The mob that took part tIn the lychiag were part of the amme tneo that lynched Jim Hemdersom and Bad Rowland at Bookport Saday 8 ight for the aae offese. Joha RolUts oofeed, It is mid, MAat M hada hand in the killnag otlmas. The niliti was ordered to BooSevl by Goverpor -Mount fro~ Evaneile. but before they pould et away the- no gro was lynobehd and the gogror am a- T teranmded the order OW-eO to High Ohero& Seomic. Detrolt, Dm. I.-Jamef . odripps, who beilS Triutty Refened plesopal chorch, a handsome stoe @trctare ad* jolinlg his home, at a oest of *M0.000, and who delivered I to tbe Ep*esepal ~hege of Biabop Daffeeofthedioosse of Miehigm, about three yeas go, soe - time age wreee a letter to tbe wesm and vestryms eeking them to k^ tur the propertytobla. This reqaes hee meI heen fsuplied with, aad hae lateteasd bhi attoruey to oompel wesdweead vee trymes to term the propertyovertobla. Mr. Uorippa elaima thas the chrech wae heilS and delivered to th esnoety with the usmderteding thef «o high . elbreh eervices should Me held therem. This understaadtla. Mr. loripps alleges, bhe tee vietated, aalhe h lwbdftvw f from thb ehbrek in emssquaoe. H11 demande the tetera of the poperty no erde that servie for whioh ie wee le olgaeed ma be held there. C r.muevt. m*-* *S*.*«m. Ma-a. oM. DmO 1S.-Oomtedea eu rr reamtl o~tatl roaMIsa-tom the doe~.. of a mm trwd b~ ta the *orsl ewart aehardeij had sed 0.O. Wales for usqO kr, daedw. Alltag that WaWt had pabHetyi ased bi. St p~dau bad m~ey. Tbhe *v~ -*** tha the o emuy referred to wt a ld W .f tO - 1 The ~r Mid tm P~sta 0% dm dmurer efueew by dmfea4t's m "Om spM a 7Me ~ qU t . ~ eyd~ot -~etlis their pusn-di. sad pauMd Oh-aeuMatoem. .y, au4 tat a oharige S ag that eas *meat rraq as this late day raI met be didetede late. dasaduer" Keesked 5... md Daebed. D~u. DOe l9.-A -- wh b g &T his wm Obheriy <~y ei MMdlew.e, elt senat ww aet~e Mows ad WeObed Hm Jemeesesi Me Msdases his melaaw mee saed fr the pehi. who smede g &r&p d e1d WMaedm Wa. aasd. Bzsmi, CoL. De. W. - D&Yil . Stehois. govuerno a oe. aI hm ta~bto IM.18 dis 1 .a bh ha me this ety. ni w" veerua of« e Mueaewr. Ie hed äake tw CololIad & ab Il *a seenes kv UO. opamlss. 1 A@a~m L T., Dmo. 19.-Ner Uk. gea, meet of hee Vlita liamsIle. aged l S.I.eewsbbed^ n death bym. * pa.., who fmpod. The bo.e qger- * Med w a t trtviel meiter. a calode, D@& %#.-A ~M whoguv j NssmM-e Nile&dKty. M«eag t 1 etitag I to^W taba eity, wa see^^ jae Tryfor Iealth. Tatha~, McDu^lie Co.. Ga.. ia read~ng yo &d*e mnt In the Lad~es Birthday Almanac and saw of Cardu precribed. My health h been o had for the past two or three y tryyourWine of Cardu. The st bottle gve me rief dand now I am taking friend of mine w M0 helple that 1 recommended it to her, and he is also doing her a world of good. 1 shall recommend Wine of Cardui and Thedford's Mttlemunt as they are wnderful medcines. WINEoCARDlUI Y* may he wll am Mo.~ A milion women have fond rwetf In WI. of CaduL alotey wom A out of ahm shk a Ad bcus hey mver sincerely y to bhe wel. B a AM of sordered m§ mUllo.. huconhoe er faing of the woeab Winu of C would not wo*dm t ce Do you ao t thk tws to rdyoub of t in t "d, a doman-? Why do you not to bo fre from mnterual urfering from k @ condem nl y -~s from t~ ImWguld of luconrhe? Wi ofCardul hil(ds up ad rmnd rt h d tlhmsrIgoa h and ton. sk ad dcouraged in uw ight he^ al, try Winsw of li" q'. "k we . A t.cuh whch you can buy from you éw~ o t gea h - b~ md ~ boo hdy-kat discoao at otbe mes ou~a Yfo hl efo n ogbS mnotha "doci . Wi. of Cadl stb a ce t oo~c. We k you to try for health heferyou You cm ho well @~al dliretions, &ddr*u Iiving T rnmtorna. hTbe Lelies' -H Ad~ jrm timé V'T M Oh~oe MeioaleloMpfB Corn ooge, Tona. OYSTERS R SOFIA 1 520 b Frou- Oysters .e.evd 'Jilly. SOPEN DAY AND NIGHT * . PRICB5-prom lbhll, per dom 40e: ook d Ia sany style, o0e; aanmd oy.ter= Oo p* can.- Balk eysters per dozen, 16o, or tw< dozen for Se. Sresh Frauit ad Nuta of all kind., el gare. obameo and freh oanued good~. S SMerchant l ailor IJACOBUGALL, STexas Street. nearly opposite Sthe Baptist Church. SPIRST CLAS9 WORI EXECUTED PBRUMPTL Orders soolloed. Batisfactloa Qua anteed. Attention gives to R aIrlng and Vleatlag, I 0. J. J. 8CÖOT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEUN Offce t E J ConRer & Co.'s Di u« Stonr Te.aastreet:- Resideace, 14 Conomo 81t TULVPHONV A7 0 IBOETZ, Family Croceries 817 TEXAS STREMt. Come sad examtme my new olema grooery stook. Evrytblair it tse omable prioes. Don&' forgot t. -tanp The Job Office Of The Caucasian Can and will turn out your work to * your satisfaction, and do eo at the lowest living fig. ure. Call at S.dy Building, Cer. Marhet and Crockett Streets SnamgiTP'6 ALE. No. DM1-ls Uic irst D~sc Court, ~Jm parmNh Iâuk*Aaa-DBuet' i WIWM Amdenm, 'Bl vi tom cd a wilt of9fl stowe dirmoted gk the B3«o~esl Vist Jiadicial Diemnot ooMt Is ibm abve etuUtied &ad au band .uIi 1 have nu lud aWl wikt *di at public w&~am br ~ek witi' tMe bomlmet& « prmlak~saa t rus Poket pmmamoim %a Vul~~~m time 10k te eis k 's br sales, 1900 Seaso AIRTIGIIT HEATERS PO Olice, Bed-Room and Nowis the time to select whilet plete. Cook Stoves and the Best. Don't forget t House furnishing people fo F. NIu.*te 11 Texas St. UP TO DATE IN WORK AND Sreveport PIuilbior&6 LIMITED Are supplied with the bestA' Bath Rooms, Lavatory, Closets an Swith plumbing. Special attention Gas and Steam Fitting. All work gu reasonable. Office on Milam, near Low R TO THL Old St (via the Cotton Tickets to the Old States wi Cotton Belt, December 20th, 2 Return limit, 30 days. S AkA your ~earedt Cott~ aM~ you demdirme Wryour * exact cost of 5 ticket from take to make the best time you 1a aray other way he caa. E. W. 1aMem. . e mmi lW Tk%%'Apth eas*Irase -- ear Ier (T. , NO UN ACCOUNT OF Texn Frait, o wer and ege» DECEMBER 10-16, 1 PRINCE OF.NO TSU OHSPEBTA' Tueiday.eDteember 11, FLOWJER PAR&DBE , Thursday, December 1 Abt I*EO The H E & WT Rv, and l & t trip ticket. to Houston, December 9t low excursion rates. Goo, returning The "Gulf Air Line" has recently daily train service between Houston a Por further information relative to 'nite, trains, e te. call on local ticket W. di. TAYLOR, W G. P. A. C. c. HAR Wholesule and B itil Lamber, Shing Doors, Blinds and FinishingE PPICE asd SALB9ROOM9, Go r. Spel LUMBSR YARD. cor.;LSke Breat $14