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IAN. m@~. d~. wuh^~ mm~.'. ml-, ze 5.b~ly Hbg.Rs mhetut ama C~~ vs., ml@ b~~ w I. bie~7* mwag WOODBin * TBB WOUD. ajoctwou of ofl0e ast Timpeon, Tex, and Pora t Bll, ", Ca&sp No. , oWeeder of th* Wwed, e ro*e HI4, U., m~ Saldsy nights ad #~te o ters fore the seslog year, ob ieollo s: H 0 remder, emmeaadr; * 8 Duck. advier lieutoeaat; Sam~e Johase, bhaker; Koy Buedley, oeretry; 1 J D. zon. oer~; Lont* Ldwardo, watk-. man. 0 Mayo, -MIel; W H Daas. caop phTatlas; B A Parnme, E 5 ste) ead A l i RolUj, masgrcn. rb *0oer5 were lotaled by Uh pme comeaoder. . At rpime, Tez., the emap eleted olk oere, ze followe lor h emwo cag term: J Jobhbe, o~-l omm0ad3r; J A St,, l vtoor U WOOBat; P J WeTer, elork; P M Sal~, be~hor; W 8.5fltk, owoer; J W BoItherfeord, wtehBaa; B M Jeltaf, mmtry; £ Cl eames. phyblte; J J 5 Joham, J T BohardM , P A Trmm-l. msagre; P~l Whipprneobt, J T M"h *dne, d.legete eo eeveOthU hed easp Hagnolta Camp, Magaell O~p w. orgelsMd st Or mud Caos, Deeober 17, by Depouse Alesk . aed Ureiswed. STh *# es are Dr M M Basermes, Seomul oommador. Mearle Joe, advlsr Iltemteast; W PCeurtomoy, tk;J E Cat, beoKer; 9 A Buddabroeok, eeon; CF i AYoMs, wetoam; ieok BeMe, utiry; i fr* Mm meer. sd J iJs, phky eoMo; SaB T Wilam., Maeelle JO*e J B Coa, mees*ere. CoU will moo *very Momay asght. The Moderm Mother Ese OMsdea her ~Womw ore poredo mre by tbh ploaset Syrup « rig, wbo 5is ad o the l*ezatev* ofot o t go broedy, tho by gay hor. Chilre *0~. te uod i baofte tham. The tro nredy, syr"p o rip, of asrmi^e tUa « by the Ueslfoo jig syrup 0C. Osy. 5E3TING OF TrB U08TS. The Ntr~ €Vdo TeacherV As Cod* P~ote, DMsmor 14, 1W-The Zwth Call Teormf Aseebajeo mt bh ~AY U~r the e~ epie et JelgfJ C. Maeom W . D. W. Psu~r, peMuat pm te, ale the mou~ g to der. Mr. C. 0. P~llps mOfd tht sees, Om go laz UW Prmot ergzaatsolm. Corited. Mr. *mery Batwhere pm Mr. C. C. PaAltlsos oaesteti-f lor poselas, whleh was el1 eeoded. Mr. FUlpe n~ M~ doulieod the amoineo e @ he W MM g~ omi he vuled a a 4 Ioru pute of the po5i~, oud thot osaoeo lh laer st mprutltoable to ulam« t tfh do~ « Mme o*M. Mr. Pafr ww as - to meula smsu.s sd wasl ota esetd. as10 OaiMses 1d*e ,y,** was dnly dootead. W thee oM Lore , ruw. |m Over of -s aedi heten, ~ab zM^f t l^'^ ^-e *mm c~ ab- - -- eu sed 5s pas 'nrg w >idev. ~e- 1~s Do heteg abse, tbs pmIedoss qpoeltod _TirotBy. rery Mr. tery hev lfo? P#mgry *egWh, by M ag .0. Icee. *hea eam 0~ am IM.neoii>, m C~ r. b . W. 9~9 0 sbr ~hO Dod 4 <1tase Wlto, inua seear gesal 0Mt age ~aShM.. ~ al. Z~dk s.~. meen ao~ - *1 -- ~ Is ~n ~. 1 ~ -~ w ~ ~. ve.. en ~ ~ ~a=~n ualE~ .~ je. - £ n% ~ h~. n~ he ~.qu.. w~ ~fl.w ~ *1 ~.. h~usa b - ~ v o,~siw lauw. hê~vq., 1e. asa m~E Ja.. Mtw Loui Picbb and Prot 1ar mond B. PIts. Mouday, December 17, at 4 p. A. Ml s Lbui- rloht a~d Protl. i bayT>Ud B. ri were married la St. .r. l' eburch, b' KIeV. J. i. Ppesr, g. ;m he 2r-oce of» tatberlag of relatives md fritod. The bhaado«e end seomopldbed brt1e #t the daugbahr mt Mr. B. M. ras, hciel -Ilrk lt the *Cm* of the Kasm City iMather, is thil city. Tea gr*m tea am~ wohy gemUtlasa 4 Ncw TUrk were the happy eeople who eft om the seelag train, Tv New or mus, where Ul "y will reWle. Beter their lve taksag Mr. ~d Mrt. Vit were stantaimd at th resideace of Mrs. lal~ey, whbr a luseB with retrehb. met& w«re ervdl. The ordd was the reotplst of maay valaable t~ae of teem sad a ftedebi. We Jos tkeir wellwshers la eurty Itoudtauda. SADDLERY. Whoa mednfg goods i the ed dielry liB, try R P mort, 32 TezM street. Hi line* of stock, side a D boyT' addles is complete; he aleo carries a lime of bor covers, blaakete &ad lap robe. Repairlag a pecalty. Goods ia the eddiery liee make sobtaou tal Chr~tae preseta. lf yeu are itentod seielty taat., 7ry. eNa 50 AM-e's Pharmaop mmd sea the alet &e ewe~et tts. .Goratum Res, Mle Gres O aM Arial Blis, i boxs, taWbes &adbadl. Fater en DîaOMME~ on la th* sourthomss Rouday night, ~aher of Ncw Ons.., do nvo~srdas mtsrse~rg dlesoue ep educ~ate, derlag whl.h ho premset. cd bis dom. wiîh formesrl legE &ad ia eobquer W~re rhone VU a lerpe ed well pi~so aaudk Th.lm~are was predo~ by a pe.Islsdl-r"~ wri~. tor the o~ nuloa ky Mam haam ~ply who ir" o..pil.t~td vory hlghy by Fathr lie musicalnmhor remdeal bi Km j Z Ausse. Mus « E bulder, mim AasIo mie~a eed ~h K.ily Ira~h ~lat wal reLura to Sbnovpet om Jamawy S, 19v1, wáea bo h.posj mes w"t the eheaatla ohlb wall~st the w*~lsr ei the Jomiz Colleg im ~ ~oef had shoid <bio ho kg soot~ a the gamla m1te @m~z ambd - *eo e a9~~ bvtIs a" b ~ o ahsauos men was. h * ulc~bwug ~W'.s Ao &*umm~f wmss pad%~s Rund Ud.. wipeshb. les 1ud s r ienieIdm sleed1 Ik mehd e W pr . bede wte mop .. Ua to bl e~e hls0ee, wida bte bv 6 AL # UONHA S MuMk ~ab 1WOl abc A.-4 be wSIIU e te a - C 'Wamck* r ma'S Cnhfdsmaf oUskiw' Home.* T1h CaucsStU ba& b-e riqveued to r«mlBd all the friends of the C-kn ledera'e veteran« that contribatione for the vetersne la the Confederate bol I'rt' Home, In New Orleans, will b* recetved Friday uext and forward d4 8atorday by the committee of tbe Sbreveport Chapter, Dugohters of th* Comfoderacy. (Joetributione may he ceet to Mrs DeLay at Mrs R T Vi - acm on Market street. Fire Work" Notlee ls bereby Rives tast the poliee are rsitructed to promptiy arrest "v ent driag erackers, roekete or aay ezxloetvee n th@ distrIct bouaded by M«N«tl streel Cros bsayou. Lak@ s*tet aed Bed rije; 0. wittin two biees ot any cOtOn wrYshiee or depet. Pubile slety demaads th<s, ^ad th* 15w will be emloreed. B HOl ZEAN, Msyor. J W LAKi , Chlef of Ponce. Dolli, DoUl. BUggihL.. Dolle, dolt buggiet, pretty booke, dioner sets, lit!le kitcbene ana han dreds of soveltiee for Cbrlitmse st Bowern' headquartere for Banta Clan#. MAKE IdD. In Natehitoces^, on Monday, De cember 17, at tbe roeidence of tbe wride'# motber, Mia Mans Goodard and Mr Edgar B OLIe of 8ftrevTport ware m*rried by Beo lather A Andrie In tbe presene of a gathering of relatives aad friendo. Th* bride la a ebtiming and popu lar y.aug lady. The groom Ie well and favorably kzown, aud is ea co >loye of Mr A Querbee, the Indepem demt Groeer. We Join the friends of Mr and Mb Ol* ie bearty cosgratnlatltou. THB COTTUM AANKOT Ebroert. A- Doe Ie, SHREVEPUBT MAaE T. Th. asset o~e.0d q*"s. emePts, IWT ~ee; by ratl. - bal; Dy W^e. - bos. b» ~ier. - baes. Bas- S bSles; mist.r -, secul.. sers-. Thbs Day remTrdy Ontt«»y..,........ 11-l ~ J-ji O-dOrdar.....7 U&M 7 I&l« d .. .......... 8emf. al 8N 6a1 Bood M q......3. 1.M 7 sle 5848 93-16 COMPARATIVE WrATZMZrT. tMb-head,-. *.a... 768 Bss.d t day......... 1W Sesastvd rewveeuly....... 1W,5M *),5fl rmes U tUais day Mas y...... 191,71 MpM e da................. ~an FeEs a sM eek....M.. 7,7VT ,ag fbee far less w .... EIStt ,4 ms sp ...................... 1^,9 IS, Mt~kh ay ~......... g 41,731 Tal wa f wt This L~ thisvr this yr latyr *m 1day...... 1S 17 147 r- .1. wm . .... n. 1~ 1,30 Wtded k mr....... 79T» d, ~ ft.e bkmW~..... k44 N ~w L. e l............ . ss 1 a rM ~L.M........... 1 41,7s Tm wit ~- «i Tn» v &W vir O itor My htafl......... 7,7m) 10,51 SAN sua~.......... OM 1 o. Wh-eb.. ..... U SW s Ui S TheIqe thisdq **s ynee les yea Wle ............ st .... Vmts ............. .... Iv L............. .... 1 .8 .........^ .. i . .. lhêd-............ . . 78l Wo w i~ imn WO B k 1............ . in ............ . h............... ... 0 ar E..a. *o..... 1... . ILV........ . .... TILABE........ . ..e. BUCWTsAT AlL I. L fl>xtB *Wle w~k asm w' This wr les(y y. AN' - ...... M. ........... . » - -» .............. U s, p v............. a r tImer,1-lBmp;uIIIeagupheas, S 13.86; r... bu........ adsm, AlA As U ..e e rum. New Test 8fmns .tusuI qules, î ge S af e; JUem~y, vs*8; lheaqr, 0 s *Me U J~%a ApOeb IL a Uur -nise spotw guite; mMlbk Tfetet saes4,y els rM4^.5.*.. S5oTli,.4 New es.em howuss dnsIse i s a peases eI: Jmm»y 0510 PtMrr,' .3b.«; NM-, .S.M*1; pell, S14, l.3; May, 9 18l.14: Ja, S Ifd IS. A CLI3AR HEAD* ~,oddigestion; sound sleep; a ine appetite and aripe old age. am~moe ofthe rcs&ds ofthc tast of Tot's Live, PWs. Asi~l - oom ~yie <,(&oktef 147 BALKE'S LIVE OAK WHISKEY BOFTENED BY ACE. Awarded Gold Medal at Atlanta Expostion. Is the best and purest Rye Whiskey so.d in the South. R. F. BALKE & CO., Proprietors, CNCINNATI, U. S.A. Ordew malled to our had ofce will be 0ite fro -u maeat acwrdte d4turtib~, ed River Line OHA8. P. TRI'SLOW,' Preident. CRAS. W. ~th. WN ecretary sad 1 ra&. Maager, New Orle~a, La W. r. DILLON, emeral Freigh std.P* ogmr Agect Shreveper, L 7ÜB KEW URLIAN3, hTEAMRB GEM, W inl leave Wedsedea. Dec. 19, at Is m. r~ight reeVed tor all petat as all I-ee om the wharfbet W. I. DILLON, Ooeera~ Tieket &d Paees'.e Ae m General Local Market PROVISIONs. Dry l .................. . 7 9.4e Brekes B* ................. Io Baas-Cheles e-avaaed Tawar. ared.... .................... 1l1-20 lard-ueroaed. 4 1.4e; pare.... W see ae.................... 784e - BKZADSTUVrs. Vlear-Beet patet, 4 5o4 75; @fair pa Met er stralgM, 4 0~ 5; extra larey t 80. uera es, d ipyr tbarve; 813ppemnu emeks, £ 11. raeersk-A B C Poe Cracker are Meed alt Bo; aream. ae by the lot. Uee-iw Lo maiuia, 436e. COFFrE AND TZA. Caee-raLr,,10e; .*editn praae. 113r kelen. te. ?h e eek en hed, air dem~nd, fair aus, -d, t9lMS, -ee, Wge; meet, udte pes the ebket. BOOAZ AND MULABsEL a~ k4ars tres8asd, &%c* ~e e reiew elerlied, » >-4e; Moemde, S6 Mehene-4.r*e-m , ue; "ri0e, cpn eWtae, ie; ehtee rebtiel, 5ONk E11D LUCTS. 'i..e-41 MMt te s ten Doeen -Navy. d* per pem kiek fsMeee70@to M& BAOOING AND TIM. 2 e. S*TeK pMM pasequte TOSAOuO. ohmto 4 Oe< makes, m@M~e, 1"^ et; hbier rade. gr 2 ; eme y eq l dbili, M~ll KAIN AID PErDTUPP. Cerm-Laxu -e4,~e per b^s. ep-Chetde prerhie .anu ,.. IJM zy»^ bhM assB-(.«to aW-~WC. CR 1Bq 8 AND 5E^4. leke.ehne per des...*... il rfi upeurea, ................ 1s mer, ee .. .. ........... lsb , e ..e....h. bre.... .... .... g » Duw* erom~, SOMWher... ugten, per dm»e. ............ fl0 InVI? AND EUTS AHm~ per p~e. ............ mia&o ma ~ .........................1 ~ (0 E Wap d w............ me P~#nll € .. 17 te »s -A a; ~y,. ie.r. el ....................... ife7 ]ron*% F« e ....t.'.. ... 7.. E -L*..... ..................... 2 Or ~ , ......... - , s ........... e7&2 Ot ~, Navmel................... Ia825 ra@~, barysd~ w~ ......... %uts r@es~e.................... 71e ii lw& eryo.............. ... . z e~. ... bo. .... . ............. 2 a, 0 581JL5 A*.V WOOL. Dry bmw.I 1 l. snt, per Pe~d lialI &egr............... 1:::: ie. DRYs dm~..... .............. »sa1 0~......... l.................. **e em ......................... i e OeMw ..................... -- a- Ter ....... ie-a^ -...**..*»* (118v...uM«................10)40le Seeee..........M........1.5... ia 5MB....i............. Stf l V.ze............................l «.80 B-fT.. ...................... l<-< Imwm .... .'..'.'..'.^.........'. i»S CHRIS MAS GIFTS. Desirable, Seasonable i Usef ni. Allk our offerings are at 29'per cent red(. t,' ii al, kinds of Dry Goods, etc., and especially on Capes, Jackets, Slik Skirts Walsts and Millinery In all the latest and most fashionable designs. t Call ard see what we have and save money in all 0 your purchases. R. SILVERSTEIN, 307 Texas st. Clirisas Ties. A very large and well se lected assortment. EVERYTHIN+ NEW 1 Teck Scarfs, Four-In-Hands, Imnperials, Bats, Bows and Puffs Prices Range from 25c New designs in fancy Half Hose. Benson's, 421 Texas Street Ben Holzfman Rugs, Rugs, BIG CUT THIS WEEK 18x36 Moquette Matting 79c 27x52 Moquette Rug, 2 48. 36x72 Moquette Rug, 4 48. SPECIAL PRICES IN SvIT 4 - RUGS. We will continue to sew Caqrpets and lay Matting free of charge during this week. Special prices will be made in following lines dur ing the next 10 days, any one of which will make a useful Xmas gift: Table Damask, Napkins, Towels, Lace Curtains, Portiers, all ( kinds, Table and Piano Covers, Bed Spreads, 25 per cent *discount on'Reman , Embroidery Work, Tidies Table Covers, Art Squares. We offer our entire line Ladies Ready Made Shirt 1 Waists at prices that will certainiy make them sell, mothing reserved, some at half price. BEN HOLZMAN, S-B 1^s-É e asses - S Just What You Are Looking For. jChristmas Goois at Reason. atle Prices. We have lust closed a deal with a New York Importing firm for a mixed lot of Art Novel ties and Holiday Godos that were selected from a bankrupt stock, and we will be able to sell you these articles at Prices That Will Astonish the natives, They will reach us about Decem ber 15. Call and price them be fore you make your Christmas selections. ALLEN'S PHARMACY. OF COURSE, 412 Texas Street. Telephome No. 8 IN AID OF THE SCHOOLS 1Si Waters Hu lieep Comedy in Three Acts by Tom Taylor. Opera House, FRIDAY, )KCEMBER 21 At 8:20 p.m. Under the management of Mr. F. Leonard Pooley. Specially increa-ed and augmented orche.stra under the direction of Miss Clara V. Pre-cott, assisted by McCann's Orchestra. Admission - 75, 50 and 25c. G G Williains Printing Co. UI THE BEST FROM TESI We are nwO prepared te do any kind et BOOR BINDING, RJLI.VG, GOLD L. T TERING ON LEATMflR, ETC., lat Opewers are Jast as easy. We have the acktlaery to do rkI# Werk WIth. ad wei Wh4 kneow te d# It. Ba dea't frget that we are better theb "er prepared to prfat aay at~ big er Ilttle. Let ma do yerw Order Blaaks. We de' kaewr hew to do at«iag bast #le€.iwd.aBooH9S Print. YeVrs Tray, 6. G. Williams, Pro~t mm *aag* V. ImS. s*tewpwr. Ls -r«se.