SUNDAY, NOV. 9, 1913.
Entered as second class matLer Feb
ruary 1, 1904, al. the postollice at
Shreveport. La.. L na. der Act of Con
gress of March 31, 1879.
Subscription price $2.00 per year.
Ofltficial Journal of Caddo I6rish.
Published three times a week, Sun
day morning, Tuesday and Thurs
day afternoon, at 203 Milam street,
by ihe Caucasian Printing Co.
Ltd. U. Grosjean editor.
,raf$ Charges by Hennessy.
It is conceded that one of the
nreatest individual factors who opt
rged to the defeat of Tammany at
the mayoralty election in New York
on Nov. 4 is John 4A Hennessy, State
investigator, who exposed Murphy
p.4 his system of graft, an$ chal
lenge# their disproot. There was a
iaink atten-it St Venigl Shicl in
_ensife4 llae alisapVroga8 of tai
iang w.ee tlseir *andidate toi
gayore Sudg ~tcGIJl, Sas letbated
bg Mitchel Li a plurality of $24,00C
votes. A. reported from .lbang, 'k
Y., the public disclosures bq lien
nessy have been filed formally. 5'ror3
gbese charges sensational deelog
ments are expected, which map cul
minate in the trial and conviction ol
more than one of the men of promi.
nence connected with this political
1he Yango as a Uroble*.
The tango, it seems, has attained
4he dignity of a sociological prob
lem. Mayor Harrison of Chicago ha:
appointed a committee of the City
Council to frame a tango ordinance,
which will decide what is good in
the modern dance and what is of thei
devil, so to speak. A Cleveland judge
recently constituted himself a judge
of terpsichorean morality, and, after
witnessing several exhibitions of the
famous dance, decidedwthat it was
within the pale of decency. *
Now we hear that a New Jersey
elergyman has faced the problem
bravely. It seems that the members
of his wongregation abandoned golf
and tennis and passed their leisure
bears in the tango's exercise. A con
test between the spiritual and the
emtpoial seemed inevitable but the
dergymian. was a resourceful man
oe opened the door to the sinner
ag. has established a school in
whicb the young people of his par
wh are taught properly the modern
A tango invasion has swept every
taing before it. A few years ago we
were dancing the dignified waltz and
4uadrille of our fathers and moth
era. Now our fathers and mothers
i· emulation of their children are
leaping, dipping and squirming like
frogs on a hot griddle.--New Orleans
States. "
And all because it has the ap
proval of society. If the tango is
vulgr and shocking to modesty and
good form, it should be suppressed.
The dignified waltz and quadrille of
our fathers and mothers ,should be
peed enough for their sensible self
re specting sons nand dauighters.
iebt's.allMmy i LaeIna.
Ieesville Leader: Among the large
iIas in the schedule of assets of
e , estate of the late Adolphus
-h-, th St. Louis brewer, #1,000,000
bs put down as the value of invest
man-s in the Caddo oil territory. The
snatire state is appraised at fifty
milion dollars, including a great
atle on the Rhine in Germany, the
value of which is placed at a million
dolls. Within a comparitively few
yes the American beer drinkers
&ire piled up this egormous fortune
Sr Mtr. Busch, besies .contributing
aimilar fortunes to a dozen 0ther
hie brewers in the West and North.
and smaller ones to others else
where. The announcement that
Charles Nagle; former Secretary of
Commerce and Labor. is 'the chief
ssf or of the estate s.owi also
ft while Mr. Busch was brewing
ler be never allowed . liself to be
.ase too busy to took ifter the po
litial end of his enterprise. It i
nt every business that can afford
to have an e-cabinet oecer as chief
.US bi.arac F.. !.
is ltethe Times: As a special
%ure. of the Tubercutais Da
caCsinsp Dec. 7, the National As
aa-.timn for- the Stsat and Preven
ties of T ateute ogsE wi urge eler
,a in' all parts .t the' U-nite
tales to 4retince fake eousumption
yes fen their pulpits. Millions of
doasrs are `spent by church mea
hen. and othes. on valueless rene
dies of this character, according to
the asatiatioans records. Literature
showing in detail the methods of
fake cure vendors will be sent on
~qait to any clergymant by the
l it Association for the Study
a Prewntiat of Tuberculosis, 105
faat a* trseet, New York City.
Wease waitia es thE orderof
rin~ig'efre. p btet P eon .
Sunday Labor Day. Automobile Da.
H. E. & WV. T. Day, M. K. & T. Day.
Al! labt, iii unions otf L,,uisiana and
adjoining State, will v-isi the Fai,
and a goeneral good tlime had by all.
I p.II.-- one''rt in grandltand ti
'lihaveius vworld famonu Russian
1 .:31 p.m.--Automobile and motor
eycle races start.
Five mile and ten mile race by
nmrmbers of Shreveport Motorcycle
See Louis l)isbrow, the world fam
ous driver, in his 200 h. p. automo
bile. Other drivemr will be "Wild
Bill" Endicott, jou Heineman and
others. 1vwen cars 'will furnish
thrilling races during the afternoon.
4 p.m.-Balloon race four bal
loons in air at th* same time. Dou
ble par'-hut~ leap froml eCrll .l
U rw.--qlpeninel I all shoes fst
nished bh Berbera k. Eline. They
will te ol tbie G(laidwas at IilLg tal.
til it o'clock.
4:45 9..--Eared S eaett is Cobm
aeur bb Thatib a Weild Zeijotla
Sussian Dan,
9:30 p.tL--.rte lertlin%. a e $tvmr
of grandstant*: ,ats Irvl.
iure food shKow il 6lte C.oie4i8.:
free admission.
Monday, N(0. 0--Wood4.n a 1 .
9pecial programme for Woodmen
only. W. £1: W. parade starts at 9:30
a.m.. intersection Texas and Sprague
streets. ,ine of march.slown texas
to Market. to Milam. to Louisiana
tht n all go to Fair grounds.
I p.m.--Con'ert in gran4dstal i !
fhaviu's Russian Band.
1 :30 p.m.-Races start prolmptilo.
SFir -3-year-old Irhit. ?,ouisiang
Second--3-.eg'-ol( tate. Louis
iana Futurity.
Third-2:17 pace, purse $254
Fourth-Purse $100. 3-year-olds
and up; 10 pounds below scale: 6 9-2
Fifth-Purse $100. 3-year-olds and
up that have started at this meet
and have not figured first or second;
10 pounds below scale; non-regis
tered horses eligible.
4 p.m.-Balloon races, four bal
loons in air at same time. Double
parachute leap from each balloon.
12 m.--Opening of Kline Shows.
Thee will be open on the Gladway
at night until ii o'clock. 0
Horse Show Frogrammse in ioI
General admission to horse show
in Coliseum 25c, reserved seats 25e
extra. Doors upon 7:15 p.m. Show
commences 7:45 p.m.
1. Grand parade.
2. Roadster trotters. Single, for
lady drivers only.
3. Saddle horses. RWalk, trot or
4. Heavy harness hoirs . or
mules, teams.
5. Family turn-out, team.
6. Equestrians, gentlemen.
9:30 p.m. Free fireworks in front
of grandstand; no charge to grand
stand, seats free.
Pure food show in the Coliseum;
free admission.
One Way to Spell Prosperity.
Vinton Booster: Prosperity to the
farmer is spelled in four letters
corn. Plant more of it and put that
corn into fattening hogs and eat
your own pork and see the result.
Woman Suffrage in Louisiana.
New Orleans Times-Democrat: A
State suffrage convention will meet
in New Orleans next week to take up
the question of votes for women. It
will appejl to the Legislature for
suffrage, either through an amend
ment or preferably hirough a con
stitutional convention. It will be
remembered that the proposition
was advanced by Miss Kate Gordon
that the convention soon to meet in
Baton Rouge take up the woman
suffrage question. The Legislature
showed no disposition to order this
-in fact, could not do so under the
Governor's call, and it is very,
doubtful whether the convention
can or will take up the matter. It
may be suggested that a convention
will be called later to make certain
changes in our laws, and the suffra
gists will probably ask that in such
an event woman suffrage be pre
seated at that time. We deem the
calling of a convention unlikely. The
proealtion will probably have to
wait for an amendment and a popu
lar vote. It will probably not he
very difficult to secure such a vote.
The arguments in favor of letting
he- voters pass oin any proposition
are strong. Louisiana has adopted
the most extreme Democratic doc
trine--that:the people have a right
to be consulted on all questions and
to vote on them, and while the ref
erendum is not in operation in
Louisiana under the law, it is in
force in principle. The Legislature
has shown a disposition to submit to
the people any question of import
ance that is strongly supported. In
other words, the Louisiana doctrine
is that if the people want woman
suffrage t~PcrY -ino-reasoi-why it
should not be granted.
16lE (ONTI-E %
7iO0 BtLE WlAT1 1
Temper'durtc Ibotl %ormat-l.-tea
Rainfall in Mississippi \alley-The
(onditions Toiward End of Month
Not Good for Picking Cotton.
Copyrighted 6993 bty W. . $loster.
Washington, 1i t., %on. *.--Last
bulletin gave foreca4eo oef listurb
ance to gross continent Novtl 40 to
i$, warm wave t to 43. tool wave it
te 16. Temperatures of this disturb
antc *ill average about ,or I little
below normal. Storli forces will be
gieatest on Pacic slofijpe and in the
uortler'o LAockis. decreasing in the
eastel sectingls. Precipitation will
be gloatts& 6ia Parilic slope, along
ttae linLe seelriting Canada and the
States and ia eastern sections. Least
5reiipitatiou ill t li country within!
.ll) miles ot 1t. Louis,
1lhe gOrt disturbance %ilt 11 aci'
Pacific coast about Not. $3, cross
?aeci c slopPe bI tloe ol 9. great$
central vallt~s Li to £7. essltrn se4-
tions I& Warm lall gill ross flith
Jjacilie slope about Nov. k lt eatl
central vallets 15. g.tern s'etinlls
1-. (ool ease dill cross Pacilic slot
about %ov. 48, great tentral g&lleys
18r eastern Se'tilons N0.
t.oast precpiititti vl in thle 'il~d ,
Ii-<si1iippi allrys. great1st nil the
olrt1lh i acilli slope, in ;easten seil -
tions. near tlah Melxican rul 'f ca-4l:
aiui along ;hI line trawill frnI :,% I\\
lh ullanld to 'l., tnouver, '14. C.
t-ori ioIrc. \will be about norm i
and lte Illnst e vere w it er stormi
will be along the line from \Vaneog,
Ser to Sewfoundiand anI alt:, ot thIi
Mexican gulf.
l)utlllg all ef lovember good crop)
weather will prevail in South Ainer
ica. For crop weather their Novem
her is about the same as our May,
and good rains in South America in
November promise good crops for
that country.
Except in northern sections good
weather for corn gathering is ex
pected in the corn belt to end of
November. Not quite so good for fin
ishing the cotton picking in the ex
treme south.
December storm line is expected I
to move south on the Atlantic coast
so that the line of storm forees for I
December will extend from .WVash
ington, D. C., to Vancouver, B. C.,
and along thdf line the principal ,
winter storms will occur in l)ecem- <
ber, with probabilities favoring deep I
snowvs in northern Rockies..
The storm forces of l)eceber I
will be most inense, and herefore I
indicating the most severe storms of
the month not far from 2. 12, 23. 29. I
D)elails will be given later.
At great expense of money and
labor we have put in a hard year's
work on our system of forecasting. I
Because of our great anxiety to im
prove our system of long range fore- I
casting we took no vacation during i
the-summer and are now able to as- I
sure the friends of our weather I
work that for 1914 our forecasts, i
particularly of rainfal, will be bet
ter than ever before.
We are now well satisfied with
our system of forecasting except r
that sometimes the small up' and f
down movements of the tempera- N
tures may be defective. We have the c
rainfall problem, in a general way, C
solvd. The forecasts of rainfall will r
not be perfect, but good enough for r
practical purposes. We will gener
ally succeed in forecasting cold a
waves and frosts. We have the dates I
of the great storms and can now, to
some extent, point out their loca
tions. Our forecasts of crop weather
and probable crop conditions will
surely be mlbre valuable than ev."r
Friends of our forecasts can as- i
sist us by getting their neighbors '
enough interested to subscribe for t
newspapers and magazines ',that }
publish our work.
Something Worth Rememuberin C
Collier's Nov. 8: Before the Sulzer
ease passes completely intg4mistor'
there is one aspect of it 'which
honuld be emphasized, both because
it is not.obvious and' because it 'has
a bearing upon many other affairs.
The counts of the Sulzer indict
mlent were these:
Art. 1--Charging the Governor t
with, making a false statement of
campaign receipts and payments. ,
Art. 2-Charging him with -pe:'-]
jury in swearing that the statement
was true.
Art. 3--Charging him with bribing
witnesses to withhold testimony
from the Frawley committee.
Art. 4-Charging him with "prac
ticing deceit and fraud and using F
threats and menaces" to suppres
testimony desired by the Frawle? e
committee. - -1
These were- aI. E-erything-Sul- -
ter was accused of hung upon the t
statute requiring him to file a list
of his campaign expenditures. This
statute in New York is ,nly a fe',
years oli. It is nowhere mnoroe than
ti-i year!s old. btefore this statute
. \as passed Silzer' could hay, i-Ion ll
all that he has dione,. and ,t retain
his otl!t' in 'm piplet,' ',.sp ', tat a ilit y.
'ht1 ' ,staiu te is tl ne of t,[' a I nll y t' n lte'l ' l.
ciry.-tallizations ,of adva.u i, t'tll hiral
staniard-<. ',.today 11n11 art` indicted
and som.'lt ii't s Qetll to jail fr what
half a generation ago ,,1'. was
merel'ely a defect in taste or 'thics.
All this should heI r'eemt'iere.d, and
to any man who has lived through
this period of changing standards
much should be forgiven. Let Iierce
journalists reflect that probablt
there is not in the Cnited states an
editor of fifteen years experience
wiho has not carried railroad passes
under circumstances which, repeat
ed$ today, might bring him into .he
criminal court.
u eouisiana Millionaire
The Item Farrer: Louisiane fiss
as msan. millionuires to tlhe *quare
Ilipe of territory aid as many eiti
Sens si(te iDcomes iar ascess of
*l)0.00) jllper annlum. tls a ytoulstion
biasi s any Stat in tie IUnioir, say
bsnker. of New Orleans ii com1
lnenting ulponl the report recently
sent to Washington h~ the internal
'reveniue collector for tihis district.
_il this Ilpolt gollectonr h'empner"
places unIl9 one resi.ient of the State
it) the class with an annual incoin
ill excets oif s$ItUOl(). anti only five
al ioltg tllilo whose inco esllc l 1'n
fThe rell .O(l t 1o S t atill t ll .ea '.
Ifa ttl r it:l illvesttiatiin. It is to
a ] ti,, the` tati.r e an inj, stIc'', . in
tlhe, al, , !!~x ll tth'i an t)' 1 .l''iu l. that
ti2' tu):n, i ld king inc ain, ancial lir,-l
di nil' p,,s-iitiliti,'.
The wealth of Wm. Edlggnhrynl o
the |,. R. & A. e'o: is estilnated at
!i2,()O(.00)0 and his in o)mne at 351)0,00i
annually. In the Item FIarmer is
published the names of forty mil
lionaires whose wealth is estimated
at froin $,000,000 to $1,000.000, and
six whose wealth is listed at $750,000.
Four-fifths of these wealthy people
are residents of New Orleans.
An Army of Half a Million.
New Orleans States: According to
the chief of the ordnance depart
mentment of our army, the United
States for the first time in history.
prepared to arm and equip "at a mo
ment's notice" an army of half a
million men. This is encouraging so
far as it goes, but it is well not to
forget that in the last analysis it is
only war that provides a real test
of a nation's fighting efficiency. At
the same time is is pleasing to know
that the United States Army has
modern rifles ani other equipment
for a force of half a million men.
There have been times when it did
not have proper equipment for one
tenth of that number.
At the present time the entire mil
itary force of the United States,
both the regular army and the State
militia, does not number half a mril
lion, hence it has been suggested in
Congress that we might build up a
reserve by holding on to men who
have served in the regular army.
After their terms have expired they
might be willing to serve three.. or
four years in reserve regiments.
If the men who have served in the
regular army could be induced to
form part of a reserve force, it
would undoubtedly mean a good
deal to the future fighting strength
of the Nation. We have the equip
ment for an army of half a million
men today, but as things are it
would take us some time to develop
a trained army to use the equip
Falsehoods Against the South.
What is history but a lie agreed
Napoleon may not have been look
ing forward to coming events when
he said the above, but he has hit the
nail squarely on the head as to the
truth of a great majority of the
Yankee histories of the Confederate
war. They have "agreed upon the
lie" against the South, aid are de
Lermined that it shall be handed
down as "history.'"l3oesier Banner.
A4G t sbs rae tLhe' falsehoods
-6ry so-catld: history; written by
Northern men should be eliminated
from every school of the South, and
such partisan tabricatio.i should not
be tolerated in any home of the
South. There will come the tim.
when the South through the impar
tial historian will be. vindicated and
glorified for having waged an un
Fqual contest in the maintenance of
the principles embodied in the Con
stitution of the Fathers of this Re
public against the radical sertional
ism of the North.
Baton Rtouge the Winner.
The Louisian Tigers from Baton
Rouge defeated Razor Backs from
Arkansas yesterday in their annual
contest hold at the Fair grounds.
Baton Rouge also defeated the
Shr- vepart team in the fonthat con
Hobey Baker, Princeton's All
Around Star.
Photo by American Press Association.
lobey Baker of Princeton is some
f(otball crackerjack we all know. and
be is a good sprinter and an effective
h~rkey pl:ayer as well.
As soon as the gridiron season is
c.er Hiohey will polish his skates andt
etart in pursuit of the elusive puck.
Cochean to Build Defeftder.
Alex Smiith 'o:h bran will take up sin
gle handed his part of the defense of
the Ameri'a's c:.y The Yonkers iN.
.t sportsmanl. who for nine years has
been :a nellntbr of the New York Yacht
club. has con:ni.ssioned William Gard
ner to design a seventy-five foot sloop
yacht to take part in the trial races.
Mr. Gardner. has designed many fast
racing yachts, and the only condition
imposed by Mr. Cochran is that he
shall not accept an order from any oth
er yachtsmen or syndicate to design
another sloop for the same purpose.
No limit is placed on the amount to
be expended for the new boat, the or
ders being to produce the fastest yacht
possible under the present rule of the
New York Yacht club. The builder of
the yacht has not been announced.
Mr. Cobchran k by no means a novice
in the racing of fast yachts. He had
the schooner Westward designed 'and
built for him by Herreshoff in 1910.
This yacht crossed the ocean and de
teated the best boats in England, and
lermsaby. 'After winning the kaiser's
eup at Cowes the Westward came here.
raced for one season and then waassold
to a German yachtsman.
New Baseball Deal?
In Philadelphia was circulated a story
that Connie Mack of the Athletics had
traded Outfielder .lames Walsh to the
New York Americans as part of a deal
by which Frank Chance sent Claude
Derrick to the Baltimore club. partly
owned by Mack. last year. When
President Farrell of the New York
Americans was asked about the sup
posed deal he declared that. while he
hadn't ' actually signed papers that
would make Walsh his property. some
thing might come of it later on.
"The report Is a trifle premature."
said Farrell. "and I only wish that I
could confirm it. It is true that last
summer when Chance let Derrick go
to the Baltimore club he asked Mack
to let him have an outfielder. "ne of
six then wearing Athletic uniforms.
Mack at first couldn't see it, hut as he
needed Derrick in Baltimore he finally
named three players from whom
Chance could make a selection. and
Walsh was among them."
Wrestler Mahmout Killed by Bandit.
Yussiff Mahniout. a Bulgarian wres
tier, who met a number of American
mat men. including Frank Gotch. by
whom he was defeatted. was killed by
a band of Rulgarian batndit.( in the
mountains near Silistria. his home. ac
cording to a story told by two Turkish
wrestlers who arrived in Chicago re
Mahmout was a petty officer in the
Bulgarian arnmy during the late war
and, according to their story. went to
the town to draw some money to pay
off the men in his commt nd Sixteen
bandits. learning the purpose of his
trip. waylaid him on hla return. but
becaunse Mahmout had lrocured only
orders instead of gold colu they tled4
In the Federal League.
.The Federal leaguers crlaim that
Tommy Leach. : Roger Bresaalan.
(-eorge Stovall and Wilbtrt Robinson
will manage teams In the outlaw cir.
cuit. Bresnahan has a three years'
contract with the Cubs at $10.000 a
year. Robinson couldn't be hired to
leave his old pal. John McGraw. and
the Giants. Leach may not remain
with Evers because of advancing years.
while Storall's threatened defection
will not cause an earthquake in St.
1e Release Bridwll.
Charles Webb Murphy has opened
the winter campaign with the an
nounetinent that Al Bridwell must be
supplanted as the Cubs' shortstop for
the reason that he is too slow. Last
spring Murphy predicted that Brid
well would make Chicago Ans Lrget
.ll about 4oe Ttnker.
A $26,000 Sandwich.
Bienville )Democrat: The 11,I 'r -
lion of the inexorable ec niiOlic ;1,w
If sipply and demand was i irikm
teriionstrated near I,hllumnbsll . N. 1,
a fi'V I4a": 1 a o lit' !h a M1'xiirI1 1,r
stitlltiinalid s I t 'el'e'd 76,01, tI,:' 1l
tiauin sain1twirln , and ti h n didn't ,
The lexi c an, a 1i e l I'Ift 1 l , on
iartiedthe l , 26.1 lti in I r 'll in -
polcket. "l'he miuney 1: lsued by th,.
llnorl'a g1v.einlellllt. nitd Slates
,avalryiieli, to wh.n the h ' xi'an
offered the forlune ini tigur.s for ,;
.andwich, were amazed. but all toil-.
itary rules forbade them to ancept_
it. However, they took pity on the
,oldier, and although they couldn't
or wouldn't give him the sandwich.
they gave him a hearty meal. the
\alue of which,. counting the sand
wich as worth $26,000. is eintimiat
at $275,000.
Indianapolis Stre.t Car AtrS6.
After a week of strife durirg
which several men were killed an$
scores more or less injured in In
dianapolis, the street car companies
have agreed to arbitration as sugp
gested by Governor Ralstog of In
diana. Every attempt to operate
the cars was defeated. The gri'.'n
ance of the car men is centered i$
better pay and more reasonable
hours on duty. The great body of
citizens of Indianapolis sympathize*
with the strikers.
Board of Health.
Vital statistics of Shreveyoi4 .*
week ending Nov. 8. 1913.
Marriages: Claude .Jones and Om t,
Williams, J. H. Hollowell and .irs.
Mearl Mattlhews. Clailorne Brow@i
andi HI+salie Ramblo. E. . I). enkine
and Miss ( ussie L. J.ne's. Clarence
1i. Whliit anld Miss Florience 4iith.
hii'thsl : Mlillmn C. 'l'richel and "llifD.,
l.)altis: J. Yt. Sniiiierlin. i'i yearst
Hlarry Aber. 8 weeks: Elvin Kemp.
12 years. Colored: Jill Hetts, 5
years:; Natan Hill. 55 years: ('rank
Snowden, t5 years: A. Walton, 2S
years; A. Parker, 6 years.
Causes of Death: Wound ol necl1,
entero colitis, typhoid fever, &urns,
rupture. tuberculosis.
Getting Religion.
In the State penitentiary o9 Ten
nessee, located at Nashville, a reli
gious revival is in progress. As re
ported by the news service, out 4
500 negro prisoners 300 have bees
converted within the last week,
there being 57 converts in one night.
Remarkable scenes are witnessed,
and such is the fervor of the con
verts that a number must be carried
bodily to their cells at the conclu
sion of the night service.
Thaw's Case.
The case of Harry Thaw has been
Iransferred from the jurisdiction of
the State of New Hampshire to the
United States Court on the plea of
the habeas corpus now pending.
The Currency Bill.
As announced from WVashington,
the Senate committee are 4n a tan
gle over the currency bill. An agree
ment may be reached when some
concession is obtained by the Demo
crats representing the administra
tion policy.
Ruston Scored.
In the football game yesterday
forenoon at the Fair grpunds Rus
ton scored 53 against Pineville O.
The Polticians for Self.
Vinton Booster: Politics is all
right and people should to a certain
extent study economics, but give us
the man who will study what is best
for the development of his neigh
borhood and he will not be \ery long
in coming to the conclusion that
good churches, schools, good roads
and inland waterways beats a vlrd
politician a whole city block. The
politician in a large sense works for
his individual self and the public he
,mnnello alter he gets his offlice.
Sheriff's Sale.
No. 17,531-In the First Judicigl Dis
trict Court of Caddo Parish, La.:
A. Rosenwald vs. C. L. Bland et al.
By virtue of a writ of fleri facias
to me directed from the Honorable
FIirist Judicial District Court of Cat
do Parish, La., 1 have seized and
will offer for Bale at public auction
for cash and according to law, at Ut
principal front door of the coura
house of Caddo Parish, touisiarl,
during the legal hours of sales on
SATURDAY, DEC. 13. 1913,
Lot five of block twelve of tie
Queensborough subdivision of tie
City of Shrevepbrt, Caddo parish.
La., together with the buildings and
improvements thereon. Said prop
erty seized as belonging to the above
namrnmd defendants and to he sold to
pay and satisfy the debt as specified
in aid writ., say in thel sum of four
hnndredl and fifty and no-100 do!
lars, with eight per rent per annum
illterest thereon from the 13th d -
of Septemlber 1912 unlil paid,. and al
costs of suit, as well as ten per cent
on said Wrincipal and iint erest as at
torney's feeys. J. P. FLOURMOY.
Sheriff, ex-Oflicio Auctioneer.
Caunraian, Nov. 9. 1911