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.FASHION HINT By ,UDlt cnHOitt-t Thb ted blouse always gives a .uisslnI suggestion thba Is very smart ;,this year. The elongated shoulders of this model malk a IZetty bd ure. and ) is a charming blouse t *ear litget BLOUSE kuSSrN WTILE a matching skirt or one of con ting material A.i velvet finished fabrics are modish season, and a blouse of velveteen with a skirt of broadcloth would 1 an excellent effect. the medium size the blouse will ire three and a half yards of ma I twenty-seven inche wide. with If yard extra for the trimming. Is May Manton pattern is cut mt sizes 34 to 42 inches bust measure Send cents to this office, giving number. arW, -t will be promptly forwarded to you i:sat If In haste send an additional .i.nt stamp for letter postage. When us. coupon. ....... s ........................ w1.~_.. ................... HINT JIJHC CNIOULT *1* ar castain to Sad this sng The blouse ts a plain klmooa sleeves. There is a -ttm back' so that the clog tavialble. The skirt is per Iaend smooth over the hips. i:-. 4 ~beham~ ':altb. IwU Yom , fa w. is toama -a iei is -~L air. Wbe~s -cu ~w·ii° ase wd heweempv * jfm b -rr le sar -a~ I~~. bl FASHION HINT Il .DIic 41noLtET :1 I.Iere is ; c"Otfoital'Ie lolng wrap to be wornt o(I cold :ld stormyl'l days n1d for general knocls:;uIoutt on4:tsiolltS f'Scotch c(heriot is I he material IisE.t hut a..v rough fabri, is suitah0e. Qn @he illustrationl the 'oalt 'ollr imlld cuffs are of the cheviot. hut a go.l *ffeet may be chtlilone8 by ulsin;g a broadcloth for the collar ltni cluffs ;I~a4 edging t W with fur. For the medium size the ro4 W(ill eqtllpe fly and one half 41 qt* - .OS RTOM DA ATI -er-) thirty-atx Inches wide, with one belt yard or woltar. e-affs and belt. sisa May Manteo pattern is cut a sisnes from a4 to 42 Inches tbat measure. Bed M epip tthis o~ce. ivleg mambel. US. Mad It vi be promptly trwarded fo you by mall. It tn b.eo send as additienal two oent stamp for letter peatae.. Wltae eral bw use reupon. No............ Usee.................. late ........................................... Addre e .................. .................... . . . . wire.11 m .m • • Ill .. .. • • FASHION HINT By JUDIC CHOLLET No prettier draped skirt than this one has been seen this season. II takes the most graceful fines and gives the fullness below the hipl that is es aentlal to smartness. It is overlapped at the front and is altogether charm tRa. There are only two pieces, and. like all two piece skirts. It Is easy to make To et. the very %eit results th drapery should be weighted I. a manner to hold the folds'le place. per the medium ite the skirt will mequire three deed three-quarter yards 1 C '. "0 It -lil td vi t tbrl. fe ty4~llr ,, -=Ur-w Ia~is wide. Themakirt 13 walkiug lengt two and sevee-eighths oa i et Matertil. any width. The wlit df the, walktig skirt at the law - edge is one yard and twenty Ineces. This May Manton pattern is cut is sses ram 22 to tInches waist massrue Bend a eats to this once. givibg number. WM. ms it wl.. be promptly forwarded to You S'ailt Iif bt lhte send an additional we ae stap for letter poetae. Whes edwiarga ses *oon. SI........... Sims....................... b ". . ......................-......... m ......................................... ****/ **********************.... *.. *... *. **. FASIHION HINT t9 SUIet tioUttt WhVlt is kdown l as the spurts cast se:l :r(,no(nc.,d farorite. It is uiade witl b1, I atclIh p,-keteS t:iat aIr ex(cteelingly Ltoold "e kinlg it is easy to slip on. iandt it is finishleO with t belt. Whietl giVEi I trim effect. This ,t1ie (st b e buttontt up to ,th throat or rolled open so that it eiuit! very cold days as well as mild ones. Coats of this kind are good for general wear as well as for thl sports fIl which they were originally designed The soft wool cloths are tosL tued for the making this seasen. For the medium size the coat il: `tg ire four and three-uarlgr Igr ming. of material twenty-Mese tIncbes wlpd witb tbree-qurstea etrsa for the trim ming. This May Manton pattern t et In am from N4 to 44 .ches bust measure Brd 2l omits to this ...e. glebn number. A1. and it wil be prompUl forwatnde to yes by mall. I In baste as4 an additlioma two oeet stamp for letter postses. When ordeag use oospp. No............ ........81 ................. ......................................... Addre ...................................... FASHION HINT By JUDIC CMOLLET Every new variation of the vest fea ture is to be noted in the new blouse. Here is an attractive one that can be worn with oien neck or with a chemi sette. The sleeven are Joined to it at the elongated line, and if the long ones are not lined they cab be cut off at the elbows. li the .lhestration one of the pret ty little flowered silks is made with eoflar and vest of plain silk. but a great many rkih and handsome silka to thrtllant colorings are being uned for vests .or the medium else the blouse will require two and sevea-eigbtbs yatus 0U01 10 sSIuPA n aTs sIT. o material twenty-seven inches wide. with one and a quarter yards for vest, ctlar and cuSa. This May Manton pattern is cut In sizes from 34 to 42 inches bust measure. Send 10 cents to this oltee, giving number, 1912., nd It will be promptly forwarded to you I by malL If in haste send an additional two cent stamp for letter postage. When orering use eoupon. ie... .................. ........ . " 01'i ..................... FASHION IIN 81 JOb!C Esztatu tlle fulhl -,e ;:( th I,:fi k c'll ! ;lie i! p.laits <i gather .o4 The rar:ip each side of I h0 fronlt il jui4 t11,I1u to be tm 04 -t.trae-.i. i z Ian - , yarsA CtiS tQ 1' mI) oSKISft slirt ultogithde is ]'e wi the 3el heoh Ing 1 lhe se n.soln thiere Ma at on V Ste pied -. :In 4 tle ?ornlt llortip isa inirhlse 4 hlluitpen aS t) the yeak ortfie. ' !. enducs ot tIo -holt big lofe ttoiinid inuto imlr 8 e ovedr wle -losinp . phi ort w ade invisi oble at h t henter. Tei~ wain ldd it "·ioa toe litt o labove t !he normal, ie. !e ;:I 'h is arranged Cxlir welVbin) skit. Sill Sr. .ire three 4n) . three-qlal.. lr yards e.m.terial tw.n.ty-svo...n inches wide The width it the lowlvc edge i one an1 fne-4luirtet yars. This Mlay Manton pattern Is cut n sizes for small women and girls sixteen and eighteen years of age. Send 10 cents to this office, giving number. 8061. and it will be promptly forwarded to you by mail. II In haste send an additional two cent stamp for letter postaq When ogtrKi4 use coupon. nm*........... h.......................... n.Ae ........................... ........ Addrea ......................................... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... FASHION HINT By JUDIC CCHOLLEY Two important features of the latest styles are to be found in this frock, the telt at the low waist line and the slightly open neck with the chernisette effect The plain blouse and straight skirt are gathered and joined oue to the , I mhar a sea weras mama. other. A belt coters the sem. and he closang e made AA Uhe way down the rost. n that whet. wasuable ma tr1als are msed launderlng Is a me ple matter. Tbe sleeves are stitched to the armhole. For the ten-year-old size the dress will require three and one-eighth yards of material twenty-seven Inches wide. with seven-eighths extra for trilmming. This May Manton patternl Is cut in sizes 'or girls from eight to twelve years of age. Send 10 cents to this offee, giving tumber. 8060. and it wil be promptly for -arded to you by mail. If in haste send in additional t.o cent stamp for letter ostage. When ordering use coupon. to........... Size ....................... lame ........................................ _adlro ..........9............................ -0---- -__ e-4.. 1JtJllhel will like this nl,tcl be etnu* goa its 'inipliefiti. ::t (&i 94 :irld Will to 1,laset4 Vi it it e(lllei i is ina it. ale te t ¶liti3h ell ktO a spe'tea fee tire. for the can to .uttoneGl ut When l.t eetlther i1 cold and' opened on mild days. whicll is very practlcnl. Belts .nnl fairly be sai4 to be g craze tlli se'ason. This Inodel Iag eitthi* plain or belted back. All the famlliar eloakingl. 9Plleteeu and corduroy. are suitable fur this school wrap. If something warm is wanted tthe dge* man, be *lge4 wits fur. For 'the twelve-eae I*ez tfe coan Will require tout enn % Salt f r4s o with a hilt lard Mr the collar lnd eafd this May Manton pattern it cut in sies for girls from eight to fourteen years of age. Snd O10 cents to this omf.e, giving aumber, 908., and it will be promptlytor warded to you by mail. If in haste send an additional two cent stamp for letler postag. When ordering lse aoupon. "e............ li l ......................... .amm ............................................ addre4 ........................................ .... By JUDIC CHOLLET Accessories were never more inmpol tant in the wardrobe of the well dress ed woman than they are today [-ter is a very fascinating collar In vest of feet that pfactically becomes a gar'l ture and with it undersleeves of the latest style. Suchb a collar adJustet over a plain hblouse tompletely trans forms it. Besides serving admirably 1ir thi new gown, the collar and cuffs can is turned to good account for remaking the old one. The medici collar is sur. to be becoming. It is always the wrist portions of thi sleeves that become worn and frayef looking, but it is an easy matter tt cut the sleeves of the old gown whlicl one is making over and to finish them UP To DArT AIcaLMoOL With rolled over cuffs like the obes In the Illustration. The collar and underaleeves will re quire one yaid of material thirty-six inches wide and one yard of lace three and one-half inches wide for the frill. This May Manton pattern Is cut in one size only. Send 10 cents to this office, giv ing number, 8074, and it will be promptly forwarded to you by mail. If in haste tend an additional two cent stamp for let kr postage. When ordering use coupon. Noe............ Size........... .............. Name............ .................... ..,, Address.......................... ........... BOUND THE WORLD 1I 00 9 ;) DeR %'DDOs a:ItDSJo dI Og Ti wed 8g tak2!eP :5;5 O t'lie, 80 0a,9 1. Slb i'tP tegi y 14*ei49ilthD is a' Q', 1,D. 8'iri.Lt aI !r lliiie-8 "ttllutin" lhlr rl'e- 8 Aft let >la hs4 o eiltl fi Ot - " 9it0 citivtingi li .4 la ege ll88 tv la S >5 Clae piyties iste iit :.lde i'm ites t ft'oIln ftiile5 iwaiiplemelt,. driji a414 ilSe Dished. Chile'i gstrtelrnl eas inlg lanl8k contain deiosits aggl'gatinls 'wr4 $S. 400,000). Judge Alaa9os, d. t£hicagoe aimnlc ipal "ourg bolds early skndalp torning sessiols. The British gofrnm*wt is ronerie ing as auxiliary motorboa eseemeve ote service In case of wat 'onuice le equipping .9t t99 (. ptet lernt Vitl steam tgine tarriel o petroleum propelled beat 4 congret. a inivereitp stuleit* sepresenting fortp-llM natiolt. 4e to I held in San 'raneimcoip a 035. 1uch of bhe rorl used i.rougolt the worli comes fram erthugal, whicb barveste about 60.000stiii a yeas. If she fLnd in EIngainO an: Walet Were equally divided there would only be little eves ois Si r for each pea t'araualp ina esauatie foest ~e olurces. tlhe enmos importane of whicb So libra:ee, parieularlp siceh in tan nin. %:lrstllie pli:ts to lpetld mollre than .(;,tl50l.{4i to tfdnmolish its aln -ifeit slhllms anlld g(l[lit stee t l witS Slodern highl IVaps. Slo. i4 r le Sliatk hlat iS ex.ported tro mli "itf14 is bllelgl by a I' "rentllh lirili illi iisi se4 I i l0 hi, ile n f tllell of Thle f:nioOe 9gyptlhn ieIllel of Ra eis"es 14.. thlity-two, -entiuries old, has been illuminiiated with electricity for the benlefit of Iourists. It hals been ealculated that nearly 300,000.000 feet or over 55.()00 miles of film are used up yearly to satisfy the world's demand for moving pic ures. As regards popular education. Ba roda is the most advaleed state in In dia. the only state in which primary education is both compulaory and free. The greatest drydeeb in the world has Jhst been eompl)ted In tAverpooL It is nearly 1,066 feet long and 156 feet wide, with asn esranet 120 feet across. Throwing dice See ekga is a cam mon prnptice Is qg~lt abops In Van couver. and if the ecstomer wins he pays lees than the reesgnised price for his cigar. aMakers of small blethry bandies for hammers, chisels and the like are now trying to use the waste from mills which make hlckory spokes and pick and ax handles. Although there are nearly 53,000.000 sheep in the United States. they rep resent less than 5 per cent of the total number of domestic animals on the country's farms. Charitable persons of New York city are endeavoring to supply pure candy to the children of the slums in place of the poor material which has here tofore been in their reach. A patent has been granted an appa ratus for determining the direction of sources of sounds by dividing the sound waves and receiving first one portion and then the other. A new fire escape resembles a gi gantic tape measid I"fft. co'isats of a steel ribbon that narolis from with in a circular casing se a person de scends while seated hin ellng at its end. The project for a tumnel under the British channel to tick gllgland and France is being cone dered afresh by the committee of Imperial defense and will be presented to the next parlia ment. The cities of Uim and Frankfort, In Germany. are trying a novel plan for housing their teachers. They are se!ll ing to their teachers land at a low price and accepting a nmortgage ofn It at low interest. In Seville. the chief seaport of south era. Spain. flour cscts nearly $10 a barrel at retail in small quantities, but oranges are less than a rent apiece. Ham averages abshout 4 cents a pound and sugar 9 cents. So that it will not be in darkness In event of damage below decks a steam ship built recently in England was provided with h ae"ond lighting plant mounted on the bhrie deck and op Vated by a gasoltne eegits There were WRAl ip4ets applied for tn America last Si . Only 855000 patents were grattlel. Of these not more than !10 win p1 the mann factaring stage and ) a sonrce of income to the investors. S.uce Germany obtalaed the island of Helgoland from Great Britain twen ty years ago the government has bee.n surrounding It with a wall of concrete until now it is completely protected against the inroads of the sea Jt is reported from London that the fashionable young men of that center of masculine fashion are trying to grow beards beenuse brown derbies are the correct thing. and it is not regarded as entirely proper to wear a brown derby with a smooth face. There are now twenty six days in the year recognized as legitinmate oc casions for holidays in most cities of England. These are in addition to the weekly half holidays observed on Wednesdays or Saturdays. .\n effort is being made to lessen the number of holidays and to bring those retained !to amre systemunalk order.