Newspaper Page Text
HELPFUL HINTS FOR HOUSEWIVES Washing Machine That Works by Hahd or Power. lIace the fltat. vacu(a washer wars pat on the mattet the patent ofmce has been flooded with scores of similar In qentions One of the latest Ils that of a 3Missouri mans. The trouble with east of these appliances is that they will ds either light work -:r heavy work, but seldom boet etqually well. This leachine has a pailr or air shafts with p~La valves at the upper ends and coni ,t mouths below. They are renmova is frorm the tub and can be operated either by hand or tiy motor power and with or without a gasoline heater at aebunent. It is claimed that this de ice will wash anything from lace cur ains to carpets thoroughly without ne aessitating anyh rubbing by thand on a board. Baket Piokerel. Cut omt the backboie of a good sized .ltkerel and'teirthe btnali bones which eea be remas-nm withnut tearing the sb too muca ir.let ettlat the ish out t shape. t ta4yh. Ibth a mon tIe. and, .en 1 f 'f It staibd ht iAt an bee. i' sit rve y thin s thes of R . 9 rack l a dripZ ogf pan 4 ; :8sh . skia, pide Amwa over ; with pork oLuepl4a USlk.t bones woered pan # fo3rt t c att . iniai t t once or wIt a M le amd serve with ttr.e rm ' tk'repalred thus: #tair bo. ~butter, ois of uwsa w atie, one-fourth lnlampent one. teaspoonful yapd pare .. Beat the butter to a aem. aimd ahbally beat-in the sea tu lg. tbe ' relay last of all. This iame bfinee" with all kinds of fish and stee wlhb beefaetealk. s' T'WlT" r+.. Good PFr Lunches. Nut Bread..O.e egg, one cupful sug ar, one eupful milk, one cupful nuts, Itree cupfuls flour, two teaspoonfuls bnking powder. LTet rise twenty min mae and bake abeut one hour. Excel bat for schiol lunches. Raisin Bread. P-'our cupfuls flour. S#s teasibt&tifuls baking powder, half a e.pfuln sugari, ,ne teaspoonful salt. gm:umpful ralsala. one egg. two cup .' uik. ie'rise twenty minutes s.-alSt . 4b eoil toe: If an open pan is S-.4ms6 eovee ttni ead with oiled paper. Olagerbea.i--altf a cupful sugar. " : `f at cuptut better; one cupfult mo Sbmles one...tgatoonfll ; each cloves, . Ba' on asatd glnger -two eggs. two f' . laed a aels.tened with Smilk. hp~Afitl botliag water, twn and a hal'f U lfuls flour. " Bakl in. i-.a even. Fm.romrade -Hair Tonic. S old fashioned hair tonic, that is m.lty helptfl o .starting new growth and preventing fatling hair, is made tQem S cents' worth of castor oil. 5 .outs worth of .purp grain alcohol and S eeats woruth. of bergamot. Shake a.l wetl together, until thoroughly aixed and apply- by parting the har bLatrands, and rgbbing the tonic right eats the scalp with the tips of the agers. Only.a .ery little of the tonic e applied pd. l.fgrts should be made to get- it right, q9 the scalp, not the bait.,t~ ghly. It is of tearse very {gasy, although thinned bi the atcs mlsp . ad tfor a feiw duys hrtware t i.. l-kIly to look aUsther- '. t~ieerc than a modern .I e0l.aMg a. tot e itle rubbing with Aby uie t his"uh ite -s. Furs. Te treshebn a : iYeehat has be -ses. fat' ifn't lis brua. h o it the 'FsgW t .,j moist hairbrush. ouratlaln. te icftllthe four is en Wresy driS 9I ou agiu. tihe beat light Swith a '. e lter, ievert with a rod. lbht eolored tani, aeoften benefited y aubbing very -thoroughly with dry W.-eal. rnubbd well In, then carer t oar brushed aind beaten out. !tll one cupfifl ot molasses and one .arter cupful otlbtter for two minutes. b4j two teespionfuls, salt, one table apataful tgisiir one-half teaspoonful ai-a and three' cupfuls flour. Beat ell; cfill ov hri t. ftoll very thin. Rat out with tifter and hake on but birel panri w o't o9e for ten minutes. . .. 4 ' a4t. is sprin + lt - +tti ree-it il FASHION HINT holly ,s ventai~ t. wanl :~ 1.'4 . in Palkan style, andi tIis u. I- %.i - ue-% and stnart. 1t is int4' with a tnarr.ow three piece shkilrt. and th Ih I.ta.ose ,ut ill the lobg ngsholt delt rs thl .1 lbth pro. ferr''ed ones of" the lt' solln A henaitiful little dIilly tri.resqeu ill this fashion woul4 d,.elig.l1 toim small girl at Christ.nas tinit. For a doll twentyll w t4 I(n41es ill height the dress will rcqni:9 oit .lltI COBTUME FOR THE CHRISTMAS DOLL. one-eighth yards of material twenty seven inches wide, with a quarter ex tra yard for the collar and cuffs. or five-eighths for the blouse and five eighths for the skirt, collar and cuffs. Titis May Mantonl pattern is cut in sizes for dolls eighteen, twenty-two and twenty six inches high. Send 10 cents to this of flce, giving number. 8064. A'a it will be 1 promptly forwarded to you by mail. If in haste send an additional t*O cent stamp for letter postage When ordering use .coupon. I No........... z..... . .... ............... Name ....................................... Address ... ............................. FASHION HINT By JUDIC CtHOLLET This bodice, which is made with overdrapery that forms the sleeves, is, extremely new and chic. It makes a c rming, even elaborate, effect, yet. since the drapery is cut with straight edges, it can be made from flouncing. The foundation is a plain blouse, with the sleeves sewed to the armholes. To give the effect on the figure this blouse is cut from the lining material and the center, front and back from wide band . ,. FANCY EVENING B is arranged. The point Is In the back view the bodice is cut 1 with high neck, and when treated in that wiy and with long sleeves it is adaptaed to afternoon wear. For the medium size the blouse takes 1 two and an eighth yards of material twenty-seven inches wide, with three- I eighths yard eighteen inches wide for the front and back portion, two and one-eighth for the drapery and one and one-eighth yards six inches wide pep- 1 lum to make as shown on the figure. This May Manton pattern is cut in sizes from 34 to 42 inches bust measure. Send 10 cents to this office. giving number, 80F7, and it will be promptly forwarded to you by mall If in haste send an additional two cent stamp for letter postage. When ordering use coupon. No........... Size.......................... Name ...................... • .,....o.... ....................... ...... . . . . . . ----- FOR THE CHILDREN Saltpeter Magie, Few things will create .o1101 Inferlm for ;a sh- il hr ~i enti til innii .ent tin the m.'l'ining for Jigit'. peolb!,. than \vlltt is k1 owlo i s si.lltiatei r ri;iic . It will irouse Ihel t cuiriosi tyl t tllhe high it pinlt whein tied 'l'f're hosit aind gir'ls \h hilri uei\- t c e Iar id of it tie fre . :rid4 wilt -ep tIllg ltessiinL for it loli; tUne. D)Is.o11ive sltl Ioler I ai t't ,lbif' t9ll Wati'r ii ill t'1k4 ll ilt iror. I Tetai itake .h1 endl ( ia ? lt p lleniolllht oT li S\11ll st11k11t 1il , it in lliat sol.oltit ;'l t( write so'1 i nordi iii 11iiii it4tnt(e lu S plh.e', or Illthlt Iill:Pr T'oi1 funst Iitiki, p; isis ai se 1%:at2 overg litlt4 I11 joill tloc li(ell9 o *lln t -here Is f'colntilnrilla line If Tl0i wrile iimore lhanll tiloe wtor, oel *e r,' per Ih,3y 1lrnd bte .lnet.,edt !.oall It thell. Ipaer dry ant il le waiting twill ti Invisible. I'olf dowls halt s isies at either end tO file nlet i* I.Oh:il Ino can make it stant on ia ale . %.-e set it upright on y glttt,! os mtnl_ thing which will nit atul Isr enni apply the tip o•e hb o# lighteA punk to where the word hegiLn onv# Oblch you have previously made a tiny enatr_. You will see a tiny glowworie of fire travel all along Ilhe lines feled. not stolpping wuntil the comlpte wore, Is burned ut nt. IO other pal.t a the paper will .e destroye4. Ipon ca; prepare severll ploer. '. laitper tils et va lnee. pint i , liht Ia iino ise .ou! Ut'ests. hitit ei:,eritli. .14 c ursI'e. 1) re tueil.r thetwi I'ert and tn4 ig *reai in the line. £ fricb don Soy& Most boys like to do tricksl m agic and "sleight of hand." so here is a very simple trick tbtI any one of yog can Ido after al little practice. It Os called "spinning the handkerchief." Of course you wouldu't use your own handkerchief. Ask some boy to lend you his. and pretend to select one with great care, saying. "It is first of all necessary to get the right kind of handkerchief." After you have picked out one throw it in the air, catch it on the end of a stick that you are twirl ing, and when the handkerchief spreads out to its full size spin it around rapidly. The secret of being able to do this Is that there is a needle or pin in the end of the stick, which catches the handkerchief and prevents it from falling off. The pin should be put In so that the sharp point extends out about a halt inch. The stick should have a sepooth sur face, so that it will rotate in the hand.' If t is po.l*ihed . -ir ailihebed so much the better. It wi* *iquire a little practice before you, are able to. catch the handkerchief If th"- middle and with the pin going through one thickness only. Jf It goes through two or three thlcknesses a fold results and your audience will notice the pin. You need to do some practicing before at tempting to do this trick -in public. Honesty In School. "You and I know that there are boys, and girls, too, who crib." writes Walter Prichard Eaton, taking up a delicate but important subject in an article on "The Scout In School" in Boys' Life. "A girl in my class had ,a geography under her feet covered by her skirt in an examindtion and kept dropping her pencil. .Sbe got .gS, and I never had any use t-. her after that. "A Jgoodm acon will sever crib. A good scout ought never to have any use.dr a boy or gtrl who does crib. "'idon't mean that you should squeal on a cribber. is a better way than thait "Just let himh know what you think of him. and just let him understand that he is no better than any other liar; that he has stolen, not money, but a good mark, which is just as had. Scouts should lead in school in creat ing a sentiment for honesty, for honor. If you do that by and by nobody will dare to crib. and you will have brought this about yourselves without turning squealer and going to the teacher." The Bird Sellers. A jolly game for children is called "the bird sellers." Arrange the players in a row, leaving two outside. These two are to represent the bird buyers. Give to each child the-namte of some bird. One will be. a crow, one a crane, another a canary, etc. One birdealer says to the other: "I wish to buy a bird.", "Whet kind ?" inquire he other. "A bird that can ) swiftly," says the first buyer. . "Very well, ta-Y what you wish." "Then," say'?, the first buyer, "I'll take a. robin'" AS soon as he says this the "robin" child must jump out of the row and run aound,, trying to escape. If the dealer catches the bird the captured one stays until the other "birds" 'have been selected and caught. The Elephant and His Trunk. A large paper elephant minus his trunk is tacked on the wall, then to each child is given a paper trunk and a pin. Each in 6rn is blindfolded. taken to the end of the robm and turn ed around three times and started to ward the elephant. The one who pins the trunk on nearest the proper place is given a prize. Four Hidden Birds. Don't mark, it excites the baby. The mud was ankle deep. How rents have gone up. Where % Nero, Binks? Asawers.=-ite, eln , wren, robin, % .t i.I h. ,ti t1'i 1-:;h , ,, Lu 'jio . i s . :. ri* l. 4 : 1 '16 I 41 '1 Grc: . aod s ic. , .iSb.: ti y L it l i t ? ijiso oi a i i el . 0':It 'o f tli, iih 'ft, ils t ln cIt ,lt g 'e it;r, i IDti . llt,-nL ' otable Fi itl J .iial ..iolt,'i 2'1 . *i.Ot , .:~ll . t.'ilriiiD. .iL .. ito, .it, ah, .ab ililltl~ ietl Il, ae t n9ill o li. It o. o l\ pik , .t4 and$ gL, 1 ,,1 I. ',itr , .'ialt ofP i;ml: lit," tll'li,,rr 1,l aa 4lal ilsi, ' Jlhellt t IOI . Ilt sitli (I.f t sllrasi il t. t a t ii , _ 1 ti'Ial freat.l cot ef the i manal Sil, n-tl (,0 P:C4 ,1kD ,o41ii i., . I.,- , l+lolar . J l,1"i lli im Il ,;:al hours of sals. o. n T % fltatt S, Pet:.:. 0i. 94L:. JA.! Itirii-ties eSl: off .il,.hA 'i:' el l n re,"gtllllt lian .da o 3 4i0l 11o. :itO oil %IIrl r,"liil4. isaldaD ,~'aril.t, ul i - i;nlil. %ifl thlie Juliceinsa 4o 1 irPi l. nt'lll Ila .nd . lo iit ti' ll'o e noiiat..l Bit ý,'lIlllilia "I l Stir . te , ffl t'+ dinando : 3. to Lend .to :i.l l1D satify- lha debt a. otrlid itl Gais hritu oier i1 tlohe ileas t sid laundl*t and li e tllle y-i r i ll(il' abiltel tiero. f eerola the 0th itay ofi thallblov *ulmb'leltlreij ahn tOtla ead tlf July 19at anti spaid, and all coste of tfhis suit, s well as tin f per ees t on said principal and dote'rso t tiheeon as att.r.ey's tees. I. P. ILoAisiRO, heriff, et-Oflicio Auctioleetr. Ctr:aisian, Oct. 30, 1913. o- onstable's Sale. aid eg--he the Justice of ith i Peace tiart in and lot Ward T'wo of i;addo Parish, a I... : . pe . Lantd ao. i:. E. Lathale. By virtue of a ~writ i aeisure and sale to me directed ib the alon(er able Justice of the Petac, outla , C. E. iunsoe , ,ustice of the Peace, inoa the above eumbered and entitled suit. I have, seized and gill offert for sale at public uietion, *witls benefit of appraisement, for east, at thre principal front door of tuse ourt house of Caddo Parish. Louisian, during the legal hours for sales. oa SATURDAY, NON. 29, 9913, The following described gropetyr, to-wit: Lots numbered oeventeen and eighteen on block five of Chris tian Heights addition to the town of = Vivian, La., as per the recorded plat of the said addition in the reeorder's office at Shreveport, La. Said prop erty seized' as belonging to C. E. La tham, the above named defendant, and to be sold to pay and satisfy the debt and judgment as specified in the said writ, say in the sum of eighty two and 95-100 dollars, with five per cent per annum interest thereon from the 30th day of August 1913, and all costs of this suit. C. P. BARNETT. Constable, Ward 2, Caddo Parish, La. Caucasian, Oct. 19, 1913. Notice of Tax Sale. To It. H. Walden: You are hereby notified that at tax sale for unpaid State and Parish taxes for the year 1912. 1 purchased the following property assessed in the name of R. H. Walden: Acre lots 29. 34. 35, 40 in northeast quarter of northeast quarter section 15. township 21, range 16. Which tax deed is dated June 21. 1913, and filed for' record July 3. 1913. and recorded in convey ance book 88, page 63. The amount of taxes, penalty and costs being $9.89. NETTIE J. STUART, Box 126, Shreveport, La Caucasian, Oct. 7, 1913. Bids Wanted. Bids will be received by the Police Jury of Caddo Parish until 12 noon, Nov. 13, 1913, for grading and gray eling two and one-half miles of, Norris Ferry road. Specific,tions and profile are on file in the office of the parish engineer. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. J. T. BULLEN. Parish Engineer. Caucasian, :'it. 16. 1913. 41;"Constable sale. In J,1,ice Court, Ward 'Two Parish .i;_Caddo. Statle'of Louisiana: Mrs. Lula Wiilliams. vs. L. . . illiams. By virtue of a,'writ of fieri facias to seize and sell the property of (dt dendant, L. '0), Williams, issued by the Hon. C. E. Dlunson, Justice of the Peace for .Wi'rdTwo, :arish of Caddo, State.4f Louisiann, to me d: rected, it have' seized and taken into nmy official cusltody and will offer fer sale at public auction wvith the ber. efit of appraisenment, for rash. at the front door of the court'house .f the Parish of Caddo. during the leg: I house for'sales, on SATURI)AY. NOV. 29. 1913. T'he following described prop ''rly, to-wit: All right, title and interem'st in and to the undivided one-tlirlietll interest in tihe northeast qularter of southeast quarter eof section 1I' anai the northwest quart[er of nortlheast quarter of section II, towlshllip 2!. range 16, and the suithlhwen l quarterl and the southeast quarteir 0 of Ihe norlhwest quartet' and southwu'sl quarter of the norltheast quarter. all in section 31. township 22. ranget 16. to pay and satisfy tlhe judgment :a specified in the writ of lieri facias in the sum of $82.45 rendered against said defendant L. O. Williams in said suit. together with costs of this pro ceeding. C. P. BARNETT''. Constable Ward Two. Caucasian, OctL 28, 1913. Headquarters for Fruits Call and Inspect Our ie Can dtes Caadies Largest ia the City' F, ireworks H. M.W il Peanuts Co,. rCornmep e and d iiam Sty . W . 2CaSE, sreQ targt-Tgreagr (ALE 80cEi as. uCE.. W. P. CBAAlI . . °t.H.80VIELL. it A. C(uoV) s. The Hicks Co. CULMITCE) Wholesale Grocers and Cotton Factork rIei: 4o6r*4e tCmmear .t., Wador.s:. Coeaae Sptis. . u. .v and Commerce S3t. ShREVEPORT. LA. g'eflorshelm ,ros9r *oh dt. at WHO t. 1 SAl.I ;rg $ood0, Notions and 7urnisking 5oods 7.l-37!-914-$96 toareree Itreest ?e, .ork 'Offiee, 4.1 - ecnard Street The Time is Here for Planting Seed for Fall and Winter Pasture Of course you would not think of buying anything but the lest Seed. Challenge Brand has never. Tailed you yet, and it i better this season than ever before. uy nothing but Challenge Brand Texas Rust Proof Oats, Winter Turf Oats, Southern Grown Seed Rye blended With Wheat, Mediterranean Wheat, Winter Barley. MAIL US YOUR ORDER, OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS RIG Tusten Seej & Produce Co. Lt. Marshal's Sale. No. *,567-In the City Court of Shreveport, La.: Mack \VWeltnan vs. (. E. Smith. Sy virtue of a writ of lieri facias issued in the above entitled and numbered suit, by the Heon. L. C. Blanchard. judge of the City Court, Shreveport, La., and to me directed. I have seized and will sell at puil'c auction, at the Texas stree,.'ront door of the court house.'f Caddo Parish, Louisiana, between the legal hours for sales, on SATURDAY; NOV. 29, 1913. Lot No. 64 and the east lholf of lot No. 65 of the Pinehurst Subdivision of the City of Shreveport, Fourth W.;ird of Caddo Parish, La., with all 'uildings and improvements there on, The above property seized as belonging to the defendant andl to be sold to pay and satisfy the debt as specified in said writ,. say the sum of '$50. with intIere-t from tlhe 26th day of February 1913. at 8 petr ctnt per annum. anll 10 p.'i'r tent at at torney's fees, and all costs. )ermin of sale cash Vwith lthe benefit of ap praiseur nt. 4L l. .'FERItALI . Lily Marshal (iauna-ian. ; ~ 9ý.23, 1913. Solicev of $ax sale. T gi tll. E.. \el.Oel: Y l i'ou are lItorI'd not liti d fhat at tax sale frP finp)aia Stat', a dl llariih taia es 'f.,r lll yeal 1912t. &i icha-l lhe' following lproperty as.''--1d in tih+ name of we,. E. lng.".:'rb r Ihd,:'26 and :35 in soutl h half o.l north half of north west ,lilart.r .sction 3i, township 21, ,ange 15. Which tax deed ik hateI.. .Tune 21. 1913. and fil, f'o'r rr'',ord July 3. 1913. and r,'cord.d in con \e - anre book 88. ipag' ti. TheI amount of taxes. p'iieally a ln'l cist- being 8,.16. NE'II' FE .1. ST'IUART. Box 1 26. Shrev'\'lpo;', La. C:ucai ian. ,Oct. 16. 1913, .lstray .otiie. "T'akin tip ytv A. I. Jolhn. ninen mills ý, I, Spring Ridg',. La.. and ,..tra -'dt i't'. In, n Il'I. h i. dleftear'. aninrtit'. 'our e h;' ad oit sic l e ic ll.d clribh.l'd i -. a oll to-w it, ,)II bl in tle ,',,\\. ,d,.Iii 9 ,.arS old, rllalko.] \w ith ulni ,-: " - 'It" ii a iI Ih II"f t ',. urind,.r- tlth ,. tr iI', :t1ni -p:il in right,. earl. ()It, bri n le Ie;!"i', " : ,ulfI 2 years old. markt.,l wlth uindI , I , -lope in the left ear. Und. ,r'-t1i,,. "")1' and split in right eari. Onii lop red heifer, about 3 years oil. marked with un der slope in the lft ear, under slope, crop and split in the right . One pale red heifer, about 3 y old, marked with under slope in the left ear, underslope, crop and split in the right ear. No brands on any of these cattle. Owner will come f;crward, prove property and pay charges, or the same will be • ild according to law on Saturday,' the 15th € y of November 1913,dur ing the legal hours of sale, at the residenct of A. D. Johns. t. T. SYLVESTIR, o Justice of the Peace Sixth Ward ar Caddo Paris, Louisiana. Caueasian, Oct. 9, 1913. Sheril*'s Sale. No. I7,-5--In the First Judicial Dis trict Court of Caddo Parish, La.: Chas. L. Horne vs. W. E. Quinn. By virtue of a writ of seizure and salte to lle directed from the Hon orable First Judicial District Court of Gaddo Parish, La.. I have seized and will offer for sale at public-aue lion for cash and without the bene fit of appraisemr.nt, at the principal dlirc of f th court house of Caddo Parishl. Louisiana, during the I ;gal hIrls of salse, on SATl II A.\Y, NOV. 29. 1913, .ot nie hundredt and eight and half of lot one hunIdred and nine adjoin ing anl lyinr: nxt ,t said lot one hundred; anal .ight of the Tmrnple man ..rtihdi.ision of Ire (City of hra r..el! rt. la.. with all the built'. .. an; t imprvmtr ..rnts thereou. Said ipropelrty osiz,.d as belonging to Iloe a4#oe,, mItnad dlfealants and to bhe -kld to pay and satisfy the debt Ys s.[iraifitel in said writ say in tbe ith i!o f.fiv\ halrlrred dollars with (-iiO. ,'pr cent per annum interest on, $250.(1 thlereof from June 23, 191i, and a"igh.t per cent on $250.00 per antm ti from I the 1st day of Feb rary t 1911. rniil paid, and all costs of this stttl, a well! as ten per cent on -aid principal and interst as r t rtt,,y. faa-. .. . . . FLOURNS Shert fT. I x-Officio Auc tionrer. Cauc'asian, (ta,. 21. 1913. Iow to Order Patterns. Palt erns dorcribed in the ~ ucas ian are sPplipid lby the Ma -jantou Patl trd Cortalllyatr. Greeley square, N'ew York City, and Masonic Tem ple. Chicag,. Ill. Forward order with name, and address to the New York or tlChtgOn offlie with lOc for each patltern. 'l'he will be mailed iire.ct to you. Good stationery is essential to the up-to-date merchant. Phone 1000.