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'X THE4 x. I1H ;9 enry Rose Mercantile .. - - .----. nI Manufacturing Co. LIMITED Wholesale Fruit, Produce & Seed PROPRIETORS Shreveposi Candy- Factory, and Bottling Works ---- - - 2 . z z - . .... HERMAN LOEB bEtablished 1874 COTTON Member "lWew York CottLa ICEdange, New Orleans Cote as change, Liverpool Cottes Ameglatio. km Will pay the beat market prices and will give the eloe a tention to all cotton latrauted to me. Prompt returns. OiFICE:-Commeree Utragi, Corner Crockett, Nest to V. SI * P. MaBway, bi eport, Louisama. The Florsheim Brothers Dry Goods Co. (LIMrlTED) WHOLESALE Dry Goods, Notions and Furnishing, Goods 51-5419-514-51 COM~lRCE ST., SIEIX8VPORT, LA. I NEW YORK OfFICE, 4 LEONARD .T. I B. 8HICK, Pros. and Tress. R. E. COME0GS. Secretary S YALE HICKSlnd T. H. . ~VLL, Vice-Presidents -. . .I AI RS: Thi Kick.G. Ltd. &~* 44tton Faotors 'sdat Fans BraKeT, CON"E O COIMERlaI. r111 S 4spwlring. Traws a6 Commerece Streets, Shreweport . tuia1ca a 'atsandbst asad to a 0f - _' - - m " - ` 1 i± e z-~ innom· R+dG t~a~ .p A+ .ri 9 A meeting of the stockholders of the Regent Shoe Company will be held at the office of the company at No. 320 Texas street, in the city of Shreveport; La., at 4 o'clock p. m. on Monday, February 2nd, 1920, for the purpose of amending Article IV of the charter of said company $ 0;o.00, to moo0oo.O0 and increas ing the number of shares of stock from two hundred and fifty to one thousand shares, and for the trs action of such, other business aa may be preset. at said meeting. J. KATZEN SZIM , MrS. BItA I KAT vNSTEIN, Seretary,tesaurer. Cucaesian, Januariy !s te. weatebw .tweefts LOC ... CO s M.. .ET sbhrerveowt k, Jan.1A too. 4The ;narkgt aE ieta , Rneceipts b Iales. I pd 4 --'s a mod= ,. ..pre _.fgly .... 5, *(4 stea A w ead --- ai, - P s·,;-'S 4eata of James S. There 0eparted this lif o'clock Thursday mornin 95, at his home, 553 He James S. Noel, who was 12 miles from Shrevepo 17, 1844. Mr. Noel's health impaired several months, he was hopeful of recove received all the attention of the Best medical skill, coupled with untiring, loveful ministration of his devoted wife, he experienced a sudden change which terminated in his earthly dissolution. The deceased was reared in Caddo Parish. He attended the common school. His early struggles were ever carried with perseverance. Being self-reliant, and industrious, he gradually reached the stage of life when he engaged in commercial pursuit in Jefferson, Texas, with his partner, Dr. Morse, the firm being Noel & Morse. In later years, from 1869 to 1902 he was domiciled at Mooringsport, where he was engaged in merchandising and in agricultural pursuits. He was a practical man of affairs, which led to his success. His removal to Shreveport with his family dates from the year 1902. As a citizen of Shreveport he was dutiful, and contributed his full share to the welfare of the commu nity. He was unassuming in man ner, and to his credit be it said that he was not only generous with his means but practical in his charities, which were contributed silently. His inMmates admired'him for his manly worth. His heart was filled with the milk of human kind ness. The deceased did his share in life as a man and good citizen. He was a Confederate veteran. He helped substantiall, in redeeming his state from the rule of spoila tion during the era of reconstruc tion, and was always active in the political responsibilities resting on the loyal citizens. He served eight years as a mem ber of the Police Jury of Caddo . e was a i numnt to him is Memorial Chureh, erected by hin in com memoration of his son, James S. Noel, Jr. No greater tribute opuld man observe to his son than this me.mrial. In the death of Mr. Noel this city and parish have sustained the Ybss of one of its best eitizens. At the time of his departure Mr. Noel was a director of the First National Bank. - Mr. Noel is survived by his wife, his sister, Mrs. M. E. .Bush of St. Louis, two sons, W. B. and L. L. Noel, and three daughters, Mrs. C. W. Lane, Mrs. H. MoCain, and Mrs. D. B. Bainford, all of Shreveport. The funeral service was held this morning in the Noel Memorial by Rev. W. W. Drake, pastor of The Noel Memorial congregation, and Rev. J. S. Saunders, assisted by ,Rev. Claude L. Jones, of the Central Christian Church and Rev. P. R. Powers, of the Texas Avenue Me thodist Church, friends of the fam ily. The burial took place in the fam ily cepmetery, near Mooringsport, in the presence of a large gathering of his friends. The active pall-bearers comprised P. C. Hearne, Ivie Watson, Dick Lindsay, Judge W. C. Barnette, P. 1. Porter, F. B. Russ, E. L. Houston, H. E. Gump, C, O. Beauehamp and It P. "Honaket. Henorary: N. C. Blanchard, J. B. Ardis, Andrew Querbes, ,J P. Flour noy, Victor. Oroeaean, Ben Holfman, I. c. Rosers,. Thos. R. Huhes, R. Fuemlan, A..J. Ingersoll, E. A. Frost, A. D. Saenger, (Ou PalIler, J. H. Scotat, Will Knight, J. C. Fester, Judge 3J. Q Palmer, W. H. Hodgesc s. P. Iarrell, W. L. Young, J. Y. Alexander, W, 'r. Crawford, T. B Chase, -0. 1, Woodward, Goo Job s iir- Harmon, S. . Hiaeks, W. . Ett John S. JoI WW. Ohaeu, J. Booth, lon. John R Lt a-Ch Ii. Peroneel, P. P. Keith Laes Wolff, W. A. rotter, J. H dab, Samr 1eyfuesf,. Dr. J. P seet. Iver Fwreee. Red Rirer: Fall at Polton anc 'noteneh e hange of fall at Shreve. in telt two days. ur: River: Fall at alites - i n two days, verar CoptIioe4 faR a day -evera WAgs, leui to s. - tie4 n this the 99th he year of our Nine Hundred e me, the un dersigned Depu rk and 1TE-$)f ticio Notary Pu 'duly appointed, commissioned axniqualified in and for the parish of Paddo, Louisiana, and in the prese r .of the witnesses herein named au tndersigned, per sonally came and appeared W. B. Mandeville, a reident of El Paso, Texas; Fred C. Kfiollenberg, a resi dent of El Paso, 'tztas; W. T. Stev enson, a resides 'of Shreveport, Louisiana; C. Hudspeth, a resident of Shreveport, Louisiana; M. G. Wemple, a resi t .of Shreveport. Louisiana, and J. E. Mason, a resi dent of Shrevepo &, Louisiana, who declared that 'av.iling themselves of the provision of the laws of this state relative to corporations, and particularly Act No. 267 of the General Assenmbly of the state of Louisiana for th ..Lar 1914. they have formed and, organized and by these presents form and organ ize themselves to a corporationi and body politic n law, for the ob, jects and pur es hereinafter seo forth, and to t end they hereby formulate and dtlopt the following articles of incorporation, to-wit: ARV.ItLE I. The name and title of this cor poration hereby formed shall be Homo-lou Petreum Company, In'. and its domiogi shall be and is hereby at they pity of Shreveport. Caddo Parish, Luisiana. ART-JUE II. The objects -andr purposes for which this ct oration is formed are as follo#*S. To 'buy, sel, lease and sub-lease and otherwise ;cquire and alienate landd, leases, dll, gas and mineral leases, royal mineral estates, .mineral int in 1 Seta It pei r rilillng any above acts. To bore and drill, and to do such other acts as may be necessary to produce and transport oil and gas and other minerals either for the corporation itself or under contract with others, and to engage in any business complemtntary or inoi dental to its performing the above acts; and to lay pipe lines and ac quire rights of way, tank stations and all aceesortes to the transpor tation of crude and refined oil. Tb purchase, lease or otherwise acquire, to hold, own, work, devel op, sell, convey or otherwise dis pose of, within or without the state of Louisiana and elsewhere, real estate, real and personal property and any interest and rights therein. To purchase and otherwise ac quire oil, gas and mineral lands and leases or contracts; and mineral rights and royalties on oil and gas produced and to be produced, from the person or persons entitled to or owning the same, under mineral leases or contracts and property of any kind, character and description, convenient or useful in developing producing, gathering and disposing of petroleum, oil and natural gas and other mineral deposits of every character and description, and to carry on and to conduct any and all such op erations. To purehase, own or otherwise acquire, and to hold and use, and at will to sell, assign and: othetie dispose of any ~ uh licenses, fran hises, grants of rights of way and other privileges granted or agreed to be granted by individual munici palities. To buy and lease, or otherwise to acquire, hold, and to occupy apd operate an~g and all lands in the state of Louisiana or elsewhere for the development, exploration and search for, and the production and procurement therefrom of oil, gas, ,shale, sulphur.,iron, gypsum and other mineral substanees and things of .~alue of every, kind, whether liquid o ootahetIse, and to erect, purchase tnd .'maintain all struc -tres dBd applIances, refineries. smelters and factories, or reducing works of any kind and character for the development of such prop erties, and for the manufacture, re f fining, smeltin& reducing or other - wise treating or preparing for mar ket or for for ther purposes. all or Sany -of the abstaaees mentioned. t -lSurthersnet of the general t p werek nfrred by the laws of the ag ofte£ ·rll mad of the oh jecto mn ipIrpros ha.oeit *ats.& it is espressl prorilteSl Ohas? sth company shall have 81*0 g.il4sewi.g powerq glamely. To do snP an& all thiiio Ir't.i' s54 forth as objects, *utose9. )o* ere or e erwise to the sane tem.ent andP as fully &n4 eomprehensigli as maturat persons aight *or 1lbi do ia Louisiana or elsewherw; "s rrincipals, contractor% lr stelwo eºru' othlrerwisP. To hold, purchase ., eltherwise acquire, to sell, assign, transfer, mortgao, tpledge, or otherwise elis pose of shares of the capital stock. bonds and other evidences of in debtedness, create other corpora tions, and when the holde" of such to exercise all rights and privileges of ownership to the same eitent as a natural person might or couhl do. To enter into, make and perform cont'acts of every kind, with any per:-on, firm, association, public :ir pr t."al ur body politic, to draw. make, ac ,':t, endorse, discount. er ecute and issue promissory note'. drafts, bills of exchange warrants. bonds, debentures aid other n 'go ,iphle or transferable inu'truments and evidence, of indebtedness, whe tiher secured by mortgage or other wise, so far as may be permitted by the laws of the state of Louisi ana. To do all and everything neces sary. suitable, convenient or proper for the accomplishment of any of the purposes or attainments of any one or more of the objects herein enumerated, or the powers herein mentioned, or which shall, at any time. apepar conducive or expedi ent for the protection or hbenefit. of this corporation, either as holders of or interested in any property or otherwise. ARTICLE ITT. All citations or other legal proc ess shall be served upon the presi dent. of the corporation, or in thf event of his absence upon the vice president, or in the event of tlhe absence of both of themr upon the secretary or treasurer. h m ARTICLE~ IV. The period of the exrsfhee or duration of this eprporation is here by fixed at ninety-nine (99) years from the date of this act, unless sooner dissolved under the provis ions of law. ARTITLE V. This corporation shall have power o contract, sue and be sued: and nake and use a corporate seal, and he same to alter at pleasure; to old, receive, purchase, lease, sell ind' convey, as well as hypothecate Ind mortgage in its corporate name, ny property which it may own: to ippoint such officers as the busi less of the corporation may re luire: to make such by-laws, rules mnd regulations for the government >f this corporation as may be nec ,ssary, and for the same to alter or change at will. ARTICLE VI. The capitalization of this corpor ition is hereby fixed at Two Million $2,000,000.00) Dollars divided into ,wo. million shares at the par value if One Dollar ($1.00) per share, 'ifty per cent. of which has been subscribed for. All shares of stock ;hall be paid for in money, or in property conveyed to this corpora tion or in labor performed in he helf of this corporation, at a valua Lion fixed by the board of directors, and all stock when issued shall be fully paid *nd non-assesable. The capital stock may he increased to Five Million ($5,000,000.00) Dollars, aecording to law. There shall be no preferred stock, but all stock shall be of the same class, equal in all respects, includ ing its vol nu power. ,i;TICLE VIT. The bus:n a ffairs of this cor poration shall be under the man agemen! a'.l control of a board of directorh an1. composed of five stockholders: a majorily of whom shall constitute ¶ quorum:.;which board of directors shall be invested with all the corporate powers, of this corporation, subject, however, to. any restrictions which may ie stipulated ip this charter. Meetings of the board of direw tors may be held at the home of fice or at any other place either within or without the state of Iouni siana.. The board of directors shall elect a president, a vice-president, a sec retary and treasurer, and su(h other officers as may be necessary for the management. of the affairs of this corporation: they shall hayv the power to fill all vacancies or nurring by death, resignation or --------~c------ ----Y TIIs Wee!k *we'lln o~ ot D al$iaigtrtcet oIaiit desgw arm itm 4tc q * )I& "1 ý"4 Jia tdas rejtlwe 1 S e 14ea~$ln4 b.rý Shreveport, LJO~u~mFL6 ,'~ianb --. - -- -- ------ - - - ofttepwise. The office of the scere-: ifry and Ireasulrer may be comn hinedl and held by one and the same, person. WV. T. Ntevenson, a resident of Shreveport, Louisiana; C. Hudspelh. a resident of Shreveport, Louisiana: 1M. (~. Wemple, a resident of Shreve portl. Louisiana: J. E. Macon. a resi lent of Shreveport, Louisiana: \W. It; Mandeville, a resident of El Paso. Texas, and Fred C. Knollenberg. a resident of El Paso, Texas, shall constitute and compose the first hoard of directors. with W. 11. . Man leville. presidnt; Fred C. Knollen berg. vice-president.; and J. E. Ma con, secretary and treasurer. ARTICLE VIIT. 'o Iran -fer of stock shall be bind ing rupon this corporation unless the same shall, have been made upon the application of the owner or his authorized agent, and not duly entered upon the books of the corporation. ARTICLE IX. This charter may be amended and its capital increased or de- creased or decreased by complying with the provisions of law, in such cases made and provided. Whenever this corporation is di" solved by limitation or otherwise its ffirs shall be liqu iltedori st'- tied by one or more liquidators elected or appointed by the stock that purpose, and which.liquidators shall have such power, perform such duties, and give such bond or bonds as the stockhohlers may re quir,e. ' - ARTICLE X. It is hereby declared that each member of the board of directors hereinabove named is the owner in his own name and right, fully paid for and unincumhered, of at least fifty shares of the capital stock of the corporation, and hereafter each director elected shall possess a like qualification. ARTICLE XT. The first board of directors shall hold office, until the second Mon day in January, 1920, at. which time and annually thereafter a new board of directors shall be elected by a majority of the votes cast by the stockholders, each stockholder being entitled to cast either in per son or by proxy, one vote for each share of stock owned by him. No tice of the holding of the annual stockholders' meeting shall be giv en according to law. The failure or omission to hold the annual elee tion of officers of this corporation in the manner and at the time and place specified in this charter shall in no manner suspend or. interfere with or affect the business of this corporation, all officers holding of fice until their successors are elect rl ald qualifield. ARTICLE XII. The subscribers to these articles of incorporation, their respective postoffice addresses, and the state ment of the number of shares of stock each has taken in this cor poration, are as follows: W. T. Stevenson, Shreveport, La., 0o shares. C. Hudspeth, ghreveport, La., 5io shares. M. G. Wenmple, Shreveport, La., 51) shares, J. E. Macon. Whreveporft. La., 3t3.300 shmares iFred Ct:. Knoillenberg, El Paso. Texas. ::3:.303) shares. \W. it. Alaindeville, El Paso. Texas, 3:33.300 shares. 0 ARTICLE XIII. No stockhobler in thiis corpora fion shall ever he ield liable for tihe confracts or flaulfs or this cor poration in any further sum than the unpaid balance due the cor ,orat lion on tie, shares of stock is sni.dl to and owned by him. except in siilih eases where the law makes them liable for violating certain provisions thereof. in testimony whereof the partied !;ave signed the instrument in the presence of Thos. WV. Robertson and N. E. Houston. competent aftesting witnesses, and me, notary public, on the day andl date first above wriffe,ll. as the date hereof. .1. E. MACON, WV. B. MANDEVILLE, (By J. E. Macon) FRED C. KNOLLENIERO, (By J. E. Macon) C. HIUDSPETH, W. T. STEVENSON. M. G. WEMPLE. Attest: THOS: . ROBERTSON, N. E. HOUSTON. W. B. WILLIAMS. D)eputy Clerk and Ex-Officio Notary Public, Caddo Parish. Louisiana. Endorsed: Filed and recorded this 19th day of December, A. D. 1919. W. B. WILLIAMS, )eputy Clerk and Ex-Officio Deputy Recorder, STATE OF LOUISIANA, PARISH OF CADDO. I hereby certify that, the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original as the same appears on record in my office in Book 37 G(iven tpder my hand and seal of office on this the 19th day of De cember. A. D. 1919. W. B. WILLIAMS, Deputy Clerk and Sx-Officio Deputy Recorder. Caucasian, January 16, 1920. o Sueeession Notice. No. 25,945. First District Court of Louisiana. Succession of Dr. J. 11. Ledbet ter. State of Louisiana, Parish of Cad do.- Notice is hereby given that Marion A. Ledbetter has this day applied to be appointed Dalive Tes tamentary Executor of said succes sion, and unless opposition be made thereto within the time specified by law, he will be appointed as prayed for. Witness the Honorable judge of said court, this 14th day of J.anuary, 1920. F. C. O'LEARY. Deputy Clerk. Caucasian, January 16. 1920. 0 --------o- -- This is the unhappy period of the campaign when the campaign man ager receives preemptory demands from admirers of his candlidate for him to speak at points 2K0 mileb apart on the same day. The W. K. Henderson Iron Works and Supply Company MIarulacture end DMaler in Machinery, _Mill Supplies, Oil Well Supplies asnd Heavy Hardware.