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nut; BATOÏÏ t:::l»EO. aï, 189«. M abonio .—Til «-yi tie B mooting of th* brethren oh e g t . James Masonic Lodge No. ^<ililS a t«rdR)f morning at 10 o'clock,to install itiewoly elected officers of the Lodge for ti nm |tig y fiftr , The in itallatloft will Uk«} Bc e privately at the Hall, cor. of Main I Church sts. Di Soto Lonot ïfy._At a meeting of Do Polo Lodge Nö. T |n. 0. F. ) on Thürs »ight. the 25tli in»t.,| following officers were elected for the e,j tl!t »is month« ; T. M, A. B rtaj », Sitcr'T. A, AtTAf tua». 1. N. CotitM«.K.,Ö«ot'T. ihsn fund Com., A. M ATTA, ltkKBT JoNI A. IlRADro«». Representative* to <J. t a. 8. H ereon, O. BAnnre Bar«*** HitOAWm.—the other nrlleles, j«at ih »tore nt tMvurelionse of Bs A B ,H will "he seen, tlrt| m ve, Cherry Valley Butter, btignr Cnred nms , paired PlfifS IVet, In »mall packn^ g tH r Can dles. Winchester Soap etc. AwHftirAN Lire. -At»erlc«t|fo ;* hut the agony of a fever. There ,, 0 rgtioea fur tie. we push on in (Ven.,1 ( ,*cite ment through the crowds, tl^ 0 i SB) tin; hi'tg'arfi nrsil d«it of the hisrhy,, with out tttrnintt for » moment to ra 3 ), our _ »elves 1« the quiet »ml shade >n 1( > by paths of Ufa. We have hut one,| Pn t in our rajiid journey, and that is H<>t the atari of our fellow-travellers. O\»»ol|ti <?Hi etptaHty, offering to ill a chftn^„ r the |i>i i7"< of lift, and iltos eneouragiiipvery lots" to tiy hia speed in the race, Ts nt m ib't a »put to the idiaracterlsöe 1mm of mpr . loans. Our instittitiotis, ho«•»»##, à t)«t responsible for the prise We choose fcOri for. There is no reason that we ktsr 0 f why » tepublk-an should have no i 1Pr aim in Iilfe but to get Hoher tlmn his mi bor; hut t liera are a tlipueand ffootlù. V liealth and imppiw pursue other attd liii eontH If we rallié he* why wo should nursue other atid iiiteil objecta. When the pursuit of wealth thi g it At jitttpoae of life In »0 rapid pro^jesaj va state of material prosperity, l' xi» ta in mir colli ttieri'lar'totii mil ni tlo'a, ieqitir#a exclusive devotion and the hig est àtrain ijf th# faculties to succeed. , fair Competence, however ia easily reacfl ;.V,5K r i.'.1 SÄ. ÄT "Who** At* ta l"rt"~""Wtll you give me a glass of ale, pleaeo f" asked a rather aeed i*h lookitsg person, with an old but well brushed «oat and ni most, too shiny a hat. It was produced by the bar-tender, cream - ing over the edge of the tumbler. "Thank re," #nld the recipient, an he placed it to hi* lip*, Having Buished it right off at a ewailow, he Smacked hi* lip»,"and said. "Tluit I* very lino *fe-~wy ; whose Is itf' "It's Harman'» ale." 'î Ali I Harihati's, eh f "Well, give usotie moreglnsg,'' It was done ! and holding It up ts the ltglit, and looking through it, the ooiinoisseur «aid, "Fan my word,itl*i<upurb ale—aup urb I «Isar aa Mndarla. I must have some »ore of that I Give me a mug of It," The mug was furnished i hut before putting It to his Hps. the imbiber «aid. "Whoso ale did yon say this was!'' Hatman's replied the bar-tender. Thè mug wa*exhausted, and also the vocabulary of praise ; and it only remained for the B*ppreelating gentle man to a»y, aahe wiped his moutli and went toward* the door ; "Barman'* alels Itf t l ittfto llarman very well 1 shall see him soon, and settle with him ftrtlie two glass es.and a mug of bin ineoni parable brett,—. ; | A fbioan A bsolutism .-The Ring of Da homey I* .me of the most absolute tyrants in the world ; and being regarded as a demigod by hi* own suhleot«, his actions are never questioned. No person «vor at» pro*,dies him, e veil his favorite chiefs with ^ prostrating themselves at full length en ttie ground", and Covering their faces and head* with earth. Itie a grave offence to suppose that the King eats, drinks, sleep» or pertorms any of the ordinary functions of nature, His meal* arc alway* taken tft a secret place, and any man that has the misfortune or temerity to cast his èyes no on him in the aet 4a put to death, "if the King drinks in public,, which I* done on eome extraordinary occasions, his person iaooncealed by having a curtain held up before kirn, dining which time the people proatrate themselves, and afterwards shont and cheer at the very top of their voices. «•- HïfoonV Matter» .yVt'.-o |ti?* During Doniphan's march fl-om El Fasso to Chihuahua, the black aervanta of the different officer* of the regiment formed themselves into a company. There were twelve of them, of which "number eleven were officers and one high private. Jo.—, servant t» Lieut. D——, was elected Cap tain, He wa* the blackest of the crowd, and «ported a large blaok faathar with a «mall olaek htk -*l#o a large si ' intensely Wight braea hilt sabre was eternally getting ingsof hl* T a sabre with an -which same „ _ involved in the intHcate windings oT his^ow legs. With Jo. for Captain they were a ftwmldah)« body, and to hear thim talk, they would work wonders I—During the battle ofSa eramento, however, the company were not to h« wen, but after the action was over, they w-ere espied breaking ont from the wagon and joining In the pursuit.— That evening one of our officers attacked I «3Î » vsbsl , «» -™, h„. b.. 1 hind the.. miW.-JMrt»* the fl^hl "Lieutenant, l>e lierry sorry to aar it am do tmf ! I do M cberytltig-I call'd on the patensm ob the men—I injokod dem j by all dey hold most de*h in dis world an j <le nex* Hut It wm no go ; xley would git on do wrong «id* ob de wagons." " But, what did you do there f" j " I stood dar gittin' e«oler. and d* firing j kept gettin' hotter, and at last de cannon halls cum #o ortnlgkly Ast, I thoght the I best ting dis niggi* eoald do, witr to go i behind the wagon* herself } 5, -£ m >« U ù . *»ncy <*oo«ts DONNTT and Sash Ribbon*, Telr«t and nicel fessa i bÄ^riÄt'^ E "'" *•» OaWtAWK Cw*4» Broac. Special iatirrs. WOTÏriF!>"**ÔeistletB*ii'» Garä« of «dm», tare» to the " Ornn«t P«nry Ih*«» «ml M«» qnrmtlr Ball»" la be given at the Harney Hoase, en Wednesday »Venlng, ltec. 81st. can be procured only, at the Store ol IT. D. Phillips, Cor, Church and Lafayette street! HAfl) CAP», ttOOTS, AU!» SHOES. M ENI",? fancy Drew Bent», do., Men do., Fane* lî and plain Walking , «fîmes, P. L. flhoes ! all lite*, with and without heil» I «Jetterai assortment of Fancy and plain Men and tëoys Cap», Hat», etc. Fancy French, winter and stimuler Bonhets, at astonishing low price». dec-18 ». A. tRtittSBALB* CO. St/NDBIES. t AttOH Work nf all qualities ef Bed tllankets, IJ cheap for money. French, Kngilslt and Am erican H oslery, Iti gbnnd an ce at .Swiss prices.-— Velvet ItlIiBèH, hlgfck and Fancy Colors. A gen eral adànrtnteht ofTrimtbingl fer hadle* Presses; llrild : assorted Caters. Llns«y, Jean» ; assortert flannel! He. J. A. TltUUÄltAliB 4 CO. I'riTAte ttotti'diiif« TUB undersigned Isprepared to accommodate a I re« hoarder* at the brick »lore on Levee street. Every nttetttlnn will be given to their comfort.— Apply Immediately to the »tore of Vct.ät-y. C, O'OALLIQUAK. New lint«*, Shtinlrtor* «tut Sitte*» WE HAVE received to-day, New Hams, Shoulder« and Sides, I" which the at tention of ctwtoiners is called. deria. MuNTAN & BRO. FRÜIT I FHOIT I ! TUR tuttnerlher, lin» now completed lili nI rangement« tngetln daily, fre*h J «upplie« of all the different kinds of frolt to he had In Neiv Orleans, at this season. A Bond stock of Pegrtr» a!»ay» on hand. not-i4 Sm. M. BARTOLt. Vimiie America. fllllE he»t Ohrlstmns present yonr ftaddle» can X make you, I» a pair of those beautiful III tie Pii'iss, just received at the "CuptiotSlihe Store." dec8i-8t. It. HRNDRHPON, Lafnyettp fit. —- -« * fji< x IlllCltll*!)« —■ •«—>—» •" •' Holtdiiy Prwiils. rriIE ttèlhfay» are approaching, when custom l demand«, and love accords the presentation of those I Ittle token«, which serve to keen the fiver» constantly tri remembrance. tVbat better selection! ckh be made than article» of .1 r.\\ i:i. «t. which Will from their tastefulness he admired and for their Utility be valued. I have now nil hand a splendid Assortment of e»ery thing In my Ilm which t offer for sale at lower prices then ever before. Persons In search of something neat and suitable will do well to call on me before pni chas IngelseWher« THEO. HOLUM ANN. Gtirmcnla A- PnriilaliinK tinnds. ' tn that line we have a fresh supply, ,l " Ahd at price» that will make you buy." (ee!t N e # Otiuuss Cns»r Sroa*. dec'JI EMBROIDERED CTT9 of Cliemlsette* and Sleeve» ; • Single " " Swiss and ,l»conet Baud» i Collars, Veils ; Handkerchief» j Infants Bobes-, at the N kw Ont .«a »a C«s*e Sroa«. Boys nml V out lis elegantly finished and In great v«r a at Nfcw O ä L rak» C iibap Brons. rme»i Mild and Striped Silk», at the NKW Orleans CHEAP S tors . lirlsitmHo I'rrscntii, A B ^ V 1 " f ^anoy Working Batket* and . 1 "J'tei'taie» lias justbeen opened at the afc81 t N«w O ri. rasb CBR»r PTORi. Atl V A t..... K M H R < I H ) K It 1K S . I ill', muriigned has just opened a new ^"'''Mt nf KMttiioinp.Rifs, cehsist '"^ im j ô, ' e ^ Swiss and Linnen Collars end linder(e e v^ S) in sets to match. Also n large as*» nie „t n f p| a j n f,jnen Collars, for Ladies tf ) Misses, a few very hand some \alet ennes ant ) H oui ton Collars and Sleeves^ ov2 2| W. D. P hillips. V I N K S 7 IS# ^ASF.S| are t, various brands. Superior d p or t Wine, Sherry, Maderia, . Muscat, Old nur^ Whiskey, " Coef. fliandy, H oil in, '• ,'amai Rum, t ordiais nn.l Anette 01 various quali ties, For sale at .tail by MONTAN & BRO. Ptitr, BAKF.RS Maills'Hy Mill«, .luvt re ceived ami fof\| e B t dec-ft. B a» kk & BüfWAMtN 1 ». HAM,;» Voirai». »1 l »!7«Mr e i! ,re ' 1 f'f .t or ' e at " ,e Agricultural " wabllshment of the' U|erslgU8d-2TO Hull of '*• 'elehr^ted W r Kht f ron MouM u, mr ,i '.»Ä I??. 'J' wlthn,,t .i. r , R d f" b " s of »»»« m »ker, k L anouk. BÜTTRR & SOD4 CR ICKERS llffc HAVP i„ s r rt J , " \\ I^omtinnrt (Jkerv t,' , ^"L 1 .îî 16 a „ i nTJ* «lioice lot, Butter, J- ? ' ra ®j* er «#irh«eh we offer F , p a / e ,, a , ) e receive Fresh , tso ^ a " "escriptiot weekly from " ie above Uakery. M itan #« 7?no. -aKris» 7 1 '..ov.Me ei, eun ,,! al , Pe ,. V, | " ," n "^ distant. A good assortment on. n a f nr s»le »t m »T 2r - ~ ~ " —~—— . I.ARD A\'l) I,AHtloif,, A FF.W barrels of l,ard\ m l Winter IX Strained Oil on hand ano™. «»u bv decS. M. G'^RV a K " — -— _____ ttavwt \1/K HAVR j, w t received Mher fine » * assortment of Stoves, »tw which aie a variety of small Office, »Hör and Cooking Stoves for wood and J. PlrF.Kk CO. Cette« Batttag. t"•■»»««»• ÎV»4or,„rtfc.. #b y ™ <« i u «EO.M. H ÜStlfa MTON ROUGE BAZAR! New Fltm, ttevr Ooodi, tow Priée». ri inscurnvr uini«»« wiuuihi«i buccm, i*«» fti r-cefpt of A new ami stock of Fall and Winter Hoods, to which they («rite the in tention of the eltlteus of Dntoti Hnag«> *1»« Mtoclt of Dry flemtii lit Oenernt, ti one of the largest and be*t assortment ever ef fered In tblsclty, Including almost etery article wblch may be called for. The assortment of ladles Brest Gnods It com plete, and It ha^beeti »elected with with the prea - est care, and our stock of Ft'tiNISI! I Pit! ovom cLoimnte, hats , caps, moots and StWtW, defies competition. New Orleans price*. I» the mottu In all departme it»' J. A. TltOtlSDAliE k Co. tio»?9-y. Corner Main and l.nurel st». GENT'S CLOTHING. Bf.ACK.and Colored llre»sand Frock OOATB, Pilot Cloth OVEKCOATP, Real French PALI TOTS, CLOARf, TALitlAB mid BEUNOES BUflNKSS SUIT? to match, nil style», i'ANTAI,N0N3, Bl'k and fancy Calimsr do. Fnhcy i%tlnet do. VBSTl, Pillt Velvet—In all color». Also, In t-iitln and f Ilk of every description, UN It Hit ftnrlaMttS, In Merino and Fiannen, All l.inen anil L. B. FH1I1TS, *Hh Blsln.p an>l Byron Colhirs, Bilk »nd Satin CHAV a TS, HAI/F IIOSK., Ol OVFfl. HATS of every description, at uot -16 J. StMON Ik CO. F ancy millenary LADIES DRGINtlOODS, At 0' CONOR' S . AVRtlY large stock of Fancy Dress Goods, Jtist opened at mir establishment enables ti» to present to the l.adle* of Baton Kongo and vicinity, the most elegant and varied assortment of Fash ionable Dress floods, ever befhre offered fbr sale In tills market. Che ladle» art respectfully Invit ed to call and examine the stock, at the store, on Third street, nearly opposite the Post Office. oct-21— y. t! I) F F 1 B R . MOCfTA-.!AVA— AFRICAN end RIO. For sale by the undersigned. decan. JULES BONNF.CAZE. CREESE! CHEESE!! nilt'YERR, or Swiss Cheese ; Ij Knglish Stilton ami Ohedder Cheese ; Teieile Matire or Round Holland •' Goshefi ftepspgo and fine Apple " In store and for snle bv deciäO JULES RONNF.CAZE Notire, 11HE undersigned having been appointed by the Board of School Directors, for Ward No, 2, t>. a«sess the value of pioperty in said warn, has now euuiiiletetl his roll, and dejicsited it with J. U. Washington,oft tMnirch Street, wheie it can be seen by all paities interested. H. J. PUCKKTT, declS-30d. Assessor, ward No. 'J. T ?OR NEW ORLEANS j L The Steamer LAUREL II ILL Captain Hooper, leaves Baton Rodge »very MONDAY and TUES DAY ËV I. N I N O for Now Oorleans. The Steamer C. D. JR., Captain S.S. SelJeck,leaves Baton Rouge every WED NESDAY ahd SATURDAY. The Steamer CAPITOL, Captain E. I.A Nottfe. leaves Raton Ronge every TÜK8» DAY EVENING. I ! . MILLTJEj declO-d-tf. Agent. VAIL & PERSAC. DAOUERREAN ARTISTS, HERONIAN'9 DUILDINO, Oimef qf Stain rtmf Florida »ireef«. 03^* Pictures taken in the very best style of art, any size desired. [oct-8. WALKING CANEfl. AI j ABOR assortment of the atinv«Ju»t received consisting of Gold, Silver, Bone and Fancy Headed Canes of all kliids, also a few very delicate fot-ia. W.D.PHILUPB. Sword Cane». VERY Rich Embroidered Bands from 75c. to $4 each. Embroidered Skirls Swiss Jaranet Edgings, 25c, to 11 per yard. Swiss and Jaconet Inserting. nov-H J. SIMON & CO Sundries 11 BARRELS Fresh Mess Beef; 10 Package Buckwheat ; 5 Do*. Beef Tongues ; Just received and lor sale by dec3 M. G. BRYAN. Docks and Squirrels 11 HUNTERS can find at M ontan & Ho. hurt's as good a variety of English Double and Single Guns, as can be found in this City—they range in price from $lf) to #00, Also, Powder, Shot, Cape, &c. Bugnr Plnutero get Ready. JUST received per ship Scotland, 2B do*. Cane Knives, with and without hooki ; Copper anil tinned Skimmers and Ladles; Sacharometers, Ullage Cock» and Steam bibb», Inch tbtton Rope for (Hinder bead» ; Govenor Rope and Oil Cans; Sugar House Lamps and Wicks; Machine Wrenches from 6 to 16 inches at LARGUtER Jk I.ANOÜE. TllOtlgllS! 50 Hall k Spears, for sale by r THOS PREND ERG/ ST. Paint mills. A FEW on hand for sale at may 24. L a|quiek & L anoiik. HOYS Attn YOUTHS' CLOTHMtJ, ALAROK assortment of Boy» Good», just receiv ed at the Clothing Emporium of oct-12. W. n. PHILLIPS. si BEAT 11 A KOAINS.—Now going off in Dry \t Good», Clothing, Ho»le"v, Gloves, Hats ami Caps, Boot« and Bhoe», Ac., *f the new Baton Rouge Basar, cerner of Main and Laurel gtreets. novî9-y. J. A. T soosdalk A Co. PRINTS FOR CHILDREN. "I PS. of Real Merimaca mostly 1 ' JU small figures and warranted fast colours. Just opening at the nov7. P hiladelphia C heap S tork. HOSIERY AND fil.OYDS. LINEN, SILK, and Cotton Hosiery ; Joiivln*» Kid Gloves; lluckskln d«; and Cotton do. Ju»t received at the Saton Rouge ßasar, by novî9-y. S. A. TROU8DALF * Co. A LARGE? Assortment in Velvet and Silk Trimmings in ail abadea. Also Black and Colored Fringes bov -11 J. SIMON J» CO. m I1IRE0T IMPORTATION of iHrtfH, MAquor*, OIIh, and family Wioteri«. BY J ULKS lïÔJWËCAZ E, LAFAYETTE STREET, Bfe*t Iloor Ut «. .fonrttnh'* Di ng Store. TBP! undersigned rcpeetfiilly Infbriiis the Merchants,plan ters, Barkeepers aud the public generally, that he has received and Is consfiiiily receiving rhe t choicest articles In hl» line, among «blob are the following ! BUST SAZARAC- Vintage of 1T98. » » « ~ 1 Rijft. OijttitnS Srirt Rrandles of nil rjttfiHtit-a— Old Ruurhon, Monongnbelts, live and Tuscaloosa Whiskey, l'ort Wine, of tiie Very best quality for Invalid*. Sladerlft, Sheirt anil Marsala Wines of all grades from the " Old London Dock" to com mon Wolfe'» Genuin* Schnspp», Vermouth, Hol land (Hn, The undersigned keeps on hand the most cele brated vfntattrs of Cliirel, direct fmm Forope such a» Clint' en 1 nflle, Murgiiuie. Lttotir, (Hs cour», St. Rmlllon, Ac. Thre» brands of Uingmidy Wines. dccl tKWSlBVASBE. N¥W A li HI val FAliti A!vn WlSiTRll C'LOTIttNU. Tllft tlNl'PRFIONKIi bas Just received by st-am er I toplre flit.V, his entire stock of full and WlnteeCb'thlng. toeether «Ith a litrge nssorttoetit of (IRN'I S CullNISHINO I.IOOMS, embracing dear ly every article In that line. His assortment of Gent's Réady-nisde Suit», consisting of Pnnts, Coats anM Vests to match, are beautiful, and can be had In all colors. All those tvh" wit tit to have the first selcotlnH, and get a poor] fit would do well to call eai ly, before the sires arp broken. Sep r»-y. w. i>. fiitLurfl. Hnrdwaret THE tindersighetl have been for Ihe last I mottth opening goods; direct from (he ^Manufacture*, mid hir salisfiPtl tint thoy hâve in store, the largest ami most ratied assortment of llardwate out of New (>r lenn«, which Ihpy "fier lor sale at their usual low rates Purchasers will find it to their interest, to call and examine, beloie sending to the cily. LARGU1ER & LANGUE. sepSO Cor Lafayette and Florida. F< Blnnciiard -'Oiitt Amitli. HAS REMOVED to the house lately occupied by E. Kreli, on Third street, near the Millinary Store of Mrs. Hueston, where he is prepared to do any work in his line in a superior manner [□ f * Clocks repaired artl eleaned at short notice, in the very best manner. novaO-y, F. BLANCHARD. Horse Shoeing AN EXPERIENCED workman, . 3D who has served a ff gular appren ticeshipat the Horse sttoeing business, is now in my employ at the shop near my stables, ofi Third street, where the public can bave'this kind of work done in the best manner, at short notice. noviS-ly, R. BEAL. FRESH MEDICINES At B. JOURDAN'S DRUG STORE. r PHE undersigned is constantly receiving J. new supplies ol Fresh Medicines, Pa tent Medicines, Perfumery, turppntine,Var nishes, etc.. etc. B. JUURDAN, _ Whiskey. OLD RURRON and Monongahala Wbis key. A fine article just received and for sale by M.G.BRYAN. S. E. Corner Couri House Square. Pri-sli SuiijiHea j»ei- Rennet. P HMDS. Clear Hides ; .'i Hhds. Rhotild i) ers; .10 bids. Extra ïtiper. Oleander Flour; 25 bbls. Snperhne Flour. j 11 1 v I il A RUFE k BENJAMIN. OEOAHS— »A line brand of Segars.— O Just received and for sale by oet*S5. M. G. BRYAN. S. E. Corner Court House Square. Porter A A Je. A FEW casks of Hebert London, porter it ii u *fl ro f c h a ] e (g arrive. ocl-28. BARBEE (f BENJAMIN. HIBB0NS AND DRESS TRIMMINGS. T HAVE Just opened my assortment of îlonnet, J. HaBh and neck Hlbbona» also a beautiful assort ment of Velrel Itlbhons for Head Presses, and r Immings of all kinds. W. D. PHILLIPS. Bu< ter «V Cheese. /"IHOICK VVeslern Butter and a Small V lotof Chrese, No, 1. oct-28. BARBEE Ht BEN I AMIN. MUSTARD. (1RF.OLE, ready mixed for use Also J 7. r i do* fhornto« b Mawkin's, in |, 4 and a lb. f ',ins, ior medical use—warranted pure for sale by [novlS.] E; BÖGET» DONKSTlC OOODS.—tlLJ^ACHKn and un bleached Muslins, of all widths, Osnaburgs, Denhns, Oloabs.slriped Shirting,Ticking,Drilling, (bleached and nnbleached) Ac., now for sale cheap at the Unten Rouge ltnr.ur, «orrer of Main and Laurel Äts. (novis] J. A. THOUiSDALE tê Co. "Per Ship ÏSorisKon." THE Automatic Apple Purer; Ther mometer Chums; Tobacco Cutters; Grass Scythes; Biier Hooks, and a variety of Yankee Notions at or 12.-» M ( »NT A N k HUGUF.T. C'Mlcrj-. CnliVry. ,T and table. Wostenholmes & Badgei's make ; Ladies scissors ; Tay lor & Barber's Shears ; Razors— Honesand Stops, at LARGU1ER & LANGUE. MEAT. JUST from St. Loois, per 8. 11 " Prima Donna," 2600 Jlbll. Clear Sides and Shoulders. Also Lard and llutter. Call at et O. ARYAN'S. oct-23 ft. K. Carn^r Court ffeun Sgunrt. COAL GRATES. THRF.E sizes of the Semi-front selfsup porting Coal Grates for si.le low at nov28. MONTAN & HUGUET'S. R Iron and Steel, OITND, Bar, ami Hoop Iron , Blistered and Cast Steel, at nov28. M ontan k H ugokt'«. tfegro Blankets. 100 PA ill heavy Negro Blankets, just received. Also a iarge assortment of FI NE BED BLANKETS, for sale by .novW. Vf. D. Purr,Mrs. JAB. M. McCUTCDEN. Att'y. ft Counselor at Law« B aton Rot/oe, L a. Offloe—over "9, fteude's Store, Cottrt Uoui« Snaart. W!LL I'ltAC'iior In the Court« of the Psrlibe» ofßastaisd West Bntori ftotige, East anil West Pellelana, and fbervljle, and In the Buprem# Cfttirt. , UKSneaxce?: Itoti, J. P. benjamin, tton. Maa dell Hunt, ft. O.. ftilef Justice Marshall, tton J. R. Underwood, H od . /Vher W. Orabatn, B*. Chief .lustii.e Pwinj, fx. Chief,lustlce Robertson, tlou. Henry Orlder, Kentucky. dec-t-y. New Goods. WK AHR now opening an elegati* assortment of Window Sliades with Fixtures complete. AI SO Oll Oirpelltig I and P ijuurN-rs wide Hearth Rtig", Mats et - , A large lot of Matting figured and > lain 4 ,6 and 6 quarters wide Af^O Direct ftotfi the Bianhfactursrs, A large Variety of Extensive Tabiej, Mabsgony Walnut and Oak, Btiteatts, Whatnot», Towel Stands etc , etc. Dining and Tea Tables Caril and I'resslrig do do Sofas, Tete-a Tetes and llivans Rocking and füasy f.'hahs, Parlor, llfning atid office do Willi a larire assortment, of tffcose Keeping ar ticles of all kinds, to wlilcli the attention of pur chasers is called at tbe Furnishing Rooms of oct 15 J. Plf'KRrfCo. Cheap VublicaliotiH ! it#- JUftT 1IK0FJVKI » TUB BTftCOOLB fOU 1,1 fR; How to get ftlch ; The Maid or the Gulf; Ned Scarlet ; Pella tlarnwbll ; Ellen i> Vcre; Black Bess ; The Renegade Gipsy ; f)lck Tdrplnj f'aod's last Bull Matrisides I'aiighter ; Ninon de L'Enslo Jack Ranh , Victims Revenge ; Fanny »'nmpliell ; Midshipman Fssy ; Ellen YVharehnm; Mary More tun : Ftar of the Fallen ; Life ahd and Adventures of Henry Thomas; By |hn*2ft] CEO. M. HEHOMAM. Bullet; NOW IN STORE. 50 BRLS Hi Sulphate of Lime; 20 " Polar White Oil (clesi); 1 " Caster Oil; 10 Linseed Oil ; 2000 lbs. White Lead; 10 doz. Champagne ; 20 '' Claret; 14 t^tisks Scotch Ale. qts ; 2 bids. Hltie Lick wafer ; All the above articles are offered at New Orleans Prices, either for Cash or on Cred it EDWARD BOGEL, nov 18. Druggist. Old Whiskey. OLD RYE WIILfRET. " Monongahala. " Wes'ern Resene. A few barrels ol each of the above> brand» on hand, call soon or your chance wjlt he lost. oet29, J1K R/fEH & BENJAMIN. REMOVAL. YOl'NG AMERICA ( IUA11 STOnB. HAVING removed our Cigar Store to Church street, opposite Messrs. Monlan b. Hognet's Hardware Store, we hope thai our Old Customer* will continue to favoruswlth the same patron age as they have so liberally done heretofore, at the Old .Stand on Lafayette street, and we Invito our friends and the public generally, lo give us a trial anil judge for themselves, tfanj better Cigar« can be bought in the market. nor-2T. flROZ h ORANDPRB, COAL COOKIKrO STOVES. rpHICK heavy double plated, solid extra A am! em proved extr.t coal cooking stove for sale low. A I. S O . The Mayflower. Stiliana, Charier Oak, Telegraph. Pioneer, Wood Cooking Stove*, On hand and for sale at novas. MONTAN fr HUGUET'Ç " NEW MUSIC. JUST received the following. Le petet enfant; J. Pnritani by Belline ; Prima Donna Song ; Know Nothing Polka; Gentle Jenny Gray ; C'arrissa Waltz, Caprice—Nocturne ; The Ship on Fire ; Matamora Grand March; Maggie by my side ; Wo lid'I Were with Uiee ; Arista Waltz ; •lust received and lor sale by dec-4 GEO M. HEROMAN. HORSE PAIiACB STABT<E. " 1)LEASE NOTICE that W m . C line has I again resumed the Proprietorship «f this establiahmt nt. 'T he stable l»a^i»»g un dergone thorough repairs— Jit fceis confi dent ffiat for ( «amfort Mtd convenience (to (he Horse creation) it has no superior in the State. And from hislorig experience in this line of business and past accommoda tions to his friends, he hopes to merit from bis old Patrons, and thji Public generally, a liberal share of Patronage. ISet'himiip again) a good stock of Horses, Carriages, Buggies, k c., always on band and for Hire, on liberal terms, to be bad on short notice, day or night. nov2fl»3m. OEM SALOON. THIS well known Saloon and Restaurat, having under-' gone thorough repairs, is now ar ranged to accommodate parlies, and serve up .it short notice, Oysters, Red Fish, and olher delecacies to plen«e the p&late of rtm minmrs mit bon vivant». The dcsiie of the proprietor, is to win for the Gem Saloon, a wide spiead reputation as the best Restau rât. in the State outside Of New Orleans. Xff Boarding and Lodging for a few single gentlemen, with the best accommo dation. sep-8-Cm. STEPHEN BASELJSCO, I>ruc «tore For Knie. THE ONDER3TGNE î >, being obliged '0 leave for Europe on account of family intersts ; niters for sale, his Apothecary Shop, well known as oc cupying one of the best locations In Baton Ronge. It contains a complete assortment of Medicines, Perfumery, faints etc., all fresh ana In first rMte condition. Thetcrinsof sale, willbeod*ant»gons; so that the purchaser cannot fail of success besides the cus tom is of the best. I n order still more to enhaoco the facilities of the purchaser of the Drug Store, the undersigned is willing to lease for a term of year», either s part or the whole of his house, or else to sell the bouse, at the option of the pur chaser. fki»g-?l»-«ea. t). JOtTKHAN.