Newspaper Page Text
pKörmuiifAi asm fÏÏl. O. W. DBAHLNoj offers hi* pro 1 ' fesslonal »»friees I« the pttMle. Residence »M Office oil M tin, between Ohurob und Worth flteW f _ msy 1* y._ lÄMiM. ELAM ife lAW. E. KLAM, ''' J, M. A i. il. ÄS#«, Attorneys gort Counsellor* ut Law, But on Bouge. »i>g9T-y, C B. HALT/. Attorney nt Lnw, Lmire 1 *•'» street, liston Bouge, La. janlT-y, I 1>, SWART, Attorney and (Jotm «eflnr »t La »-^Laurel street. tnayäS-y. LSWIB It, COWBR*. OSO. A, *10. J K. row EU« ft CO, KegtlWly JU$ C"tn«l«l<m »d Auctioneers, Will «»tend promptly to the an le of nil kinds of Ileal «10 Per sona! Batate— Hottses, Lot*. Lund«—Dry Goods— Hardware, Groceries, Furnitur», *o., *c„ to be ound at nit times at the Cemet Office. aug!0 'PHOS. rRKNDKIWAST—General A Produce and Oornfalü lofi MerChiwi, ntid erlti nil klntla of Orocerlea Mid ProtMofis—töf. nf third and Laurel sis. Libérai canh adv«nee§ *n Sugar mid Cotton. nugl-jr* I08HUÄ UKAIi, (jenöfRl Produce ftsaler Je., Churoh St. between Third und Lafayette streets. aog90-j. i MONTAN & « KO., Grocers, cor. * 1» Chueefi and third street», Baten Bouge. ! OtîîS 0 RA Nl>rRR A(îîioneer — Ii Ofllce, at the Mayor*« Offlee, Halen Rouge. n.»4aa»a. 8.»!», HARDER & BENJAMIN, <i meetênonttëi it. HdH <é (to.,) commission merchant*, WHOlifeaAt.» riBAl.KRH ID OROOERIE.I ft WESTERN PRODtJCE. FttQttf gTHKtCT H A VIM« succeeded the firm of;*. M. H ary ACo , we are i»re|tared to tarry on the natue bus! nein heretofore conducted by them.-Wlli buy and «cil on cotntalsdot! ; make liberal advances on t 'OTTOS, um AR and MOLA/WKS, and attend promptly, »o » »«irimAL ooMMiëawtr em Ih't&K. Our arratureuientsfhr regular receipt« of WKSTKffJf PktWtfOS, are tneTt as to enable «s to furnish reUti dealer« at reduced prié#«, over the New Orleans Mantels. pjf A targe and commodtou* Ore-proof ware house, enable» tts to give the beet storage. raayS-y BARBBB A tKâlîJAMJN. To RngltiteN A the Ptee DrpirlMettt OF BATOlfliOirvK AS AGENTS of the MinuftiettJfer*, we ofl*>r*t Factory prices I NUI a RUB« HER BELTING. HOSE ami PACKING, Also. Oak tsn'd. Btiehed and cemented Leather Baiting. Description as follow» : « ply India Rulibêr Belting, from 3 to 10 inches ; 4 ply India " " " 6 to 20 Hydrant House. India Rubber 1 to 1| triche». Warranted to stand pressure ol 75 lb», to sqr. inch ; Locomotive k Fire En gine India R. Hose 1J to 3; warranted to stand pressure of 1 Id 1 b# to »qr inch. Pure, Plain and Mixed Packing by the Ib.; Oak Tan'd., Sticked. and Cemented Leather Belting, from to SO inches wide. All order» Ii i 'he above good* filled at «horte« t notice am! Fully guaranteed by jtinlî. BARBEK& BENJAMIN. DIRECT IMPORTATION Of Kngllih, Rhctfaad fleer Hardware. TMl! undersigned now import dirêfil from Birmingham and Sheffield via Liver pooL large and varied additions to their «toçk of Hardware and Plantation Goods. Call and examine our stock when you de »{re to purchase Plantation Hardware. Mr-chani«» Tools. Iron Steel and Tin. Paint», Oils and Glas». Manilla, Rope and Cordage. Cooking k Heating Stoves. And nil artides generally found at a well »«sorted Hardware Store. «»ctao^ MONTAN It HÜGPET. Cutlery ! Cutlery ! ROGER'S, Wostenholms and other cele brated maker»—one to four bladed Bone, Horn, BuflMo, Buck and Pearl ban died Pocket Knives. Also the celebrated "Rnmap» , ' and patent Gut[ded Razors, Ra tor Hones and Straps. Best medium, com •non and Extra fine Table Cutlery, Shears, Scissors and Graduating Button Hole Cut ters. Also No t Scissors In complete sots at [oct2.1l MO NTA N & HUG UET S, Just Received. 1/tA SACKS Iresh made BRAN ; lly Vy 30 barrels Heavy Rump Pork i 100 Bale Hay ; 500 bushels Oats ; 600 barrels ear Com; Ï9 boxes Louisville Star Candle , 9« » " " " " M i " " " 10 New Bedford Sperm ; 150 Assorted Sîonps; 10 bags prin* Rio Coffee, 10 Pockets old Java ; 10 barrels fresh Soda Crackers. Can be had as low as in any other house in the city— fer cath. jnne34. A. M ontas & B ro. Freeh Supplies. NO. 3 Mackeral in bbls. » - « " i do. " 3 in kitts for family use. Levering'» best Loaf Sugar. Loaf Sugar in bbls. Pttwdered '• *• " Crushed " " " * Fresh Goshen Butter, Rose bud dairy. Olrine Soap. French Brandy, i casks, low priced. do. do. in cases of 1 doz. Roanoke Tobacco, 5*. Childres Honey Dew 10s 100 bbls. Cape Lime. " " Plaster. " " Cement. Plasterer's Hail—large quantity. oct23. BARBEE & BENJAMIN^ Frtih Recetpta. BARRELS Fancy St. I ««is Flour; SO half " u 10 Bbls. Sweet Apples; Large Neshanoc. potatoes 25 10 10 •ale No. 1 Rump Pork. Cash or no lag23| A. MONTAN & BRO SILK SHAWLS. Woolen do., all sizes and all shade». Also, Bl'k De Laine do. Bov-ll J SIMON & CO, ■ - jmuuuui . i. jmâMNU MÜH8 Wholesale and Retail Dealer is nil kinds OP COKPECTlomitl. Conner of Third and Laurel 8ts., (htsltly opposite the Sank) —Baton Rouge HAVING this da* » hovcru his prieM, he is prepared to furnish all kind ai CANDY at WMOt,Es* and afiirAffi, on more favorable terms than can be had in N. Ih leans ; and having experienced worbman, hi» candy will always lie ci - he ant! I»-»«»«; care being taken that he "deleterious ingre» dient" is used ill its maiitlfartuce, as is too often the case with confectionary purchased at a *h ftOMs and from irresponsable houses. He trusts that the trade of this, and the adjoining parishes, will give him their orjj ders to fill, which he is prepated to do to any amount, having made arrangements for the best quality of sugar in market, and be ing in correspondence with one of the large est houses In New Yotk, to supply him with fancy confectionary and ariicles in his litis. September 7,-y. IIOMIj E NIE RI'RIHE I If »uni America Steam Flour AND CORN MILL, JBATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA, H AVISO RKOESTtt EXTSNDBD MY Mltl, ling In terest by the addition of on« of 15. À 1, Clark's Celebrated Patent flouring Still», Wolfing Machine« Ac., and having fully tested Itscapae Itytodo flrstcla«» worfc-Iain now fttlly prepar ed to give my friend* and thot« ef home enter, prise generally latisfiietnry evidence, that' they now need not go beyond Baton llottge I« order to secure to themsette» flour that will compare fav orably to any produced In the country, no matter by how extensive a «(implicated machinery. A* the object Will be to produce floor "of the best ebaraetet and standing! trust to meet with that liberality of patronage as will sustain the und*rt»klng. Famille» or orther« ordering flour from We msiy rest assured my best endeavors shall be given to please them, orders should be sent to the store of the undersigned. For the accownuidttloà of families, flour can be obtained when not wanted by the barrel, in bags of 12 18, 98 or 50 pounds each, or in such other «iftantliles rs they may with, marSO JOSHUA BBAt. Elegant Stoek of Fall & Winter STAPLE à FANCY WE ARK RECEIVING our new sup ply of Nliksi and Urem ««od«. and are determined to sell at prices to dit tance all competition for cheapness. To the numerious customers who have favored us with thoir patronage during the past year, we Will now renew our assurrnje that every effort will be made to render it their own interest to continue the same. They can rely upon being always received ami wailed upon with politeness, and upon be« ing supplied with goods at less then ordin ary prices, That this is no empty boast, the crowns that daily throng oar Store will testify. Every one says that the cheapest and best goods are bought at the Pfeltadeljphla Cheap Cash stare. Call and judge for yourselves. 2000 yards new British and American Ptints, finest qualities made, SO djffeient styles, all Woo! Plaids. French Merino and DeLaines. New Styles Black and Dress Silks, at low prices. Embroideries, Crape Collars, English Hossery. Bonnet Ribbons, Trimmings, Gloves, Flannels, Domestics, Cassimeres, &c. Rememoer the place, PmiiADBLPHiA C heap C ash Sron* octlS. Lafayette street. Hearth, Paint, Tar, Floor, Rerub, Shaving, Blacking. Brushes I Brushes I Marking, Whitewash, tJust, common, Morse, Dust, Butta, Vankee Shoe, Pust, Fancy, Handled ghee, Printers Lye, I>ong Wisps, Wisp, Com. llrootni, ■HPMRPH Popes Head. Deck Scrub, On hand and for sale by, may« M0NÏAN 1IUGUBT. Cart A German Steel. AFÜLI, assortaient of Square and Flat Bars) (Met and Oerinan Pteel frotn X to 9 Inch. Al es American and English blister 6'tee at liAKÖÜIKrt A LASOOÄW 08129. Hardware Establishment. To Plasterer*. pl.ASTERKH'S and Pointing TroWelsj 8d fine I Boston Blues : tathlng llatchets, light and heavys Cement, Hair and Plaster at OC129. LAKGC1KH & tANÖÜB, Cor. Lafayette and Florid« H te. I Ii*-.« l'a Cor.I Mill. S in motion three times per week. Town and country customers supplied at as low prices as the extent ol trade and price of grain will permit. JOSHUA BKA L. time. ' 1 OH ®BLS. Cape Lime received per luv steamer Virginia last night. oct-18. B arbkk & Bi;NjAMrn. Cape Mine und Plastering Hair. BARHKLS Cape Lime, and 40 Bushels Plas tering Hair. Just received and for sale by oot-14. GR«. M. HBROMAN. Mors Glass I More Paints, OAfl BOXES assorted French Glass : White I<ead iCUU Pure Snow and No, t Zinc ; Zinc Dryer Brashes etc. Turpentine and Uncesed Oll j Fir« Proof I'aints, dry and in oil ; at sept-:« LAHGUlERcfcl-ANOOK. From the St.« Sliot Tower. OAn SACKS assorted Drop Shot; Bar, Pig and Zl/U Sheet Lead at «ept-30, LAltGUIKR rf L ANOÜE. Received per late Arrivals« 1 AA BAGS Liverpool fait, in fine order ; 1UU SO Bbls. Crescent Mill's Superfine Flour. |sept9.] B ardel & B ksjamin THE subscriber having been appointed Agent for East aim West Ration Rouge for Smith McLeod k Co 1 « superior and pure Bi-Sulpkof Lime. Plasters will find ;t to their interest to buy here. nov8. W h . B o&sl , Druggist. 130 The Ornamental and Vscfktl Combined. J SIMON Ä t CO., at the Capitol Cheap • Store, beg leave to inform the public, that th'ey have just opened a superior stock of the following articles- Very large linen T«blï Cloths,"with beautiful designs of Europsan Cities, with Napkins to match— some 'hing entirely new. Also a great var iety of Linen Towel», Diaper, and Irish Linen for shirts. All extremely low for «•»h, «t. the CAPITOL CHEAP STORE IH.SSW THE undersigned have en liftud and ir »re dally receiving per steamers and «Silin« vessels, direst from the Manufactories, a general assortment at Denssflt and rsnlin Hard »»ai 1 »« which they offer at prices not te be tfSDK&guU), Jsn .iTif, Orates, Orafes and «toves. ANEW supply of the above for par lor and office, with and without summer ffohi». Cook Stores, large and small ; Egg, Bun, Barrel and Franklin Stoves, for Wood and Cflal, Cef, raf B *^Mrîir,ts. assorted slies, besides the articles whloh general ly go with them—sueh as Coal Hods, Shovel And Tongs, Ac. At the Hardware Store of jaa.lT-y. 1/ARGlJlfcR* LANOtfE. to ttpartmen. A FEW doz. best Etifflisli, Stub Twist i*. Double and •It's», " .Je Barrel Shot Guns. Be , Game Bags.Powder Horns, Patent. Wadding, Foiled Lined ami Central Fire Cap»; Wad Cut ti rs ; Guh Tubes, !Uid every thing els« connected in that line, at Li.BG L'IRr A LAStttlR, jan.iT-y. Cor, LaTSyette and Florida sts, nteam Fackln« l HUm Ptirolm Hlerttii fvJting— VA Kentucky and Cotton packing; Ôaskêi pa per and Navy Oakntn j Stestn If 8te « J# jst»: acking; Gasket pa Bibs, Burnished an<: luage Cocks ; BrS«: Polished i Steam Stops and Guage Coupling and Oonneetlng Cocks, for iron or per pipes« always in hand at LAttGPffttt A t.AOTtiB, Cart and Waggon Harness. A FULL ASSORS MENT of Collars, Hames, Blind bridles, Cart breeching, t art saddles, Waggon harness,Trace chains &c., which we offer at moderate prices. ianlSdyj LARGIJIER& LANODK. To Blacksmiths, Carpenters and (Joiners. Anvils, vices, bellows, stock and Dies, Plates, Wedges, Tongs. Files of all sizes and description, also « full es sortment of Carpenters' and Coopers tools. janlSdy] LARGÜIER & LANÖUE. PER 11A rdeN'sexTrb si, A stiperiol ht of TsW« and Pocket Cutlery, iust received and for sale by janlBdy] LAR g UIER ir L A NOUE. TO plastern, Jib PLOUGHS, N os . 1 to 3 with ttal il t and without Cutters. Aswrted Nos. of Subsoil and Flukes, King's Ploughs^-retended bars, ^os 1 1 to 4, Hay Cutters and Corn Shellers, Ox, Log, Back and Trace Chains, Ames h Bow land's best Spatles and! Shovels, Hoe»—cast steel and forged, from 6 in. to 10 in. blade. Blind bridle» and Cart saddles. Collars and Hames, for mules and horses, Axes, Yankee and Kentucky patterns. Besides any other article generally found in a well assorted Hardware store. jautSdyj T,A RGUlKR h LANGUE, Cor Lafayette and Florida sfs. Per Ship George West. rflAAn LBS. pure end e*tr i White Lead J ä '/UU JiiUO do. Snow White French Zinc; 1M Boxes assorted sizes Window Glass • 100 cans Chrome Creen nnd Vellnw Paint; Zinc Dryer, Litharge, Spanish Brown ; Yellow Ochre, Whiting, Bed Lead ; Carman Dlnek, Japan Damen and Light Furniture VarnlBh, Glsaler'» Points, flralners* Philadelphia Glue, Fiteh?i'SashToo!g, BHek Liners and Putty, Tar sale low at the Hardware store or MONTA!* A IIÜGÜET, septl9. Church Street, opposite Harney House. Wooden Ware I AXE, Hatchet, Tile, Auger and Chisel Handles, Clothe Lir.e Reels, Morse and White Wash Brushes, Paint Brushes nd Sash Tool», for »ale by maye. MONTAN & HUGUET. Lightning Roda. ANEW supply—ja»t received of the la test improvements—put up in the best manner, by W. F. TUNNA RD. Rthboiis «nd Trimming». BY STEAMER Black Warrior from New York, I have received a large and beau tiful assortment of the above gi»od»> geptlS. W, D. PHILLIPS. littdles Hend I>rea»ea. WD. PHJLLÎPS has just opened his • assortment of Head Dres*es in'all the latest styles. septlS. W. D. PHILLIPS. FRKSH UHOlfSD PÎ4WR— Purchasers of Flour, would do well to bear 1 n mind, that fresh ground family flour can always be had in Baton Rouge, and of her own manufacture. To Insure getting it alio. K. send your orders to m»«3 JOSHUA REAL. CURRY COMBS, Cistern Faueetta B rass Faucetts, Molasses Gates, kc, may«. MONTAN & HUGUET. Cast''Steel/ EST Cast Steel; Cistern Hoop Iron; Iron Wove Wire, and fron Rivets, for sale by MONTAN & HUGUET. CapeJLIme I 1 AA BAR " E Ivu Lime. ELS of this celebrated Just ieceived and foi sale by [julyS-l G eo . M. H broman. Corn & Cob Mill. TO ARRI ^E in a few days direct from the manufactory, assorted site» of the celebrated " Little Giant " Corn and Cob Mills, at [ap3] LAmorriK« & L asoue's. Embrohjerld hattdbterchiefs, from $1 to $10 each. Hematiched Camhrie do., Linen Cambric do., ata'.i prices. lnov-ll| J. SIMON k CO LADIES Kid Silk and Cashroer Gloves. Also, Children's Merino. Ladles Gaunfciefct*. all colors. nov-U J. SIMON Is CO. Cloaks, MantiUaa and Tab«»». ÂLARG ' assortment of these goods, juat received in all Colours, Shares and Qualities. Call at the PHILADELPHIA CHEAP STORE, if you wish to secure bargains. twvT flngf «ut ^tfM(iW). <39 do Jujube Drops, assorted. US do Licorice do do oo do India Paste, 100 do Toi u Drops, 30 do Pat« de Guimanv#, M do Mnrshmeliow drops. 200 do Jujube paste,rose, lemon Se Oftmge, .10 do Tolu do, 13 boxes Spruce Gum. 100 do Chocolat'des Families. 00 do do de Santé. 00 do dt» à la Vanilla, été. For sale at reasonable prices, by oct 18-y. WM. BOGEL, Druggist. il atMf ÀpmÈumtf KEEPS constantly m hand a large and well Selected stock of fresh Drugs and Medicines. All his preparations are pie pared by Northern manefactories, and put up ift the very beslmanner to preserve their medicinal virtues. In « climate like this rm»-»rtVi« «nt mmW î n f . .. , râ __L- C pciWriiS 8ti0i|iu fiww wnI ct • iK//rfirlT f>fl • ■* .-VÏ . httoi-* S3* frescHptiona filled with care at any time of ni(^lt Or day. oct 10- y tMBUÄÜMVÄÜ, THE undersigned has just received per lOOlbs. Guin A rlh'tr Lozenge», of all flavors do Gum Arabic Paste, Vanilla It Rose, "Inn,trie* per Steamship Pltllftdelphlft. 1 Pin Wi¥K IMPERIAL, and 1 tyU 00 lbs. Black Tea "Superior" ; 30 doz. Claret Wines; 0 " Champagne, 6 boxes .lenuy Lind Twist Tobacco; 100 " Virginia Smoking " 6 Drums Turkish " " 13 doz. Olive Oil,qts. and pt#. 12 " bo*«« Windsor Soap ; 3000 Superior Havana Segars ; 100 ounces French Quinine, Palletiers; 18 'Jot. Preston k Morrill'» Yeast Powder ; In store and for sale at New Orleans. prices by WM. BOGEL, nov 3. Druggist FOR CHILBHEPf ! A SUPPLY OF WORM LOZENGERS, l\ Parents shnltld ose thèse In preference to any other Drug. DeWee's Carminative Balsam, al*ay» made fresh, when wanted, Bogel'» Citrate of Iron Syrup, an excel». lent and harmlessTonic, for children. Als«, Lactate of Iron and ManganesWI Pastilles. All the above preparations can be safel/ administered to children, You should give them a trial. For sale juneö, BOGEL'S Drug Store I JUST received by the undersigned, a ft supply of Wrrght'« Indian Vegitf Moffat's Life, Brandreth'», Morrison's»? genia, Lee's, Sapptegtons, Greafenbl'», Jayne's, Spencer's, Peter's, Cook's, Pe er's, Beek with 1 » Leidy'S blood, Hollo*y'» Swayne's lieras, Degray's Champ's, Jones', Sear's, and McLane'a Pill sale in any quantity by / jan 3Ä, Wn. Booxt, DrJst. any of the celebrated medi/s cni led Brandy, can uet some of the F*« ârtt Hkriüy ^ nndu'lrated Pinet, Castillon k Drag Store of WM. Liver Comptai CAN BE effectually cured b; Hofflattds German Bitter? duced to seventy-five cents, c had fresh at the drug store of octlO. *"* use oi Price te il ways be ALE AND PORTER, of Barclay, Perkin's I Porter and Tennent Scot eh oenuine lust received and fo no 24Iy WM. BOG] W j MBOGEL, prge sopply y t WtidoR ill« bf , Druggest Comfort êt Ecdomy TUST RECEIVED-—A*ssortm#nt of J ke Closets k Cooler 1« whieh the attention of Purchaser» / invited to the Ware Rooms of J, JEPER. k CO. June 0th 1855. f Gurn JUST received 73 lbs i»m A rahic Drops, Tolan Lozenger»,rcnch Jugube and Liquoiize Paste, Äcid^ted Drops of all flavor»; Spruce Gumjt'ned Calabra Liq uorice, «ct., by W*. Bonr.b. Petroleum, * Kock Oil* THE most wondepl remedy ever dis covered, prociid from a well in the Alleghany mou ntai floor humlfed feet be low th » earth's surf#, will effectual! v core Piles, Deafness, OlSertsand Ulcers, Sore and inflamea eyei.üuirnatisra, Neuralgia, White s welling, e/ t(>r sa^ by Vy. BOGEL, Druggist, march iO. Lafayette street. Calf« p/ent Ktvolvtrs, JUST received invoice, by declfi, j mJ T iibo . G oi.d*ans. Sheet /inc, Lead, Ac. OCAA LB/. Sheet, Zinc and Lead, LO U V Pig^id Bar Lead, Block Tin, Btass Sodder, »odder il Irans, at the Hardware Store of jan.l7-y. I LARGCIER k LANGUE. ng Machines. ire left, of the above labor aa ehine», with three augers, as LAitomKK k LAkovk A FEW vrng orted sizes A LA nothing, A Balk Meat. lot Choice Ham* and Should, store and for »ale at less than BARBEE le BENJAMIN. .Us» and JVails. LnJ>f each on band and for sale by r M. G. BRYAN, N. E. Cor. Court House square for Children. YARDS very handsome, all wool small figured De Laines. Also iful assartmeist ti De Laims, i« Dreerf*aWerna. for Ladfov, jwt received from'«* York. W. D. PHILLIP* aI' PAP PAPKt » im: ip.and »•r (.••aa m&iL+J r«f»s -4«—-» Bed ink; Blue Carmine Ink; j Ink} Indelibl* Uik Water ff for i » « J.JPW'J GfORftf M, îtlROMAN. . /... — " t^aa^i : i i - ■ ..i .T i 7--| i » i lllt i^ w OOOt)B L AI TH#> ! [ ' j dfawirjg» &e., PHILADE^IA CHEAT «TORE. Consisting ^JftSSOOODS of fcLACR^*t GJ ail kinds, tiôsîÉ nt} ' m«r RIBBON 8 - r goods too iiumeiMds fc ' Some areal •na.— A large steed of Cs*#» sÄtsr."Ä w W*t CI Ht* BS ïï'o.*" (oft I.9V --AliSO«» han«J*ome f««<«y articles, whrch r d «I our low prices, mi55. gag mmsanZ. ighe «f A. may è (»1*4, MavMletory. expressly fer the eulttvaUenof Cora and I, assorted from Ne. 1 to 4, »»tended Bars I Laks.01«» t* IAH ov ,., At hit Drug Store S IN comlmt p /I ftticmt I'ttvm* . J*? ', Western Bntfer. RESH from thé Dairy, id large ami small kegs for sa'eat dec-S. B asbsb à B* iua*is'». 3, t. TiAtwr, ■ÜT ' i«t. iCEffi.» ; iWMMl »,#«, lUhasjtist reeelv «jLV^tlW'Mle«W»; do. Coperasj do. Gut» ; do, Gurn Camphor. I do, Biearb of So<la; 1 do Create Tartar-, do. Fine white Gum Arabic. Roo t ; 11 ■m i s l: ..1 — 10 On«. Sulph Qnil 40 drachms Äulph 1 Best African Cay $0 lbs. Best Bermuda , American li*riflc«toft|* Turkey Rhubarb, Pufv, lp««ae, ke. All of whieh, hs offer» on Hie most »«« sonakle term», oetSO. SIflOP A u ti- Pli logistique de »riant, lot cold* cough* ke. for »«I# by may-34. J, L VIAtfT, Drufgift. LEECHES. -200best ïiîtmgari#n Leech es, just received and for sale by f«h 83. J. L. Vf A LET, A fOtherary. T> A D IVA Y fi Renovating Resolvent, re XV »olve*di»ea»e, penf/ea the Wood, and renovates the system, for sale by féh 93, J. L. VIALET, A^tbecsry DR. Geeghegan's Compound Extract «f may-24. Hydrofifer. fer sale by L L. VIALET,Drug^st. TÛÎÎBS PASTE. Pafc 4« J Gum Drop«, Ltmek» VNfn*, atsd' o ther preparation» for coughs sn<t colds., for sale hy W*. Boast-, DrWggist, l«n 29 Latiyette street Brown's Fssenoe of Jamaica Cfngar 3 Gross of (frown's Jamaica Ginger., just received from Fred. Brown, Phil ftb. 14. DiufgMt, L.l.,.11. St. Kmbrolderte». A VERY large stork of Embroideries, the il finest and richest patterns. Collars Cuffs, Chimezetts, etc.. at Si stop's Capitol Cheap Store, May 8-y ^ Churns ! Chnrn» f I CROWELS patent zinc lined Thermom eter Churns; also the Cylinder Cbom, for sale by MONTAN &HUGUFT. 500"!sSStoS^ l, ' ,M sept 8. War, B ooki , Compress W«tert OA DOZ. i n pint#& quarte* for mh Wn jam ww. bos KL. AFI5W barrels and f barrels Mola»sa» v an excellent article. In store and for BAÄBEK & BENJAMIN aeexcelleftt sale by Sfa SI. Booksf Book«! FIGHTER'S Fieneh Révolution j Lossicgs X Field Book ot the Revolution ; Home» ef the New WorW; Memories of Aron Borr: with a large variety ot cheap pub lication«, just received and for aale try • j<m34 GEO. M. H EROM A N. BLAITKETB h HKIO CKKKD3 —1 he subscriber has just received a large •apply of French Granier Blankets, and winter good« for n egr o «» , to which he in vitee the atteatisMi ofplaatera. octl8-y_ W .D. FBILLIPS every s*yl#, I] 3. fïMOÎf k CO