No. 20 Rue du Camp , Nile. Oi leans.
JOSEPH ETTER oflte à vendre à bas prix
pour dn comptant, ou acceptances de la ville,
tonte sorte d'articles de ce genre, tels que Papier à
Tapisser pour mures, ciels de lit pour rideaux
avec bordures ; étoffe à Rideaux avec garanitures
Pompons Cordes, Batons Dorés, Corniches: — De
Matelas à ressort, de Crin et Mousse, des Franges,
Kideanx de fenêtre transparents et autres, Mousti
caires, Tapis de laine, de paille et de toile peinte
Tons ordres seront promptementéxécntes.
Octobre 9, 1847. ll:tf
VOL 1.
NO. 9.
RT/BW/ e p O » S)î!
ROTH, BROTHER & CO, are now receiv
ing from the North a general assortment of
Best quality Jewelry—received direct from the
manufacturer, and is warranted in all cases
ofthebest material and make.
Clothing for gents, of best quality and style;
Shoe? and Boots of all kinds, and well made;
A general assortment of Hardware. au21
15 Bajass Curts;
15 fine Horse Cane Carts, all with iron axle
2 Ox Carts, with iron axletrec:
1 large Cane Wagon;
100,000 shingles, best quality. _ aii -1
TWO Thousand yards Lindsey; 1500 yards
Jeans, for sale by
a„21 ROTlf. BRO & CO.
IFTEEN bdls Packing Yarn;
25 hbli Lard Oil for sugar house;
10 bales Oakum;
10 tons assorted Iron, suitable for plantation
Barrel and Hogshead Truss Hoops;
White Lead and Linseed Oil.
For sale by fa>i21] ROTH, BRO & CO
ONE Thousand pair best and second quality o
Russets and Brogans; for sale by
au21 ROTH, BRO & CO.
ENEBAL assortment of Willow Ware, for
sale by ROTH, BRO &Co.
GENERAL assortment of Fancy Goods for
Ladies, for sale by
au21 ROTH, BRO & CO
FAMILY Cooking Stoves and pot ware of all
kinds and sizes, for sale by
au21 ROTH, BRO & CO.
OOKING GLASSES of all sizes for sale by
I angl ROTH, BRO & CO
MBRELLAS ofbest quality silk and Scotch
ginghams, for sale by
WAS brought to the Jail of this Parish
JK* on the 29th instant, a runaway negro; calls
0^ himself A LICK, and says he belongs to a
» Mr. Le Blanc, residing in the Parish of St.
James. The said negro is about 28 or 30 years of
age, and 5 feet 10 inches in height, and a black.—
The owner of said negro will come forward and
prove property, or he will be dealt with accozding
to law.
hu 31 HENRY SULLIVAN, Jailor.
IIa été amené à la Geôle à Plaquemine.
un nègre arrêté comme marron qiiis'nppelle
ALICK, et dit qu'il appartient à Mr. Le
> Blanc, demeittant à la Paroisse de St. James.
Le dit nègre est âgé d'environ 28 ou 38 ans ; et de
5 pieds 10 pouces de taille.
31 août HENRY SULLIVAN, Geôlier.
Coast, Doiialdsontille, Plaqurmine,
S Baton Rouge, Port Hudson, ll'atcrloo,
Bayou Sara. —The regular packet steamboat
ELISKA, J. G. Landry master, will leave New
Orleans every SUNDAY at 9 *. m ., and WED
NESDAY at 9 a. m .; returning will leave Bayou
Sara every Monday and Thursday at 10 o'clock,
a - m.
For freight Or passage, having superior accommo
dations, apply on board or to
BRAUD& LANDRY, Bienville street.
GERARD & FERRIER, Conti street.
Aug. 28—tf.
R Y, for sale at
Jan 15 RICHARDS'Drug Store.
ïlson. starbiri T & smith s sy
rup of sarsaparilla— For the
cure of rheumatism, scrofulous affections, diseases
of the skin, and eruptions of various kinds. It is a
powerful tonic and alterative, and is valuable as a
restorative in depraved conditions of the system,
though its most extensive and useful application is
in the treatment of secondary syphilis, and syphi
loid diseases, and that shattered state of the system
which follows the imprudent use of mercury in
these affections. For sale by
aulO L. C. THOMAS, Druggist.
A LARGE asssrtment of pure and
good medicines can be had at the
Plaquemine Drug Store. Planters wish
ing a supply for Plantation use, are invi
ted to call and try them. They will be
sold at city .prices, and the expense of
freight saved to the buyer.
A FEW gallons of 15 years old Apple Brandy
on hand, and for sale at $150 per gallon, by
JUST received a fresh supply of superior Ken
tucky Lard, and for sale by
■n!4tf BRINEGAR.
A LARGE supply of superior sugar cured
Hams, jo»t received and for sale by
'Bonrbon" Whis
L 14 Y* ^
Southern SftUfueL
Subscription:— Five Dollars per annum, invariably in ad
Advertising *— One Dollar per square, (10 lines or less«) will
be charged for the first, and Fifty Cents for every inser
tio thereafter. ah advertisements not specified as to
number of insertions, will be published until forbid, and
charged accordingly. In both Ianguagc8,charged double.
No engagements for advertising will be made for a lungar
period than three months , at such rates by the year as ue
vided upon, payable quarterly.
%j*ln no case can the above conditions be departed from
The Opinion of a Democrat.
Gen. Thomas J. Green , a native of
North Carolina, and who achieved fame
in the struggle for Texan independence,
has written the following letter to a gen
tleman of Charleston. Gen. G. has al
ways been a firm and consistent Demo
crat. He was for many years a planter,
first in Florida, and afterwards in Texas,
hut is now a resident ofBoston. His in
formation is cheering in the extreme:
"Jamaica Plains . (Mass.) Aug. 11 .
"My Dear General—I received to-day
yours of the 2d inst., which I take plea
sure in answering.
"We have not yet heard the result from
the Buffalo Convention, but take it for
granted that Van Buren will be the nomi
nee. If so he will greatly injure Cass,
whose prospects were, at best, not good.
For instance, in New é York, upon the old
issues, Whigs and Democrats stand about
200,000 votes each. All,agree that Van
Buren will divide the Democrats about
equal, while he cannot get more than
40,000 ultra Abolition Whigs, thus leav
ing Taylor a large majority; but Taylor
will get, even in New York, a number of
Democrats. In this State there are about
400 Abolition Whigs, who will go for the
Free Soil candidate—while at least double
that number of Democrats are for Taylor
—Col. Wright and his returned regiment
almost to a man (all Dem.) among the
number. I live in J. Q. Adams' old dis
trict, where there are more than a third
Democrats, the largest number of whom
will go for Taylor—-your humble servant
among the number. I believe him a bet
ter Democrat than either Cass or Van
Buren, and a far more reliable man than
either. You know that I prefer Mr. Cal
houn to all living men,* next to him I
think that the South may safely trust
Taylor, and it will be strange indeed if
they do not support him. While the
Abolitionists of the North are concentrat
ing against him as a "slave-breeder," will
it not be strange if the South unite with
them 1
"You ask me for my general informa
tion as to the strength of the parties. I
will give you the best in my possession.
Cass will get Illinois, Arkansas, Texas,
Iowa, Wisconsin—84. Van Buren will
not get one electoral vote, though a res
pectable minority in several States, for
instance, New York, Vermont und New
Hampshire. Taylor will get New York,
Pennsylvania, Ohio, Tennessee, Ken
tucky, Massachusetts, Indiana, North
Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, New
Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont, Louisiana,
Rhode Island, Delaware and Florida—
296 votes. Doubtful—Virginia, Maine,
Alabama, Missouri, NewHampshire, Mis
sissippi, Michigan—59 votes.
"Gen. Taylor will get a very large vote
in each of the doubtful States, if he does
not carry them.
"It is a safe calculation to give Taylor
more Democrats in the Northern States
than he will loose Abolition Whigs.
"I trust that there cannot be any se
rious opposition to him in your State, for
it puzzles me to see how South Carolina
can- hesitate between Taylor, Cass and
Van Buren. If the former cannot be
trusted upon the great negro question,
having been born a slave owner, always
lived one, and every dollar of his pro
perty in slaves, who can be ? Certainly
not Mr. Van Buren, the head of the Abo
litionists. nor Mr. Cass, who, but a short
time since, was an open Wilmot Proviso
{tj* We havçrlevery assurance and every
confidence that Gen. Taylor will carry
Virginia. The indications are all greatly
in favor of that. He is a Virginia man.
All that is wanted is a strong pull and
a long pull, and a pull altogether, as they
say at sea.— Wheeling Gat.
Gov. Hammond and Gen, Taylor.
Gov. Hammond, of South Carolina, is
one of the ablest and purest men in the
Union. On the question of slavery he is
wont to be regarded as the leading cham
pion ofSouthern rights. His letter to Mr.
Clarkson has won for its author an envia
ble celebrity. At this crisis of our affairs,
it is well known, therefore, what is the con
duct recommended by one so well inform
I ed on the subject, and so undoubtedly
true to the South on this absorbing ques
tion. The following letter from Gov.
Hammond to a committee which had in
vited him to attend a public meeting in
Charleston, shows that in the present
canvass, his sympathies are exclusively
with old Rough and Ready :
[ Extract from Gen. Hammond's Letter.]
"I trust you will see, in what I have
said, sufficient reason to justify me in de
clining most respectfully, your unexpect
ed, but sincerely appreciated invitation,
without a moment supposing that I wish
to shrink from any responsibility I might
incur by accepting it. I have already
gone too far, I well know, to lose any
thing by going further. In fact I have
b^ il anxious not to share in the responsi
bii.ty of those Southern men who are op
posing Gen. Taylor, and have never fail
ed, when a proper opportunity offered,
distinctly and decidedly to avow mysplf
tobe in favor of his election. How any
slaveholder can hesitate between him and
Gen. Cass, is to mo not only a matter of
special wonder, but I think the worst
omen for the South I have seen in my
"Permit me to offer you my most ar
dent wishes for the success of your efforts
to carry the vote of our State for this great
and good man, and to assure you of the
high respect with which I have the honor
to be,
Very sincerely, vour ob't serv't,
C/^When. Gen. Harrison was assailed
by the Van Buren Democracy, in 1840,
and pronounced a granny and a coward,
Gen. Cass, though requested to do so, had
not the magnanimity to defend his old
commanderand compeer inarms. Inreply
to a letter addressed to him, he said his
position as the representative of the Uni
ted States, near the court of Louis Philip
pe, forbade him to interfere in the contest
between Gen. Harrison and Martin Van
Buren. This is simply saying his posi
tion forbade him to tell the truth, for fear
the truth would operate to the advantage
of his old commander. But now an ef
fort is made to prove Gen. Cass a great
military chieftain, by asserting that he was
the accomplished aid of the good and
brave old Gen. Harrison. Here is con
sistency displayed to advantage :
Is he brave .—The other day, a Loco
foco, in speaking to a Taylor man of the
distinguished military services of Gen
Cass, and especially his brave conduct as
"aid to Gen. Harrison," was fairly "pick
ed up." In 1840 this Taylor man fought
side by side with the Locofoco in the con
test against Harrison, and he thus made
a home thrust :
"What! don't you remember how you
and I called Gen. Harrison a coward, and
how we were ready to swear that he was
not within 14 miles of the battle of the
Thames'? If Cass was his 'aid' in that
battle, how then could he liavç distin
guished himself, when he must have been
14 miles off?— Noxubee Rifle.
Ohio .—The Cincinnati Atlas holds the
following cheering language in relation to
Whig prospects in Ohio.
"Every paper that reaches our office,
from the interior of the State, brings the
most cheering accounts of the Whig pros
pects throughout Ohio, particularly so
from the Western Reserve. All along
the whole line from here to the lake, the
wildest enthousiasm prevails. The ar
dor of 1840 is blazing out, and ere No
vember comes, a conflagration will ensue
which will destroy the Locofoco and Free
Soil factions. We are informed by a
gentleman, a member of the Whig Stnte
Central Committee at Columbus, who has
recently traversed a large portion of Ohio,
that the utmost harmony prevails among
the Whigs, and the same glorious results
that crowned the efforts of the Whigs in
1840 will perch upon their standard in
1848. Gen. Taylor's sound good sense
—his excellent judgment—his great mer
cy in the hour of triumph—his indomita
ble prowess in the field—are appreciated
by the Whigs. And they are ready and
anxious to testify their regard for him at
the ballot-liox; and they will hail the ap
proach of the time when he will drive
back and put to flight the cohorts ofLo
cofocoism and free soilism, and all other
isms, as he did the Mexicans at Palo Alto
and Buena Vista.
The skies are brightening—everything
is cheering; and as certain as the 4th of
March, 1849, shall arrive, will General
Zachary Tay lor take up his residence in
the White House, and purge the Govern
ment of its dark, deep corruption, which
has been accumulating for years, under
Locofoco misrule and Locofoco pecula
(I/ 5 * From every quarter of the United
States we daily receive intelligence of the
wane of General Taylor's popularity, of
the discovery and discomfiture of Whig
plots, and of the universal refutation of
Whig calumnies.— Point Coupee Echo.
Has the Echo received intelligence on
the three following facts:
1st. The seventh life of Gen. Cass
printed in the German language, says,
Mr. Polk in the election of 1844, received
the vote of all the States except one.
2d. The Democratic State Association
of Louisiana has published a pamphlet to
prove that Millard Fillmore and Gen.
William O. Butler are abolitionists, and
that they in Congress voted to encourage
servile insurrection, and the "murder of
white men by negroes."
3d. The Cass and Butler club of the
Second Municipality refuses to circulate a
pamphlet purporting to be an extract from
the journals of Congress, approved and
published by the Democratic State Asso
ciation of Louisiana, on the ground that
the pamphlet is false and fraudulent.
[Live Oak.
Curiosities .—We understand that a
number of very curious things have arriv
ed and will soon be exhibited. Price of
admission, a vote for Cass. Among them
are the following.—N. F. Ex.
1. Grand Historical National painting
of Col. Cass holding a common soldier in
the river, so that he could land first him
self on the Canada shore, right in the face
of two old women waving white flags, and
no enemy.
2. The sword which Col. Cass broke at
Hull's surrender so perfect that it can't be
discovered that it was ever broken at oil !
With an acconnt of that desperate act
which none of the regular historians of
the conntry could ever find—(bound in
calf and very cheap.)
3. "Impressions of a change of mind,"
in the great Michi-Gander, on the Wil
mot Proviso, finer than cobweb and per
fectly transparent.
Scene at Harper's Ferry .—Perley,
the correspondent of the Boston Atlas,
was at Harper's Ferry lately. He says :
I had toiled up to this height In order
to see "Jefferson's Rock," a large bould
er weighing several tons, which is poised
upon a point, and could apparently be
rolled off into the river beneath, without
much difficulty. It is covered with names
—some of them chisseled out with great
neainess—and while I was there, two re
turned volunteers were cutting, in letters
three inches long, the honored name of
Zachary Taylor , I asked one of the
carvers if he intended to vote for Taylor ?
"Vote for Old Zach !" was his indignant
reply; "do you suppose that any one who
ever knew the old man would vote for any
one else?"
Presidential Election Law. —By the
act of 11th April, 1848, assessors are re
quired to open their books immediately
after the second Tuesday of October, anil
are required to assess any white free
man making application to them at any
time within ten days of the time fixed by
law for the election of electors for Presi
dent and Vice President, and to make out
lists for the officers of said election, and
deliver the same to them on or before
eight o'clock on the morning of the elec
tion.— Phil. Ledger.
5?" Never falter while asserting your
Whig Principles. —A faithful adminis
tration of the Government, with a view to
the promotion of the people, according to
the provisions of the constitution, without
addition to or substractiou from those
To provide and preserve a sound cur
rency is within the power of Congress, to
be exercised whenever the state of the
country and public opinion require it.
Encouragement, diversification, and
protection of national industry.
Facilitating commercial intercourse by
improving harbors and rivers, and by
making roads and canals as parts of great
national improvemements.
Peace and union—progress and pros
perity—no more-wars of conquest—no ac
cession of territory beyond that acquired
in the recent treaty with Mexico.
Offices and trusts to be filled for the
common good, and not treated as spoils
—the qualification for them, honesty and
The respective States have exclusive
control over their own institutions.
Limitation of the patronage of the Gen
eral Government, and economical expen
Death .—-Heavens! what a moment
must be that wlieu the last flutter expires
on onr lips! What a change! Tell me,ye
who are deepest read in uature and in
God, to what new world are we born?
What new being do we receive? Whither
has that spark, that uuseen, that incom
prehensible intelligence fled? Look upon
the cold, livid, ghastly corpse that lies be
fore you! That was but a shell, a gross
and earthly covering, which held the im
mortal essence that has now left us; left to
range, perhaps through illimitable spacc:
to receive new capacities of delight; new
powers of conception; new glories of bea
titude! Ten thousand fancies rush upon
the mind as it contemplates the awful
moment between life and death! It is a
moment big with imagination, hopestand
fears; it is the consummation that clears up
all mystery—solves all doupts—which re
moves contradiction and destroys errors.
Great God! what a flood of rapture may at
once burst Upon the departed soul. The
unclouded brightness of the celestial region
—the solemn secrets of nature may then
be divulged; the immediate unity of the
past, the present, and the future; strains of
imaginable harmony, forms of imperisha
ble beauty, may then suddenly disclose
themselves, bursting upon the delighted
senses, and bathing them in immeasurable
bliss! The mind is lost in this excess of
wondrous delight, and dares not turn from
the heavenly visiou to one so gloomy, so
tremendous as the deparment of the wick
ed! Human fancy sinks back appalled!
Young men inall parts of the UmtM States,
who have received a good English education,
and who are accustomed to teach, will receive in
formation which they can turn to their advantage,
by applying immediately by letter, post paid, to box
1913, New York Postoffice. Applicants must ex
pect, however, to send respectable references, with
out which, no communication will be attended to.
The references ought to be to persons interested in
education. *
Those who wish to avail themselves of an oppor
tunity to obtain a respectable livelihood, will do
well to write immediately, as many of the best situ
ations in different parts of the Union are being filled
up every day. Remember, box 1913, New York
Postoffice. au316ni
A new volume—increased in beauty and
usefulness—"ever onward
fflLHRIGHT'S PAPER, for the dis
▼ ▼ semination of Useful Knowledge, under the
supervision of the American Society for the Diffu
sion of Useful Knowledge—published tha 15th of
each month. In consequence of the unprecedent
ed success of "Wright's Paper," duting the first
year, we have resolved to make the second volume,
commencing in July, 1848, more valuable in every
respect than the first. Each number will «ontain
sixteen super royal octavo pages, on fine white pa
per—a magazine of valuable stores, gathered and
garnered up from sources which, from their magni
tude, rarity and costliness, are as sealed fountains of
living waters to the great mass of the reading com
munity—valuable educational matter, science and
art, improvement, domestic and political economy,
valuable practical receipts, &c., concentrated and
rendered practical to the teacher, the pupil, the pro
fessional man, the farmer, the mechanic, the manu
facturer, the housekeeper, the philanthropist; in
fact, to men, women and children, of all classes,
ages and conditions.
Each number will contain at \enst four engravings.
"Wright's Pioneer and Literary Advertiser," is sent
gratis to each subscriber to "Wright's Paper."
au31-ly 65 S. Third street, Philadelphia.
%'Subscriptions leceived at this office.
4^4^ G ALLONS Turpentine in store and
JL ^P ^Fforsaleby L .C.THOMAS,Druggist
OLOGNE—A superior aiticle for sale by
L. C. THOMAS, Druggist.