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I j \ i i i j | , j j ELECTION. Etat de la Louisiane. — Paroisse cVIber ville. ONFORMEMENT à la proclama tion de son Excellence, Isaac John son Gouverneur de l'Etat de la Louisiane en date du 7 Août, 1848, une élection aura lieu dans la Paroisse d'iberville, M AUDI le lerne jour de Novembre, 1848, à l'effet d'élire six électeurs pour cet Etat r pour la Présidence et la Vice Présidence des Etats Unis. Le scrutin sera ouvert depuis 9 heures A. M. jusqu'à 4 heures P. M. dans les dif férents districts d'élection, comme suit savoir :— Pour le 1 er District. Au café de Mr. Briengue au débarque ment du Bayou Goula, sous l'inspection de Messrs. Paul Hébert, Norbert Lauve et Albert Allain. Pour le Heme District. A la maison de cour de la dite Paroisse à Plaquemine sous la surveillance de Messrs. Joseph II. Rills, Lucien Landry et Trasimond Roth. Pour le 3 eme District. Au magasin de Messrs. Bissell et Schla tre sous la surveillance de Messrs. Adolphe Dupuy, Jules Sellier et John A. Dardenne. Pour le -lerne District. A la résidence de Mr. Paul Dupuy, sous la surveillance de Messrs James E, Robertson, Richard Reames et Valsin J. Dupuy. . Pour le 5eme District. Au magasin de Mr. Pierre Richard, sous l'inspection de Messrs Charles Da venport, Thomas C. Brown et Edward Moore. Pour le Gerne District. A la résidence de Mr. Joachim Blan chard, sous la surveillance de Messrs. Jean Bte. Guédry, Achille Landry et Pierre Colle. Pour le 7 eme District. Au moulin-à-scie de Samuel lves, sous la surveillance de Messrs Gaspar Gall, Wm. //. Carr et James Sullivan. Pc ur h 8 eme Distria. Au magasin de Theodore Johnston, sous la surveillance de Messrs James //. Johnston, Ursin Daigre et Maximilien Cotoire. J. L. PETIT, Shérif. Paroisse d'iberville ce 5 Sept. 1848. \n\n w m S K.yïïïï- ll'BKÄ t '*• published every monday and thursday, BY H M- P- BRAD BURN. fou fkesident, Ï4CHABV TAVI,(»it, of f^onifiana. fob vice president, niLLABD FIM.ÎHORE, of .lVir fork. ELECTORAL TICKET: First District. - - - M0QUE8 TOIITANT P. BENJAMIN MANUEL J. GARCIA. . C. ADAMS, J R. John moobe . - JAS. G. CAMPBELL. Second District, Third District, Fourth District, Fifth District, Sixth District, "1 have no private purposes to accomplish, no party pro tects to tiuild up, no enemies to punish—nothing to serve "tint my country. * * > have no concealment. i hold no opinion which t would not readily proclaim to my as sembled countrymen, but crude impressions upon matters of polity, which may be right to-day and wronp to-morrow, are. perhaps, not the best test of fitness for office. One who . annot he trusted without pledges cannot he, confided iti ■Iicrctv on account of them. * * I am a Why bot not an uirra Whit;. If elected,I would not be the mere President of a party. ! would endeavor to act independent of party domination. I should feel bound to administer the Gov -rnment, untrammeled by party schemes « Hie veto power: The personal opinions of the individual whe may happen to oeeupv the Executive chairoturht not to control the action of Congress upon questions of domestic policy; no, ought his objections to be interposed where questions of constitutional power have been settled by "•«various departments of Government and acquiesced in by the peo ple * * lipon the subject of the tariff, the currency, the improvement of our great highways, rivers, lakes and har bors, the will of the people, as expreß through their rep rcsentntives in Congress, ought to be respected ^n.l o.rr '.i out bv the Executive. * * I sincerely rejoice at the pros pect of peace, Mv life has been devoted to arms, yet I Iwk upon war at ail times and under all ^^»mstnncesnsa national calamitv, to he avoided it compatible with nation al honor. * * I shall engage m no schemes no combina tions, no intrigues."— Extracts from. Gen. Taylor s Letter to Capt. Jllison. "/ go for the country—the whole country — Z achary T aylor. 41 T disavow most unequivocally, now and forever, antj design on my part to interfere with the rights of what is termed the property of the cittztus of the. other States. Millard Fillmore. THURSDAY, SEPTEMEB 7, 1843. [LTIt will be seen by reference to a notice in another column, that a call is made npon the Tay lor men, to meet on the loth inst. at Mr. Herbert s ball room on the Island. Col. R. S. Stewart, R. I,. Watson, Duncan Kenner and R. Upton, will address the meeting. The Weather .—The rains in this section of Louisiana, appear to increase rather than diminish in their violence. On last Friday and Tuesday evenings it rained excessively, accompanied with much wind wid severe thunder and lightning. We do not recollect evei to have seen such frequent and heavy showers, in so short a space of time, as we have witnessed here within the last month, and, al though we have heard no complaints, damage cer tainly must have accrued to the planters. OTT' Gen. Lane has announced thathe will accept the Governorship of Oregon, and that he will pro ceed, in a short time, with his fomily, to that coun try. So says the St. Louis Republican. Louisville .—According to the most recent esti mates, the population of Louisville, Ky., is now 36,500; the number of buildings, 7900; and the va lue of property, real and personal, $13,047,514. ß* Charles A. Meigs, hiiherto a respectable merchant of Edgefield Court House, S. C., has been detected in robbing the post-office of that place of $14. He confesses other depredations. The Excitement at Cincinnati.—A telegraph ic despatch dated Pittsburg, Aug. 25 m . says: "The excitement at Cincinnati, growing out of the outrage perpetrated upon ayouQg girl there, is still great. The jail is under military guard. Three of the rioters have been killed, and seveu others are badly woîinded. The Sheriff has a large military force under his command." An Example .—Summary justice, in lhe shape of tar and feathers, (says the Columbia, S. C., Telegraph,) was inflicted last week by the citizens ofOrangebnrg District, on an interesting stranger, caught tampering with slaves i n t|iat neighborhood. O* Several years ago, Mr. Eilet, the successful engineer of the Niagara Suspension Bridge, pro posed to the citizens of Si. Louis to construct a similar bridge across the Mississippi river at that place. The possibility of achieving such an un dertaking lyas then doubted, and the mattet was dropped; but now that the Niagara Bridge has been completed, attention is seriously directed to Mr. diet's proposition by the people of St. Louis. Origin or the Albany Fire .—This fire (says the Albany Knickerbocker) originated in a very singular vanner. It appears that while a woman was washing, a spark set fire to her snnbonnet ; without a moment's thought, she jerked it from her head and threw it she knew not wheie ; unfortu nately it lighted in the stable of William Johnson, which in & moment almost was enveloped in flames. New Mexic ».—The Santa Fé Republican of the 16th July, having received the message of Gov. Wood, of Texas, in which he sets up a paper claim to the best portion of New Mexico, ridicules the pretension with great severity. It says that Texas might as well have legislated a claim to Louisiana as to any portion of New Mexico ; that if Texan au thorities attempt to govern that country, they will find themselves awfully taken in ; and that Mexico has a population competent to elect their own offi cers, and make their own laws, and never will con senttothis unexpected and unjust claim. Pkihuïlvahw .— The Whigs hare nominated as tioveraor Wm. F. Johnson, and the Democrats Morris Longstreth—so says a despatch to the Bnlle tin. Pear of Public Opinion. We are as well convinced of the truth, aj il we had the divine power of reading the thoughts of individuals, that in this parish as elsewheie, there are a number of persons and voters, who are posi tive of the fact that outrageous falsehoods are pro pagated by the opponents of Taylor and Fillmore and equally convinced in iheir minds that lhe oppo silo tickct is dangerous, lliat it is impure, that (here is too much shuffling and trickery evident in the character of him who stands at the head of that ticket, and that it does not adcord with their honest and patriotic views ; but, because they have hither to been considered as Democrats, they have not the independence or courage to expie^s their convic tions openly and aboveboard, and therefore the mo ral influence of such an act upon less enlightened minds, is lost to the country and to the age. Why is this? It is because men are afraid of the taunts and jibes of those, less honest, less patriotic, and with less brains, who belong to the same party. If there is'a curse inflicted by the Almighty upon lhe nature of an individual, it is a disposition to act contrary to a just conception of what is right through tho fear of public opinion, and this is ]*ir- j ticularlv applicable in reference to public altairs, where the welfare of a nation is dependent upon the correct judgment and unbiassed actions of its people. A man, whose whole career upon political sub jects, shows llul he is governed by the wand of par ty and of power, prostituting his reason, his scif respecl and his liberties, will often be found to be the most unrelenting stickler for correct principles, for truth and honor, in his own personal affairs, or among his own family. The idolized daughter, be coming enoingled in the wily and insiduous snare of lhe gay and artful seducer, is blasted and withers in her beauty and iter youth- she is spurned by lhe father who had so often embraced ner with affection and admiration, and wanders forth, a lost but penitent one, to die in misery and in want; the wife is false to the bosom of her husband, and obey ing the natural impulse of insulted honor, he thrusts her fiom him with scorn and indignation; a son or brother strays from the path of virtue, in temperance has prostrated his energies and hischa acter, and he is shunned and discarded ; all these associations of home and warm affections of the heart are prostrated at the shrine of right, justice and honor, in defiance of feeling and regardless of the world. But let the principles of a party or its leaders degenerate—(selfishness and not the wel fare of the nation lhe governing principle)—and if the mind is fully convinced that it is acting im properly iti longer upholding such a party and such principles, fear restrains the tongue from assert ing these convictions—feai that weakness may be impute i or selfishness attributed. And thus men will act, who in their private affairs seem lo be the quintcscenco of honor itself. It is an exalted virtue to leave a party when we consider that its spirit and its actions have become impure, or when an acknowledged leader is pre sented whose character is undoubtedly that of a selfish and ambitious trickster. The loftiest princi ple which a father can infuse in the breast of his son is a determination to be governed through life by the precepts which education inculcates, and the inflexibility of a sound and unwavering judgment. Democsats, very many of you have determined to vote for Taylor and Fillmore; and many of you, like that staunch and illustrious Democrat who fell at the seige of the Alamo, the immortal Crockett, are conscious that your party has changed, and you will not support it, but yet, unlike the first noble spirits, you have hithertc tefrained from proclaim ing the change of your sentiments. Come out boldly, and transmit lo posterity the honor of hav ing assisted to place Old Zach in the Presidential chair; and remember that the noblest of sentiments, though uncouth and rough-hewn like its great au thor, and whether in reference to ethics or politics, is to "be sure you're right, then go ahead !" Gen. Wm. O. Butler and the Creoles of Louisiana. "But there was still a third class, who neither owed nor professed any allegiance to this nation.— The city and country were filled with foreigners and strangers from every clime and zone, of every tribe and tongue, whose sole business was to better their condition—having more or less interest staked on the result of the coming contest. Who would pretend to vouch that these "lookers on in Vienna" „were all good men and true, and ready to "do or die" in a cause not their own? Or who would even vouch that they would not join the enemy, who seemed to Jiave victory already written on his ban ner? Sir, had one-half of the population of this country [Louisiana] pledged themselves for the pa triotism of the othfr, it could not have been expected that a man as deeply read in that intricaie volume the human heart—and as well acquainted with all its springs of action, as General Javkson is hnown to be, would have given it a moment's credence. But General Jackson was not left to speculate upon this general knowledge of men and things. He was warned and forewarned previous lo reaching Lou isiana—and that, too, from the very highest author ity m (he land—that it was filled with spies and traitors." » * * » * * * "The city troops, who should have been the last, were the first to manifest a spirit of insubordination. Many claimed leave to return to the city; and it is contended that they were entitled to this indul gence, as their families or friends resided there. The gay carnival season, tao, was drawing to a close; and titeir national love of pleasure (for they were mostly of French origin) was too strong for their patriotism . Not having succeeded in their appli cation to Gen. Jackson, many, who weie known to be American citizens, applied to and received pro tection of, the French consul, who invariably certi fied them to be citizens of France. Armed with these certificates, they demanded their discharge, leaving their brother soldiers from distant States to defend the very firesides which they were so eager to enjoy.''— Extracts of a speech delivered by Gen. IPm. O. Butler in the House of Representatives, Jan wiry, 1843. We have every respect for the high character of Gen. Wm. O. Butler. His name is associatedwith some of the brightest events of our history. But, i however much lie may be esteemed in Louisiana | j f ur |,j 9 talents and his services, he cannot expect to I be supported by the free and patriotic citizens of litis State after such general and sweeping denuncia tion. According to (Jen. Butler's statement—made, too, before the assembled representatives of the peo ple, where disgrace would fall heaviest—the name j ofcreole during the last war with Great Bntain, was ; synonymous with that of traitor, and therefore, ac cording lo Iiis testimony, the present citizens of Louisiana are the sons of traitors ! Why was lie thus incensed against the whole .population? Be» cause, forsooth, a few dastardly spirits, tobe found in every army upon the eve of battle—men whose habits of vice had lost them to every sense of honor —proved recreant in the hour of danger. And be cause they were of 'French origin,' an antipathy against all, without discrimination, takes possession of Gen. Butler's breast; but not satisfied with its .lankling there, he must stamp the stigma lipon lhe page of history, by proclaiming his belief upon the lloor of Congress, Had one half of you, ot your fathers, asserts (ïen. Butler, pledged yourselves for the patriotism of the other half, it would not have been given a moment's credence." Thus, after denouncing all | the Creoles as renegades, lie endeavors to mitigate I the severity of his language a little, by saying in unvarnished terms, that although one hall of the State in 1814 would have sworn that the other half j would light when called on, they were such liars they could not he believed. This is his meaning, rendered into a plain style; and a precious popula* tion you are, hv his account. But further, he says the Creoles of Louisiana are so fond of p!easuie,so regardless of the endearments of their firesides, that, like Nero, who fiddled while Rome was burning, you could laugh and be merry white the enemy was upon the point of desecrating your altars, laying waste your homesteads, and shouting their watch word of "booty and beauty." So, after asserting that you were not patriotic etiough to defend your firesides, and that your pledges were valueless, he goes farther, and intimates that yon are worse than savages, for they have the common feelings of hu manity. And these are the people, traduced by General Butler—the Creoles of Louisiana! a name synon ymous with honor and valor—who first rushed to the aid of the gallant Taylor upon the sered plains of Mexico, leaving behind them all that was dear and sacred, and whose sterling worth and intrepid ity in the hour of conflict, the old Chief has testified with so much pride on various occasions where he has spoken of the Creoles of Louisiana. No, Gen. Butler, however much the Creoles of Louisiana may have been disposed lo favor your high pretensions, they would consider themselves base indeed, now that your sentiments towards them are known, lo "lick the hand that has branded them vvidi infamy." They will tell you on the 7th of next November, that those of the "French origin" know well how lo reward their traducers. BY THIS M ORNING'S MAIL. Mr. Webster against Free Soil and is fa vor of Tatlor .—We received last evening, says! the Picayune of yesterday, a telegraphic despatch ! dated Charleston, Monday the 4th inst. It informs I us that Mr. Webster had made his expected speech 1 in favor of Gen. Taylor for the Presidency, and j against lhe Free Soil movement. There was no change in lhe New York cotton market. Flour has advanced eighteen cents, corn six cents, and wheat five cents. Tampico .— By a letter from a creditable source, dated 2d inst., says the Crescent of the 14th, we learn that ihn fatal ideas of annexation are develop ing themselves in that unfortunate section of Mexi. co,and thesadestpartofthe business is, that some evil disposed Mexicans have taken part in it. We are assured that there have returned to Tampico many officers, non-commissioned officers and sol diers of the American army. The plan of the con spirators is yet in embryo, and it ij uccessary that the Government should lake whatever measures the exigencies of the case may demand, in order to discover the authors of this treason, and punish them with a strong hand, and in such manner as may be a warning and example. Again : A person just arrived from Tampico informss us of the ad vanced state of the projects of annexation and as sures us that if a respectable force is not imme diately sent the result will be disastrous. The Louisiana volunteers are already returning in accordance with a contract with an officer and other persons of the country, who are bound to fur nish assistance. El Monitor, of a later date, says that the Govern, ment has ordered a large force to Tampico, and predicts the speedy disappearance of all disaffection ICT A Washington correspondent of the Balti more Sun writes : " Gen Lane—I have the liberty to state authentically—has accepted the appoint ment of Governor of Oregon, and will take his de parture for that distant Territory of the United Slates within the next two weeks. Mr. Prichett, the newly appointed Secretary of the Territory, I saw here last evening, and he also will leave im mediately. California, however, I repeat, is to be jhe next theatre of action and stirring events." Military Land Warrants.—The Washington News of the 26th ult. has the following : ' We quoted land warrants last week at $106, and spoke of their tendency to rise. They are now sel ling at $108 with few in the market. A decided preference is given to those warrants which art as signed by persons acting under powers of attorney attached. War bounty scrip brings $95 to $96. Ice .—We are beginning to suffer for want of ice, says the Pic. The supply has become so short that the principal dealers decline selling, having quite'as much as they can do to supply standing contracts. Exception is made in favor of the sick. As Incident .—The following comes to us from a highly respectable source, and we lay it before our readers. At Pascagotila, a distinguished Democrat was present while a crowd of persons were paying their respects to Gen. Taylor, and receiving from him that cordial reception which is characteristic of the old man. Hoping lo make a little capital, doubt less, but certainly displaying a great want of sense, the friend of General Cass remarked lo the wife of lhe General, if it was not very repulsive to her feelings, and her ideas of propriety, to see her hus band mingling so unceremoniously with the rabble of the country. She turned towards him, saysotir correspondent, and gave him the most withering look that ever the mild eye of woman sen! forth. "Oh. sir, said she "we differ as lo j cha is the 4 rab- j ble of the country.' If you mean lhe honest ine. \ chanics and laboring gentlemen of the land, I am i proud to say that I look upon these as the bulwark i of the Republic— ils pride and-wealth—and the best guarantee of the perpetuity of our indepen dence; it is to these noble spirits that my husband is indebted for what he is. May God multiply and bless our country with many such citizens, although they may be looked upon as 'the rabble' by some." It is needless to add that the gentleman looked as small as lhe Hero of Hull's surrender must have looked, when he was delivering his sword and the American flag with 300 picked men into the hands of a British officer. O' Gen. Wool had a very gratifying reception, at Troy on his arrival there on tlie 19th ult At dinner, on tbe way up, in reply to a complimentary toast, Gen. Wool made some remarks, of which we find in the N. Y, Evening Post the following nol tice : Some allusion having been made to Gen. Woo as the hero ofBuèna Vista, he replied by disclaim ing his right to lay claim to that honor. He remark ed that (ren. Taylor was the commanding ofiicer on that occasion: and as such he was entitled to the credit of the victory; as, had the battle terminated differently Gen. Taylor must have certainly borne the responsibility of defeat. He was happy to say, that upon that occasion, as upon all others, there had been the most peifect understanding between him selfand Gen. Taylor. They had acted in conceit, and their opinions happily corresponded on all im portant particulars. OCT O'Rielly's Telegraph line is now in opera tion between Baton Rouge and New Orleans. CP The election for Governor, members of the Legislature and Congressmen takes place in Maine on the second Monday in September—the 11th. | ! ! I Rally, friends of Gen. Taylor. [HPOn PRIt)A Y. 15 th of September, there will be a meeting of the friends of Gen. Taylor at Mr Herbert's Ball Room at '.he Island. Col. R. A. Stewart , R. L. Watson, Duncan Kenner and R. Upton , will be present and address the meet ing. Come one—come all! sep7 3t TAKEN ÜFby~D~D. Lanier about two weeks since, a WHITE COW and her CALF; the cow is marked with yellow spots, and is branded j—her ear marked with an under bit and split. The owner is requested to cotne forward, prove property, "pay charges anil take her away, prior lo Saturday, the 23d day of September, otherwise she will be offered for sale ! on that day to the highest bidder, opposite the court house, in Plaquemine. sep7 J. S. WEBB ELECTION. Stale of Louisiana—Parish of Iberville. N conformity with tlie law and agreea bly to a proclamation of Iiis Excel lency, Isaac Johnson, Governor of the State of Louisiana, dated August 7th, 1848, an election will he holden in the Parish of Iberville, on TUESDAY, the 1th day of November , 1848, for the pur pose of electing six Electors for this Slate, for President and Vice President of the United States. The Polls will be open from 9 o'clock, A.M., until 4 o'clock P. M., and holden as follows* Jn the ls£ Precinct. At the coftce house of 11. Brienguc, at Bayou Goulu landing, Messrs. Paul Hé bert, Norbert Lauve, and Albert Allait), | Commissioners. In the 2d Precinct, At the court house in the town of Plu quemine, Messrs Joseph H. Kills, Lucien Landry and Trasiruond Roth, Commis sioners. Jn the 3d Precinct. At the Store of Messrs. Bissell &. Schla he, Messrs. Adolphe Dupuy, Jules Sel lier and John IL Dardenne, Commission ers. In the 4th Precinct. At the residence of Mr. Paul Dupuy, Messrs. James E. Robertson, Richard Reames and Valsin Dupuy, Commission ers. In the 5th Precinct. At the store of Mr. Pierre Richard, Messrs. Charles*Davenport, Thomas C. Brown and Edward Moore, Commission ers. In the 6th Precinct. At the residence of Messrs. Joachim Bianchard, Messrs. Jean Bte. Guidry, Achille Landry and Pierre Colle, Com sioners. In the 7th Precinct. At I've's Mill, Messrs. Gaspar Gail, Wm. H. Carr, and James Sullivan, Com missioners. In the 8th Precinct. At the Store of Theodore Johnston, Messrs. James H. Johnston, Ursin Daigre and Maximilieti Cotoire, Commissioners. J. L. PETIT, Sheriff. September 5tli, 1848. ! | Q5^Rons?h and Ready Club.— Ex tract from the minutes of the proceedings of tho "Rough and Ready Club," at a meeting held on the 31st ult.: "On motion of J. C. Davis, Esq., it was re solved, that article 1st of the bye-laws of the Rough and Ready Club be amended so as to read thus:— Art. 1st. The meeting of this Club shall be held al tbe Court House every Saturday at 10 o'clock, A. M. On inotiou of J. M. Jones, Esq., it was re solved, thitt the Recording Secretary be and is here by requested and instructed lo have the above time and place of meeting of the Club published in the Southern Sentinel as a standing advertisement during the campaign." J. L. HORNSRY, President. J. S. Webb , Recording Secretary. NOTICE. HAVING received my commission from the Auditor of Public Accounts, as Auc.tionei r for this Parish, the public are respectfully informed thatall duties appertaining to uiy vocation, will be punctually and promptly altended lo. au28 3m BENJAMIN DEBLIEUX. Selling off at Cost for Cash. BEING desirous to close out our old stock of goods, previous to receiving oui Fall and Winter supply, we now offer our entire stock of Dry Goods at present on hand, at cosl for cash. auMtf BRINEGAR. A FEW gallons of 15 years old Apple Brandy on hand, and forsale at $1 50 per gallon, by aal4tf BRINEGAR. JUST received a fresh supply of superior Ken tucky Lard, and for sale by au14tf BRINEGAR. A LARGE supply of superior sugar cured Hams, just received and for sale by an 14tf BRI NEGA R. A SUPERIOR LOT of Old "Bourbon" Whis key, for sale by a„14tf « BRINEGAR. WAS brought to the Jail of this Parish on the '29th instant, a runaway negro; calls himself ALICK, and says he belongs to a Mr. Le Blanc, residing in the Parish of St. James. The said negro is about 28 or 30 years of age, and 5 feet 10 inches in height, and a black. The owner of said negro will come forward and prove property, or he will be dealt with according to law. au3l HENRY SULLIVAN, Jailor. MARRON EN PRISON. II a été amène à la Geôle à Plaquemine. un nègre arrêté comme marron qui s'appelle ALICK, et dit qu il appartient à Mr. Le Blanc, demeuiant à la Paroisse de St. James. Le dit nègre est âgé d'environ 28 ou 38 ans ; et de 5 pieds 10 pouces de taille. 31 août HENRY SULLIVAN, Geôlier. ON COMMISSION by ROTH, BRO &CO, 15 Bajass Carts; 15 fine Horse Cane Carts, all with iron axle tree; 2 Ox Carts, with iron axletreç; 1 large Cane Wagon; 100,000 shingles, best quality. au21