Newspaper Page Text
Etat de la Louisiane. — Paroisse d'Iber ville. Tl/ÏR. J. B. Hacker, vous êtes par ces présentes notifie à réparer votre che min selon la loi, fesant face au Bayou Plaquemine sur vos deux morceaux de terre situés dans le 5eme district. François Duplessis, réparez votre che min sur votre terre d'en bas, et faites une levée et un chemin sur votre terre d'en haut. Messrs. Bissell et Schlatre, faites votre levée et votre chemin sur votre terre d'en bas, et réparez votre chemin sur votre terre d'en haut. Urzelin Rafré, faites votre chemin et votre levée. Henry Sellier, réparez votre chemin et votre levée. Joseph Richard, réparer votre chemin et votre levée. Jean Lapassade, réparez votre chemin et faites votre levée. Made. Richard et fils réparez votre chemin. Felix Breaux, réparez votre chemin. Made. James Johns, réparez votre che min. Réné Bongère, réparez votre chemin. Henry Desobry, réparez votre chemin et faites votre levée sur votre ligne supé rieure. Made. Joseph Dardenne, réparez votre chemin et levée. Aulry Dupuy, réparez votre chemin. Jean A. Dardenne, réparez votre che min et réparez votre levée sur votre ligne inférieure. Paulin Dupuy, réparez, votre chemin. Booksh et Roth, réparez votre chemin. Joseph Kleinpetre, réparez votre che min. Honoré Léonard, réparez votre che min et coupez les arbres qui sont dans le chemin. Mr. Savory, réparez votre chemin. Edwards et Whiteall, reparez votre chemin et levée, et égoutez le chemin. Made. Haase, réparez votre chemin et levée. Henry, f. m. c., réparez votre chemin et levée. Christopher Teal, réparez votre chemin et levée. Berand, réparez votre chemin et levée. Hiram Sigler, réparez votre ehemin et levée. A. Gauthier, réparez votre chemin et levée. Rosemond Orillion, réparez votre che min et levée. John Dutton, réparez votre chemin et levée. A. St. Dizier, réparez votre chemin. A. Taîbot, réparez votre chemin. René Bongere, reparez votre chemin. Mr. Honoré Leonard, réparez votre chemin. Smith, répaiez votre chemin. Vous et chacun de vous êtes notifiés de faire sur vos terres respectives, faisant face au Bayou Plaquemine, |les travaux ci dessus mentionnés, dans soixante jours d« cette notification conformément ù la loi — sous la peine de la loi. Témoin nos signatures à la Paroisse d'Iberville, ce 28 Août, 1848. TREVILLE HEBERT, S. U. D. SCHLATRE, PAULIN DUPUY, Inspecteurs des chemins et levées pour le 5eme District Iberville. MAGASIN DE MEDECINES. LE soussigné vient d'ouvrir une Ma gasin de Medecines dans la maison de Mr. Beck, vis -à -vis la maison ou se tient la Cour de District dans la ville de Plaquemine. Les habitans trouveront dans son établissement toutes sorte de Drogues et Medecines à aussi bon marché et d'aussi bon qualité qu'à la Nouvelle Or leans : Son assortiment ayant été très re- / cemment choisi avec beaucoup de soin à New York. Parfumerie, Sangsues, Comfitures, Sucres, Thés, Vin d'Oporto, Cornichons, Sauces, Epices de toutes sortes. Avec beaucoup d'autres articles qui se vendent chez les epiciers. A. E. RICHARDS. Octobre 16, 1847. \n\n Southern Sentinel. MAUREEN/ The cottage is here, as of old I remember : The pathway iswora, as it ever hath been; On the turf-piled hearth there stilllivesa bright ember; But—where is lluureeu ? The same pleasant prospect still shineth before me— The river—the mountain—the valley of green, And Heaven itself—a bright blessing !—is o'er me. But—where is Maureen ? Lost! lost!—kike a dream that h*tli cometh and departed, Ah, why are the loved and lost ever seen? She hath fallen, hath flown with a lover false-hearted, So, mourn for Maureea ! And She, who so loved her, is slain,—the poor mother,— Struck dead in a day, by a shadow unseen ! And the home we once loved, is the home of another, And, lost is Maureen ! Sweet Shannon ! a moment by thee let me ponder ; A moment look hack at the things that have been; Then, away to the world where the ruined ones wander, To look for Maureen ! * Anglice , Mary. Keep it before the People ! That Millard Fillmore has distinctly disavowed the slightest wish or desire to interfere with the question of slavery in the United States. Keep it also before the people, that Lewis Cass proclaimed in his place in i he Senate, that he would have voted for the wilmot proviso, had it been brought forward during the session of 1846. Keep it before the people, that Millard Fillmore is denounced by the Abolition ists as a traitor and a dough-face, because he recognises the institution of slavery, and brought a bill into congress to pay a master the value of a rnnaway slave. Keep it also before the people, that Gen. Cass boasts that be never was a slave-holder, that he detests slavery, and would be delighted to see it abolished, if it could be done safely and peaceably. Keep it before the people, that the De mocratic papers dare not inform their readers that Millard Fillmore voted in favor of the first of the Atherton resolu tions, which declares that Congress has no jurisdiction over the question of sla very in the United States. Keep it also before the people, that Gen. Cass has proclaimed the monstrous opinion that the question of slavery in the newly acquired territory must be settled by the people thereof; thus giving to the Indians, Mesizoes, Zamboes, and other colored inhabitants of such territory, the right and power to exclude citizens of the South from establishing themselves with their property on the soil. Keep it before the people, that Millard 1 Fillmore has always been a frank, open and consistent politician, that he has not two sets of opinions, one for the North and the other for the South; that he does not, like Van Buren, boast of being "a northern man with southern principles," nor make professions at the eleventh hour to gull the South. Keep it also before'the people, that southern democrats are endeavoring to hold up Lewis Cass as "a Northern man with Southern principles," just as they did Van Buren, and that Lewis Cass is aid ing to propagate the fraud, by causing to be circulated two editions of hislife, one intended to reconcile salve-holders to his support, and the other to ingratiate him self with Northeriranti-slavery men. Keep it also before the people, that Lewis Cass never was regarded in any other light than as a violent opponent of slavery and a recognized champion of the Wilmot proviso, and that he only modi fied his opinions when he became the can didate for the Presidency; that even now ht has never written or uttered one sylla ble against the principle of the Proviso; and that when interrogated by his north ern friends on the subject, he pretends that the noise and confusion prevented him from explaining his views. Keep it before the people, that Mr Yancey, a Southern democrat, and dele gate from Alabama to the national demo cratic convention, refused to sustain Lewis Cass, pronouncing him apolitical weath ercock , "all things unto all men, an Abo litionist at heart, and false to the South." Oh ! Rare Consistency !—1. General Cass writing a book lauding Louis Phil lippe, and then, on his overthrow, con gratulating the people that deposed him. 2. General Cass voting for the Wilmot Proviso when he wanted Northern votes, and opposing it when he wanted South ~rn votes. 3. General Cass refusing the "over rown patronage" of the Government, af ter exhausting that patronage to his own benefit. 4. General Cass speaking eloquently about the suffering of the people of Ire land, and then forgetting to vote for the appropriation for their relief. 5. General Cass concurring with Mr. Polk's administration and voting for the Harbor and River bill, the veto of which was the ''crowning glory" of Mr. Polk. 6. General Can was enchanted with the prospect of peace throughout the world, and greasing his palate "to swallow the whole of Mexico." STATE OF LOUISIANA—PARISH OF IBERVILLE. TO J. B. Hacker—You are hereby notified and warned to repair your road, according to law, fronting (he Bayou Plaquemine, on both ol your tracts of land situated within the 5tii district, under the penalty of the law. Francois Duplets, repair your road on lower tract, and make a levee and road on upper tract ol your lands. Bissell & Schlatre. make levee and road on your lower tract of land, and repair your road on upper tract. Uzetien Raflé, make road and levee on your land. Henry Lelier, repair your road and levee. Joseph Richard, repair youi road and levee. Jean Lapasade, repair your road aud make your levee. Madam Richard and son, repair your road. Felis Braux. repair your road. Mrs. James Johns, repair your road. Rene Bongiére, repair your road. Henry Desobry, repair your road and make your levee on tipper line. Mrs Joseph Dardennes, repair your road and levee. Aubrv Dupuy, repair your road. J. A. Dardennes, repair your road aud repair le vee on lower line. Paulin Dupuy, repair your road. Brook & Roth, repair your road. Joseph Kleimpetre, repair your road. Honoré Lecmard, repairyour road and cut down and clear trees standing in the road. Savoy, repair your road. Edwards & Whitall, repair your road and levee, and drain the former. Mrs Haase, repair your road and levee. Harry, f- m. c., repair your road and levee. Christopher Teal, repair your road and levee. Berand, repair your road and levee. Hiram Seglars, repair your road and levee. A. Gauther. repair your road and leve». Joseph Schlatre, repair your road and levee: Rosemond Orillion, repair your road and levee. John Dntton, repairyour road. Auguste St Disier, repair your road. Renfr Bongierie. repair your road. A. Talbot, repair your road. Mrs Honore Leonard, repair your road. ^ Smith, repair yonr road. You, and each of you. are hereby warned and notified to do and perform, on your several tracts of land, fronting on the Bayou Plaquemine, such work as are above mentioned, within sixty days of the notification hereof, in accordance to law, under the penalty prescribed thereby. Witness my hand at the Parish of Iberville, this 28th August, 1848. TREVILLE HEBERT, S. U. D. SCHLATRE, PAULIN DUPUY, Inspectors of roads and levees for 5th District, Iber ville. seP 4 Asthma and Consump tion. DR. SHERMAN'S ALL-HEAL 1NG BALSAM, as a remedy for Asthma,Consumption, Bronchits, Coughs, Colds, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, and all Diseases of the Lungs, Throat, Liver and Stomach, stands unexcelled. Bead what it has done ! Mure Hume Testimony in taroroj DR. SHERMAN'S ALL-HEALING BALSAM. New Orleans , Feb. 25, 1848. To Dr. Sherman's Agent, 151 Chartres street: Dear Sir—Having derived great benefit from the use of Dr. Sherman's Balsam, you will permit ine to address a few lines to you. I have been troubled for a long time with a bad cough, together with raising blood, to such a degree that I could scarcely talk without coughing. A friend of mine advised me to try Dr. Sherman's Balsam, and in less than two weeks after its use, I find myself perfectly well, and able to attend to my business. I have recom mended it to several of my friends, and in all cases with success. Yours, dear sir, with respect. J. E. BRISCOE, Clerk for T. L. White, 53 Can.'il st. Residence, 24 Maria street, New Orleans STILL THEY COME ! Having accidentally become acquainted with the viitnes of Dr. Sherman's All-Healiug Balsam, I have no hesitation in declaiing that its use in my family warrants the assurance that it possesses all the gifted qualities attributed to if. In one case, where the medicine was taken on my recommenda tion. the effect was almost magical, as the Cough and Expectoration of mucus matter bore a strong analogy to a decided consumptive tendency. I be lieve a more general knowledge of this medicine is only required to pldce it among the best curatives extant, for Consumption, Dyspepsia and other dis eases arising from a disorganized state of the stom ach and affections of the lungs. JAMES REESE, 13 Camp st., New Orleans: Mobile , December 7th. 1847. I hereby certify, that for 18 months I had been lingering under Consumption, and expected every day to be my last. At length I procured a bottle of Sherman's Balsam, aud it raised me as it were from the grave. It cured me, and I am now able to at tend to my daily avocation of a boatman. JOHN WILLIAMS. Prepared and sold by A. Shkrman , M. D.. 106 Nassau st.. New York. Sold also in New Orleans by J. Wright & Co., 151, Chartres st., and by marll ly A. E RICHARDS, Plaquemine. Plaquemine, March 11,1848. J. B. he w STEEL'S ORLEANS ÄC21CS0NH3 SIS' AND LITERARY EMPORIUM, 14 Camp street, New Orleans. Stationery, School Books, Cheap Publications, &c., at th Lowest Cash Priccs. Printing anil Book Binding of every description, executed jwith neatness and despatch. NOTICE—Will be sold by Adnlpoc Grass, Treasurer, on MONDA V, 11/A (lay of Septem ber next, at the court house of the Parish of Iberville, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to the highest and last bidder, all the ferries of the Parish of Iberville, for the term of one year, to commence on the 12th day of November next. Said ferries to be sold under the rules and regulations established by law, and the ordinance of the Police Jury of this Parish. ADOLPHE GRASS, Treasurer. Parish of Iberville, August 10,1848. AVIS.— Il sora vendu par Adolphe Grass, Tré sorier, Lundile Werne jour de Septembre, 1848, à la maison de Cour de la paroisse d'Iberville, à 10 heures A. M., au plus offrant et'dernier enchéris seur, tous les Ferries de la paroisse d'Iberville, pour le terme d'une année, à dater du 12 Novembre prochain. Les dits Ferries seront vendus d'après les règles établies par les lois et les ordonnances du Juri de Police de cette paroisse. ADOLPHE GRASS, Trésorier. Paroisse d'Iberville le 10 Août 1848. r PETERS, WATCHMAKER, AND JEW • ELLER. Pipkins street, Plaquemine oppo Mr- A. Porron'8 Coffee House. Dec. 25. FIVE HUNDRED LBS. Spanish Whiting; 500 lbs Rosin; 150 lbs Venetian Red; 150 lbs Yellow Ocbre; 500 lbs Epsom Salts; for sale by aulO L. C. THOMAS, Druggist. ALLONS Linsead Oil in store and JL Wforsaleby L.C.THOMAS, Druggist. * MOLASSES BARRELS. THE Undersigned has on hand at his Cooperage, at Bayou Goula Land ing, a large quantity of Molasses Barrels, which he offers for sale at the most rea sonable prices aud terms. He will engage to furnish Sugar Hogs heads at moderate prices in any number which may be ordered. Bairels and Hogsheads" warranted to be of the best workmanship and materials. CHR. H. MENSLAGE. Iberville, October 9, 1847. I::tf J OZ. best quality French Quinine, in store and for sale by L. C. THOMAS, Druggist. BUTLER'S EFFERVESCENT MAGNE SIAN APERIENT—For dyspepsia, indi* gestion, nervous debility, giddiness, bead ache, aci dity of the stomach, habitual costiveness, cutaneous diseases, gout, gravel, &c., and highly valued as a gentle, cooling purgative. For sale by aulO L. C. THOMAS, Druggist. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. THE subscriber has opened a Drug Store in Plaquemine, near Mr. Beck's Tailor Shop. Planters and others will find here every thing iri the Drug line, as good and cheap as in the city. Every thing has been selected with care, in the New Vork mar ket, and warranted fresh and genuine. From his long experience in the busi ness, he hopes to merit the confidence and patronage of the public. All the usual variety of Perfumery, Preserves and Confectionery, always on hand. Call and See. A. E. RICHARDS. October 9, 1847. l::tf WINER'S Canadian Vermifuge. THE best remedy ever yet discovered for all kinds of WORMS. It not only destroys Worms and invigorates the whole system, but it dissolves and carries off the superabundant slime of mucus, so prevalent in the stomach and bowels of children, more especially of those in bad health.— The mucus forms the bed or nest in which Worms produce their young, and by removing it, it is im possible for worms to remain in the body. It is harmless in its effects on the system,and the health of the patient is always improved by its use, even when no worms are discovered ; the medicine being palatable, no child will refuse to take it, not even ihe most delicate. Sold Wholesale and Retail by J. Wright & Co., 151 Chartres st.. New Orleans. A. F.. Richards is the agent for "Winner's Canadian Vermifuge," in Plaquemine, and also for the sale X>f " Dalley's Pain Extractor." . marll ly Plaquemine March 11,1848. POLICE JURY. Parish of Iberville. ON Monday the 5th day of June, 1848, it being the day appointed for a regular session, the Police Jury met according to law and adjournment and the following members were present, to-wit : Mr. Pnulin Dupuy, President and member from the 3d. District. Mr. John Mitchelltree, member from the 6th District. Then came Mr. W. R. Boote, who having pro duced his certificate of election took his seat as member from the 5th District. Then came Messrs. C N. Brusle and D. R. Orillion who after presenting their respective cer tificates took their seats as members from the 2d and 7th Districts. The session being opened the members aforesaid proceeded to elect a President and Mr. C. N. Brus lé was unanimously elected President of the Police Jury. Then tha said members proceeded to elect a Clerk to serve for the ensuing year and Mr. Benj. Deblieux was re-elected to said office. Two accounts amounting to $65 00 was pre sented by Mr. H. Worsham for his services as Co ronor which was allowed, and the President autho rised to draw, &c. An account of $10 00 was presented by Mr. H. Worsham for repairs done to the Parish Jail which was allowed, ana the president authorised to draw, &c. Four accounts amounting to $32 60 was pre sented by Mr. H. uliivan for divers charges and repairs which was allowed, aud the president au thorised to diaw, &c. Then the Police Jury adjourned nntil the 6th day of June 1848. (Signed,) C. N. BRULE, President. Attest: B. Deblieux, Clerk. PAPER HANGINGS AND UPHOL STERY STORE. Ifo. 20 Camp street, New Orleans. JOSEPH ETTER, offers for sale low for cash or city acceptances, all arti cles comprized in the above business, viz : Paper Hangings for walls, Bed-tops, Fire Screens, and Curtains with border ings. e ' Upholstery Articles, Such as Curtain stuffs and trimmings ; Tassels and Corde ; Guilt Poles and Co nice ; Spring, Hair and Moss Mattressers Fringes; transparent and other Window Shades, Musquito Bars and Netting; Carpeting and Straw Matting ; Floor Oil Cloth, &c. Orders promptly filled. October 9, 1847. 1 :tf THE GENUINE WRIGHTS INDIAN VEG. ITABLE PILLS, are for sale at the Plaque mine Drugstore, a new invoice just received from the proprietor and inventor; they are a sovereign remedy for billious diseases and indigestion. Call and try them where you can procure the original pills from Wm. Wright at Jan 15 RICHARDS' Drag Store. T RUSSES.— Large assortment for sale by L. C.THOMAS, Druggist. Just Received, DR. DAVID JAYNE'S FAMILY MEDICINES. TAYNE'S Expectorant, for Coughs ; Jay ne's Tonic Vermifuge, for Worms, Dyspep î*des, &c. The Carminative Balsam, is an n valuable medicine for dysentery and summer com plaints Jayne's Sanative Pills, a mild effectual purgative, free from mercury. Jayne's Alterative, foreleansing the blood, lemoving mercurial dis eases, and lor renovating the system after disease or violent humours. Jayne's Hair Tonic, to repro duce a growth of hair and beautify the head.— Jaynes Hair Dye. it colors the hair without staining the skin. Jayne's Ague Pills, a sure cure. All the above are for sale in Plaquemine by Richards, who is the agent for Dr. David Jayne of Philadel phia. Almanacs for 1848, will be given gratis to persons calling for them, giving full descriptions and uses of the above remedies. May 13, 1848. 32::tf PLAQUEMINE £>&&&&&&* The subscriber respectfully informs his fellow citizens, aud the public in general, that he carries on the above business at his Marble Yard, adjoining the store of J. A. H aasf . & Co.. on Main street, where he will execute all orders, from auy part of this Parish, or adjoining Parishes, for Monuments, Tombs, or Grave Stones, of any description, witts the utmost dispatch. From his experience in the busines, he believes htmself competent to give sat isfaction to all who may favor him with their patron age. G. GRAOUILLA. Plaquemine, Dec. 12, 1846.—3m. INVALUABLE Famliy Companion. IX LECTURES on Causes, Prevention and 1^9 Cure of Consumption, Asthma, Diseases of the Heart, and all Female Diseases. 234 pages, 28 , engravings. Paper 50 cents; bound 75 cents. Mail to any part—postage 9 1-2 cents. Shoulder Braces and Chest Expanders, $2. Mail to any part, 50 cents postage. Inhaling Tubes, Silver, $3, by mail, letter postage. Abdominal Supporters, perfect, $8 to $10, for all Ruptures, Falling of the Bowels and Womb, and weak Back & Chest ; sent by Express everywhere. For Braces or Supporters, or Rupture Supporters, give height from head to foot, and circumference of person next the surface, just above the hips. If Rupture, mention which side. Agents wanted for the sale of the above goods. Address Dr. S. S. FITCH, 707 Broadway, New York, postpaid. Plaquemine, April8, 1848, 27::ly WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS. THIS admirable medecine may be obtained at the Grocery store of Mr. Shay, in Plaque mine, who is the ONLY AGENT in this eountry for the sale of this medicine. HT The genuine Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills is never sold iu Drug Stores.j~T] ~ Dec. 11th. COOPERAGE. CYPRESS MOLASSES B-VRRELS. JOHN SOLOMON has established a Cooperage in the town of Plaque mine, on Main street on the lot on which L. D. Lacroix lately resided. lie has now on hand a considerable number of Molasses barrels of Cypres« warranted to be of the best quality; he will fill orders from planters at short no tice. Plaquemine, October 1847. (BANDS SARSAPARILLA, FAHN ESTOCKS VERMIFUGE, AND BRISTOLS SARSAPARILLA, just received from head quarters, also JEW DAVID OR HEBREW PLASTER ; AND WRIGHTS PILLS, for sale at 1 RICHARDS' Drug Store. SALERATUS.—300 £ superior Saleratus in store and foï sale by L. C. THOMAS, Druggist. c B OPAL VARNISH.—A suporior quality in store and for sale by . L. C. THOMAS, Dru ggist. LUE LICK WATER—A fresh supply for sale by L. C.THOMAS, Druggist. New Goods ! ! ! ROTH» BROTHER & Co. HAVE received a new and splendid assortment of Fall goods, of all kinds, which is far superior to any stock which they have ever yet received. Pur chasers are respectfully invited to an ex amination of their large nnd well assorted stock. Their stock consists in the fol lowing articles :— Gents. Clothing, Ladies Fancy Goods, Shoes, Hats, Plantation Medicines, Hardware, &c. &c. Also : Paints, Oil ; a general assortment of Iron and Steel. Hardware & Cutlery ; Blind Bridles, Collars & Saddlery of all kinds. au24 BATON ROUGE STIC AM PACKET MAJESTIC, J. H. URE, Master, HAVING undergone a thorough repair, and no expense spared to make it one of the most com fortable Passenger Boats in the trade, will now make two trips a teeek, as follows: Leaves New Orleans every FRIDAY, a 10 o'clock, A. M.,—Returning, Leaves Baton Rouge every SATURDAY, at 4 o'clock, P. M. Leaves New Orleans every MONDAY, at 5 P. M.—Returning. Leaves Baton Rouge every WEDNESDAY, at 8 o'clock, A. M. For Freight or Passage apply on board, or to RITCHIE, KLEIN & CAMPBELL, 10 Front Levee, New Orleans. N. B. During tew water tke Majestic will re ceive Lafourche Freight, and re-ship by Packet Boats at Donaldsonvillc.