Newspaper Page Text
MÄRRON EN PRISON Il été amené à fa geôle de Plaqnemine un nègre arrêté comme marron, nommé AL 1CK, et qui se dit appartenir à Mr. Bever ly Coyle, demeurant à Williamsport, prés delà Rivière Ronge. Le dit oégre est âgé d'envi ron *28 ou 30 ans, a 5 pieds 6 pouces de taille, et aucune marque visible. sep21 3t H. SULLIVAN, Geôlier. \n\n I should toon have not had a dragoon or artillery horse in my command, and would* therefore have been compelled ultimately to surrender, unless the siege eould have been raised by the return of Gen. Scott from Vera Cruz with the troops under his command. The battle of Buena Vistn fought on our aide by about 450 regular troops and aomething upwards of 4000 volunteers, while they were opposed by at least 20. 000 of the enemy; and had we lost the day, I feel that the whole responsibility of the misfortune would have fallen upon my shoulders. Yet I do not wish here to •ensure those who placed us in that criti eal situation: whether they deserve blame or not I leave for others to determine. Those who had control over my fate in this transaction may have friends here present in whose good opinion I would not harm them. For my own part I am satisfied to hope and believe that it was the result of accident rather than of de sign on their part. - In conclusion, I bee to return to you, to my fellow -citizens of Harrison conn ty, and particularly to my fair country woman here assembled, my heartfelt thanks for the cordial reception which lhey *have this day extended to me. SODTIH SENTINEL. SB.Vt-WB BK.1L.Y. rOlUIBED EVERT MONDAY AND THORSDAV, BP WM. P. BRADBURN. FOR PRESIDENT, »CHARY TAYLOR, of K^onUimna. rOR VICE PRESIDENT, ■ILLARD FILLMORE, of fork. ELECTORAL TICKET: Pint District, - - - JACQUES TOUTANT. .Stand District, ■ J. P. BENJAMIN. Third District, ... MANUEL J. GARCIA. Fourth District, • - - C. ADAMS, Jr. Fifth District, - - - JOHN MOORE. $izth District, - JAS. G. CAMPBELL. "I have no private purposes to accomplish, no party pro jects to build op, no enemies to punish—nothing to serve bat m y eountrv. * * I have ho cokcïalmïnt . I hold ■oopinionwhichl would not readily proclaim to my as sembled countrymen, but crude impressious upon matters •f policy, which may be right to-day and wron? to-morrow, Skr«, perhaps, notthebesttestof fitness for office. Ont »in cannot te trusted without pledges cannot be. confided in merely on account of them. * * I am a Whig but not an ultra Whig. If elected, I would not be the mere President of » party. I would endeavor to act independent of party domination. I should feel bound to administer the Gov ernment. uotrammeled by party schemes. * * The veto ■ewer: The personal opinions of the individual whe may kappen to occupy the Executive chair ought not to control the action of Congress upon questions of domestic policy; nor ought his objections to be interposed where questions of eonrtitutional power have been settled by the various deoartraents of Government and acquiesced in hy the peo ple * * Upon the subject of the tariff, the currency, the improvement of our great highways, rivers, lakes and har ter«, the will of the people, as expressed through their rep resentatives in Congress, ought to be 'respected and carried estbr the Executive. * * I sincerely rejoice at the pros met of peace, Mv life has been devoted to arms, yet I look upon war at ail times and under all circumstances as a Mtioual calamity, tobe avoided if compatible with nation al honor. * * I shall engage in no schemes, no combina tion«, no intrigues."— Extracts from Gen. Taylor 1 » Letter ta Capt. Allisen. ' -Ig» for ths country-—the whole country." —Zachary tatlo*. " 1 disavow most unequivocally, now and forever, any dtsigu on my part to interfere with the rights of what is tarmoi ths property 'of the citizens of the other States.— M illaed Fillmore. PIiAQtRIHINE: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1848. T« rar Subscribers. Entertaining the desire to send our paper to our subscri bers at as early an hour as possible, and to accommodate all M far as lay in our power, we havedetermine-i, for the ben eft of oar West Baton Rouge and Bayou Grosse Tete pa trons, to issue our paper on Wednesdays and Saturdays, so that their pspew will be received by the next days' mails.— Oar paper will likewise be issued on Mondays and Thurs days, for the benefit of our town and down-river snbseri bers, containing the election and other news of moment by the mails of those days, which same news will afterwards appear in the Wednesdays and Saturdays editions. We trust that this evident disposition on cmr part to spare nei ther trouble nor attention iu our efforts to make our paper acceptable to our friends, will merit their continued appro* talion and generous support* (TWe request all editors who notice this para gfaph, to do ns the favor to instruct the clerk to di rect their paper to the Southern Sentinel, instead of "Jhorviliitn." The former has taken the place of tho latter. ETRead die letter of a Democrat in another col inti: we especially recommend it to the friends of Gen. Cass. Whigs cannot be charged with impu ting fake positions to Casa, when Democrats, inti mately connected with Vis designs and manoeuvres, attribute to him equally as heinous principles--con aider bin, as in fact be is, more to be feared by the Sooth than any other Northern man that has ever offered himself for the Presidency, B eat T his .—The Thibodaux Minerva says that in the pariah of Assomption, a few miles above that yt ane , there i» a family of twenty-five children, 23 boy« and 2 girls— all the legitimate offspring of the MUM parents— the oldest of whom is now 45 years of ago, and both enjoying the best of health. Can any other eoontry beat thisT Kills» bt L ights ma —A negro woman belong tagio Mr. Engeron, of this parish, says the Thi It fcw Minerva of the 15th, was killed by light ■tagon Wednesday last At the time she was struck bf fbe ff nid, she was standing in the yard with an iafcat child in her arms, and holding at the same MM,' another child by the hand. Neither of the i-fcftfcwwtra harmed m the bast. The negro was üOed instantly. ; £»•■ Cornewa. ! A correspondence has come to light through tne jcolumn, of the ^Savannah Gen. Cass and Mr. R. J. Moses, of Florida, a del egate to the Baltimore Convention. This corres pondence occurred previous to the meeting of that Convention. Mr. Moses, like any other man of good sense, knew that the Nicholson letter was an artfnl production—that while by that means Gtn. Cass endeavored lo clear himself of the Wilmot proviso principles that he had expressed, he had at the same time so ingeniously worded the letter, that in the event of his election, and his consequent ap proval of Abolition topics and laws, he could repel any charge of deception from the South, by taking up that very letter and proving from it (as truthful ly as a miuister could from the bible that a God ex ists) that his opinions upon slavery, his hatred to it, were there manifestly expressed. Tfthere is a loathe some creature on this earth, and one who deserves the desecration of all good men, it is that man who perverts the mighty intellect which God has enrich ed him, by employing it in the furtherance of base and deceptious purposes: such a man, beyond all contradiction, is Lewis Cass. Reflect, Loiiisiani. ans, and do not bend at the shrine of his intellectual powers, and be the dupes of his chicanery ! If Gen. Cass had not attempted by the Nichol son letter (in his peculiar tray) to place himself in a favorable attitude before the South on the ques tion Slavery, then he might with a great deal of propriety, in his position as a candidate for the Pre sidential nomination, decline to answer any in terrogatories upon that subject; but after he had expressed himself in writing upon this matter, and a Southener, a delegate, addresses him a letter, re questing his explicit meaning of certain ambiguous sentences—sentences that were rather dark for Southern eyes—he should, like an honest man and a gentlemen, havegivena plain, direct and positive answer. He was thus addessed bv Mr. Moses; and his reply—such a reply!—in which he encloses, as sufficient explanation, the very letteu about which in some passage«* iMr. M. wished to be more en lightened—is a direct insult to that gentleman and to the whole South! Here is the correspondence : Coleman's Hotel, } Washington , May 19, 1848. j Hon. Lewis Cass: Dear Sir —As your name will, in all probability, be prominently before tlie Baltimore Convention, tobe holden on Monda)' next, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for President of the United States, and as I shall have to cast the vote of the State of Florida, in conjunction with my col leagues, should they arrive, (or alone, in any other contingency.) it is desirable that the Delegation' should be informed of your views upon the right of slave-holders to migrate to new territory with their slaves, that we may know how far they accord with the instructions under which we are directed to act. F will, therefore, respectfully inquire— 1st. Whether you still adhere to the positions taken in your letter to A. O. P. Nicholson, Esq., of December last? 2d. If so, am I correct in construeing it îo mean that, yon consider lhat the inhabitants of a territory, before they form a State Governrment. have a right to establish or prohibit slavery, as they may deem most consistent with their local policy ? 3d. And lhat, the policy so expressed is the paramount law during the territorial probation, changeable only by the people of the territory upon the formation of a State Government, or under such Legislative sanction as they may direct? There is another matter, but 6lightlv alluded to in your Nicholson letter, !o which I will also direct yourattention. Do yon consider that the slave-holders would have the undeniable right to migrate, with their slaves, to any Mexican territory that may be annex ed to the United States—or would you tegaid it a doubtful matter, in consequence of the institntion of slavery not having been recognized in said territory by the Mexican authorities immediately preceding the acquisition ofsuch territory, (suppos ing it should be acquired?) Your reply will enable the delegation to deter mine whether, under certain circumstances, they can, consistently with their instructions, cast the vote of Florida in your behalf as a candidate for the Pre sidency. Yours, respectfully, R. J. MOSES, Delegate from the State at large. GEN. CASS'S REPLY. U. S. Hotei ., May 31, 1848. Dear Sir: I did not receive your esteemed favor until yesterday, and I have been so much occupied that I could not answer it before. I had supposed that my sentiments upon the sub ject to which you refer were fully undeistood by my Southern friends; but as yon seem to desire in formation, / enclose you my Nicholson letter, which CONTAINS ALL I HAVE to say upon the subject. Respectfully, yours. LEWIS CASS. To R. J. Moses , Esq, We Cannot Comply .—We have received from Mr. J. D. B. De Bow, a circular respecting State statistics, making about two columns in our paper, which he, as superintendent of the Bereau of Sta tistics of this State, requests us to publish; besides to send him a paper containing whatever statistical information we might collect through the means of such publication ; and concludes by saying that it must be done gratuitous, as the State has made no appropriation for such printing. Now, with all due respect, we would inform Mr. De Bow, that we never made any pretensions as a phylanthropist—that we can see no personal benefit accruing for such labor on our part—and if the State cannot afford to pay the printer for such woik, then the wölk, as far as we are concerned, must go undone. We toiled for many years, to acquire a knowledge of r our business, and since that time have worked at it in every capacity, and the result has been, that we are just about as poor now as when we first commenced, in consequence of working for every body but ourself. It is now time to atop. And the State, through its agent Mr. De Bow, must excuse our uncharitable feeling, for we have considerably less funds on hand than its treasury, and have considerably better use for our hands, than to allow them to toil a day gratuitously for it* interests. The Opinions of a Democrat, [Correspondence of the Southern Sentinel.) > Bayou Grosse Tete . Sept. 20. : Mr. Editor: I have been kindly permitted to co py the following extract of a letter written by a gen tleman residing in Washington city to a friend of his upon this Bavou. The gentlemen are both De mocrats, and the letter was not written with the ex pectation that it would meet the public eye. I am not permitted to give the name; but you may rest assured that a knowledge of the parties warrants me in saying that implicit confidence maybe placed in the honor and veracity of the writer. He has been for several yeais residing in Washington, where Iiis standing and acquaintance with the leading men ol ail political parties, has given him an opportunity of obtaining coriect information with regard to the principles and opinions of those men, and of cor rectly judging in whose hands the South can most safely trust her interests in the present crisis of po litical affairs. Yonrs, &c., "Washington , September, 1847. * * * What are your politics as regards the Presidency ? My opinion is. decidedly, that the. South ought to rote to a man for General Taylor. I have seen enough here to convince me that the South has nothing to expect at the North from either Dem ocratic p;;it_v. The politicians of every party at the North are united against us on the slave question. I state it without hesitation, not as nil opinion but as a fact, that Cass is as thoroughly against ns upon that subject, both in principle and feeling, as the most rabid abolitionist or whig in any of the free States. I am astonished that in South Carolina, especially, there should be fonnd a single public man, with any pretensions to intelligence, who could think of going forhiin. The slave question with ns is, and ought to be. paramount to all others, and in the recent language of Mr. Calhoun, at Charles ton, we ought to 'rememberthat the Southern man l «'ho is farthest from ns in general politics, is closer to us lipon thai subject, than the Northern man. be he whig or democrat.' Cass has been a Wilmot proviso man—he has been opposed to it. Every word Mr. Miller of the Senate, from New Jersey, said ah »tit him on that subject, I know tobe true.— And now, to gain Southern votes, lie would make us believe he would veto it should Congress adopt it, in organizing California and New Mexico. In (net, he is any thing and every thing, to every sec tion of the country, to gain his election. I fear he will be elected, (not on account of his general poli tics, for generally we agree.) and just so sure as he is the South will be sacrificed. A Norlhern man I cannot trust upon that subject, and especially Cass, for he has no fixed constitutional principles, and in him I have no confidence, when his interest is con cerned. He has an utter contempt for Constitu tional restraints, when they oppose any of his che rished projects. Nor am I wholly satisfied wilh General Taylor, as a candidate to vote for : but if upon the slavery question I am destined to be sac rificed by a man of my choice (though he be one of two evils,) in the name of God, let it be by one of the same kit with myself. If the South is des tined to be ostracised from all the benefits of the Union, let me have the honor of having it done by one of her own sons, and save her the disgrace of blindly calling in the aid of a Northern man for the consummation of the deed." Letter from Mr. Fillmore. In the Buena Vista, published at Jackson. Miss., we find the following letter from Millard Fillmore. It requires no comment: Dear Sir —I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 9ih inst.. enclosing a piinted copy of the resolutions adopted by the Rough and Ready Club of Raymond on the 5th inst, and desiring to know wether the political senti ments contained in those resolutions are in accord ance with my views. ; The tenth and eleventh only, speak of my views and though I cannot feel justified in appropriating to myselfall the flattering compliments contained in those resolutions, yet I am happy to say lhat they truly define my position and express my views oil the subject to which they allude. • I am happy to inform you that unless something happens Vvhich cannot he foreseen. 1 think this State is certain for the Whig ticket by a large ma jority. Please to make my acknowledgments to the mem bers of your Club, and believe ine, respectfully, yours, MILLARD FILLMORE. John B. Peyton , Esq., President. The following are the resolutions referred to: 10. Resolved. That we recognise in Millard Fill more, the Whig candidate for the Vice Presidency, a genuine republican , a pure patriot, a man of exalt ed intellect and higlk acquirements—one who has served the republic long and faithfully in the civil department of Government, whose every act mani fests that he is a true devotee of liberty; whose name is prominently identified with the Whig pcrty. and whose talents and patriotism justly entitle him to the love and admiration of his countrymen. 11. Resolted, That the charge of abolitionism, recklessly adducedaginst Millard Fillmore, by un scrupulous partisan opponents, for the purpose of exciting sectional prejudices against him, has no foundation whatever in truth; but, on the contrary, is triumphantly disproved by the solemn declaration of our candidate for the Vice Presidency, uttered long since in the councils of the nation, tha,t Con gress has no power, under the constitution, to inter fere with the institntion of domestic slavery as it exists in the States of this Union; and that therefore we feel well assured that Southern institutions will never be assailed or molested by any act of Millard Fillmore. Another Accident .—We are pained to lea r n that during the past week, Mr. N. C. Golding, Thomas May and others, who were employed in raising the frame of a sugar house, on the planta ion of Mr. Golding, on Little Caillou, (says the Thibodaux Minerva of the 15th inst.,) when by some unlucky mishap, a part of the work gave way—killing Mr. Golding and Thomas May instantly, and severely wounding several other per sons who were assisting at the raising. dZPSevere shocks of earthquakes have been felt j af various places at the North. ( The Barbecue at Pass Christian.—A spi rited and interesting account, by one of the editor s of the Picayune, is given in that paper of the grand barbecue at Pass Christian, last Saturday. "Per sons from a distance of thirty-five and forty miles were on the ground; persons of different political sentiments; of different grades and rank in soci ety; yet all was harmony and friendship." Among the sentiments given on the occasion, was the fol lowing, by the ladies of Pass Christian: "Genera! Taylor—Husband, father, fiiend; gen tleman. warrior. Christian. The free women of our land will bear him m their heatts to the highest seats of honor, giving to the world their appreciation of a mail." The General was addressed by the Hon. John Henderson, and the reply of the old warrior we give on the first page of to-day's paper ; it is highly interesting, and should be read by all; it is thus thai we can become better acquainted with the lofty soul and pur'e patriotism of the cood old man. nd pur'e patriotism of the good old man. KPThe New Orleans papers received by Satur day's mail. contain no further intelligence respect. the Concordia's sufferers. ^ We judge by this, .i ...u- i.... . . that those who were alive at the first account, are recovering The Mob at Cincinnati .—A correspondent of the Chronicle, alluding to the late fatal and sangui nary riot at Cincinnati, growing out of an alleged outrage upon a little German girl by two returned volunteers, says: And now, Mr. Editor, what do von think this mob has resolved itself into ? A melancholy yet splendid humbug! The little girl was not only unmolested, but the poor soldiers were altogether innocent themselves. They were indicted because the avaricious and almost brutal father of the girl hoped to get some money in the shape of land war rants from them. The father himself, fearing an arrest, has fled the city, and now the tide of public feeling is settling against him and in favor of the prisoners. What a world we live in and what a be ing of contempt and iniquity is man. BY THIS MORNING'S MAIL. Maine Election .—Returns from 180 towns show a plmality against Dana, the democratic can* didate for Governor of 4,483; loss since last year ■ , , nnA . , r .. . , , about 4,000. I Ins defeats his election by the peo pie. Last year he was elected by 1650 over all.— Goodenow, Whig, is elected in the Lincoln Dis irict. Gerry, Dem,, is hard pressed in York Dis trict, but believed to be elected. It is possible that Washburn. Whig, has beaten Stetson in the Pe-! nobsQot District. Tl!e Second, Fifth and Sixth Districts have elected Democrats, as heretofore, and the Third a Whig. The Seventh is closely con tested. The Legislature is Democratic. — — v f.rmont Election .—From further returns of the Vermont eltction. it appears that Henry and . i , , , yesterday says: VY ith pain do we announce the death of Capt. Horace Pease, who breathed his last yesterday morning, afterseveral days' suffering from th" injuries he received by the explosion of, the Concordia, fapt. Pease was a native of Ver mont, and had reached only the age of 38 years. For the last twelve or fourteen years he had heena resident of New Orleans. He had commanded, some of tha finest steamers out of this port, and in his profession no man stood higher. He was in r i -, • ,, every respect a.isefulciiizen-indiistrious. an,lable,, and of undoubted probity. 1 he loss of one who enjoyed so enviable a reputation among merchants, Marsh, Whigs, have been elected to Congress from the First and Third Districts. In the Second and I ourih there has been no choice, the plurality, how ever, is laigely Whig. Death of Capt. Pease .—The Picavnne of and his fellow-citizens generally, aggravates pain fully the deplorable catastrophe lo which we owe his untimelv death." is sufficient proof that the yellow fever has greatly abated. Suspected Abolitionists .—The Picayune of Saturda y says that anonymous letters having been received by the Mayor from New York, stating that several negioes were coming out in the steamer Noneilly, as hands, but for the real purpose of tam pering with slaves and inducing them to runaway. One of the letters stated that they were in the em ploy of abolitionists. The statement goes on to say (which we cannot well understand) that the steamer Falcon having arrived, warrants were is sued, and five negroes on board were arrested, but were finally returned on board, on a bond given that they would be kept on board dnring the stay of the vessel, and carried from the State when she leaves. [tFGovernor Leonard, of Connecticut, has taken the stump for Taylor and Fillmore. ETThe Boston Atlas says that the Hon. Rnfus Choate has taken the stump for Taylor and Fillmore. Death of Commander McKenzie . —Comman der Alexander Slidell McKenzie, of the Navy, while riding through Sing Sing, (his place of resi dence,) fell from his horse and expired. The im mediate cause of his death was a disease of the heart. He was the officer through whose order young Spencer was hung on board the Somers. He is a brother of John Slidell, of this State. The Somers was capsized in a gale and sunk off Mexi co. Singular fatality. ITOld Zach's Pascagoula letter has been receiv ed at Richmond ond other places in Virginia, and creates the greatest possible satisfaction. lEFThere was a great torchlight procession in the city last Saturday night. It was occasioned to honor General Taylor and the battle of Monterey. The Picayune characterizes it as the most splendid affair of the kind that ever occurred in New Or leans. (EFThe Picayune says that the health of the city has ceased to be a topic of conversation, which j of the 4th and 5th. j — ~ j KOUgh dilti Rfiltl} Clllb.— Ex tract liom the minutes ot the proceedings of the Taylor Demonstration in Indiana:— The 39th anniversary of Gen. Taylor's defence of fort Harri son was celebrated at the flourishing town of Terre Haute, the she of the old fort, on the 5th inst. The participators in the celebration are variously, esti mated from 15,000 to 30,000. Ex-Governor Letcher of Kentucky piesided, and made an able speech Among the speakers were Messrs. Henry S Love R. W. Thompson, E. W. McGaughey of Indiana,' and others. Terre Haute was crowded the night before, and one of the delegations arriving that morning, was two hours in passing the bridge over the \\ abash. I he main meeting was held in a grove on the prairie, and is said by the Wabash Es press to have covered twenty acres; and meetings were also held in the court-house on the evenings "Rough and Ready Club," at a meeting held on the 31st ult.: { "On motion of J. C. Davis, Esq., it was re j solved, thatarticle ls't of'the bye-lawsofthe Ron-* and Ready Club be amended so as to read thus:— Art. 1st. The meeting of this Club shall be held at the Court IIouss every Saturday at 10 o'clock, A. M. On motion of J. M. Jones, Esq., it was re ! solved, that the Recording Secretary beand is here by requested and instructed to have the above time and place of meeting of the Club published in the Southern Sentinel as a standing advertisement during the campaign." J. L. HORNSBY, President. J. S. Webb , Recording Secretary. TO THE PATRIOTIC. THE citizens of this Town and Parish, ever ready, asthey have always shown themselves, to appreciate gallant services rendered in behalf of our country, on the fields of her battles, have de termined to award the honorable services of our fellow-citizen, James Batten , who has now re turned to this town, after an arduous and cbivalric careerin the valley of Mexico. For the purpose of rendering justice to this gallant soldier, and giv ing eclat to the occasion, they have concluded to present him with a Sword, asa slight testimonial of their appreciation of his patriotism and brave deeds. ' ^ subscription list for the purpose of defraying the ! " f £ is magnificent pageant is i novv °P e " at Bissel s Hotel, where all persons fa vorable to this patriotic object are requested to placo | their names. All persons disposed to subscribe are i >' estr ' c,e d to one dollar, that the contributions will j ^D^notfce win' I f or m of ceremony sep252t VOX POPULI. j p \ Ajr 1 V D1?V f'Onnc . vr T ! A.iL I L/xv 1 vt I /OL/o AJNJJ CILOI H1AG STORE ! ! TTAY ING commenced business on my own ac count, I beg leave to inform the citizens of this town and Palish, that I have just received a large stock of BOOTS. SHOES AND HATS. At.SO— A variety of TRUNKS, and a large assortment of PLANTATION "wjuurfGOO D S, such as Kersevs and Lin» seys> Blankets and Russets. I will also keep con» stantly on hand a large stock of <£*OOtlS iïttïï «nd a great many other articles too numerous to mention. Persons wishing to purchase will please ca " aü(i examine before going elsewhere. ^. Se !'' S RUNAWAY IN JAIL. WAS brought to the Jail of this Parish ! on the 20th inst., a runaway slave who calls > <j?^k his name A LICK, and says he is the pro JCL pert y of Mr. Beverley Coyle, living in j W'iliiamsport, below the mouîh of Red River, in this State. The s.iid negro is about 28 or 30 years Due notice will be given of the time, place, and CLOTHING, 55 A. LEVYSTEIN. of age. and 5 feet 6 inches high—a dark brown col or and no visible marks. The owner will come forward, prove propertv, and take him away. sep21 HENRY SULLIVAN, Jailor. RUNAWAY IN JAIL. WAS brought to the Jail of this Parish a runaway negro, who calls himself ANJ TOINE, and says he is the property of Raj phael Landry, residing in this Parish, above Plaqnemine. The owner of said slave is reqnested to come forward, prove pioperty, and take hin> away. sepl8 3t HENRY SULLIVAN, Jailor. MARRON EN PRISON. Il a été arrêté et condnit à la Geôle de Plaqnemine un nègre qui dit l'appeler AN TOINE, et dit qu'il appartient a Raphael L Landry, demeurent en haut de Plaqnemine. sep 18— 3t HENRY SULLIVAN, Geôlier. ROUGH AND READY COOPERAGE AT BAYOU GOULA LANDING. THE undersigned has now on hand a large quantity of MOLASSES BARRELS, of 40 gallons. Also a large lot of HALF BARRELS, of 20 gallons ; and will keep constantly a large sup ply of the above on hand,- which he offers foi «alo at the most reasonable and accommodating terme. He will engage to furnish Sugar Hogsheads at mo derate prices, in any number that may be ordered. Barrels, Half Barrels and Hogshead, warranted to be of the best workmanship and materials sellly C. H. MENSLAGE. NOTICE. HAVING received my commission from the Auditor of Public Accounts, as Auctioneer for this Parish, the public are respectfully informed thatall duties appertaining to my vocation, will be punctually and promptly attended to. au28 3m BENJAMIN DEBLIEUX. G ENEBAL assortment of Willow Ware, for sale by RO TH, BRO & Co A SUPERIOR LOT of O'd "Bourboa" Whis key, for sale by il4tf BRINEGAR.