Newspaper Page Text
New York Parfumerie, Sangsues, ° MAGASIN DE MEDECINES. T E soussigné vient d'ouvrir une Ma gasin de Medecines dans la maison de Mr. Beck, vis -à -vis la maison on se i . . . ... . tient la Cour de District dans la ville de Plaquemine. Les hahitans trouveront dans son établissement toutes sorte de Drogues et Medecines à aussi bon marché et d'aussi bon qualité qu'à la Nouvelle Or leans : Son assortiment ayant été très re-' cemment choisi avec beaucoup de soin à Comfitures, Sucres, Thés, Vin d'Oporto, Cornichons, Sauces, Epices de toutes sortes. Avec beaucoup d'autres articles qui se vendent chez les epiciers. A. E. RICHARDS. Octobre 1G, 1847. \n\n SOUTH! VOL. 1. Cl ■vi A, C; • v ^, ' >'K PLAQi PARISJ] OF ! B£K\ SEPTEM BER 2 NO. 15. oqodsï ROTH, BROTHER & CO, are now receiv ing from the North a general assortment of Best quality Jewelry—received direct from the manufacturer, and is warranted in all cases of the best material and make. Clothing for gents, of best quality and style; Shoe? and Boots of all kinds, and well made; A general assortment of Hardware. au21 o N COMMISSION by ROTH, BRO & CO, 15 Bajass Carts; 15 fine Horse Cane Carts, all with iron axle tree; > an21 2 Ox Carts, with iron axletrec: 1 large Cane Wagon; 100,000 shingles, best quality. FIFTEEN bdls Packing Yarn; 25 bbU Lard Oil for sugar house; 10 bales Oakum; 10 tons assorted Iron, suitable for plantation! use; Barrel and Hogshead Truss Hoops; White Lead and Linseed Oil. For sale b y Qi21] ROTH, BRO & C O. TWO Thousand yards Lindsey; 1500 yards Jeans, for sale by au21 ROTH, BRO & CO. UMBRELLAS ofbest quality silk and Scotcli ginghams, for sale by ■■•31 ROTII. B RO & CO. Selling off at Cost for Cash. BEING desirous to close out our old stock of goods, previous to receiving oui Fall and Winter supply, we now offer our entire stock of Dry Goods at present on hand, at cost for cash. aul4tf BRIN EG AR. A FEW gallons of 15 years old Apple Brandy oat hand, and for sale at $1 50 per gallon, by aalitf IBRINEGAR. A CHANCE FOR TEACHERS. YOUNG MEN in all parts of the United States, who have received a good English education, mid who are accustomed to teach, will receive in (formation which they can turn to their advantage, "by applying immediately by letter, post paid, to box 1S13, New York Postoffice. Applicants must ex jiect. however, to send respectable references, witii «Mt which, no communication will be attended to. The references ought to be to persons interested in «/location. Those who wish to avail themselves of an oppor , , . 1 unity to obtain a respectable livelihood, will do «well to write immediately, as many of the best situ« ■jitions in different parts of the Union are being filled up every day. Remember, box 1913, New York l'ostoffice. ati3l fini COOPER 4GE B ^ RP \ E , L '1- , UH1V feULOMUI\ has established a Cooperage in the town of Plaque- ! mine, on Main street on the lot on which L. D. Lacroix lately resided. 1 He ,otl considerable j number of Molasses btwrels of Cypress | warranted to be of the best quality; he ! will fill orders from planters at short no Woe. Plaquemine, Augnst 14, 1848. MAGAZIN DE TAPISSERIE. No. 20 Rue du Camp , Nile. Oileans. JOSEPH ETTER offre à vendre à bas prix : pour du comptant, ou acceptances de la ville, j tonte sorte d articles de ce genre, tels que Papier a j Tapisser pour mures, raejs de lit pour rideaux ; avec bordures ; étoffe a Rideaux avec garariitures Iompons Cordes, Batons Oores, Corniches : De ; matelas a ressort, de Lrm et Mousse, des Franges, j . eaux de fenetre transparents et autres, Mousti- 1 •cairea, 1 apis de lame, de paille et de toile peinte , Tous ordres seront pronap tentent exécutes. Octobre 9,1847. ll:tf Just Received, DR. DAVID JAYNE'S FAMILY MEDICINES. TAYNE'S Expectorant, for Coughs; _ Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge, for Worms, Dyspep sia, Piles, &c. The Carminative Balsam, is qn nvaluable medicine for dysentery and summercotn plaints Jayne's Sanative Pills, a mild effectual purgative, free from mercury. Jayne's Alterative, for cleansing the blood, removing mercurial dis eases, and for renovating the systemafter disease or violent humours. Jayne's Hair Tonic, to repro duce a growth of hair and beautjfy the head.— Jaynes H#ir Dye. it colors the hair without staining the skin. Jayne's Ague PiUs, a sure cure. All the above are for sale in Plaquemine by Richards, who is the agent for Dr. David Jayne of Philadel phia. Almanacs for 1848, will be given gratis to persons calling for them, giving full descriptions «nd uses of the above remedies. May 13,1848. 32r:tf REGULAR PACKET.— For the Coast, DoHaldsonville, Plaquemine, iBaton Bouge, Port Hudson, Waterloo, Bayou Sara.—The regular packet steamboat ELISKA, J. G. Landry master, will leave New Orleans every SUNDAY at 9 a. m ., aud WED NESDAY at 9 a . m.; returning will leave Bayou Sara every Monday and Thursday at 10 o'clock, A. M. For freight or passage,hariugsuperioraccomuio datiens, apply on board or to BRAUD & LANDRY, Bienville street. GERARD & FERRIER, Conti street. Aug. 28—tf. TP HE GENUINE WR1GH1US INDIAN VEG. \ IT ABLE P ILLS, are for sale at the Plaque mine Drug Store, a new invoice just received from the proprietor and inventor; they are a sovereign i remedy for billious diseases and indigestion. Call «ad try tb«m where you can procure the original pills from Win. Wright at ~ wpl8 RICHARDS' Drug Store. T DRUGS AND MEDICINES, HE subscriber lias opened a Drug Store in Plaquemine, near Mr. Beck's Tailor Shop. Planters and others will Und lie re every i , I • thine m the Drug line, as good and cheap as in the city. Every thing has been selected with care, in the New Vork mar ket, and warranted fresh and genuine. „ , i • • - *rom his long experience in the busi ness, lie hopes to merit the confidence and patronage of the public. All the usual variety of Perfufnfry, Preserves and Confectionery, always on hand. Call am! See. A^a RICHARDS October 9, 1847. M' I ::tf J ' WINER'S Canadian Vermifuge. o ^FHIE best remedy ever yet discovered . for all kinds of WORMS. It not only destroys Worms and invigorates the whole system, but it j dissolves and carries off the superabundant slime of : mucus, so prevalent in the stomach and bowels of children, more especially of those in bad health.— The mucus forms the bed or nest in which Worms oro "" ce tne,r *"""*■ n "" " v rfi,nn, " n ' r " " ,s harmless in its effects on the system 0 f the patient is always improved when no worms are discovered P^aiable.^no child will refuse 110 n J° s ® ": a,e ' T . _ igf cha^^ ^. New Orieam^ a ^ î . 6 R ichards is the agent for "Winner's Canadian Vermifuge in Plaquetnine, and also for the sale of " Dallev's ^i 1 ? Extractor.'^ marll ly SÄR remain inTe 5 ^ m -„ a ,he health ' Plaquetnine March 11, 1848. POLICE JURY. Parish ok Iiieiiville. p 0 |jce Jury met according to law and adjournment an j i| )e following members were present, to-wit : Mi. Puulin Dupuy, President and member from th e 3d. District. Air. John Mitchelltree, member from the 6th District. Then came Mr. W. R. Boote, who having pro duced his certificate ol election took his seat as member from the 5th District. ^~kN Monday the 5th day of June, 1848, it being 11 the day appointed for a regular session, the Then came Messrs. C N. Brusle and D. lt. Oriilion who after presenting their respective cer tificates took their seats as members from the 2d! and 7th Districts. The session being opened the members aforesaid proceeded toelect a President and Mr. C.N. Iirus 16 Was unanimously elected Präsident of the Police Jury. Then lbs said members proceeded to elect a Clerk to serve for the ensuing year and Mr. Benj. Deblieux was re-elected to said office. Two accounts amounting to §05 00 was pre seuted bv Sir. II. Worsham for his services as Co ronot which was allowed, and the President autho rised to draw, &c. An account of §10 00 was presented by Mr. H. Worsham for repairs done to the Parish Jail which was allowed, and the president authorised to draw, &c. Four accounts amounting to $32 CO was pre sented by Mr. II. ullivan for divers charges and repairs which was allowed, and the president au thorised to dtaw, «fee. Then the Police Jury adjourned until theGth day of June 1848. (Signed,) C. N. BRULE, President. Attest: B. Deblieux, Clerk. to any part—postage 9 1-2.cents. Shoulder Braces and Chest Expanders, §2. Mail to any part, 50 oents postage. Inhaling Tubes, Silver, $3, by mail, letter postage. Abdominal Supporters, perfect, $8 to $10, for all Ruptures, Falling of the Bowels and Womb, and weak Back \ & Chest; sent by Express everywhere. For Braces °r Supporters, or Rupture Supporters, give height from head to foot, and circumference of person i «ext the surface, just above .he hips. If Rupture, mention which side. Agents wanted for the sale of the above goods. Address Dr. S. S. FITCH, 707 Broadway, New York, postpaid. Plaquemine, April 8,1848, 27::ly the Heart, and all Female Diseases. 234 pages, 28 engravings. Paper 50 cents; bound 75 cents. Mait» INVALUABLE Famliy Companion. SIX LECTURES on Causes, Prevention aud Cure of Consumption, Asthma, Diseases of -TWENTY-FIVE CENTS PER YEAR!— A neio volume—increased in beauty and usefulness—"ever onward." %?L*il*KsîIT*K PAPEK,/w&& * » . f AW m&c , „„der the supervision*»! the American Society ior the Diffu s j ()I1 0 f Useful Knowledge—published the 15th of each month. Ill consequence of the uiiprecedent -j ^ s,lcrt ' ss "Wright's Paper," during the first' year, we have resolved to make the second volume, commencing in Julv. 1848, more valuable in every respect than the first. Each number will contain sixteen super royal octavo pages, on fine white pa I >er '' magazine valuable situes, gathered and garnered up from sources which, from theiç magni tude, rarity and costliness, are as sealed fountains of livin^»waters to the great mass of the reading com munity—valuable educational matter, science and ! art. improvement, domestic and political economy, ; valuable practical receipt-, &c., concentrated and i li ,î 7 " lu , ,, „ ... . , V\ right s 1 ioneer and Literary Advertiser, is sent gratis rendered practical to thé teacher, the pupil, tlie pro- j fcssional man, the farmer, the mechanic, the maun- 1 facturer, tho housekeeper, the nhilanthroDist; in : fact, to men, women iijd children, of all classes, ! ages and conditions. ; Each number will contain nüeast four cngratin. rat« to each subscriber to "Wright's Paper." A. E. WRIGHT, nn3!-ly Co S. Third street. Philadelphia. %*Siibf»ciiptions received at this office. J. 1Î. STEEL'S NE IV ORLEANS SCSiTïtDXHIVS' 5©î;ai»ÎI3L!<D£ÏSE AND LITERARY EMPORIUM, I I Camp street, New Orleans. Stationery, School Hooks, Cheap Publications, &c., at th ! Lowest Cash Prices. Printing and Book Binding j of every description, cxecuteil " with neatness and ! despatch. j Asthma and Consump tion. D R. SHERMAN'S ALL-HEAL ING BALSAM, as a remedy for Asthma,Consumptioii, Brooch its, Coughs, Colds, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, and all Diseases of the Lungs, Throat, Liver and Stomach, stands unexcelled. Read what it has done ! More Hume Testimony in Favor of DR. SHERMAN'S ALL-HEALING BALSAM. New Orleans , Feb. 25, 1848. To Dr. Sherman's Agent, 151 Chartres street: Dear Sir—Having derived great benefit from the 1 USe °' Dr ' S - hern,an ' 8 Bal3am '.y.°" vvil1 l )ermit " ie | and able to attend to my business. I have recom withgnccM8.* eVern ' l " euds ' an< ' a " CMe9 I ^ddres^^ toTop/Tl^êbëeV,7roubîëd i . a lon S u ? ,e Wlti " a bad cc >"gh, together with ! rniainrr Klr«n«f tn i?nr«li n dnnrao tliot T /»nnU ..1.. Yours, dear sir, with respect. J. E. BRISCOE, Clerk for T. L. White, 53 Canal st. Residence.24 Maria street. New Oileans STILL THEY COME! Having accidentally become acquainted with the the gifted qualities attributed to it. In one case, where the medicine was taken on my recommenda tion. the effect was almost magical, as the Cough and Expectoration of mucus matter bore a strong analogy to a decided consumptive tendency. I he lieve a mote general knowledge of this medicine is only required to place it among the best curatives extant, for Consumption, Dyspepsia and other dis eases arising from* disorganized state of the stom virtues of Dr. Sherman's All-Healing Balsam, 1 1 have no hesitation in declaring that its use in my ! famnv wnrranU tliA nssiimnrp thai it nnc^uenc nil family warrants the assurance" that it possesses all ach and affections of the lungs. JAMES REESE, 13 Carnp st., New Orleans, Mobile , December 7th. 1847. I hereby certify, that for 1 '6 months I iiad been lingering under Consumption, and expected every day to be my last. At length I procured a bottle of Sherman's Balsam, and it raised me as it were from the f grave. It cured me, and I am now able to at telld t0 my daily avocation of a boatman JOIIN WILLIAMS. Prepared and sold by A. Shf.rma.v, M. I)., 106 j Plaquemine, . PAPER HANGINGS AND UPHOL STERY STORE. iVo. 20 Camp street, New Orleans. OS EPH ETTER, offers for sale low for cash or city acceptances, all arti cles comprized in the above business, viz : Paper Hangings for »vails, Bed-tops, Fire Screens, and Curtains with border ings. Upholstery Articles, Such as Curtain stuffs and trimmings ; Tassels and £orde ; Guilt Poles and Co n ' ce 'î ®P r ' n S> Hair and Moss Mattressers Fringes; transparent and other Window Shades, Musquito Bars and Netting; Carpeting and Straw Matting ; Floor Oil Cloth, &fc. Orders promptly filled. October 9, 1847. J:tf WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS. THIS admirable medecine may be obtained j attjie Grocery store of Mr. Shay, in Plaque-j mine, who is the ONLY AGENT in this eountry I (or the saler of this medicine. [LTThe genuine Wright's Indian Vegetable Pilk is never sold in Drug Stores..-HI Dec, 11th. f SH31 i-WEEK L Y Seufijtru Sentinel. terms: Subscription :-Fivc Dollars per annum, invariably in ad PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY BY IVM. r. BRADBURN. -One Dollar per S' r tii.-first, and Fi AU ;i iar^, (10 lines or less) y Cents for every in, •of insertions, will he published until forbid, ami 1 accordingly. In both languages,charged double, fincnts for advertising will be made IV than three months, at such rates by the year as de ! tllC ons I» - d a e [ : : ! ; i Colonel lîragg: j IHS 1111,11 AI'I'IJECIATION OF UEX. TAYLOR, 1 C Remarks at a dinner given to kim irt Nein York.] : i t > i , ! . CoK Lrtt fS >»"^t, y rising, and a ; 1,1 some embarrassiiient S'lid, it was well known that he was only a soldier, and that therefore no fitting speech could be expected from him in reply; for whatever! merit gentlemen choose to award him, or whatever reputation, if any he had unde servdy, the whole of it was due to tl nay more, for the brilliancy of that service, he was indebted to the training of the la mented Ringgold and Ridgely, from whose ! i, „ i i i » i *1 • i j ' U,d "Ceived the corps, 111 that ! CfficiGncy til fit enabled it lO immortal j ize itself on the perilous and bloody field of Buena Vista. ant Gederal under whoni he served- and to the soldiers in the service he commanded; To the general-in-chief his acknowledg ments were especially due. He inspired the whole army with valor and confidence by his presence, not only at Buena Vista, but from the opening of the war on the Rio Grande. It is almost impossible for you,'gentlemen, he said, to understand the character ofthat man as a commander of an army. There is a resolution, a firm ness, a determination in manner, and in his purposes, that go it great ways in lead ing men to victory. It was never better illustrated than on the field of Palo Alto.— lie told Major Brown, when he left him ry body that knew "him, "knew he would ^ i,is s,na!1 force opposite Matamoros, "Maintain your positu>n,J mil, not I hope !_»i ■ -r in. • . « — be back, if alive to come. The army returned to Point Isabel, as you know.— j On the 8th, they fought at Palo Alto, and ; when ni»lit came on, they bivouacked in ! tlie open field; and amid the grass, with J uot a tent over them, the General himself wrapped in his blanket, and many, I can assure you, in not a little doubt and doom. ^ .. . Our little army did not feel sure then they could whip three times their number, and those the best troops in Mexico. We had not tried our mettle, or measured weapon with tli'em. Many an eye did not close that night. Ringgold had been slain. A bloody day was before them, aud many, if the army went on, were sure to bite the j dust. But nobo;ly knew or could jind out what the Gen'l. intended to do. There he Jay, wrapped in his blanket, and sleeping, except when disturbed by officers asking for orders. Some were anxious to ascer-| tain his intentions. His only answer was, j "Tell the men to sleep. Keep quiet.— Sleep is the main thing necessary." Two j or three officers were particularly anxious ; He disclosed to none of them his intentions. There was a prevailing opinion that it was too perilous a march to go on. But Gen. Taylor toward morning, disturbed by someone demanding orders, replied "allow the men to rest. It is time enough at sunrise." Then turning over in his bjan- ; ket, he said to an officer near: "My i mind is made up, my mind is made up,"— ; but nobody knew hoir his mind was made up,—and yet they who knew him, knew if his mind was made up, it was to no pur pose to try to change it. In the morning a council of war was summoned and there were eleven officers present, three only of whom advised ad vance. Mind, I cast no censure upon any one. A difference of opinion, under such circumstances, might have been ex pected. But they who knew the power of the light arrillery, and had seen it play that day, had confidence that it could clear a way for the army back to fort Brown. "Old Zach,"—for that is the , iame we call him, replied after the con i • i i i i -n j sultat,on had , brokcn U P' wc wlU Avance tn fifteen muiulcs~nud forward they marched to Resaca de la Palma, the result of which you all know. Old Zach kept his word to Major Brown; but, alas, the brave and lamented Major had received his death wound. • • So at Buena Vista the personal charac ter of Ceti. 1 aylor had a like influence on the army. When the War Department deemed it neccssary, in order to form a column to invade Mexico, n'a Vera Cruz, to take his regulars from him, he was sure j that Santa Anna would attack him. "I ; am the weak point," he often said, "and ; I know he will attack me." But he dt j termined to defend his position, and, in order the best way to defend it, to ad vance. Gen. Scott has taken a hundred, said he; I shall save a thousand. Gen. Taylor kept well informed of the approach of the enemy by Gen. Wool's scouts, moved on to Saltillo, then on to Agua Nueva. It was proposed atone time to meet the enemy in advance of A»ua Nueva, hut ascertaining by his engineers that their position could be turned, he re solved to fall back to Buena Vista as the j enemy approached him, Buena Vista is a ! military position that any soldier's eye would select for a defence. To no par ticular person is the credit of its selection due—for it has been said that even a wo man picked it out as a place to repulse an enemy. Various officers have had the credit of the selection, but whatever par ticular credit is due, is certainly due to the commander-in-chief, who fought the battle. The Mexicans themselves had fought a battle there. Santa Anna knew the ground so well that he ordered Gen. | Minon to get into our rear. Minon did ! as ordered; but when he reached Buena ' Vista he found us in possession of it. The 22d of February, with 4500 men, mostly raw troops, opposed to 20,000 of the ene 1 my, was certainly not an encouraging j day. We did not feel quite so happy or ! so well, as over this bountiful table to-ni«ht. We thought of home, and of families and friends, and our chance of death was made his will. j much better, we thought, than of ever ! seeing them again. For several davs I . ^ J he But he never shrank fron^hü duty. "I may perish," was his thought, "but I will perish in maintain ing the honor of my country! I have to run a terrible risk in assuming the res ponsibility of making this onward «Weh, but it is the only course that will save my army. To stay in Monterey was to be sacrificed by the overwhelming force of the enemy. To save all, I must here risk all!" The battle was fought—you know the result; but you can never know the influ ence that the presence of Geii. Taylor had upon the army. He alone, so it seemed to me, could have inspired, by his j presence, every soldier in the army, aq the volunteers were inspired. The confidence in him was complete. He had never sur rendered. He has never been whipped; and the iJea got abroad that he never could be. When manœuvering my pie j ces athwart the gullies—I cite this as an example of that confidence— 1 saw clouds j of dust about two miles from me. f was ; painfully anxious. I thought that Gen. galloping up through the dust into sight, screaming, "Old Zack is coming!" Every soldier gave involuntary utteranee to his feelings. Old Zach came; and in fifteen minutes the tide of battle turned. Four thousand five huudred men repulsed twenty thou ; sand; and to the influence of that prc i sence, under God, I think I am alive here ; to dine with you this day. A Gentleman, —How often tîid you discharge your pieces that day? Col. Bragg —About 250 jounds to each gun. Another Gentleman. —How near was the enemy to your pieces at any onetime? Col. Brqgg. —Within fifty yards at one time, when-we mowed them down. Another. —Where was Gen. Taylor? Col. Bragg. —Within forty yards. Col. Bragg closed his remarks with saying: "Understand me gentlemen, I an» a soldier, and no politician. I know öen. Taylor only as a soldier and a man. I speak of him only as the commander in-chief of the army iu Mexico. I have nothing to do with his politics, or yours. It is the duty of a soldier cheerfully to