OCR Interpretation

Shreveport daily news. [volume] (Shreveport, La.) 1861-1861, April 18, 1861, Image 4

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064478/1861-04-18/ed-1/seq-4/

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HIE Bossier Banner is published
at Bellevue, La., at three dollars per
annunm to single subscribers. Adver
tisements inserted at $1 per square of
ten lines or less, and 50 cents for each
subsequent insertion. Professional
and business cards not exceeding one
square, including paper, ten dollars
per annum;, ;.fivedollars forsix months.
Advertisements for the year inserted
on very liberal terms. The Banner
is an independent paper, and has as
large a circulation as any paper pub
lished in North Louisiana. Address
Editor and Froprietor.
The Turf, Agricultnre, Field Sports,
Literature, Art, and the Stage.
Bsdelished witk Splendid Engra
Fublished Every Saturday Morning,
at No. 145 Fulton St., N. Y.,
A remittance of Five Dollars, in ad
vance, will entitle a Subscriber to three
Steel Engravings and the paper for
One Year. A remittance otf Teni
!ollars, in advance, will entitle .sub
scriber to the paper for one year, and
a complete set of the Engravings, at
follows :
Col. Wm. R. Johnson, of Virgin
ia, the "Napoleon of the Turf."
ltad'll Auguilta, the celebrated
Danseuse, in the bCharacter of "La
Ripton & Confidence (Trotters),
as in their Match in Harness:
Boston, Wagner, Monarch, Levia
than, Argyle, Black Marva, Gray
Eagle, Shark, Hedgeford, John Bas
comnB, Monmouth, Eclipse, Fashion.
Extra copies of the Engravings to
be had at One Dollar each.
Remittances.-Care should be ta
ken to give the Post Office Address
and State plainly. The Bjills of anor
Bank in good standing are receivid
at par. Fractions of a dollar may he
sent in Post Office Stamps. All
Registered letters, coutaininlg Money,
:atr at our risk.
The Postage is to be paid at the
Post Office where the paper is received
quarterly in advance, and is only- (.L
cents per quarter to any part of the
United States.
1IDITED by Moses A. l)ow
'T'hii paper is the larir st: weekly
ever published in this enmtrvy. Its
contents are such as will ,he aplrov( .d
in the most fastidious cireles-notl
oing immortal being admnitt Id intot its
pages. It will furish as much re:a
ding matter as almost any one can
find time to peruse, consisting of
tales, history, biogra1phv. together
with music and poetry. The papers
contain, no ultra. sentimentt , andl
meddles neither with politics lnor re
ligion, but it is characterized iby a
high moral tone. It circulates all
over the country, from Maine to Cal
One dollar for six months, or *2 00
a year, always in advance. ('hiahs,
by mail, six papers six months 6;.
Paper stopper when the last number
paid for is seat. A new volume com
mences every July andl .January.
But if a person mcomnniences at any
number iu any volume, and pays for
six months, h.e will have a complete
book, with a title-page, as every pa
per's complete in itself. Clubs must
always be sent at one time to get the
benefit of the low price. We cannot
send thern at the club price unlhss
received all together as it is too much
trouble to leok over our books or keep)
an ac*ounr with each one getting
them up..
Any one sending us four dollars
can have one icopy of the Waverly
Sagaane, and either of the following
worki for one year by mai. Gmr
ham's 'tagaaineJ1&rper'a Magaaine,
Godey's Leslies I k,, Ladie's Ga
zette of IFarhion, Yiban's Magazine,
Ballers PI.. ,rials.
£aP All letters and communica
ions concerning the paper should be
addressed to the publisher.
&Adrees, MOSES A. DOW,
Boston Massachnsetta.
N IX-NAX for All Oreation is
most amusing and expensively got
ten-up, as well as the cheapest, Com
ic Magazine now published in the
world. Each number contains Thir
ty Pages of matter, and from Sixty
to Ninety Pictures-all the contents
leig of a humorous character. Nick
Nax as nearly completed its fourth
year, and is growing. in popularity.
It is a great favorite with all classes-
fathers and mothers,. sons and daugh
ters-since it contains nothing that
may not be read aloud in any family
circle. It is the publishers' desire
to make it especially
One of its features is the Prize Puz
zle Department. The Publishers
have distributed during the last two
years, among those who have solved
the Puzzles, Gold Pelns and valuable
Books, which have had the tendency
to snake the competition earned and
In fact, take it all in all, no more
'amusing sheet for the family, village
library, or hotel reading-room, or to
beguile the tedious hours of travel in
car or steamtboat, can be found any
On()te-copy., one year 81 00
Five copies (to one nddr'ess) 4 00
Postnmasters and others who ma,'y
wish to engage in obtaining subscrip
tions, will find this an ex'cellent op
porttinity, as first-rate indlucenents
wiill be given them.
Room 29, No. 119 Nassat-strtiet,
New York.
Neuwspapers inserting the above
(including this paragraph,) as often as
they may judge lproper, o'r giveni it
editorial notice, will be entitled toC an
exchange for a year, on forwarding a
copy, with advertisements marked, to
the Nick-Nax ateice.
Sample numibers sent on receipt of
Six cients ill sta811s or 1(11)1 0W.
1ROSl'E(r LU'S
A ,ret' National South/r'n F(mily
."ews2ec'pajr, jpuh/,s/re i at Jlacon Gco.
Invariably in advatnce, one sublscr"i
her one year, $2 00, wit q lottery tick
ets \worth $1 0U -our nsutsc'uriers one
year, Gl 00, with Lottery 'I'icktets
worth $4 0o-tetn subscri1bers one
year, 812 50, with Lottery Tickets
wort :810 00.
A speecimnuti copy will b' sent to any
'tne who desires it.
R'ememinber tl;hat to tearh single suit
scril"er we give
A (hue Dollar TirkIt
in ;np of the sc'l.e'nms of tlthe
C.'rit..o/uid/o' Lit/terir.s r1' Georgia,%f
advertiseit inll our cldn1111s HI t iu not
,nly tin nishinig ('11,1 4 the largest ati1i
bee-t pal"'rs of the clay at a ve\rv low\\
trice, but givinga share in a l}galized
lottery whlick many secure anil itietipe"i1
dent fortt unte
Thet l tte r' ticklets lhichi wei ofi'er
as at ind ceinit toue sil srilte, are flir
nithed to u' in part pavne'nmt for ad
vertising, but in such tjuautities, .eulv
as we order them, so that siilmvri1b/trs
to the 1REPiitL(leCmayselect their on-n
tickets and nuibl1i-ts iin Sally ef' the
schemes advertised in our celniunus.
Itenelllber that these lotteries were
iucorporated and legalizeid by sp1ecial
acts of the legislature of (1e'or'ia. antid
drawn under the Sworn superiition of
commissioners appointeld by tlhe State
POS 2'Ti1A S TEl 'RS
who f'eel -lisp-sr d tt n- t a. a,. ts. ,n m..'
deduct 40 cents for each single sub
scribe'r. Or it' they w"'ill send thme
names of persons tuf their acquaiut
ance likely to subscribe, we wtill allow
theta 25 cetnts for eserv onilC whne sub
scribes tfrom among the liht of' namnes
so fixrnished.
Postmnasters eveer'ywhe cc are azut/wri
zed to act as agesits fr the American
We are determined to r'each a circu
lation of 100,000 copieS betfre the
first of January next, and having
made a contract with Messrs. Hodges,
1Davis & Company, to advertise their
lotteries in our columns to a a large
amount, we are enabled to meake the
above splendid offers.
A limited niumber ofadvertisements
of an unobjectionable nature will he
inserted at the rate of 35 cents per
IIE seven years of unrivalled suc
cess atteding the "Cosmopolitan Art
Association," have made it a house
hold word throughout every quarter of
the country.
Under the auspices of this popu
lar institution, over three hundred
thousand homes have learned to ap
preciate-by beautiful works of art
on their walls, and choice literature on
their tables, the great benefits derived
from becoming a subscriber.
Subscriptions are now being re
ceived in a ratio unparalleled with
that of any other year.
Terms of Sdbscripion.
Any person can becotue a inmtuber
by subscribing THLREI DOLI.LARS, for
which they will receive
1st-the large and superb steel en
graving, :30x3$ inches, entitled,
"Falstaff 3lutering sis Recruits."
2nd-One copy, one year, of that
elegantly illustrated magazine,
" The Cos-nopolitan Art ,hrurnai."
3d-Four admissions, during tihe
season, to "The Gallery of paintings.
54S 3roeadwzzy, N. Y
In addition to the above benefits,
there will be given to subscri)bers, as
gratuitous pretniuns,u ouver
Firechndred Ihautlifiau l W orks l AIfrt!
colnpriising valuable paintings, g uar
bles, parians, outlines, etc., tforntintg a
trulv national bLenefit.
'The Superb Engraving. wlichi
*evert subscriber wiU receivel, lentitledi
"Falstafi Mustering his Recruits," is
one of the most beanutiful amd liiipoular
engravings ever issued in this c"unlit rv.
It is donie on steel. inll fine line aind
stilpille and is printed on lhavyv iplte
ipal'er, :;Ox48 inches making a oiist
clhoice ornimeniit, suitabler t h;,t- tlt walls
of either the library, parlor, or atflee.
Its stul ject is tihe celehrate d sccho of
Sir John FLalstafl receivillnr. iii Justiic'
Shallow's oflice, the recunits *vhliicl
have been galthered 1fr his ur yrit'
regiment. It c uld not he firitiisl
by the trade f1 r lesst than live dollars.
The Art Journtal is too well knowmn
to the whole c lintrv to hut ci nonet
datiun. It is a niagnitil cent ly illts
tratedl utimigaz'.itl of Art. eontaltiuiig
Essays, Stories, Ioems. ('44911s &0..
liv tlhe very hest writers in Amwrirtcn.
-'The engraving is sent t ' 'y hart
of the coluntrV hib miaiil, w\ithi safltty.
hi-ug lckei(l ill a cylintidr. -I vst e
Stlbscriptiomls will Ie ri *vive- lutlil
th eeveni gotf the: I -t.1 :tiuuuarv, I CL I
at lwhich tune ge hoaks will il.- a1111l
the lilrlluiius hi e givl ti stosli-'Iribters.
No ipows is r-I-trit!ctl fn a singl
suibscti ptiio . .'hose rt. tittin&-: ý1.,
are entitled to live lt -Imbar-hiils a:od
In alt extra: t 11_1':vingl tý,r 1hell' troull(e.
Su senriitioti traint (':ilitaruiit, the
('ioalzs. i ni all l orii. n ctuinltrii s
m .t l. 1) :1 ;It) in-1 i t I!;it' ., 11 ' . 1(1
o dIAIu'PEr extra Ipo ! ta uN.
ho- t-urtlhter I iii hitiui ti '1 lis-en I tr a
I"PF of the C t ltr. : tly illn-tr: d rt
.ournal'(.II,tl""""""t' (l tho' Itau~l-t-tmient
Sataltuge ptol t Princ t. an-d tlitiun-lleLi1
ts si ler) t tli e againe i t s. uit' -ar
prict ortiV t' Ic - ni utit s':tl 111 h i -e
((pieds, howvared; will he Ii"li-rto tr--,
terhitO the ubcrii~tlnl oh hee I'-iptdiflb
i tn s fut u r- . i t it i s 441 i c 'l i (. .tl e iat lrs
teachr' 2 0(t)
Ad'. L.1 11tr1 c41 gratir ton vC.A.. -
:club of tn rot u lwsi . ( Fork.
hiarpeir's aý1º ad' xiT;rpen'u1
agazine , tcogteitllr. otet yatr.\ tit' (u
TImelc p'Sttige~lihQn'fl ilrliersr Maga~
ein,--" utiUt bOplamdc t thiet o nice wherl
tisrec ived. ingiLuatter than iany otirty-er i
six cents r vea.r
Jan. 1, 1860. Franklin Square..
NEWSPAPER, noaw in its thir
tieth year, has attained a celebrity
and circulation surpassed by thw pa
pers out of the city of Sew York.
As a Daily Journal, the proprietors
will spare no expense to make it of
the first class. lThe net-work of Tele
graph all over the Union enahles
them to republish all events of public
interest almost simultancously withi
their occurrence ; while the increased
facilities of Railroad commnimnication
offer new channels for tihe prompt dle
livery of the: Journal to subscribers
inl the very shortest period after pub
licatio1n. 'Thei Agricultural Depart
ment of the Journal is made one of
speci:al attention and interest. The
articles under this heatl are p)repared
yv a I'ractical Farmer, and have
commanded the approval of Sonwi oft
tihe best agriculturists in this and(
every otlher State in the inioni.
The terms of subscription are as
tf:hiws, per year:
Large Dalily, sent i- mail 8 0(0
Country Daily, sent by mail i 00
Weekly (in clubs of ten) 1 00
S single copy 2 00
Ilemtittatnces iby mail in regisi'trid
letters at our risk.
SAll coummnunuications atddrtessed
Louisville, Kl.
HI paper presents, every w":k.
amtn :greealile umelange of tile notable'
events and literature of the tiene. Its
cniltauts ;lways contain a goodl i, stoere
of popular Original Tales, Sk'ttch's
if' Ailveimturi on sea and lanild, and
I 4ietic ( 'ins, bv
Iest A 7(m'eri(an Authors.
Also thle creami of diomestic and for
e'r'gn iews so condensed as to p'i'rsi nt
thie largest possible amount of thei iii
t'lligence oft' the day; the wholle well
spiced with wit and uiniuior.
I lolitics, anid upo1n all sectarian
qtue-tiotm-,, it isstaaictly neutral. Each
etditiont is
Icau/tif f/J IJllustrated,
mwith accn iitit' en'ttgravings, by 'emine'nt
artists, of notaile oijects, ctirl'ent
ivut ts int all parts of tmin wiirild. It
L ill l futl1aitl viewS uf every important
city, of edifices of note tf' mll the
pritcitli1 ships and steaniers It the
Navy and Mercl;uit Service'; with
fini, accurate lpartraits of every grtat
pub lic character, maIle and timnale.
An ,unriral/cdl trps if' IContributwors
arte enlgl.aried, 111u11 every uIejparttntint is
cndiuctel um inder tlite most 'tliciu'itt and
pertiect ssteiIti tha;tt expn iiiii':i' cali
'vise. *' hi is i~u' nall is pr itiel upi III
itle paper. from new anti I luetitul
tVype (,electedw ithe i't"'atutd experi t lice
t Jrollr ti - very bet /n11/ li(1f/iur/tVs il.
tilte lcited ,tact s -mad 1"Eutropt .
1 isulscriber, &tot: Veal', La
2 sublascrihers, (li i-a', :t
HI *' "* ji
Atui o utiS ti othe gettr'tiip of a
clil e f 11t.
A ttcr a cli of It0 ha- let"ii esent,'
Ithe getter-upi will have a rihit ti ale,
at any tle, nlte or iuore suiiscribeers
to his elth, at 't eaich.
01we i'oleV tit "(in '..iAm-o e'SI i"ii
111.11' amId (nie (! copy (if tih ''1 li'I'CIA
CLV COmIumANliNN," ce y'ear, V'a.
eiedtiul n e oples will le so'lt toi any
omtt that wishs te foi'rn a club.
Sim1gle' collies, 4 cents.
if' sleor'. at all thei peincipal Period
ical h )eupts in the United States anel
Iu betllisl cuh'-ev Sat mU rutty, at the'
I')m'me'r i)fijimii usat an itl ol emitfield
Strieet--, 13iistomi, Ma..., 1 v
I". . LE'ASON.
DRI;G(;STl &~ AlPO~llECAltY.'
Y O iLT11 inform his frietnds arid
the pubhlic generally, that he hmas just
receive'1 a lac'ge anul well lissorted
stock ref lDruuggu and Medicines, pure
W4inis andc Th'audies tor Medical pur
potscs, which he will sell are cheap as
cati he bought anywhere' in L~ouisiania
outside of New Orleans.- Buyers are
respectfully requested to.. give him a
call before purchasing ehvewhere.
'I;'f Physicinais. preitcrlptions care
fully prepared at all hours day and
Sbreveport *icsi OCtdrient.v
Corrected Expressuy for the Daily News.
.SUOAR........... 6' 9
CoFFF......... .. .. .12 1 1
ICE,.. ....... .... 6 7
f BACON, Shoulders. 10a' -
la111s- .. - 14 a 16
Sides. - 14 a' -
LAun.............. . 16 'a -
1ioru w .......... . 10 'a 1:2
IJox. ........... . 4 ra t
, (ANIDLE...-.... ..21 'n - 23
(".HSE _ -...... 12"a' 14
SPINVARN..... ... 27 -
LEAD............ 9 ' 14)
S1VIlluKv, P gall.. 27 :3.
tf MOLASasEs...... . 32 ' . *35
On., Lrd...... SI 50 '
Lin.seetd.. . . 1 00 1Z,
.'Fi.orwi, 'p bIarrel.I. 5 00 'a' 7 50
SPous............ 20 00 'a
Lt. t t"........... 3 .50 'a -
ViNEu,14A........ 3 50 . 6 00
Ti.av~r... . 3 50 &
Pl'UTiATOES, -P Inarr.l 3 50 ' 0 00)
. IIA(;tiN:, I ntli:4.. 15 '
Kentuicky - '2v lb
o ()ATs............... 70 'a
H BRAN, P cwt..... 1 75 't
hIlAy........ 2 00 «
1 o'(WDR, 'r Keg.. 9 00 'a
NAul ',s .4 510 'a
iinoT, 1= Un ..... 2 25 '' 2 :31'
S.\.T". P S.n- k. ".. 1 25; ''
1.\ 1~iiEI4............0 a
1-P I'a tclnfr... .. -50 ' 75
1owN, 4'er 'ro . . 1 00 'a
('..tta. I;b. tl.-clintd fruom to
side Saturday , in canfl4 11t l1ncC of u:1
0 ftu-tiablr i4(4 n fromi New ()rleJatt..
Sishrevvp-rIt. (:ottosn i1urket"t
" Cu t :rprr rssly for the Daily Newr:.
S Interior ................ 5 1 1;
SlinrdinaryV .............7 '1 `
4;.l.w r.liriiv ...... ..S 1' 9
Mi4 dligll............. - 10j.^104
(;,oo.d M1iddliing........ 114 X12
`- \tN ..w OLrttlenxxN L- ricci Current.
SCA............ .. 5 a 6
(UE....E,...... 13 -
Iº 10 0:......... ..---- 0 4v (1
13.e 1, lhoulJers.. 7li
pntins. .. . 00 ti O(
t R ise ..... 1(j -d 00
SLAID(,......-- o 0L
4t ,Vo'L...........- 00 Go 00
IcHEENR.. -.---·-- 0 i
('le~ rNY.. in1. .. · ... 0
Ci .-iu............ 04) 'a o
Ii E1t: . 4-- -- --41)
t mifi y, t gall.. 21 ' (11I
... .... ............ 4) .(- '
8 (1l) E;ýL --.~-- ·
Sl Lix l, .. (... 4 00 ( O 1
u 1'I n, 1'' burr .. 5 _. 'v 7:1
I'tux6.. - ....... On (H 'aall (
( I*:'. ........ ...4--- ;. 44 a1.
1l l~s.... - - - .. Lt l; I) 0) 'a 11
1.\1 :.1).. L . I.d.... O 10 'a 0
I'tr'1'T oul:. I Ib ' 11 :3 "0 'ait 0 of)
1 a1;15', In0ia... " ) 44
) 8........ ..... 0 70 u : . )
t', P --a k .. :-(k . -.i - ~ 'a
1 I.\ 1', 'l t -.t, . .... , 1- > .
S e t r, ,e * tl O O) il- I .
l I d l a . 44 (4 4. (. º T.. .
ra. [1&-t a ( 'at ti., 11( 4) 1111.
It.\:1.i. p~ack a.. .. . 4440) 1 (1 (0)
TE wxa , )itN , -'stqt 24 aJr30 ('4
\'J (catt). i. 141 . 7 u0i'a I 14
r_ -.h"..<1.1) 1 3 lt ?A1, Pa~t (ti.' 1-v NO4 - 4)L-44
i c.ge:4( j4- 3 · I . a.t s-'. _ (1) 4; 4X)4
;. 2.I qtI'V........:3/1(41 7O; O(-!
'r t, e a l- 1d, ISt l t y n. 0G . a T o
it l~uvs.l........ ...7.--- 'a
ElE, S1t .( ......... O... 0 'a1 00
`1'1 ed qatlit. r) u -ni 3 0 (t 1:; 0 1)
Strv aa,1t it 24 O'a -
i1 y luteitu' ---------- 70 0 )
.v WunuEBS TE S UXAB...)(;..I).
. rv R INl.TOR.A- 1. EI)IT0O.
1500n Pictoral Vluslrti.'rdnx.
zr 600i to 10.000 rnmw w-ord.' inl tilce Vcatr
a buinrS. With oth... r uew.. *atta re
tt T'Logeth.c~ with ali~the? ma;ttr of' jirevi -
a ou& ..dition.. In o 20.voliun.' ot 175'I
pages.· 1'rice $6.50. Sjold byt ad!
d T . & A. MERIAMB
Spingld DICIOs. .

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