Newspaper Page Text
OTTR. P Of -A~l; orrEr rt IfMEIll MA1A1CETT AC'TT.Tfl . JNO C. DICli INSON E-DITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Thursdavy. - - July 4, 1861. Jab WVork must be paid for on de liivery. akG ENTS.,S Mr. JouN W. TARER, is our authorized agent in Natchitoches. Mr. P. 1). O'BusE., N.o. 6, Exchange Plice, Now Orleans, is our authorized Ageit for that city. MR.I. C. CLAnRKE, 1ookseller, is our au thorisod agent for Vickeburg and Natchez. Mr. J. II. LOFTOW, is our agentt at Eclle vae, Bossier Parish. Those-friendly to our undertaking, who may hear of any local, or other items, that will prove of iuterest to our readers, will favor us by haudisg in the same at the office the News. We will be pleased to receive contribu tiois from our friends, in and-aroutnd Shreve port. An occasionafarticlefrom oar planters, relative to the crops, will be very acceptable. In fdect, we desire correspondence from every section of the States. Personal articles will not he publlishced, eitheras communications or advertisenents. tLr See every page. Owing to the ehang ' in the Mail Arrangement4, "The Daily Xcws," will not make its appearanee at as early an hour in the morning as usual. This we are compelled to do to tenahle us to furnish our readers with the latest intelligence. Sad Accident.-Yesterdac aft er noon a shed in course of construction for Messrs. Howell &r. Buckner, in the rear of their warehouse, fell down, severely injuring Mr. W. K. Unarrison a carpenter, and two negroes who were assisting him in shingling the roof. One of the negroes wa, corn pletely scalped, and.the other horribly mangled. Thie sufferers were doing well at last accounts. 'The negroes belong to Mr. Howell. The procession this morning, will commence movingabout eight o'clock. There will be no paper issued from this office to-morrow, as our printers do notwork to-dav. This is the 60th number of the Daily News, and it still breathes. It hasnot been "bursted," yet, nor has the editor been compelled to box up materials and leave town. Queer, ain'tit. Some say money makes the mare go-so does a whip. Kind friends .do any of you now think, as before, that WE can't keep' it up? if so, send us your address, for fu ture reference. Patience, perserer ancg, and industry, azcomplishes ma ny thinge. Why don't everybody take the News l Can't afford it. ,PseAIr w! jat deprive youtselves of only to drinks a week, and the thing is acomrplised. Only two dimes a keek. 'Tableaux V'ivants. .As there will be plenty to see and di to-day, in the way of amusement, ouir citizens must not forget that at nigt the benevolent ladies of our city propose to end the performances of tli aday, amusing and unique eihibition at the Theatre.. Hold on to sonsmof'yonr r ebang ; frieeds, at it $ilft be ii o with you. ftr the dimis n is ceash on the spot. Tis a We W tekrate. Sin tines past, the 4th of July; the old fourth; the glorious fourth was a day which afforded us an op ortunity, "as local," of distinguish ing ourselves among the corp-, edito rial. Since then dear readers, what a change has taken place in the his tory of our nation. We hope, and cannot help but think, it is for the better. In the 'fourths" gone by we would grasp the hand of each other, with feelings purely brotherly, whether, in this city, or that. We would lhave laid down our lives in the defence of each other. How stand we to-day ? Arrayed on tlhe field in Marshal order, each :nuxiously awaiting the word of ctommiand to commencenit a terrible onslautght, unequalled in the annals of history. Tis well. flow can von celebrate or claim the "Fourth 1 we are asked by by sollle who still cling to the wreck Inion. with hopes never to be realized. \V' answer by- right and justice, it is ours ; we hav'e ever cherished the events at tached to it, and we aret to day following thie example set hi our forefathers who established it. run king it. if' anything, still dearer to the offsprings of the brare detf'nders of their liberty. now- reposini in the mansion of the Allwise; smniling up on us with holv love for daring tog attempt sunderiing the chains which hind us. contrary to the Constitution. which gave us equal rights, as the pireamble shows : We, the people , the Uniitted States, in order to fural a more perfect unit ii, estalish11 justice, insure d lutestic trait quility, provide for the eurtrnoi de tiftct. prltnlmte the general welfare, and secure the ilessiitigs of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, (do ordain and estalblish this cntlstitltiotio for thei United States t Atmerica. After readint" the ahove let no ni ai dare say or think that we are in the wrong, ftr such a itan is a toi uI knavet'. Ve are right, and k no iting all may be~ in ttin land , *f the liv·itz. thifsol to kllow ththe adviers of that. old hero, Andrew vIe ke t, '"k:,. ''Over a ptcop!r' !t eve-· atint free, vu'r right, and lig -at e l." :s.'' the publish urthe fay lo i ng rath n tlrman knowetl. ew f u dea to see it. 3ut Wle ro (tol 'lr' (.that DIrvIsIon iIEAD-fUA~HI{TI~lt Jlune 11. all may bthe oficer ohin,"aflln tlhe li-ig, if only to know that the :tar: ai.d bars, wave ce~s at C'ounlty Bridge: ir-"Over a pot. avies and ifrutenante, yotte, of lI 7t h rcAl inlelli, sst." vo~lllurt~eers,tire :tb tillt tit proT(ceedf to) thet scene o'publis the late nfollowing rather' spicy correspondence between (Gen. Butler and Col. Mc('ruder: Gen. Budter to Conl McGruder. DIVISION IIEAD-c4UARTRiIts, JTune 1 1. To the Officer conuulandiun the fur ces it Counrt} Bridge: Sir-Capt. Davies and Lieutenant Potter, of the 7th re'gimnent,Newlork volunrteers,are nabout to proceed to the scene of' the late: engagement, near County Bridge, for the purpose of bringing away any dead or wounded that may have beell left be'hind. I trust the courtesies of civilised war fare will be extended to these gentle men, as I have no doubt they will be. I have some prisoners, taketn with arnn in their hands whom you may desire, or be willing to exchange for any persons who may have been so unfortunate ns to fall in your hands. If you deem such a course desirable, a flag of truce with a propel cartel maight be arranged, through the hear - er of this note. Capt. ])tivies. I have the honor to be, most res pectfully, your ob't serv't, BEN. F. BUTLER. Major General commnanding. Col. Magruder to Gens. 17utder. HEADQUARTERS, Yorktown, June 12. Major Generlt B. F. Butler, com nianding Fort Monroe: Sir-Our people had orders to bring any communications intended for the conmmander of the forces at County Biidgeor Bethel, to this place,and by a particular route-hence the rlelay-. I understhnd fPrrm Capt. Davies. the betarer df the fldg, that you had tour prisoners, to wit: one trooper, and three citizens, Messrs. Whiting, Carter, Lively and Merriam, the last being a citizeu of Virginia, in your possession. And you state that you are desirous to exchange them tor a correspolndinzlg number of FedTeralist troops, who are prisoners with luce. I accept your offer, so tar as the t rooper (who is a videttce) is in question, and1 will send to-morrow, at 4 o'clock iii the afternoou,it it will b.e convenient, a Federal soldier in exchuinge tor hinl. WVith respect to tilhe wounded, 11y first care was to have theul attended to; medical advice and careful nurs ing have been provided. Your dead I had buried on time bat tie lield,and this wa:s done ill sight of tile conflagratio ns that was devasta tinlg the homes e.' our citizens. 'ihes citizenls il your lpossessionl are eIi11 whoil, doulrtletS dletnllded their lhomes against a for.whoto their own certain knowledge Ihlad, withi or withouilt tlle authorltll)ity of the FLederal government le.stroyed the property of their leigh bur', rbreaking up eeof tllheil pieos of the ladies, andl clunlmmittin g depreda tiills 1nun1Iaerles' atnd of every de sc'ri;'tiin. IlThe F'ederal fvr)s5ler, if it suits Viuit, will be sent to lialmpton by a serf-ant. who %% 4! receive the vidttte, ('artler, whlo twas- ceptureil Iby vour. 10JtJr S hict'(e tie batip! cc :mleliIed. I d, not think i flu re f rmlt In ered lug llce'esalrX'. Y"u have bult oIl,' lirisoll'r of mlillne. land It w'as not ta kme in battle. If my proposition, to delivet'r tale Fedeiral prisolner at or near ]lantinoll, h- :t s5lr cant. to Ite exchangedl for private Carte'r le n,' cejte'd, pleasie intoirm Inm,Or thle tlicer in vcomlirfmnd ait Bntlle C'hurch,. aind it shall he done. It is searcl( tec"l'Ies saurI ftr i're to sa tl:that ithe ; ýntl tmen who brre your fintg Lays 1oeln eret iv Od \s ith evet' ci urteSy by liv r -'iti z4.1S, as well!I -is 1,. our: l Ive s. I have the 1 )1r to le, ver' re s it e til 1 .a turs, &e'. .1. lANKlHlE:Al M; \1(;ltEI R (' -!. (·litnnlla dl-lin trtnio nf our peopih' were not alittl, surIprisd a1111 .aretd1 ght - berti'r last, lii the asipiearacell il: the lHeiavelis.-') The ci:wlu hlsiona rrivei t w.' iihat the . Il!L-!.: nlok-ivI·il·e·killgc t :r!n~.t~~l shk St .Lage sight w(l s a el'' V i w. ' e ;tith tfo-l ,i<1 rabllet of:1 tail, it w:; .::!s,, ,).i`; : ab lIt ) iiht i viocki n I. N LOt tilll' li tllCtUik what ti'lle.kin t it shook''. tiir Ib he ndls, gd e ctiens .As t'':re iurd ,lurselv'e.s. we.' wkno~ir bsiv gnt'" ,te l i' Liiughc'l', li'i(Jlt , tn., i' abe i' d The 5 lt inels are isriert till rt-t(i a' at eighiit to'clock, Ai . i.i.Let their Lie punctual attIind ti-en 'sprhe proradi nulg e tlelseleve tilr tid'r. tidec iif gtlulpow"der, IIntLy be. iii lielliati i wftr hil e found eth use it ' li. W. ougr, Esq., the able ed-it. Toitor an publisher aof that sterling sheet the Marshall an lte'uXtrlic-tn.t paid its a visit lul vesterdayv. ter- friend: ll th I ll and yopo , ngbi s mushope to bear in uitd to-d lay' hfi our r"sprs ding the omselveslll that the ar tile lftest iitgpowder, may bi i demand. 'i do this we( have defi~rred the y)liiCit tion of otlr p~lpis'' lIilt~il :iftei*' the r~ni i'al of' thle stage. O)l r SnlhSe''ibe'rs thlerfo~rer, need nlot ptcii'chttse hily Ox tras, after t herefore use is now no necsllt; don't waste it.1 wO rSme To our Patrons. Weour oimit will not issue ane bored ith thpetany m ore. As it i such news as we at present receive, is Ilot worth the space ih occdpies in ah paer, but the appetites of tile IiOllcr must be appeased. Should aTy dispatches be received on Sunday, or Monday morn ing, which tiret recallv important(not otherwise) we shall place thsm before the public. - tamed'*hdence. :eI From th R d Examiser", 13th.l A jies'q o.i> rtinence,eititiely in charae ir w it' eoIn's governineit was attempted td ards Gov. Letcher, which waus promnistl4y and pointedly repelled. A pardon was sent by Lincoln to tihe Governor for a convict in the pen itentiaryv, who had been sentenced for, robbing the mail, by the late Federal court in this city, which the Govern or returned with the following letter: EXET'TlIVE I)EPARTME1 T. ¶iclunond, Va. June 7, 1861 9 To his Exccelleacy Abraham Lincoln, President of thle United States: ir:-IT run instructed by his ex cellecy,' tihe Governor of Virginia, to return to rou the accompanying drcunit'llnts tfrom the department of State, U. S. A. The c'oulnuonwealtht of Virginia, not being one of the U nited States of America, the power of the chief Ex ecutive of that nation is not recog nised by the government of this State. I amt vt'erv respectfully, Your ob't serv:Iant. S. B3ASSETT FREnCH( . A. 1). C. to the Gov. of Virginia. \We see it stated that there are four widow ladies in Culpepper county, Va., who have nrineteen sunsf in the tCnf'ederate riunny. A Littlet too I'llng.-Tllhe ftllow inig little scene occurred not a thous arnd miles front our whereabouts: E'w.thusiarstic individual volunteers for thle war; wonders what efCect the iinew5vs Will have upon his wife ; goes home to impart the direfuill intelligence Cto de-voted wife; cxpectsany ailuounlt or ub1,. shricks,hvsteric., etc., from kvolt' tet 'vilt I1u.!aiel-t:uidl/y----" well. M1oll! I'vte Yt .orrulthinig to tell vot- I. nti·ingi" tHat Wvon t exactly please' 1 Our hi' - \ it:- - i 'h,'t ti`. 'lThlouinL, nut I int( - 'I}t uic:(t isM,toIl,I i-I-: Lut tirit jirinhise ut' ut ~n. ' , itt'- i wR ti' c(i 1. Th1iu11t1s. 1u1i 1 's" it us vt'rv,ha. t 1usnd--"*W el, Molly. I"-1-1 -tln g 'inng to the wars with Capt. -'S clrptany ; ro'. don't take ton. tn; chrish("d atngel ! mWifit----- , h, , ! T'l:wtt:, I w anr't.. I 1:1 saa. istht'rt :Lm! an iuchl pkased at y. it ( tiajtral.tiour. I ean take care torrr' mysl while you are gone." l Ii$.and1(-A.ýtiiundf'd at WV"iti-'s imittli. .1- tt : "And 'o u arte willing the I lhall go alid I!Ievt~e :.tu unp:'t "' -i.'- t ntlli)5ttll "---'*C ertainly per.if tly. wili . I t' aii take ci rt' ot s lt-lontt't l' alarmt di on ifly ac( cou tl." iltrr.bain-thinks he smells a rat -*-'i ou t 1'hat . vtolu are perftctlv willing that I shall io and tight in 1n" count ryi's delt'risen T"' 'XWife-t"1 's, Thomast ; what can by More noble than to die in defense of On'e's eountrv !" Inlshand--tt ,whom thre idea of tvin's never oct'urred-"And you tell 1ire coolly and dispassionately thit vout are willingthlit I shall go I" Wife-"Yes, 'iThomas, perfectly willing." 1Iustand-starting up in a rage -*"Well, Molly, Molly, all that I have to say is, that von are a little too d-d willing." And 'T'homas joined the ]Tonme (Guards. Trade in the ConeJderacy.-We arc gatifietd to learn that ciur iner chrants are notw receiving large sup plies of coffee, and other merchan dize, fi'om i New (r!eans, via Mem pis. Alsorthat several shipments of rice have been made by railroad to IRichmondl, Meiphis, Mobile, and other pointits iii the Confederate St ates. 1We hear that upwards of 2000 bales of cotton have been sent over the Charleston and Savarnnah railroad, to fill up ves."els now loading nt Sa vannah for Liverpool.-Mercury. According to the Boston Adver tiser, a private letter received in Springfield, Mass., states positively that Mr. Preston, the '0. 8. Minister tr ere, haa been using all his influence at the Spanish Court in behalf of ee cesajon and the interepts of the Southern Co nf'deracv. Tern iivral CA R.1v FDRINKING SALOONS. efederation you . TEXAS STREEr Between Market and Edward. SAW YER,: Proprietor. The rty best Liquors kept at the Bar. niO-dly THOS.II.SHIELDS. ARTHUN W. IYA1T-T . 'fiS. H. SHLDIIS & CO., ;i DEALERS IN;" TYPE. PRESSES, INKS, News, Book, W'rapping 4" Printin Papers. CAIrDS AND CARD BOARDS. Foreign and Domestic Stationary, 94 aRAvI R S'r.,and 10 BANK PI.AcK, jI New Orleans. '. uil-!*vý F'f 1HIEBE will be a series of inter.'" I eating ~ On the evening of 4th of .luly. -G1L be the Ladies of our city tor the'; bensfit of the: Shreveport Grays. 'The' Mansfield Pelican and Belle vue" Banner will piteaise utice. Vicksburg Sun. 1'ublished in Vicksburg. Miss.. by T. F.Martin, t<'has. A. Con~te, andi ( e o. Ii. Elwell. Terms, S1il per :in numi for the Daily; Weekly. $3. The Sun is the only paper in Vicksburg puhlished every day in the week. v1-n:34-tf Restaurant. TI E undersigned would respect tfuIllv inform the citizens of.$hreve port and vicinity, that he has openec. RES TA URAN T on Texas strcetr itear Market, where he is prepared at all times to satisfy his friends and customers, front 7 o'clock, A. 31. until 11, P. M., with warm or fold meals. ="'ro Boarders by the month or week, a liberal deduction will be niade. vl'n54-tim J. A. JEHLE, j VS'1' RECEl VED.-A fine lot 9 of T)ried Buftalo Beef front Tex as, which will be sold chcapi for cash by (no 22-tit L. BAER. Leslie's Infirmary, AT THE LATE COURT HOUSE, MARKET STREET. Opposite ithe Presbyterian Churc4 Is fitted up to receive patients at all times. The rooms are spihcions, well ven illated, and have every conveniene for the sick. Persons visiting this Institution for medical treatment wilbW receive all the attentions and com forts of a home.A There are suitable apartments f Slaves, and the owners may res*. sured of their receiving proper a( tion. uhmev-part. , "iue 11-- l.