OCR Interpretation

Shreveport semi-weekly news. (Shreveport [La.]) 1861-1862, November 14, 1861, Image 4

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

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rwti LAIffl gD I BI{ I o
lb Prepare .oueekold Bread.
Mix four ounces Of salt, three quarts
of water, a pint of yeast, and a peck
of seconds flour, in a trough; when
properly fermented, knead and di
vide it into loaves. Sometimes a por
tion of rye-meal, rice, flour, or boiled
potatoes, are mixed with the flour
previous to th6 kneading, the two
former serve to bind the bread, the
latter cause it to be open and spon
Boil a bushel of the coarsest bran,
in seven gallans of water for one hour
keep stirring it, that it may not stick
to the bottom, then pour it off in a
trough, or tub full of holes, over
which lay a coarse cloth or sieve.
On the top of the whole pat a wooden
cover, with a weight sufficiently hea
vy to press out the liquor from the
bran, which will sink to the bottom
of the tub in a thick pulp. This
liquor will contain the essential oil
of the corn, and when kneaded in with
a proper portion of flour, it will yield
one-third more than the same quanti
ty would, made with water in the
usual way.
To make French Bread.-Put a
pint of milk into three quarts of wa
ter. In winter let it be scalding
hot, but, in summer, little more than
milk-warm; put in salt sufficient.
'rake a pint and a half of good ale
yeast, free from bitterness, and lay
it in a gallon of water the night be
fore. Pour off the yeast into the
milk and water, and then break in
rather more than a quarter of a pound
of butter. Work it well till it is dis
solved; then beat up two eggs in a
basin, and stir them in. Mix about
a peck and a half of flour with the
liquor, and, in winter, make the dough
pretty stiff, but more slack in sum
mer; mix it well, and the less it is
worked the better. Stir the liquor
into flour, as for pie-crust, and after
the dough is made cover it with a
cloth, and let it lie to rise, while the
oven is heating. When the loaves
have lain in a quiet oven about a
quarter of an hour longer, Then
take them out, and chip them with a
knife, which will make them look
spongy, and of a fine yellow, where
as rasping takes off this fine colour,
and renders their look less invi
To make wholesome mixed Bread.
-Take of rice 3 lbs.; boil it in a suf
ficient quantity of water till reduced
to a soft pulp, then rub it with 6
lbs. of mealy potatoes, cooked by
steam, and, when well blended, add
6 lbs. of flour; make the whole into
a dough with water, and ferment with
yeast, in the usual manner.
To make bran Bread.-To four
pounds of best household flour, put
two table-spoonsful of small beer
yeast, and a half pint of warm wa
ter; let it stand two hours in a warm
place. Add half a pound of bran,
aJd a tea-spoonful of salt; make
the dough with skim milk or warm
water; cover it up, and let it stand
an hour. Put the loaves into warm
dishes, and let them stand 20 min
utes before they go into the oven.
Mix with half a peck of flour, con
taining the whole of the bran, a quar
ter of a pint of small beer yeast, and
a quart of lukewarm water; stir it
well with a wooden spoon until it be
comes a thick batter, then put a nap
kin over the dough,and set it about
three feet from the fire, until it rises
well. Add, if requisite, a little more
warm water, strew over it a table
spoonful of salt, and make the whole
into a stiff paste. Put it to the fire,
and when it rises again knead it into
the dough. If baked in tins the
loaves will be improved.
Mr. Brown is very hard of hear
ing; and a few days since, while he
was conversing with v gentleman in
front of a store, his negro, Ben, came
up and said:
"Pleas, Massa, give me two bits
to buy some 'baccer."
"Eh?" said Mir. Brown, putting
his hand to his ear, for a trumpet.
"Pleas, massa, give me four bits to
buy some baccer."
"Eh! Ben, ycu are rising on me,
h? I had bet:er heard you at first!"
Go at moonlight's dreamy hour,
Where the silvery ripples shine ;
Mark a little, lovely flower;
Be that lovely flowret thine.
Mild as heaven's own blue it beameth
Like a clear and %loudless day.
Image of true love, it seemeth
To the heart sweet words to say.
And methiuks its blue eyes glisten.
Full of love and tender thought,
While from far it whispers, (listen.)
"0 forget, forget me not !"
A man in getting out of an omni
bus a few days ago. made use of two
rows of knees as bannisters to steady
himself, at which the ladies took
offence, and one of them said aloud:
"A perfect savage!"
"True," said a wag inside, "'hlie be
longs to the Paw-nee tribe."
Yankee Prisoners.-The number
of Yankee prisoners captured and
brought to this city since the conm
mencement of the presnt war is
2685, of which number 500 have been
sent for safe keeping to forts in Lou
isiana, 160 to Castle Pinckney, in
Charleston harbor, and 150 to Co
lumbia, South Carolina. The num
ber now remaining in Richmond, in
the different tobacco factories, is
about 1900. Some half dozen fac
tories are devoted to the accomninoda
tion of the Hessians-sick and well.
Rich. Examiner.
"'First-rate-Fine."-W«e learn
that while the Eighth Georgia Rlegi
ment were on picket at Ma.son's Hill,
a member of the Oglethorpe Light
Infantry was put on duty about two
hours before day. When daylight
came he saw the warlike line of Fed
oral pickets off two or three hundred
yards, and the following dialogue en
Oglethorpe, (at the top of his voice)
How are you?
Yankee-Good morning; how are
yon this morning?
Oglethorpe-You are a pretty darn
rascal to be out here fighting for
Yankee-'You are a liar? I'm fight
ing for the promise of it!-R- me
Dispatches to the Charleston pa
pers say our batteries worked badly,
and the enemy's fire was excellent.
Charleston, Nov. S.-The steamer
Aid yesterday approached the block
aders, fired a few shots, and retired.
Memphis, Nov. 8.-A special cis
r patch to the Appeal from Atlanta,
ta, Ga., received to night, says that
r the enemy had taken our batteries at
Bay Point and Hilton Head; also,
1 the town of Port Royal. They are
within ten miles of the railroad con
3 neeting Charleston and Savannah.
I Our loss is great.
Memphis, Nov. 8.-Great feeling
I exists here owing to the news from
- Columbus, Ky. There is nothing
further from the battle owing to the
- interdict:on of the telegraph. A
- large meting to-night resolved to take
I the New Overton Hotel for the woun
t ded, and subscribed liberally for their
- benefit.
t New Orleans Cattle MlLrlret..
Carefully revised by the latest N.
SO. papers.
Arrived during the week ending
Nov. 9th, 1537 Texas cattle, 610
hogs, 781 sheep, 521 veal cattle and
22 goats. Sales, 1445 Texas cattle,
146 hogs, 932 sheep, 853 veal cattle
- and 22 goats, at 81 50 V head. The
stock on sale, is 265 Texas cattle, 48:3
hogs and 219 veal cattle. The quota.
tions are:
s Texas,P'head, lstqty 30 00045 0f
2d qty .......... 20 00'30 0(
Veal Cattle, 4 head.. 8 00'13 Of
Sheep,4 head,lstqty 3 00' 5 0(
Inferior.......... 2 50' 3 0(
Hogs, 4' 100 lbs gross. 10 00@13 0i
,Milch Cows, ' head. 35 00O.55 0(
2d quality ....... 16 00030 O
Job Printing Office.
Pamphlets, Blanks,
"'And errrr description of Jobls.
Our facilities for doing job work
are unsurpassed byany establishment
in the Stat.e, and wet'.'el confident that
satisfaction will be given to those
who may favorus with their patronage.
We have on hand a good article of
and a fine assortmient of fine business
and CHINA surfaceld,
White and colured.
¶Newspapeir Advertising
Office corner Canal .St. and Exchange
Place. No. 6.
Weekly City Correspond,.nce in
English, French, German and Span
ish Languages, furnished on moder
ate terms.
New Orleans-Tri-w(e.,kl-, -AArrive ,.
Tuesdays, 'rhursd:vs and Sun
days at 6 p.m. I),'rts Modays,
WVednesdays & Satu;'day a: 4 a.m.
T'exas Mails--Tri-w, ekly-A:ie fy.
Tuesdays, Thurs, d lstlays and Satur
days at 6 p.m. ] )epart.s Mondays.
Wednesdays and Fridays at 41 a. m.
Arkansas Mails--T''ri-weekly-Arri v.-s
Weduesdays, Fridays and Sundays
at 6p.m. Departs Tuesday, Thurs
days and Saturdays at 4 a. m.
Monroe Mail-Daily-Arrives daily
at 7 a.m. Departs daily at 5 p.m.
Albany Miail-Semi-Weekly--Ar
rives Tuesdays and Saturda:ys at 6
p. m. Departs Mondays and Fri
days at 4 a. m.
Natchitoches Mail-Weekly-Arrives
Thursdaysat 12m. DepartsThurs
days at 1 p. m.
Office hours-From 8 to 12 a. m.; fromn
2 to 6 p. m.
Sundays, from 8 to 9 a.m.
1. IIUNSITKfilR, I' .M.
riLowstate of Red River nodrrawback.
Attention Publishers.
fWPn Publishers of Newspapers
Win North Lopisiana, and
Texas, who may wish to
Sdispose of their establishments in
whole or part, by sending me partic
ulars, and locality will finud it to their
advantage to address me as below.
Persons desinous of establishing
Newspaper or Job Establishments in
the interior, will be furnished with
Estimatesfree ofeliarge, by address
ing me. And if they order Printing
Material or paper, cards and card
boards, throughme, will be furnished
-for cash only or its equivalent
the best bargains, at Foundry prices.
I offer the following ostaclisliments
for cash, or good negroes with unen
cumbered titles.
An old established Book and Job
Printig Office, in a large city. Price
The material of a Job office, in a
city. Price $5000.
The Cheapest
Printing Materials and
A Newspaper establishment and
Job Office connected. Price 82300.
A Newspaper establishment and
good Job Office connected. Price
A newspaper and Job Printing es
tablishment. Price $4000.
L An Adam's Book Power Press,
second hand, in good order, medium
size. Price $1000.
A Ruggles Card and Bill Head
piess, will print any ordinary size job
at the rate of 1500 to 2000 impres
sions per hour. (New.) Price $225.
A Ruggles Card and Bill Head
press, old size, second hand. Price
0 8150.
Fine Printers' blank cards, China,
Satin Enamelled. and India, from 81
to 83 per thousand. Funeral, Note,
and otlh.r paper.
-_i' None but cash orders will re
ceive any attention. Paper 24x:36
to) arrive.
I have also for sale, the following
second hand materils :
k A font of 500 lbs. Brevier,
it " " 26150 " "
,' ." 510 " Long Primer,
F6 fonts 2 line Brevier.
f 4 " Long Primer Condensed.
'T'ogether with the column, head, ad
vertising and dash rules, leads, &c.
Also--A Medium Printing Press,
Roller Mould, &c., all complete, and
the following materials used for a
Short time in the publication of a
i, weekly paper: Abouttt 850 lbs. o;'
Bourgeois and Minion, with two line
letter ; "lunm, head, a, advertising and
- dash rules, eases, chases, etc.
These materials will be sold low
for cash.
All the requisite materials for a
paper 21 sx, will be furnished for
8750, decidedly cheap.
An entire outtit 1,'r a paper 26x40.
I have the diliposal oft for the exceed
Sin-ly low plrice of t1000).
. 'he J,b) 'l'yli' ,of a well assorted
r. ,I,, ()ffice. togetlher with ,ht. cabinet,
:t. 1 .Job, l'rc-s, Lead and brass Rule
Cutter, etc. Prices 8550.
s22tt' ::hreveport, La.
IVickwbur'g Whi:,.i
P'ublished in Vicksburh, ",liss. by
M, . Shannon. 'Termns, ini advance,
r- I)aily per annum, $; Weekly, S3.
, Subscribers who do not giveexprest
s notice to the contrary, are considlered
:i- wi:ihing to continue the sub~scri,
. tion.
If suberibers order the disconitin.
u,_ unce of th,1h" pap,.rs, the puhlishern
6 may continue to send them till all that
si- due be paid.
It subscribersremovce to,,t her placie
es I ithout informing the publisher, aum
s- the r tper is sent to the former dirtec
tion, they are held responsible.
m 'I'The courts have decided that reins
ing to take a pap,,r or periodical fron
the office. it pr ..tr facze evidence o
f et\ud
Shreveport Pricee C(urreni t.
Corrected Expressly for the Daily New
SUGAR........... 8 '&' 12k
COFFEE.......... 00 N (00
RICE.- ..------- 0 r*) 7k
BAcoN, Shoulders. 14 ' O0
Hams .... 18 ' 00
Sides..... 00 1a 2:
LARD.............. 2.5 Q
ROPE.............. 00 ) . 025
IRON ............ 5 7
CANDLES....... .. 00 .i
CHESF...... ..... 124xa 14
SP.vL'ARN........ 27A) -
LEAD ........... 9 --
W.ISKY, ' gall.. 75 fw 1 00
MOLA.s.ES....... . . 33 O 40
OIL, Lard...... $1 50 -
Linseed.... 1 75 '`
FLOUR, ' barrel.. 0 00 000 on
" Texas ' 100 Ibs 0 00 @ 4 .50
PORK............ 28 00 '.3O
LIME............. 5 00 'i
VINEGAR......... 5 50 r 60 50
CEMENT.......... 6 00 r'
PoTATOES, V barrel 3 50 rd 0 00
BAOINGs, India... 00 r,00
Kentucky 00 'a 25
CoRN, V bushel... i55 00
OATS............ 00 ,00
BRAN, P cwt..... 1 15 W
AY ...... ...... 2 75 r'
PowDER, ' Keg.. 20 00 e'23 00
NAILS ........... 00 'rd 9 00
SHO', V bag..... 2 374A 2 ~
SALT, P Sack.... 0 00 r10 oO
Ur FREau.lT...... 1 00 ' 2 06
DOWN, COTTON.. 0 00 ¬
Shreveport Cotton Murket
Corrected Expressly for the Daily News.
Inferior.............. 0 : 0
Ordinary................. 0 u
Good Ordinary ....... 0 ¬ 0
Low Middling........ 7 'a u
Middling............- S¬; o
Good Middling........ ¶ ,Iv
New ( Orleuanl I'rices C'urre. t
SI'GAR............ 4 Q
COFFEE ........... 00 a 85
BAcON, Shouldeirs.. 00 ` O00
Hams .. .. 25 a) `27
Sides ..... 00 i o00
LARD ...... .... 00 ¬' 2
RoP ............ 23 & 25
InoN............. 5 '
CANDLES ........ 50 5
('IIl:E ........... 00 'a 00
SPLxNARN..... ..... (0 rw
JLEA.D .......-- .....--- 1 a 1
WIHIISKY, 1 gall.. 95 v 1 o0
M310LAss ESf:S ... . 2
LARD OIi,....... .. 00 'a) 2 60
Linseted, ... ' 2 50
FI.ouR, ' barrel.. 0 00 l11 :.'
PORK,........... 45 00 '/a00 00
LII:, ........... .4 00 a 5 00
VINECGAR,.......... 00 g 5
CEM1:NT -........ ..6 00 'a
I'OTATOES, , bld1. 5 00 - G OC
BAUNlso. India... 21t 'a' "2'
Kentucky.. 00 '% 244
CoRN, ' bushel... a 1I2,
OAT ,............. 0 00 a)3 1 40
BRAN. ; 100 1bs ..1 95 ';) 2 15
ilAY, py ton...... 20 00 ,'a, )UO
POWDER, t keg... 00 00 'a00 00
NAIL-.,........... O0 07 'a) 10
S;H1To, ) bag..... 3 2>5 'a 3 ;io
SALT, sack..... 0 00 'a)l1 5tj
Shreveport hide M15rle-t
Corrected Daily by N. G. Tr!on
D)R1 lI: .E'-......... . 5 ra' G
(1I:IR E:, do .......... 'a 3
I1r: -:R ,-hils. --....-... 10 '2 1:2.
CooN (do ............. 5'a 10
.()T'r.. " ........... 5 .1 1 0Oi
BEE.SWAX.............. 20 'a -
'PA.Low ................ 6 -
|tHE undersigned wishes to ob
t;in a situation as Teacher of Eng
iish and Mathematics in .some well
-established Male or Female School,
',r as private instructor. Hl l h:.
been successfully engaged in teach
ing during the last six years, and lha.
Sreason to expect a liberal .;alary.
Slie rCfers to all his patrons here.
Sandl to the Faculty of the Georgia
lilit:rv Institute. le pr,.fierra sit
- iat iOn 1t Louisiana.
1 (Qui;tman;, Wood ('o. Trxas, Oct. 17.
w it

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