Newspaper Page Text
ILL SEMI-WEEIKLY NEWS, La pt lt9IIfldt cry 'Auradray and . Satlerar5 rnornzc J. P'er Yena *s, 00 Fit Monk tl Turco 2 THE WEEKLY NEWS, r y;,JAiaA4 ceery TIsesday monriafg. Tcrmas. Iet Tet $3 G00 8si Iotboat' 1 50 Thwree 715 .dvertfiim5 -rr ceach ilOerttoU 10 ea'a per line. Proviuions end grain of mvery deecrip ou taken at 611 timet for Suhcscription and ob WOnrk. Obituary .utlce, meriagee. cals fuor tblic naretingi. etc.. cbwrged ror s otiler dverUeemeota. .Jotts L):cxvysOi, Edlt rr and Proprietor. Britisah Neutrality. - We clip the following from the 'ew Orleane True Delta, of May hd. 1865. The Northern lapers are giving :opious extracts from the second vol. ame of the Diplomatic Correspond nuce for the last year, which has just )een published. The volume relates mtuirely to our relations with Great Britain, covering the sudjecta of tihe surrender of the pirate Se-rmen andi sie crew upon the destruction of tlhe Alabama, the border troubles in Can- I ads, and the general question of British neutrality as practiced at bowie and in her co!onirs. Mr. A dans aor Minister at Londoun, appears tI have displayed great sangacity and skill in the managrrement of the' monty ir-licate questions which have arisen during the yPar, and itn some ins-an es },roved much mor-e than a match for Earl Russell. In his letter cnm plaining of the rencu. of Se-mtm a by the owner of the vnclit )Deerhound, after the tight with the Kear-age, Mr. Adams showed conclusiivel-y thatr the Alabama way in all esseintial par ticulars a Britih vye-she-l, harintg bi.. constructed, r qr:i ip'd, ft ir aletnd manned by 3rit,:sh t iejliec-t rut Of British jpott; tlint tI.- 1p-rsontu- twho escaped from tlil - vete+l thills tiite-d rut by jlritiish itt:hi cts ng. rig.i in in tmakitig uttiaiwfula war igiinet the United $:ustees after vnluertary strre-n h-r ass i-'ttittrs of '-ai. by c-tae.on of the ernla fill intervention cf tih- com mande-r of tire Britia yracht L)e-:. hound and the cotvet auac "f then within the jurislictonn of Great Br li tinu, ougl:t to be deliceretl up t. the Unite d State-s ; anr that t hi- c'r 'ti ne-l be.towal of p-ecuniary:aet titt .. Seu t-plies upon therte off- nd ri by y iriti-h jntrt.i ei or nubject a irtie-vanc- e ict whicit Wu e .ot V tlle-d to stlk a re-rae1iv in their prompt cl-nv ictlnr an-I putnishe ennt In reply to thiu letaajitc, Earl It slBell declared that thle ti- itishl.tG .v ernmtuent Iend no lawful eowerr to aree-t and de" liver up the pe-r.on? in questiot, andi conclteed by committing leiinit-f to the fol'o wing o tate-tent. di- gi:e1 tu vindicate the general cenwt -e af his Gi-vrranment touccitig all t'c: c nnett terE : ** Las t , in ,"a t tre-eit l t 'e rrgr, t cf 11,r MInj- st' t Gc.c1 rrmaiu:: t that terv cehaul I tntind :,un eive, ear:cbi -ocomply witht an' apip c-vi . t' bhic 'hIo Government of tie l';ij.-d States may have tch u.ght tiher[:r lvs e ti itl di to anke, I cantoit refrtitn ftotu . serring tia her .Mejesty'e ctovern" mient have been more a tteceo ful in nreventing breaches of neutrality with regard to the titting out -f cc uis era to take pert in the civil war in North Anmerica than the Go- r::r-t of the United State- were to Jpreveut ing the fitting out if ships of-war to id the South American Rcpubeic in their revolt agaitat pai , whcich Lt"weve-r. then stood in the position of a cetral authority resisting insurrec tion. To this Mr.-Adams rejoined in a meest logical argument. He pr-sented in the very strongest colors the falsity of Great Britian to the neutral duti'R-a and obtligation she hald assumed. Afier reiterating his previous state' ments as to the aid furnisheI by British suijeocts to the pirates of hoj Al..bama, ir. Adame said : SWere it expedient, at this late date, to enter upon an examnination ef the relative merits of the two govern ments in the two very widelv dliffer ent stages of their condition, in ac anitsng themselves of their obliga tions of neutrality under circumstances of difficulty. I am not aware tlhat atny r-sult which aight be arrived at would have an effect its materially varying the views that should be taken of tbo shortcomings of either. Very fortunately. I am saved the necessity of fnrthoer ditccnasion of it by pointing out to your Lordship a cir aumatance which seems to have en tirely escaped your attention. Whatever may have been the defi ciencies of the United States int the instatice alluded to, compeenation therefor has been made to Spafti, and her foll and free, reteaso has been given under the aanction of her hand and sole-ecn treaty. hlttnoever Her Maujeety ' C Govertincent shall ac-1 knowledge itrelf prepared to perfi ct j the parrellcl. the example tonuy he cited against the Iuited Stater. but nit until then. Neerlhing could have been metre happy than thia retort, and no ctate mont could have demonstrated more --oclusivel3- our claim te compensa Si for l-ebsA ar et:tainedl ttahrO'taCh thm,, a- - f B~rie'-h 'anetr'u ' Volume 1. SHREVEPORT, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1865. Number 20 Tihe afalr at Lisbon The foreign journnals have full par ticulars of the movtementc of the Confederate ram Stonewall, and the U. S. vessels, iagara and Sacra mento. From a correspondent of th*' Lou don Herald. I herein hand you particulars and informatiou concerning thie Conltf d crate steam ram Stonrewall, and the United Statces fiigate Niagara and acrew corvertte Sacriamento. about to take part in a naval enggemsrn-t ofi this port. 'Jihe two last naitmied ve.s eels ar: at present iin C'aruizia, dii tanut about 11 ntiicb frotm here. They have both had steam up ii board for somne we*ks past, .Ic'hain night and day for thei app.'itarua oft the Stuntlewall. The a'Xcite'ntttt hlerl'. and in Cornnatist is i n-Cnse. T'tI' symptaity of the Spania.tis is e'itc." ly with the Conf.'deriat,'a. The Stonelwall put into Cormanitn on the 1t Iof kFe'bruary, frt, Bordeaux, having expri. t'e..d 1had weather atul Sprutg a leak aft, al rh" the 3rd of February. Sit ;'ani, itt . F.'rrol for repairs in the gIlt nta. it arsenal here.. Albuut tean dayti Iter her arrival here tlht Ni g;IaLc --mitc , ii, being t'followedl by' tI' S tr:lunntiL the f'ollowing dliv. Aflter tiihy ha been hben h ere tr PO-MaO tive, tiiiy. the .Admiral cotin:nint in g I'L"I led die Fed'trals to la;,i th. l.,1 r . w hirt they~ .accordling..y dirt, leaki~ng ,,., Cot unitiia, a here 7ltey rmiuia l-1 itt a.nchor w' itlh st iorn 'tp mlaii tIi' 14t - lout., when they weighed atchor Lou cruise~d aboutrt ",utshtrtth il t purr th it -tuotit two dlays; bal w.-:a r icrting ,"n they" again " -no tre I' .t,run a. nold,1 ru~a ie now :tw tiing Ihe tit''C r ." ,.1 the 'ato gn'nio fin' th ti n 1d " In iha',V taktt? I Li.L.L% 'I~1 :ii tI: for tilt 5 11. 8I;' I 1ii . ite r - I .: , frot the . t n Vhest. t o. . iii! cit.ra of tL h.i. ! r. - tllii i 1 :*)111 d ' Lt' th l:*. ! , rl"1. i. 11 nut t -mrt ro'il' it tr tn, ,.;t r i tw int "i..* priii" ' 1.1 1, . :1, : 1"' :I `;,I', 1(0111 1 t~l. the .. 1.1ariv.d I 1', tra l' Lir tw. L woay e " 91 ,:nd lui i:i ,"l " rl ti. te, itil. t Ai .if .ia It the I A uir LL to .,I .' hai tt O.: : tg . I .l't a LIl ll y Ll il . -1 wernt. 71' . 1 . n. 11 a: ;run p' tt d vrila.t.l o , ut r' - lci l "ni I t ul ,rI :t rn sa. - 1.1nu. 1%I ,tare, :rid ' IL, tr IV "-: .iLg. I.Ir aImL:un L-n: nc o t Sisth Of ,.." thri hmtu 'ir' " ('1 n1 er AIrIl re i, r .t. glutll i riki " I r4t I arI arnit 1\l:iaiL1 .tl, : .1 il, wili er ( rLel :n+ " 4*V nee :t i "t,"i. r . rr~istro,, . tagr t. T h"l-l tbr L" or till' Crl- a ti. adntto tbe cg rr ill. ji t. i ll tit, : ~o the "lwin -et^"" " lti h : ;;t a t veF'el abouit 111 1!i~He. 11" r owni r ft.i'' a, I t '.IttL Li'.. iI h il il-' :a l tighty rt . n, il1 t1ii l. Th' ft a'"- " - 11:`' " .1 .u- ~",+ . ., tuwn w i":L t.Jong.,t to tilhe al:hnlLLnt ,tn d F lida. t.:0 IL rag-e lowt night Iall di the c1-w1 a(tI alnd, aftcr .. phonling tilt -ituattionl ",f: a'ci:ra, .-. i) :fat :. th.. Co''t,"d.-tijc ha rd pit l Lc1 nti l, .rt' - in O i .e N r'ii - U tAmericaI-o they Iha er; ut'I' fiL their tuor.- t.. cAu 1 -r fir tae L j n i' :L ' i All 11,: gurn.s ix d t ia L I. ' v been lowh red, aoItL eLii t i tt Itn boru d p t ii Ii leg if in. c T hio ti it. r w'uld not turn to lant fight. hit wIIre lup the wh. b l eight, S i;,In g pi ari tic outs. Ali on it-,ar1L i. ti "' ln i . I:i".f sucn.-, ; tOi tNig- iarhtain co',iward. .It is itite , tli ' Iuit/ t-IL Ilris.I f Litn the large gin. T tie e , 'lt e"r nicely 011 Nuccn e ." b i nnltg, 111." rain wnti or ar i'g to rr' The pit iegar's It, cmithr yI t. Couimuthe, ('r'aven. :ýhte tun ,-' twevL' two hutwore p Parr'ti gun,. Slte :n t i:ui talent 1`. ' mile, . but is very long. and catlant tutu roun i in le, s tioan t alf a eiuut . to b ere s thi rain cam turn in her Cwn length. Tilt Saer.i.nento carries eleven : an be- rdre-ii ur m ar:ir guns, anl tr liar a clef; ,f aboiut rliý, I- ,t h..m ,r i maen; thl' Niagara has a cr ata Li 45,t tktun. It ii, tof g' teral pttitiot dit Ston.poulI va'ellrd sneiJe Ill wihed uimsn e' ".hriili ert Thr arttSti I i.t rout t'rmnh l'.rrca w, c.tin to I~acctt, wly tI~r.he' rL i'u h.oI Ida inl tlrdLr Niagara tillin may a OT.e gIt p i¾ LL thi, U.rt hav. be'AIen rols Etteldtii II l'IttoVL brea tut:u-h iprthi'CuLzi.* IV~tt th ctl ntph, any then the Niaigain wna kil ed. The Lon i;;r 'Titpi:- ^F 4March 20th has the 1.aragraph A letter from ULnpt. Page, dated Lisbon, antuenc.-s the arrival at t"at pnrt of the Confederyt. iron clad Stonewall. On liavinF Ferrol I theil topmiasts were struck and theI ship cl-'ated fir action. T'he captaiin Sent his and money on shalre far saf-ty. Th'I'e crew were in h'gh 1 spirites. expecting an etgng,'rn-ilmt, 1 acd cinfLr't a9 to it results. IThe Niiga:ra and the -at-ranento, bow- e ovtr. avoided conflict. The Stone.- t trll haiis rt w sc-aews, whith-h ill tih' evont of a tight with theas two ve. sela. will be. of imnnense advantage to }her. The ftllowing disp:etches will t.-il the rtist. f the story. Lislbon. .1arch 2t;.-'Te Confed- t e-ate lain Sto.newall hav arrived her, from .-'.I wlhere -he Il:ft tthe F.-d eital war st. ttfl.i 1 Niagara atil Suit- t r tn,"mo, whichli are reported to have 6hmn-ud a conflict. t .The Y'oitv igtse aru thioriti ts ta-e o.rdl"iere th." Stonr~ewn! to leav~e thir* Iarbir, and have manned the fjrtt t 'fhlI Sacramento is bou, IV ex pet-t-l. Lisbi-n Tuettsd-yy. M ire! 29.-Tice Contieel.raterain rti.ilit ed baa Viitld friom this p irt. u1'i." 1*-.r:i wrti -tlaint- , N i:girs and San-r:atiti-u i ha .ve trived lire. '1 he P1orttigi'oi.- a Ith , rities Vroli --it thl ir v Failing fo r ''tventy-f':* r ho'Hr' t 1.ishon,. Wednesdl"ayl , .tM arc s0. The* F',der'.l frigatei \ii:;.era and -arll itt o a --niptedI to sail before the expiratin ofl the tinle ft.- rl by t fir. , t ot by th L tlrie.", Fort. ia - ty*v aý, -'tru k ".{ r,: the * + ,.".u :, 0n --".un u: v. a: 1.l 1e08. Th. a hrop: ac:0 A wI II'-' a . I at -it lo . -int e trti N ". ) i tus, ,rm w l:tr .r" te t I L, 700 ifu:-t, rl"" 1a r , . 1 . " h t re tler a : st .-r."* triing. Mien', in aeilli e ie -all .. " n c.-: ei ,, that n Ikn,- not il o i. iy wi:ere':: ti - e - lay'.f. r, i h t.ool) frola. Tit.-' it.:", gr t'lu rimy ;i . tth.* r proprerty, at ruineed rcate. ord ! >v, rty awl eta, t e1 ii i -i . Were itf n itrhntI, itrrl i, tii -ti'wo i-t : : a lt ,- ouitsl tio t -at ,'i t'ri l- :-as iti :: in thei lit -r, ti l Inv I :ii 1 to t,- i achi a ii . itir - i::L'i l. i i l.:: s't I t a' . ulribr- *ne . I ta n' t ih 5ltl: nat: I"".: 'inc.., wi'h t oilt color:' Id to tler t l:.f t- --h.. -. t c t th i t"rvti j i hie, ar Wa tuii- iititilil i : t, i ult" tural till t timrimun. ri . : i~ i the iortn" r o' .t. wiutu iou it rI -t -i'i fiiriva t t tbe glad to g-tI ýth~at much.Il. I lTit liI in il r iicit o f to':.. Louist. ,. .11 I 'ck- .p-ru e i Ti1'c1: i:ite ot ilt-In of i h ii.P April ch k.ttan. extrha, to. i-a - "lt r p''t of t1:. A. A. Gi.. 1,t 1.ron"tie:" 1)trc of ,ti aehievenwatt "I01 -h trte troo~p.; i' t1 t til i -istr'i in vnjnction with :t i t.. .., rt t1 1. .i . firana ,a lt: 1. 110r:"i~it,''s tr'unti.*r r,'ginwae~r, uml ,i'r Lt. C"L. Ihul",mnd. onu Honda}- !orn i t:e. 3-1 April. A tiand' If (l, -"rters iron th.i C Sl Amt i: ,. whitptl hto oh e: it th.- rtn-h f",r xm ut0 aril Vn . ".: . n n-* h."rii Ig to. it ii:,t). "I1i ".l l n i ,. tn 'tl tk, ill \Vitiu'itt i ti . I t k Ii -I i ;i ft r ; i::;; hr;r,,-s :u p m 1 .[-ring for a t w ::ill::-.. t, k ut,, :[-. lice ..f .1ar -h fur V:cturin I',";k M on.ltag i. county . !'alt, 1'ick':r.''t W s**s county. Stat.- .:. p s. Wit I1 zn S tiuitay, April 1-.t, all f wat join:.,l by ;.p'ains S 1 ..": ak. ' n :, =11 lOll-"n with a i"' t,'o: it :llr.& cotnatundsh, to tki,:; at. .tt 70 State 1 It, nc ap . '(I:- y k.-pt 1::e colt:,- tiil :rundav ev,"ning,. tel n It luma'tn," ."t" I St':lt, t:,.tm Ih.' ý1i p . that :1! ,f,,r"-r sort"rs. w v, r ." :.r in tuftt tce,' andi' < .elp . P'ic .'tt ,"riseld a It. t to' r. -t th. l bur~s-s art, await th" arrivail 1)'a.,[;an',::'. '- !t, jointed ithe ex l. h:lt 0in tb- ""v""ninog and a--+ -:,lbwed the .- t:ri t'~ni a .a:* t-f lirt Sid-es. andt t i.e deserters asked for a pairley. Col Diamiond advanced, Inmet some two or three of number, and demanded a surrender; but while in thi midstofthe parlev, somen eiglht or ten of the more desperate of the dt:serters ran firward, and prs1 aenting their gon. forced Col. Din mond into their camp. 'I'hry threat- , ined to kill hiin if lIn dlid not give up the hors.-s; and whilst a prisoner. he isaned an order to Capt. Pickett, req him to deliver the horses except the st len ones, andi pernit the ileerters to retire. This, Capt. i refu-ed to obey ; and after < i mne time spent in comning to terms, I ,he des rters finding that other troops were coming up, surrendered. The Ii itinther captured wis 88 men and 150 horses. The prison-s-, :with1 tih"ir arms. horses, &r., were takn to I ;Gainmsville. L'he deserters were well ntmed withI six-sh ootr and lonir range giuns, and rnich better mnounted than their pilursuers. The cttsuial tif- were. one deserter lshot through tihe thgh. ine horse kill-d, nod two p other It irs's. b".)lotting to State1 troops, wounded. Federal" .Newr4 Itemss. On the 14th ult.. huth branches of thi- Arkntisas L'gislatturn intni t. usly Orppoaed the preops"-d a'nend netit of ios National Constitution, abolishing sluvery. It is Iielit e.1 rt Little Rock that tu;h Arknnri·: P't·r,"s.ntarives will betl adir ':tr li tn. i t .s-atIs n Congress early the nmi.xt session. Brownlow, has is -aild a proclama tion for a thaik-giving days, in which hIt reeotnained - that "'ninn conme to ii.' hiou-e of prayer witli fielings of .-xUlritjtioin.iver a fi.lln toe, but with a ';irit rt ' r'iv,"v."a5 ' i',, ntai-l court-nartitial which has I ii eni, iIga:t t at -sliingion, in the. trial of C(aptaitn C . of the \\'au, fir cap:nring the Florirla ini i il:zli :i par, hals rlonsd its. lavors T',.' tinding willi au.tb't mrar'e kncwtt titr-ugh tlh: Yavv I)epartment. C ii. I: 'nlot.. comttmanding in Arkansta., lots (.rant's terins if-,urreonle-r to (}tns Fagan. { Since 1`160) no 1"-s than e sn Siutsamand briganrds have b-ien kiled Wounded captured in Ithlav. A 11 ,-toill strt.'ke'ip"r the oth r lav -tiuck tupont lis door the laconic a lvertiae:enttil, " A biy iantd."t The ter-t rr'rnirig cn opnii -ng the stu.e he fwl A it a itle trclhit in ia b1sx ket, inlb, lied, ' IlHere, hr is. " An :t:ipntl :n anliike ruigt in N -a Y, k s:ik a ktif " in his landii{tdv ' I lk ftir pr'-"-- ring her little bill Plht,'' Vil Y'atki-.' lnatdla ii-s hecomn rnor couish.ilrun in .' 11-.atr I. S. noote sa: "1 1r. 'i- -. a'--,ing it any time ofi I bolt 1 I rt a ýnl'nt in or al: la': Ith to bI=a' I m pib in -n I'"t i t h. 1'- ,.1... Tok- Wit. L til- Ri p ii blt:an Iay? lt: i . tn Litt lt c- 'i"-tu i -apgurane' iI 1t ,f -: WitT w ti . 1i itl i th O ca o er at M. n o- .T. ta - ln r"", in Car-il im, 1L -it .i riti r 'in' itading thill 1: .a; tiug las die i:t. ct it broke ,.ti It se in ipt up again, and t.a.e on h.i st c-nd tiht on tt" d ý '.r :i:e"; Li-i e"' was kill - rd. ithe fir. lshiui of th tinit. . T''His family 'te Incisting :t, prtGs * nt 't hits wife, two"" F'11 :sean two dauught:r=. at'.- in N.eylhrill"... Navin 1 :"."t I - triv' ti ito tier i o' -s in Eas~t T *,nn,"esee ( t1r--s .l"hn Ien. a 1iti.irit ii, ia fle acting al. Iiri-tia in ti t carmtt di- hrfn ,tcro Lr hirt and killed. t[akiout twOl year- it"' c. St . iret tie, of te: tAli ticr In-t 1 riti atid ·ii~ir bv'i't ki ii vl~ tin~ Ii tan, hi sairii.d he onuld okn d t .I etce on Linctru' is wiman, eha b1- r ic.- te, ,d, tie ixtcr:-s paod labor;I en the f it ttiicat ien ad 1 .4 1 esker in Mhe Interes'r o' 6;o"1 ant iI IIrnat t.-.iii ex-Juditte ap l rtpubsthe iin politician of a tive and I r attenden t ltvnn u, fur Uits dtint-' guti -e "m n.n. not very loaf a,,) ex cite td titS . i' iratimi of bis it h lthe:J a ( N ? cli ti ap r in f't i mciii Itt t('d, by le.d fibr lity with which h. rt eI rp ti tlie cars in.t do -trinert "as of i-.:i o m-i'citte apllittl iTilluirtii i-tril s A cOsbhantudte hnd kli- i- tim e m y of r theu h olrsan lila jblane tirsopi tmacti un'in the' tr. c is paathe to bugrtiv'. ti' <tsCrer.- ttndth uut.Pm "igslhtisag around Matatoros. Matarnoros, April 30, 1865. En. Nerw.s :-'l'he forcesof Gen. Negrete, about four thousand strorg, known to have been advancing upon Ihe city for some days, arrived within two leagues last night. For the past week heavy forces have been at work erecting fotrts and throwing up breast works ar,ltud tie -ity. On Friday, the forces under Cortina, made an ad v;nce, but was promptly mut by the Imperial forces under .Gen. Lopez and driven back with Emall. ,css on either side. A goene-al conscription of horses, mules, drays and drivers to k place. The artillery was fur nished with teams, and the drays put to work carrying the cotton, seized by the g.,vernmtnt. from the yards to the outer line of defenses. The cot to b, ing exhausted, tlhey have been ,iuce last evening taking the thous ands of bale-s of bagg ng that the owners have been counti tg their loss es on for the past sixty days. A general exodus of women, chil dren and patrots to Brownsville. be gan yesterday morning and is still g ug oer.. A battle was looked for by th' people last night, but no general en g.,ag.mnent has yet taken place'-3 o'clck P. M.-although the armies are within two miles of each other. A continued skirmishing is kept up be tween the pickets and advance gnards. All Geni. Me'jia's troops are in readi uess for action outside of the city, while tie custo,m-house and other public offices are guarded by the citi z n-u, among whom is a general con scriptior, to-day. Thle M ,xticans takinlg Mexicans; the Germans their coun;rytmn and the Frenchm ut theirs. R,,unor says the steamer Gov. Bagby was chartered Ey the Imperial gov ernment and proc.ed-d from this port :, 'eara Cruz and that she returned yesterday with reinforeemnent~, va:i ouuly estimnated at frnl seven to0 ten hundred m.n, the majority of whom 're' said to be Austrians If they ar rived esePrday they may be in time for the d.efense of the city to-night. I am tolttthe fighting is mostly done at night There are various opinions as to tie resu't, but all agree in the opinion that Gen. MeJia will prove trute to the Empire and should he get a thousand more troops will be able to defend the city successfully. LATER. .5 P. ..-Battle hast began. The autillery has open.-d fire. The Impe rials ha've 50 guns ; the Liberals 16 gnus. C:l. Eddar the State agent for the State ,,f Arkansas, died in Browns villa- last night, after an .iloess of abh'ut a week. A privat,, l,.tter dated Brownsvill., Ma. 1st.. saysv: Fighting cr,mmenced in M;ratmn :last nig!, antd ec.;in utnd all night. with what rsalt is iiot k;iow:n. Negr:te attacked the city wnilh 4500 Libera-ls, and is opposed ly 3-lj:a in comnmand of 3500 linpe rialitat-- iIostton Ne-ws. W7e extract frotm a letter to a citi z-n of this city, says the San Anto nia News, dated Eagle Pas6?, April 23,1. "Just as tlhe sun wais sttting to. day, thei gory . t tl .f Imperial tsCi) ertlhin -t vai i-,hbed, anld such cr:i ln1 - llng to get acroa th.- river has niln t ri betoir,, taken place h,.r,.. Atft,.r lin n--r the garri'o t at Pi, drat N, gr:ts cumllrtencted ma:king Ilr'ltlarantons to ! evacuate the pla:ce, ibt lhetor the, had l lit p:'t--,,d over th-ir eIf.c.'t. a cloudt oft a5t i-ot:et distan:ie ,f"t todr I~th: the. enemyrv were c,,, and very s~",u their cavalr" w."r. , ,-n on lthe. a;.k ,I the rvivir just below town: but ilu so, ,"u.r haid It,v mad,: tlheir a:ppa!irat c;e than t!~i' lnp-p.rini : rtl.. CalZe ,, -trmin g :down the bank and :naking tracks for Dixie; this was seen by the Liberald-, who gallcped up tihe banki of t1h. river. f'ir thie pur Olse of' ctting of their r,.treat; they c tlllne by olies anit twaos, andm sutcceed etd in -:,'iping all hoit abohut 0 or 60. Iiu'antr. and cavalry were ail mixed iup in the 'r v-,r, hilt nitiny wiere stop p.- aft-r thy ha-I got some dis tace ith) it. 'l'iere we're not mnore ihi.n filty or sixty shots fired. I hiav hear'd of a nuimber i eing killed, Cbut I was cloe :o the,, water on the S.iver ,ba'k, and eothld observe th~e whole as well ,as any one, and s w n, one killed, thouugh I thought I saw ,one body floeating below the crossig. '1The txcit:ment did not Ilast more th"-n 15 or 20 miuntPs, whn, aii was quieit, an-l Piedrras Ye gras ontC. mire in the hands of the Liberals. 'You have heard, no doubt. Ithat 1Ionter,.v is iu their hBards, and Sexp:,ct that, by :i::s ;n,, thy have all of the fronti-r. 3 ast of the ctci:als of Prlueras Ntgras had the, plasutirc of looking on themovicmecnts toltrm t is sid, of the rii'er. .'tene.-ece is thlt) twe,:titih fttte ihat has, adio-,ted the Constitutio'.al amlndencnt. I. Mr. Joo. H. Brady, the last of -i l !taue prie'Onn're at Fort itta-' e'a-a rA'.-ai r,'- 'e*" :'(:e- ,'v "The New York Herald, one of the most reliable weathercoeks extant. fays: "The - Monr6o Doctrine is the grand rallying point for North and South to meet on. "The point upon which at~h Noertl. and South tan come together is the Monroe Doe. trino, one of grand ideas that the South contributed to the common greatness of the Republic; and .the noble argument that will glve em ployment to our armies is the en forcement of. that doctrine on the whole extent of this continent, against Entgland. France and.Spain." . On the 10th of January, the same projoct was broached in the Yankee Ilouse of Representatives by fbr. Fernando Wood, of New York, iss the following preposition: "That if the Southern States will return to the Union, the Northern States cr people will, in ttrn, recognize by Constituticona amendment the sover eignty and independelnce of the Southern States over all questions not expressly delegated to the Gen eral Government; and that thereupF on the Northern and Southern peo ple shall pledge themselves to ahear ty support of measures peaceable or forcible, for the acqnisihc, of Cana. da, Mexico and Cuba, and the free dom of Ireland." Ostensibly. nothing came of this motion in Congress. but theo -same proposition is understood to have come to and through a member of an important family in-the Trane-Mis sisisippi Department, and to have b:rtinmade directly to Gen. Slaugh ter of·. the Confederate .army, by an emnearsy of the Govoernment at Waslhington, on the Rio Grande. We may well ask, with the Weekly, "Whither are we drifting? Not, we think into a war with all Europe, for the benefit of the North.- For: eigt powers have treated us shabiiy w3 "kn,w, but how have we been treated by the North? Let facts be submitted to a candid world." We will not attempt to anuwer by any attempted flourish of rhetoric. The Burning of Columbia, South Carrlina.-A reliable person sent iii to Columbia to ascertain the condi. tionu of-that unfortunnate city since its occupation by the federals, repor's that he found no difficulty in rmach Sinog it, Shertran hav!.g tarried in the plce only three day.,-long enough. however, to leave what once was a floarishing city a mass of ruins. The federals upon entering the c'fy im mtdiatel applied the torch to all the public buildings and to many stores on Main street. Whether it was as the resu!t shows, or whether- their malice was directed solely against public buildings and public property. is not known. U13t one fact is certain, that three turths of Colttmbt - have- been des troyed. All of M,'ait street haves been destroyed on both sides, with the of one single building. From Main street.. the fire spread .in 'the dirotion of the Charlotte rail. road depots, covering three entire .qquares in that direction. upon the whale length of Main street. The Catholic Convent churches, and all ,rblic eand private buildings within that space, all were consumed by fire. 'The enemy not sa:i::fied with thi wh,-lsa: l d~,struction, visited the urburbs and applied thel torcl" to the residences of Gen. Wade Hampton, the late Col. Frank IIantp to,. and Col. Christopher Hampton, andt many _,tLmr private reidenct. onr Arsenal Bill. Many private dweAtings nt con sanecd by fi e. were visited by druc k,!i soldiers. %, h,, despoiled the manl and '.manlt occuantit of their jewel rv, iiver and other valuables; inclu =h,-ed. wht:: tlh,"v .id not c..d:'ry of 1'i: T p erter : ,1 that severr*.! ?tou. t::;t wxm.n, ,ibil:lren ad a:g ~rl metna • v:h Jn shelter--mia of sub anc v:n to depend up-n thu n,-ic:hi ; ;rana surrouutnling ec,,ntry C , is: m ,: ,. ', net-of th_: c'.r mv, heI:,totrr, c'mmitted. ed:tals in bit lbarmt a, i' te u Irrdeiig which it htas et til .-, t,& lrst L-rpetrated at Cohbintttit For State Treasurer. Wi' are 'i &;riz, d to a',noincc Uo ontio flSS F. 13UKI i of t!. '" '-i of \ mtebi :cc~t'a.:li a c tn4.iiadat fiýr St..tiz Tri .a.ire'r ;et> - w·r w-t'it \V.' a-r aith bircl to a1oi6t:cC .I ijt: TrcKasnror. L~ , ni piaperac copy [ t; "2OO REWARD. ST'lE\ on the night at tbe G'L inat.. CBA IY ` L Ye rFiu" kr-o ' r n-i!, jlL.e. I ' 'o't4 Toot UCicb one u~i;dc wha!,. wide "hiM~li footo. iic N n Ic s hod, t acitr- ': vc--i i 1,out 'tnt corks beihici. Mane vt;-v hciv and tr~m'nd citd on bi" rigb t tbi;r'u JAi' tfeuican brar ud. Tao abhvo re urwad oif' h" psti Toor his diitveryt to the I jitot ^F thi , per. TO RLEFUtiEI'~". if itra~aeb1 id mile' from 8!t~evý pat t 3 F tciles front ,oringoport. and H Ours frort Alb:,nj. This prn;,ert' s'il h.' old noJ 0I )l ot to tetrms. or tiho u5se ofi tL-::i t.,'ia p be bad at & loin rent :o nay oy e rib, ",ei'i keep it in oood ordier Enauirt at this of [ace. <pt ii1; 1 iw.t t' if Fit R ý:1Gti, } RE-P t :tpl:ly rt Crr`Rr J nit; Lette; I' ap.r. P icz i ni. -elo pet, at Lt~e 1'a=L of icc ?-or - 1ae. F~or Sate. NE ~t;17O 130Y I·:n:r"ýc 13 R-12 14 4 v e n of ar_ I thi c'{