"hr f lsxarlsvnt rtr1.
T..ao. fickinion, Editor 4.Prcprietor.
JT3JO d3 PRINTING of every
.A. 4,rip'ton, plain orcolored, executedn onu
re:%sonab e termsi ts the tflUeb will admit.
F~or Terms uJ .Suibscriution andi Ad
certi.aing, seefi r¶t page.
At tent i o n!-Persons arriving
with, or receiving, late southern or
northern papers, will oblige us and
benefit our readers, by loaning them
to the editor, if only for an hour.
Items of news also solicited.
The Latest News!
This paper will pay liberally for
news of any character furnished it,
whenever used. In writing, be brief
and to the point, and forward by the
quickest means possible.
The lack of exchanges and news
of any importance, will account for
any lack of interest in our paper, this
The steamer B. L. Hodge left this
place on Tuesday morning. Col.
Sprague and Major Bundy, bearers
ofd.spa ches to Gen. Smith, from the
F'ederal authorities left on her.
We are requested by Maj. Rose,
to say that all letters which were in
his.charge, to deliver to persons in
the Cis Department, have been turn
ed over to the Post Master at this
Head Quarters of this Department
is to be moved to Houston, Texas.
By the time our next paper goes
to press, we will, doubtless be fully
advised as to the true position of af
airs. We feel confident in saying
'hat from all that has come to our
knowledge, this department will be
surrendered to the federal authorities,
if terms are offered, that can be satis
factorily received by our authorities.
Should this be done, the bloody war
which has been waged for the past
four years, can be considered at an
end. Many are opposed to surrender,
yet, candidly speaking, we cannot
see what is to be gained by pro-ecut.
iug it any longer under existing cir
cumstances. If tee'ms can be had
guaranteeing to all their former
rights, and permitting the gallant
soldier boys to return in stfe:y to their
former homes, it will prove it: the
end the best for all parties. Every
body is anxious for peace, with the
blessings supposed to accompany it,
and we hope th it the federal govern
went in its wisdom, will bear this in
mind. A mrr.re treaty of peace with
out any guarantees to p.rsons and
property of Eaf-ty, a:nd protection,
will only result in another struggle
for liberty, far more desperate and
bloody, than that about to close.
Experience, of course, will teach all
the consequentces of laying dJwn
their arms and submitting to th.
pi-:uture of' the U. . gove.rn:nent. and
u's hop,: th:tt all will be agreeably
disappinuted. Tl'imt will tell.
TVas it Providentia/ ?-An oiieor
Sell info rmed as to the di if'cultie, en
c:;untered by our force, ill tIn re'r,.at
'roin Middle ''tsns=i"es'-e, lat- winter,
relates to usone tiikin_ incidefnt. to.
which we have never se.n any alla
siun in print, but which is worthiv of
note., It il well known that aftir :,
disastrous h:attlo bl.for,. N\;s:! ill., our
f;jrces fell back t', thl: rivr a - spe' dy
as possible, antimd h:in the gr."atest ct
futioll. TI hu retreat weat protected
by only a small cav'ra:ry fore,, and thlt
:nemlny purlsued as fast a. thle b,a,! Ctin
dit ion of the roads vwou'bl permit an
organized force to advance. On
reaching the river our scattered forces
tfound no mreatns of cro"scing, as the
pontoons had been taken up, and by
sonime accident the cabl'es were lost.
The commander was also unable to
respond to a request fi.m Gen. lor
rest, to furnish an organizd infantry
force to assist in retarding the ad
vance of the enemy. Butit tie mo
ment when despair had filled every
breast, some pontoon flats were dir
covered floating down thel river, and
oil beingsecured they weret found lo
contain sufficient cable to supply the
dificiency. A brtidge was soon laid
down, aind the scattered colutinis of
the army of Teunessee at once cross
,.d safely. It was afterwards a.-cer
tained that an independent move
tnent made by one of otur generals on
the river above, succeeded in destroy
inga bridge of the enemy, and the
boats secured so opportunely had
floated down from that point. It is
comforting to imagine all thlis w:s
providential, and really it looks as it
was so. We note the fact that hi-tory
may recordt another ,f tile narrow ,,-=
capes made by the ,allalt arnmI,
which sufIhred so severely in the ill
advised and disastrous ca.mpaign of
the past winter.-[Appeal.
It is sutpposed that th, ,... ' - ;
According to previous announce
ment, Gov. Allen addressed the citi
zens and soldiers of this Department
at 11 A. at., yesterday, in rtgard to
the present condition of the country
and the result of the late coinference
between the Governors of the States
ot the I'rans-Missisaippi and Gene.
ral Smith.
The substance of the Governor's,
comeu nication was briefly this :
''Two commissioners (Maj. Bundy and
Col. Sprague) had been sent by Gen.
Pope from St. Louis, under orders
from Gen. Gr. nt, cn a peace mission
to Gen. E Kirby Smith. The lat
ter, in view of the surrender of all
our armies on thie east of the Mis
sissippi, had wiseiv decided to cou
sult the Governors before taking aIny
action in the I-remises. The terms
proposed by the Federal agtents were
deetied insulting and inadrnis,ible,
by the Governors, who prop '~se ill
lien of them, 1st. That our armies
be perinitted to disband awl r'eturnl'
peaceably to their homes. Id. That
all the!ir '.ights of property antld as
citizens remain tndisturbld. 3.1. '1h:t
no pron'eutions lie institutedl by tih,
i Federal authorities against atl cit -
zen or soldier for aiding or partici
pating in the war. Th'l'ese t-erm:s had
been commutnunicatedi to ti,. lFed.'ral"
comnmis-sioners, wh > had dciclu,.ii
their own approval of then, as such
as should be accordl-,l to a brayve and
fr-e people. and promnist'. th. ir in
fluenic in secutritg their anccept'anc.
by their G,(v,.rnmt-nt. The cot,:is
sioners had takten their departure,
and as soon a1s the an!'tietr of ( '-n.
Grant could be e1trnt-td b'y t.el.grtaplh
and mail, thI CGovernr w inl4ii nak,
known its purport to thel soldi'ers and
citizens, wiho had a right to lbe enr
rectvl inf, rmett d on a ma't.-r of such
vital mo nti, t to Ith .m. II eti,,ha
tically dice-claiined any dei.ire' or it -
tentionl to cotnceal or ,.itlii.,Id trom
thelm tli'h fullest and most explicit
itnformati,,t i~ regrd to this ntI, Ir.
The Goverr-,r alnn .,;,t.t tl':' 1,,.
h ad ,sen t five, bU ni -re . cl :; ,, o f cort! .
down o o the tlin'uth Ic' r1 i v, e-tr ,.
be.- eschl nged f,,r flotir for thl- usit I
the .-uffering farmiiirs of sohldier-. n'iil
Sindi.gent eitizm n.s of" 'hr. '--.t rt. I1
conclhtsin h.' appeal-,ti. : l- ' i
z.'I ll. tld -=ol diers- to u1 ite.1 in :Ii'" i,,
him to une intain ,r !etr .u l r,.,r,.-- ;il
attemptsi at violcnc. , thel-f' and ,i..-.
mdr. Ilf thr ughe : r -ess I ' umitl .rs ii
trug'.le ftr in,. pe.nd,. ce is ,to ,
down. i tt i'. at la: g down in tL..
peaceful ur-,i,.ly m .,u:lr t ie'] : , -h.1i,,,:
characterize free men an,1 l,ani i, :.
Thel aIdrlt ss wa- wn-,l r,.c-.iv.l d I. v
the. as.-_.b.ln.- , h niu., a:d frt.
queItitly applaudI ld. At it., CII cclut
sion t!,riee chlet"S wn"... pr,.,;l ,, anm
heartily ti-,nI Givertnotr Al!, n
Gen. Lee'. SturreInde'r--List of'
General Olicers.
it i, ,,timatdi, -ays the St. Lui
ReIpaIrrcanl. that the rm.l.l f, e'e . -
re.:d,-rel t, Gen. G nt.n" ,u . al'a,,ta
l . (ý "u. ,_, - ,umb re,-d b..tw,.,.n :O0
00. a:1,, ".t)Cn mn T. T1 t,, ;l
Itu ,b-r ,f (;,n-ril ,,tl e',rs who have
beci'to l p'irisolers to (I l1. ;raI' Since:,"
tihe fifth inst., i-. b'2. as fullIw-,:
GeneralIRIIob.rt E. Lee.
Lieutenantit G(,n.rcl=-s--R IH. An
de.rson, l.. . Ewe-ll and J. C. .L g
t tr,-et.
M tr ; n,'rals- t- A l i :' 1,. N :
tha, L Evngt1-. Arnold .J El-.v. ) 'ha
KImtt r. , i r K.,-haw, tft l . h'
i n,- i, l 1Sf ir, Il . i, ~. 1 I; .
Ju s 1I. ) ilc,, Ix. ,
Brig adier he'erals-g;l II hih so,
AL L longc, T'hos. Aw,.rst- . l*.nk
had, I rk ,1e l,., Rufus l I ,ri itn. r.
ant, Go,,di, lirv1nt, I llisu111 . ( , .
THIn CartI) r, Ihillip (o-k, ,JCmntoll
'tonnlotI , CI',, kh' yi , 1 . 1 . he ry .
Jos. e . Davis. llarin .. I} ,,
Echols. Cunel.-r lXinn,'P.a- arv, 1Our
L,.In Alex Ie. Pawe-t m M; IV 'ntlui
Le, IIRbt lD" Lilly, AI Lrn.ot' J-h
t KIMcRt-a, A'C .Me,.rs, G 13 N,,r
Willim C sWickham, an nd Henry G.
,q,;:- ,n :4 Cudl RT.-, el,,- Tihree
New forolk, '_1l 2.- The t: ilurld1s
correspondenut says Diavis itIlini.'.!
in Danville sic davit undcir tiin I.'-g-t i
St s11spr1pels, tRsilitig to hear frolllnt
Le.e, who woe i-xpi-cti... to rr-iirii thant
place, and mat~ke the. St aunt in riveir
his lint, of- dchtnt011.. '['it-. ia-W.-tit'
in by scuats. btt was diebe!iib-!ld.
It. was kipt st'cih-t, Iil' wctvi-, ats lnagasIuib.a d \e t ectn
known thin ii'a'wo a panic.
'I'iie ti.-XL itianilllig httr Wle ' lS a ti
r enr ratl tC~l;:. Lt-IIIIACS Mi
were betwe',-,-nit Datl:vill-j - and U llG
rnto' and firt'- oI an tin triniji that
caiet td lDavis and his Labid n:a a v~v.
The lr 1~:1I1, Clal~l'' . c lrlllllnltl " :l i :
'3l %eu tl it tin. fttt't tar\t it,'ll atol
P·i-r I' ll t ei iiI 'I i ''. a'' . " .
ita -. 1\tll til.' l1- I i 11 iat It t h"i it
Ithely I ll br ti1 .2 1'11111I I' ..'I t..
o11:.1' i },ur : lt c: ~t ti -Id .', II,.1.
bvli,,l t i vtar lii1 to x- t.
I'' at. i ii t.i t '- 'I"
tit l'ln i alt , \, 01 0; '2 :- t"
rests art- . 1.1 ,,i·. - ··I...a ....v b.
. I !It, 1"""111 4, 1.,t, h· 1"."'
."4. ."1'. bet. " i tl tllliita 'Y 1' ":Il u,.-,.. ý!!.
1t i ic :1t. ..'t l Ilt i : har a'-
di..c:ui" i11 I1
Ja i:o she I u gu l:"o t I: :.
It ' IIIll a r,.C; .I I'i\.. :I I:," Ii'
I'l"l . hits t l"'1, II-it1I1 tilt- 1:1,.1 i II -
our t.I- ll,.t rll I"'
'I. I )IIl-I tt". ' \ ia"a Hl,' I i., .- 1
Says 1 ltaat LILL:.'' .1t.'- :1 It.1 Iia
ýUr" 1 : 0!. t"i :'lg ill... thl l ilt. ll
b.: T ut.''. ·ro s lca:!,'4. "" 1 n ii:u,,,l 11",l
:i t t .IV .ti ix 11 ! 1 . . "i
WAS ar ," 1i I\" .",1" Ir''1 -'t -i 1.:.,
Cnlltt Iln II'' ~ t Ir~piti~
St l : 1 t." ' "
:1 ,i 11_ 1 .,I II 1 t1l. I`
t:tt~ i I·vist'"it't i i·1\ ~tt 'li~lt to' II
I '." : l,:I 1 1 411. 1 i, "14. ',il 111'1t1
-i1.' ' II !," '. . " I ; 1 t i '. .
t I ..1 . r -. 1 1 bill a I . I l e - ,.' .. 1
1 lti 1. ` , ' II t 1. 1 . I - .a ,
t cull1'. , '1 1\0 ., " :. . It
. J . \1". h ".: 1'. . I
,ate, t!::, \` ,,":," 41.,1. 1.',. rh.~igl
\I 1:t i tf .i 1.. 'Ili Itt- it It
It l '' " i . it
.l.l :t I" .. " "'I " -I 1.,l i i-: l, il ' ii.
I..1 t l: 11 1 ý 'I . .,i .I ..,, ii' iV. ýt t
\:111, 'itat ta] 121Ot
a1 t I i -: it,,"t `. i .jl- 41t" " ,. t" itl.. .:. ,tt
U," t' ot'f' v tiitili i it, .
- ,r I.... li-it iti t- ,p rv i
1,t .-4, u,.:.... i . ', .r~ti. ... , ni ;.. -
r.-qt-.-d fir a titl...- .. lilt I'-t"
, ' l ar ..,t .,"lu l ýmit- :1t S.rttht "I II. ItI
:+r t'' i- : j1111 i it:, ti~"1 - r- 11 ilI " f Ill.'
111 cumu l r 1ed 1:1 1.' i.ial : tit. `I1. :,t: l '-gh
stN' ar% R-v',i-IIF phii
i. O.. .. l,' " t12 t 22 tv d:-Cit n ,,12 .1 .
'lhVy ' ay' tht' a7'e nilt-out1r ft r '11 ,x
7Th. N w Y rk I' .-t'- :- I.- ,i,, ,
p eecial .-:,..:. 1'1, -I ,, nt 'l,,h. n :In,!
(::1 bl .'t :ir', consi': 2ing m13,:.,1',- i ,t1
t[h ' rl'tol atil'it oIt isd "l thrl'iurgh'l 1
tih - S uith. Ai::,Ctthlr p.:,:ll ,bu t: ont
will ,. . 1-. ' in h w .v- h
1pur . ~! ,':IC'l, ura2ilng t 1.:,t. tid
C ,1i 11 1ttI I I..
Als, r.: i's ai 'y is t. .-!-:vir' .; tor
'nIt t' S1 lm' an'+ stal" anrrid'., in
Squit," aCti.,. :l cl sl ra l of th t
tak :. in 1,::,i nzn it . th1 "T'r,:,s It , ,,f
1ti..1. I i. l, .It.- \,,:a i.t, t " l i :1 -
k,'t. It ct .- ,! at l:i. t ..: 1 12 I 2.
t7 I:,,,..'\ :It I I, t .", 1,
'i l t·..' i :I I ri 0 . l I \2
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11 . 1 ; I ,i . l' I . 1. N .i "
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.T.,hu,-:,n n1 in thi- <lpa tm e,.:t.
* b. T ,nI p,,- ti,,n an d ub,.-i
•, " : , . t . L h t .r -- h , ., l a t l , u b l i r v , ,
t,1r 11" ,,t ,'e . x 11 4 4I t. 4. ;t't,,r sir
r,1.",,, . t,, th,. nu .,r st practicable
p~,nt ,, thitr li h,,,..-.
. ., :4 . ' ,
E . ii. 4 , ' '1 ,
M ,jnr L- , rd.
N,.w Y ' ,k '1 4v 4.- '1 lh \V,',1 '
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.'14n1t ' r. [','rt4 d r -11 4]''1h at ih 1{ 1
. ,l,:t :. d1 ('.,,iu,.t hi ",' ,.'cihih d t.,
"{1"-1 all t.,e ,,uth a,. n ",' t.-- t," g1 .,"~
: ,1 tr, l . t 'L t l' l- ij.. (d all r'·til -
.i - i. 1 t,,1 ,' ,.' ~ i "..: ^r ' t'hi ,
1 1 1 1t'\ i' . -:L t tl'1t.:
J ,, i n - . . .. ac (, T h , I ' i - ' -i t ,1 t i , n, u . t
i 1, l.'1,4 , I..,44 ,. 4 . 1 J',,l.1r'' , .- il:' .
4', .- i 1 , t '1,. 44:44,,: 4. ;i 44 hl
;,t8- , , , " . , 2,5" 11
Ti "' . { 1 .. " ;1 .... . 4, . ,,
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1 ' . "... . .I , . ',, t .
S4.'. " - ' ',. , . , 4,1 1
.I i .I. it ".. !t , . ,. i l.
\\1, . . , . I•' 4l.n
4 . , . .
l ' , I ., (h " .1 : . ' (, ' *'," ! , ,i 11 1,
' . . 1 4'1' I l , ll . ' I.,
'44 ' ? : . ' '.'. 4,4, j 4,-4•
[I 4 . ) 'I. . .' .] l,,'' r o.
4 .-- lu L ,1 , ,- [ 41 ,T . 1 :-; ' . ,,] '',.' ¶ . 'i
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'"4 : ". ,1,v i ,' 41 4 ', : 4 h., 1 ,'1".,, 4, r
. . 4 4 4 4. 4 44 0. ' .ii . - 12' ,
44 , 44 i i '1. 1,. . 444.44
I - : ..p , 24 4.1- : i.- rt i' .
t1....a.: ,:e f 'h .. . ' 1 4.hi ,hl
. ii. r.I 'i;l " ''r" i nev4 r 4. n,
1 4' 4 , 4'' a,'i .v ,h ,, 1,' . .h. ,
4 , \V,. ,...n4M.I. ch n . ,; .
4 . 4 I44 l ..t,," , . t ,T,4 l 4 44 . .run,
, - 44 .41 [ .." i ;. k i,.th . hc '. ,,t 4 h
" T, r - e ,:o ,,'ti .t.u on, atr .' . 444 ,
.. - , *- r ,p ,,t ,' : d - 3 ,, - i , ; . , i , .
:: i. - }.I .... ,winl, fr",1 homesteatds up
ii i . lpoor w:lites anrd thus causing
,!:.. lv.hIty of the ,4nuthe.rn maasua
I, -trik,, itq routs deep into the soil.
A va:t 1. lv of .atiall landholder,.
delivin r th,."r titli, from the federal
tv, .",un, it, .iting the'ir prosperity
fIo',mo the r.-t .sIt:,lishmitnt of its anu
thrity,? n I findi.iig their only secur
itv it i: stability, will bh a strong
ar .li tIi slpport to tho Union. If
ih,.. dlifieitit;i of the new system
c;iatn h" Irnuronrted, the Union will
i .r,.att.i.r lih strtongir in the South
than nuv otle:.r pa rt of the country.
Viwed,. front Mr. Johnson's stand
point. the forfiitnrtes under the con
fi-cat';n Inws will re:ider this sweep
i, v- r.v,,olution conaistent with the
ri.ghts of property. Hlum n kind
,I rcj. ntS at stch severity; but
rii la 1:1w eri-.s out, 'tis just;' and
-ince, it is in vitalbl* let us try to be.
hlit-.v, that it iii politic. It will, at
lnat. xpld,!it.. tiht return of loyal
self-cov.r'nm,'r.t iu the South, and
thtre.h1y rmnltv'. tihl. greatest remain
intir dang(er ~7n the side of cen.trali
Z.i in!l.
It mrost st h(e -vid -at to the reader
ithat: tli nrti'le- is written under a
c"..: victin that tihl. country has on.
t r..I1 '-11 n Iew epochl. and from a
w - h to conler,*hnli its teudenc;ee.
lTh. :1-tir ne,,t..1 who computes the
,lu l:t of a n Iwly'-.ppearing comet, is
nt,, r'.-ponr, siri,." for its visitation;
nr :. is tl,- lputlicist who speculates
n i, n t~i,- ini' ita:l.;,. to be held to
:a l w...; "~r :). ln ht but the truth or the
i babiility v ' hiis. ctnclusions."
The .'rb'iie.
' ,1." . r" '!i,tn (Miss ) Clarion, the
-, r,.:n it, l'",:l federatie Journal
in t1h,. ('i= ?lic-i- ippi D,.partment,
of th. ~r! i -: . h:s the fol wing ar.
t :,:i-in. We give the
'I n I it . II tI l(1 t1111st texpreas our
ft.' 1 ,- ir t a i Arval "of the senti
S ,!: :.i1 ,xDri. -ed. We fur
1 . "; i',.12 11," :,n,' good, practi
.... I " CommanIitder
. .. : -; that if Lh
c : : " s for hiu to pro
! . ''t,,i~ ll -other arI-i.
S .t ! t, . ri: t rr. d; and if
.1.,. ,t i ..... ,:::. I T'..vlor have s iel
,.. " I, ......" '1:" f resini e.ss )lut -
. ." .. :,!v w ill 4 1 r, cau :ot,
l, .. . ,'1,1 (;i "! . Sll ith to "sac' i .
S,'V twns villages in
, , . i utl,-nce in Giduenr
- , . . il.li g 'o l ide l.y
1, .- , t,'I1 ',ý , 1 even t:; o. t't
, ., , i i.. tlh r., .nt ar
t , . .. " . , d I I t 7::i l }ti ,.o tl .h . 1
mliii ' lltlti-ti -iil ito'- coward ast
i. i i . , '. . i<l art:dii , ud ih n i; h -
,,.L- :i , . :., hit- ,t t prout d wifc e
: . t . If t here o tsuI ah
1 1 ..i , ,' t 11 , l' 1,'.itr ft lot to
i, t. * )ri. , i b,,. hh,, ,of lin m urde.r
, '.u .l tu. ': will h1iss coward at
111.7 ,n. sy wi[nd .t heavCtn; that
t i,." i. I . . ,f his insulted wife,
2It. - at'r ,,. ". 1,r . :il a I:~en iili
.. ,: " . , , 'r,,' ' .(h:im to the
.: f.- l ,ay,, like aa etuiaging
\V' .. : :1.. ..r.:, - iolicy and ac
'.: , ,. "a lr :an- be, we a 're
a': J h.t i s tt unwaveriurg
:I-,. v , . th, ar.v a.nd tie peotplue
t I ,- l. I1 I, l rtlnl .:t ill never Lo
i 1' -ti,,.-,id" . i ,.,n. - sa timi past his
- 1 i, 1 " I " n, peculiarly .mbar
Sa.- -,g. .il t i inf,,rmation affecting
, r, l.on, n11n,1 his resualting du
S,". b;- . ti ithrivd from Feder
ai . r, -. l ii pturpo.e must now
i.. to . ..:,.'t tl,., peop1le ag:i.lst the.
::l';tg. f i t.i* a , ose de-sttructive.
I:,--.--. , c tniparable alone to tlheir ex
h .l- l r,.is ,ource.s. It is needl.--a
I,,r hin toi protract a struggl. gthen
, h r l :IIII m 1 a surrt..f-A.red.
1: 1.... ..7 Jhnbttoti have yielded to
t.".- pi:,-- ir of ri.sistl,.ss numbersi
I. .I 1 +r c.',utd hardly be exit c
,.i t- s.' S tit'. lives,, property, townse,
S0.; i-. in d.-fence ,,f a country ut.
,."l iv ,-te,.si,;.. It nt t his wish
i, ti:r'. .it,-r II. i-i mtade of st.erner
u:t'; but h,, hlis a thorough compro
P1--.. o t' hia dutiestti to the tatesu
....l.r w it I hi. jurisdiction extends,
., wp . ,re :nclin,.d tr o. elie,:veho e 'ill
i ,w tlI.e Ixatitplh of Lee and John.
I;,i, k't wa we wish it otherwise;
bitt thI. dnm.n,1 it would seem, is inev
th.. It' t ;.. iTaylor thinks differ
enl-" wei h lllin tdi nt eiks, deakr
-.: bs.,rv,.. W\ ilatver the'present
i,.'n, atnd t 'uttutl o fohrtunes of the
t Ir.-;: '.,-~ nt 'olmtLntider. whatever
:i-. p,'.-,, -tal pecuithan ritie, the at
Sr:whta n f It ie (.'at ini haye, abundant
' .a:-.on to ,'°it-laer his honesty, his
lilhIt truthft', tti'ssL, hIs tireless ener
g-y, lii .l*-.pli.st labrrs, and, then,
r.s, ptip., . shtuld not .orget, nor
ins :ay i ail to remnenbetr, that the
,ults, i t thti Commander.in-Chief
" hatt-vt.r ,t may bhe. is dictated by
a ', g;r e it wi.Niltit which ovarrides
prii In .1 cnonilterations; and by a
c,.¶irat'- as i' V is that which illua
tr,t.-d his diet-da at Mans6ield, and
- i. i-b--n ti l--gra:t stys that the
cnt'a t..., rs * f thit I"Xderal steamera
Niiag:t:';t :uttd Sacramento state that
they hal1 no iptintion of sailing
-when tir,,d on from t!l' Portugue.s
it t -r· ·ly wiftin