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pVCLISSoD BVSRT SATURDA? L. P. CATILLOI'ET. Prop'r and Pub. H. R. DUPIE, - Business Manager. OfsaL Jtirusal of the Parish of /aforeche. ssred as s, Post Opres J faise dsu, La w second claw wmst. SUBSCRFPTION PRICE: FUR YEAR, IN ADVANCS ..... 2.0 All communications should be ad dressed to The Ta3 ODAUX Sabr EL rhidbodaux, La. corresponnence on subjects of general Interest solicited. To insure notioe of tbelr oommunitiUons, though they should desire to withhold lts vblcstion, as as evidence of good fblth. Mater nteded for poblcatio should be C wrliaTR only on one s 2ded the sheet, and to Inasue Insertion i the week's isonu. eo nmunlcatlons should reach thIs omfice by wednestay's mall of that week oSubscrbers who ail to receive their paper on Tdme should notIfy us without delay. oeF ly prepared to do Job work 1 of every description. 4TURDAY, APR. 21, 1904. SLast Tuesday a .itction. As was anticipated the state went overwhelmingly Democratic lastl Tuesday, notwithstanding the light vote polled, due to very bad weather., The Democratic majority for the head of the State ticket will exceed 40,000. Every parish in the State went Democratic, and the coming I legislature will be on joint ballot practically unanimously Democratic. In this parish, the home of some of the chiefs of the lily white wing of the Republican party, the Democrats, after a heated campaign during which every inch was hotly conteated, t~hieved a splendid victory. It was an all round Democratic victory all over the State. Did you hear the rooster erow last Tuesday How did you like his clear notes ? No, gentlemen, money has its power, but it is not all powerful, not even in politics. The elephant has shrunken out of sight, while the little game cock is very moth in evidence. Terrebonne, from all accounts, purely did herself proud last Tuesday. It was a great Democratic victory all along thetine. The seeet ballot has come to stay. It may not suit politicians and ward beelers but it does the pi; ;., a:. that ought to settle it. The Ar.stralial ballot system of yoting is all right. The people seem to like it wel and not to share the fears of t!ie lI'liticians concerning its 7estrailong influence on their liberties. Capt. B. F. Winchester, defeated candidate for judge before the recent Demroratic primaries in the parishes of Lafourche and Terrebonare, wound up by taking the stump for the Re publican ticket toward the close of the campaign. Bis many friends ipctd betp of him. The people of Louisiana should rejoiee at the selection of Senatos Morgan by the people of Alabainma t saceeed himself in the United State. senate. The distinguished Alabt mian has already ably defended on constitution when attacked in th senate, and will prove an able ally t. Senator McEuery in the future, should the attack ever be renewed. Speaking of the election held last Tuesday, under the new law, the Times.Democrat says: "The election was certainly quiet enough, and Louisiana is to be con. gratulated on having passed through it without a serious disturbance of any kind as far as heard from. The machinery of the election seemed to move smoothly enough, and we have heardl no protests or complaints. In New Orleans the count wasconducted to opeunly that we do not see where themre is chance for fraud Fuller details will, of course, he needed from the coudtry before judgment can be passed upon the conduct of the election there. The new election system, as a whole, worked admirably yesterday. with few complitcations. The voters nuderstood how to vote and did so intelligently." Benator Korgan's Victory If ever a politician received a more complete licking than Governor John, ktoo, of Alabama, we would like to know the name of the man. It does hot aplpar that in the primaries held last Satdrlay, Johnston carried a single county of the fifty four in Ihich elections were held, and his de 4at is so complete as to astonish 6ven his opponents. ' A few weeks ago the friends of overnuor Johnston boamsted that they .sd tdnatb'r lMoTgan on the run, andi is politsical car. er was at an end, at they were guilty of the mistake Stop that Cough DR. DAVIS' ompound Syrup Wild Cherry and Tar Cures Coughs, Colds, Lung Affections. O50c. Bottle. Large Bottle $1.00. c All dnruggits and medkcin deatsms. of counting their chickens before the eggs were hatched. The people of Alabama rallied to the sutprort of l the magnificent oldl Democrat who has grown griy in the srevice of his State and country, and routed horse, foot and dragoons the political con bine which sought to retire him from the honored place be holds and has adorned in the Senate of the United States. Senator Morgon is admitted to be the best constitutional lawyer in the Senate by leaders of both political parties who are competent to judge, and withal an honest anwl conscien tious man. His record shows him to be a broad-minded statesman whom no influence, no matter how powerful, can swerve from the discharge of his duty as he sees it, and to-day he is recognized as the brainiest senator the South has sent to Washington since the close of the civil war, anoj for this reason his every utterance commands the attention of the entire country. The great State of Albamia would have been disgraced had she struck down Morgan, the giant and states. man, in order to bestow favor on a political pigmy. There was little reason to fear at the beginning, how ever, that the schemes which had been so carefully hatched to defeat Senator Morgan would succeed, but when it bcmne known that the agents of the Pacific railroads had formed an alliance with Governor Johnson to prevent the re election of Senator Morgan and thus unhorse the ablest champion of the Nicaragua canal bill in the country, the plans of the conspirators were seat whistling down the wind, and the Morgan avalanche began to move with the result that the opposition was buried mangled and crushed.-States. Light Ahead. The Phil"delphia Record thinks it I has been a long time since the Demo cratic party hat an opportunity as bright in a presidential year and be fore the meeting of the conventions, I as that which is now offered, and ivs : "In spite of a successful war -wi' h his- added valuable islands to our territory, aroused a strong spirit - of Americanism and given to our country a higher standing in the eyes 1of the world; in spite of the ardent support of the administration's poli Sc of expansion by a majority of the Democrats; in spite of many things woich at one time made the re-elec I tion of ,icKinley virtually a foregone t conclusion, the chances of a Demo. cratic victory in November are better thea they seemed to be just before I the party elected its candidate in - 1892." f The reason assigned by the Record n for the faith that's in it are the con spicuous failure of the administration to stand true to its accepted and pro i claimed duty to the newly acquired ternrtory, presumably at the demand of the trusts, and the practical aettle ment of the silver issue, which caus. ed the alienation of an nfluential body of Demerats in 1896. While we agree with our contemprary as to the more promising outlook for the party, we must take issue with its assertion that a majority of Demo. crats 'ardenoJy" or otherwise sustain the administration's policy of expan. .ion. It is very certain, at least, that this is not the sentiment of more than a very small contingent of southern Democrats.-Ststes. t Assault Of The Buahwhacker. The cheap republian spell binders who have been scuttered through the e country by Warmoth and O Malley have indulged in most filthy and foul abuse of the tbest and purest public men in the State, and have hesitated at no time to make charges albsolute. e ly without foundation, totally base and false. They have attacked the Spurest and best and have made des t perate efforts to engender strife and Splunge the people etof the State into a bloody revolution. all for the purpose of smcuring a few otfices for such as Warmoth. Preaching their gospel of blood and revolution, they have pranced around bellowing, blowiug andputri. fying the atmospiere witi foulslang and vicious and libellous accusations and conductiiug them-elves in an uon lawful manner generally. e It is well that the pesple of Louis. , Inca are toler;,ut and patient. The Speople of few tatcs would tolerate a what the democra.y of Louisiana has I from the spell binders. a Their efforts have been to incite riot n and revoiution. ''They have counseled .murder and treason, and long b since have been thrown into prisono and mnide to sutffer in durance vile t for the crimes they hive committed Sagainst the p.ace and dignlty of the I State. We pity the Caffery coml,ihiation. e We c iticese awl coundemu withi staue and pity. There is no anger for them. For many of their speakers we feelt personally kind, and it saddens us t'o think that some real good men can so far forget themselves as to take up the cause of and do battle for the bushwhackers add jayhawscrs represented bv the master, Warmoth. -The Iberville SoutA. The States thus comments on the ignorance of some men of the politi. cal history of the country : It is passing s.range how ignorant even our most prominent men areof the political history of the country. The excuse given for those Southern Dem. ocratie Senators who will vote to ad. mit Quay has been that he voted against the infamous Forte Bill. Yet Senator Berry of Arkansas, the other day showed from tue record that it was ex Senator Cemeron, of Pennsylvania, who voted against the bill and that Quay voted for it We have all along known that Mr. Came ron generously came to the relief of the South in her peril, but must con fess that we were as ignorant as the Senators as to Quay's vote. The Springfield Republican says that Appriser Wakeman, of New York, has made a remarkable dis covery, that the Psais Exposition may cost the Republicans the loss of the presidential election. Far more Americans will visit France this season than ever before, he says, and a large majority of them will he Republicans. The crush will be such that many of them will be unable to secure return accommodations before November, and so thousands of good, prosperous Republican votes will be held helpless abroad while the pover ty stricken Democrats at home will proceed to carry off everything in sight. Wakeman estimates that from 15,000 to 20,000 New Yorkers alone will visit the Exposition, and enough of them will be Republicans and wull be detained abroad to involve possi bly the loss of the Empire State to McKinley. The situation would seem to demand that the latter call in some of his prosperity. There is too much of it outstanding for his own safety. How The South Expands. On the Ist of February there were seventy three new cotton mills in pro. cess of construction in the South with 846,810 spindles and a eaptal of $15,009,000. It is estimated that during the month of February 125, 000 were added to this amount Moreover, great knitting plants were proposed, and one factory went to Newport News with $1.200,000 of Boston capital and another to States ville, N. C. with $2,000,000 capital, also fiom the' north. The effct of this transfer of the manufacturing in terests to the South has been aplpar. eat in the price of cotton and the I great demand tor raw material grown r in the immediate neighborhood. This is the sort of expansion the t South needs and stands for. The South will find no interest at all in that form of expansion which will t force their cotton manufacturer to move his mills to the Philippines in I order to get the advantage of labor at 6 cents a dsy.-Lake Char es Pres-. ; WASHINGTON LETTER. S(rom our restelrforrespondeut.) S WAsHINOTON, APRIL., 13, 1900. Senator Jones, chairman of the 1 Democratic National Committee, who has just returned from New York, I ridicules the story that the anti Bryan democrats, who are behind Dewey's I candidacy, would get a Dewey dele I gation sent from New York to the Kansas City convention. He says tha1 Dewey's candidacy will cut no 1 figure at all in connection with the democartio nomination for President that CoL Bryan will be nominated by acclamation. And his cpinion is shared by practically all the demo crats in both branches of Congress. It is said, although your correspon. dent does dot vouch for it, that Dew Sey's bac~kers have a lot of money to use in buying the support of country democratic papers, in order to try to make it appear that there is a strong democratic sentiment in favor of hiL nomination. There is one drawoack to this scheme that will kill it. The i country democratic editors, although s mostly poor men, are not for alde. [ In fact, the country editors of this I country have a record for incorrupti bility that any class of men might I well be proud of. They are constant. Sly imposed upon, and give more for a nothing than any set of men on e earth; but they very rar:ly sell them selves. SSec:retary Gage having shown by a the figures sent to the House, in e answer to a resolution, that the war a taxes can be reduced at least *80, 000,000-a year without embarrassing I the government, the democratic lead I ers intend to try to make the republi . cans tell why they will not agree to g make the reduction at this aession. s The democrats of the House made i. a good fight against the Porto Rico bill but as they could not prevent re pubhcans swal:owing their publicly e announced convictions they lacked a e few votes and could not defeat it. a The abomination has been signed by I Mr. McKinley and the responsibility t of the republican party for it is now l comp etc. SThe action of the Senate Commit a tee on Electi ns in decl:ling by an uun. e animous vote that Senlator Clark, of 1 Montana, was not entitle to the seat e he holds, is considered more of a con. deonation of Montansa political meth .. ods than of Mr. Clark personally e Senator Pettus spoke the thoughts of The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of Sand has been made under his per sonal supervision since its tnfncy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All CounCtereits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trife with and endanger the health et Inhat sand Children-Experience a Exper~dlt What is CASTORIA toria s a bsttute tbr Castor Oil, Paregerie, Drps and Soothlng 8yrups. It is Harmless and Pleassat. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, eares Cmstiopat and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend. cuu...u CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the sgnature of The ind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. CMS 0mw m. Ru Y. C. 1. M0A& OW . many of his colleagues when he said; -I have more respect for Mr. Clark than I have for those who have been hounding him. I do not think the use of $100,000 or more in electing Mr. Clark was warranted, but at the same time I have no .Ioubt that Mr, Daly will spend at least $125.000 in pro-ecutng the case. I want to say, also, that I do not believe Mr. Clark was personally cogmanz:t of the man ner in which the money was used.' Mr. Claik says he intends to get vin dlicte-d, but that is all he will say at this time. Tigre is little or no eubt that the Senate will endorse thk re. port of the committee, if Mr. Clark's resignation oes not make a vote nu necessary. Had the report been to expel Mr. Clark a two third vote wou:d have been required to adopt it, but as it simply declares him not eutitled to a seat a majority vole will adopt it. There is a possibility that Mr Ciark may forestall action .by resigning and seeking a reelection - Rtepresentative Catchiags, of .tis., is one of the democrats who thinks that the ticket may oe Bryan and Dewey. Speaking of that proba"ili'y he said : "I feel sure that Dewey would take the Viee Presidential nomination, and think that is what he is workig fto:. He certainly must appreciate the fact that he car . not get the nominmation for President from Bryan, whose selection is abio. lutety assured. At present no one is named for second place who would command as many votes as Dewey, and, in facd, no one is suggested whose name is aniversally accepted. Bryan and Dewey can defeat Mr. McKioly without any question." Representative Talbert, of 8. C., has a habit of saying pertinent things which are som,-times it revereveret. For i;nstance, when Representative Steele, of Ind., who had boasted of being a farmer, said, in answer to a question by Representative Richardson, of Teon., that he raised "'corn and wheat, cattle and bogs," Mr. Talbert threw the House into laughter by ad ding : "The gentleman will also raise hell in II:dmna." Senator elect B'akbhur sizes up the political outlook thusly! "In my Congressional experience of 25 yeats I have Dever known a Congress in control of either party that made as many political blunders. It we can't wipe out the replublicans in Novem. her on the blunders made thus far by the Fifty-sixth Congress we ought to go out of businoss. They have made up ,the issues of imperialism, militarism and trusts exactly to our liking. Indeed, if they had deliber ate'y started in to make a good job for us they could not have done bet. ter. . Having these facts in mind I feel certain that the rehubliuan mau agers will hasten the close of the session, and wellcome the day when they can breath easy again so far as Congress is concerned. For this r ason I do not believe any effort will be made to force the ship sub sidy bill through. The republicats are not looking for more trouble, un less they have gone cray .v; and I don't believe they have. Says the States : A "vandal" bridegroom, while re cently on his honeymoon trip to Washington, broke off the head of a miniature Diana that decorates the interior of the Washington monument and presented it to his duckie as a souvenir. He was arrested and fined a paittry sum of one dollar by a fool police magistrate, to the intense dis gust of the auperintedendent of public ouildingi. This oftBial, by the way. makts the astonishing statemeqt that eight out of t.n of the mauttlator caught, so far, are ministers and that of the 177 memorial tablets but seven are still intact. These clerical gentry should be stripped of their robes and slapped in prison. .3* &4flLE J. BR.1 UD, 8OL3 AGENT. (C'OR, M AIN & ST-PHILIPSTS., rthibodaux . . La (Opposite flonsereau's Drug Store.) rai Oriws" .onw pth, Fi l CANDY= KITCHENJ JOS. JEFFRIES, PIrQP. JUST RECEIVE D A REISN LINE OF oAND IE S, Lowney's Chocolates, S Sewards Choc. & Bonbons, . eward's French Fruits, Runkle Bro. Cake Chocolate, A fresh assortment of Cakes rece.ved every Thursday......... 2? ...THIBODAUX S_ et Metal Werks, Wx. KURZ, MO. Guttering, Spouting, Roofing, Sky Lights, Ventilators, Cor nices, tflowPiping. Slate roof ing and repairing. Plantation work a specialty. All work promptly attended to. Satis faction guaranteed........ ... SHOP NEAR R. R. DEPOT. CUMBERULAND PHWONE s0. THE DAILY. SUNDAY on SEMI-WIIKLST TES WILL 0vt YOU All the Latest News PROM EVERYWNERS. THE STATES le the Leading Demoeratle Paper of the South... Phn Amoeltad Press D Mhea AU the Latest I PoUil Daly Stook and aMarket up Ul oloalag of Uzehampa. - p ailkl aty comWd k -omaB Delivered at You hto s DAILY AND SUIDAY STATES, 1 year, *.Ol s m.@., $.50 8 mos. 1.76 1 me., 00.46 SUIDAY STATES. I to O pagm. I year, $1.0o SEIlI-WEKLT STIATES, P~ubbahd ]var7 Wdmaday and katurday. 104 Oople In a year for $1.00 DAILY STATES NEW ORLEANS. LA. Read the SENTINEL. e, .z. Doturon, 4 Watchmaker P nd (Gun. mith ' 0 . or hand a 0 Ia,**end complete a adrt 0 FINE JEWELRY, 4 a CLOCKS AND WATCHES, TH L CE IEBRATED ,,o,"ITmaa , ELGIN WATCHES UIUN P CONSTANTLY ON POWD HAND. Also the NEW TRIDO AMERICAN SEWING ING MA'I* MAC HINE. '"t. '" "'. E'., Watlces, cla m ing MlMues, Carefully repairep a teed. A full stetji - ments, oil sn A», kin Is ,ft Serriu behad by applya to A. BO Cor. Main and SI. I4 Ag I herCiAftetl LOUISIANA STEAM-w 11111, II I D 11001 ROBE RTS & CO., Propriet 101, 303, 305,307 GRAVIER NE W L ftM L EAN S, L.Aý, 'aab, Blinds, pora, Molding, Flooring andl aluiters, etc.NI, wayp on hand or made to e-g Ordern promptly attended to. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENLC tAany Na t b bl i free wipr rd NtaWi bofau otlca. JI877 atendted INral NOTA RYA BLC. At'y and Coun1eter at Law Thibodaux, La. Gaude Building, St. Philip St. FROST'S HOTEL, Cos. Mof ans d Gains ST. Had qua ltore flor ally~em Excursionists and Traveling PNOPLT ... . , MYeal on burepean and Ameralc a tyle-srvd at nsy "Old Tim .L" A First-class...~ CAFFE Ad iT' HOTEL Where all aines. anorns and Cigare can be qad. Polite tMoraion...... Wm. . FROSBT, Prop. J 41 r enowned at .r.]nia and Trravelanas a e llio n d Erp tan ad a erIaned I, Dilomas Nll awardth teS rveat a ny " d Eugrop. a ere al ees tlore co sadir PA otre h oleseatten with gon ldoe e oe 41-wrle owes d act abieead w apB eltioe. Bond for C uaS oluo. baerg and a uoa koUoa esHOE 0o . Thlredaro . to. n Le t (Opposite Danore 's Drug Store.)e Maio l Orthud and ror tlnrFiled. f`° AaaueuWtoaall iersal. ! s eur SHtE Caio BOLE AET SYourh R sNe If lly covers the iM I ewS, but Srequire in that - current 8 everywhere by Stelegraphic serer respondenee. ) tropo;itan at souz, ofand ? t~iun indessa it Iaoil n i I_ ec ibe an ; 'nrySStItIatr g'arV 1Vliictb s a....... The TI J. . LEVR DALERS IN IIARD GLAB8WA CROCKER1 -AND s Hous nlo Fuo At ute old nlame ors> late . L FRANK Commission AND DEALER IS COUNTRY TTONt .QA WAX TALLoW NO. tI DECAU NEW OR pLI r UAL ADoVAN DR. G. H. CROWN AND B WORK A SPEC In the Bank oC Upstairs. * RAILROAD OOTIAVE J. PROP Chole fresh beet, pork. sausagep. onsftntl) o" "--Ji'iN EVEYIY Situated on the Ral Btreet, and of easy scow he town Caveats, and Trsde-Martm eat busine sconduc *. for aneca . c ':0 Np l 15 r emote frm _ .ash.n too. Send mriv, aowaorg U tion. We a'.vse, if pat c Orge. Our fec not due A free. Hrow to O.A.SNOWl OP5. 1grml? OFrIot.