Newspaper Page Text
THE BUSIEST HOUSE IN THE CITY.uv 3 hRe aiurrnitire E"stab[lshment ---OF r-Edgar F. Riviere,, * ,... MAIN STREET .... URNIT'YURE FOR THE RICH MAN MFURNITURE FOR THE __ POOR MAN ALSO UNDERTrAKER. . The Place to Buy Hardware, Paints, Oils, 0' Harness, and 0 /~gri~ultural Implemerlts -$ AT H, Riviere & Co. 'Phor;e 108. Cor. .Main and Green Sts. THE' PLANT OF THE£'C THIBODAUX B/CKc WORKS WITH THE FINEST EQUIP MENTS IN THE SOUTH Is now prepared to furnish the best and cheap eat brick in the market................. On uiWiqq bricks on hand ready for delivery. F9p AUIRT9ER PARTIcuLARS. ADDRESS, ARENT X. FOLSE, MANAGER, PHONE 120, O E. J. BRAUD, GENtERAL SUPERINTENDErNT. PHONE 14. A. GOSSIN, S• * M•ANUFACTURER AND DIALER .... Choice Rough Dressed S Cypress Lumber. All Diinelniong Sawed to Order and Delivered, Lafourche Crossing, La, tn the Advertialng Columns of a Popular Newspaper ar heralds of a successful business career, The Is a Popular Newspaper, and is recognized as a good Ad vertising Medium .. .... ...... IN COUUUIMAL ]fflum The Seatinel E~tallshmiaent turns out up-to-date work. Estimates solicited on any Clas of Printing. -~·:i. <AL (*--'- :1. 4r Trustee's Sale. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT. Fon THE EASTERN DISTRI'T or 'i'HE STATE OF LO)UIIANA. IN .BANK RUPTUCY. IN THE MATTER OF L. P.OAUDo, BANs RUPT. TAKE NOTICE, THAT BY VIRTUE of an order of the Honorable L. U. Folse, Referee in Bankruptcy in the above United States District Court, in the matter of the above-entitled bank ruptcy, of date the third day of April, 1900, and empowering me, the under. signed Trustee to sell by public auction the movables and the open accounts belonging to said Bankruptcy after the usual advertisements, in the Thibodaux Sentinel, a newspaper published in the Parish of Lafourche, I, Henry N. Con lon, the duly qualified Trustee in the above-entitled Bankruptcy will, on THURSDAY, THE 2iTH. OF APRIL, 1900, at Lafourche Crossing, La. between the hours of ten A. M. and four P. M. proceed to sell to the last and highest bidder, the following described proper ty, to-wit: One lot of goods, wares and merchan dise, situated and being in the store building belongin * to C. C. Williams, of the Parish of Lafourche, at Lafourche Crossing: also, one horse, one two wheeled Jumper with buggy top, one lot of open accounts due the said 1. P. Gagde, as per list on tile before the [Referee and which will be read at the sale. Terms and conditions of the sale: Cash on the spot in United States Treasury Notes. Thibodaux, La. April 14th. 1900. II. N. C'ou.Lo, Trustee. TUOMAS A. BADEAUX, Atty, of Counsel of Trustee. Trustee's Sale. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, EASTERN DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA. IN THE MATTER OF THE BANKRUPTCY or L. P. GAUDE. TIAKE NOTICE: THAT ACTING IN 1 pursuance of an order of sale to me directed in the above-entitled bankrupt cy, by the lion. L. U. Folse, lieferee in Bankrupcy, and bearing date the 3rd. day of April, 1900 and empowering me, the undersigned Trustee to sell by pub lic auction the real estate surrendered by the said bankrupt, to pay debts, now, therefore, I, Henry N.9Toulon, Trustee of the aforesaid Bankruptcy will, on WEDNESDAY, THE 16TH. OF MAY, 1900, at the Court House, in the Town of Thibodaux, proceed to sell the following described property, to-wit: 1. The southern portion of Lot No. Seven, (7)t which said Lot No. 7. fronts Qn St. Philip Street and Levee Street, the said southern part thereof measur ing thirty one feet on St. Philip Street, with the depth thereto belonging, bounded in front or east by St. Philip Street, north by the remainder of Lot No. Seven (now a street) being a subdi vision of Lot No. Fifteen, on the plan of the Town of Thibodaux. 2. Lot No. Five of the subdivision of Lot No. Fifteen, of the plan of the Town of Thibodaux, fronting fifty feet on St. Philip Street, measuring ninety two feet on the Lots Nos. Two and One, fifty feet on Lot No. Four, and ninety two feet on Lots Noe. Six and Seven bound ed north by Lots Nos. Six and Seven, east by St. Philip Street, north by Lots Nos. Two and One, and west by Lot No. Four of the said subdivision. 3. A certain lot of ground, situated in the Town of Thitxlaux, and designated on a particular plan made by James H. Grinage, on January 6th. 1847, as Lot No. Six fronting on Levee Street se venty three feet on Lot No. Seven, forty nine feet on Lot No. Five, and forty seven feet on Lot No. Four, bounded in front or north bv said Levee Street, east by Lot No. live, and west by Lot No. Four, of said subdivision. Together with all the buildings and improvements thereon, and all the rights and privileges thereto belonging. Terms. Cash on the spot in U. S. Treasury Notes. Thibodaux, La. April 14th, 1900. H. N. OouLox, Trustee. TuOMAS A. BADEAUX, Atty, of Counsel of Trustee. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. 18th. Judicial District Court,-Parish of Lafourche. CLEMENTIINE ALLEMAND, WIPF Vs. No 3479 THEODULE NAVOIE, HUSBAND. This case having been regularly fixed for trial and taken up and tried, and the law and the evidence heing in favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant. It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed, that the plaintiff do have and recover judgment against the defendant decreeing a separation of property and dissolving the community of acquets and gains hitherto exising between them. It is lfurther ordered, adjudged and decreed, that Plaintiff, Mrs. Clementine Allemand, be, and she is hereby em powered to resume control of her own paraphernal affairs and to administer them separate and apart from her hus band, as feme sole. It is further ordered, adjudeed and decreed that plaintiff do have Judgment against and recover of her husband, the sum of Eleven hundred and Seventy two and 47-100 dollars, with legal inter est thereon from Judicial demand and further recognising plaintiff's legal mortgage and privilege to be paid hy privilege and preference accorded bv law, on all the property immovable and movable, of her said husband. Said legal mortgage and privilege to date from the 19th. day of March, 18110, to secure said Judgment, and the same is declared executory. Thus done Saturday, March, 24th, 1900, and read and signed March, 27th, 1900, in open court. (Signed) L. P. Caillouet, Judge 18th. Judicial District. Filed March, 27th, 19000. (Signed) J. A. O. Coignet, D'y. Clerk. "A true cop" - Clerk's Oficee Thibodaux, La., March, Sth, 1900. P. J. Avcoln, D'y. Clerk of said Court THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. 18th Judicial District Court,-Parish of Lafourche. SUCCESSION OF MAROUs FIELDS AND His Wivz No. 1~t6 PROBATES. TAKE NOTICE THAT PURSUANT Sto an order and decree of the above Court and to a commission to me direct ed in the above entitled and numbered succession. I will offer for sale at public auction, pursuant to law to the last and highest bidder at the Court House in the Town of Thibodaux on SATURDAY MAY, 19, 1900, between the hours of II o'clock a.m. and 4 o'elock p.m. the following des eribed property to-wit: REAL ESTATE. A Certain Fraction of lot of ground, situated in the town of Laonguenle , this parish, on the left tank of bayou t Lafourc he at about twenty miles below the town of Thi:ldaux, in Block No. "il, as l'r plan IDrawn biv A. D'tHemeeourt, aidl fractional lot measuring twenty seven ('7) feet six (6) inches fronting on Barataria street, byhv one hundred and ten (110) feet in depth adjoining on the I South to the fractional lot sold to Harry E'dwards, and on the North to the frac .. ,.... .i. . , Marcus Fields from 1Rev. Nelson Taylor,! on tle 17th day of epl,tembes, 1h7O (Sei (. B. No. 13 folio 41t) on the following terms and Conditions viz For Cash to) pIy debts. JAxMEs BiARY, Sheriff of the parish of Lafuurclhe. April 14th 1990. J. S. BhI.I.In, Esq., Attorney ol .-icession. THE STATE OF IA)UISIANA. 2d Ward Justiee Court of C. A. En gerran. MRas. nt'4Ar IIABVEY vs. EIDARO LIC:uENDRIE. TIAKE NOTICE, THAT ACTING( I under and by virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias, emenating from the above entitled court, in the above entitled and numbered suit, I have seized and will offer for sale, in block, at public auction pursuant to law, to the last and highest bidder at the Court House in the town of Thliodaux on SATURDAY, APRIL 28TH. 1900, between the hours of 11 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m. the following des cribed property to-wit: 1 Stove and cooking utensils, I Safe 1 Lot of crockery and tin ware, 1 Exten tion table for dining room, 1 large look ing glass 1 Hod stead, 1 wash stand with Bowl and Pitcher, 4 sitting chairs. Terms: Cash to pay and satisfy said writ in principal, interest and costs. A. ROGER, Constable 2nd Ward. Thibodaux, la., April 14, 1 WO0. A Second Call on Behalf of ite Trust Made Presdent. Washington, D. C. April 9.-The enormous campaign fund the Repub. lican party expects to collect to re elect President McKinley amounts to $6,200,000. A letter carefully prepared at a conf rencec between Senator Hanna and the moneyed members of the JRepubslican National Committee, has been sent out by that organization This letter calls attention to the r profits the trust manufacturers have been able to secure under Republican rule, and 'ays that to ejoy them in " the future the re election of President ' McKinley is absolutely neiessary. I This letter has gone only to the rich. eat trust%, but the smaller ones wiil i be squeezed later. These contributions are expected : Carnegie, the.Federal Steel com. pally, and the other members of the Steel aqd Iron Trust, $1,500,000 Fiom the Standard Oil Company, $800,000. From the Shipbuilding Trust $500,000. From the Sugar Trust, $500,000, From the Tobacco Trust, a450, 000. From the Paper Trust, $200,000. From the Cracker Trust, 150,000. From the American Wool Com. pany, $150,000. From the American Dead Com pany, $200,000. From half a dozen smaller trusts and highly "protected" industries, $1,750,000. Total, $6,900,000. The Republicans display gaeat alarm over the situation and are es pecially dismayed by the outlook in Ohio. Chocolate Roasted Almonds 10< per box at Candy Kitchen, Annual Meeting of the Looisiana Pre Assoelation. Crowley, La,, April 12, 1900. In accordance with invitation ex tended by the good people of New Iberia, and their recent selection of the time best suitable for them, the 21st annual meeting of the Louisiana Press Association will be held in that cityon May 1,2 and 3. A full attendance of the members is urged, and those not now on our rolls are earnestly solicited to become mem bers, which they can do by sending the annual membership tee to the Secretary, who will arrange for round trip transportation for al!. The only requirement is the applicant must be a bonn fide newspaper man or woman, either editor, manager or publisher. J. Y. GUILuoan, President, Offlcal: La. Press Ass'n. L. 8. SCOTr, Secretary, Crowley, Ls Says the Daily States: The Goebcl law and its author have leen abused without stint, not onl byI Republicans, but such imma culate Demotrats as John Young Brown, Bolivar Buckner and Made line Pollard Brackeonradge, who have dlenounced the law as the sum of all vilianies and Mr. Ooebel as the prnnce of rascals, now, the reader will be surprise to learn that it his prece dents in other States-in Atkansas. in Ohio (think of it I) and in Michi gun. It was in pursurance of the Kentucky constitution, which author ises the legislature to decide contest ed elections and provided a board chosen from the legislature to dtcide such contests, The decision nf this board, however, was not to be final, but was to be r.·ported to the legisla ture. The Court of Appeals, with only one dissenting voice, has decid ed that the recent actiou of the legis lature was co)nstitutional and not sub ject to review by the courts. And it must be remembered that two of the concurring judges are rabid Repub licans The Baltimore Sun, which is by the by, a very pronounce gold paper, ha- the following paragrajph: "Silver i. in great dCmandl jut now in the Far East, Indi:u aid thinti importhig large quantities. The re leaf givcn by the Indnii government to the 4000,000) persons sufitering from famine seems to have called for the coinage of silver, which has been I purchased in Europe. The silver shipped from London to the British East Indies in January and Febuary agregated $4,960,390, so increase of .i. i p'r ce4nt, over the like peio'l of Pr. T 'o lhina the exports were 03i ";:-b. an iucreaise of C3,7 per cent. The outflow to China is thought to he silver for railroad work and payment of troops. Russia and Germany are both spending money oni rairutid" pail mining concessions. The large Eastern demand atealies the Irice of silver. S.ome 12 000,000 fine ounces of silver have gone out, tihe United States supplying 80 per cent, of the amount. I addition to the London shipmentl China took Sdluring the two montbh $1,458,482 i4 silver direct from Sarn Francisco, making the total sent to the East about 14,455.000 Ine ounces of sal ver." II Ahb, what a rich field for plunder it will be afforled the carpet-big gentry in Puerto Rico. The old fellows who figured in that line so conspicuously . and successfully in the South-such - worthies as Kellogg and Warmoth I will abed briny tears because yonnger men will be permitted to enter in and possess the land. With their diplo masters in fraud they realise what a brilliant feats they could perform if they only had the opportunity. Alas, I" old boys, your day is over and you must rest content with the laurels ,t and the spoils won in the heyday of your youth and opportunity. Mlarse Mark and William the Little have e their own pets to provide for, their own pigs to fatten. Ball Against Abridgement of the Washington, April 18,-Senator eChandler to-day iptroduced a bill ,"for the prevention of the denial of the abridgemeut of the right of cita zeus of the United States to vote on e account of color." lo presenting the bill, Mr. Chandler said that he did so by request, and was not yet prepared to press its con: sideration. He said, however, that he Lad drawn the bill himself It i provides that "any requirement ot any State in its Constitution or laws which directly or ndirectly by ex press words or by any device or sub terfuge is pauc'e to apply in its terms or in ita operation to the great body of colored citizens of the State while it is not made to apply to the great t body of white citizens, is hereby de clared to be unconstitutiontl, null mud inoperative." Other sections of the bill author ize colored citizens to vote, regardless of race or of takes restrictions. Colored ratiens also are given the right of action of damages against registration boards refusing them the - right to register, Mrs. T- Alberti, the obliging pro prietres of the debtrever Hotel desires the travelling public to know that she is prepared to furnish meals at all times, from a saedwichor a cup of hot coffee to the most recher che dinner. The hotel is connected by 'phone with Thibodaux and Hou ma, and orders can be given when you leave either town to be served on arrival at Sehriever. Hotel service excellent. The Pelican Club will give an ex cursion from Labadieville to New Orleans on May 13, 1900. Round trip $150. I THE DAILY. t oUNDAY - ISSMI-WEKLYSTTS WILL 0nI8 YOU AIll the Latest News PROM IVERYWHlR.lL THE STATES rIs the LeaIdlng Demeeratl Paper of the Seath... AB the Ziatst lo Pelhis% naelived at Tear Pesbs DAILY ND SUIN STATlES, SUlllDAT STATIIL 1*to so0 pgs. lye, lO IEIl-WELT STATES, PubahedWvery Wednmsday -d aterday. 104 COopies a DAILY STATES NrW ORn.LAN. LA. 1sing oen Ilatel,. Isn a the two years and a ihalf that I have emt at the eablMnet tble," snd Seeretary Lons the other day, "1 have Sever se Presldent MeIltne give the sighteet sign of Irrlitloatsio or Ia. pattesce even when he was nder great stre and i trying etruesa stanees. On the esetrary, he hea al ways been patient and eves cheerful He b the moseet smable ot me." A Waiter's Dtlemmt, It was Io one of the large down town restaurants that the short little woman sad hebar tall bohusband went for dinfber one night "Will you have oysters ?" asked the manss, glacing over the bill of fare. "Yesm." msid the abort little woman., asu be tried in vain to touch her toes to the boor. "And. Joha. I want a has sock." John modded, and, as he handed :is ordikr to the wait'r, he haid. "'Ye.s. and brin a has-ocic for the luay." "One hseck 7"? asked the wait,'r. with what John thounght lmore than or dinary iliterest, as he nodded in the af8irmative tiUl the waiter did not o: but brushed the tablecloth with a towel and rearranged the articles on it several times, while his face got very red. Then he came around to John's aide, and, speaking sotto voce, amid: "Say, mister., I haven't been here long, and I'm not on t, sall the-se things. Will the luady have the h;auock br9iled Ur fri.l " -Chiicago Chronicle. rIM'' L"1 rAr..p/ bead. ae.i r.r p..r. "I!i ' W'n mu quia *mnOq IN pwi a uuu See our line of Mlen's Negligee, and r * Kentucky uIles and Horses. I desire to Inf.orm my friends and t the public in general, that after Dec. 25, 1899, I will have I t Mr. W. C. Ragan's stable, a Bee lot of Kentucky mules and horses, which! will dispose of at reasonable prices, call and see me .PD. C. WATHEN. atest y alletle or f New Muhae. SONUS. By Your Side. A Rabbi's Daughter, Breathe Those Tender Words Aganle. Back to My Hot myIn Illinois. The promises You Made on Your - Wedding Day. INSTRUxawNAL. r Sweet Irene- Schottisehe. 12 ilver Jubilee-March. mules Anglo-Amercan-March. Down South in Allabmle p -Marh. TBrhe Roost-March. Send your Job Printing to this e promisce, Saou Mtisfacton Wedding Day. Guaranteed. M CALLA. NONE BlFFER AT ANY PRICE Sweet Irene- chottm ehe.m d8ivser J ubilge--Msach. TU A Mcal CoNPANv, M AG AZINE 8end yo r Job Printing to thi t aliee, atilsfct a n ernmrates h amum, Va t ara ante lwd . M TE MaCALL CO., to .. --s W. "N M.. Iow Ta Cures Cancer, Palsy, Rheu Dropsy. Medicines alone charged aldene mles below Thibodaux ight Surveying, Leveling, Plantation Drainage, MapL, EtC. Twenty Years' Experience In U. 8. Re Surveys. Will take work in Latoursme Bparish. CorDsease respondend Solicionted...... e.rged bake Into Your Shoes. Allen's, a powder. It cures painful, smBRADFORD.rting, ervous feet and ingrowig nails, Pland intationtly rtakes theinag out of corns and ..... ions. It's the greatest comfort ds Alcovery of the age Allns Foot-Ease It makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweuating, caI lous and hot, tried, aching feet. 'ry it tcoday. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 25c. in stamps. Trial packnge Free. Ad dress, Alien 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, New York. Hotel Donnaud a. S. DNNAUD, Prep. First class aceommoda, tion for Commercal tra veleras. Sample rooms on the premaises. Lafourehe CroInr, . - - La. NEW A I'V EKI'I14L EMNTI, b ab4 CIALSAM -o Inors/,-, .. . -, Tet n', ' 1. rn- .TrR IDa he -, . rtth . r t I. I)o not fenr mcod ''hliwiaux Shoe and *g linie of t1he bhighet gr :na'keut( he(.. MONUMENTAL, A OLE&MO ANDR4l;E WORKS. i ST. PATRIcIoD L CAN4L STUr rm o d Robt. GI Copper, 'la SHEET IRON sThibaoa d SShiop on St. Louis t., and Thibodaux. ,Iug.- of your patro.naag first-class work and at prices. REPAIR Woax PaiMpi H. N. Oo NOTARY Pi TMIIROXUI THOS. LEGtNDR k. SHF_ PA Opposite sank . II have bought the erly owned by wald and am p the best service. a call LOCAL BUSIEBB Pal ine o Paralter i Mal i BLUM 4 ONN, s th Lel, hteshes. a B'088 M. T. Mark.e sm&. Alwae em hbad se beh o BIJOU BALON. . V. Trasgl.. Choie wies uand liquom. jm hand. tr. Onr.m 4 FaOtrr, e. w., Civpamm uad f lwed ubiMl d halag a ~pealaty. L"GEDRB,. C J. Chelee Fammy ýle Fod ud Chareea Ow. Pri.toa of Moeer Dr a hlbo TCmr.a. D . 3. rite/. OTH DRUG CO, I'S. Druv Chai. ca o. Pr... Y1,ool heks. Statioery. Cr. . Philhp ,emts. - Notlona, l're, bool ed sh*n, ma.Cor. M alrS.. et s eem. rgNO. Ch.cA&.,Role , Ioe Jebwelr watlhes l noI. oet ., hitrp. e tween a . Poisip and $ _.i OIGRj'r, DIt J N.J, Natioan, L .,' ,le; .54 Nteet. betwoen tr. Pliji Carn A5 OWL. . MAKrTIN,. Corner ren - ad s. Dr DAOee, DR. . Jt J, a Rem Street. earu . ARUi ld, PIO wa. M. " bM·a to Le*tumbns bNlr i.. Atl eMichemretyw Keni 5. 1 7. &Intu of r1bLhde 31 ouhcuse.: Bank aindiag. leMe In Laroet Itreet. UDUOATIONAL O U k. T em.e. rea. Pmrerate: Lsvee Stree toemaio tn rrowe Barrow - t~oanet mad teorrewi Beak wu