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SUBSCRIBE FOR,... and ADVERTISE 1 • I-JOB PRINTINGO.--.CI ..n The Sentinel. O- i..1 ournal of the Pariah of Lafourohe of e te of he Tor . ..OL . X X X --. - _._D_._ .2 9 __xl THIBODAUX, LA., SATURDAY, APR. 28. 1900. --,141 I X DR. HAMLET MOORE, - VETERINARY SURGEON, AND HOSPITAL Cor. anm Narrow St. g TIIIBODAUIX, LA - CUMBERLAND TELOPHONET : THISODAUX TELEPHONE: d £SIDENCE 43. NESIOENCE 112 0 «ýaEvý+ý~a~a~o~~aa~~aaEaseaf r Local Mention. 7visuts In and Out--Those we we 'e1 sad Those we Hear of. Mr. Jean P'l of the Cut Off was see of the visitors to our town this Bos Ilanna ruled the Re publican convention and had every thing his way. For job printing of all kinds, call oe or write to the SENTINEL. Typogralhical miiitake makes an esteemed contemporary speak of the -high bread schoo"' etc. Seoetor Qnay, of Pennsylvania was rejected from the United States Senate by a vote of 33 to 32. Chocolate Roasted ,Almonds 10c per box at Candy Kitchen. The base ball season has opened. _- Websters will cross hats with e Suusets to mnorlow at Tetreau's Park. The best on earth is a lHannan she. Emile J. Brand, proprietor of Thibodaux Shue and list Store, sole agent. 12-1y. The SENTINFL Job office is prepar. ad to furni.h on shoit notice juitices sad other otfi:ials all kindsl of utllit: blanks uneedd in their line. s Seward's high class chocolates and boolons in one lb boxes at Candy Kitchen. 31 The Railroad Commission has fix ed the winter rate on coal to Houma over the Southern Pacific at $1.15 gr ton from New Orleans. William II. King has been elected sad sworn in as a congressman from the Utah district which had sent Bnngham II. Roberts, the Mormon, to congress. The latest announcement in trust aews is the creation of a "slipper" trust Not even the poor slipper eold slip from the grasp of the trast octopus. Next. FANCY (; IASSWARE. Have you seen the beautiful line Sheandle? nothing old st% Ic. We have vases, cups and saucers, plates sad pretty ornaments. Only 5 and Ik. Come soon. TilE "VARIETY." . Mr. Oscar Angelloz, representative iset, was in town Thiursday, visiting trced.. Mr. Angelloz has fully re. e'rd from his severe attack of lImaonia from which be suffered ling the camlpaign just closed. "Regent shoes" all styles. one pri se Si at The "nRa ket store." r. Joe. . L. Drexler, Veterinary A gpoC, arrived here last week, and tiOW-establihed in our midst to Ietise his profession. He has his INat the stahls of his father, Mr. i L lkie'er, on Harrison street, this tr, tad stands readyl to answer all r lt John H. Fallon the well known t and Granite builder of New Ihui Will be in town ou ilounday 4l1s Purpose of siguning up several 9 nucta for the erection of some Is dtombe etc. Mr. Ed. 3lcCulla of c ridll 1i representinlg Mr. Fallon II r*rlla sd and is a hustler. rtimia Fig Pertfeti.,n in 5 and M..a_ t Candy Kitchen. ol. Vocbe, son of Mr. J. O.i Sof this parish, who was in of the store of Mr. Leon in the Parish of St. John , will leave toward the mlelt month for the Island of I rol.ble bthat lie will visit C tliv and fliends hele before jF |enaqt loard of .lpraiser., in oI t RBlton ouge ai few ldaysl i h ifollowing milage ts- ci OI the railroads iu this ti l, Lon'sians nd Texas. gi SMorgan, Lou:suana r nt i orh of Lfaf\-rtte. $6C'Ofl0 \ S toneru, $1 . The. a orill., a135) . Kauanas ('itn, said Gulf, $4100. the steam a ,tQS Morgan's Louisiana and T r~:IC e' The Donaldsonville Times registers a strong kick against the appoint- et ment of colored men as census enum erators for the town of Donaldson Iville. The Tames is right in protest is ing against such an outrage. The as census enumerators are expected to visit the homes of the people, to ask delicate questions of a private nature, in some instances, and it is a shame and an indignity for the federal admininistration to foist negroes on II the Aeuthern people in such a matter. If the attempt be persisted in by the "l)owers that he" at Washington, n it may result in serious trouble, for 1e it may well be doubted whether our people will submit to the humiliation. l Ilave you seen our "Regent shoe"? it's a beauty isn't it ? well why not try a pair, once worn, always worn. SFor sale at The "Racket Store". Says the Morgan City Review: hI "It is not policy to do so, but every 8 voting preeinct should have an in closed booth." n Right you are; let us have a strict. If ly secret ballot. HERE IS A SAVING FOR YOU. White envelopes 50 for 5c Good note paper 6 sheets for 1c. Stat ford's Ink 2 bottles for 5e. Pens 4c. doz. Lead pencils Ic. Slates pen. (ils 5 for lc. Table Tumblers 2 for 5e . Genuine Boston" Garters 20c. ITooth Brnushes. Combs. Soaps, Face Powders, Perfunies, all at 5c. THE "VARIETY." a Bro. Jolley, of the Morgan City Review, will have his fun, even if it be at Ihis own expense. For instance he gets off this an the last issue of the Review : "There will be a total eciipse of the sun. visible here, on Mar 28. This must not be confounded with the t eclipse of last Tuesday.' Where can you get your noney's worth? where Is the cheapest place to buy your goods? where do they try to please you bheet? our answer, go to the "VARIETY" STORK. A Canadilan editor, hwing asked if I he had seen a bald headed wo man, rephed : "No, we never did. Nor have we ever seen a woman waltzing around town an her shirt sleeves, with a cigar between her teeth. We have never seen a woman go a fishing with a bottle in her hip Ipoket, sit on the damp ground all day and then go home drunk at night. Nor have we ever seen a woman yank off her coat and swear ( she could lick any man in town. God bless her ! She aint built that way." Simla, India, April, 20th.--The distress among the people is spread. ing and 5,5000,000 people are now a receiving relief. Calcutta, India, April 23d.--The reports from the famine districts say that the misery existing there is indescribable and unparalleled, and that the present relief is quite inade quate. Numberless human beings are found dead from starvation, and children are wandering about, h',mu less, naked and emaciated. But Queen ' ictoria is driving about in Ireland, and the people are I cheering and wandering whilst "myan Empire" oand "my subjects" are thus in the throes of starvation and of ti death. _ BDw's Tbhi 0 o We offer One Hundred Dollars Rei, ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh i Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known - F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, s. and believe him perfectly honorable "u in all business traneactious and flnan-, I cially able ,o carry oat any obliga tions made by their firm. Wstr & TaraAX, Wholesale Drug gists. Toledo. (). WaLsnr, Krw,n & MAsavJ., fi \Wh~olsle Druggists, Toledo, O. "4 fIis's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- p naIy. acting directly upon the blood Ias andi mucous surfates of the system. ft Testimonuials sent free. Price 75c. ci .`bo,"le Sold hr all Drnggists. ,t " " '.. c . e : , R3 Zecruiting Station Destroyed. "Manilla, April 16ts, 8.55 p. m. SCapt Dodd with a squadrou of the IThird cavalry, recently surrounded a! village in Benguet province, and surprised 200 insurgents, living in barracks, apparently a recruiting center for the province. The enemy lost fifty three killed. Our troops also captured forty four men and Sburned the village. One American was wounded" In reading the above, the memory 0 goes back to Lexington and Concord, where, not so long ago, other patriots, like the iNor natives of Liuzon, also assembled to drill and to recruit, and were brutally dispersed b3 the minions of English tyranny. Heroes of 75, Shades of American patriots ! Scan you peaceful:y rest in yourgrave, rs while your sons are thus engaged I _ma s, Th Kind You blow ga ze " to Atlo--Saealam Vs. Amerlesalsm. e, The distinction between these two De terms has been happily expressed by al Mr. Bryan. In one of his speeches in in his recent tour of the Pacific Coast, *r. he says : ty Anglo Saxon civilization has taught n, wan to look after his own rights. ur American civilization will teach tr him to resaect those of others. The n. Anglo Saxon civilization has taught the individual to take care of himself, '? while the American civilization hae ot taught the individual that he can n. best preserve his own rights by recognizing the commandment : ".Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." o Why that's a swell shoe you have on, it fits so perfectly, what did you pay for e'm ? 5.00 1 guess ! Oh ! no this is a "Regent" only 3 50, but they are just as good as any 5.00 shoe made. I bought e'm from Challks I J. A. Badeaux; he is the sole Agent your d know. h S Sidney Boudreanx, a hitherto quiet h 1- and inoffensive young man, develop er ed symptons of violent insanity last e. Tuesday morning which nece-sitated :e his incarceration. In his insane delu.ion he violently attacked Mr. B -auregard LeBlanc in the Roth a Drug Store, mistaking him for the a devil and insisting that he was divine it ly commissioned to chastise him. He badly scratched Mr. LeBlauc's face befcre he was over liowered He has been incarcerated ever since for safe keeping, pending his transfer to the asylum. In the meanwhile members of his family residing in Biloxi, Miss., have ft been apprised by friends of his T unfortunate coudition. e lbesr et TDo Kind You Kma A gg llgaatuss ý,Tý`; of --- j ha New Sabserlbers. cy r During the past week we have added to our list as follows : Mr. C. O. Dantin, Store and Pay T, a stat;on 53. 1 Mr. Robert Glover, tinsmith, St. IT Louis St. 94 3. C Mr. D. M. Hatcher Galleu Ranche 143 4. V Mr. Jules Junot, Store, Lafourche, Ti 5.3. Respectfully submitted Ti Cumberland Tel. & Tel. Company, L. H. LANCASTER, Local manager. Died. On the Golden Ranch Plantation on Sunday April 22, 1900 at 7 o'clock p. m. Mrs. Melhiora Braud, wife of Reut E. Boudreaux, aged 45 years. cu The ;uneral took place on Monday Oi afternoon at St. Joseph's Church at 6:30 o'clock. 8. Assumption Pioneer please copy. s5< Ito The Firemen's Parade. We-Ineslay next, May 2nd. will I~e Firemen's Day iu our hIttle city. The various fire companies will have lat iheir parade on that day. Prepara Sn tions on a large scale have been: made, and, with fair weather and dry streets, the festival will be a grand D, one. ..Ga Our friends from the country are 'r especially invited to witoes the in. H( tereuting psarade, and to see our city. pe in its gila att're. .ra' ... ISr. 0TO ThE DEAF.--A rich lady. cured or her , Th Deafrnesa and Noistes in te Head by Dr. Mi Nicbuolson's Artlacail Lar Druuq. gave $i4o0,0 to has Institute, so that deal people Th uunable to procure the Ear Drums may have them free. Address No o. 06Tht Nicholson -e Institute, 70, Eilghth Avenue, New York. th: Did Serles Damage. li Last Sunday's tremendous rain fall did serious damage. In some sections of the parish, in the Chou- Mi picque and Chsckbay settlements, for a lustance, the accumulated waters Dr from above practically drowned the be crop. Some farmers have lost all tor their potatoes, and their corn is. no Let Shake Hams. Now that the excitement Incident ie to the heated political campaign, a concluded last Tuesd;ty week, has id subsided, and the glow of exultation in which cheered the victors and the g gloom of disappointment which hung iy over the vanquished have expended s themselves, let us forget the strife id through which we have lately passed, Um and resume our usual friendly busi ness and social relation., and all y work for the commou good. 1, Our poistical differences we will , have, and, we suppose, in election o times we shall continue to struggle d and fight for our respective causes, ht but life is too short to keep aý it s between elections. We can employ our time to better advantage, in col , tie sting the amenities of life, and laboring to further the general wel fare. 'After all, we are none of us such bad fellows as we are sometimes made out to be ,by some opponents during a heated campaign; ,ad if we would only use a little more of the "milk of human kindness" in our daily intercourse and practise a little o more that divine virtue Charity, we y would all be the better and feel "s happier. t, So let us all shake hands over the 4 fray just ended, and resume the even at tenor of our lives. h t CASTORIA r, For Infants and Children. nTh Kid You Har Always BoBht h Bignature of s t Will Leave Us. e It is with regret that we chronicle ' the fact that Major A. Jolet, Jr. our well known and ftlfi-ient civil engi neer, has deci led to leave us to take up has residence in our sister town of IlHouma. lie will remove on Monday next with his estiwaule family and household gods. While mouening our loss we cannot help congratulating Houma upon its valuable acqui.ition in thus securing 1 the Major and family as residents. The Major will contiue to serve his many friends here in his official and other capacities as in the past, a and will ever bear in grateful remem brac e the many pleasant associa tions of the msny years spent in our mi:lst. Strayed or St glen. Strayed from my premises on March 31, 1901), 1 black horse with white spot ( n forehead and left hind' u foot white, about 15 hands high. 8 Texas brand on left shoulder. Re- Ii ward given to finder. iL Address HENaY THIBODAUX. Thibodaux, La. g 39 gi The vote in the Juilicial district T composed of Lafourche and Terre w bonne was as fol!ows : ct Foa JUiE : wi L. P. Caillouet-Lafourche 1528; 'll Terrebonne 1198 ; Total 2726. s• W. E. 1lowell-Lafourtcbe.1129 ; d( Tercl,onne 633; Total 1762. h Cai!lonet's majority 964. Fui Dirt)i tIr ATTORKEy : di W. P. Martin-Laf,urbhe 1538 ; : Terreboune 1170 ; Total 2708, at L. C. Moise--Lafourche 1114; th Terrebonne 666; Total 1780. o' blartin's majority 928. ja oAMTWO2A.. wi Ezerursie to New Orlesas* sc The Pelican Club will run an ex an cursion from Labadiville to New Orleans on May 13th, 1900. The train will leave tis town at 8. 15 o'clock a. m., thus giving excir sionists ample time and oppoituity A. to attend low mass. Returning the train will leave the t, Crescent City at 9 o'clock p.m. th qu See our line of Men's Negligee, and thl latest style colored shirts, the "Racket the Stote." rf, . ___ vil Last Tuesd'ty noon Mr. John iM. Durand, Jr. ansud Miss Henrietta Dz Gautreaux were married at the St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church, Houma. The Rev. Father Paquet performed the ceremony. Mr. Du rand is the son Mr. J. M. Durand, we Sr. proprietor of Durand's Hotel. I'" The bride is the lovely daughter af.ty Mr. D). O. Gautreaux of Hooms., e They left on thb evening train frl New Orleans, where they will spend their honreymoon. Thle SE:TINESL extends its c)ngrat- i di ulations to the happy couple. - . . . . . . . I la, EEE OU'R SWELL LINE. ha Just received 1000 up to dateer Mll.Wioter clothing samples. Theyh are novelties and you will order. I 3 Dreses well and look wall. Remem. ber we are the cheapest people in town and guarantee a fit everytlme or o no pay. B8 THE .'VARIETY." jw NeeIeIsleal. 0t SIBILLs. n, Louis Sabille, a native of Salerne, is Frnce, ,lied rn Friday April 20.h, s aa few minuetes to 1i o'clock A. te M., in Labadleville, aged 78 years, g 6 months anl 25 days. d His funeral took place last Satur. e' day at St. Philomene's church Labs I, dieville at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. - The deceased was well and favors 11 bly known here where he resided dur uig many years, pursuing the peace. II ful avocation of a peddler. n He was an honest man well liked e by a large class of our polpulaton s, with whom he came in contact. it He had a sister living in Labadie e ville, Mrs. Basset, the mother of our respected fellow citizen, Mr. Jules L. d Basset, recently elected police juror - from the first Ward. a Soteringham--iE**. f Last Wednesday afternoon Mr. f Robert Ketteringham and Miss Kite r Keefe were united in the holy bonds e of matrimony in St Joseph's Church e in the presence of their relatives and *l a large concourse of friends. After the ceremony the bridal party repair. e ed to the hospitable mansion of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Keefe, the bride a parents, where the happy couple re ceived the congratulations and best' wishes cf relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ketteringham left on the afternoon train for New Orleans on a bridal tour. The groom is the son of Mr, W. L. Ketteriugham, the well known con. tractor and builder, aud is a young man unouiversally respected and esteemed for his many good quali ti, s. The bride is a native of this town, an accomplished young lady, and a' great favorite in the community. The SENTINEL tenders congratula. tlons to the happy couple and joins its wishes to those of their many trieads for a happy and prosperous journey along the path of conjugal life. From Lockport. Rditor Sentinel: The election is over and th3 result, while disappointing to some, is: nevertheless accepted by all without a murmur or any claim of fraud which is so often made after an election. Here's success to the luckyo ones and may they make us good public servants; here's consolation to the defeated--others have been there before and others, still have a future before them. The two fairs given for the benefit of the Lockport public school, April 8 and April 15, realized the snug little sum of $427.93 net, which will' iusure us a ten month session. A meeting of those patrons of the i 'school who had been instrumental in giving the fair, was held at the last Friday evening The final reports of all committees were heard and the committees dis charged. The thanks of the body wasb voted to all who contributed lime, means or patronage to the success of the fair. Several hundlesdl dollars more would have been realized had it not rained. Our school is in a flourishing con dition. There are at this time 155 names on the rorl. The average attendlance w:ll probably reach 130) th a month. This speaks well for our town. Full schools means empty jails and poor asylums. It also means more voters iu the future who wiil know how to scratch a ballot ift it is thought necessary. An educated ballot means much for our state but none but the educated, patriotic! voter is capable of wielduing it. The school teacher is abroad in the land and a great work is before him. At the recenut election town officers were elected for the village of Lock. lport as failows: G. Abribat, mayor; J. U T,1ps8, G. D. Barrios and Dr. A. J. I'rte , councilmeo; and J. IS. B;a'ker, liarbhal. We wou:d suggest to our new y elected village olfficials that good stree'.s and good ban. quet'ea with a strict einforcement of the ordinances already puhlished and the passage antd enforcement of ai few more will ,on pilace our little village in the ioad to prosperity. With conugratulatious to our frend Dr. A. J. Pi kee. Yours--X. Ct'ILL PAD. Memethlg iew! Cureas Cilies u tholt mediecine. I it ails we reflin your mouey. Si),00stio back our uaranULtee. A s're prevenhative. If your rugglllst does not keep the Dr. Klon gCbill "ad we will mall you one on 0 receipt of pries i1iu. TUI DK. KINO CuILL PIAD CO.. -Memluhis.em.Ten. ? -v Would Ha. Nen aetter. "-The results of the election in Aca dia parish are most gratifying to all bLemuocrats. The majoritie are much larger than we had expected, and haul the day been such that the vot ers could all get to the polls, it would have been much better."-C-rowley Mirror. Here, also, the Democrats lost votes on ascount of the bad weather But they had votes to spare, as it was. Shrewd Buyers Need no Urging, Rush of Business From a. Whirlwind of Bargains' PRICES GO TO PIECES, BUT QUALITY REMAINS FIRM. Ours are the Values that will Unlock your Pocketbook Ladie b Shirt Waists, pretty patterns worth c. late .t desig.,, st'ks from c to $lu0. l. aules. d tes tts, Imfrom to t e each. Ladles Lmbrella. in tbhis line we will wI e have the largest amrrtment and uphold our n.putatlon of having the It 1 bt o v e ta in town. .twt snoods obtainable for the money. L I0 ullo ('orta. Irm t.e up Indludln* ('hil~lrela' Psnrsuaoi frm to 441. Csummer Corsets. Misses Corstu. Waist.s, Ladles Ilankkerchlef. iu all white H. S. tc ertc- the het orl hrders, swiss r Ladsrs Hoslery, in all the heet groods n beee lid , etc. atl lIatt tyles. See our "big vlue"' A nice lie of owels at lowest possible for Ilkain cottn wn linen. Ladles kana all sizesg, styles and colors, Widow Shades. in this line we ry the from the cheapelt tl the finest. best, and sell t n hee c er ian any. Sur N. N. N. Thread is not n the trust's store in town, ha a pretty au sonment bhauda, eon.sequently we are t11l selling from Ioo up. Please note: We guaran it 3 spools for inu. emember we guar- tee anl our Shades to work Ierreotly. anton every spool, onr greatly increased Curtaln Poles with brass fxtuores, . sale cleurly provets itmertha. With wood fixtunre, d Ld ies Dg Collar elt, "the latest at Children's Straws In big variety from e aurnd big. c Ilko G p t u ,75c. Turkey ,li Table Cloth, fast colors. "Pear" Toilet Soap 15 and r . a ce. c a yard. 'utle" Toilet Soap 5c per box. All White Linen Table (loth. tk a ya. "('utl l PaTler So Ic per box up. "nBox Papetr from ro a box up. All our goods are exactly as repre S gain" may signify in other stores. here it has but one meaning and that is "A MONEY SAVER." See our big stock of Gents' Furnishings, Ladies Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats. "The Racket Store,I CHAS. A. BADEAUX, PROP. Main Street, Thibodaux, La. Phone 130 AC Ata for Nunnally's. Candies Thibodeaux Drug Store, THIBODAUX, LA., Cor. MAIN & St. PHIILIP St. j offers its customere all possille induce melits il retlrn for their patronage. Low T Wh rich-. Lare t Secto ns. Poite ttenti. oE. P. Lsfort. A. J. Tetreau _ Lefort & Tetreau u Wucesorq to I. TUirKrAU: * Co. Livery, Feed Undertaking B i Establish,"ent -Why Not Have a Oumberland 'Phone? ,a ra ....$Tr CoPER MONTH Which gives yon fr.. 5lrVi,.e to r,'r suhshrih-ra to this *y.'hungs. which means nearly every planter on Bayou lafrlr.h' frcln NaP oleonville to Lockport--a dist~snee of alsul 44 njiles............ tLpecial rates for planters in the surro'indin country. Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Company,