Ihe o Furniture " Estabhishmefti
----OF IP
!-rEdgar F. Riviere,~~ e
,.., MAIN STREET....
____ _PRI MAN Tm11
The Place to Buy A
Paints, Oils, .
Harness, and I
SAgriaultural Implemenrts
-Is AT
H. RiViere & Co.
'Phone 108. Cor. ,lfain and Green Sts.
o o . c _ ... . : -, -
Is now prepared to furnish the best and cheap
est brick in the market................ d
One million bricks on hand ready for delivery.
Choice Rough Dressed
" Cypress Lumber.
All Dimensions Sawed to Order and Delivered.'
Lafourche Crossing, La.
In the Advertistig Columnis ,,f a Popullar Newsipaper are
heralds of a successful business career. The
Is a 1'opular Newspaper, and is rE·.ognized as a good Ad
.ertising Medin.q. .
The ~entinel Establishment turnis out up-to-date work.
F"tinate. ~oi"i ited ,', any ('lass ,f P'rintiny.
Trustee's Sp.!'..
UNITED s 'AT',S ,iISTRR: :.t'?T U,
IN TilE MAI"TER ok TtE BANRnUr:'T('.. |"
ori L. P. IAUDE.I
pursuance of an order of sale to Ile
directed in the above-entitled bankrupt- uj
cy, Iy the Hon. L. C. Flse, Referee in p.
Bankruptcy, and bearing date the 3rd.
day .of April. ,It,. and empowering tme.
the utlder-igned Trustee to sell by puti
ti. aitt',on the- real etate surrendered f
by the said bankrupt, to pJ :tvdebts.
now, thelfore, 1, Ilenry N. ,,uon, r
'I'rustee of the aforesaid itaukrtuptcy b
will, on I
W1bi, at the Court House, in the Town of
Tlhibslaux, proceed to sell the following h
described property, to-wit: ti
1. The southern portion of Lot No.
Seven, (7), which said Lot No. 7. fronts
on St. P'hili p Street and Levee Street. i
the said southern part thereof MIcasur- d
ing thirty one feeIt on St. Philip street,
with the* depth thereto Iloniginig, a
huinded in front or east hv St. I'hilip
Street, i|ortlh by tI remaiilder of l L.t
No. Set en (ow: a strt-et) icing a sulaui- p
\ iion of Lot No. Fifteent, on the p:lan of
the Town otf 'Thiboltaux. I
2. Lot No. Five of time sulsdivision of i
Lot NoI. Fiflteen, of the plain of the Town
of Thibsd;aux, fronting tifty feet on St.
Philip Street, i:easuring ninety two a
feet ,n the Iots Nos. Two, and line, fifty Ii
feet n Lout No. Four, and ninety t\wo
feet on Lots NoS. Six and seven, Ibund
ed north by Lots Nos. NSi and Seven, it
east byv St. Philip Street, north by Lots
Nos. 'two and tne, and west by Lot No.
Four of the said subslivision.
3. A certain lot of ground. situated in
the Town of 'l'hitlhdaux, and designated
on a particul3r plan made hv .ames it.
(;riuage, on .Ianuarv 6th. 1l7, as Lot t
No. Six. fronting on Levee street, se
venty three feet on Lot No. Seven, fortyI
nine' feet on Lot No. Fiv~, and forty I h
s-'ev l-t feet On Lot No. Four, bounded in
front or north by said Ievee Street.
east bIv Lot No. Five, and west by Lot C
No. Ftr, of said su$livision.
T"ec,'ther with all the buildings and
improvement.: thereon, nd all the
right. and privileges thereto talhnging. I
Terms. Cash on the splt in i.. .
Treasury Notes.
Thitodaux, la.. April 14th. 19o0.
11. N. C'otI.oN,
THOMAS. A. lADEAUIX, Atty. of CounDel
of 'Trustee.
18th. Judicial District Court,-Parish of
31791 T'IIEiDt'LE .SAvoIE, HUsBAn.D.
This case having been regularly fixed
for trial and taken up and tried, and the
law and the evidence Iwing in favor of
the plaintiff and against the defendant.
It is therefore ordered, adjudged and
decreed, that the plaintiff do have and
recover judgment against the defendant. I
decreeing a separation of propertv atnd
di solving the community of acqulet j
and gains hitherto existing between g
It is further ordered, adjudged and I
deereed, that Plaintiff, Mrs. c'lementine
Allemand, be, and she is hereby em
1 powered to resume control of her own
paraphernal affairs and to administer
them separate and apart fronl her hus
hand, as fetlte sole.
It is further rderedl. adjudged and
dccreed that plaintiff do have jud mnent
againsrt andl recover ,of her husband, the
sum oif Eleven hundred Ltlnd S.ventV
two and 47-loI dollars. with legal inter
est thereon from judicial demand, and
further recognizing plaintiff's legal
mortgage and lrivilege to be paid by
pri ile;:e and preferencee aceorded by
law, otI ail the prolperty immovable and
moE able, if her said shtland. Said
legal mloartgage and priviieie to date
from the 19th. day of l;Iarch, l~Mtil, to
secure -aid judglme.nt, and the same is
declarce! executory.
Thus done Saturday, March. 24th,
10pt. and read and signed March, 27th,
19t0, in open court.
(Signied) L. P. Caillouet, .fudge 18th.
Judicial District.
IPihed March. '2th, NlhIt. (Signed) J.
A. U. Coignet, D'y. Clerk.
"A trute tcopy'"
I Clerk's (ttlee
Thibxldaux, La., ~larch. ~)th, 1900.
P. J. A'coIsN,
D'y. Clerk of said Court
18th Judicial District Court,-Parish of
lll '-IF-No. 1596 PRaI:ATES.
to) ait order and decree of tile above
Court and to a commnlnlission to, me direct
ed t in tilte anhove entitled and number-i
succession. I will offer for sale at puuli"
auction, pursuant to law to the last antd hidder at the Court House in
th,- Town of Thibodaux on
SA,\TURDAY MAY, 19. 1!00,
between the hours of 11 o'clock a. m.
and 4 o'clock p. m. the following des
e ribed property to-wit:
A ('ertaln Fraction of lot of ground,
situated in the town of Longueville,
this parish, on the left bank of bavou
Lafourche at about twenty miles below
the town of Thibodaux, in Block No. St,
as per plan Drawn by A. ID'Hemeeourt,
said fractional lot measuring twenty
seven (27) feet six (t) inches fronting on
larataria street, hv one hundred and
ten (110) feet it depih adjoining on the
South to the fractional lot sold to Harry
Edwards, and on the North to the frac
tilonal lt of RItev. Nelson Taylor, now or
formerly together with all the buildings
and improvements thereon.
ltein tile same property acquired hrby
Marcus Fields from Rev. Nelson Taylo',.
on the 17th day of Septembes, 170t (See
C(. It. No. 13 folio 4Wt) onil the following
terns and Conditions viz For Cash to
pay debts.
Sheriff of the parish of Lafourche.
April 14th 1900.
J. S. lELLIt', Esq.,
Attorney of Succession.
- i - - do
ff lo,
The Vista of two Years.
Two yeais ago Spain decldar
ed thalt a state of wa! c tsedl between tL
Ait nuld the 'aited -tart
Iwo ycaie agi,, to das. with ino dlrem t
,Df imjperl ali,. ansut un,itcl is in tlhe
days of Washiugtou. we b i,,l taken
up arms not only to fret a, strugglng o
people fromn tyr:uny, but to vinrluwate
our hoior as at nation. Ith
1'h.tL ha:e th .e tw,, year brought ,
forth. \,D,.ry and mourirg -he n
retain of gire:t lh roes :and the dlis
bauding of ainien, but not the coin- pr
tent that should folhow peace.
On opposite sitse of the wo d we th
have acquired island and coaling sta
tions, and the care of brown peoples. io
On these islands we have seen our
flag welcomed, our soldiers hailed as ar
deliverers and our country blessed as
a protector.
I We have seen the patience of these th
peoples sand their faith in our honesty w
gradually worn beyond endurance, by
the degeneracy of the party in power. or
We have seen them--already naked w
and starving-burdeued with addi th
tional taxes. ce
We have seen established in the ti
islands we assume to own, a system
of tyranny an I injustice such as
Spain nevir dreamed oL . I
We have seen the dreltd of imperin'. et
ism-the dream of government by the o
few and for the few-the lust for colo- h;
nies, the overriding of pledges, and a n
financial capacity on the part of the f
i Adm:nistration such as would do tl
credit to the oil Carthaginian kings. I
Was the war worth all tLis ?
Shcu:td it not hive lift somethulg tf
Shetter Ia Its wake than th:cane:.c:.- t
EX. f.
For job printing of all kinds, call ;t
on or warte t"' the SENTINs.L. t
Cypress Swamp 8ell at Good Prices.
S Houma, April 25.--Recently there 0
have been several large transfers of C
valuable swamp lands and sawmills V
in this parish, in the vicinity of Gib.
son City. Mr. F. Faudal sold to the I
Sutcher' Moore Cypress Company,
e Limited, for the sum of $80,000 his o
large sawmill near Gib-on and 12,0(0 L
acres of cypress swamp land. With
i the exception of 3000 or 4000 acres c
situated in the adjoining parishes of
SL.sfourche and Assumption, the land '
sold by Mr. Faudal is in this (Terresive
I monne) psrish. Another extensive
e laud .teal was recently made on Bay
a ou Chacahoula, above Gibson City.
r Mr. Jules D'Eschaux sold his saw
' mill and 6000 or 70(0 acres of f
tl swamp land, for the sum of $56.500,
to a cormpany composed of Messrs. t
. ,hJh DIbcet. Willinam II. Stark and
Edgar W. Biown. The purchaseis r
are residents of Orange, Tax., and
Y Lutcher, La.
Some years ago these swamp lands
i purchased by Messes. Fandal
C and D'Eschaux at the insignificant
B price of $1 and $1.50 per acre. The
prices recently paid gives a fair idea
, of the way in which that class of
property is enhancing in value.-T.
iil's Eulogy On Lee.
The '.Lost Cause" makes the fol.
lowing rextract from an address de
livered by Senator Ben Hill before
the Southern Historical Society at
, Atlanta, February 17. 1874 :
'.When the future historian shall
Scome to sulvey the character of Lee,
he will find it rising like a huge
T I mountain above the undulating plain
of humanity, and he must lift his
j eyes high tiward heaven to catch its
summit. He poese-sed every virtue
n of other great commanders without
their vices. He was a foe wi:hout
hate ; a friend, without treachery : a
Sv:ctor without oppression, and a victim
without mmururing. He was a pub
litc otfficer without vices; a private
t, citizen without reproach; a Christian
e without hylwrisy and a man without
w guite. He as a Caesar without his
Sambition; a Frederick without his
. tyranny; a Napoleon without his
selfishness, and a WashinIgton with
a out his rewd. He was obedient
y to authority as a servaut, and loyal
an authority as a true king. He was
Sgentle as a woman in life; modest
and pure as a virgin in thoughts;
, watchbful as a Roman ve-tal in duty;
ce submissive to law as Socraets, a d
gt and in battle as Achilles !"
C. A sarcastic exchange gives its
redlers this information as to the lest
n. way to deal with trusts: "Boycott
Sthe trusts ! Boycott the steel trusts-
be honest. Quit the acap trusts-go
,lirty. Boycott the tobacco and
chewing gum trust-chew the rag.
Quit the sugai trust-don't get sweet
,n anylboly maleor female. Boycott
the match trust-don't get married.
SQuit the whiekey trust--lriuk butter
4 milk and catnip tea. Quit the oil
trust-go to bed at dusk. Boytott
Sthe coal trust-the next world will
be hot enough to m:ake up for any
chilliness in this one."
A loy's Essay on Hornets.
A hornet is the smartest bug that
flies. He comes when he pleases,
Sand goes when he gets ready. One
way a hornet shows his smartness is
by attending to his own business,
and making everyhody who interfer.
es with him wish they had done the
same thitg.
When a hornet stings a fellow he
knows it, .Ald Ie\ tr 1to; s t::'.'n
about at as long as his friends w;;l
Isten. One day a hornet stung ,oay
pa (my pa is a preach, ) on the nose,
and he did not do any pastoral visit
ing for a month without talking
about the hornet.
A Oonter Shot.
The N.w Y-, k \Vrldl .av '
-"The RHp'iblili.ns may .resiloot fill
tair COs t'loi"lhis' --the Lray "lP
.oliilt ino el'd of ~clllllllttc. to InV '1 -
tg. tte ir.tst--Ltley imay! intro lu-.e
;.,in'itutiuina! alUit'li,cntu1,a n a d i lls
galorle agall't I,Uonopl,'iea ; it will not
do them any gotn.l
-'The true test of the sincerity of
their pr.f,..isle oppisiitiou to coO
crus like the Situel and Iron Compa
ny, awl a hundred.l other trn+ ts and
moIopolies that are promotedl and
protected by a high taritf on goods
which they se!l chl-aper abroad than
they do at home, is this :
,"Will they repeal or su.'peud dur- .
log the existence of a trust or other
monopoly all tariff duties upon the S
articles made and controlled by such M
monopoly ? re
,,This is the only proof of sincerity a
that Informed and determined voters p
will accept," 01
The World hits the nail squarely lI
on the head. It the Republicans P
wish to convince the country that
they are oppos.ed to the trusts they
can do so Iby taking up and passing ,
the resolution offered in the Senate U
by 31r. Pettigrew of South Dakota, a
providing for the removal of all tariff a
duties on articles made andl coutroll.
ed by trusts. This resolution wan a
offerred to a committee, but nothing
has baen h.eard of it rince then and
nothing will be reported as to its
fate. It will never be presented to
the Shnat:', for the reason th:at the
IRepublican party created the trusts e
and d ire not antagonize them, and ,
thus cut off the source from which ti
they delive their supply oI campaign e
fouls." t
'Ilhe f.e.bile dleclaration against I
iruIat containiet in the platform of 0
tle Republican conventi.u in Ohio
shows how comnpletely that party is b
hound to the trusts. There is no a
danger whatever that the challenge t
of the New York World will be ac- s
cepted by the administrasion at t
Washington, but on the contrary the f
Pettigrew resolution or any other '
legislation the purpose of which is to
regulate and restrict the operations
of trusts will nuºt he permitted to get
through Congress. as long as William A
McKinley o.-cupies the presidential I
chair and has a majority in the
House and Senate to do his bidding.
The tariff is the mother of trusts and
the Republican party is The daddy.-
States. I
The Westlake Herald remarks :
Capt. C. T. Cad,, erstwhile Rep.
fuse candidate for Secretary of State
in Louisiana, and the doughty gen
tleman who was going to lead an
I "armed force to the ballot box," has
returned to his ranch home in Texas.
Every now and then some one asks
us to explain the difference between
ammonia and nitrogen as printed on
fertilizer tags, says Rural New Yorker.
Nitrogen Is one of the elementary sub
stances. Ammonia Is nitrogen mixed
with another gas called hydrogen. Hy
drogen has no value as a fertilizer.
" Nitrogen is 14 times as heavy as hy
- drogen. Ammonia is a mixture of one
part of nitrogen and three parts of hy
t drogen. A pound of ammonia, there
fore, contains only 13 1-5 ounces of
I available nitrogen. You will see that
a fertilizer contains 2 per cent of nitro
gen it would naturally contain nearly
e 2% per cent of ammonla, because all
C the nitrogen would be combined with a
8 certain amount of hydrogen, and thus
s give more weight Pesbaps we can
e make a practical Illnstration by com
t paring wheat flour and bread. - Every
t body knows that, so far uas food value
is concerned, we would rather have a
pound of flour than a pound of bread,
because the bread contains not only
Sthe flour, but water, salt and other
e things which are not true food. Let s
n say that a pound p flour would make
il 1% pounds of bread. A baker might
s ay, "Here is a barrel of floar, weigh
Slug 196 pounds, which represents 294
pounds of bread." No man would say
that 196 pounds of bread contalin as
Smuch food as the barrel of flour. The
t difference, therefore, between nttrolea
I and ammonia Is that a pound of nltro
b gen Is all useful as plant food. whereas
t only 13% ounces of ammonia are worth
anything to the plant.
d H1i, Pree orf meIt.
The prediction made last spring ad
summer that there would soon be a
dearth of cattle and swine oin this coun
le try seems to be realized If the advane
t Ing prices of meats are any Indlcation,
I writes E P. Smith In the Boston Culti
vator. It Is not always that advances
in the retail prices of meats benefit the
Scattlemen and farmers, but they
should itf matters are rightly regulated."
* The producers of cattle should retfsen
it to sell if they cannot share in the ad
t vance In prices, especially In a year
j. like this, when there Is none too
t many In the country. In cattle ralisng
il fotr market breeders should keep ln
mind the fact that they practleially
control prices If they but co-operate.
i The smal breeders are of course at the
1 mercy ot the large ones and must let
their eattle go for the prices that the
largeonessellat. The breederwhoraises
a thousand head of cattle can on gen
eral principles sell his cattle at less per
pound and make a profit than the faim
t er who raises a dozen. If oea under
5, stands his business. It is easier to con
ze duct a large cattle enterprise than a
is small one, and profits are correspond
, Ingly more satisfactory. Quick profite
r- and many of them should be the motto
of the breeders today. Good times may
not last long. but while they do we
should make the most of them. Bred
e animals rapidly and fatten thm for
n the market in the very shortest time
.; ipos~ible. Ttcn. when 3te trade ba-om
eter indicates a t.iling off in Gc aand,
s, and the supply in the country Is large.
it sell quickly, even at a little less than
you anticipated. Do not find yourselt
ig Is porsseslo of large herds when the
e"tj st esa . nte
In toa e dI that ansay "
tjrj o;uy woSt hlfjI ads 'r.urk.
asLted, erut to nu ., u.. + and
rubile. AlsAyS Ii, bewt. ANk
tfr Ferry a--take no otlio.2
Wv'. a I1 saw AsneAl
S ].FERRY >& C4-
Srve surplts Frlit.
Mllions of dollars' worth of fruit an
nually goes to waste because in its
marketable state, when green, the mar is glutted, says The Agricultural
Epitomist. Evaporation would save
much of this loss. Even drying in the
sun is better than to permit the fruit to
rot. The only trouble is that fruit hon
estly evaporated on the farm Is com
pelled to compete with sulphured evap
orated fruit, which, though It may be
Interior in quality, sells at the highest
price because it is of brighter color.
Some of the finest appearing evapo
rated fruit will likely be found to have
been treated either before or after
evaporation with the fumes of sulphur,
and it is probable that sulphur will be
used as long as the eye of the consum
er demands first to be satisfied. But
with evaporators as cheap as they now
are, and with a good market for such
fruits during a large portion of the
year, there can be no excuse for sac
ricing any portion of the fruit crop.
What the Best E*eers Do.
Breeders generally would make mon
ey by observing the practice of those
who command the highest prices for
their cattle, says the Tennessee Farm
er. In the first place, they do every
thing in their power to keep up the
standard of their herds. In the next
place, they never cheapen their cattle
by offering cheap bargains. As a rule,
with very rare exceptions, the very
best bargain offered In any sale is the
highest priced animal There are num
bers of herds In the United States from
which. In order to buy a choice calf,
bull or heifer, one has to engage it be
fore it is dropped. These are the herds
whose practice It tehbooves the begin
ner to study.
Good For bhe Serb Cow.
The best cow owned by the Kansas
Agriculturateollege gave last year 9.116
pounds of milk and 354.7 pounds of
butter fat. The value of the product
for the year was 573.17. For the best
month last year she gave 977 pounds of
milk and 37.12 pounds of butter fat
For the first month of this year bher
milk yield was 1.250.1 pounds, which
made 44.89 pounds of butter fat This
is an Improvement over her best month
last year of 2783 pounds of milk and
T.77 pounds of butter fat, or 21 per
"L JOJ u aJ.r Wtn rrn l S
-qttr amoq 3 p nu
t1a £sgslA Dpus
Send your Job Printing
to this Office., Satisfaction
Kentucky Iules and Horses.
I desire to Inform my friends and
the publi in general, that aftAer Dec.
25, 1899, I will have at M3r. W. C.
I Ragan's stable, a fine lot of Kentucky
mules and horses, whichl will dispose
of at reasonable prices, call and see
Mas-. J. 8. C. GAZZO
Cures Caucer, Palsy, Rheu
matism. Bright's Disease
Medicines alone charged
SBrtsldence 10 miles below Thibodaox. aight
bank of Bayou Lafourene.
Rayne, AQgadia Parleb, La.
Surveying, Leveling, Plantation
Drainage, Map, Etc......
Twenty Years' Lizperienoe
In U. S. Re.Surveys. Will take
work in Lafourche parish. Cor
respondence Solicited..........
S bhake Into Tour Shoes
b Allen's Foot Ease, a powder. It
cures painful, smarting, nervous feet
and ingrowing nails, and instantly
takes the stiung out of corns and bn.
ions It's the greatest comfort dls
. covery of the age Allen's Foot-Ease
- makes tight or new shoea feel easy.
a. It Is a certain care for sweating, cal
I- lons and hot, tried, aching teet. Try
Sit to day. Sold by all druggsts anod
' shoe stores. By mail for 25c. in
Sstamps. Trial pack.,ge Free. Ad
Sdress, Allen 8. Ol.usted, Le Roy,
j. New York
, Hotel
I Donnaud
A. a. DO(NAUD. Prop.
SFiust class accommoda.
Stion for Commercial tra
Svelers. Sample rooms
on the premises.
Lafou rche Crossing, . - La.
1L. LL RUUE'S D0. as L&D Abas.-
K'PZ Dry
Do not fear coltd sd
Thibodaux Shoe and Ilat
line of the highest grade
BLEAd# eAT "
Robt. Glov
Copper, Tin
Thibodau, 14
Shop on St. Louis St.,
and Thibodaux. Sol
of your patronage,
Brst-class work and at
Boofig and GQtteeugi
Raaia Woax Paoiur _
H. N. Coul
I have bought the
erly owned by Jo0'
wald and am pre
the best service.
a call
D Ory looed
SClotbthi. boots. shoe, bals,
Full liue of Furiature. LMal
St. Louis Streets.
r B UIG N. T.
Market SSinq,,e
Always on hand the bess fl
Market Street.
, 5, V. Traigt,
Choioe wires sad Itquors. as
I - baud. Cor. Oreo aid
CyP ress and Pla
Cres amd Jawed Nimle
Sshkoi(g a spsoialty.
Choice VPainl
Also Feed sad Uaresal. Cer.
Boss esreets.
1 TYER, DS. A, J. fJ. s t
Physlelam mand
Propriesors of Meyer
Thibodaux. La. P. KP. 3 .
R178 DBUG VO, lVt'
SDrug, Chemicals, Prfameli,
Stataoseery, ste. Cor.r Ma a
.lotw r&co.. *liEN. -;
Nots. sts. bucs amid
SCor. Mel. & a8. Lsslim -es
I. P. J. almle..
Dr e., Chemlals. Telet
~Scbol books. lStkaeeo. I,. .
Philip street.
Notions, LadiEs bea 'sd
te making. cnr Markt s.d .
Z -BR.0T. VxY-,.
W,Wachmake" A
Pise Jewelry. wataes wdt
Street, beltwes SLt Phidp a .i
It Y)Duamg
Iet BACiARD, (D.D. aLI
* oorn Or eat . d a.
SD DO-,,. 3.3 -
Der ds
0 *O*e : MaeaSri'st....& t'o -
Bd ADI UX, TdO :A A.,
d Bank of LateseIb
, [jtOWLL & MARTIl
Boome 3, 6 7, ,ekt yIf
Oeloe: Bank basuldmag.
:* Give, instrumeotal Yeal 1
I ,moms. _c_.nese: Lv I m*,.
A,,G,-,PRO. LM
.. Mathematik inghL f..
St. Michael Stret.
Kept b the Bisters ef NoeS
Maket Streo.
SCO'LOW, H. -.
totaryPm m
Rea', . - brro
-" , bud dinli[, ud
;IMLP(L U~1 ~lcl~nr* i~+