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IIIL BIýjt Branches enIn Tie Sentinel. I+ i viitanL_ Ofioial JourmaIl of t}. Pariih d Laouxhoe and luardiaa ci the Interest of the Town. 'x x Iy. - THIBODAUX, LA., SATURDAY, JUE, 3. 1900. SCK DR. HAMLET MOORE, ~ VETERINARY SURGEON, --OFFICE, · AND HOSPITAL Oor. M&Larkt .ad Narrow Bts. THIBODAUTX, LA .WL..DTIeLnPONK: THIsoDAux tKLEPNONg: gITDLNCC 43. OSIDTANO 11 a Q~9044~01HltRIR3R~H~~ L~"m~ ~~S . Loal Mention. 1 u snd Out---Those we Meet ,. T hose we Hear of. L gaey Himel, of Tailleau, was .In smady and Monday. I sand ris. Loots F. luflmann, fl Iberia, were visiting relatives l Governor has signed the bill peg to the locking of Bayou la, *I 0. A. Knoblocb, of Smoke I wasreertntly the guest of her Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ragan. bs Seatinel received a pleasant Moaday from Mr. Edmund Sau d Luftorche Crossing. Mb Les Chauvin, an attractive lady of Ariel, was in town dur h week. l. OMra Hackett, of Terrebonne, 'agling among friends in town 1* bade Knobloch, Esq., and Robt. commission merchants of Orleans, were in town Sunday. Mother Apoline who had come i- for the convent fair, returned to -w Orleans Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. H. R Dupre left Wednesday 1 a two week's visit to relatives in rowley and Acadia parish. Mr. Theo. Bergeron, of Ilouma. we an agreeable guest in town last iaday. Mr. B. took in the convent ,r. lk. Thomas Stark and Mr. Allen visted the Crescent City this the doctor returning Wednes-. Mr. Thomas Beary took a trip to Orlesas to meet his son Van lb was dee there yesterday from t L Mary's College. Jege I P. 'Caillouet returned hew Orleans yesterday with his Idwia and Adrien, just back t. Mary's College, Kentucky. . IL J. Braud, the popular cash f the Bank of Lafourche, took a trip to New Orleans last nlday, returuiug Thursday I IAc.s Morvant who was a stu fthe University of Virginia bt arson, is home again to he vacation with his parents .o5 the Lafourche ieople who -- w Orleans this week were Charmton I. Beattie, L. A. C. 8. Mathews, Simon Abra )Ul Mgene Coustantin. Sthe Lsfourcho people who New Orleans this week were nin tis. W. E. Howell and *j.8. Perkins, of Waverly, and 4. TroL e of this town. ' hll Dupre and Miss Ves lartdi g little girls of Opel. M ba-n spending some time 4Iths uests of Miss Odile Bai - Jason street aeri Blimel, a po.pular young .K As ption, and dlaughter of dot tel of Himdl:uys plan,. Sa pleasant guest of the 5Ivait on Rienzi last week. L . eearth is a lannan mlJ. Braud. proplrietor of Shoe and lisat Store, sole 12-ly. LL. Mrs L. A. Blouin of Bush r.ned home from New Yesterday with their sons ., attending Spring ilill Edwin Calilouet, Adrien - Il Paul Caillouet, arrived bOn SLt. Marys College, a Kentucky, to speId( the at home. 3lasters Charles Sad Egene and Francis Ro. also sttendi,g the same " bpped in New (rleans on a -Irlatives and will come home Mr. Paul Aucoin, son of our wor thy townsman, Mr. J. Louis Ancoin, made a flying trip to Crowley Sun day in the interest of the Pelican Club's excursion which will be given on July 8. This week's rains will prove very inju:ios to the crope as they inter fered materially with their working, which at bis season cannot be delay ed long. .es.sis tlNToivn a I We return our thanks to Master Webster Bollinger, a young cadet from this parish at the Louisiana 8tate University for an invitation to I attend the commencement exercises of that well known State institution extending from June 22nd to 27th. A smokestack of the sugar house a on the White plantation was blowna down during last Monday's rain and wind storm, which was more severe i in that section than elsewhere in tie parish. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Bethan. court, of Houms, paid our city a brief visit the beginning of the week, they were the guests of Mrs. B's. fath er, Mr. Ozeme Naquin, of St. Philip 1 street. Mr. J. Noel Lefort, a merchant and prominent citizen of Leeville, in this parish, died about fifteen days I ago, leaving a wife and eleven chil. dren to mourn his untimely demise, for he was in the prime of his life. ivras "tese 1W A L% h* I ,16 We have received the first number I of the frst volume of The Rayne 4 Herald, a little four page monthly, devoted exclusively to writing up the section of country from which it hails. It deserves to succeed, and we wish it suaoxes. Notice is hereby given that the Thibodaux Oyster Packing and Ice Co. Limited will apply to the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana for anso appropriation to reimburse said Company for state taxes erro. neously assessed against, and collect ed hom said Company by the State Tax Collector of the Parish of Lal fourche, for the year 1899. 'gOMAS A. BADZ-ACI, President of the Thibodaux Oyster Packing and Ice Co. Limited. Thibodaux, La. June 9th. 1900. 46 '"stable" Goveirmest. Shall we infer from the Cubanll postal fraud exposures that in his epeated promises of stable govern mnet for Cuba Mr. Mckinley has meant Augean stable goverumeant? -The I'ublie Crowdet Out. -1 An interesting communlcstion re. lating to the cldbing of Bayou La fourchbe, from a valued EorrespAhdent signing Left Bank, has been crowded out of this but will appear in our neS issue. You Run Mo .Rak. Did you know that yon could buoy a pair of "Regent" shoes, with a guarantee, that they will wear well ? The Regent factory are so well satis fled that their shoe is the very best obtainable for the money that they instruct us to replace every pair that fails to give good wear. So you see, you should not hesitate to try a pair. All styles, all leathers, one price $3.50. Charles A. Badeanux prop. of The Racket Store, sole agent. feCinley and Roosevolt. The Philadelphia Convention has re nominated President McKinley for the presllgncy and given him Gov. Theodore Roosevelt of New York as a running mate. Senator llanna and his followers worked hard to keep Roosevelt off the ticket, and to nominate Secretary of the Navy Long for second place, but they could not stem the popular tide in favor of the New Yorker, and had to take him. Roosevelt was the most popular man before the conven tion, his popularity throwing even McKinley in the shade. Wimberly lactron Turned Down. The Philadelphia Convention has turned down the Wimberly faction completely, and now Warmoth holds the whip handle. He made the fight for the sugar planter element of the Republican party in the State and won, turming what seemed at one time certain defeat into signal victory. He is now the recognized leader of that faction and it may be set down for a certainty, that he will rule it or rain It. No one who knows the his. tory of the pest political course of the Master of Magnolia can have any doubt on this point. Mr. Lewis S. Clark, of St Mary, has been made National Committee man from Louisiana vice A. T. Wim. terly, so that the sugar planter fac Lion has now all that it has been con rending for-recognition at the hands o. the National Republican party. To Tll DEAF.-A reb lady, cured of her Deafstes and Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicholson's Artielacl Ear Drums, gave {100.00 to his Institute, so that deaf people enable to procure the Ear Drums may have them free. Address No. 4006 Tbc Nicholson nlstitute, 780, Eighth Avenue, New York. -1ly Vebsters Won. The Websters Igseball club played an interesting game of ball with the Unions, of Lockport, lat Sunoday at retrean's Park. It was a botly con tested game from start to finish, the Websters coming out victorious by a more of 12 to 11. F .--.--_- Guillott -Hogan. Mr. Kleber Guillot, son of Paulin }uillot, of this parish, and Miss Effie logan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patick Hogan, of this town, were united in the holy bonds of matrimo ny at St. Joseph's church last Tues day afternoon. CASTOR IA For Inants ant Chldra TM Km Yu ham Nwqs hnht Beers the Killed By Lightning. During a thunder storm last Mon day afternoon lightning struck a cab. in in the negro quarters on the White plantation and klled one negro man and stunned three others. The men were all out on the gallery at the time. The men who were stanned had no recollection whatever of what happened when they came to a few minutes after the stroke. esaults of the fair. The coonvent fair was constderably interfered with by Mooday's heavy ratin which broke it up for that day. Notwithtanodmng this senrious draw. back the fair brought the goodly sum of twelve hundred and some odd dol lars, which, after expenses pad, will net a good amount. ruicide. A young man aged about 20 years, named rank aluas Buddy Bergeron, committed suicide by shooting him self through the head last Tuesday daring the night. He got up and rwet out nto the yard and sitting down deliberately shot himself. He had been married but a few days to a Mise Oucal, and it is supposed that be committed the rash deed ino a fit of temporary insamnty.. The Beak of Loeport. We publish in this issue the char. tser of this bank, adopted on the 8th inst. by notarial set psased before Albert J. Lasseigae, notary at Race Iand The capital stock is fixed at $15,000, divided into 300 shares of 1 $50. The Bank numbers among its stockholders most of the substantial business people of Lockport and vicinity, and Its first board of direc tors, composed of Charles 8. Mathews, I president, Jos. T. Badeaux, vice. president, K. F. Dickinson, E. A Delaune, Eugene Constantin, Jqles Bragard, G. D. Barrios, A. J. Price, U. A. Bourg, Thos. J. Foret and Dominic Harang, is a pledge that the new institution will be pr erly start. ed on its beusi missi*1, The Bad Lockpork t a good feld in wih to operate and there is every reason to predict its sucoess. It will prove a greast to te people of its section, who were deprived of all banking facilities, and will help to develop the resources of i that country. The 8SNrrNL wishes the promo. ters of the new venture a full me sure of success. ornmer Stea. Led. The interesting and imposing cere. mony of laying the corner stone of the I southwestern Loisisana Industrial Institute at Lafayette, Loelsiana, . took place on Thursday. The Smx. rINrL acknowledges the receipt of the managers' invitation tobe pre e Bent, and regrets that it could not 9 avail itself of the opportunity. The ceremonies were varied and interesting as may be seen from the a following programme: PROGRAMME. 4:30 o'clock p.m. bi Piremen's Parade and Flower Parade. 6 o'clock p. m. Laying of Corner 8tone. Chorus--My Country, 'tis of Thee. b Laying of Corner Stone-Hon. Robert Martin. Star Spangled Banner-Band. [nvocation-Right Rev. Bishop Rouxel Hymn-Lead, Kindly Light. A Acknowledgment 6 on behalf of the State-His Excellency Gov. W. W Heard. i Acknowledgment t on behalf of the Industrial In. i stitute--President E. L. Stephens Acknowledgment on behalf of Southwestern Loui.- e sian- Hon. Murphy J. Foster a Cornet Sole. I Acknowle&gment on behalf 1 of Lafayette-Crow Girard, Esq. Address; Industrial 1iduca- a tion-CoL Arthur T, Prescott I Chorus. Dixie-Band. 9 o'clock p. m. Banquet : a Domplimentary to the Governor and l to the Visiting Committee from the General Assembly. A Grand Fair In Sight. We have been requested to an nounce that the Thibodaux Fire 0 ompany No 1. 1. will give a grand a fair for its benefit on the Opera - Boune grounds on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, Septembea 8, 9 and 10, 1900. Fuller annoonement will be maden in the near future. Is lan' t the hang You Do, Der. It isn't the thing you do, dear, 1 It's the thing you leave undone. 1 That givea you a bit of heartache I At the setting of the sun. The tender word forgotten, The letter you did not write, I The tower you did not send, dear, Ar your haunting ghosts at night Tbhestone you might have lifted Out of a brother's way; The bit of heartsome counsel You were hnrried too much toesy; The loving touch of the hand, dear, The gentle, winaing tone, Which you had no time nor thought With troubles enough of your own. For life is all too short, dear, And sorrow is too great To suffer our slow compssloo, That tarries until too late; And it isn't the thing you do, des. 1 It's the thing you leave undone, Which gives you a bit of heartache I At the setting of the sun. -Margaret Eliabeth Sangster. I A huny Eeaing Card. A restaurant keeper in the Jelico and Colst Creek country of Kentucky has a business card wordedb as follows: "Twenty-five cents an eat anad twenty-five cents a sleep. The Ed. wards house, P. M. Edwards, pro. trietor, Coal Creek, Ten directly opposite the railrond depot Not the argest hotel in the berg Not newly !urnished throughout. No free bus a trains. Not the best grub the market affords. But simply clean meds and something good to eat "oothpicks and icewater thrown in. I L'ry us! Pap uro And if not satisfied reep mum. Our city is compose a noetly of hogs, diggers, merchants Lnd lawyers. Spanish Proverbs. Whoever says Spain says every hing. If God were not God He rould make Hitnself King of Spain Pith the King of France for his cook. tbstract from a Spaniard all his 1 food qualities and there remains a Portuguese. A true gentleman would rather save his clothes torn than mended. He who sings frightens away ills. Where there is music there is no arm. Whither goest thou, misfortune? To q where there is more. If I had lost the ring, yet the fin, ers are still here. All sorrows are bearable if there is Tread. He who takes the wrong road most 1 -ake his journey twice over. The fault is as great as he who ommits it The little birds have God for their l aterer, Do not rejoice at my grief, for when ] mine is old yours will be new. ( That which the fool does in the ad the wise man does at the be. inning. He is a fool who thinks that an ther does not think. By the street of By-an] By one ) rriv&s at the house of Never. A fool, unless be knows Latin, is ever a great fool. He who sows thorns most not go arcfoot. If you want to know what a ducat B worth try to borrow one. He who has no voice in the valley rill have none in the counciL The wolf loses his teeth, but not iis inclinations -Current Literature. A Subtle Revenge. "Here's a daisy," shouted the bag.. sge smasher gleefully, as his eyes boated on a big handsome trunk hat must be removed from the car. 'Get onto my curves when I hustle L I'll bet any money that I can urn it three aerial somersaults, land on the uppet front corner, left land end, and knock the lid off. )h, its just my size," and he squared imself that he might give another vidence of the prowess that induced Il the smashers to call him chief. t was a handsome trunk with Bose light canvas cover and fair Bather straps but the baggage rrecker loves a shining mark. The seek and melancholy looking man, rith a cheek In his hand, looked and eard, but made no sign. The man in be car seized the trunk with the hug Sa bear, but dropped as though it ree afire, and swore like a pirate on toot. His hands and chest were ºeroed as though with a myriad of eedles, and he danced about in an estacy of wrath. In his anger he wore that as soon as he could get a ax he would make splinters of the rank and hash of its coutents. Forthermore, he would hunt down he owner and shoot him full of holes a sight. The melancholy man took notebook and made an entry. 'hen heentered the car, rolled the runk to the door and let st down ently to the platform "You're the .04th," he said, dispa·ionatelv, as se referred to his notebook "when e went on our wedding trip our rhole outfit was reduced to junk by men like you. 8mence that I carry a 4 rank litke this; sharpened tacks inder the cover, businese end out landle it properly, and all is welL -ry to smash it and you are spiked. call It my revenge baggagA," rad the big rough expressman as the next victim.j-Detroit Free IUST RECEIVED AT i. S. LEVRON & Co.'s Emporium ....Store, 1000 Flower Pots. 250 Jardinleres mn_ Cuspidors of latest and most esutiful patterns. Also largest con sigament of Ice Cream Freezers, Coo enrs oand Fruit Jars ever brought to "hibodanx. All at New Orleans prices. togtther with a large line of Elammocke, from $1.00 opwards. It will pay you to call and see these goodr NEW ADlVElTIaBEENT$. Something For Nothing. That is what we are giving to induce you, who are not already our customers, to visit our store, and see all the nice things we have, and are offering at such low prices, also to encourage our old customers, and to show them how much we appreciate their val ued patronage. We give you with every $25.00 purchase a hand some picture (a pastel) frame and glass complete, one that will adorn the walls of any home, and prove a source of satisfaction to the owner. Have you yet se cured one of these Pictures? If not, why not try to get one. Remember we give you a ticket with every purchase whether it is Sc or $5.00. Our Spring Stock is Now Beady fo Your O ar.I Inspeodion. Ladles White lawn Shirt Walets wall dI SdS (Cet Waists, M made. lam stylo a asmd A a alt ot eo(dr ad oMds m I . Lades ePink .onets. lateet Novelty. dn Shut Walm to les out ol.y so strone and durable. s Just aded a alde ae et Phnotogrbph Ladies audhesohlet. with lad*de Ps arto our stoa eal pret ,and H. S.alsocol, borders, tro m Stooie dirt ah s , . O sad Me. You Lades Fast Black Hose lslo thread. *gIej' b em t t 'm Just the tlg fo aummer wear no e pr Extra special: adles Black or Tan Hoe, full seamless(worth iwo) 30l pair l um eo ladles Paa ChaIns made of Cyramo si rk glo lk. e , at pies neds 10 and S each thanr the ofqauioy. Beautiful Lace Curtains 8 yds lag. ee our hot now esoidry or at i05. oo. 11.0S.1I.palr ti senew aft nda prttyd Missee Corset Waists. 1 . 4tc msortad a r Se eays up Ladies Goods, Gents' Furnishings, Shoes and Hats, in good big assort ments, and at prices that defy competition. "The Racket Store," CHAS. A. BADEAUX, PROP. Main Street, Thibodaux, La. Phone 130 Agr t.s for Nunnally's Candies Thibodeaux Drug Store, THIBODAUX, LA., Cor. MAIN & St. PHILIP St. offers its customers all possible induce ments in return for their patronage. Low B Prices. Largest Selections. Polite Attention E. P. Lefort. A. J. Tetreau Lefoit & Tetreau Seeceesors S* U. TTRAU a Co.. So Livery, Feed I .-.... AMD.... ...Sale Stables. Undertaking SY I Establshmeent r Blakemiths ad Patriot St. C(or. Levee end Mifarket, Thibodaux.. DR. JOS. L. DREXLER, VETEffNARY SURGEON, 'M-AFFICE AT-, LEON DRIEXLER'8 8TABLE, S THIBOD4UX, LA LOG DIp8fTAc TELEPIegIE s$ TIIINoBX TELEPIOIm E 12&