Newspaper Page Text
RIBE FOR,... bITN .-, ADVERTISE a.In oiltt A__ At this Otfloe OMla. Jouzusal o the Parish f Zaijseohe and Quadian o the nt.tees6 of the Town. 0uL )hXXJIV THIBODAUX, LA., SATURDAY, JUNE, 30. 1900. 0 %KDR. HAMLET MOORE, VETERINARY SURGEON, AD HOSPITAL STHI.ODAUX, LA I sLg@Ngme: THSOSAix TSLtP@eat: aSrggVAL 83 MOSOOTAL III s assKNCg N. SS.tesact t a! 4-~·~~~L~0 2,D· Meal ation. t end nat--! heee we Ue s Thswe we asar t. . l raneen trip o Crowleyr ILt Ieermoit has put up aA t eMUlag or rent at the cower1 dahasss sad Focus streets St mer rains, the mad W a er s toSsM are credbd by - P to the rect solar we Ie )Sbert Roth who spent Shi ho szt. o year at the A. . SIIIem home to-monow for I 4i ess1ogL fOr you" s now a e frbudly Inquiry as friends as the stret . . It is "gram V sa Bery, Leouea Mo-. ad Oe ve Tmesekar arrived ateorday from Mount 8t. Mary's to spend the vacation at The Daily States hes dubbed the vice.prekidentualeandidate 4 hurrah sad peauck eanddate." I is a good descripta oft the 's ways. Dr. , Ayo was chosen Brt depe.skidet of the Aimes Associ staoe of Jelereon College at the as-. Baal reunion of that ioclation held this wek. SMr. B3 Ddeaus is itving ssideable ~ rovemet made on h boldkllg boating on Jackson mg, at the of St. Bridget If you banrd the excursion train a theith of July next, ygn will visit Sat the swelles little town on the I?. rnad. Ar. Father Debourg attended the usmesus exearcies of JeOrsno , James parih, held this wk Be lift ber Tuesday mor kg rthat purpose kG. D. Barrios, a leading mer h t ad b iness s of Lockport, a Le lest Wednesday ona hort m ns ip Be reports too msch y Ie lie seotie of the country, mienquest losses to thea crop k 0. Abribset Jr. Mayor of leas, rieatd our city last Wed. e. He reports every thing Ihs lba batiliwick. He toforms sitte pupds of the Lookport l an preparing for a greed i6uI July oatebstas. Sllsepubless re already ems aitle as dot a te carlnge dh. SI aight be well for thm to 1 ellr the eggs to hatch before SmN their elchickens. b ti as earth au Huas mle=I3 J. Brand, proprietor of ehe . and Hat Store, eaie º• t l-ly. . ' emeuat of the natiom wil ' the glorious fourth at C itky ast Wedmo9edy, ad ta aebration started there will a thoughout the coutry athe Jnu ber election. S with pleaemne that Nater Slelbams, son of our worthy , l~Mr. . G. Roblchaz, m nthese who received their us tne eammereial eomm a t i Ialr Coll, KatacLy. Wo· latei oer yeoundg triend a - hi a 13Imd e to a notie apperig tilase, it I el e en that th r Co. L't'd. hua been dl , r. I& N. Both snuceeds the mhaving tbought out its a ml he will onetinue to besi *L od stand, corner Mainl Ja. a, M. Bollinig psed i.e_ m u e city Thady on. ':, " ck from Baton ouge, _he atte<dl the Louisiana UMeity eommencement ex r e wsu x1)ompaniaut by his dester sd George. wbo spent -L wsrin, it the University. looked lo. Don't forget to board the uexcrsion e to Crowley on aSunday, July 8, and a have a loep time. so tILL PAB. to 5metshg bowl t3 Caoes okir. withoe medielne. If It fall we reliau oear mosey. StIOSO to back our di ruontes. A sere preventative. It your does ac keep the Dr. Kin Chill er vwe will tll Yo oe on reeetlpt o prme SAi. TS Dm.. EIIU UIILL PA)Co., al MesuLs Tea. * slr It is a little girl, too, that recently arnved In the household of Mr. and Mrs Thomas Leonard, of Canal I street, to bless its proud parents.t Mrs M. Naquai, Miss REmeline Naquio and Mis Marie Oemicbhe o let hat Wednesday by the 8U l Louisiana on a visit to friends in central Louisaa. Mr. and Mrs. O(tave J. Toups are re happy in the addition of a daughter In to their interesting little family. ts They have been oquietly receiving the ti congratulattons of tbeir lds. in Jefrson C llege, James par p1 h, has eoterrrd the dree of Mae t ter of Arts upon Jdge Walter OGl- c on, Attorney General of the State. bl The Judge was ans old time student ti of that well known institution of h learninag sad his sin mater has boo- as orsd Itself in honoring his. a. _-- __ h____ ut assage Assa lg hToo rev. lather .anuret, second asis 1 tant priest at St Joseph's Oburcb, ti has been assigned to duty as assist d sat to the curate of 8t. Martinville and left here Monday for his new hi postofduty. It is commonly re hi ported that Rev. Father Simon, assis ib tsat at Donaldsonvllle, will replace y Father Mauret here. Sli ,,oseks AhYstI Notice is hereby given that the Thibodaux Oyster Packing and Ice Co. Limited will apply to the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana for so appropriation to reambrse t said Compsey for state taes erro. neously assessed against, and collect ed hom sTid Company by the State Tax Colleoor of the Parish of La. forcbhe, for the year 1899. c Thoras A. BADEAUX, President of the Thibodaux Oyster l Packing and Ics Co. Limited. Thibodaux, La. Jane 9th. 1900. 46 Aleady the kicking agaiast the emsem has beguns I varmes quarter. Cities am disappointed Mo the results of the ceuaes which show smaller population than they had bees brag. ( ging on. We woukldn't be bit sur. prised if the ame thing habsppens to many towns, perhaps ours Inclded. d Mr. Waisen Kaoblooh, of the d United States e apinser departmet i i New Orl(as, and Mr. Eare Kno. t blo, sugar broker of the same aety, were hire Sunday to atteed the I teeral of their omma, the late J. I Frank Alla.t -- ma Mr. sad Ms Louis C. Tabor ame Seciving the o.gratalations of t heir s ay frlndsupoe the sdvent of si dsaghter, their first bonr. To be sre the arewak am proed, sand frkled SLouis fpeels veral Ine s taller sim Ms his nof that beautiful litel Says the Stat es: I ,Now that the Philadelphik cove tis in over, slibe sepublopae are wodering why tbe dreuJy fare was Severp gone throgh with. They re SIae lmt a elimple esoeemut over their own ame moded by Platn, Quy a and lma thabst William McKioly would bem he BRepublima eadidate for president and Theodore Roosevelt for Vlos.residat, uad tIsa sub-ad I uch platisde hayd es agred upoa as tha party pistforu weold have nswered every purpos i- mmmm "tte taffifffl ---f i A BLOODY AFFAIR. Robt. L Askew Murdered, and T. Gordon Reddy, Jr. Dan gerously Wounded, By the Garigs in the City of: Baton Rouge. st This community was startled last T Wedanesday when the news was re s o.ived here over the telephone in thew forenoon that T. Gordon Reddy, Jr.' and Robert L. Askew, both of this pearih, had been mortally wounded t by the Gang boys in a dastardly n attempt to assassinate the at e gentleman. Both parties being well known and highly esteemed, the and i, news crested general regret sd sor. row among their many fripds and acquaintances, and the ezpressioa af fervent wishes for the rsecovery of the t two wounded men was universal. When later news announced the ie death of Robert L. Askew the genm. eral sorrow and sadness deepened, Is and denunciations of the aseasaids B were loud and deep. l The newspaper reports of the g afair shows a determiunation on the g part of the Ganrig boys to do away tl with Mr. Reddy on account of some 41 business feud existing between him S and their unclde, William Garig,oad n of the wealthiest men of Baton Rouge. 1 Mr. Reddy and Mr. Askew we at I breakfast with Senator W. H. and Mr. James H. Bollinger in the i restaurant of the Mayer house, at the m invitation of the Senator. While at table partaking of the hospitality of 1 the Senastor,ooe of the Garigs stepped j in and addressing Mr. Reddy fami. o liarly but politely, asked him to please step out as be desired to speak to him. Mr. Reddy readily sequies d ced, apparently suspecting nothing, s but he had no sooner stepped outside o than young Garig asked him it he had esd a certain thing and as soon i as be answered, knocked him down, and opened lire on him. The firing became general at once. Mr. Askew who tried to come to the rescue of his friend was shot and mortally wounded, and retreated into the F restaurant, where Senator Price who a scarcely had time to seize the situs tion, proteeid him from the mar. derers. In the meantime, Mr. Reddy who 0 had emptied his pistol in defending G himself retreated to and took refuge In the Grouchy hotel about two blocks off All medical attention was given to t the two wounded men, but Askew began sinking at once from loss of blo3d, and died at 3.30 o'clock p. m. the same day. He was interred in Baton Rouge r awaiting the arrival of so me meber r of his family to which the sad intelli genre was at once communicated. As for Mr. Reddy the latest sews is that his eondition is improving and that there is every hope of his astl recovery. TO T9E DEAP.-A reb lady uared of her Deafnes sad Nolen Ia the head by Dr. t Nlebolsoe's Artcllelal Ear Druw. gave 5MsW to his lIstitute. so that deaf people anable to procure the Bar Drums may hae bthem ree. Address No. M Thb Nicholsoa SInstitute, SsIIghbt Avenue, New York. 6 A W A GOOD SOLDIUB, , ad Weas aOorpor lntbe n Loutslas Negment. I " Captla George V. Parish, who com. U manded Company H, of tbhe S8eound bo loalana Regiment, i the Spanish i. Amoerluria war, said yesterday that R L. Askew was one of the bsat men Sln his oompany. Iie enlisted at the Fair gprounds in this city, comoing from Bowle, La, where bhe was a deputy serift. He was made a corp - oral and served satil the company t was mustered out, and was a fine > soldisr, alwss ready for duty mad , always orderly and politead fitbhful. Sle was s every way an bonorable I. man sad a good soldier. He was never before the eld oftboers' court for the slightest iufrtionU of rules, msad never took part nto any tromble, r euost im th nurse of his dutyas a s member of the provost guad. S Corporal Askw was a large ma d and a flns lookig taellow, and very w popular is the regisment Captal le Farish was very much grieved at the sews of his death. Of his persounal history be knew very nlittI--Pie .yuae. Dy virte of a resoluties or the Board a tdo'rsc of the Roth r Co., lA. duly psd t hads the mai. eompn wrs issolved, and the aef alrs Of te Seomasany w i b liquldsted by Mr. E. ly N. Roth, who has become by purehase sole owner of all the stoek of the said 18 eommpay and assummed all of the debts i of the company. Mr. E. N. Roth will 4o tnuemstaeesat the old stan ad SOnts the con lnamd patrcae of . ROrm Dave Co. ris si. J. 3. JuarNanR, L N. Dorn, B. N. Rov. Thibodsau, IA., June 3, 195. For job printing of all kinds, call M on or write to the s.vrIvaL Advertisement. dis OZiTH O! JIULY Ir IDa To hOc wb chi Under the Auspes of the Carnival uet Club. Oni According to previous announce ments, the Fourth of July will be celebrated next Wednesday In grand style under thbs auspices atof the Cari val Club. The celebration will take place on the shady grounds of the Thabodaux College. and the public are invited to attend. The festivities to, will begin at 4 o'clock is the after- l noon and be opened by a balloon as ceasiea. The entrance is free, and * there will be refreshments for sale at br reasonable prices. tio: 1. f. Sanders, Speaker of the HBoes of Bapresntatives, has beesn invited as orator of the day. b lo details of the afternoon performan- dri «ea, see raster. The following is tbs pogramme Sn for the pyrote.Jesicl display at night: Illlumiation-10 large Beagola lights, Red, White, Iue sad Gree. One Device, "We'come" 181o. double an letters, golden fringe, 10 variegated Rockets, extra large. 2 large Bomb we shell, IS inch lied, White and Blue, WI Silver trailers, 6 Galling Batteries of g Shooting Stars, 2 Parachute Rockets, the silver Trailers, one Device "July 4th", 18 inch letters, 6 extra large Star Mines, 6 Poppies in corn Rock ets, 2 large Bomb Shells, 18 inch, hi weepilg willow and Chrysanthemums, I device "Oriental Tree" spray of wi 15 feet, one Grove of Palms 100 running feet, 2 large Bomb shells, 18 inc* variegated, 24 variegsted SkyXe Rockets, 4 silver streamer Rockets, a One device "George Washington, 10 x 18 feet, 2 large Bomb shills, Japanese streamers and gold rain, one Bouquet of Rockets, etc. ete. Let everybody attend. show your patriotism, and tle event will go a down to history as one of the most successful and brilliant celebrations of the 19th century. m4 Admission free, Ladies cordially co invited. Picnic and Dane. by de The Young Mee of Raceland will of give a picnic sad deance at Raceland Park to morrow, July 1st, beginnIng s at 2 o'clock p. m. The afair, which Rs promises to be an enjoyable one, is e decationa of the following committees : On Invitation :-J. Thomasse, J. Guidros. A. Conrad, E. Babin. On arrangements :-C. C. Smith, C. M. Sevin, J. Guldry, B. Knoblocbh. On R,'ception :-A. J. Lasseigne, H. W. Wilkinson, Sr. 4 J. Ayo. 2' Fioor Manager :-D-ais M. Sevin. Chaperons:-Mrs . Rome, Mrs. th A. Chauvin and Mr. D. Sevin. er The SuTsrrNL admowledges the co receipt of an tnvitation to attend and we returns its thanks. he fo pre. .argias 3e' leeal Cleesi. dei - ill Proft L . M. Hargis dlsed his to sheool for boys for the umme vaca tion on last Thursday. The award in of prlses, followed by a reneption to the pupils at which cream and cakes o were served took place in the forehi noon. It was strictly private. In dismissing his pupils the Professor took occasion to announce that in September he would reopen the old tl Thibhodaux Cllege, on the way to St Joseph's Church, with a teaching ( corps ample to acommodate all the boys whbo waill matriculate. This will prove glad tldioe to pareote whbo have been Ia the past sornely tried to Bad a suitable private day shool In l whibch to enter their sons. tl The 8SnrlUL proposes to have 3 more to say O this sabjct is the i near futnre. h Assigment , Dirst d a-. The Supreme Coert has iaued an ii order assiping district judges to t 1 duty as judges of theb courts of ap. Spest, conformably to the provisions of the cometitutio. Judge Corad i DeIBllos, of Lafayette, has been lI Saieedt to dty i Lafourche and Terreboosae, wherbs e he will at wnth li C Judge H. D. Smith, whao reappomnt i Judge I G. Coevillo, of Avoy. e elies, will do duty i Aesaeton sad I Asummptio; wMil Jdsge Calliouet has beene sgd to MSt. Leadry parishr, to serve with Juadge Jullan Moutoa. Last Monday a1 o'lock pm. Mr. Charles J. Couloa ad Miss Har Sriet Bondreaeux wer qeietly married y in St Joseph's srchu l n the pre. _ sonem of relatives ad frieds. The contracting parIrles are well I known ad hghldy rspected young yol peole t thiuoemmmntty, who nsu Sbtheir sjldsw ad well wishers by tese hudds. The groom u the Seldest on of athbe Hon. H. N. Coulos is whose notarial oes he has been employed for yeawrs past. He m young man of inS cbaracter and of - considerable business aility, and will Ill no doubt succeed in life. The bride is a modest ycung lady of a retiring disposition, who being left alone with her mother, Mrs. H. L. Boudreaux, when quite young established a children's school which proved very successful and which she kept up E until a short time ago. The SsXTaxsL joins the young couple's host of friends in wishing them the choicest blessings of life. Necrological. ALLAIN. J. Frank Allain, a native of this town, died in New Orleans, where he resided for the past several years, last Saturday morning at half.past seven o'clock. His remains were brought over by the night Southern Pacific train, and conveyed to the residence of his grend mother, the venerable Mrs. H. F. Knobloch, on lower Market street, where many friends called to view them on Sun. day morning. The funeral which took place on Sunday at half past ten o'clock was largely attended. The deceased was born and raised and spent the earlyyears of his mano hood in this community where he al. ways had the respect and esteem of all who knew him as well as of the general public. He was a man of noble and generous impulses, and his love and devotion for his mother, who died a few )ears ago, ano. his sisters, were profound and admirable. He was faithful in his friredship, as his many friends in this community will bear willing testimony. Before removing to New Orleans,, the deceased filled for a number of years here the r sponsible positions t of Deputy Clerk of Court, under the late J. W. Knotloch, and of clerk of the police jury, with credit to himself and satisfaction to the public. He' resigned tlese offices to accept a position of stenographer and clerk in7 a law Arm of renown ton New Orleans, where he worked assiduously and conscicntiously to within a few months ago, when his falling health ] compelled him to retire. The malady which culmlndted in death last Saturday was brought on 9 by overwork as a s'eographer. The " deceased was the only son of the late I,. S. Allain, a prominent public mae of our parish who held the post oft clerk of court of this parish during several years in ante.bellum days. V He was about 45 years of age, and never marmed. . 1. P. Am sUlbetive esmdly. A despatch to the Times Democrat, from Opelousas under date of the 27th anst, says: ",The eastern portion of town was thrown into excitement yesterday evening, when T. George Chachere. a contractor and builder of this place, I was taken from hbis home by a num.o her of citizens and given a cowhiding for ill treatiag his wife during the day. Chchere, it is said, has been ill-treating his, wife and small children for about two years, at times threat. suing to kill them, when under the I influence of liquor." The remedy applied by the citizens of his town may cure the brute of his evil disposition. Bend your Job Printing. to this Office. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Our New Coroner. Dr. A. J. Pric, the distinguished arsen of Lo-kport elected coroner of this parish, last April, was here last SMonday for the purpose of quAlify. eing. The genial doctor acomplishedl has purpose and is now the coroner of the parish of Lafourcheb. He has selected Dr. ThImes. Stark as his amis tent, to look after the public interests I in his line of business at this end of o the lime. A better or wiser selection . onuld not have been mlae. I Innoiung tghe induction i office of d Dr. Price anid of his able assstant, a it t but fair to pay a parting tribute I to their pre.lecessor4, Dr. J. J. Ayo, h late coroner, and Dr. A. J. Meyer, his Ihlde sesitant, who both diachsrg ed their olftcal functions in a worthy, r. efienet sad conscientious way, and d proved themselves faithful public e servatse JUST RECEIVED AT J. S. LEVRON & Co.'s Emporium .. t ore, *. 1000 Flower Pots. 250 Jardinieres b and Cuspidors of latest and most he besotiful patterns Also largest con on siament of Ice Cream Freezers, Coo ea lrs and Fruit Jars ever brought to a Thihoda,,. All at New Orleans of prio t~~gther with a large line of ill Hammock', from $1 0 cpwurds. It ide will pay you to call and see these ng goods. Something t or Nothing. That is what we are giving to Induoe you, who are not already our customers, to visit our store, and see all the nice things we have, and are offering at such low prices, also to encourage our old customers, and to show them how much we appreciate their val. ued patronage. We give you with every $25.00 purchase a hand some picture (a pastel) frame and glass complete, one that will adorn the walls of any home, and prove a source of satisfaction to the owner. Have you yet se cured one of these Picturese? If not, why not try to get one. Remember we give you a ticket with every purchase whether it is 5c or $5.00. Our Spring stock is Now Beady for Your CareizI adie White Lawn Shirt Waists weel raS. weu i made .. laes sty ass nI mall. f sd a es s m sk.r | Ladles Plink Corset,. latest Novelty. die ShiMt Walss, to dae s es se strong and durable. ne Ju sdededa ales aof hotogreribp Ladies Handkerchiefs. with ladeedg Prams toour essas, real pstty sad H. asocol. borders, from Stoie di b hm a 5.0 "sad ieS. Tr Ladles Iast Black IHose isle thread. eoaldns·br he bs ehasw M thas Just the thlng for summer wr go pr pe. Extra special: adles Black or Tan I.ddh Ums Iton e lerts HAos, full seamless (worth i sJ o) pair a Ladles san Chals made of Cyrano .lk serl alekats Ildk ete. as piasle Beads. sd !sc each that cary t hem OR 1- l1. Beautlful Lace Curtanes 8 yds long. Bee ear *gat am r st ;o, . s1.a8.1.6 pair aLs eammsrs tradr4 pletty sad tma Misses Corset Waists., ,35,4mm Se es a lea M Ut Ladies Goods; Gents' SFurnishings, Shoes and Hats, in good big assort ments, and at prices that defy competition. "The Racket Store," CHAS. A. IADEAUX, PROP. Main Street, Thibodaux, La. Phone 180 Ag ats forz Nunnally's _ Candies Thibodeaux Drug Store, THIBODAUX, LA., Cor. MAIN & St. PHILIP St * offers its customers all possible Induce S ments in return for their patronage. Low Price~i. Largest Selectione. Polite Attention E. P. Lefort. 1. JTtresa SLefort & Tetreau Uivery, Feed ...Sale 8tablea 2IR EstabiuMat Patriot St. Cor. Levee and Mlfarket, TMlbeda.v. DR. JO S. L. DREXLER, S VETEHINARY SURGEON, DBLEON DREXLEIRS STABLE, :I. LI. THI5O4UX. LA " O ISTANCE TELEPIHIOE *9 jAN r:f l TEL5PK 12.