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BS RIBE FOR... . .... and AD VtERTk3E --tvt~t fJ AOt " ) ý ...In The Sentinel. i ... ,i.,-, t Official Journal of the PaUish of Lafourohe and Guardian of the neret of +the To w. SOL XXXI V. THIBODAUX, LA., SATURDAY, JULY, 7. 1900. N50 . DR. HAMLET MOORE, :X VETERINARY SURGEON; ET I ROFFICE, AND HOSPITAL Cor. aoriket ad Nazrow Stl. - THITBODAITX, LA MUSEtLAND TELEPHONME: THIIODAUX TELEPHONE: W OSPITA* L . *OSPITAL 111 # IýlDENCE 43. SIDE'N CE 12 WF Local Mention. Jitors In and Out--Those we Keet and Those we Hear of. 40 to Crowley to-morrow ; the ession leaves here at 8 o'clock. Mr. Frank l. Barilleaux of lower Lsrdehe was in town last Tuesday. News reached us in the early part o the week that Mr. J. F. Larose, the lskport druggist was seriously ill. , Mr. Alphonse Terrenonne, a Merchant and small farmer of the Slh ward, spent monday and Tuesday bile on business. Mrt. Alphonse (:lude, a resident of 1 fourth ward. came up last Mon ly to witness the organization of si new police jury. Among well known visitors to our ky this week were Dr. John Oazzo 'Sed Mr. II. L. Young., Jr, the genial pastaster at Raceland. For job printing of all kinds, call N or write to the SrNTINEL. Mrs. Frank Von Phul, the wife of ths well-known pharmacist of Lake 'Charles, is visiting her mother, Mrs. !. Alberti, of Schriever. Mr. Paul Meyer of Lockport came up last Saturday to attend the meet log of the Democratic congressional committee of which he is a member. The best on earth to a Hannan shoe. Emile J. Brand, proprietor of YThibelauz Sloe anal Hat Store, sole agent. 12-1y. Mr. Ferdiunand Barilleaux of Lotk pert was here last Monday for a few hourr, on his way to visit his son, Mr. Thompson Basilleaux, manager on St. Bernard plantation. Mr. Felix Legendre has been ap pointed postmaster at Lockport, and t a reported that the postoftite will again be transferred to this side of the bayou in the village of Lockport. Wa had the pleasure of a visit last Tharaday from Mr. Harris Fontenelle, ts affable and efficient manager of Mr. William Adler's large mercantile eslases at Lockport. Mr. Fonte selle reports crops in bad condition s his section, like elshyere, on ac met of excessive rain. Mr. Charles L. Hopkins, the well tuown saw mill king of Des Alle -aade, was here Monday to complete uses of swamp lands from John L. Rodrigue, Augustin kilgue and Frank Rodrigue MM Iopkine Is the picture of good health, sad Impresses one with the idea that e takes lihfe easy, notwithstanding his well known qualities as a hustler is business. Judge Guion was here last Satur A tok preside over the meeting of sa Democratic Uongressional Execu ist Committee of which he is the ~liran. Our new Attorney Gen Mel was cordially greeted by his fay friends who are always glad to fhssd him a warm hand shake, and hahage compliments. The Judge s.5t up to his home near Napoleon Uti by the afternoon train. The IIoo. R. F. Broussard, our Scongressman, caie over last y to be present at the com. Slls meeting. lie was accormpa _it by Dr. Geo. P. Mmlvielle and gJ. D. Babin and a Mr. Krae Imro his parish. *Our Bob," as "li be love to call iatm, is looking Im as ever, and seems ready for bshlay, which will be on soon, uow Sbls. Warminoth has promised the I didtrict to the national commit bit get recognition iu the Philadel. Sd eavention. Amo3 the prominent Democrats :t thS ongressionil district from 4m a parishes who attcuded the ' _Wl~ of the executive committee Sulre last Saturday, wc;c attor I'-mGg ral Walter G(uton, of As , Hao. Edmund McCollam. aWlmmome, Messrs. R. N. Sims 8i & 8. St. Martie, of AscCnsIon, 4.A. Brows and A. K. ;ra~c, of I nIile, Wilbur II. Kramir, of St. u, 1on. R F. Sr.ussard, Dr. - P. Mividle and J. A. liabin, I(Ibevih lion. Wdham C oni bo'n, ,,f l -ettjeu, and others. To.morrow's Excursabn to Crowley leaves here at 8 o'clock. MaIyor Frank Zernott and Mr. (Charles B. Lasseigne returned last ,Wednesday night from a two weeks' st,ji,uru at Cooper's Well. Mr. Zer nott is about, and expects some benefit from his trip. We regret to learn that Mr. Lasseigne is still under the weather, being confined with a slight fever per. haps due to the fatigue of the trip. The Abbeville Meridional remarks: "They have discovered a new spring in North Louisiana. In a late issue of the Arcadia Advance a correspoudeut says: "A little learning is a dangerous thing Drink deep or taste not the Peorian spring." Guess this means the fire water which comes from Peoria, Illinois, and if it does, the advi'C. is all right. Banthne Tho Kiad You lita AlMys Bm At a meeting of the Thibodaux Carnival Club Tuesday night following resolutions were passed relative to the unfortunate affair which recently occurred in Baton Rouge, in which Mr. T. Gordon Reddy was seriously wounded. Mr. Reddy was Rex of the Carnival held in this town last spring. "Whereas, our honorary president, Mr. T. Gordon Redly, has met with a great misfortune, and now lies in Touro lnfilrmary in New Orleans, seriously wounded; therefore, be it "Resolved, That the Thibodaux Carnival Club extend to him their deepest sympathy in his trouble; be it further "Resolved, That the individual members of this club, in addition to their sympathy, extend to Mr. Reddy any personal assistance or service that it may be in their power to give. AW T ORI A. Nothing more contradictory was ever put into a party platform than the declarations of the republican plat form that "We endorse the adminis tration of William McKinley", and "'We favor the construction, owner ship, control and protection of an is thmian canal by the government of the U. S." Mr. McKinley's adminis, tration is responsible for the Hay Paunet.fote treaty, which, if ratified, would make the carrying out of that plank of the p'atform an impossibility. The platform did not dare endorse by name the Hanna Payne ship subsidy job' but merely asks for "legislation which will enable us to recover our foi mer place among the trade carry ing fleets of the world"'. It is certain that ilanna's subsldy job won't do it. Oer TheY Kind Ya Iran AWlw BMqW Alwasths Says the Daily States: A Maryland delegate to the Philadelphia convention was disgusted at what he saw there. He refers to one of the means adopted to get up a little bogus enthusiasm, which was the introduction of the skin of an elephant, operated by two men under. neath, to head the cakewalk in honor of McKinley's renomination. It was not a live elephant or even a stuffed one-nothing but a measly skin of ttle animal, and the delegate adds, "thus the only incident of special naterest which marked the conventi'~o was one which will afford the Demo crate a tine opportunity for rid icule." Notice is hereby given that the Thihodaux Oyslr Packing and Ice Co. Limited will apply to the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana for an appropriation to reimburse said Company for state taxes erro. neously asse ssed against, and collect 'd ftonm said Company by the State Tax Collector of the Parish of La fourche, for the year 1,99. TloMas A. BADlnKAUx, P'resident of the Thibodalux Oyster I'Pa:k'g and Ice Co. Limited. 'i lhoda.x, ILa. June 91h. 1900. 46 The Kansas City Convention. The national Democratic nominat ing convention met in Kansas City on July 4th. Much enthusiasm prevails from the start, and the mere i mention of Bryan's name is always a signal for applause. The convention w's called to order by Chairman Jones, of the national committee, and lion. J. D. Richard son, of Tenn. was made permanent chairman. Owing to the delay of the committee on platform in report ing, the nomination for president was not made until July 5th, when William Jennings Bryan was nomi- nated by acclamation amidst a scene of wild and unbounded enthu-insm. The hitch in the committee on platform turned on the free silver question; some advocating a simple reaffirmation of the Chicago platform, and some insisting on a specific dec laratiou in favor of free coinage at 16 to 1. On othtr points there is no differ ence of opinion worth mentioning. The platform adopted by the con vention is a strong one. It makes Imperialism the paramount issue of the campaign, denounces trust, and reaffirms the Chic:ago platform, in cluding free silver at 16 to 1. At the time of this writing, no action has yet been taken by the convention upon the nomination for vice-president, and the convention's choice is still a matter of specu:ation. CHILL PAD. Semethhig hew I Cures Chills without medicine. If it falls we refund your amouey. $I00,000 to back our guarantee. A sure preventative. It your drugglst does not keep thile Dr. King Chill I'ad we will mail you one on receipt of price 11.1i5. 'T'iiK DO. KINti CHILL PAD Co., Memphis. Tenn. 9-1v Thief Caught. The Watdhmna, of Franklin, gives an account of the discovery anti cap ture of a thief who has been looting sugar houses in the pariah of St Mary of their brass and copper coils. The thief is a white man hailing from Assumption, who seems to have borne a good character in the past. The Watchman claims that the authorities have sufficient evidence to send him to the pen. Sometime ago the SENTINEL warn ed our planters that such thieves were at work in the river parishes; now they are getting nearer home, it again renews its warnings. Sugar house owners had better be on the look out for the light-fingered gentry in question. TO THE DEAF.-.1 rich lady, cured of her Deafness and Noises in thie Head by Dr. Nicholson's Artiflcial Ear Drums, gave $10000 to his Institute, so that deaf people unable to procure the Ear Drums may have them free. Address No 4096 Tht Nicholson Institute, 780, Eighth Avenue, New York. 9.1y S --- - * *Ii * --i -- The Louisiana Delegation at Kansas City. Capt. John Fitzpatrick was made permanent Chairman of the delega. tion, Judge N. C. Blanchard was reelected national committeeman, and the following deleg:ates were assigned to the various committees named, to wit: Credentia's, R. F. Broussar.i; per manent organization. J. E. Ranadell; rules and order of business, W. II Price; platform, W. F. Blackman; honorary vice president, S. I). Mc Enery; honorary secretary, L. E Thomas, who is sitting on a proxy from the member from Shreveport; to notify the President, E. II. Mc Caleb. Notlee. By virtue of a resolution of the Board of llrectors of the Roth Drug Co., Ltd. duly passed this day the said company was dissolved and the affairs of the company wilt be liquidated by Mr. E. N. Roth, who has become by purchase sole owner of all the stock of the said company and assumed all of the debts of the company. Mr. E. N. Roth will continue business at the old stand and solicits the continued patronage of the public. RoTH DRnto Co. IN LIQ. J. R. JE~ANMARD, E. N. ROTH, H. N. ROTH. Thibodaux, Ia., June 28, 1900. Mtass Mary Louise Boudreaux, aged sixteen years, a daughter of Mr. Ernest Boudreaux, of Lacache plants. tion, was killed by lightning on Thurs. day of last week. Miss Houlreaux was sitting in the kitchen, peeling potatoes, when 'lightning struck the building. Her father was in the kitchen with her, and young lady a second or so before she was struck remarked to her father that so much rain made her believe that the world was coming to an end. The bolt of lightning did some damage to the sides of the house, and ruined a coffee mill. Strange to say, Mr. Boudreaux was not injured ,n the least. Miss B>udreaux's untimely death was made more sad by the fact that she was the eldest of the family, and since her mother's death, three or four years ago has exercised a mother's c·are over the younger children. Mr. Boudreaux during the past few years has lost his wife and nine children. Several of his children It Is said died with typhoid fever last year. - Houma iCourlcr. The New Police Jury Organised. The retirmg police jury held its last session last Monday, transacted such old business as demanded its attention, and then turned over the government of parothial affairs to the new police jury elected last Aprl. The new jury is composed as fol. lows by wards in the order named : Messis Jules L. Basst, J. Louis An-i coin, Charles J. U uedry, Hector Mor-l v nt. Emile U. Morvant, Lovincy Rodrigue, Alexander Theriot, P. Fe, lix Falgout, J Lovincy LeBlanc and Frank P. Parra. Of these only Messers J. Louis An coin, Emile U. Morvant and J. Lov iney LeBlanc were members of the retiring body. The members of the new police jury met on Molday, took the oath of office and organized by electing the following officers, viz: Mr. .J. L. Aucoin, president; Mr. II. N. Coulon, secretary; Mr. A. J. Braud, treasurer; Mr. Richmond A. Frost, It will be noted that this is the s:ame corps of officials which served in their respective posts the outgoing jury, anti by re-electing them una nimously the present police jury recognized their worth and efficiency and gave assurance that the business of the divers offices occupied wi:l be faitLfully performed and discharged in the future as it has been in the past. The jury has also continued the SENTINIEL as the official orgau of the parish. a compliment which is highly appreciated by the management, which takes occasion to return its sincere thanks. On Tuesday the jury sat as a board of reviewers, elected Mr. Pierre Breaur, of the 10th ward as oyster commissioner, and after transacting routine busi. uess, adjourned to its regular meet ing in September, when it will elect .he road inspectors. Daughters of the Confederacy. The .lildred Lee Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy, of this place, recently elected the following officers for the ensuing year, viz: President. Miss Mamie Walsh; first vice president, Mrs. J. it. Jean. murlt; second, Mrs. Emanuel Chol; third. Mrs. E. P. Lefort; fourth, Mrs. J. T. Thibodeaux; corresponding sec. retary, Mrs. T. D. Kent; recording secretary, Miss Ella Beauvais; treass urer, Miss Anuette Coulon. On to Crowley. Board to morrow's excursion for Crowley, if you want to enjoy a day's outing. Much fun promised. Bank Statement. We publish elsewhere the sworn statement, of the Bank of Thibodaux. showing the condition of its Iusiness on June 29, 1900, to which we direct attention. We consider the showing a good one for the season. The bank has been doing a conservative business from its organization, and lie continued confidence of the stock holders in its direvctors and officers is a fltting testimonial to the competen. cy, efficiency and fidelity of these trusted officials. The statement referred to does not contain a past due loan or discount, nor a doubtful asset. The surplus which was $8,500 on June 29th, has since been increased $3,500. Unveiling of the Monument to La fayette. An interesting ceremony which took place in Parts on the fourth of July, was that of the unveiling of the monument to Lafayette, the trin bute of American school children to the distinguished French soldier and patriot who fought by the side of Washington for our liberty ani inde. pendeuce. The imposing ceremonies were graced by high dignitaries, l'resident Loubet, Ambassador Porter, Com missioner Peck and Archbishop Ire land being among those who took part in them. All of these spoke on the occasion, Archbishop Ireland delivering a lengthy address in French which was frequently inter rupted by applause. Congressional Convention Called. Pursuant to call the Democratic Congressional Executive Committee. of whnch the tion. Walter GOnion, Attorney General, is chairman, met here last Salurlay, to determine the time and place of holding the con gressinal conuvention. There was a good attenclance, every parish in the district being represented. As will be seen by the proceedings published in this issue, the nomins ting conventinm was called for Sep. teember 24, 1900, to meet in the town of Lafa:,yette. That will aford ample time to make the campaigo this fall, as the district is in pretty good shape. Up to date there is no opposition to the Hon. FIt. Broussard for renom. Siuation, and there is not likely to be. A Series of Disasters. The last few days brought us news of disasters more or less appalling from various parts of the United States. First on the list comes the great fire at Hoboken, N. J., with the ap. palling loss of life exceeding 300 and a loss of property reaching $10,000,000. A car jumped the track on a high bridge, at Tacoma, Wn.. on July 4th, and plunged down into a ravine nearly one hundred (aet deep; thirty-five persons were killed out right and sixty five were badly injured. On the same day, at Parkersburg, W. Va., an oil tank exploded and killed six persons and badly injured many others. In Phi:adelphia, again on the 4th, while numbers of children were con gregated around a street stand where fieworks were being sold, a negro, boy tired a pistol shot into a lot of the stock containing dynamite, with the result that seven children were instantly killed, several more being so badly hurt that they are expected to die, while twenty or thirty were seriously injured. The Celebration of the Fourth. The glorious fourth of July was celebrated here this year with splen dor and enthusiasm, as it has never been celebrated bince the civil war. Grand preparations had been made for the occasion by the Carnival Club, under whose auspices the celebration took place. The rain somewhat Interfered with the festivities and rendered locomo. lion about the premises, the spacious college grounds, disagreeable, but the immense crowd took it good natured. ly. and enjoyed the fun. The canon boomed in the morning and thronghout the day, announcing the celebration and attracting a large crowd. The festivities began in the afternoon, and wound up at night by a splendid address by the Hon. Jared Y. Sanders, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and a grand display of fire work, such as had never be. fore been witnessed hereabouts. Mr. Sanders, the orator of the day, was introduced by the Hon. Andrew Price in his usual felicitous style, and delivered a forceful address which was highly appreciated by the audience. The Chinese Situation Wost grave. The news from Chins shows the situation to be most grave and hourly growing worse. The report of July 4, via London says: "Not a single foreigner is now alive in Peking." This startling report is said to have come through Chinese sources from Shai,ghai. If this be true, the hour of retribu tlon will soon arrive, and a general war against the Chinese may soon rage. What the result will be, it is difficult to foretell. America will most likely be drawn into it. SALVADOR STRADOR, Shoemaker & Repairer co0. THIBODAUX & ST. LOUIS. Sells, repairs, and makes shoes below cost. 501m ALL WORK GUARANTEED. STATE OF ILOUISIANA. 20th Judicial District Cotyt-Parish of Lafourche. STATE o LOUIIlANA AND PARIKa or LAFOURIHR. EXREL JAMES BEARY Ex-orFiloe TAx COLLECTOR VS. NO. 3571 WILLIE REED. r'I'AKE NOTICE: THAT ACTIN(G I under and by virtue of a writ of lerii Facia. emanating from the above entitled Court, in the above entitled and numbered suit I have Seized and will offer for sale, at public auction pursuant to law to the Iast and highest bidder on the premises situated on Jackson street, in the town of Thibodaux on SATURDAY JULY 21ST 1900. between the hours of 11 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m. the following des cribed property to wit: The contents of a Bar Room situated on Jackson street in the town of Thibo daux consisting of Liquors, Cigars, Tables, Chairs, Bottles Glasses, etc. etc. Terms and Conditions of sale, Cash to pay principal interest, attorneys fees and all cost of these proceedings. July 7th 1900. JAIas BEARY, Sheriff of the Parish of Lafourche. JUST RECEIVED AT J. 8. LEYVRON & Co.'s Emporium ....Store, 1000 Flower Pots. 250 Jatdinieres and Cuspidors of latest and most beautiful patterns. Also largest con signment of Ice Cream Freezer', Coo lets and Frrit Jars ever brought to Thibodaux. All at New Orleancso prices. together with a large line of Hammocks, from $1.00 opwards. It will pay you to call and see these goods. Something For Nothing. That is what we are giving to induce you, who are not already our customers, to visit our store, and see all the nice things we have, and are offering at such low prices, also to encourage our old customers, and to show them how much we appreciate their val ued patronage. We give you with every $25.00 purchase a hand. some picture (a pastel) frame and glass complete, oi. that will adorn the walls of any home, and prove a source of satisfaction to the owner. Have you yet ee cured one of these Pictures? If not, why not try to get one. Remember we give you a ticket with every 0 purchase whether it is 5c or $5.00. Our Spring Stock is Now Beady for Your Careful Ipe Ladlles White Lawn Shirt Waists well Ldles Coset Waists made. latest style 50 and 715 A small lot of odds and sods L e. Ladlie Pink Corsets. latest Novelty, dies Shirt Wa·ls, to Close out only strong and durable. 0to Just added a nice line of Photogar Ladles Handkerchiefs, with ladgedge Frames to our stock. real prett I R.S.alsool, borders, from 6to 25c dirt cheap, 10, 16. 40 and M0e: Ladles Fast Black Hose lisle thread couldn't buy 'e elsewhere at Just the thingl for summer wear 26 pr pryee Extra special: Ladles Black or Tan Ladis Umbrellhe in I ttot b Hose, full seamless (worth 15o) 10c pair e Ladles Fan Chains made of Cyrano silk serge, gloria silk,. ta., s prieg Beads. 10 and WOe each that carry them of quickly. Beautiful Lace Curtains 3 yds long. Se our line of new iga ry tes at 70o 70c. $1.00, 1.25 pair thls summer's trade, t i y dlarge Misses Corset Waists, 2, 5, e assortment from b a ya up • Ladies Goods, Gents' Furnishings, Shoes and Hats, in good big assort ments, and at prices that defy competition. "The Racket Store," CHAS. A. BADEAUX, PROP. Main Street, Thibodaux, La. Phone 180 St . "O"'lt.W . ~ .•e ' AQ tse for Nunnally's O Candies Thibodeaux Drug Store, THIBODAUX, LA., Cor. MAIN & St. PHILIP St. offers its customers all possible induce. . ments in return for their patronage. Low Prices. Iargest Selections. Polite Attention SE. P. Lefort. A. J. Tetreau Lefort & Tetreau 8ueressors to R. TKTREIAU a Co. *Livery, Feed 1 ...Sale Stables. Undertaking W •I Establiahuent j (Blacksmiths and Patriot St. Cor. Levee and Market, Thibodau.v. DR. JOS. L. DREXLER, VETEIffINARY SUR~GEON, ;O~ICE ATOI, LEON DRIEXLER'S STABLE, THIBOD4UX, LA LUIlS DISTANCE TELEPHONE 3 THUIIODAUX TEL.POIIE DI8.