Newspaper Page Text
l'li. .1-ll i" e : ;:l:V - l I11, \Y I I . Il . 1 1 l1 1 1 :l : . ,lrI'r m l 'u h. tlfre'rl J4,u, et .,f 1l1 Iaf ish of% t'r ., ,,' : ' e Ip e ( t e , t' A:, odu..z. La _ ~- - ..... - z_-- - r, 8r,), "f (i ot ' i llrer. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: Fty: YE..AI IN ADVA'.\ E......... V '.O -- - .----- I All timLLunultti' it!.l, should itn ad dre.,st"-l I. to Td h T v.L X JEN. NEL -I . I ro1,, i-- , ',r,'- -,t. gin , .:l4ect ' of general lutes-,,* t t, - iitli I ril tt. r,1,.. ~. I t.,f l ,- h-i , .at )'ll ! L.) 1: i t l . "t" ,. l. ,, . :. u" r ue i ,.i SuIbcrilie.rT .i ho fail to t, ,:iavI tieir paper on til e a roulid not. yv u ainc deltlv. 'Fully prepared to do job work of every description. SATURDAY, AIUG, 25. 1900. Twin Evlls-Expa inon and Imper iali~sm. The war tagainst was an act of hutma:trt. .justitied by the basic principles of our republican form of goverunment, anwI fully authorized by conrgres to ftee a patriotic people from the thralldem of a cruel and blood thirty despotism. It rcquir'ei but three short months for the Awe:ican aimy and navy to subdue the Sp army and destroy its naval squadrons. and thus eman cipating Cuba and Porto Rico from opp resiion and misrule. Up to this point President McKin ley had not transcen led the authority of cor:gross nor violated the spirit anti genius of the constitut on Fighting in a righteous cause for tht extension of the principles of liberty the valor of American soldiers andi seamen won a twift victory over the feeble resistance of an effete mornar chv. The despotisms of the Olid 'TWorld stood aghast at the woderfu; strength, sublime courage and bril. liant miltary skill shown by this1 youtng giant of the western continent, It excited both their apprehension and a,nuiration and for the first time wade monarchies respect the flag of our Republic. At the same time. unfortunately. Mr. McKiu!ty and his cabinet became intoxicated over the fruits of our great victories, and by the advice of Englanl, concluded to ho'd the Pl:t'. lipine islands by purehasiig the s'nm. blance of a title from Spain for the suro of $20.000.000, and launch into the colonization and conquest bus., ness. When the Filipinos, who had I been our al;ies against Spain, asked for the privilege of organizing a re. publican govetinent similar to the United States, they were curtly told no, and that they must submit ann comnditionally to United States auth ority. Very naturally, the Filipinos who had become imbued with the spirit of liberty n(l had been pro. misal it by Admiral Dewey, refused to submit as it would only be chang log masters. President McKinley, without auth ority of congreu, then made war upon these people, who ever since have been making a gallant def. se of their homes ant rightful soil, and while being butchered mercilessly by our troops continue to fight in the face of diaasters andt defeat. Spain could not conquer them in three centuries and what little terri tory slle did get a footing upon had to be maintained by a large standing army. The United States have been fighting them with an army of from 301,000 to 10,000 men for one and a half years, with a loss of about 5.000 mei, anld an expense of over one hundrd millions diolars and still the Filipinos are not subjugated. They will resist the United States just as they did Spain. It will requisre a standing army of 100,000 men to keep those 9,000.000 of semi bar. barouns people in subjection. And what do we gain ? Practically noth. ing in commerce, but we are sacrifl cing the lives of hundreds of Arneri. I can soldiers ant' squandering millions of tieasure in trying to copy after the t coloial and conqiuest schemes of a~t, ru mnonarchical governments. lmlerialisnm goes hand in handl wit It expansion, atind expansion means .iittai,'lini alliances with foreign nl:tio,,s with the promise of frequent :til hlh,,,,v wars in the futcre. 1hen i-lieu to the peace and stability I if the lhtpuhiic hanied down by our forfvtti-rs and to the glory of .Maik llaina bias appointed a r prommnent colored editor and orator e -s to .Naional Republiean Advisory I C, mnn!titt',,. Ite thi4 r:rrn ir:ition of icoll rd *r-d e r (e . -p. - - e. !," h the colord tl et of the North. btut it is exticiii. Vt dt iif ! if this pe'rfus: tory ob!iation well overcome the nurn,.erot;s political gi itcvance', or satif:v t:e ldemands of the colored - electorate of the cauntry. The Ne grces v.r'v naturally expect official rec-.gnmtion from their so called l;epuM!ican friends in the way of fe,.dral patrovage. 1 Bushwhacking Politics. Li . We once heard a newspi) per man ia v : .that he was pu ,lihliin, his *a tpcer to make. m.,ne, ani. did not w~nIt to ant: l,f7niz" the o0,iniona of ,i,:tr("': aml suhb-litrs in either of S the u)-itical la:t,. Nev~t the',-. tIjat man in the last * campaign dii hiii best to d, feat the DcmDecr:tic tick-:t ii hlis parish by -covert attacks upon ti:e can'didates k ! on the very- eve of the election We do 0not deny nv Lcan his right of opi':i on, relig:oni or pi,:itiCal. but let him have the coNiuage of his con. victions and side with one party or Sanother. We ,o not like to see a Smal pose as a Democrat or a Repub. lican ::nll buhwh :,ek the principles t anti policy of the party which he Sprofesses to indorse. An open, dig. nified opposition is rcslpected every. where. 1 District Conventions. The Republican Third District! nominating convention will meet at! New Iberia on Sept. 10. The Democratic Third District nominating convention will meet at Lafiayette on the 24th of September. Parish mass meetings are being held by both parties for the selection of delegates to their respective Distriet convertions. When nomination: are made the congrersinnal caimpa.tiil wi'l open inll good carr.est. It is to be hoped that a temipe;te and 'diginified canvass will be made I, the ln',akers-avoid ing all iituperaltve language and party rancor. and discuss all political issues in a spirit of fairness and Ilegitimate argument. Political dift. ferences should not alienate friends nor make enemies of gen tleinen. Thirtieth Volume. Our able confrere of the l)oma'd. sonville Chief announces the entrance of his paper into its thirtieth voiuume on last Saturday. The Chief is one of the ablest e.litel and newsiest exchanges on our list, and has alway-sbeen a potent factor in building up the material interests of southern Louisiana. Re. publican in politics Bro : Bentley, like a true journalist. has the courage of his convictions and comes out openly in advocati.g his opinions. and conceptions of governmental policy. Although the Sentinel is of a different school of politics to the Chief, yet we have the kindliest and profoundest respeit for our esteemed confrere and wi-ih his excellent p:aper abunldant success in the future. Boodle lFad. The g-eatest muniment of power that Mark flanna holds in thhs campaign is the inexhaustible corruption fund subsenbed by the great Trusts to re elect Mr. McKinley and by accom plishing this perpetuate their own existence. But judging from the signs of the times we believe the man and not the dollar will count in I the approaching e!ection. Imperialism and Trusts are the paramount issues with the American people in this campalgn and over. shadow all othler pat ly questions. They see that the only way a check can hie given to both' tirapeia'ism'm and domination of Trusts as to defeat the reelection of Mr. McKinley., This explains the defection of soI many prominent Republican leaders A X;niater's Good Work. "I had a severe attack of bilious colic, got a bottle of Chamberlaiu's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedr, took two doses andi was entirely cured," says Rev. A. A. Power, of Emporia, Kan. "My neighb-r across thestreet was sick for ov.-r a week, had two or three bottles of meditcine from the doctor. He used them for three om four days without relief, then cel:ed in another doctor who treated him for some ,lays and gave lhim no relet, so discharged him. I went over to see him the next morning. IHe sold his bowels were in a terrible fixh. that they had been runing offso long that it was almost h!codly. I asked him if hie had tried Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera andi Diarrhoea Remedy nod he said, 'No.' I went home and brought him my bottle and gave him to tatke another 'dose In fifteen or twenty minates it he did not find rehlief, but he took no more and was entirely cured." For sale by Roth Drug Store. and why they will.suppoit M1r. Bry na in this el.-c :.n. We ,eheliee Mr. iaunua's 'i,!lar electorate will fail thii time. alast ThLe Trast. The traveling man, that is the coim mercial travelers, are just now very busily engaged in sending Out anti trust literature. This is being distr., buted through the hotels and those of this city have received their first hatch to i lv. The inter'stiig thing about the literature is that people actually take time to stop and read some of it. No better evidence could be shown of the general and deep interest in this I paramount polical question. The little pamphlet which is find ing its way into the lobbies of thel local hostelries is entitled, "Talkative Fa'ti," and is edited by the Commer cial Travelers and Hotel Men's Anti-Tiust League. The leading article is headed: "The Ouly Great issue," and iu the way of introduction and pre:u le iti says: "Smash the Trusts! That is the real issue of this presidential campaign. •'All other issues are insiguificant by comparison. "When the Trusts and their rulers are smashed, then, and not till then, can the government be restored to the peop!e. This is now a govein ment by syndicate. • No hone-st and intelligent peisoan doubts but that election of Willai Jennings Bryan and the return of the Democratic party to power the Trusts. aud their rulers would le smnshied and the government restored to the people. 'Out of the suffering of the com i mercial travelers first sprung the Trust issue. They were the first to feel the trust oppression, when more than 35,00 of their number were thrown out of employment and the majority of those left on the road under went reduction. '"The commercial travelers, na usual, propose to keep right on sell ing goods, and therefore were not meek and lowly. They made a most vigorous -kick,' which attracted att'n tion from one end of the country to the other. Then sprang up the Trust issue, which took form in a great sp)eech Judge Augustus Van Wyck, acting as the champion of the comrn mercial triveler. "This iýsi'e hr.s grown, and will not stop until every criminal trust has had its death knell sound. The commercial traveler is famous as a winner the world over, and he will make the trust issue win. While he, with thu hotel men of the country. have taken the lead in forcing this issue to the front, every middleman is equally interested. "No man, except Mark lhanna, has dared to publicly defend the trusts. In opposition to the trusts every middlenman can be rallied Then it will not be a question of partisan politics. "Let it be simply an organization against trusts for defen'e p':rposes, using William Jennings Bi-yan and the Democratic party as the only available instruments for their des. truction. "We must fight the Republican party which fosters and encourages trusts. Otherwise our influence can not be felt or enforced in an effective manner. "The c·ommercial traveler, on sc. count of his superior intelligence and( facilities for meeting people, is the greatest evangelist on the face of the earth. "'Let us use our great advantage in an orgauized way, for with us, .;s with all middllemen, it is a case of 'selfpreservation is the first law of nature.' "lark flanna an l the trusts mu t go."- States. SDrummers are good talkers and Swith 35 000 of them working for the Bryan ticket will give Mark Hanna no small degree of uneasiness in this camp'mign. Tlhey are better than orators. Bryan Will Restore The Republic. "The election of Bryan will mean the c·omplete arrest of our progress towards an empire and will restore the republic to its an cient state. It will check the growth of harmful trusts and prevent those trusts from being monopolies that will strongle, if let alone, the enterprise and profits Ile industry of the masses. "On the other hand the elcction ofl McKinley wi:l be rgarded as an en dorsement of all the sets of his administration, good, bad and inliff. orent, and will cntinue-theexpersive and ruiamn s policy of forcing our flag and our rule over alien peoples who simply desire and fight for their own lilber'y and independence as the founl'ers of this republic ftuglht fr theirs and ours. "It wi;I al.n nean the furTlher ;,r,>, ,otion and fostering of the i.anti," trustt and monopo!its wlH th :.t r : - ready a menace to Inimustiy nidI fi:e. trade among ourselves anti which. if allowed to live will inevitan,'v ruin iudividal effort and entet prise. Ev ery voter must choose between the two, and the i-sue s well describel1 as 'paramount' must guide his hand at the ballot box "-Hon. P. A. Coilios New England Gold Democrat. The wife of a man in Arkansas, named Moon, presented him with a fine boy. This was a new moon. The father celebrated the event by drinking himself full. This was the full moon. When he awt,ke from his drunken stupor all he had left in his. pocket was twenty five cent. This was the last quarter. His mother in law heat him over the head with a club, thus giv'wig him a total eciipse. --Ex. TO THilE lDEA.-A rtc!: hady, cured of her Di-afness and Noises in the Head by Dr. Niho'lson's Artificial Ear JDrusa, gave I$ttlns, to his Institute. so that detf people' unable to procure the Ear DIrutsll; mall;. h thetm free. Aldress N',. M4.*The Niciolhun Institute,7sJ, , k:ghtb Avenue, New York. t,.ly « You Cannot Pushk a Man Far U/ta Q-.-- Tree." You cannot drive purchasers to any particular store. You can win them by convincing arguments. A convincing argument at tractively displayed in the ad vertising columns of this paper will reach the eyes of hundreds of buyers in this community. MIKE LEVY & CO. THIBIODAUX, LA. Clean, Paint, Repair, Put up and take Down Smokestacks, SCrGtHOUSlE CUHIIETS, HEATT IACHtIINE. RT, ENGINES, ETC. Satisfaction Guaranteed and Charges Low Anybody Needing Tarpaulins Can have them made by them as goo I and as cheap as they can be pabchased in New Orleans. e J. 8. LEVRON & CO t DEAL.ERIS IN IlARi)WARE, GL.\SSWA RE CRO('KERY, - AND OENEiaA L HOUSEHOLD FURNISHING GOODS. At the old itand Formerly Occupied b late R. R. MCBRIIDE. ..THIBODAUX * Sheet Metal Works, WM. KURZ, MOR. (;uttering, Spouting. Roofing. SSky Lights. \'entilators, Cor Stices. Ilow Piping. Slate roof ing -ln repairtng. Plantation work a specialty. All work promptly attended to. Satis faction guaranteed...... ..... SHOP NEAR R. R. DEPOT, CUMEIILAND PHONIEC aO. KCITKCHEN JOS. JEFFRIES, Perop. JUST RECEIVEnD .. A FRESH gI E OF CAN DIES, Lowney's 'Chocolates, . Sewards Chloc. & Bonbons, Seward's French Fruits, Runkle Bro. Cake Chocolate, A fresh assortment of Cakes rece.ved every Thursday......... 27 SRAILROAD *)· MARKET. OOCTAVE J. TOUPSZ, PROPRIETOR. Choice fresh beef, pork, veal, mutton anuC sausage. ,onetantly on hand. -OPEN EVERY MOnNING. Situsted on the alroad. corner Ct. Mars 'treet, and of easy acceass from all parts o, be town CHILL PAD. kmetlhis New! Curea Chills without medicine. It It falls Sw. refun. your money. $),L*O0 to back our I'uarantee. A s*'re preventative. If your r lggst does not keep the Dr. Kilg Chill I Pad we willt mail you one on reoels of pee I .Sas. THE DRL KI(U CHILL PAD Co., Memphi. leann. S-tv LOCAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY HER CANdTILE. "lry NoU dm - , '. . : 1 t_ . 1 . . -b ,w ! :1t , . l.* n!. 1 i tlo ` Ylarket Maund. A\wae on.'s I:1".,,I ts.e beet ol IR. f. Mutlon Pour, Veal, ali S.l.mas gt i ,t all: kindla Market S:iestl. 'l hill.*sl.Ix. La. 1JUU SA LOI W. I a. rV.'l' algle. Proprietor. t'ioire WSirs :,lnts| ltyape. line cigars always ,,. Cur. Greetl a;nd Masket Streets. FROM, H. W., Cyppresa and Pine Lmtber, Cypress and Sawed Shingles, also saddler} nad harness. Blacksmithiug and borse abshoing a specialty. LEG OENIIE. C J. Cheoice Family UGrceries Also Fred and i harenal. Cor. St. Philip and Kose streets. EYER, DRS. A. J. & L. E. Phyalelann sand Nlrgeoms. Propri.tors of Meve-r )rngS tore. Main Street lThboLtux. La. F. E. Bailtv, Manager. 'IT11 D1LG CO, L't'd. EIragglits. I l';.I (htuisitls. Perfumery. School b'tke bsatsunerv, etc. Cor. Mlain a Green streets IrlERE & CO.. HIEN.;Y, Dry Goods .otinns. :rat. boors and shoes, crocLery, C'r. lain & St. Loauis trvers. THIIBODAUX I)RCO tTORE, F. J. Gullols, Masnaaer. Drugs, Cisen.icals. Toilet Articles. Perfamnerr School honks. S;atiouery. Cor. lMain and St Piillp streets W IIGHT, MRS. J N., Millinery Niore Notions, Ldi.s Ilsts and bonunets. Dre- making. Cour. Market a"-id at. Lous .s'retts ZERXNOW. FRANKa. 'aseltc aker & Jerweller Fine Jewelry. watches and cos.ks, eta. .lai Street, between St. Phi:ip and St. Loule. D)ENTISTS. ILANCIIARD, (D. D...), 1. .. Dcrllilt. Corner Green and St. Bridget Street DAIGRIE, DW. J. J. 1eiatlai ()ffice Main Street, L.ear Court l11nus ATTORNEYS-I -LAW BADEAUX, TIIO'UiAS A., A lIormey..i-law. Bank of Lanoutche building fI IWEb,. & MARTIN. Autormerys at law. RIoonms :. ., 7. Bask of l'illdanz Buildin1 SNOBIU;.II CLAY A tiormea ffices: Batik BuildiuX. Enraaece on 8 Louis S.r. ct. EDUCATIONAL. CBOL, EMMANIUEL, M usle '1 eaclher Gives "n.trunmentat, vtcal and Harmony lee souns. lesadlence: Le' e street. U AI:GIS, PROF. L. M. Nelect hchLol for IBoy. English anst French to aI.! -Jeir Irancheas a Mathenaties t. i gbt. Narrow street, foot i St. Miha'lel -,e't. `1OUNT CARMEL ChVENFT. As Academry foe omag Ladles Kept by the Staters of Mount Carmel. Thour ,ugh emare. English and Foot of Masket Street. NOTARIAL. L)CLON. H. H. 'etasey Pmblkic Real F.state anii Fire a:d I.tle lasnurno. Azent. Propertes bnnght ard solid. Mnoen loaned ind iorrswt.s Bank ol Laloart auidirig Keep Dry. Do nrt fear cold and rain The Thihlaxdan Slhoe and lHat Store hzis a line of the highest grade waterproof mackentoshes. EMILg J. BRAcUD, Prop. SEW AI'VErI'rlEMENTl,. HAIR BALSAM C and asSbew:.ssg tke bsl. VIRGINIA COLLEGE. For YOueg Ladiles. Reaoke. 'a. Opens Sept. 1th, ii. Oneof the leading Schbools for Young Ladlies in the South. Magt nificent suildings, all moderln improve ment. ('aplluils ten ner-s. Grand usoun- ( tain scenery in Valley of Va., famed for health. European anid American teebers Full coarse. Superior advantagesll In Art. Music, and Elocatiotn. Students frios thirty States. For catalhgues address MlArTTIE P. HABIIS, Pres, Roanoke, Va. I 49 St SALVADOR TRILADOR, Shoemaker & Repairer COR. TIIIBODAUX & ST. LOUIS. Sells, repairs, and makes shoes below cost. 501m ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Robt. Glover, Copper, Tin and 8HEET IRON WORKER Thibodauz, La· Shop on St. Louis St., between Main and Thliboldaux. Soliciting a share of your patronage, gularanteeing first-class work and at satisfactory prices. Boofing and Guttering a 8pecialty REPAIR WORK PROMPTLY DONE. H. N. Coulon, NOTARY PUBLIC. TaIwDAIx. LtA; .1. .BoutOh o .t tV. tchionl: kr1(1 -", . lizr , an l Cý.sifsG)f,.t-:,. r i t 12r 2 FINE JEWLERY, CLOCKS AND WATCHES. THE CEIJEIRATED "on~,,o.~-C?.( ELGIN WATC'IHE' S GU.iNs CONSTANTLY O(N POWDE HAND. Also the NEW TRIIDUBS AMERICAN SEWING IS(O MA MACHINE. "" "'" ET('., A E W:at,'l. -s. ('loks, ingq Matcthines. 'a,,f..I. repat tI "1 . ,\ full .iil !,)" l 7plvn_= 'r. i "l an Ind t. - o at fCtE - IUIMIANA rTEAM 1 IlIIII iUI i IN 1 ii0 F IlOIIERU'lh & CO., Proprie ;01, 303, 305,307 GRAVIER 8 - N EV I()1 LEA1 lS. IL IP ash, Blinds, Doors, lohltinr., Florin n an Balasters, etc., always en hand ,:r zwade to or Orders ;,romPtlv arrnnted to. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRAfe Ms Copymwurs c. Anyooe sending a sketeb and deiptlon ma sent fre a.gen o pat f a s. Patents taent ra o. a Co. 0eweiy Ri i md . es, F St.. Umintao, rr - Sciutifk 1Imfcau. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Jeiwet din yew; ourlmn IL od T newdlere. NUNew ALB'KTrJ. .I A Z8 IU E: NOTAR Y I'UBLIC RACELAND, LAFOULC'IIE, LA Ofmce hoursfrom 9a. in.to6 p. n,. Any Notarial busineso pruuptly and car fully attendedtr. CLAY KNOBLOCH Att'y and Co:rutne!or at LawJ Thibodanx, I se. Office.s: Gaude Building, St. Philip St. FROST'S HOTEL, Coa. Mnaa and GRasI Sr. Head-qua tnas ftr gll- , Fxcursiunists and Traveling PEOPLE .... Meals on European and American Style-Served at any "Old Time." A First-class .... CAFFE d""I'"",, HOTEL Where all Wines, .lquors and Cigars can be had. Polite Attentionu..... Winm. H. FROST, Prop. CaUct.ncit Spe renowned ua lead er. fhlse promises mader o charlataism practaed. Over 100 Gold and bilver Ned SDiplomas te , awarded Sby Ameriea and Europeas Zxpoltlons. Commercial Cl se includes Uxzert Ac esntilg and Auditing, an Ir Guaranteed i Lher and superior to any other in the soutb. We own our eoi!ege building and have uenqual!ed facilities and an uaercelled eaculty. Graduates bold leading positloan all over the llentr. Instruction all personal. Havio aumeroas business connections and being versally and reputably known, we have uperor advantageO in aidnlg studenaeo to /pA store is comanedd with aould College ta which students do actual business with real goods and actual mosey, and they keel the books In the latest labor saving forms. Students enter at any time. English. Acs demie. Shorthand aa4 Basiness schools. AM sparate faculties. Bend for eatalogae. Address 030. SOULV & SONS a ' ---" C+ S3. 9 D -no A R~a a '0 F~as I 5. Or ~( -". D Your News r- -:tlsti a ' w..e'e by wF i ' e servig * mr Ty 4ledll .".....T .. . D S S - - . ":t oTin s FRANK B (SUCCUSSOETO Commission AND DIALEUW IM COUNTRY -e-COTTON, eve IPOTATO)ES, Kt0. WAX. TALLOW NO. fl1 DWAIt NEW OR 4rLILBEAL ADVA. AlN CaGests. and Tmade-ults. ent business coed-ts tor remote from W ta;te Send model drawna at tion. We advse, it charge. Our fee not del o t a me ote v. s seat We. Address, O.A.8N Op@. Pamtw Orw*. SUNDAY on SEMI-WEEKLY WILL All the PROM THE STA Ia the Paper of dh An the SLes W 7L.5 AoII Delh.eLd Lai DAILY AU iWa Sr,* 16 to 20 pagWs SEMI DAILY NSW