Newspaper Page Text
USE..,, Dr. Meyer's Water,: 50C. A BOTTLE, l LOCAL PARAORAPH$, Ellis Brand Sons have ji't receivr re a new line of fresh kid gloves.. 9 The Aceension police jury has plsc. ei a heavy license on deaides in pis tols. George Delanure has accepted a position at II. Riviere A Co's dry goods eniN,prium. The latest styles of Manhattano 6birts are to be found at Ellis flraud's eons on Mlain street. The Grand Army of the Repubkic in the North and West are raisingp $100,000 for the relief of the Texas a storm sufferers. Happiness depends very much on thecoodition of the liver and kidneys. The ills of life make but little Impres. i saon on those whose digestion is good You can regulate your liver and kid neys with HERBINRI and enjoy t health and buoyancy of spirits. I Price, 50 cents. For aslt by Thbo- t ldaux Drug Store. We had heavy showers of rain on c on Friday of last week, Saturday and ( Sunday. It is not thought that any damage was done to the cane crop. The hardware establishment of H. , Rtiviere & Co has boen removed to the building formerly occupied by them as a dry goods store. The active business season has a opened now and it is a good time for ý our merchants to send their new ad vertisements for their new stocks. t The Demoeratie National committee has prepared a statement showing the " advance in the value of articles con tr)lled by trusts. ti The rice farmers around Gueydan, I in the rice district, are not signing the e rice combine agreement, which has been set on foot in Crowley. The finest and most stylish men ii Shoes are the Johnson & Murphy f, and Bostonian, sold by RIlis Braud's ib bons, Main street. , There are thousands of people, suff ering untold torture from piles, be they cannot be cured. TABLER'S BUCKEYE PILE OINTMENT will tl cure them and the patient wi!l remain t cured. Price. 50 cents in, i,,ttle Tubes, 75 cents. Por gale b)" T',Ih . daus Drag 8tore, ti Any persons wanting Dr. Hamlet 9 Moore's lione of medicines for the treatment of stock can find them at m W. 11. Iagans stable. Is Adlin Ptcou, who has been in the employ of Meyer's Drug store for t some time past, will leave in a few I. days for New Orleans to take a ol course in pharmracy, Dr. We. C. itubbs of the Lonsia. P pa Experiment Station hasm culttvated m a sugar esne brought from Trinidad, t which, he says, will revolutionise the sugar indmstry in louisiana. Have you seen the ,'Ves-two"-two vests in one 9 It is a single breast on one side-turned it becomes a o double breasted vest on the other to *ide. Worn by stylish dressers every of where, lls Braud's Saons have them. re The Rev. John C. Barr, pastor of n the Lafayette Presbyterian Church, favored the Sentinel office with a call on Thursday afternoon. At night he deliveredl a very interesting sermon at the Presbyterian churb, departing b for looms yesterday morning. When jou csaao sleep for cough. ing it is hlrdly neesary that anyone in should tell you that you need a few ret doses of Chamberlain's Cough Rem. T. edy to allay the irritation of the threat, and make sleep possible. It is go~dl. Try it. For sale by Roth )rug Store. Be sure anml turn out to the Demo s cratic rati8fication meeting at the Thibod:laux Opera House tomorrow, the at i.,,on, asdl hear Hon. Robert F. lait Brousard and other distinguished se speakers discuss the issues involved fci in the present campaign. Ladies are especially invited to attend. Mr. A. L. Guillo., formoly part owner in A. ],. Guillot A Co's. drug store, has sold out his interest in the not AIrm and will take up his residence in O New )Or'eans. tari The many friends of Charley Thi ad Itdaux wil lhe pleaseld to learn that par i. has been employed as manager of to I this pharmacy under its present own- Ch erhip'. where he will Ie pleas~d to she serve them in tcverythiig ·onnected ald with the drag line, Idid brin A new reniedy for billousness ma ret' now on sale at Roth's drug store. It of a le calledt Chamberlain's Stomach and in c Liver Tablets. It gives quick relief a and will prevent the attack if given hy as souns as the brat indientiou of the Ren doease appeamr Prics, 25 cents iper go bol. Baples free, For sale by Roth ely. L)rug Store, Stor VlWhen you have no appetite, do not relish your food and feel dull after eating you may know tuat you need a h1w4 of Chalmberlain's Stomach and: LiverTablets. Price, 25 cents. Sam ples free at Roth's drug store. The ralns on Saturday and Sndrlav were followed by a cold wave on Mol,. day which continued for several days I to the great h·,nefit of 'he cane crop I . and which will accelerate the opening I of the grinding season. The whistles of the sugar mills are heard in almost every directiin now I testing and i),pttin tihe machinery in order for g inding the crops into a I marketable shape. r 9 For sprains, swellings and lameness a there is nothing so good as Chamber. t Ilse, lain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale a pis- by Rotlh Drug Store. "Ma iss Matilde L. Bruguiere, the t dry distinguished song tress, was greeted t last night at the Athenaeum by a g large and ele, t audience Miss Brna ttan guiere's concert proved to he a rare ipd'a musical treat. Miss Brugulere is possessed of the grandest of musica! endowments and as she stirred and b' sW wayed her audience last night, those ling who heard her were convinced that a las she was a singer about whom the half has not yet been tQld."-The Daily on States, Tuesday, April 17th, 1900. eye. We have on our table the Com- a ' mercial and Industrial number of the kid- Crowley Signal which is a gem in the t joy ty,>ogrsphical art and puts another , rits. feather in Bro. Scott's cap as an I b- upto date pewspaper man. This n number contains a graphic write up 3 i on of the parish of Acadia and city of i, and Crowley, the developement of its any industrial and commercial interests during the past fourteen years, and a H. is handsomely illustrated with splen- C did half-tone photogravures of lead ing business men, views of residences I and public buildinga, canals and d for pumping plants and maps showirg ii ad the various lines of canals and irriga. tion facilities throughout the parish Thorough and persiateut a'Ivertis the ing is what built up Crowley and S on.- Acadia parish, and the liberal adver tisements of the business men helped Ian, Bro. Scott to issue this splendid the edition. bas "* .I In anaemia and most women's ai'- e ments the digestion is weak, the mak S nen ing of color, flesh and strength out of phy food, is imperfect so that the patient id's is weak, wan, nervous and dyspeptic. d This condition can be corrected by a taking a course of HERBINE rn b Price, 50 cents. For sale by Thibo g 4'S A wise man hath said: "Blessed is A will the man who magnifieth the advan no "Il tages of his own town and standeth t by st with loyal deeds when others J speak ill of it c;ntiunally, for upon the last day the man of praise and ti ilet good work will get a harp and a crown 0 but the kicker and the man with no j) the public spirit will be bunched with the ] at mules and goats, and shipped to the land where it don't snow." the Do you believe In building upyourn for town? Then speak wae:lof it. Be pub C. ew ice spirited and work for the promotion a of all home enteriprises that will enh G. ance its developement and prosperity. T ia. Patronize home institutions-home P ed merchants, home schools, home indus. A Stries and last, but not least, support D by a liberal patronage your home newspapers that are ever alert in ad WO vocating your interests and the towns I interests. Let us all pull together er for our town and eabch and every one E. ry of us will be benefitted by the grand m. results that will be achiteved by such C of united efforts. & Fmr tile. 1000. Grocery and baer, large stock, big bread trade license paid, c Scheap ren, 4 rooms attached to gro Mi cery suitable for couple. h Splendid chanoe for acy one desir e ing a change, big business. Owner w retiring from business. Address 8. Pi n. T. care Thibodani Sentinel. 12 we It DIZD. Ma _At Melrose plantation, Ellen, Be daughter of Mr. andl Mrs. Victor Ali Prejeanot, aged 2 years. El e The remains were broaght up by Fri , the train on Thursday and the body Lu . laid to rest in the St John Epi-copal b:o Scemetery, Rev. James Phileon of d fciating. Az . It lappemed " a Drug Store. All "One day last winter a lady came Ha rtto my drg store and asked for a brand of cough medicine that I did Snot have in stock," says Mr. C. . Coi Orandin, the popular druggist of On A tario, N.Y. "She was disappointed Me i and wanted to know what cough pre- r. Sparattop I c uld lecommend. I said to her that I couhl freely recommend Mn Chamberlan's Cough Renldy that she could take a Iottle of the remedy aid 1 and after giving it a fair trial if she I did lnot Ind it worth the moneyv to bring lack the botle and I would a refund the prce paid. In the course foi tof a day or two the lady uname back For Sin cow panr willt a friend in need of sen r oough medioip aMnd advisedi her to tlity a Iottle of th'ampberlsjn'ls Cough Ro Remedy. I consider that a very rgoos' revommel)dstion for the rein L. e ly." For sale by Jioth Dig fortg Store. blo do Joe 8mart Captuned. tteri ed Joe Smart, one cf the negroes who Ind was concerned in the shooting affray tm at Geo. Cousin's lumber camp, pear Lafourche Crossicg on Saturday the Iav 29th nIt, and mysteriously disappear. o". ete at the time, was tracked by sheriff 5ys Beary last week to bayou Paul, near rop Iberville parish, and on Friday of Ing last week Deputy sheriff Walsh lo cated the fugitive at the cabin of a are relative and brought him back and ow lodged hiu in the parish prison. in It will be remembered that Wil a liam LUcas, the qther negro who participated in the shooting and was H arrested at New Orleans, was found wr. to be wounded three times. On the ale arrest of Smart he was found to be wounded in three places also, one in tle the hand, one ip the jaw and the ecd third it the hip. Neither are dao ta gerously wounded and are lodged f ru safely behind the bare to await trial. ere is Brn. nd >se To Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Clement " at on Saturday morning, a boy. aft To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Riviere t ily on Sunday morning, a boy. It is superfluous to add that both m- of these households were made hap the pier by the arrival of these sweet he babes and that the parents look for. her ward with great interest to the-s. an little sons fulfilling a useful and his noble manhood in the years to come uP May their brightest hopes be realized " of is the wish of the Sentinel. its _ Ass -"For three days and nights I stil nd ered agony untold from an atta,'k of ,_ cholera mobhus brought on by eat, d- ing cucumbers," says M. E Lowther clerk of the district court, C-nterville Ies lowa. "I thought I should surely t nd die. and tried a dozen different medi ieg icines but all to no purpose. I sent for a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and three doses relieved me entare:v " Lis This remedy is for sale by Roth Drug , nd Store. red te Past Time PlkasureClab. lid This popular club gave a most delightful entertainmenu at their i'- elegantly furnished rooms over the ik McDermott building, on Jackson street, on Thursday evening. progres ic. save euchie and dancing bking the I by asmusements of the occasion. Nice E refreshments were served to th m guests. The following were present : is Anna Boudregux, Nota Dantin, An in one Hock, Mary and Josephine Bel th teau, Julitte Ledet, Alice Anei-i. SEdith and A. Boudreaux, Olive Mlar Id tin, Ida Ledet, Rits and Noby Roger, rn Cecilee Cailiouet, Odile Ma!brough. 0o Mrs. Raoul Bye, tlrse. A. B. Dantin, ie Mrs. R. Block. Mlessers Henry Flash, e Emile Richard, Rodolph Cointment, ur lEd. Webre, Gerringer, Leon Naquin, b C. P. Auslet, Junius Malbrough, Joe > Ladet, Chas Bernard, Walter Roger, h. Geo. Moore, Felhx Rosignool, Frank . Tregle, Paul Richard, Jos. Wagnee ze pach, F. Bertio, Alma Boodreaurx SAlfred IHenry, Henry Chenetta, Wllise rt Dantin, E. Picou, Walter Ouillot, : Benta Brand. _Ladies 1st prize, won by Mrsm. Raoal Bye. Consolation, won by rlMiss Annie Hock. Booby by Mlises SE. Bondreans. d Gents 1st prize, won by Joe Ledet h Consolation won by Joe. Wagnespach. Booby by Bentz Braud. Ealertalmers Club. e The members of tihe Entertainer'* Sclub met at the pleasant home of Miss Vivian Knobloch, on Thursday night, and were delightfully enter-. tained by their charming hotess in progressive euchre. The following were present: Bertha Foret and Dr. II. Smith, May Froet and Dr. Oliver Braudl, I Bertha Riviere and Morris Celestin, deli Alice Malhiot and Paul Delaunor euc Elmira Frost ad FraLcis Knobloch L ( SFrances 3lalhiot and Prot Lafargue nigl Lucile Engorran anI Ridley Kno- Mis b:och, Eleonore Engerran and L. V Alit Azemar, Anna Danserean and Louis F ( Perrin, Cecile Dansereau and Dr. sha Albert Myer, Lucy Foret and Frank bar Hlarmon, Pauline Dnnsereau arad L. Wa Lancaster, Lucy Roger and Octave Jen Coignet, Vivian Knobloch and Chas Mel A. Badeanex, Dr. and Mrs. Louis L SMeyer, .Mr. and Mrs. Philip Braud,E B Blr. and Mrs. C. P. Shaver, Mr. and by, Mrs. E G; Robichaux, Mr. and Mru whit J.O Knoblchb. James Bourg, E:ig. and Gjny Knobloch. Wal I.adies Ist prize, drawn for by Mrs. hy ( Shaver (Veeil Danssrean and won by foalt mer. Consolation, won by Lucy Foret. l:oohy, won by Anna Dan. wh serean. the (ente Ist, piise, drawn ftr by F, face Robickhz', Prof. Latergue, P. Brand L. Iuncaster, P. Delanne, won by i former. Booby won by Adrhy Kno.- tris btoeb, Rep 01Edward Badeaux, r -r-.4ftei condlrrlti," r --a General Grcory Business for Nine teen and one half Years, at the same stand on Main St., has fitted up a commodious building on Jackson St., Cor ner Railroad .venue. where he is prepared TO $EIVYE HI OLD 5 NEW CUSTOMERS - better than ever with the best of Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Etc., and z General Plantation Supplies. Local Telephone. 4 Prompt Delivery. ItNew Store S New Goods. SOUR LINES ARE NOW COMPLETE I IN EVERY DEPARTMENT ........'ý Don't Worry, e' AB3UT STYLES, QUALITIES AND PRICES. WE CAN SUIT YOU iAnd Save You Money, S Our Stock Consists in Part . Hats,Caps, Ladies' Skirts, 0# Waists, Hosiery, Fancy ; Ribbons, Colored Dress SGoods, Satteens, Em $ broideries, N e c k wear, Ladies & Misses' Capes, House Furnishings. All styles of Fall and i Winter Dress Goods, Scomplete line of Fancy fli5, -Shtton sheets, i Boots, Shoes, Hardware Tableware, Willowware Etc. Etc. * In fact everything needed for family use too numerous to mention. Call and see us at our new emporium, S=£ We will please you, C I H. Riviere & Co. SPHONE MAIN STREET. Second Engagement, Opera House, October 14. : Grand Opera and Ballad Singer, Miss Mathilde Bruguiere. M~iss BruSguire hopes that the ladies and gentle men of thiis city zoill attend her recital. Miss BruLpuire will be assisted by the ~ighly ad mired pianist, ~Miss jMamie Maloney. Prices: Parquette 75c. Gallery 50c. Children 35e SEATSl AT A. L. GUILLOT & CO.'s DRUG STORE MAIN STREErT. I Feur Lear Clver Club. The memberus f this club were delightfully entertained in progressive euchre at the pleasant home of Mrs. L. C. Waterbury on last Saturday night. The following were present : Misses Annette Coulon, Elmira Frost, Alice Lynne, May Frost; Meadames F. C. Jennings. M. E. Maddox, C. P, Shaver, J. L. Lobdell, L. C. Water bury; Messers C. P. Shaver, L. C. Waterbury. J. L. Lobdell, F. C. Jennings, L. II. Lancaster and Dr. McVeagh. Ladies 1st prise, won by Mrs. M. E Maddox-Ornamental shall. Boo by, won by Mrs. J. L. Lobdoll-toy whistle. Gents Ist prize, won by L. C. Waterbury-Scarf box. Booby, won by C. P. Shaver. - -----.. pg -41mm-- -, While Mark IIsanna is engaged in what be calls, tearing the mask from the taos of that hypocrite, Win. J. B!yan" he mght takea snatch on the face of the hypocrite who declares that"' there is not a trust in the entire United States", and then holds up trusts for $30.000,000.--St Louis Republican, Dem, Serlm Aeeldent. As the Napoleonville train was coming in from Schriever at noon on Friday-yesterday, Felix Bergeron, aged about 24 years, attempted to board the moving train, some distance below the depot, to ride up town, when he missed his footing and fell under the wheels getting one of his feet crushed so badly that It had to be amputated. It is said the other foot was seriously braised also. This should be a warning to others not to jump on or off trains while in moQion, $epubllc, or Empire r If yon feel at all interested in con. stitutional government; in preserving' the Declaration of Independeuce; in perpetuating the Republic ns estah. lished by our forefathers; in checking imperialism and mditarism, and con. tibuting your influence to overthrow. ing the trusts, .coqe out to morrow and bear these great and vital issues uscussed by Hon. RobtL . BrousardJ and other eminent speakers at the Opera House. 1 THE B'uSIEST H IN THE CITY. - SWhe Furnitare Estab[lshnlt .... MAIN STREET .... FURNITURE FOR THE RICH MAN FURNITURE FOR THE * - POOR MAN ALSO UNDERTAKER. The Place to Buy Hardware, Paints, Oils, O Harness, and 4 AAgrioatural Implement --m AT H. Riviere & Co. 'Phone 108. Cor. Main and Gre&m Dt.e A. GO SI .... MAx[FACTLRI3e AND DIALE .... Choice . ough Ores Cypress Lum All Dimensions Sawed to Order and Lafourche Crossing, La. . SOUTHERN PACI SUNSET ROUTF ...Vacation Ra TO L q IRESORT POINTS. J 1 Our A gents oun can offer you MOU1 LOW Lakes, ROUND TRIP Seash RATES Gall or Write for Partioulag' m Pass. Traic M-anager. hovUroN, Tmrx. Gem. Pam. - JEFFERSON MILITARY COLL WVashington, AMijs. (Six miles eat of atbes.) A Preparatory School fbr Boys. 'eoW. Carob. eRA NcbeA . Is the man you want see when you want strong, sound and healthy Kentucky.e rood. Mle or Fany laddle and Driving iveMe aCa Fi .stohit Hotel Donnaud A. U. DONWAUD, Prep, First class accoqtmoda. tion for Commwarea tra velers. Sample roopm on the premises. Lafourche Croesing, . La CmmaberIsd TbLeP NS~ L. H. LAN EI EC TRIC Electrica4 Word, vate T and tems, Via and and afl Cr,4 o4 4m