Newspaper Page Text
IrIk r jbiudllau Seaftld Frwl', ISL-.' ,: AF 'F .p 0 i- . .'. " .r a.nd Pub. IA te. -- . e . -. S'JBSCE[LFIONi YF ';t: Pie YEAR. IN AVA.NtZ ......... ..JJ '" iadsx. La. r"r..*:o='v-e *:. S;,.-h of 8r .? wyTr . i.w ls t ? f .arI:·.. t .-r fwre .r t.r.. - It r r* " . r. . *':1 *1. ". nr s-tJ c I. ~f,: t *. - e s.rr a:c . . r t e rs :m : . "-. . " L. . U ' " " t.-' a. - t ' - a. .:- .:at.( i . u. ta -3 1 S.h r* t t.,:. +a . e i ..^a. . a : Uf e t. 8.t L T TFu iy .ripareu t eto job wcr of every deaeriptin. 'Th- Sttuat iui in the Philip Ir rOur irt n.h- We Co-rmmte'1 oG ti e a:;:.r. -; . :- n tLe P' hi i;. 4,:u, and r-,.r i , i " tr 't= frm ie '1 -g .p-r . ::t;' vu". G-a *"-a ý.a \'ri - tO ý "t t A- p,, .... r , - a.; " r , r*. a :, - ,L '-t r . . x / : :. - .; . L . -U .. t,d , r ' . 2:A "* " r r, 1 * - F .::, . ' . " , pa,;.'.- th ,t of th s--er,;,. ~Jsy *Th. nruC: of 'eathS in tue army ` too io t,.: 'i-atb rate r-.. Lcareer be eC.tI b The nu::'.* o(f mz,-* fbo; i, fro a..~isL br .ai g',erilla bands LOw ero*-rehs tL,,e -i.~eJ at aru ii praviot i tli:L. M.'s' ::. tm'Iue pr c eds ' and the me .. "-rr:. ta' re and nore k dl -b.,it:t,.i - by :,l :..; ;--, aa -r" vie. the . more marnt t .w.i lwesw: tere rzti I f l leath,. }'or the .ix Ifmouths fPom Jan',arYv :j JS'T :;31. 19i),. tber-' drea21 ~_tf ,.-rs ard 971 e:, :t".d men. i of ihno I 4 ,fia:rl 3n I 204 enlistdL. il u"-;n were ka,!eJ on ec"o'o. an! 31 ol'icer, a:," 43 e:.:-:,-:J :uln died .f as woaud.. the oItler .trt'bs ,currnug: tro*2 tsrio's di-?s-.- Tht is oan' average of 47 daia . .' i' This is not a reir isttti-ug pi'' ai tore ,f the situatumn 'u our new posseamionr's in the Orieo,. :on'1 o:.e which is not like:y" t., enor;:ge our young men to enlist for s :v;-, ovca tbere. General MacArthur aidh to its W sombre ouit;inoe when be msat that t: '-the caisea t-s arising from this Irreguear (iguesa;., warfare in the American army te-tween N\rvember 1,' 1699. mad .ept,-a.ter 1, 1900. were' 2tC6 killed. 75 wunlre.J, 55 captured: i the Filipinio lossesa for the same tume, a far ms of record. 3.227 kiile., 914 ' wooIled, " 864 capt'redil. l The 9aumber of Faliinos kiled to n' the numb-r woot4ed is fearful. Well may the Springfield Repu/licv' observe -'We do ouar work with anhearl, of c eanoi s. The propor- tioa of ki,~id to wuw-sle ias y im'llt- " starli;ng ' Statistsa of this kind, Jt fi re;or'.l in Ithe dayI of iain a dor.- tu_ iiation in the 'Phbilppies. wouuld " have horrfld u. TLhe appeal to tr humam'ty wnaid have been raied in l the I'.ied SmntSt,,. Perhalps he I, prasent atate of th ngs cal, for a i" tre d ilke thii, but is it not a sober-I ao;g ,n ? It ias fair to 'asuwe that ha ror rtrps are l.oing tle I at theyl can wmit the eb su ha,,l It so, the to job hbs heea shaapv o as to prdxluce, reautts Ucet mit met aie a*ial sob--r s' the people ,f the I'almt. : ~aes when 're; theLv face ard reflct uion tim. id. '•." tiere nuo better wr ? That is fil the quetio whichbd b a imord jUrbe iln ugo us t i'ch ,tero-:. In+atan:e an wh the mIot roag ine eci, jaec..' we VWe f1i.v c',uf r iU tlhe rtew of tme .'pr2-)H i,/,i-Sita.,, a-rd be. t- here .t ii time tO raise thb fpp-a! t, i haiamnita u. the i':~t i State.. W. 18 cannot afforl to delayi that appell. ')1; without (:cmpromni.ig our national! honor am,, ,Iaa'retitiag our motivea in, i giag ,o we.r with .Spain fin tlhe ak., lrg of hunia:jtv Th: *!%cyy of extirrr:' s aef iuhre, aud it ia LInworthy of tbis na!o:i. It i. :r.-e tiat the re-ults of tt.e ire-nt le-c:i'.as Ri.,w an apparent intention o: tIhe part nof t:he people that the alm'uIoiSt,-.jtic: s policuy of solijoatiOrlm artlmo' i~ c arrie I out at' any wit, lIt that r.t L a coJCileulie " teat, fr manv ulpjv-ed to the Prei-.: d .-t's pohtcy vted for his re elcttion. Jet. therefo.)re, wo faor the casee Of Lum:.,ity bhe p a:'d dloing to bring atut a e·aaton of ho-tiiity pad a setlemoat f difficulties in tbhel ?hilippires It an )e writho.t o.n - ot the Ui:ted Sates atLd it blouid be o"i oIe as peedi:y as F .sibe. Pub. gaarm NEGLECTED ENGLISH. A Mistake in Tea hing, A.f:,.r sarne vea-r~ ? fad chasir, ir I ,,"Lr j,:"narV s ".. . tyr.i .- - a- hv tJke, . L-jrt: .-:- *a. .g sp.- i . uINYr :pL ; r--v .1: . tlg frtr..* +:=. ".. ' ,:! , ti- rt ·;: ti.- me"j .,ds of :** '. * in Lt " it' e & uii Wke ;a f- a. 'e- ar-. are f~ar from ,tt;-,:,; :.. It, l: .L r i~a t ar L e - t v .or Ir - Sty. i the cit ma. ,. :, ".ne " ,It.-.. 1a r ,, r1ci? : e "'. "r of EI 9'. t: W , , 1" "J a f ,: .. s the: lii, L - ( ;I. D ',1 " ;ar.e - ,' i+ Pi , in-,! , i r the lr,-,e, . . ! o-J- ' d a i i- "+r, y mr m I. i`i '.. Li- + ot- :,,h, 1_ ,L " - , c'as,.. - .s I n e 3 .ta e t r i-u t ' ;-. :,, w, . -n tt'.+'xI . r, ,i tt a - ...,t i .)a -, t -t,, , .f lr. h. - • r'' -r ,or ^ :.. *- . , t r e .'a te ' ;to 1 S "e .,+e gad ,, rcue th '",aLi-g I at A " ,rk :, eg :, - tL-u,. S -it?,. i , r tr - '::- i. t-rut fr a ,-ne t of the u:,l-.,rlh'! r,-*:t of ( - a vm, ,,f the soca::.-d iropreed meth ouc ad, of teething. We re'iewe in im Spruveas. nt in the m-th.JA of teach- ` o;; in. as w-Il as in o:t.-r !ee,;nrtmets Ide f lihfe. and cain evr-rn ts44n-te 1the orT iotrodjfuction of IfJ t-.,a ,ouir iplOliC dsh'b,'Ol yrstam. Mht in attempt:ng to ,a keep paee wri'h :1.- -1 "1 v; ars of the time ," rr- -• * . . ,a n,,t fI rget d , it- expkeri,,-er of t' ! a.-st. ;r , I-t t- - "eetial i 1r m-ry educa- : :i..r, ia th- e-,;]+,:,,.- *, h- t,t,, upa0 :ht- -hiid a a c .t'. rin. of kaowat-g.. of secondjrr imp'rt-- .... 3 The, tatr ow.+ i:, -hi!dren a p im . art ec:i.,,a. ": ; e, abht was fottr ." lgp,!. '.t , w..:! te-ig_ H' 'ated a fair kt,,wa - ,: if re tr.e i s, rtli,.g, , i . ": ,,I rwith ;et: . D r a, 'l tht a M th -. :'.ra;.c,^s iDp, v. 1 Jt the Stat*'b firt. .er be- ti ii - rrt thi know!tehl.- to her chi dJen. url ~ A do it h thi.raurggh0es. iven a S:t ua~crs hLve "U tar im,la-k thii ;,i' . f t --al i : arpre.- in tL. i sI thoq ,* f tlt:alinL al.i revert to : :t t:- olt fashbivn.- l :,J. n! t ,f ate, blue to ,z b-k.1 *lYpTirhr an I del;o-r of our Ifathere. Teach o:,r ,a..s and girls au - , w. t- ajpel, and to know the man- a.. r ing an:d us1 e o .ut.."d; tes: ti '-. Sgrnmar, to calh'!e t;iem to 5peak klu "a , w t:t 'arrrett y e: ret t ik lhe he ri f'undatioo upon wlh anudl aronnd it whikh the oth-r brat,,.-eb of their on Scquirements uti i's graceful m me - ie terr. th To bluild ',tlw-rwijs e the edifee f di, h edJuetion would 1. as forhsh a pro- , .4 eeelng Is no erict a fiae rnnsion on -'auik lana. tol, Ifb . prrey of the io first blast of the trrrn. The dep.r- r U tore fIroma this c,0rrpct gystpm of i .ying the foun'ln'ion of ualueCtional t trarining ha. given u* the balf-dere eve I Iope prr<luct Ipar4vscal'.ly spoke'n itar. Sof au the "edctl t~'' man (r wom~Iat . S"'who can't spell." I Nh w thaL tbe taa-bing fraternitjy UI Shastaken up th1 <latioan of "n" ;ag , tlelt:ed EngPib" in our schools, it is tl e to bM bod that the iubj-et will be th,,r,,uali,- d:'eaa-a.d and a corre-t as r',outaion rra-bel. The ijil must he Srenetded wihin hl- Ient proesble Ids:sy, aid carful;ly avoided in the - Sfutuae. Whatever else may be taught is the puhlhc schools. let every child ,who attends thb:m Ing enough be w;al grondtedl o tl tlahrt,. R 's. The populatiom n of the Ilaian trsriory, *fflicelly anlouncel to. I : 'lay, ia 391.9Gt, ag.aim,|t 10,162 in tua S190, an incr,.n baicelS 1830 of! fa 211,;77. or 1175 I.'r cm(n. The mu . tMpulatis, lay uiti,, anl refserra- vat tshe It's Ehtraed fnmn , '" I ' C Rd ptjmfle rat lad .'t ravr Coasurrauto, CoucNas,$ Caes, A~STHSA,, Bloa. Smrts, Calln . WH oorswc Coi , aim, SPALPnTATlowa ,r TL Earit and DR.J DAJheS' Compouud Syrup{ Ild Cheryreud Tar 0 C *.a , Se. le tho A ab0 us ..n .mid.. n..s...= hea horts The ilad You ave AIwaeb a a , eal rad a sM been in use for over 30 years, has borne the lgmetae and has been ma4de auer his p e aoemaI slu ia its -mbleere .iowd no ono toyoeeivo yeu is this. Al Counterfeita, Imitatisw aad "Jast gssd"are but Experiments that tr.e with ad ehdad-r the Lbo bee d Jabmu t md sadildrin-~ p~n agahel UP . What is CASTORIA Oasori is a hIrmle sustott be 8 tr 0Il, Pi. geric, Drops and &oOthimg Syrups. It is Pleasat It esrtains neither Opium, Morphine or other Narcotle stwsaaoe. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Warn amnd allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhea and Wind Clic. It relioves Teething Troubles, cures Constlpation ad Flatlency. It assmilates the Fod, regubtes the Btosmeh and Bowels, givieg bealthy amd natural teep. The Children's Panaces-The Mother's Friemd. conulse CASTORIA ALWAYS Beanr the Siguatun d The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. L-u. .r : t.-u,, f,,1:,W, : Chrr,kee natiuo,. It7l. 4; 7 I4'mitksaw nOstou. :39.260. Choctaw n ,tion 9.G61; Cre..knat-on. li 40.G 4,; Srmhi:~i.-. h1at.on. 37C5" C. - 1oirlu Iindan res.-rrt >o, 140; t.s Ottawa ldilat reervaiioun. 2205; SPwria Ilidan re,-rvati.,n. 1|!0 ; nltic g to Qiapaw Indian re-erra'ion, 300; tSneea Indha. r *rvatin., Sw n te indisv re~:va:ion. 27: W vao rge dot;e Indian ressrv,.ztor.. i'213. CASTORIA eg- or Infaats a lt no Th KW Yavu sMh mgt ss Beas the ig- Um o Zr.of 1 ,,. DESTROY A RICE FIELD. '-' Wild Du'ck.* Said to Have n ` Consumed Twenty Acres ° in One Night. tte tL, A special from B-sumrant to 'h,. to HII:,uton Post was comn.p, ed "f the lue f'lowing: our In one night w;i d -ki rithe.r coo ris sume.l or d.-tronyed a "- fl-id of rice Tbhe. ncident happened nm ear St.we&;, ,.' irday ,gbt. About -k 'lu-k ducks began swarming into the 'he rice field in great droves anI I efore 1nd it was dark the ti41 was eutirely itr oovered. The r:ce ha.d been cut and De - sboked, hlt the hungry birds tore the sho.-ks down and what grain they I did not strap from the straw was so re- badly scattere I that it was practical:y on ruined. In the early dait of the rice he iodustry in this section farm.rstre, Squently sufierd from ravag~s by wild docks. For the past tw;, yeas. bhow, a ever, the bird, have been cmnp»ra. StaIvely scarce ard it was be i-v-d the-rv n were rapidiv being est,; by aln the put houters here and at the breel Iing grounds. Bizt this seems to be a mistake* . This year they are as ( oh1laonsl as ever. The.y waram i,,to .s ae ne-. f,l-. ,f an evoning as thick as blackorisl., and rice which has is..t --, been thresh, J is suiffering severely. he 'hh - Ia Iht SQueer Facit About Chinese Women. a n , , I ..avs Leslie's .'.tklv- It tistrange I in thtat in a country where the ties .,f of faumiyi are so strn, g, Lad whyru , i t he much atten'ion is given to the preer. a- vation of the fami:y name, womte should be so look ft dowa upon as they are in China. Th. reasun for this, however, is to be found in the t , System of anuetrat wrship anI the 10 patriarchal gathering together of i families. From the time of her be- a Itrothl a Chine. girl belongs to the family' of her ploepective husbaod, Q and often when her own family ie IMor or feels unable lto aford keepiog ' her until shl:e r,';~ch*s n 'nsrr.ageable - age, slH. i Senlt even whie a mete I Stllild to h-r htsr.rt, l's family to be a rr, etd bh them. Even when she ti s "ys at holo,. the w)rships not tJs e ' tablets of her ownu ocestors, but those of her hushaul'l; so sh is use !es to the family into wh :ch the is horn ~ far i* the ,.etrra,·. of the '4 ancetrl r.aes P' c4 i ernred. This ia the r"a-'u why a C; a sm, . ;u. ,i, llr raLked the u:almer of hi1 'l.iPdren, answer oL .lyV wth tht num 'JI of Lhi.. sns, sod Dever (,lIubts i i Lis gtr:.u. T h .to,. ia the r.-a,, why. ai a rule. Chinese gr:a are n',t *d; 4rc-td. S Dce oe is to b. long tiu sother fatutly *:I, piee..,' C rt e that it w.º,i.; be a mere west rf tiue a.,d S.-";:.-.y to .. i.,-te be-; t-sjds. .. tdu o. t.- .-r or '-nlt.i t her t-.:-ati w .., d t,- ,aer,_, to the other f.mi y ".me, thir.g whi:Lh 'hey bil cot b.rg mioel for sº:.l for .h. h h. r ow:: f:.Lily wouCI eseIt~r iho C mpeastlo. I . . . It Spoils the Mouth. SA w, iter in the *Woman's Worl4 indi 'tVrk' ·rlumnli .."f the P.-:.yune If gir c. p nly kn-w'h,,w th-'v 'ltfi· are" tteuat ive. by tr,,:tiuatv biii,,g ihber i - th"e wo"u:id mLue Can tiirt t, l',sk th-,.melvs .,f lbh htit.L A', ',l" m!Douth as ouft.n the r-s.ut of a b,':t whbi-h has ats ue o lihe prI -s i,,ii ")f a dimti,:-. nWh' ;:s : ,t ,...:4 girl-, sdl eveen ma,.e ;,,,l women,. to the 'be- and train ,n:ukia; the InAc!ves ab-o u:e.y raihculrou. i, tb-ir eflorts to create a id mpe try bitin their lps? Ab.nlate r.-p,..e of the features e I;bsul I - ta.,hbt evry 'inJd aS a part of stl earuk t I.R amLs. De Your F.t Ache sad Barnt Shake ,uto your l.iea Al:e:e'a Foot I EI a. a lmpower for the feet. It et,le the fe.t a.'I maskes t;gb: or N-w ShL'ea f el Eay. c('ure C'vrs, BHui ion.. Sw I. n. ..murtang, Hot. t.'alouu •rto" anl Swcatibg Fet Alri. a oot E;ae relievie ai: pNan ind s, - r"at :and cmfulort We have over 30. 000 te-tic.,r.isl. It cures whi:te you wa'k Try it to-day,. A'. drug giste andI shoe stores a.-st it 25'. Sam !,!e seut Fr,-e. Adddress Allen S. (O...ted, I.e Roy, N. Y. ii New Money Minted. The United States mint At Phi a. u delllhta exeeuted during Novembeer 12.355 .000 coins value.! at $2.254. 45814 Of this $116.338 14 was ,f, cold. and was for tb. government of Costa Rica. Th- re't was in Ametri can salver, nickel and copper The evalue of the sidrer coils was -1,908,(100, and of base metal $230,120. Puerto Ricans Classed As I Citizens. Ib Puerto Ric.s' arriving at New! Orleans as cUtatct laborers eu route for Hawilia w,-re clabsed br the In-! spectors of immigrants the re as 8 c'iizean of the Unitcd States and, aikuwed to g8" thrlgh. i YEARLY to Corin'ian man' o, woman t loomk after; our growilg buuinees in this alldj adjOinng C,,antae ; i. aet as Mansn ger ad Corre4lredt; work te lie *lone at yo'r home. Enctow se if addrcssel, taWmped etvelope for Itar tinolarsI to iI. A. Sheren, Oe(.k, at l .lsnnger. Corcuraa Buuding, opposite; 'nited States Trueasury. Washington, The neatest and best wor rtone at thiu oeffce SLOAL BUSlINIB DIREuMY XKRCIAJTItL "jLI: 1 t wS'. " -a'* a T t, *sfa .a. u s ' I.s.e af Aliisu " e r ..a:a .a" I 1- ip W%. ldua s -ttrw P.i-a .. *i S wa'chal . e w :s.- t I". . 'ts ! J .4 .a . mu, W. "'ra r le. Proplrtor, I hkie oiisn. es. .4u**r'. A.- ula'a. "ea a } is. r. Gretjrt ad J..'keti atr.wi nr'. U. W., Cypress s" Prise Lamb., C·1r sad 11weJd Il eIls al., andd:er, seel kr-nw. thsamittkimg msd kese e.sien a spnetis3s. LEGE laR. Cj Cle.ake mYilly 6recera e *-" e*.+ ar..t iks" U r. S .ir I't,, a. I ..r u tr.e e . i {K1 E. I)K % A. J. & L-E SPhy~eia.s and mi r-e*m-a. I r * '..* r f a. r Ir [ ii.n .-. a . *u . I Ibe.lssaus. l.a. e. E .a..v. Maal.t .-r R . CO .... lbgreggIas ,-**ge. Cb. i.a-.l.. P.e: amerv. Mebeal 'itm.4,.n-,. etc-. C'·r. dalls d th.,es' atreete i,, C1 he i a .d .h.. -. etsakers-. ....u.r...-ar--a I -r : . s a k t L- - u:- su _ _ _ _ r i - IA X r.LG Tli ., I'. J. tIilll.. Umasagesr. : *.:,. I.-. i. stas- :,. - a t,," h :tl·LC.. L** t, !" M"r'- "r . v i+ .rt' 1. 1 w.era .. ia. . .. i.r -, .t ":r. Mloa .a **a.t.-amfker t Jew.'IIe ':is +'-" t sr - aatbe S wald r et. a;+ I - r *,et-. n it P..- a sIt, *a. . L Ab;a SSENTISTS. I) ILANC IA ,,1mv.mS. .I. E Dailet. '4{ Cnaes Crr-.. a...1 K Blrid.a Strstciet ti, )ALlGkE IM. J. J. d ice Wsu t.twt. ar Comirt 11 n u ArrOMNys-I *LAW d 'lAa.ViL IITAESl, *a d i ),, -cT.,U ",All .. . A BI ° k of L,-I ch* ba.ldi .a I t. a i t.'Lr. Atssrmera e a . 5. 4 :...a. *k Lii aald a ..ildB j d ?iu: 5,1 II CLAY ' & .her.: l:a-i to:.dnsg. E ramse on " .n.-usa r es S EDUCATI.ON.AL. 1 wale 7I eaL er I cr-s iLavr..araam, ir w. -a..4 Hmrmamy Ise a.'.. alade.ce- : Il' r" trect. J %1t.G-l4. PlRW. L Y. sieleet al e for n IO... I lef;!i-, ,. t re ueb ato a- 1 -r ,arn .. Ta. ma. aL. Ia-atlac ...ghLt !%arw atree. foats j 0 incbael oºe.lrt ta AcdemarF M- I1"s lldie ELp, by ii.. .te o, Meaast CaeTai. Tser a,;- : - - sarM . Lagfm is m Vse a s -eh. Fost of f tarkrL batset. e OTar PbIlt. ReIsl lr.te a Far and Lae I Iamr. Agra-. hjrar-tue. lt aars I ael... Moias tasse .U ,,, . ed Bach oLarek Sr.p Dry. Do n,,t far o C;. anc rain Tse SThiTds, u Shae and Hat SWrs h.s a Iire of thg* h.ghest grade wat-rproof iExIL: J. BaaLt, rlp li lk IALESAM I-. VIRRAIC +GAE.I ivr dc~Jna C tCa ma-I . O•eas Rept 18th,&. O t -te i kle I Se-o-, f-aMr Yusaal Ll~m.i a the IumtbL Uago minseust Iaastidsse mu modern Imparovea Ilo-e. n a~"8pu t -u ar. G(eta tuOJe n- bi .atn. Ir-eesr'y a t- ofn Viac . a.. Iamed for ha. .-Puti. n..-..mud --rlaw mdtm-a I.Art Meas-. mul Elocara I-itudenim from tlrlt l Stat s. asr- C tslu sa addrso - MartT . P..MIkkmusrr. anuokm. Va. Ia iSALVAfDAR STlRADOR, Shoemaker & Repairer - iCO THIBOrar 1 & T. ]Irua. Felts, repairs, and makes shoes S.low y0ost. 501. ALL WORK GUIARANTEED. Robt. Glover, Copper, Tin and SHEET IRON WORKER ' h:bodauz, La Shop on St. In-.iLs Sit., tween Ma;n and ThibostLax. Soliciting a sbure of yo..i pstronagp, guarantweing; tirst-clas work aLld at Latisfactor pueres. Soolag and Gunterig a 8peciaity RIPaia Woag I'howiPrp.y Lo.'r.. H. N. Coulon, nOTARY PUBLIC I lIIIOID& S. I.A .1. Eo Uron, .. Wa tcnhmaker alnd Gunsmith a Ke4.nýe l Ccr'tttT r rlad i aI*rj ar c ltp: e rt aurn mm mant of FINE JEWLERY, , V ATCHES, THE C;ELEBRATED .'"" - ELGIN WATCHES GU PIS CONSTANTLY ON POWDEw, Ca HAND.. lho the NEW« TRIDGES. AMERICAN SEWING ISG dLTltEl MACHIINE. llrETC, r of .e : n is omjigef A. BOf, "ýr u Jn ad !t LOISIAL' A I'EAM I11I1. illt \lII fl I HA UOII i.Fl'$ & " )., I'roprieteo. '?I, 303, 305.307 (71AVIER STR ýp'hw,. Il l.Ir. ,).irr.. l oe. Fior lgsod (ad al ti* ,, .. (r¢-,, ,.; 4 IA II hat.e r haaiJLe t~s. o# 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE mScTualf: . rams Car.I. L .S.Ac. f tr ees -AL -". tf o "noI raysb ao s aim Gaude Building, uouwad * ters.oter sir .l. C P AOcrsio.,nlts and wTraveling EOPLIE . . . . MSace on Lar,-an ad Amer eas t --frved at ay e e ld T wme. a SC:rt-ELND. ,AFO CH . LA. a - 2A r be al Jo : rSte At prteat, . d tu 1 sre --. . t".re . FROST HOTEL, cos NAZI=s an: auss.t. s. ncurs n oists and Tracveine cr m Lr ..Cover a age srearr mea DEOPLE.... g I I e4rve at aIle 8 pe dm1 Aue. CAE :,..the::#HOTEL Comprr olle wi".e r;k a id Cigare ors SbA b bad. comm.te tstrat ka_._ Swac& tdes do aera. FS t wPp arate ealtte. Sed for Cat-!owLe. 1eneos Wea suppled with Neopetet deeMmmr eet ran d n a lsad -r. "= . -oo. !a. -oB -.' mI· a ay aiSornt the Tbmagb lanesr vaobiee sad o.le mUn I amary. lý bode ID D l acct 1M bay eperwlcr adiafismee ha aiding etadeta to ýA statemn is ceeeted with leak Cllege real p ds sad actsal amsea= sad etu4ente eep thes books in t latest tabor sating torus. sepanrste (miles. seed f or Cata!.gna. beskeeper. Anc , r --e ,ad writ, en. 1 M ' 1 . i-~ee F0 % tU~' --'' Your home ffewspaper sT k Si of hte ' e b wise, b'l . : - uslar . a _-:-cr. Sacs is d S... T; it..... * *.II -dew~7 - : - r --1= Y 'L"r 1eelO' D DiAct t. AeL rni * ; " . a "A * .' * *b * *M " - Y-y.. " .. •" - 1-.--_--. :b . El ** r ,* A- -. N- .. - AX: i -WOL. Commission Me COUNTRY PRoDu W 4. ISJ, eUL . O . ' NI. 15 DFCAlTr gr a : '. n, '1i SEW OIRLEANS. LA. and TraJ .lra N et d aa U can s. m a As AS S s. ban' o I pb L tit 'W adwd ips.c anti. I A Paua Hew :J .O C.A. SNOWS O.a v wucs. s. SUNDAY onm All the Latest Hews THE STATES Ie the Lodi mg we Paper of the Sm. h, a..,oe e,.. am=Wde A, Me . Dailiy to d MI as DIeV, oo at aOean i. DAILY A- Slla Sll I y., Pi* 6wy . v 3. SUDLY START Sek d.y. oIs copie hO