Newspaper Page Text
i-SUBSCRIBE FOR... nd ADVERTISE PRITIN ... .. The Sentinel. ,; a i ach ----- --------"---: A t tlhis Of'fico Ofiioial JOUa,' .f th Paria .of. . tasd Gue das . o th of tim To . .. .. ... . . THIBODAUX, LA., -A'I RDAY, DEC., 15. 1900. -.. .. . ... -. . .. . i .. ... .. .. . .. . . .. . ... . .. . . ... ... . .. .... ., - - - 2 .. .. .... . . .. . . .... . . . ... . ..... . . .. I I.!rm .. u ,, n • n REMOVAL. X X DR. HAMLET MOORE, XX VETERINARY SURGEON, • ~b. -OFFICE, K AND HOSPITAL . l. Cointment's Stable, - Donaldsonville. 0 Ql~lQOQ~~OQ300a0QQa~r0Q~'SROUU0 fP$ONAL POINTERS Wr "riRent'" Shoes. th y are thI W,ooly $3.30, at The RIacket Stotr . O car DI)fraue of Lahadi,. \l:,e, -.i e * own o Monuday. J. Kearny, of New O;lea:is, was in arecity last Monday. F. A. Fester, of Evansvll'e, Ind., -Inta Tbibloaux last Mathhda'y. ils Ema Adamr, of floultni, is tiiuag fijends an this city. Simon Drexler went to Cut Ottf on last Friday. J. Jordy, of New Oricaus. was in atg city Tuesday. dward P'errin was in Thibodaux Bt 8ondy v;siting relatives. Boa. W. P. Martin made a bouiness p to Booms latt ,Monday. Dr. O. L. Bnwud went to Loºtkport Sonday. Dr. P. J. iansertean. of Labatie Is, was to town this week. Miss Bleorore Enserran is in Ilon - Pa visiting her aister Mrs. Daspat. Mr. Gustave Basrios of Loekport, uas a business visitor to our city last Wednesday. Leon Block. B. J. Mooch and Max Dnpes, wor visitors to lluma last Si; has of Shirt Waists, lianlaker iesfa, Hosiery, Corsets etc. at The lackat Store. I. F. Pray. of New Or'eans, was stuisess visitor to our city Turas. ra. J. A. Mhoon. of Richlaia:I -,, is the guest of her brother M1r. L tLobdell. 'IS. W. E. IHoIwe:1 went over to Orlesos on business the eurly of this week. Asy persons wanting Dr. Hamlet s lines of wmetlciiies for the t of stock can findl th,. ,:at . C. Ragans stable. 1 H. Per'ry, of Tn a. rtnrislh. is his brother P. R PIarv fca kr of Lobdell and Percy. Lehard Barton, of St Bernard spent several davy with r-la _i this town d(uring the week. 1,4 Dr Stark and )liss Evaa:srk Ib New Orleans v'lsg'i'g the moth Mrs. Stark. hni Rolgers. the aflshl, and efm. amistant pharmacist at the Thi. drug store, spent several duvs vule this week. . Marks, W. A. A. Marks .!r Marks and \Va;t, r Gazo, a!, Orlears, visited l4. Le, Au. rht Sunday. laggoul stl C'. i Na" iin, brougtl and Sth.lev La, ,irie Ibrt Naquiu via:Ce.i f:enis in last Suon*av. Robacbhau, son of E G. Ro- a who is now workingl f,,r r ii. and Co. of New Orieans. a his parents in this city last 1l Alice McGee, a charming bly of New Orleans. who has - g the .Mlisses Roger on the plantation, re:urned tot hat Tuesday. . E M. Green. of New Or. - -isTbibodaiux las-t Monday. E -Iaricre at the P'restvterian U-d. y night. He wasac- P by his wife. l theI tens of thousands whod's Ct,tuah Rerne - 5 and la grips, dirltag the W $isar, to our knowlcshe. not cl ane has resulted in pueu. a s m0 Whitfle:d & C'o.. 24 'ms, C'hacago. one of the t retall drglrn ists Int II speaking of thls says: ta Chametrlain'a Cough ' tL - grippe in many sases, : t S ly gites pr,.a'nt "ai com. : . btaut also ·oanteracts of la grippe to reu't in t 7 For ala by liutan d:alg It Ito In A Legal Way. ,,. )is!tr!,t Court met in reg',ar Fes. 1'. nion oin 'l'hi rsd.yv. Argii;mernt was a, heard in thLe case f ItR hlly v S nith. Frano Be:i:rt oI a;i:l --charged with ca; r a;.ng .onceui,.d we peons, and Hiea inl rv Ae, 'a Paui! Kern,,, chorged . with as%:vlt and bKttery, all of whom p' patl guiy were each fined tea dol ltr n;i.! co.t* or twenty five drys in is jail. They :all paid their flues and costs. in I -- New Store. n If you want A lunch, Z Cs kL°s, ('patdie, Fireworks, Peri'.odi. of :,ii kitdsl, See Mrs. W. ,-l'.r, S 0-4t. onl Main street. A New Blacksmith Shop. Mr Justin Badeaux will soon have a nice building erected on his lot situated just to the rear of his store building on .Main street and fronting on Thihod:ux street The buhnilding will be used for a b!ackswmith shop. 'The lumber is already upon the grounds. and it will be but a short time Ibefore the building will be com. Spltted. No one, can reasonahly hope for Sgood he-lth unless his bowe's move pn."ne each day. When this is not attended to, disi rders of the sto:a ach' arise, :l,,iusnnee-, head:,che dyspepsta 'I :.i pI'ls soon foliow. If you wish r. to avoid tl:ese ai:ments keep your tboweil rt gu:ar by taking Chamber aI:n t, .tomach aund Li'er Tableats whr.n re 4uirrd They are so easy to take a:,l midh nal gentle in cffet. For a le by Roth di ng store. New Floating Palace. The IErstetn:r & IHendersou Float. inzg P'aae.., w.i give a performante he-r. tonight, near the Louisiana's la ::g in B ~ro;n Ltafurclie. Thi, c,.iut rny carries a troutw of thirty four perIole and ar, on their gr-t trip So,,th, l,'.ow Memphis after a success fu eareer of fre earls. The troupe) p;,ae. t,, a full house at Smoke Bendl I Sat'.alav night, andl after perftrming I her.- ton!ght. wil leave for Lower La-. fo,,Ih, .-~ov.a!dsooville Democrat How to Cure Croup. Mr. IR. Gray. whlhves near Amenia, blhichess coiuntrv, N. Y., sevs: "(Cham 'der;ailaA C('ough Remedy is the best j uwte'tevl;e I have ever used. It is a fine. children's remn-ly for croup :ad neve.r fat: s to clur,'." Wh-u given as s.,o' ac the chii-l becomes hoare. or l a-v, n siter the. croapy cough has d',ve Ila,'td. it will prevent ihe attack. This le sh:,uhl b.a borne in miunI snu a ottle c of the ('ough It. melv kept at hant i reaidy for instauit use as s';on as tce-e symptoms For sale by Roth driug stole. Et---r tanm--ent. l Entertainment. Dent forget the date of the enter tainment to be giveu at Tabors haill on Thursday December 27th by the lalies Auxiliary of the St Johns Episcopnl Church. Extensive pre paratins have been made by the O ladies oand the e,,tertainmeut will no: doubt e soan enjoyable and succ·essful it 'rent. Beside' the Christmas tree,: which will hold a present for eseh child attenting. therte will be a finei supper. music anddsacing. In ordert! not to keep the l:ttle fa!kq up late. ii the distribution of the presents from the Christmas tree will be the first P thing on the program and will ocopy the time from seveu till mine o'clock P. M. The price of admission widl be trwenty five cents for adults mad fi teen cents for chidrel. tt S To Our Subscribers. Bills will be mailed or presented to our subscribers for subscriptions now due andl which will become due with. o in the next two or three months. The fact that the term of your subserip. tion is not ended should not stand in a the way of a settlement whenever a 1 bill is received. The rates are in I advance and we need money to meet our obligations, therefore we urge our 1 subscribers to be prompt in settling :ifor the paper. Come up gentlemen - PENAL "HOPE." a@ The State Penitentiary Board Buys Hope Plan tation. Will be Cultivated after Jan. 1st, by Convicts. . What Col. Harrison Parker i Has to Say. Baton Ronge, l.a., Dee. 4-The State Penitentiary Board to night i ecided upon the location of the two ld State convict farms. West Feliciana will get the cotton farm and Iberia the sugar farm. The two plantations. Angola and Hope, comprise rbout 11,500 acres. They are in a splendid state, of cu!tivation and are suipplie(l anl qc.uipled with mules, forage, feed, implements. etc, ready for the Imme ,hate reception of nearly five hundred State convicts, who next year will cul I tivate the sands to their fully capaci ty. Col. C. Harrison Parker, President of the Board of ('ontiol, to.night made following statement to a Times I Democrat reporter: S'The Angola plantation, which we selected for the cotton plantatiols, is located opposite the mouth of Red river, in the parish of We st Feliciana. e The total acreage is 8600 acres, so that it will eventally afford room to work six hundred or seven hundred men. "In relation to the sugar plants e Lion, I can say that some of the finest t properties in the State were offered .us. The choice of the Board ws, j however, restricted by the relative 1 dfferences in valuation. There wast not so much difference in the advan tage of location. We bought the Hlope plantation, situated in Ibens parish. It fronts on the Teche, and extends back to the Grand Lake. It has upon it about 500 acres of this year's stubble, and plant cane for 500 acres, so that we will have 1000 acres of cane to cultivate in 1901. There are 2S00 acres in the tract. The I mles. farming implements, feed and for:age go with the. place. It has a sugar house complete, with a capacity t of 400 tons per day, double effect, c vaouum pans. etc. There are three cand a ha.f mi es of narrow gauge railroad on the property, with 160 cars and a steam 'lummuy engine "L haul then There is a complete' pant for the manufecture of hrick anud tiles, which can be oper.ate to I great advantage, the bayou affording t the means of ch,.ap transportation, a 'The price paid for this place is only t .$78.000, or about the value of the a sugar house. Such an opportunitya Sdoes not present mtseif often. Taken to the Insane Asylum. Mr. Toups, of the Cat Off, a su. i fierer of that dread desease insanity. and who has been for s,.vera' months C an inmate of the parish jail at this I p iace, there heing no room for him I 1 at the asylum, was taken to the insane ti sa slum at Jack.on, La. last Tuedlay a Ily deputy sherifl Richard Frost. lMr. I'rups though undoubtledly insane is a on;y violently so at time-, and at the b time ,f his departure was perfectly tl quiet, and followed the orders of the otlcer who !had him ir. charge impli. In citly. It is hoped that his mind will el be soon restored. Euchre Party Postponed. o It was the intention of the mem. i bers of the Pastime Pleasure Club to tive a euchre party at their Clnb Id rooms last Wednesday night, buti 8 owing to the inclement weather there i were only a few members present snd I it was decided that the euchre be 0 postponed until next Tuesday night. The members who ventured out Wedom~sy night felt repaid for their h trouble. as they had a delightful time listeniug to songs and instrumental it' music rendered by some of their party, and afther the music a dainty u supper was served. Grinding Season Closed. Nearly all of the sugar houses~t: th.nuibout this setion have c!oed Special Sale. I. & S. KATZ Next to Fleetwood's drug store, are Selling Out at COST, On account of retiring from business. Note the Bargains: 12 Suits--Black, worth 9.00, going at .........................................7.0 22 Suits- Black, worth 12.00, going at.... ........... ............... $9.0 12 Suits-Blue Serge, worth 12.00. going at............. $9.50 12 Suits-Better weight, worth 15.00, going at ..........$11.50 12 Suits--Grey Cashmere, worth 15.00, going at ........... $11.50 12 Suits-Dark Grey, worth 15.00, going at ............... $11.50 8 Suits--Grey, worth 9.00. going at .......... ............. .... 650 12 Suits--Youths Size, worth 6.50, going at ..................... $4.75 12 Suits-For Youths, better grade, worth 8.50, at ........ 6.50 12 Suits- Scotch Goods, worth 7.50, going at ............ $5.i, 12 Pair -Pants, Blue Cashmeres, worth 10.00, at .. .50o 12 Pair -Pants, Lighter weight, worth 9.00, going at $6.50 1 Lot Children's Suits, from $1.25 to $3.00. All other goods sold at pro portionately low prices. Call and be convinced.......... I. & 8. KATZ.m • IIII I ti down. The cane crop was not as large as it was thought to be at the I heginning of the grinding season, and this tgether with the propitious weather which existed throughout nearly the whole of the t.ll and early winter made the grinding season a very short one. A great number of laborers who are residents of this city and who were employed on the I difftrent plantations about here have retusned to their homes. "It is an ill wind that blowo, no body good", and, aithough the effects of a short crop ia felt by the merchants of our to'wn as keenly as by the planters, the housewives are rejoicing over the fact that cooks and washerwomen can now be easi:y procured. The Southern Industrial Convention. The Southern Industrial Conven tion held in New Orleans this week was a notable body, both as to the character of its composition and the work it performed. The attendance of delegates and the scope of territory a-.d interests represcated were all that could be reasonably desired, waile the harmony and enthusiasm mavnif-stedl in the proceedings (f the convention and the organization of the Southern Industrial Association augured well for the permanency and progress of this movement for the upluiidiug and advancement of the south's commercial, "agrieiltural and m .nufacturing industr:cs. Although several of the most prom inent men named on the program were unab;e to he present-notably Mayor Carter Harri,,u of Chicago, Chinese .Minister W\u Ting Fang .an. Presiaent Stuyvteant Fish of the I I!linois Central R-..iway Com, !av - they were acc.pta,'y ,epiiT.'Ld and all the subjects de-ignatedl for oin. sideration were treated aal discussed ably, cxbhautive'y awI ite:rest;ng;y by leading men fr,;m various ,parts of the country. Perhaps the topic of most guera I interest and import.nce thus crnsid ered was the Nucaraugus canal, to which the night session of Tuesday was exclusively devoted. A mern orial to congress was unarimousiy adopted, asking that prompt provi sion be made for the construction and operation of the canal under the sole direction and ownership of the United States, and a telegram was authorized to be sent to Senator John T. Morgan of Alabama, congratulating him upon the prospect for the early co-summa. tion of this great enterprise, to which he has devoted years of able advoca. cy and uutiring support. It seemed a happy angury that on the very day the industrial convention was called upon to debate this subject President McKinley should transmit to congress the report of the government commis. sion unanimously recommending the Ncamraegan route as the most prae ticable for an isthmian canal. The convention effeted a perman. ent org.nuization under the title of Southern Industrial As-oeiatton, :and uuLnniIouIly re-ehctedl President II. H. Hangrove of Louisiana and Secre. tury N. F. Thompson of Alabama. W. A. tlemnphil, manager of the Atlanta Constitution and president of the company which owns that well known paper. was in like manner chosen frst vice pr'eident, and a vice presidtent for each of the states repre. sented in the association was named, the choice for I.ouisiaina falling upon Sidney Story of New Orleans, one of the ablest and most active members of the organization. Memphis was victorious over Waco in the contest for nest year's meeting place.-Chief. Seeds that Surely (Grow. The cost of seeds compared with the value of the crop ii so small thla a few cents saved by buying secownl rate seeds will amount to many dol lars lost when the harvest is gatherrl. Farmers have found out by nmanv costly failures what a risky thing it is to hbuy seeds without being pretty sure that they are reliable aid true to earne. The lat st catal(gue of the sel house of D. M. Ferry & Co., of De;nr,,t, l)ich., is a ermninder that thousand, of farmers in the United Statcs andI (Canada have plinetd their faith to the reputation of this great firm. DLuring a business career ap. proachiug halt a century in time Ferry's seeds have won an annualn increase in popularity, which is p,er haps the best evldence that thei grow and give natisfaction. Fer v' Seed Annual for 1901 is a useful gu:,le in selecting seed, for the farm the truck gardten and the flower gar den. It ts sent free on application. Hundreds of hawks. Wac) was invaded a few days ago by hawks in numbers paat couuti,:g. the objects of the little falcons being to catch the fat sparrows whose prey ence in that city they have apparent'y iust dis:overed. The hawks lew in from the forest bordering on the Boque river and made a vigorous onslaught on the sparrows, capturing them easily at brat, the sparrows ap pearing to be ignorant of the habit oft the birds of prey. On the streets north of Austin avenune the hawks perched themselves on the telephene and telegraph po;es and kepi swool . ing down on the sparrows until at! last the latter birds caught on and hid in the eaves of the houses, where they twittered in terror until the hawks returned to the woods.-Waco Paper. For Sale. Second hand doors, blinds, door, and window frames, mrantlepieces, cistern, stores,ete; can be purchased at the Convent at very reasonable prices. 15. N. T. BOURG,' Market Stand, LM=RET 81., TIN=ODAUX, LA s3rr or a3r, MCTroN. FOSi valt AD SALSAGI. o0 ALL EINDS A Free Firework . Show, Like the Rocket, our sales are going up; like the stick our prices are coming down mmmmmmmn mnmerm mmnmmm fmmmmmm, NOTE THESE BARGAINS. Ladies embroidered Plush capes, worth 4.50) only 3.50 Ladies Black Beaver capes, worth 2.75 only 2.00. Ladies Blue and Black double capes cheap at 1.50 only 1.25. Ladies Mercerized silk nodershirts in all the new shades, special at $1.60. Ladies swiss ribbed underwear, ,\'ts and Pants, I!eeced lined, best miade for 25c. Children's Hosiery lx1 rib, full seamzles, extra long leg, sizes 5 to 81 Big value at 1iz.. a pair. Ladies Button shoes, guaranteed solid leather, in tip and plain toe, the finest shoe wIade for 1.'25 a pair. Mercerized silk Ladies shirt Waists. $1.35. Large Grey Blankets 11-4 col. border, heavy rib, only 1.75 a pair. BIG BARGAIN ! One lot of ladies lace shoes, plain toe, very fine dongola, made to sell at 2.5o a pair, a manu facturers mistake permits RIs to oiler them to you for $1.75 a pair. Ladies, step into a pair before they are all gouv. Big stock of Gents Furnish ings, Ladies' Goods, No tions, Shoes, and Hats. Such bargains as we offer are bound to make good customers. You know us by reputation. We want you to know us by actual service, let us serve you. THE RACKET STORE, Chas A. Badeaux, Prop THE PLANT OF THE - THIBODAUX B/ICK WORKS SWITH THE FINEST EQUIP MENTS IN THE SOUTH Is now prepared to furnish the best and cheap est brick in the market ................. One million bricks on hand ready for delivery. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS, ADDRESs, LAURENT M. FOLSE, MANAGER, PHONE 126 E. J. BRAUrD, GENERAL SUiPERINTENDENT, PHONE E. P. Lefort. A. J. Tetreau P SLefort & Tetreau i% Livery, Feed a: f...Sale Stables. #: Undertaking 4 - E~itablishent : Blackbmitha and % " 'Iirriage SPatriot St Cor. Levee and Market, Thibodaux. DR., JOS. L. DREXLER, VETEfINA R YI SURGEON, -OFFI~CE A T-.-' LEON DREXLER'S 8TABLE, THIBOD4UX, LA Le@e BITANCE TELEPHDOIE 3C. THIDODiUX TELEPYH. £ 128.