Newspaper Page Text
r ' r "1O.. " ,RI iT ., --*i----r S:. . L 6W r't. . : r-. "1' e, :. , . " r I ". . r. " - D t*' ' '. ; * * F,y V r.rl:ar1 t do job work cf every d c. ni . .. ·. i . i *:. ' :l, I. t1 Pbi a' Y_' s t" :I "'a t fiat ". talif" 1" f " . " , z.' r 1. ,p-ri " ' r r 4 "lr , ' a I 1 t'. . :1 , :-t i'- t l-t , a , :.: : PII. , Ta, " h- :.. . i ' ,!-.- . hrt s -.-a ." -.o;in i,, to c:, r! 'w : ; to '. ther . I 'ir, t :e : ..." +1:: , *tt ' ,r . -1. J ,U .I e r i . ,t it, f t . t t . h ,u o,:: t n^%! i. a , dt ;i1.: r . i ita : g;:,it - :'aIt\ v .t ,:` . ,a.:ut wip.or n t 1"i, r,-" : !.in -r - i } i.'-r t o r. ioi t, e , i i t . i.- ut t.-- W hat!;, b, Iat n. duiin h I ino.w- whie ars. t" a !,te i, te: '.- n, o ar . ir It :.r i1i tt I( mi , n I l,.J Ia (.' 1t 1antt it r.4):'A i-t 'i, t e :p in . Iuote "lia -r . t ", or t - t:b e w e it ,i:I -i. -"a ! i -'. t o ,tb roe toilr ir t io , h , rti oi the w:et e:r Pat " o u ar p bie U a iV now wne t'"t; tiifls o it or "d doi n b g o y. ct anr u edir , durne c o : 1,u r,'i t,,o To rtlr it, a (,',v.- rn m i hrt .e " cao', a.iute i ar to theoi:'1E , 'en oprwit Dro to e i l :It.u I ,e rt\ Navi t Ift 1n. lIa:&aen . heI :. i C!t::, 't fr are imte.a !,r nh . wrr , po 'ymearsg thi raik , wei : : i b re : .i'1.-. 3ratei, n t. I ,t i l. l Tionse whi ' vh e t,,io. ot l int;jtjd f I, ni:i * o Iti , l tra, i that e.xl-r:.i ,u rc: ,r nhEooiet oloerel' t i0 I t lhe retre t. , .-he el' ou i t i ,in ar t, the' ;i ,,,if t - I.r..r t ir tnk of "t r or d ione -uto., ,er,.I .s 1tt. ! Kii'- - . h . :lia ef , !utilt *-- Wit ri- - i o The h airb o. .Leli. Ir t 'w:' d.r toai ra Ie. to t wr , Wc hr..ry it ay 1. ' ot,, e v-r of the oi-*te! I 'ti- . a ,tWI .. p La -ine n j to bm for the wruor of -in. Lof the w k. .li:P s y ';2. :,.n oift opensedof in la'anst ,n the t.-h ,,f D7ecet uber next. 'u. i, :. hi' ireht hirit to the ,, ,r t,, :the .Navv i p. rtmnent tair" ', u -.s!:.:s e t:. r:,isl - '* sp*,':. t.pu.. "onr o nf the con used! i: 'h, w',, that i !.e v ,el of tl: ., .,-hip A. . i. l . . . n.m -u : ., . . , . . iof whi-k. v f'ir i* .-t v'.ai wa. fir' ti ,t fic L., * . ,:: .1. i in ' reret ,fore C!hi,~a e-. in Newspaperdom. ir,ý the death of the lam-irted '.i~Iir HePar-e¶. im;portant chang,.s have t..k ir ,,'&4e' in Loui .i:ra jour .a'.rn. Ti. a.,complish and fortce f'i! wr.:4, \\si.ilu C. Chtvisg. who I.,t t;,- i.s=t eiyht y1 ' -.Q , ocen)ior i th. e:i'' riail cha;i of t.,e Bito'i, I~:ze . .;4vo . i s.. :.r. t n ,, th:a. p"a t t4. i.Ct'4, I tt el ,t ;"t '. of the I'.,i ' St-. . l r i',.i a n tita. ;irt man, 1 the Iiuiht , re as t th .*uce s,,:' (; t r ! .: r-- . re :. I)--'- ,r A'. T. ..; ia s. at:, r vo r'b.1v. iv' ,tec*a ' I .:t the sre'41t10n 1 { "' t, t !i' : t"" l ip a "n:V (I t .,." if the .: ' a:'e a :, :t, wh , o ari, hk re!w rrtl .. :.. ,- .' . -, t .) -t~ in . r,4:. L i. . I1a :'I w" : he f act thiet the dm..cra, ' , whitiii igl ,'i!.;r' t, .rh w:. tin:r e, rar u' J -: .. Ba'1' i". W1A lJV Lt * . iv ":r tht uulj.v t i heiu'f:ul th r iir i '1 n i i'P are to iFltr Li ,ci it .+ it II . i:t . it itn' a:.t t a awche tdc tras - o'ai -h'iua nf th, law autf ,' t:.n t m!,. . e :ni: a ieu!. '-i.c: f,13 r t. 4 . tr) . '. t c , Ia ltLi.r i l'. :th . me. ui thi t- :re ii .- wiothr "he refered, b, h t' ,,w., to . tartaing ,rc , 'it. I': eit, d the fact of't F,, or ::nny . Eng Child urder th appination of the . e o s'th rd th . Wh lwpinu :,,ost tmarticularsv TSure Tt othf r ied hips. Judge citef: thi " st), l wh, couvu ceur' that it Oa a :e,, Advesl, t wh ch pro'nhnted the'o"S ab ie a of ti whipping-+ot. Like D:'.i ware. .W!.vlant has a lapw auth , th! -"i of tlem : nas u .3 f-:t by many ,;iut th.:re i, no oth r l'i-hn. it -fr eiff, '"-tvc for io e of ,-.s as 'Ie stof '; ,' n ' . f rith crt ' u-...:.: Itk is -:fh to a is ta t woud 1. a ru' f r ,phropi, e int.g -DP , .t,.s. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Tmher thlr iYme Hrt. ATwe truetest It is d: OIficult to ,-i*t * the onyke a iaure tesit of frin-h.p. Advernidl. any'btg eunelshe. FriWh rsIa man is prO any oe for etrc 'td se.. He -e n cim.i maVd the tiS of (,h ,'Id ofrieus ; ui, b wi never kuiionw is h w:re his truit rie,,,i untiae the hj:.iii, Or t,,liige I to be t on h. fr l of t sore P The ney ter i no the s uret comr pnt, dtd tht rtbe whpren aprp ed n~I ,rke the old bwmily remedu Cfeiona n frwd SIrp i is n a!ue ildn mone hry gde it aw: .:re frey thn tey w:suod their. t Co r thir co,,rtu Te true testo t C at un ollish. Fri-oo hp is C oG e min a rPstretI sene-loe ex tig hOe fruition is r:g, end i c €omposded w -jLa fern, 60Ce s etl * At- a- meiin *s 7 ' CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have : Always Bought A egdfe able: i-stionforAs SilaheS.s-~ a~~"scise Bears the Promotes DigestionCCherful rnes ard Iest.Containsneither Openm.Morphine nor)iD-eraL of N!OT ARCOTIC. £4adfrs Je '- Use Apeiec Remedy forConslipa [ion, Sour Stouach.Di-rztoea Worms,Convulsions.Fewrnsh nssand LO OSLEP For Over FaeSimile Signature or NEW YORK_. Thirty Years SCASTORIA .XACT COPY OF WRAPPER. a aI man erutw sm woV. a S ou arrw . desire to serve. It is when the sub ject of such ! is in distr"rs that true frie.,dship txh:bits. itself at ii" he-t, and it is just at this time that false friends fall away. Their fri"nd. I ship has beru a sh'im, and the mask fa:ls from them when they are so cal!ed upon for something more than mere lip servic~. The things that make for true fienshol nree the things that .re to Ie iomsiend1ed and u•phi!d.- Ex. CA . TR ZA. 4m th Thi kiM Yua NIw AleM Be,'I Obey"ed Instructions. A e!ergynetn, otlciating at a wed. drig :s eometimcs chlig,.l to piunch himself to avoid laughing at the, gr,onn's or hri'e'i I lunders. New.' man Hail, in his "Auto!:;ngr'phy'' de.c;ibes a weddlig wh-re he was hard:y able. to avoid iatugh:g aloud. The bride andl hl degroin were youthful atol u:icultured. I ha.d to instrnct them in th ituA:. l'. ,; to, the d-c;:ar:,tiot. .'I t.k,; th,, to ;e my !awfat w.d'i,'d .ft, ,' I s-:d to the youth. "Yiou are to repa:t after me' ar]i then, as he did inot know what to do. I whi-perei "Take her right hand" on which in a lourl voice, he shouted. .-Tak' 'er roight 'and !', much to the :minuement of the biides. maids. Th... came a diffl-ulty in placing the ring on the tinger of thL. bride, who sigtze t.d1 as a remedy "Wet it!" Ac'ing on this counsel, he put her' fthger inuto his mouth, and after lubri. cation, esaccceded.-You h's Com. pan'on. The Reward of Truth. LDur;ng his second successful ca . paign ou the Republican ticket for (;c,vern',r of .1chigsn. the late John J. B:,g', y e'" kP one evening at Kula. l:aZ(o. I). wWi, a go, .t bsiness man. L:it a . r 'e.'ii" b r..ker. At the ireg:mui,,g ,of h:s remnusks on this occasion he a l'id.l to his lack of orato. ical gi[tes. After he had tinlshº,i a na p!,'h.bedl forwvard, isp-d his hai'".d warmly, and said : .(;Governo:, I have beer, a life.long D)ce-ocrat, but at the coming electiuo I shall o:,. f.r you." "Thank yo:u," rup'ie.d the Governor, much ~rati6fid. "3.s'v I ask the I prticalhier reas',n for your change ?" S"'ecau.e yo uoar, the firt aieaker on either side in th1is cam,,aigu that I have heard te-i the truth. Yeu said when yc'u Iwgao that you couldo t make much of a ape. ch, and, by jink., you caa't!'--Lyman P. Al:en, in Hlarper's lMagazine. Telephones. The Cunelwiland TelephIun a nd Telegraph Company, whb:ch r'uent'y -hootbedl lhe Est Tcnn'sue Te;e phone Compilan, embracinu 9ysteims thr,,::ghoiut Eastri, K',,tucky adl Tet:'.:-se, h:a als, wit!iu a month .. :;. :rl, amn.r g o; h;r., mli'. terine, oeuprisir.. i;,:, bhaut J.'500 ubhAt'riltrt mnd ;. Ot m!:,s of t,.il IIes: 'iif's~ t- T-;c,,hou, (,:un;,a:n3 of North .Alruuna aol Gjeorgia, Cieselatuu,,,. telephon-- syitetn, '.' .-.:,: " , i i'. ':, .'i ." '. ',.rj n '"i. Kv.. lelephone system; St~nfu-d, , K-. te:,Ihou" sy-,tem; Nt:choh.a-rvd: Kv. t."'e.,:.out- -y'teat. These ,roperties were each orga:n. zed inde;,eonientiy at fir-t f,,r pre. local, but have grad ally) realiz-i that th' coInstlhnt I le.iia.u t'l: f I th.e inrtii exrt.t i,,t only loal 'er.icet, of the :ihwst e:fucie cy. 'ut e.xte:sin of cie.-its :u u fatz.i.ties t), rea. i Ipo t, thrughil, n' :h.- c',aISty. 1'::tt arid n.-ih!. ,:tg Si:.t To ,uch a'; extent did fat.s d.'wve-,c n ail pre-,s for ia;g."r inv,:stment that tie asore o(.,), :c:,ng in: iv . tila . 'onc-'u le, to c *nvey : her prop,:rtie to the Cumh rlan'l sv-t in ant r-t'rre, fr(;m thi liri. ii fil v awar. f the ab solute nieceaetv of i t-o,:nIIreheistive tel.IIh.lon s.'v-tern ,,ledr one mana."+!n rn'^t whst I.v .u',iitis oif the utraonst i -value to vervy comm-nity c,';,'i lte pro ,,I d.- I. i-ri,:a, (Ky ) Ev,.ning Pios:. Nov 24 19(f00. rO -A ll OR Ih The (',,lf ". (Ii) ; -t:i:onard reports a fellow w:o is a, t atigy tha he b ,r...w ' C. ,, "kg h.,;,e and want.edl the. coirr t". ha:id a barrel arou:d it II: c:.i ' hat newer litt:' paper a:; I kiads of ibard names then ste:a~ a copy every weeck fr,.i hlis eighh.,r io get the nee-. We lemem;wr hlim. He helIpe the S,eriff make our ac quaintacce there twenty years ago, wilie we we:re Il!:og up the long felt want and getting cold wood that would put out o a c'rindgration in a gas house in exchange for sulscrihbers. I His tribe wa~ ou the increase about the time we shook the duet from ourI cow hbides and h-,aded for G'd'si country. Thlre are ',thers down there who f-el tbhat an edii,r sh(al.ti sulsist on pumi,,lja? rind sastafra+ I roots. but its umighty thinning on the: bl. od to do it. I- -~ L - The brickwork of tl reside:ce I Suildlinz f.,r Caipt. Jos. Con-t:artin i.i i Fau'o!ng ::a Pipe was complt .I this waiek ai.(i the str''t,,re is now( I.irc I lNttd The ho:i-e, a brick cottage, wheiu fini-herd w;il Ie one of the fiirst f ii' k n.i ,n the l sir'sh, awdl .;rtady h:.> ,n,,s'ra'edi the arhite:t who ,1, sigFnd it the mech:ane't. engug ed in i - ILA erecti. t Ire u13atljr of I Irispe:Cvecraf .-Dor aldeonviait Ch:ef. For wale. A ht of l,kin a:rml ni k'e ,late-d Ilow rase,, suilta!'e for any line of busiaei; , at reasonable prices 17 l'ipply at Sentinel Office. Do Your Feet Ache and BurnP Shake into y-our shales Allen's Foot Ease. a powder for the feet. It t',,'eIs the feet aul makes t'ght or N..w Shoes f-el Eay. ('uses Corns, Buni ions. SwIll n. Srna:rtsg. liot, C:lo:us Sore anld Swea.t.r,. Feet. Allen's Foot Ease relie-ve all p:tin a,,| g^ivs! rest and comf ort. We have over 301, 000 te-t:'nou:i:aj. It cures whi!en I3yo walk. Try it to-day. All drug gists and shre stores F'*il it 25C. Sam pie sent FlIee. Adddress Alleu S. Olmsted, Le Rwy, N. Y. $900 "I act..R._ _ tr; * o: woman to la.k afies our growig bliisinewf iii this aend :ultJ,..'g ("' ,art;i*,; : to t aD!! I lanJ ;a-n :. iSI w' , •:,i , n .t . ; w"I-i!: c~l DCi. n .. a 'O Iur bosn,. Ens."ui-," ..-, ad:drcsse. .*,anm,,l inve.op,-, for: ar tiC.uisrs to H. A. ~ihermun, uywialn -lnimalge.r, ciCarasra Bfuilding, Ipposij i:nit-d S1ntes T"reasury. WnlaLhghlton, D. C. ' i- - -. i : m: LOCAL BUSINESS DL'RCTORY >E RCANTILE. IS0y G.d*ld. C'l..ti.tlr . to sLrAf,·s s.S*. 5 . .s n and "Otion 11- I i of ni.'4.t'ia r u a kn It : %NC. lnama 4,41 Is ------- 'JUi)tG N. 1. alnrkhtl Malusd. Alwayr ot. i ,at.! to ear n l oa , . .i M ,v Pori;. Veal. al all kluda. Maruket ::na. II laul.a*z. La. ,JU SA.LOlN. n4. V. T.rraile, Prinrleeor. ChokI wilOa andl :a;,lynr.. thlei cjAr a.:w.s ;. i ,sa.d Cor. OteuL and 11a, Let rei.ets -Rosr. H. W., Cypress and Pine Luihe'. rplren and Siawed Sh·ngles. also sedd!err and harness. Blacksmithing and horse ahout, a specialty. -E END)RE, C J. Choice I llyly 4droeeerles Also Feel sai; barnual. Cor. St. Philip ar.s laCe street'1. JEYER, DR. . .J. & L. E. Physlcu+am nvd NMureems. Propri.r..ins .,f leyer Drag .Stre. Min -tree: Tlihnbm.ux. LU. F. E U...-r. Manatter. , Til DLU.Li CO, L't. Iruggnists. Ir.gK. ('b.,esiil.ah. Pertumt-ry. Sebuol k'.a,:, an:ltl, . ti.. Cor. latu t(ll-reu str:.t-e SEI) r.. l!LX:Y. Diry (dood ."Ot.. -. _", bt.. i an+ o.e-., cr.ckery, I'or. V' it & S.t L.n1:i,s*set-.. Si Il:W;:AL'X IR:UG SToitl :. IP. J. ,elslllot. u;Nas. er. ." , t , s ..ý. " at* . 4 or. at .*e t·.4!+ li liairry isore \,tion 1..4i '1- ' * .:* t...*a:wts. Drena uin:l:t. . ;: .r .Ilarkrl ..i -r L..av a-tree.s . .h 1 l4\T. FLRANS.. *% stehlamaker L J-weller ,*.. ..f.a lr trhv ttch vnald Elo'ks. e . t:sit `t ree, I etl -eu '$L Phl.ip Mn,, it. Louis )ENTIBTS. )I.ANCI(.tIA. . It). ). . . E. l e Ile ew a Coroes ([lctn aeel st. ridget Streeto t/Ion a, n ttset. :ear Cohrt Hnrse ATT ORNEYS- -LAW J ADEAL'X. I'u,) :AS A., ,Ast or eysv. i. .aw. B:t!.k of Laaouecbe building { rVELL & MAHTI. Attorayuw t I. law !Cooms 5. *. 7. Uta.k of 'l'bil.odau Buildisl n ( NO(Iý(t'i CLAY A itinfres: liank lBildang. ELtranee .s l L>ois Si r. t EDUCATIONAL. lHOL, IstIMANLEL, .1 usic "1 eacher .ive.s ittr:,uenltal, vrai a.d Hari·way tL amn liesidence: Levee i:rae;. .L tBRGIS. PROP. L. M. Melcct lrcheitl fir Wy+. English .4l ci elFa, is al !I.r.r i r ba " sz; *I dol.u.ti."e .. "Lht. .1arroustreet, facts W- Alit.Mb,b.-l ,e .t MOUSI r CARMEL CONTVENT. aI Aradem.y eor W'asm Ladies Kent by bthe Sisters of Mount Camel. Ther anSih cours. English ad Vrecaih. Fost oe Market Street. NOTARIAL. OCLOnU N . H. etmary PIky . Real YEtte ·a4 H ire and ls lsuraac. A4-mt Propert-es bsllght an add. Moe. ,.anr d .Dadl i.,rrve Bank of Laltersa sOIldbl*g Keep Dry. Do nt ftear cold and rain The Taihil.dn x SI:e and Hat Store hls a li.e of ch II hest gratle waterprooi EMILE 1,. BRArn. I'rn:. ' EW A IVEK'lIsNE NTI'7.4. HAIR [D.LSAI I VIRGINIA C0OLLEGE. For Teas Ladies, Reatoke. Va. Opens 'ept. ::b, l3I. One ,f th' leading chiols flor Yonog laul;es a'; t be t;vuth. uMa nldiiCcit ouaiJiange, ali tuodaern inprove rmcnts. Carrp.:s tien ceres. Grand iouu StaiLn sceiry In Vgatiy of Va., faumed for a-itlth. Luxopean and Awrerican tracher. I tol o'arse uperior adlr.;t:;~r-s In Art, )lusic, atn Elocution. tuadcats from thirty Ltalie. For cLatalogues address M.L'TTIE Y. IAARRIS, Pres., Boanoke, Va. S SALVADOR STHADOR, Shoemaker& Repairer CCI. TrJXlIODAX & St. LoCIs. S Sells, rcpairis, and makes shboes below cost. 501m ALL WORK Gi'.\RANTEED. Robt. Glover, Copper, Tin and SHEET IRON WORKER 'thibodaux, La. 8hop on St. Louis St.. b'.ween Main and Thibodaunx. !oliIiting a share of your p,;atrolnage, guaranteeing first-cliase work and at satisfa'tory Ro1~fing and Guttering a Speciait R£PAla WOP.K Pf.oxrpr.- DO.E H. N. Coulon, I~~rtg *· .-: i=I;~i I /1N. N9IprIif z WVatclhmaker and (, GunsmI'i i12 *j Krpeop s tacnt ly ,4r . and a I:arg.o. nu e miplett as ort i fnrnt of 9 f FINE JEWLZRY 8 -4 CL OCKS AN" _ WATCHES, THE CELEBRATED |."" ",rl ',-, ELGIN WATCHES EGUNS PISTn~, CONSTANTLY ON POWDER, CAL HAND. Also the NEW TRIDUES. iUz AMERICAN SEWING GSO 'IATERI~ ' MACHINE. ':fu"tock of Ac- ETC(., EFO, Watches. Clocks. J'.u, ioYar-fu:.; rt-: -irpp nad , ted .A f::!l stock of wuitus. oil and ne-dl es S," kLin is of ewi;l Maebih ,as, v h .dby app .inr to A. BOITRON C-r. rain and ct. Pbhl!p I ..t ferCESCE. I LOUISIANA TEAI ROBETýi'2'` & 1CO., Proprietors. 01, 303, 305,307 GRAVIER STREF W'ash, Bliuda, D oor*, M ll., . FlPh r'n a.d r'shail1, lalnstert, etc.. : "y, . l;., .J Id r a,1P ,. ý.t rt.- I. . 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tuonoc Mhas Drrkate CoPT nw sme. Anyo. senundhs a sle list rosy ateokty sartan ur onl frncsbolewr a ientilo probably paezý-ltcaae. 'oC.nJbs ttomltrictl sonndenttL Randbntok m oat re seteea , wwas thoot herea the m Scidelfk Rmric cau. A benaomrety ltrated w lyd. Irmat .r eaitrson <t any nersee }rmLa. Ter.e. W a J:r U n a oUt nl m nd ra t.ear. ALB'RiT a.I. .A SEIlNE. NOTAI' OiTBLIC R. ELA N*. LAan fcT-C.,e L. CLAY KNOBLOCH I Art'U tnrdn Cou:res's r at Lrre • rhibodax, L;a. o:se"e': G-aude B3uilinglg St. Philip St. FRtST'S HOTEL, C ~t MElE.W a'i bOs3s : T. Excuri niists and Traveling PEOPLE .... Met.e o.n E..r peat and A:erican Style-Lerved at any ")Old Time." A rst-e;ass ... CAFFE t"h'""' HOTEL bWhere all Winee. Llq.ore and Clgar can be had. Plrte Attentioo. ... Wn. H. FROST, Prop. i COLUUCUL Oew Orlas. , .a. t Fars resowmed as lead 1r0 liverr o er M·e als Diplotas, etc. awarded as LAmertI a and Luropeaa I E poalllon. Comme rcia Cosare intedes Sper Ac aoatblg sad A· a tih + and is Onaranteed E.gher and apelrior to uay oiar is e rnequalle4d aeitlttelm Unervled Faculty. Thorough Brsinaess ratlre and o.oe routine. Caompelte oliteql b kt ara wbolesale cres. tlradeMe bold ; -dir p, -:tionl all over the eoantry. InstrUet, ra: ,..rsonal. flavlnsg auerr a :u- ressm cosectonas sad beitg anlversealy and reputably knows. we have saperc r advantageal l airdlag stldeatl to 1WA stm is coutcted with Sould Colee I to which sludeats do actual beinaee witl real goods and actual money, and strdeanta keep the books is the latest labor saving forms. 8tMdenta enter at may time. Eag·rlb. Am demlc, Shorthand and Businesa schools. All separte iac'etla. Send fot Catalogue. Nuaineas Men supplid with competeat bookkeepers and shorthand writ is. Ad:ress )ElU. SOULA & SONS. C i 7, - _,_"" . . 'PM .~ba. Your home Piewspaper , rV the field of lostl - s-,;,' T ru.'resaive peopl . £'o'rnation beymli S. rent events hase, i ,-- -e by wire, specist S service and ro1 '. Su.`. is do t: 'eaed by a big e. spare, and ) - .- & 4-, a nes- 3p. ......T.- ..... 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