Newspaper Page Text
USE.... Dr. Meyer's Wa ter, 50C. A BOTTLE. 2 LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. iRoger ;mouas!, th. !:lt!i- son of C. L. Go'.aux. i sick with scar!atiha. . iiss \'i ian K no,'(c, ,h returned unt Tuesdainy f"oma PI'teran. We are e :su;st-i t'. anno.'iunce that the R]'v. 13B.A. i'e.' .: .n w Ireat h at the Pi ,shlvt.riaa cl.ur:.h. St.uday at 11 o cuck :. in. and ;.dt p. m. The Wo in Tirnr--Y,'s" said Mr IHenpeck, '"I. ta. have imy favorite tfowrr." ' Ardl what mvy tlhey be. pray ?" sn".,-etl his wife. ""Th'iv are the ones that 'lhut up at night.'" he brave:v managel,- to articu.ate." isarper' Bazar. Leave yoir orde!rs for pianos organs nnl marno tuning with 1'..J. Knol,:, h Local Representative of Louis Grtuwali Co. Ltd. 13 FACTOI:Y sc lig m:nills, factor:ea and general trale offir liae on conm. to Al men. "Fatturv, ' Box 137!. New Tor k. 1t Indliana has a bachelor who is training for wrriage, and hopes to be ab:e to take care of a wife when he gets her. By persistent experi ment and practice h,: has reduce.d the ' of his b;l of fare to six cents a day. For fatmi!r use in numbetrless ways BALLARID'S SNOW LINIMENT is a usefr, anid vaiuable remedy. Price. 25 and 50 eeats. For sale by Thlbo daux drug store. Judge Engerran and wife of Thi. bodaur, visited Houma this week, and were eiteitained at the residence of their .o:a-in law. Mr. Jos. R. Daspit. Mrs. A.hin Boulg anI so', Conrad. visited Thiaiodau- this week, and were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Daigre.-Terrebonne Times. TABLER'S BUCKEYE PILE OINTMENT has been thoroughly # tested for marny years, and is a posi f tive c:-re for this nost distressing and t embarrassing of trobiles. Price, 50 1 cents in bottles. Tubes, 75 cents. , For sale by Thibodaux drug store. t ,"That "hand-rue down" suit you're wearing," remarked Rivers, "reminds me of an unripe watermelon." "Whvy" asl'e,1 Brooks' "Because it's so different. O:. isn't cut to fit, and the ,:.:o isn't ti ti to cut" It was then that Brooks plugged away at him.-Boston Ilerald. smammt (.L the treakf-"st table)d -Y,,,i alwa.s ,.u:a 't to use your nap. b kir, Georgie. Georgie--I :;; using it, mamma. I've got thl dog tieI to the leg of the ti table with it. o1 Worms take refute an the small in. - te*tine, wheretheycan easil;v multipy. WHITES CRE.A\I 1EIRMIFUGE C will destaoy these p.rasites. The ver. diet of the people k.l:s ,latoly how well i has nsa'ceeded. Price, 25 cents. For sale by Thib,,daur drug store. The Broussardl Escursion Club of Breaux B. idge will give an excursion on Monday, Jauuary 7th frmn Ar- L naudvale anaI way Ipints to New Or- ib leans. The ezcursaonists wall have b three days to spend in the city as the excursion tLain makes its return tripl of on Thursday January 10th, thus gav- D ing ample time to tlhoe whlo go to do so the Crescent City thoroughly. er If you woull hanve an atlpetite like I a hear adl :a eish for your meals T! take Chamlelrriaiai's Stomach and i: Liver Tahect. Tlhey correct disor. p 'l9rs of thei stomach and regulate the tic liver and bowels. Price, 25 cents. an Zamtles free, at Roth drug store. te wl Edwardl C,,per, a boothlls:k, anri me is .iluh're-d iebslsecr, who will soon co cnme ino, p''s,'siion of $25I,000, are de t, br. muraarei in San Franlsc:o in LA Flhruary,. T'rwe;ve months ogo Miss me Websts r was: as lor as (,ooper. Su They were Iv a,.d cr1l ,wetlhe'arta, pr and promis;.d to be faithful to each ma other until forti;ne shouldl provide ch them the wherewithal to start house- as keeping. Recently the discovery was uon matde that the gil was ertitled to an of iuheritanee of a quarter of a million doilars, bit this did not alter her feelings toward the young mann. ('cooper iu stal hlatking hwts, but will gi\ve up, the busine-s in February. Niee fat hats in various shadesPI aund sty i,, ribb)ns, etc. can e.' t lsughlt at close palicas .et Mrs. ~h. c Dermott'a ml!iiuery on Jackson street. - ... 1ter The Best Platster. F A pie.e of flanmel darapnued with wi, t' Ibhe affect.rled parts is sup.rior to anry a Ilaster. When trourilei with lame O"i hlack or pains in the si.le or che4t, give it a trial ani you are ce'rtaiai to bi he more t tlaal ul:e dl w;th the pronot :'so a .h", : h atui ''n. Oat' applica., for itaoa g .' V'S ra .iet. l"or saa.-lay lioth ir a tla t A Runaway. L ist Thursdev morning a horse of "'r. Thomas Beary's which was at. tachled to a b' ,gy be±anme frightened or Main street anl made a lively run f:,mn okt ,'s drug store to the cornmr o,,f Miu andt .It k-ien street. There was no one in the buggy at 'he time of the runawav. and as the remem I braite of the tragic death of the man who attempted to stop a runaway on I 2 Jackson street a few wc~ s ago; was - ti!i f'sh in h u l s ofourcittzous, itherie s,tmil to h~- no !buirning de-ire on the part of :,,.V of, them to play of hero, an l the h',rae the who!e :ia. s'reet to himrn.lf gat Ch ristmas Sloppers. hLt The streets of our city presented S1::ite a L.usy aplpear:tnce hhls week. there being many people here diung their ('hristmas -h'pli:rg. ýItr :flu; y of the pl.inters pitid off the'I be. employees thus p itttt cansiierable ire money in circulhttioi. he -- f - DugaS -Sanarens. os On .Mond ay, the! 10th of December, J at the Chur-.h of thi [w na oiu:tecon. of ception of ('h:aenton, [,a , 1I:ss Bel tha C:aire Sanareon wan married to nd Mr. Evrard Dugar of Lore:iaville, to Iberia Parish. ew The yonog lady has a number of friends in this town who will be glad is to hear of the haipry event. to ... en Prai-e the bridge that cartie, von ri over iether a fll oo r co;ochL BIA, he LARD'S HOREHOUND SYRUP has a brought so many over thioat and lnng trouble-, such as co,:ghs, cold, bron chitis, etc., that its praises are sung ys everywhere. Price. 23 und 50 cents. is For sale by Thibolaux drug store. -- -----. -- - - Freight Car Derailed. S Last .Monday the egul:ar passenger k, train on the Nato:eonville hbranch., e ue to arrive at Thiboilaux at 2. 45 itP. MS., was unable to reach this place d. owing to the fact that a freight car ul was derailed on the mnaiu liae between J. Thibodaux and Labadieville. A special train consi;iing of an engine and caboose was aentt out from E Schriever to the !cene of the wreck. ly and passengers end mall were trans .1 ferred from the regular passenger d train to the eslooýe The "special ' 0 left Thibodaux for Schrietet at 5. 20 t s. P. 31.. and in it was packed, like sar dines in a box, a large but good us tured crowd. 'e - - - .. I 1s Necrological. S O!iver E. Fleetwood, son of Dr. J. e it. Fleetwood and N. A. Roth, died p .: his father's resl.niece last Thurs e iday morning at 5:20 age.d thirty three years three mouths and ten days. Mr. Fleetwoo I h,, been in c bad health for several years, and has it been away from home a good part of e that time traveling about in search cI of health. 11 funeral hich took , Splace yesterday eiening at four f So'clock from the St. Joseph's Catholic a Church was laige'y attended. We'a Iexteoq sincere sympathy to the rela, t Stives of the dleceaed.. Bowie Lumber Company. g The Bowie .lills. situated at Bowie. ai - La., this parish. formerly owned by - the heirs of Wi'liam Cameron. has i been bought lby : s.tock company whose capital stuk is estimated at le one milion dtoiari. The pre.sident of the company is Mr. Rolert H m SUownman, of ',e T'rexas, who is a , son in law of the l:,te William Cam- ty eron; its vice presilent andI general A *manager is T. Gordon Reddy, Jr., ot who is well known to the people of iThibodaux. Mr. ReIldy has been the I manager of the lewe ,llIs for the ge past five or six years, and his promo t lion to the offlces of vice president I and general manager is but a just I tewardi for the magnificent abi'tty Iwhich he has shown tn the manage ment of :he mills in the past. We O congratulate .Mr. Redly upan his deserved promotion, and the Bowie bo Lumner Company fur th ne ne judge ment displayel In the selectioc of c such an ahble man, as M1r. Redldy has proved himne;f to be, as their general manager. Our fair p:irish of LPafour che is also entitled to congratulations, as she now has within her .loundaries one of the largesbt umber companies E of the world. Convent Festival. of The gLal Drama:tic;~.Feattvai to be gven fir thie lea-ifit of the new Vi c,,n eit builli.ig o,, tie 2 th Illnstant Fr I at the lMouint Carnel couvent, pr,,m Ki ,.eS to be a great U t s." " Among the attr.,ctio,:s at this en tertainmerit will ,e a P'lov anld Scarf Dr Fantasia in wh:ch sonmlh of Thilo- Ba d uix's mo-t l3bantiful young la les ofl wil appiir; oMgs and dh l!l by the C. pupils of the conrvent, recitation iy Br: a c.:elratsd eloclimuit of New E. Oiceans. A matinee for the 'hildren will begin a' twi, tc . k i,. in of In the blruwmut ,f the ton \,ut B there w,ll be aruus.m~ets ,of ali kinds ( fir the 3,'ng flk , atnd refreshm-ts by iii abun':.n e. wal Tic ;, tiI .ii. W:', at 'he fohow- hat Opera House, of ) One Night Only, STuesday, Dec 18, '00, ,+ The Schumanns m Presenting an all star .oiUl any, comrn an posed of Edlih Adi:tms Violon'el. hi.t. Charlotte Tarraut Il-,rplite. Gtrace Caborn ~sslani, Zulianle S Bo'kcom RIea:i.r. Each ant every us, one a solo aIt..t. Seat, on sale at ire A. L. Guillot & Co.'s drug store. IAdmission, - 50 and 75c 'e hildtten 35c. I-- ing named places : Meyer Drug Store; Roth Drug Store; Thil,:hde:ux Drug Store; A. L. G,,illot & Co'. l)ruz Store. H. Led [liviere & ('o. Store; Ellis Brand s ek. Sons Stoie; F Zernott Store; E. J. g Braud Store. Begianing on next SMondday seats can I.e checked ,t the Thib'adaux Drug store. !e BERNARD-MAREAN. Beautiful Home Wedding at the Residence of the er' Brides Parents. )Ml. - . e. The residlerce of Dr. W. Hi. sno to Mrs. Beatrie Matonl, 222 Ncrth Havieu atieit, was the f srcts. of one 'of tLe prett:etL homr e wedhiies. at S 04JiLok ye ter lay ) velin 51, ever Wit. of nesieI stI iPe ns~acl)a, whirr t:ei1 ,l, charmuing iroil cultiralt (ldaughlter. lss Aore':" . was m:'ri'ltd t) ,Me. BN1o r S. 6,i19 aid. Rev. Plrivai !i on b hanry, sector of Chri-et .-rch, l oliciatin in the beautanul nod im. a, lpresive nuptial rites of.tle Epitcopa' C, chur h. ,o The attendants were : Miss tSoi 'g Marean, sister of the lbde, ;maid of tF. honor, anl 31r. Russel J. Owen. groomsman. The bri.le was beautiflly lint moD.letly gowned in pure white, and io her hani she carried a magnirice nt er boquet of white chrysanthemums, h. and never looked lovelier or more 5 fascin:.ting than on this au.spicious . wcasion. The growto was lreased in e the c~ouven'ional dress suit of broad S!oth, and looked as has py as he was I Shandsome, thopugh somewhat nierous. 1C However b e had nothinig to ie afraid as of, as his charsming brile has a we-t k Uamible and gentle disposition at.d i s loved by al who know her for her ,r many enviable trait of cbaracter. culture nod talent, the eldest daugh. h ter of the novelist. . Mr'. Beatrice 'r kmrean, whose works, 'Tragehdies of " Oakhurst,"' "The Sign of the Cross," 'Her Shadowed Life," "A Firemansa Heart," '3llysteries of Bermount,'" and "Won at Last," have been read and admired by thoueandmi whil, many thousand more have been1 . equally entertuined by her charming d plays, amoIng which may be mention Sed '"Cherry, or Capital vs. Labor," and "The Fireman's Heart." whicb J she dramatised from ntr own n.ovel n of that name. "Always." a most n charming novel by the bride, is now *s in the hands of her publisher. o The groom was for a long time h connected with The Pres as alver. k tising manager, lut at present is loel correspondent and subscriptis n agent r for the New Orleans Times Denmocrat. e a young man of unapproachable moral character, rare business Iact od ter!i byg integrity. Hosnored and trustel bv all who know him, of even temrper nsd enviable disposition he makes friends wherever he goes genial and obliging under all circum P stances--hence his friends are legion and his business success assured. The beautiful and brslliqntly illum. a ioated parlor was artist i(5lly decorat ed with sweet scented flower.', broad leaved palms and traililg vines, th. handiwork of loving f:iends, and many elegant prpsents were in evi. dence to testify to the great polsulari ty of the charming young bride. After the noptials cake, wine and mu other temptIng refreshments were The Electrie Terminal Compsny generously :lnced a special t-ain at the serviceof the contracting twain last evening to bring their frienlrs. js. who reside along tne dummy line, to G, tbe wedding. But only a few rela tives an.! intimate friends of the en contracting partien were present. to M1r. and Mrs. Bernarl will he at inm bome, for the present, at 222 North IDi Baylem stret.-Pens~cnli Fla. Press., m, Nov. 6, 1900. An Enjoyable Euchre. kn The Entertniner's Club was delight- Fa folly entertain..d by Dr. an'! Mrs. L. E. Mever, on T' isday tiight. foI Euchie was the principal feature of the evening aid a pleasant time was had nv all present. The follow lag are the niames of the playcra : Misses Sarah Scally, Mtamie Waalli, Vivian Kuasbloch, Bertha Forer. May let Frost, BerItha liriere, Mrs. D. Me cal Kinney, ;lrs. (2. P. Shsrer, Mrs. Eug. Robichaux ,.1r. Louis Meyer Messrs. Paol P. Delaune, R. Perey, Dr Smith, L. H. Lanc.sater, C. Ai Badeaus, Prof Latargue. (i. Percv. lof North Louisiana. E 1. Rohichaus, ('. P. Shaver, K. Braud, Dr. O. L. E. Mleyer. Ladies Ist prize, an Abuim, won hy .Miqe S. S-·n!ly. 2nd mriz:', pair ) 'of isabies, won by Mrs C. P. Sbav.r.. Booby, pianolo, 3liss 3laiie W elbh. Gents let prize, Ilver knife, Won by Dr. L. E. Mcyer. 2nd priz·, walking care, Ed. 3lcCulls. Boohy, hat brush, I. Hl. Lancaster. That There are People in Every Community. I ho do not behave in the truth of any advertis ed statement--"goes without sayinr. t Th s store reaches for the DOUBTING ONES and desires TO PROVE to them that in its ad vertising it states FACTS and FACTS ONLY. Let us call your special attention to On ADVANCE FRHN LIN HEATEPS, - $11.00 & 11.50. EATER .S OF ALL SIZES $2.50 Ur. o CCOUNG STOVES EVERY OBE GUAR'TD OIL HEATERS THE FAMoUs BAr 's guaranteed NO SMOKE, NO ODOR, if prolpr directions are followed. Grates 12, 14, 16, 18 in. All at New Orleans Prices, 'Hand Lamps 15c. up. Hanging " $2.75 up. 4 i Banquet " $4.50 up. 4. We are now filling up our Toy Department, Sand it is not too early for the ladies to begin making their selections. They can do so now it they like and have their goods laid aside and aioid the rush at Xmas. Come and inspect our stock-patronize a home institution which is not only an absolute neces sity but a credit to your community. THE THIBODAUX EMPORIUM, J. S. LEVRON & CO., PROPS. PHONE 62. For Sale. A Chickering Piano, sec ond hand, in good order, can be bought at a remarkably low price. The chance of a life time. Apply at Sentinel Office. A. GOSSIN,J .... MANYFACTURER AND DCALER .... Choice ough Dressed A Cypress Lumber, All Dimensions Sawed to Order and Delivered. Lafourche Crossing, La. Fine Cows and Heifers. IW. C. Ragan has only a few Jersey cows and heitfes left, also several Jersey bull calves. Call on him at on'-e. Prices to suit the tices. 20-2t Capes And Jackets. The tendency this winter istowars;i Sackets of Bulgarian, Co&ntinental and Garibaldi effects in the sleeves. Sev eral illustrations of these styles, together with full advice about mak. ing, are contained in the January DELINEATOR, the well known Fashion magazine. A new feature of this magazine is that 1Mra. Aria, the well. known dress authority of London contributes a monthly letter on the Fashions of London. Mrs. John Van ,'orst of Paris does the same for that famous center of st le. See W. C. Ragan. I have only a few cows and heifers left, also several fine Jersey beli calves. Prices in reach of ail, call at my sale stal,ies. 20-2t. V. C. RAGAN. D - .bt - ' , E SS. l:. l L.. V t. %' ; L€ V . ' '· r .. . Il' ~bin* - / - K. of P. Meeting. The local chapter of the Knights I of Pvthiuzs held their regular semri. monthly mreting on last Wednesday night when they elected officers for the coming year. The election re. suilted as follows : F. W. Nicholls, Chancel:or Coin. mander; V. C. Daunis, Vice Chancel. lot; Morgan Willham%, Prelate; J. W. Wilson, Mlaster of Works; L. H. Lancaster, Keeper of Records and Seals : Leon Polmer, Master of Fin. ances; F. Zernott, Master of Exche. quer; Ed. Croe, Ilaster of Aims; Dr. T. A. Stark, Inner Guari; Robert Glover, Outer Guard; Sam Polmier Representative; Dr. T. A. Stark, Alternate; E. N. Roth, Tiustee. Badly Bitten. A child of Celestin Boudreanx, a colored man living on St. Charles street w.s terribly bitten by a dog last Sunday. The child was out in the street eating a piece of bread when the dog came up and tried to suatib the bread from himn a:,d in doing so caught the behibi upper ilp tearing it almost off. Dr. Stark at tended the child's wound and sewed the severed lip back t. its plece. He is of the opinion that the wound will soon heal. Hardware and Buildlers IHarlware, Paints, Oils aind Varnishts, Cuttlery. guns, revolvers, aont anmmunition, rope etc. Fine assortment of Harness from 6 50 ip-Gee-HIlw Coltars 75c. pjieao or $S 25 P.--r LDozen. Also nice assortment of lH aters andl Cooking Stoves. We are sole Agents fur Wilson air tight Heaters for wood and coal. 17. H. Riviaas & Co. JTHF BUSIEST IN THE CITy the e Foroiture * Establsh ---or-- SrEdgar F. Rivier S.. MAIN STREET .... SFURNITURE FOR '•------. RICH FURNITURE FOR ALSO UNDERTAKER, The Place to Buyl Sj Hardware, Paints, Oils, Harness, and _ Agv u[turai ifriptleme -I9 AT E: H. Riviere & ' Phone 103'. ('or. .fain and Gree SOUJTTERN PAC ...Vacation Rat TO SfESOIT _POINT&S. 4-k Our Agents To can ir yolu Mou LOW" ;. Lakese, ROUND TRIP Seashr RATES Call or Write for Particulars.-: 3. 8 8. 3 E, L.J Jp Pass. Trafbe -lanager. rour'STO. rKx. . Gen. Pap. New Store New Goods OUR LINES ARE NOW COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT....... :Don't Wor SABOUT STYLES, QUALITIES AND PRICES. WE CAN SUIT YOU And Save You Moi S$ Our Stock Consists in Part Hats,Caps, Ladies' S SWaists, Hosiery, F SRibbons, Colored Goods, Satteens, broideries, N e c k we SLadies & Misses' Ca House Furnishings. SAll styles of Fall : Winter Dress Go Scomplete line of Fa Silks, Cotton She $ Boots, Shoes, Hardw Tableware Willoww Eto. Etc. In fact everything needed for family use too numerous to mention. Call and Ssee us at our new emporium, . J We will please you., SH. Riviere & i PHONE MAIN Advertise in The Senfi