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Money By Telephone /,'ea'//e the needy quicker thIan (,by an»y other known means. Enmergvencies will arise when, perhaps, becausa of the die. tress of a relative or friend, you will want to send mon eyv hIluriedll, and have the satisfaction of knowing that your re.tnittani:e reaches the person needing it. In any such cases, try the.................................. . Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Co., " *NCORPORATCD. A. rbrougb its spllcdidly equipIJ* and extensive *system you are gaarlanteed prompt nad eq iuont aervicu at reaumaable cbarxgp. 6-Ja-19 USE.... Dr. Meyer's Wa te r, 50C. A BOTTLE. a LOCAL PI(jAORAPHS. Leave your orders for pisaqs, organs and piano tuning with V. J. Knohlo Ii lsca-l Representative of Louis Grunlwalul Co. Ltd. 13 Go and hear the sweet staingers with the Goricn mtinitrel company to mor row night. Nice line of Shirt Waists, Handker .-h;efs, Hosiery, Corsets etc. at The ItRcket Store. Get your beat bid and tuoker ready for IIik Royal Highness will be here next Tuesday week. Be sure to show your colors too Dont fail to attend the Gorton's Famous minstrel performance at the Opera house Sunday night. The greaetst danger from colds and Is grlppe i! their resulting iq pIeu monia. If reasonable care is uend, jbiowe:er, and ChamberlaIn's Cough Rlemedy taken, all danger will be avoided. It will cure a cold or an attack of 1I grippe ip less time than any other treatment. It is pleasant and safe to take. 'or sale by Both dlrug btore. The man who goes around town on I carnival day with a long face on him I (unless it i. a masked face) will be thaown in jail. Get, your jolly face ready for the Carnival. Ladies and children's knit under wear from 1Qc up at The Racket Stoere. Ij A week from next Tiesdcy our j gpod King Sucrose will be with us. lie will get a hearty w.hcome, and will be royally entLrcianed. Brassl bandsl mupskerr all a general good e time will lhe toe irp. of the day. s When you want a physic that is a luild aqgd gent'e, epsy to take and a pleasant in t'ffcet uce Chamberlain's Stonmaclh aund iver Tablets. Price, 25 cent.. Samples free. Every box , guaraa.teed. For sale by Ioth drug e store. The Carnival Olub is the heat ft iead that Thibodaux ever had. It has already bronught our town into prom- h inence, and ezpepts to keep her there in the future. tpng life to the Cgr pival Club. lRoth the druggist. Will refund you is your money if yop are not satisfled P after iusing Cbaplberlain's Stomach a' and Liver Tablets. They cure disor tiers of the stomact. biliousness con in etipation and headache. ?rice, 25 1 ccnt-. Samples frpe. t liont let anytilng porry you next no Tuies:lay week The King is comi.g er that day, qnd le wants all of his sub at jects to have a jolly good time. Get to pult on the streelp. and see to it that lo the strngpies wlp will he here that dey have a good time. th You can help anyone whom you hfd suffering from inflamed throat; B laryngeal trouble, bronchitis, coughs. or c(,,ls, ,etc. hy advising the use of ed Bf.LALAItD, HQIIW HOUND SYR- ·ic L'P; tihe et remedy for coughs anl tih loils. Pice. 24 and 50 cents. For ps sale by Thibpldesup )rug Store. The play presented at tibe Thibo daux Ulera Holsne last Monday night entallert *'Tlie Steam L]aLndry" was in'joyed by a fair sized audience. Thu c;ul,:min gave a steet parade Mqnday to m*iii n a nieu:. lisplayvd their 4dvertise .11 lentasu , lthe. pily on wlile shilrt. hung tI pn Il:·e and carriedI by picaninitg. cII A ColQvincing Answer. ke *I hcblrhlel into Mr. plackmoa'as I ;1 ,ig .*ose ',le eveniilg," says Wesley ,.r! Ne.S.k,,t of lamilton, Ga, (. "andl he drl ,kot mc in try CI;amlerlain'u Pain al Balm fr riheumlwn:im with which I C(., h::a I s'tff,red for a long tilq.. 1 told ia,, him I haIi Ro faith in :,!y maediein, a. I1) I .v all fauiltl lie said: ',ell if v 'i' mlcr;isn'g Psin fllaim derl, no, !l, b.'lp you. "ot ie..e, iot pay f'r it.' I la ii took : ; ;ttle ot it hIol.,l) * : -n(l oi it ,,I t actuerbl fgo t~u et uiretis 34.1 ind 'in ne il. week I Was cusiee, and have lint inc. san leeelr.un Irb'l wit rhpq;-alti s1.1 Ie The Gortpn niustrels have some of the brat musicians in the mgnstrel world. Dont fail o bheur them to morrow night at the Opera House. Carnival Pius. Mr. Zeruott has a pretty selection of carnival pins for cale at his jew. elry store on Mare street. They are all tie rage and are selling like *"hot cakes". Get one before they are all - sold. For Sale. Store building, known as the Pro tectora [fall, and Residence, onI pro perty known as McBride property. Both store aud residence situated on SJa(keen street. of For particu!lrs apply to 29 H. W. FRosT. ,ith Bishop Meerchaerts. or Mgr. Meerchnerte, Bishop of Okla. homrn and the Indar Territory, deliv r ered two inte;!esing sermons last he day at the St. Joeeph's Cathollec Church. He also lectured at the dy Church last Tuesday ,ight upon the ,r life of the Iod'ana and of the good o work that has been done among them by the Catholic s chools and missions. Bishop Meerchaerts has 4 magnificent o's voice. and his lecture, which was high. he ly entertaining as well as iastructive, was attentively listened to by a large uumber Qf people. The Bishop Wok, up a collection which will be used by I eu- the Church in it's work among the I ti Indians. be Notice. n t The annual meeting of the stock.l th holders of the Bank of Lafourche, for the election of eleven directors for the ensuing year, will be held at )n the office of the Blank on Monday m Feby. 18th. 1901, at 4 o'clock P. Al. t e K. J. BRAUD, `e 28-3t. Cashier. I Teachers Institute. d It Professor H. E. Chambers conduct. ed :an unusually successful teachers i'..,..te this wee-k at the Court b ir House. d *. The large atterlauce iof the teach. t d era from various parts of the parish I' should be highly a:tisfactory to our 0 d excellent Schoou Board. There were b seventy three teachers present, and Prof. Chambers stated the uttedaroce at this institute to lie the largest of d any conducted by hilm this year. a The teachers expressed themselves r as being delightedl with the Institute I work, and with the hospitality of our 8 citins. lion. Thur. A. Badeaux, our Parish superintendent of Public d School, is to be coegraturatcld upon the ueccess of the institntitII, for it shows that the Public schools under his superictendice are tilled with wide awalte progressive teacher., eager to grasp new ideas which they are sure to get at the teachers insti. tutes. Prof. Clamrubers won the res. Spect and admiration of the teachers and the citmzen of uour town. le 3 was obliged to leave Thlursday even ing. His place. was to have Ic-n filled by Prof. Caldwell, but, owing to the illness of the matron of the Pr Normal school, Prof. Caldwell could t not leave, so Professor E. L. Steph. . ens, president of the Indtistrial school at Lsf:yette, camue in his stead, lie conducted the liustitcte yesterday t moruing, and delivered an interpatinK P Stalkto the teachers at the close of the sps-ion. At $ meeting of the Young Mlns B~uevoJent Association, held last Wed. Snemay night at their hall, it was decid. Sed by the memlwr to ,'give Ianexcur Sion to Batou I~oug,, sometime about tite latter palt of April or the early rpart of May. The eccursiog will he given over the Texas and Pacecfie K and will lie a celebrationd of tie Soniversry, of tlhe organizatiou of the At'eoceatio,. The claiwsf f oth . c,,rn medicines to be as gooel a Chamberlain's ar .trcct,.Ithy set at. re-St i thle fonl'owing ttStlimonia , f .cet . t'. Ii GI:,*., an enplioe of l~artl tt & fJn,,is Cc,., (;Gardimer, .1. II,. e"vc, "'I had kept adding to a ctd antl cough itn lise winte-r of 1897, trving every c-ugh mphdcinie I heard cf ai ltout permian c-nt hlelp, until ',,,e hl:,i I was in the drug store of Mr l!,,ulehc,, ammd he' aivhrld aoe :o try (Chamberlain's T C.,nuch Rchr-ly amid to par of i eck mv me,.r if I wae., ct ,'.l. ( - My longs :and h,. ,s hil te h a w,-rean vry -i oeut thi Tjmr*. hit T w.,ii.,i, I c .,leta:* cureJ iy tIire r,'c-dv. amid of I cre cim.e ai'waY t ueS tlt(.sj to it lei j ) , g,.t Te.thl,. an.€ -.ceI iii.l c hi-f. |j at' aim gladI toI 'R it ji IU*. bet oi all mat * dee g1o4r A Negro Killed. The effects of ,pistol tote" was e shown last Saturday night when Lewis Di itch"l #at short the eartIdy career of one Adrien Williams by pumping a load of lead into ain with a cheap ""pou." Both of the parties ar dolpred. Williams had the repu. Lation of being a "bully", and de 118. lighted in "'starting a rough house." on- He attended a dance on the Dionne Iat plaqtation last Saturday night, and ny after he had had enough of dancing, be proceeded to break the bllt up. This was objected to by Mitchell, and h 4a and Williams became involved in *ia tight which terminated as above stated. Mitchell was arrested by *qu Sheriff Beary, anti he now languishes a in the Parish prison where he will have ample tima to reflect upon the e of evil of "platol totin". trel t. ,i as n KI iont n ldu, The Queen's Jewels. ar The Queen's jewels are on exhibi. tion in the window of Mr. Frank Zer all uott's jewelry itore on Main street. This window is beautifully decorataed in the carnival colors, and attrac:ts Ihe attention of the passers by. W4, will wear these jewels this ryear? You have, thrte ~ore guesses coming to you. ro rty. _ ... : on Theodpaia Burr's re;eark:.ble li:r story is capitally told by at, admiring writer Irn the February Ladiets' Ionm,. Journal. Such extremes of joy and sorrow as were the lot of "The Bena. tiful Daughter of Aroun Burr" c ,,n. to few women. The store of thet cis. lamous hymn, "Nearer, Mey God, to liv Thee," and a close view of its hril. ast liant author, are united in "A Woman )lic to Whom Fame Came After Death." the How we get and keep the correct tame the is explained in "The Clock by Which ed We Set All Our Watches"; and "The em Buffaloes of Goodnight Ranch" is a rn. record of the only herd of North ant American bison owned by a woman. 1h. Lovers of "Cranford"-.-aad they are re, legion-will be delighted with the ge dramatic version in the Feblrary ok Journal. Through Ldward link re. by presentative men and women Journal. Le ists emphatically settle the oft dis. puted question, "Is the Newspaper Otffice the Place for a Girl?" There seems to be but ooa opinion among those who shou!d lknow most on the ,. subject "The Problem of the Boe," "Why One Man Succeeds and His Brother Fails," and "The Trying at Time Between M1other and Daughter" R are all thoughtful articles. Architer `ý ture, the fashions, culinary matters, and all theme. interesting women are tr amply treated. By The Curtis Pub lashing Company, Philadelphia. One dollar a year; tan cents a copy. t. Don't let the hand of time paint , rs wrinkles on your face. Keep young, rt by keeping the blood pure and the digestive organs in a healthful conli b- tion. HERBINE will do this. Ieaith lh is youth, disease and siclines' brings ar old age. Price 50 cents. For sale re by Thibodeaux Drug Store. " Opera House, : One Night Only. Sunday, February 10, Gorton's Fa, Minstrels (W'ara Popltr ) *'A IOW of Unusual Excellence. TOP-LINERS: : 3 BROTHERS REXFORD 3 European Aerobatle Marvels. 'GORTON AND LEE, sn Princes of High Clasue Musical Comedy, rl Great Crescent City Qjuartette lin MAT`CHLESS STREET PARIADE. Prices 25, 50 and 75cts S'eat at V. J. Knobloah's. De Positively the Greatest play ever presented in Thibodau anx ....One Night... bcl Monday, February 11, E. J. CARPENTER'Fs *ilssm asise e elasbllaa Po QUO VADIS an This remnrklhle play is dramatied l from Henry S-ienllenkiew, great story I Which ha crreated such a profound ii- tr preslon thrtughout the cvltIlied world and ie dullded into ,ix acts and nine hv I'euneo tlettriesttig In a grayhlIe Inhaner h ofthe Dawn oChristianity and Douwnfall of Pagani. the (ast with the al etrengllh of E. 3. ;apeter', large astd Powerful Irai.n- giv atic h' It I inarvel uf heau v uasx;idluity. IW .L ) ;!" That There are People in Every Community . g. who do not believe in the truth of any advertis 1'ed stateroent-"goes without saylnr. od TL a store reaches for the DOUBTING ONES us and desires TO PROVE to thern that in its ad `o vertising it states FACTS and FACTS ONLY. a Let us call your special attention to h* Ou AnvAOE RL HEATERBS, S$11.00 & 11.50. S EATERS OF ALL SIZES $2.50 Ur. Coo01G STOVES EVERY ONE GUAB.'TD. OI HEATE$S THE FAMOUS BRLER'8 guaranteed NO SMOKE, NO ODOR, if proper r directions are followed. Grates 12, 14, 16, 18 in. All at New Orleans Prices, Hand Lamps 15c. up. Hanging " $2.75 up. Banquet " $4.50 up. We are now filling up our Toy Department, and it is pqt too early for the ladies to begin making their selections. They can do so now if they like and have . their goods laid aside and avoid the rush at Xmas. h Come and inspect our stock-patronize a home 1e institution which is not only an absolute neoes sity but 4 credit to your community. THE THIBODLAU EMPORIUM, PJ. S. Lt n I a cO.. PReos. A. GOSSIN,, .... MA.UFACTUBRK AND bDALER ..,, Choice Rough Dressed Cypress Lumber. All Dimensions Sawed to Order and Delivered. Lafourohe Crossing, La. FOR RENT. Bakery with complete out-i fit, almost new, Narrow St., between Rose and Baker. Very small capital needed, Apply to C.O. Dantin, 28 Thibodaux, La. King Sucrose. Show the Royal colora to "King Suerose." (Get . P. Auslet to deco rate your place of Business or real dience for the Carnlval, he bhas a oe line of decorating goods. For Rent. Residence and store known as the Dezauche property opposite the store of C. O. Dantin, on canal street. For partiuelars apply to Albert Bond. resox, at Post oflice, between 7 n. m. and 1 p. m. or Acadia plaunttion between 2 to 6 p. m. A Rare Bargain. Por SALr:-One Aultuan & Taylor rice threbher, in perfect condition. Capacity, 350 to 400 sacks daily. One 25 horse power engine and Porta. ble boiler. For particular. apply to PoLwus Baos.. 27 S&chrever, La, Delinquent Subscribers. Country subseribers of te Sentinel who are in arrears for the, past v'ar' and who have failed to make any move toward asaturilmting to our trensirv, will ,onfer a favor upon uo hy remitting the amount due, oth, r their names will'ir stricken fomn 'bhe shecriptiot list, and bills will I.e given to an attorrey for collection. It i, a mistaken idea to think that . iwwspaperms can li,.e on wind, co~Ma )ip ge'tlemen, we are iq oneed of the *'tcu'" very htaIr. ALBERT J. LA88EIO E NOTARY PUBLIC RACELAND, LAFOURCHE, LA Oe bours trom s. . f.tol p. a. _Ay Notarlll beulu* preamptly and as -allt aisadod Sc, Notice to Delinquent Tax Payers. The tax payers of Lafourche parish are hereby uotiled" that all uapaid taxes are now Ihe-ig 2 ojo per month Interest. Tax payer. are invited to call at once sad sltUe, and thus save further costs. Ja8as BAxTy, Sheriff and Tax Collector. Any persons wanting Dr. Hamlet Moore's lines of medicines for the treatment of stock can find thbe at W. C. Ragan. stable. For @lae. Second.hand doors, blinad, door and window frames, mantle.pieces, cistern, 'toves.tec; can be purchased at the Convent at very reasonable prices 1G. -Notioe to Horse Owners. The un4esaigned lesires to into,ym his ensitgers sand the general paldiei that he is pow occupying hbis new "hop, located at the corner of St. Philip and St. Bridge: St., op .,n to Dr. I. Danceru's residec e. I .' shoeing 4 l.ahity. wa. t..cvtip gcsraunterl. . IM ARQUEkTt, 27-3m. H.acksm f's. I THE BU IEST9 VIn THE CI-ýy~ The Furtture * Erstablishf t .... MAIN STREET .... FURNITURE Fo Hrt RICH MAN FURNITURE FoR THr - POOR MAN ALSO UNDERTAKER The Place to Buy Stores, Hardwoare, Builder's Barea , Guns, ..nmuniCion, Cuttlery, Brusr , Brooms, Paints, Oils, Barness, asi .gnricultural Implements, Hall Clipper Plows at New Orleans Prioe. H. Riviere & Co. 'PhoIn 108. Cor. .Kaic 4- St. Louie 8t SOUYTHERN PACIFI SUNSET ROUTF ., ...Vacation Rates To -'o EI0ESORT PO/ITS. . -: Our Agents taont can ofer you MounOa LOW . Lakes, ROUND TRIP Seashore RATES_ Oall or Write for Partitoulars. 7. F . , .. o7. . Pass. Trafftc Manager. HOUsTON, TEX. Gen. Pass. a Ho! For Riviere's I New Store The visitor; to the 0 val of Tbibodaux are Spectully invited to A Sournewstore. Notro ble will be spared make their visit agr ble. In our establshment willfinda complete ofvaried Goods especia ly a new and well sel Sed Line of shoes. so as the following we known makes: Hamilton Brown Shoe Co Freedmans Bros. Shoe Co Dittman Boots & Shoe C Dont failto ask for ! We iwill please you, S1mrv ere i . PHON6E MAIN advertise in The Sea