OCR Interpretation

The weekly Thibodaux sentinel. [volume] (Thibodaux, La.) 1898-1905, March 16, 1901, Image 4

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064490/1901-03-16/ed-1/seq-4/

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Dr. Meyer's
50C. A BOTTLE. 2
The Police Jury held its regular
session here last Wednesday. Watch
for the proceeding in our next.
WATlvr.-The services of a bright
Lad, good at figures, and have some
experience in Groe ty Business, no
liquors sold, address, opportunity,
Sentinel OlL.e.
We learn that a young man by the.
nameof Albert Toups, living near
Ariel P. . committed suicide last
Friday. No cause assigned for the
rash taL
We congratulate Bro. Taylor, of
the Comet on the arrival into his fam
lyof a 11 pound baby boy. We
trust that the little fellow may live to
be the joy and happiness of his old
Mrs. O. E. VanDeusen, of Kilhourn,
Wis., was afflicted with stomach trou.
ble and constipation for a long time.
She says, "'I have tried many prelara
tions but none have done me th(
good that Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets have." These Tablets
are for sale at Roth's drug store.
Price. 25 cent'. Samples free.
SMr. Joachim Badeaux is having
placed around his two newly buint
blldings on Thabodaux street, a shb'd,
thereby adding cousiderably to their
appearance. He also had them
thoroughly covered over with tin as a
precautionary measure against fire.
Children often inherit feeble diges n
tive power and colic of a more or less *
severe character results, when food is *
taken which is at all dlfticult to digeat.
acts as a general and permanent tonic. f(
price, 25 cents. For sale by Thibo- re
daux drug store.
Mrs. Jos Lamoureux died last w
Tuesday at h. r home on canal street. el
.She was burice in St. Joseph Catholic
)euspetery Wednesday evening.
Miss Elvie Webre left on Tuesday F
lor New Orleans, where she spent ]
several days in'selectsng new hats and L
anillery for the spring And summer b
trade. For your Easter hat and bon.
net you will have to see the Misdes
Webres, there line is an elegant one ai
and you will have no trouble to select *"l
p9e that will suit you. T
Leave your orders for piaffos H
organs and piano toning with V. J. R
Coohlo. h Local Representative of P1
Jouis Grunwald Co. Ltd. 13 G
Are you sick? If so, investigate A
the merits of HERRINE. It is a
eoncentrated 'nedicine, the dose is
small, yet it quickly produces the
most gratifying results, digestion im o
proves, the lips and cheeks lose their .
pallor, the eye becomes bright and the ta
step elastic. Price, 50 cents. For
sale by ThiboIlanux drug store. h
We extend our sympathaca to Mr. "
and Mrs. Eng Larre, on the de'th of
their little infanut child whirh took c
place doluring the latter part of last h
week. dr
Work on the new depot of the Tex
m and Pacific Railway company was
bieg'gun on last londay. The new
Iuilding promises to be one of the
handsonmest depoti along thuir lince.
Considerable work haos already been O
done on it aid it will i.e nt a shLort C
wlule h'f-re it will be ready for th.
acrmmno.lItionz of the traveliang pub
lie. wl
When in need ,of Tailor Made rel
eJothing see Chbas. A. Badtrax, who fet
has about one thousand samples of thi
the newest woolens, worstedl and cbi
flaunels for summer wear. He will a
take your measure as well8 as n ou
,xpert,. and goaraittee xou a perfect fat
--- --"---- ,, C-
I14al Bar Put On Kissing.
Two vouag married St. Petersburg
couples apl)pealeld aga~nst the sentence
of meprisonment for kissing each oth f
er in a restaurant, which the ledge on
lstigmatiacd as ".nhameless behavior G
aion of feeling, but the juage upheldrd th
the deriston of the lower court.-~Er.
Now wit.le it is not She thing to be u
gesuMag other reople's wives1 at most p
it is had manners and poor taste to
I.e kissing sour own ia piblic places. R
Ifour judge took the a: me view asI
the judge on the other side of the
It)nd w. wou!d have Ito buld a larger
jail.-I. R. Adeoc:ite.
. Gooi 0Co0gh M edicine for t
Children. ,.
"I lbave no hestatnncy an recommend .h,
lng Chamtu,-itlal a Cla-gth ltemedylv," cr
says 1' P. Moran, a .eis kniwn and wa:
I'ti',l:ar l,:aker. of P., t r.h.rg. Va. PaN
'.,ltWe li,'. i gi't'ia i t to o:i ,hbi dren "1]
whe'a iti oabl,., wVt N d::l 'uoig.ah, also reli
Kopig enit. :a.n it .ios s aw i. ti
iven pefect s.ati-t:,-to.t. It wasr re pro
,aaeeld tl lse b" ly : 4ruaggiat as whl i
ti, tbet :.,ugh ., li1 r . for 'hiridren t,,:
batewtfu I r,.g. 5. ?, ' lR tia d ag r ,,c
airn t'e . '.'
Mars Meeting,
At a meeting of the Daemocr.ctuc
voters, town of Thabodauxt held at the
Town Hall on We<d;reslay, the 13th
of March. 190:. `l- ;,r W. P. Martin
to ,k the cuhaie ar,:: motion, H ,n.
Thomas A. Badºcaux was elected the
permanent crhni, m:tn.
lieo,. J. hI Aucoin wis thoseu as
the ecretary.
A oallo' was had on the nomiina
tions made for Mayor and Aldermen I
and Marshal, with the esui!t that the
following tick..t was dIecared to w I
4 thb choice of tit. m% esitng:
Foa MAYOR. - F. Ze:ne,,t,
Foa ALDERMEN, - A. J Brai,l ..
W. Wilson, Octave T'.oups, E F. Ri
lar viers, E. N. R,.th
t Fo FOR .IARSAL, -R J. Nsquan. 1
The Preasslent asupinted the follow a
ing named genatlmen to serve as the
Dht Democratic Executive Committee for
me the Town of Thibodaux:
no J. L. Aucoin, S. L Bergeron. K. J. t
ity, Braud, Jos. A. Troue, and H. C. C
The meeting then adjourned. n
the -
ear For all pulmonary troubles BAL- t
the taken in the early stages, proves a
certain and sure ,pelfic. It is equa- a
ly effective in croup and whooping e
of cough, and if used in season prevent- a
Lm the further development of consump
tNon. Price, 25 and 50 cents. For G
D sale by Thibudaux drug store.
wn, p pR R
te.* Yeu II
k1M rU wtsla ti
tlhº whe i you plant
nd Ferry's ' eta. If you
buy cheap seeds you can't
ts be re. 1 ke no chances - 01
re. et Ferry's Deale every- St
where a' l them. Wnrse &
aDr 1901 recd Annnual- el
mailec free.
"ng .M. FEPRY i CO..
1it Ost rt, Mic. s
,d, ti
?ir .cl
,m A Pleasant Affair. m
Mr. and Mrs J. J. .McBride enter. ye
tair.ed at an "at home" on Thursday Se
night, on Belle Grove plantation. at
s The lawn pre-ented a beautifulm
scene with its many decorations
of Japanese lanterns. The house y
was prettily decrated with palms, he
C. ferns anl1 cut flowers. The table was
D- resplendent in cut glass and silver i th
vases holding violete, roses and ferns ve
At were placed here and there upon the rit
elegant spread board. Among thoe in
is aho enjoyed 'he evening were: wi
Misses (I r, Levron, Beatty Char. sh
lotte, Mirtna Pr!gh. D. and L. Cage, the
v Fancy, Ketty. Cbharlotte and Mathilda no
t Minor, Katherine and E'lna Shaffer, coj
d Lilly Bisland, Maggie Wood,, Eisa
,r beth and Mary Allen BcBride, Lula Jo
. Guillot, Olive MecBride, Anna Belle thi
,s Mason, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson, Dr. the
e and Mrs. Jastremski, Mr. and Mls il
t *J. D. Schaffer, Mrs. William Minor tit
Mrs. Rodney Woods, Mrs. M. G. B. an
Thomas; Messrs. Ed. McCullom, I ml
a H. Lancaster, S. C. Frost, Dr. J. L.
I. Ragan, R. and J. Schaffer, Preston the
.f Pugh, -Sinot, W. and C. Woods, W. shi
Guillot, Stanwood Duval. an
e An Honest Medicine for La w
Grippe. sat
George W. WaVtt, of South Gardi a
ner. Me., says: "I have had the worst inj
cough, cold, chills and grip and have
taken lots rf trash of no aecount but cal
profit to the vendor. Chamberlain's Un
Cough Remedy is the only thing that loc
has done, any good whatever. I have
Sused one bottle of it and the chillls. "tt
co!d and grip have all left me. I Uo
congratul:ate the manufacturers uf an wa
Shonest onedi'jne." For sale by Roth Ch
drug store. r
Necrological. son
S CHAR. W. GRIsAxOlR e. t
We are pained to chronic'e the de.thbri
of Mr. Cha*. W G isamnore, whch ben
t occurred last W'edneeday morning at the
1 o'clock, in th, city of Mexico, .Me. pp
The dce aserl hal ben ill but a shoit our
while, his death being caused by I,11
typhus fever. He was a former COn
resident of our town and married a t
few years .ago Miss Minnie Allain, of up
this place, who, with three small Ani
Ichiljren survives btm. He was alsee, the
I a brother of Mrs. Jobph Thbbodaux, ee
on Canal street. To the bereaved ly
family and ielstaves we extend our bot
This highly resptl.d citizen of and
Lower JLutourche, died last Saturday wa
a. his home at the Cott Off, at the
age of 79 years and 12 cdays. He
formerly resided in this town, being B
one of the parsuers of the Larkin &
Grisamore firm, now dissolved The
:kle~red was an exemplary citizen of
that secticn of the parish and had a
numerous bhost of friends He was o
burried Monday it Yt. John's Episco- du
pal cemetery. bare
Remarkable Cures of Rheu
II matism.
1i.m the rrAiatovr, Rutherfwdre n. 0.
Tlle edlitor (,t the "indicaltor hasT
.i2d owcas.ion to le a the efficacy of tore
('hamherlain's 'ain Balm twice with ing
ithe most remarkable results in each at tl
icaie. First, wlrh theumatism an the the I
shou;dcr from which he suffered ex- mcr,
crtuciating pain for ten dave, which Laub
was relieved withtwo ap.plicataons of are I
Sl'a~n Balm, rubihing the learts atfl-cted of s:
:end realizig init:.nt benefit and entire pea
relief in a very slhort time. Secontd, rlies
it, rheumatism iiin tkigh joint, almost~ ch
prostrating him with sevvere pain, rejec
which was relieve-l bly two applies. shon
ti,.us. iebbing wvh the, liniment on h iami
re t!iring at night, and getting Iap tree Mart
,"im pain. For sal hby Roth drug
sore. 33
Jolly Old Uncle Josh. I
trLin "And as you are going to keep a
horse," continued Uncle Josh, "I rec
I' kon I'll have to give you my ma e
the 'Kitty,' bu: of course, you'll need har
aess. Now the boss horse milliner
as of this section, to my notion, is A. C.
Munch. There is nothing in harness
that cannot be had of him-heavy and
ia light, single and double plain and fan
men Cy, work and buggy harness. He has
the in stock, or can make 'em to order,
besides every other kind of turf goods
Smaginable and the finest lot o sad
dies you ever laid your eyes upon."
Calling upon A. C. Munch Charles
.. soon discovered that Uncle Josh had
R, taken him to a good place and he or
dered a set of harness that makes nag
"Kitty" look like atwo-yea -old. But
best of all t'olly learn that Mr. Mu:lch
ow also sells buggies and she declared
the she'd not leave the spot till Uncle Josh
bought her one, she got the buggy.
fr 'Law sakesl" suddenly exclaimed
Uncle Josh, "all this trading 'round
J. town h s caused me to forget another
C. one or two of the greatest essentials to
future existence. Newly married folks 1
can't live on love and scenery any
more than anybody else-but your table
would look slim without bread' it's º
LL- the 'staff of life,' you know so. Polly
UP, must make the acquaintance of L P.
-s a Gaude of the Thibodaux bakery; His 1
bread, pies and cakes and nicknacks
us are conceded by all to be the finest on
lug earth. Remember, Jharley thb.re is
'nt- no use ot your 'ootsy tootsy" bothering
herself much about baking, so long as
there is a good baker in town like
For Gaude. lie made that elegant cake I
sent to your weddin',' "Yes, and
everybody said it was just lovely," ea
gerly responded Pelly.
"Yes, and while we are thi3 impor
tGat topic of gastronomics," continued'
Uncle Josh, "we must not forget meat.
It goes hand in haud with bread. Now
the next thing is to locate a good mar
ket where you can get fresh wholesome
meats, poultry, etc., at all times, and
according to my notion 0. J. T'oups,
of toe Rail Road is the only man to
supply you. This is the boss meat mar
ket in the city and is popular with
everybody who is particular to have
the best. The reason tor this is all
because Toups' is very careful in the
selection of stock, get the best of every
thing and keep it absolutely fresh and
clean. To keep your 'hubb%' in a good
humor, Polly, trade at 0. J. Toup's>Y
market every time.' Go ,u adv:ce.
"And now, young man, let me give
er. you another pointer,' remarked the
:y generous old uncle. "Do not under
stand me to say that clothes m ke the
man, but I do affirm that clean and
ful spotless linen help a heap.- Now in
nas this connection I am happy to inform
se you that Thibodaux has on- of hebest
Slaundries in the state. Polly will want
her lace curtains and shirt wai'ts done
" up, it's a ticklish job you know, but
r the Thibodaux Hand Laundry is so
as very careful that themost delicate fab- -
he rics are washed without the slightest
injury and I don't like a Chinaman
nohow. J. S. Achde, the proprietor.
will see that your collars, cuffs and
tr. shirts are made white as snow unless
e they happen to be colored but then
a needn't be afraid of a fade, for Achee
priles himself upon the proper care of
:r, colored garments."
L "By the way," exclaimed Uncle
in Josh, with a p4ternal air, "the next
le thing to look after is the lumber for
r. those improvements which are absolute
ly necessary. Come with me and I'll
introduce you to H. W. Frost who is
or the principal dealer in that line here,
B. and he has a well equipped planing
mill in connection. He carries the
most complete line of building mater- A
ial in the county.--everything, from
n the sills for the foundation to the
'. shingles for the roof, including doors
and windows, mouldings, etc., and a
don't want all the money a feller's got
either. It is pleasant to deal withI,
a W. Frost for his greatest aim is to give
satisfaction to every customer." And
it didn't take Uncle Jobsh long to place
li "a right smart sized" order for build
it ing material.
re En route to their home the party
t called at The Sentinel Office. "You'll
want the news every week" remarked
s Uncle Josh, "and as this is the favorite f
t local paper here I'l' subscribe."
e When the trio reached their home
"that tired feelins' seemed to settle.
down upon them all-all at once-and
Uncle Josh admitted that he for one
n was about "t'ckereJ o:t, ' whereupon
h Charley made bold to remark. "Now,
uncle. youi've been very, very kind,
and 1 kinder hate to speak of anything
else, but say, cant you recommend
something--ahemi!-a little wine, or
rye, or instance for medical purposes.
you know" 'Why. certainly, my 2
boy, quickly replietld Uncle Jos I~, a
h bright smile chasing itself over his
h benevolent visage, a little rye and a 1
case of wine is a handy hing around
the house, and the proper person to
Sapply to for such extras in th.s town is
t our friend De is Clement, the grocer.
t I,11 plrsonallyguaraateeany thing tha'
r comes from Clement 'cause he keeps
the very best wines and whiskies in
a town. Suppose you go down and b'ing mei
I u~jp a little 'good cheer' right away. pa
And Charley lost no time in executing var
the order.
Upon sulmming up the wonderful on
events of the dy Polly began to volub- 3
I ly express her thanks. "You have
r bought us everything," she exclaimed. P
"Only one thing."' replied Uncle
Josh, reflectively, "but Tcan remedy
that. E. F. Reviere, the furniture
man, always have a noe tine of them che
f and you can get one whenever you raili
want it: I'll pay for the best." thai
"W-h-y," exclaimed Polly with great
surprise, "'Uncle, what can it be?-
Well it's acradle and-" hen
SBut Polly had fainted. N
Copyrighted by W. 8. Guthrie. er I
.. _ _afte
We are jbbing our Hardware shelf de
goodt and hardware specialties at re a ia
duced aon cut prices. Call and get a
bargain in this clas of goods.
33 J. 8. Levrou & Co.
Notice to Builderer
The Pari-h Board of School Dir," Jhol
tors of the Parish of lafoarche. hav Jl
ing resolvd tah bl:d a school house app
at the Cut Off, on a site donated by
the heip of Valete Guedry; a, Krae
mcr. La. and on the sitLe donated ii
i Lubin Bergeron, in Bayou Blue, bids T
are Lereley invited for the canstruction Ibat
of said school hclisys. The plano and Blt
-pe'fiacations wiel be furtisabhedt on .p year
lplicat'on to the undereigned. The bust
School Bo:,rd reserves the right to with
reject any and all bid. All bids e-si
should be iu wiitiig atd lshuld b ,. r
i-atded in ;'o, r;r before the 23rd 5
M arch, 1901.
33 3t '-,riah uperiuteMndent. roun
- We have just received a beautiful line of
'N ripteSitverPtated Ware
We guarantee these goods to be equal to
sh the beat made in the United States.
...... We are offering for sale at......
: LAMP •
guaranteed in every respect, and formerly
sold for $2.25 and $2.50 each.
Have just received a lovely assortment of .
RBeD erated Hargirg Lasips,
Prices from $3.50 to $8.00. .
Have a few more of those celebrated
You need this through the summer on damp
days in your parlor to protect your piano. *.
Ie offer you a Beautiful Gold Gilt Oral Frames,
16.2'0 with glass and back all complete, at
S $2.50. You have never had an offer of this
kind before in Frames in Thibodaux.
NEALS ENAMELING, the best, in all colors,
for decorating old furniture, frames, bath tubs, foot
tubs, tin bAlts. It will pay you to try same on some
of your old chairs and you will be surprised to see
what you can do with this Enameling.
PHNoEr e. 4. S. LYVnION a 0C., PROPS.
Choice ough Dressed
Cypress Lumber,
All Dimensions Sawed to Order and Delivered.
Lafourche Crossing, La.
Bakery with complete out
fit; almost new, Narrow St.,
between Rose and Baker.
Very small capital needed.
Apply to C. 0. Dantin,
28 Thibodaux, La.
_5. _ . 15 11 .
For job printing of all kinds, 'l I
on or write t, the SB.TINEL.
Eggs ! Eggs !
I have just recplv."d a large ac ort.
ment of Ea-ter Egg-,, and I am pr.
pared to supply the trade. Large
variety of candies cakes, ete., always
on hand. Gave me a call.
34 4t Ms. R. Wasu.
Probable Branch Schedule.
With the completion of the Lafour.
che branch of the Texas and Pacific
railr3ad to Thibodaua, it is probable
that a double daily service will be
inaugurated One train wil, as rive
here at 8 s.m, connecting with the
New Orleans ascommodation, theoth
er to artve here at 3 o'clock in the
afternoon While there is nothing
definite about this, it is probably that
a like schdule will be adopted.-
For Sale.
Store building, known as Protee.
tore Hall, and residence stuasted on
Short street between St. Philip and
J:tckon streets. PAr particulars
apply at SENTIN.L OrrlIs.
This informs the general public
tbat I have released the Franklin
Hotel from this day for the easseing
year, anl will continne in the Hotel
busitnels, rumors to the contrary no',
withstanding, and will be pleased to I
aev.omewlate aenleri. r
Mlarnh 14, 1901. Respectfullv.
PETER Fay, prop.
Ordered an,) o arrive at J. 8. Lev.
run & Co. 10100 flower pots. 33
Omlor bouarsrom a. m. toe p. m.
Any Notarial bguineas promptly aneoar
-ally attended g.
Jersey Heifers For sale.
For sale cheap, pare Jersey beifers
from I month to 2 yeatold. Guar
anteed some of the fnest stock to
Louisiana. Apply tQ
31 4t on A, ad.i pilanttioL.
Reliable man for Manager of
Branch Ofos we wish to open in this
viienity. It your reord is ( K.
here is an opportunity. Kindly give
good reference whenl writing.
Tas A. T. Molsls WHOLIsALs Boost
Illustrated catalogue 4 ets. stamps.
26 Jan 19 3m
Strayed or Stolen,
Strayed or stolen fr',m my place
on Saturday March 2, on Bayou
Black, Magnolia plantatioa 1 Jet
black mule, til cut, 16 hands high.
JosaPH A. HuPnasaI,
M1agpolia Piantation, Bayou Black.
A Rare Bargain.
Pon. SALt:-One Anman & Taylor
rice thresher, in perf.et condition.
Capacity, 350 to 400 sack, dcily.
One 26 horse power engine on skid.'
For particular, apply to
"2 Poisa r, anoa.,
27. $ckhre r, I a.
I " e* Furriture . Estabiis
.**. MAIN STRUT ....
Inddgar F. Riviere
_________ FOR
The Place to Buy
Stoaes, Hrdwtoare, Builder's Ha
Guns, .'m munition, Cuttlery,
Brooms, Paints, Oils, Barnes,,
r.29riculturaZ lImplements,
Sall Clipper Plows at New Orleans
H. Riviere &
'Phone 108. Cor. .4ain ' St. Louis
...Vacation Ra
Our Aents Moun
can otter you
LOW  ,;o Lakes,
Call or Write for Partioulars.^
S. P. 3. .O7ESE, L. f. P 
ass'. Traffic -nager. ROUaox, TXX. Gen. Pa.
Ho! For Rivier
Don't forget to visit our new store as we hw.S
received a complete and well selected line do
Spring & Summer Goo
from New York, Baltlmo~e, St, Louli and
phis, consisting of. .'-...... .,
Laces of all kinds,
Sbroideries, Gingha
Toile du Nords, Ch
brays, Madrases, N -
sooks, Persian Lawns,
dia Linens, Dimities, pi
Imported White and fancy Organdiea,
Swises, and Scrime, Bobinets a specialt,
of all kinds, and many novelties too n
to mention,
We invite you also to examine our
shoes, as we have added a more complete
pecially in the following well known b
, "rsHamil
re" B~Tr own, '
L"I Ditma
Call in, no trouble to show you our go~o~ds
H. Riviere &
Advertise in The Sea-

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